path: root/contrib/snowball/algorithms/english.sbl
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/snowball/algorithms/english.sbl')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/snowball/algorithms/english.sbl b/contrib/snowball/algorithms/english.sbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe18d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/snowball/algorithms/english.sbl
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+integers ( p1 p2 )
+booleans ( Y_found )
+routines (
+ prelude postlude
+ mark_regions
+ shortv
+ R1 R2
+ Step_1a Step_1b Step_1c Step_2 Step_3 Step_4 Step_5
+ exception1
+ exception2
+externals ( stem )
+groupings ( v v_WXY valid_LI )
+stringescapes {}
+define v 'aeiouy'
+define v_WXY v + 'wxY'
+define valid_LI 'cdeghkmnrt'
+define prelude as (
+ unset Y_found
+ do ( ['{'}'] delete)
+ do ( ['y'] <-'Y' set Y_found)
+ do repeat(goto (v ['y']) <-'Y' set Y_found)
+define mark_regions as (
+ $p1 = limit
+ $p2 = limit
+ do(
+ among (
+ 'gener'
+ 'commun' // added May 2005
+ 'arsen' // added Nov 2006 (arsenic/arsenal)
+ // ... extensions possible here ...
+ ) or (gopast v gopast non-v)
+ setmark p1
+ gopast v gopast non-v setmark p2
+ )
+backwardmode (
+ define shortv as (
+ ( non-v_WXY v non-v )
+ or
+ ( non-v v atlimit )
+ )
+ define R1 as $p1 <= cursor
+ define R2 as $p2 <= cursor
+ define Step_1a as (
+ try (
+ [substring] among (
+ '{'}' '{'}s' '{'}s{'}'
+ (delete)
+ )
+ )
+ [substring] among (
+ 'sses' (<-'ss')
+ 'ied' 'ies'
+ ((hop 2 <-'i') or <-'ie')
+ 's' (next gopast v delete)
+ 'us' 'ss'
+ )
+ )
+ define Step_1b as (
+ [substring] among (
+ 'eed' 'eedly'
+ (R1 <-'ee')
+ 'ed' 'edly' 'ing' 'ingly'
+ (
+ test gopast v delete
+ test substring among(
+ 'at' 'bl' 'iz'
+ (<+ 'e')
+ 'bb' 'dd' 'ff' 'gg' 'mm' 'nn' 'pp' 'rr' 'tt'
+ // ignoring double c, h, j, k, q, v, w, and x
+ ([next] delete)
+ '' (atmark p1 test shortv <+ 'e')
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ define Step_1c as (
+ ['y' or 'Y']
+ non-v not atlimit
+ <-'i'
+ )
+ define Step_2 as (
+ [substring] R1 among (
+ 'tional' (<-'tion')
+ 'enci' (<-'ence')
+ 'anci' (<-'ance')
+ 'abli' (<-'able')
+ 'entli' (<-'ent')
+ 'izer' 'ization'
+ (<-'ize')
+ 'ational' 'ation' 'ator'
+ (<-'ate')
+ 'alism' 'aliti' 'alli'
+ (<-'al')
+ 'fulness' (<-'ful')
+ 'ousli' 'ousness'
+ (<-'ous')
+ 'iveness' 'iviti'
+ (<-'ive')
+ 'biliti' 'bli'
+ (<-'ble')
+ 'ogi' ('l' <-'og')
+ 'fulli' (<-'ful')
+ 'lessli' (<-'less')
+ 'li' (valid_LI delete)
+ )
+ )
+ define Step_3 as (
+ [substring] R1 among (
+ 'tional' (<- 'tion')
+ 'ational' (<- 'ate')
+ 'alize' (<-'al')
+ 'icate' 'iciti' 'ical'
+ (<-'ic')
+ 'ful' 'ness'
+ (delete)
+ 'ative'
+ (R2 delete) // 'R2' added Dec 2001
+ )
+ )
+ define Step_4 as (
+ [substring] R2 among (
+ 'al' 'ance' 'ence' 'er' 'ic' 'able' 'ible' 'ant' 'ement'
+ 'ment' 'ent' 'ism' 'ate' 'iti' 'ous' 'ive' 'ize'
+ (delete)
+ 'ion' ('s' or 't' delete)
+ )
+ )
+ define Step_5 as (
+ [substring] among (
+ 'e' (R2 or (R1 not shortv) delete)
+ 'l' (R2 'l' delete)
+ )
+ )
+ define exception2 as (
+ [substring] atlimit among(
+ 'inning' 'outing' 'canning' 'herring' 'earring'
+ 'proceed' 'exceed' 'succeed'
+ // ... extensions possible here ...
+ )
+ )
+define exception1 as (
+ [substring] atlimit among(
+ /* special changes: */
+ 'skis' (<-'ski')
+ 'skies' (<-'sky')
+ 'dying' (<-'die')
+ 'lying' (<-'lie')
+ 'tying' (<-'tie')
+ /* special -LY cases */
+ 'idly' (<-'idl')
+ 'gently' (<-'gentl')
+ 'ugly' (<-'ugli')
+ 'early' (<-'earli')
+ 'only' (<-'onli')
+ 'singly' (<-'singl')
+ // ... extensions possible here ...
+ /* invariant forms: */
+ 'sky'
+ 'news'
+ 'howe'
+ 'atlas' 'cosmos' 'bias' 'andes' // not plural forms
+ // ... extensions possible here ...
+ )
+define postlude as (Y_found repeat(goto (['Y']) <-'y'))
+define stem as (
+ exception1 or
+ not hop 3 or (
+ do prelude
+ do mark_regions
+ backwards (
+ do Step_1a
+ exception2 or (
+ do Step_1b
+ do Step_1c
+ do Step_2
+ do Step_3
+ do Step_4
+ do Step_5
+ )
+ )
+ do postlude
+ )