path: root/src/plugins/lua/arc.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/lua/arc.lua')
1 files changed, 853 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/arc.lua b/src/plugins/lua/arc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff19aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/lua/arc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+]] --
+local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local dkim_sign_tools = require "lua_dkim_tools"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
+local rspamd_rsa_privkey = require "rspamd_rsa_privkey"
+local rspamd_rsa = require "rspamd_rsa"
+local fun = require "fun"
+local lua_auth_results = require "lua_auth_results"
+local hash = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash"
+local lua_mime = require "lua_mime"
+if confighelp then
+ return
+local N = 'arc'
+local AR_TRUSTED_CACHE_KEY = 'arc_trusted_aar'
+if not rspamd_plugins.dkim then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "cannot enable arc plugin: dkim is disabled")
+ return
+local dkim_verify = rspamd_plugins.dkim.verify
+local dkim_sign = rspamd_plugins.dkim.sign
+local dkim_canonicalize = rspamd_plugins.dkim.canon_header_relaxed
+local redis_params
+if not dkim_verify or not dkim_sign or not dkim_canonicalize then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "cannot enable arc plugin: dkim is disabled")
+ return
+local arc_symbols = {
+ allow = 'ARC_ALLOW',
+ invalid = 'ARC_INVALID',
+ dnsfail = 'ARC_DNSFAIL',
+ na = 'ARC_NA',
+ reject = 'ARC_REJECT',
+local settings = {
+ allow_envfrom_empty = true,
+ allow_hdrfrom_mismatch = false,
+ allow_hdrfrom_mismatch_local = false,
+ allow_hdrfrom_mismatch_sign_networks = false,
+ allow_hdrfrom_multiple = false,
+ allow_username_mismatch = false,
+ sign_authenticated = true,
+ domain = {},
+ path = string.format('%s/%s/%s', rspamd_paths['DBDIR'], 'arc', '$domain.$selector.key'),
+ sign_local = true,
+ selector = 'arc',
+ sign_symbol = 'ARC_SIGNED',
+ try_fallback = true,
+ use_domain = 'header',
+ use_esld = true,
+ use_redis = false,
+ key_prefix = 'arc_keys', -- default hash name
+ reuse_auth_results = false, -- Reuse the existing authentication results
+ whitelisted_signers_map = nil, -- Trusted signers domains
+ adjust_dmarc = true, -- Adjust DMARC rejected policy for trusted forwarders
+ allowed_ids = nil, -- Allowed settings id
+ forbidden_ids = nil, -- Banned settings id
+-- To match normal AR
+local ar_settings = lua_auth_results.default_settings
+local function parse_arc_header(hdr, target, is_aar)
+ -- Split elements by ';' and trim spaces
+ local arr = fun.totable(
+ function(val)
+ return fun.totable(,
+ fun.filter(function(v)
+ return v and #v > 0
+ end,
+ lua_util.rspamd_str_split(val.decoded, ';')
+ )
+ ))
+ end, hdr
+ ))
+ -- v[1] is the key and v[2] is the value
+ local function fill_arc_header_table(v, t)
+ if v[1] and v[2] then
+ local key = lua_util.rspamd_str_trim(v[1])
+ local value = lua_util.rspamd_str_trim(v[2])
+ t[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ -- Now we have two tables in format:
+ -- [arc_header] -> [{arc_header1_elts}, {arc_header2_elts}...]
