path: root/tests/languages/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/languages/')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/languages/ b/tests/languages/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..055cb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+from unittest import mock
+import pytest
+import pre_commit.constants as C
+from pre_commit import envcontext
+from pre_commit import parse_shebang
+from pre_commit.languages import node
+from pre_commit.prefix import Prefix
+from import _make_local_repo
+from pre_commit.util import cmd_output
+from testing.language_helpers import run_language
+from testing.util import xfailif_windows
+ACTUAL_GET_DEFAULT_VERSION = node.get_default_version.__wrapped__
+def is_linux():
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'platform', 'linux'):
+ yield
+def is_win32():
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'platform', 'win32'):
+ yield
+def find_exe_mck():
+ with mock.patch.object(parse_shebang, 'find_executable') as mck:
+ yield mck
+def test_sets_system_when_node_and_npm_are_available(find_exe_mck):
+ find_exe_mck.return_value = '/path/to/exe'
+ assert ACTUAL_GET_DEFAULT_VERSION() == 'system'
+def test_uses_default_when_node_and_npm_are_not_available(find_exe_mck):
+ find_exe_mck.return_value = None
+def test_sets_default_on_windows(find_exe_mck):
+ find_exe_mck.return_value = '/path/to/exe'
+@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
+def test_healthy_system_node(tmpdir):
+ tmpdir.join('package.json').write('{"name": "t", "version": "1.0.0"}')
+ prefix = Prefix(str(tmpdir))
+ node.install_environment(prefix, 'system', ())
+ assert node.health_check(prefix, 'system') is None
+@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
+def test_unhealthy_if_system_node_goes_missing(tmpdir):
+ bin_dir = tmpdir.join('bin').ensure_dir()
+ node_bin = bin_dir.join('node')
+ node_bin.mksymlinkto(shutil.which('node'))
+ prefix_dir = tmpdir.join('prefix').ensure_dir()
+ prefix_dir.join('package.json').write('{"name": "t", "version": "1.0.0"}')
+ path = ('PATH', (str(bin_dir), os.pathsep, envcontext.Var('PATH')))
+ with envcontext.envcontext((path,)):
+ prefix = Prefix(str(prefix_dir))
+ node.install_environment(prefix, 'system', ())
+ assert node.health_check(prefix, 'system') is None
+ node_bin.remove()
+ ret = node.health_check(prefix, 'system')
+ assert ret == '`node --version` returned 127'
+@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
+def test_installs_without_links_outside_env(tmpdir):
+ tmpdir.join('bin/main.js').ensure().write(
+ '#!/usr/bin/env node\n'
+ '_ = require("lodash"); console.log("success!")\n',
+ )
+ tmpdir.join('package.json').write(
+ json.dumps({
+ 'name': 'foo',
+ 'version': '0.0.1',
+ 'bin': {'foo': './bin/main.js'},
+ 'dependencies': {'lodash': '*'},
+ }),
+ )
+ prefix = Prefix(str(tmpdir))
+ node.install_environment(prefix, 'system', ())
+ assert node.health_check(prefix, 'system') is None
+ # this directory shouldn't exist, make sure we succeed without it existing
+ cmd_output('rm', '-rf', str(tmpdir.join('node_modules')))
+ with node.in_env(prefix, 'system'):
+ assert cmd_output('foo')[1] == 'success!\n'
+def _make_hello_world(tmp_path):
+ package_json = '''\
+{"name": "t", "version": "0.0.1", "bin": {"node-hello": "./bin/main.js"}}
+ tmp_path.joinpath('package.json').write_text(package_json)
+ bin_dir = tmp_path.joinpath('bin')
+ bin_dir.mkdir()
+ bin_dir.joinpath('main.js').write_text(
+ '#!/usr/bin/env node\n'
+ 'console.log("Hello World");\n',
+ )
+def test_node_hook_system(tmp_path):
+ _make_hello_world(tmp_path)
+ ret = run_language(tmp_path, node, 'node-hello')
+ assert ret == (0, b'Hello World\n')
+def test_node_with_user_config_set(tmp_path):
+ cfg = tmp_path.joinpath('cfg')
+ cfg.write_text('cache=/dne\n')
+ with envcontext.envcontext((('NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG', str(cfg)),)):
+ test_node_hook_system(tmp_path)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', (C.DEFAULT, '18.14.0'))
+def test_node_hook_versions(tmp_path, version):
+ _make_hello_world(tmp_path)
+ ret = run_language(tmp_path, node, 'node-hello', version=version)
+ assert ret == (0, b'Hello World\n')
+def test_node_additional_deps(tmp_path):
+ _make_local_repo(str(tmp_path))
+ ret, out = run_language(tmp_path, node, 'npm ls -g', deps=('lodash',))
+ assert b' lodash@' in out