+ for i, elts in ipairs(arr) do
+ if not target[i] then
+ target[i] = {}
+ end
+ if not is_aar then
+ -- For normal ARC headers we split by kv pair, like k=v
+ fun.each(function(v)
+ fill_arc_header_table(v, target[i])
+ end,
+ return lua_util.rspamd_str_split(elt, '=')
+ end, elts)
+ )
+ else
+ -- For AAR we check special case of i=%d and pass everything else to
+ -- AAR specific parser
+ for _, elt in ipairs(elts) do
+ if string.match(elt, "%s*i%s*=%s*%d+%s*") then
+ local pair = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(elt, '=')
+ fill_arc_header_table(pair, target[i])
+ else
+ -- Normal element
+ local ar_elt = lua_auth_results.parse_ar_element(elt)
+ if ar_elt then
+ if not target[i].ar then
+ target[i].ar = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(target[i].ar, ar_elt)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ target[i].header = hdr[i].decoded
+ target[i].raw_header = hdr[i].value
+ end
+ -- sort by i= attribute
+ table.sort(target, function(a, b)
+ return (a.i or 0) < (b.i or 0)
+ end)
+local function arc_validate_seals(task, seals, sigs, seal_headers, sig_headers)
+ local fail_reason
+ for i = 1, #seals do
+ if (sigs[i].i or 0) ~= i then
+ fail_reason = string.format('bad i for signature: %d, expected %d; d=%s',
+ sigs[i].i, i, sigs[i].d)
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, fail_reason)
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason)
+ return false, fail_reason
+ end
+ if (seals[i].i or 0) ~= i then
+ fail_reason = string.format('bad i for seal: %d, expected %d; d=%s',
+ seals[i].i, i, seals[i].d)
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, fail_reason)
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason)
+ return false, fail_reason
+ end
+ if not seals[i].cv then
+ fail_reason = string.format('no cv on i=%d', i)
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason)
+ return false, fail_reason
+ end
+ if i == 1 then
+ -- We need to ensure that cv of seal is equal to 'none'
+ if seals[i].cv ~= 'none' then
+ fail_reason = 'cv is not "none" for i=1'
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason)
+ return false, fail_reason
+ end
+ else
+ if seals[i].cv ~= 'pass' then
+ fail_reason = string.format('cv is %s on i=%d', seals[i].cv, i)
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['reject'], 1.0, fail_reason)
+ return true, fail_reason
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true, nil
+local function arc_callback(task)
+ local arc_sig_headers = task:get_header_full('ARC-Message-Signature')
+ local arc_seal_headers = task:get_header_full('ARC-Seal')
+ local arc_ar_headers = task:get_header_full('ARC-Authentication-Results')
+ if not arc_sig_headers or not arc_seal_headers then
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['na'], 1.0)
+ return
+ end
+ if #arc_sig_headers ~= #arc_seal_headers then
+ -- We mandate that count of seals is equal to count of signatures
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'number of seals (%s) is not equal to number of signatures (%s)',
+ #arc_seal_headers, #arc_sig_headers)
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, 'invalid count of seals and signatures')
+ return
+ end
+ local cbdata = {
+ seals = {},
+ sigs = {},
+ ars = {},
+ res = 'success',
+ errors = {},
+ allowed_by_trusted = false
+ }
+ parse_arc_header(arc_seal_headers, cbdata.seals, false)
+ parse_arc_header(arc_sig_headers, cbdata.sigs, false)
+ if arc_ar_headers then
+ parse_arc_header(arc_ar_headers, cbdata.ars, true)
+ end
+ -- Fix i type
+ fun.each(function(hdr)
+ hdr.i = tonumber(hdr.i) or 0
+ end, cbdata.seals)
+ fun.each(function(hdr)
+ hdr.i = tonumber(hdr.i) or 0
+ end, cbdata.sigs)
+ -- Now we need to sort elements according to their [i] value
+ table.sort(cbdata.seals, function(e1, e2)
+ return (e1.i or 0) < (e2.i or 0)
+ end)
+ table.sort(cbdata.sigs, function(e1, e2)
+ return (e1.i or 0) < (e2.i or 0)
+ end)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'got %s arc sections', #cbdata.seals)
+ -- Now check sanity of what we have
+ local valid, validation_error = arc_validate_seals(task, cbdata.seals, cbdata.sigs,
+ arc_seal_headers, arc_sig_headers)
+ if not valid then
+ task:cache_set('arc-failure', validation_error)
+ return
+ end
+ task:cache_set('arc-sigs', cbdata.sigs)
+ task:cache_set('arc-seals', cbdata.seals)
+ task:cache_set('arc-authres', cbdata.ars)
+ if validation_error then
+ -- ARC rejection but no strong failure for signing
+ return
+ end
+ local function gen_arc_seal_cb(index, sig)
+ return function(_, res, err, domain)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'checked arc seal: %s(%s), %s processed',
+ res, err, index)
+ if not res then
+ cbdata.res = 'fail'
+ if err and domain then
+ table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('sig:%s:%s', domain, err))
+ end
+ end
+ if settings.whitelisted_signers_map and cbdata.res == 'success' then
+ if settings.whitelisted_signers_map:get_key(sig.d) then
+ -- Whitelisted signer has been found in a valid chain
+ local mult = 1.0
+ local cur_aar = cbdata.ars[index]
+ if not cur_aar then
+ rspamd_logger.warnx(task, "cannot find Arc-Authentication-Results for trusted " ..
+ "forwarder %s on i=%s", domain, cbdata.index)
+ else
+ task:cache_set(AR_TRUSTED_CACHE_KEY, cur_aar)
+ local seen_dmarc
+ for _, ar in ipairs( do
+ if ar.dmarc then
+ local dmarc_fwd = ar.dmarc
+ seen_dmarc = true
+ if dmarc_fwd == 'reject' or dmarc_fwd == 'fail' or dmarc_fwd == 'quarantine' then
+ lua_util.debugm(N, "found rejected dmarc on forwarding")
+ mult = 0.0
+ elseif dmarc_fwd == 'pass' then
+ mult = 1.0
+ end
+ elseif ar.spf then
+ local spf_fwd = ar.spf
+ if spf_fwd == 'reject' or spf_fwd == 'fail' or spf_fwd == 'quarantine' then
+ lua_util.debugm(N, "found rejected spf on forwarding")
+ if not seen_dmarc then
+ mult = mult * 0.5
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols.trusted_allow, mult,
+ string.format('%s:s=%s:i=%d', domain, sig.s, index))
+ end
+ end
+ if index == #arc_sig_headers then
+ if cbdata.res == 'success' then
+ local arc_allow_result = string.format('%s:s=%s:i=%d',
+ domain, sig.s, index)
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols.allow, 1.0, arc_allow_result)
+ task:cache_set('arc-allow', arc_allow_result)
+ else
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols.reject, 1.0,
+ rspamd_logger.slog('seal check failed: %s, %s', cbdata.res,
+ cbdata.errors))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function arc_signature_cb(_, res, err, domain)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'checked arc signature %s: %s(%s)',
+ domain, res, err)
+ if not res then
+ cbdata.res = 'fail'
+ if err and domain then
+ table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('sig:%s:%s', domain, err))
+ end
+ end
+ if cbdata.res == 'success' then
+ -- Verify seals
+ for i, sig in ipairs(cbdata.seals) do
+ local ret, lerr = dkim_verify(task, sig.header, gen_arc_seal_cb(i, sig), 'arc-seal')
+ if not ret then
+ cbdata.res = 'fail'
+ table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('seal:%s:s=%s:i=%s:%s',
+ sig.d or '', sig.s or '', sig.i or '', lerr))
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'checked arc seal %s: %s(%s), %s processed',
+ sig.d, ret, lerr, i)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['reject'], 1.0,
+ rspamd_logger.slog('signature check failed: %s, %s', cbdata.res,
+ cbdata.errors))
+ end
+ end
+ --[[
+ 1. Collect all ARC Sets currently attached to the message. If there
+ are none, the Chain Validation Status is "none" and the algorithm
+ stops here. The maximum number of ARC Sets that can be attached
+ to a message is 50. If more than the maximum number exist the
+ Chain Validation Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here.
+ In the following algorithm, the maximum ARC instance value is
+ referred to as "N".
+ 2. If the Chain Validation Status of the highest instance value ARC
+ Set is "fail", then the Chain Validation status is "fail" and the
+ algorithm stops here.
+ 3. Validate the structure of the Authenticated Received Chain. A
+ valid ARC has the following conditions:
+ 1. Each ARC Set MUST contain exactly one each of the three ARC
+ header fields (AAR, AMS, and AS).
+ 2. The instance values of the ARC Sets MUST form a continuous
+ sequence from 1..N with no gaps or repetition.
+ 3. The "cv" value for all ARC-Seal header fields must be non-
+ failing. For instance values > 1, the value must be "pass".
+ For instance value = 1, the value must be "none".
+ * If any of these conditions are not met, the Chain Validation
+ Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here.
+ 4. Validate the AMS with the greatest instance value (most recent).
+ If validation fails, then the Chain Validation Status is "fail"
+ and the algorithm stops here.
+ 5 - 7. Optional, not implemented
+ 8. Validate each AS beginning with the greatest instance value and
+ proceeding in decreasing order to the AS with the instance value
+ of 1. If any AS fails to validate, the Chain Validation Status
+ is "fail" and the algorithm stops here.
+ 9. If the algorithm reaches this step, then the Chain Validation
+ Status is "pass", and the algorithm is complete.
+ ]]--
+ local processed = 0
+ local sig = cbdata.sigs[#cbdata.sigs] -- last AMS
+ local ret, err = dkim_verify(task, sig.header, arc_signature_cb, 'arc-sign')
+ if not ret then
+ cbdata.res = 'fail'
+ table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('sig:%s:%s', sig.d or '', err))
+ else
+ processed = processed + 1
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'processed arc signature %s[%s]: %s(%s), %s total',
+ sig.d, sig.i, ret, err, #cbdata.seals)
+ end
+ if processed == 0 then
+ task:insert_result(arc_symbols['reject'], 1.0,
+ rspamd_logger.slog('cannot verify %s of %s signatures: %s',
+ #arc_sig_headers - processed, #arc_sig_headers, cbdata.errors))
+ end
+local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('arc')
+if not opts or type(opts) ~= 'table' then
+ return
+if opts['symbols'] then
+ for k, _ in pairs(arc_symbols) do
+ if opts['symbols'][k] then
+ arc_symbols[k] = opts['symbols'][k]
+ end
+ end
+local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ name = 'ARC_CHECK',
+ type = 'callback',
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+ callback = arc_callback,
+ augmentations = { lua_util.dns_timeout_augmentation(rspamd_config) },
+ name = 'ARC_CALLBACK', -- compatibility symbol
+ type = 'virtual,skip',
+ parent = id,
+ name = arc_symbols['allow'],
+ parent = id,
+ type = 'virtual',
+ score = -1.0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+ name = arc_symbols['reject'],
+ parent = id,
+ type = 'virtual',
+ score = 2.0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+ name = arc_symbols['invalid'],
+ parent = id,
+ type = 'virtual',
+ score = 1.0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+ name = arc_symbols['dnsfail'],
+ parent = id,
+ type = 'virtual',
+ score = 0.0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+ name = arc_symbols['na'],
+ parent = id,
+ type = 'virtual',
+ score = 0.0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_CHECK', 'SPF_CHECK')
+rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_CHECK', 'DKIM_CHECK')
+local function arc_sign_seal(task, params, header)
+ local arc_sigs = task:cache_get('arc-sigs')
+ local arc_seals = task:cache_get('arc-seals')
+ local arc_auth_results = task:cache_get('arc-authres')
+ local cur_auth_results
+ local privkey
+ if params.rawkey then
+ -- Distinguish between pem and base64
+ if string.match(params.rawkey, '^-----BEGIN') then
+ privkey = rspamd_rsa_privkey.load_pem(params.rawkey)
+ else
+ privkey = rspamd_rsa_privkey.load_base64(params.rawkey)
+ end
+ elseif params.key then
+ privkey = rspamd_rsa_privkey.load_file(params.key)
+ end
+ if not privkey then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'cannot load private key for signing')
+ return
+ end
+ if settings.reuse_auth_results then
+ local ar_header = task:get_header('Authentication-Results')
+ if ar_header then
+ rspamd_logger.debugm(N, task, 'reuse authentication results header for ARC')
+ cur_auth_results = ar_header
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.debugm(N, task, 'cannot reuse authentication results, header is missing')
+ cur_auth_results = lua_auth_results.gen_auth_results(task, ar_settings) or ''
+ end
+ else
+ cur_auth_results = lua_auth_results.gen_auth_results(task, ar_settings) or ''
+ end
+ local sha_ctx = hash.create_specific('sha256')
+ -- Update using previous seals + sigs + AAR
+ local cur_idx = 1
+ if arc_seals then
+ cur_idx = #arc_seals + 1
+ -- We use the cached version per each ARC-* header field individually, already sorted by instance
+ -- value in ascending order
+ for i = 1, #arc_seals, 1 do
+ if arc_auth_results[i] then
+ local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Authentication-Results',
+ arc_auth_results[i].raw_header)
+ sha_ctx:update(s)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s)
+ end
+ if arc_sigs[i] then
+ local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Message-Signature',
+ arc_sigs[i].raw_header)
+ sha_ctx:update(s)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s)
+ end
+ if arc_seals[i] then
+ local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Seal', arc_seals[i].raw_header)
+ sha_ctx:update(s)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ header = lua_util.fold_header(task,
+ 'ARC-Message-Signature',
+ header)
+ cur_auth_results = string.format('i=%d; %s', cur_idx, cur_auth_results)
+ cur_auth_results = lua_util.fold_header(task,
+ 'ARC-Authentication-Results',
+ cur_auth_results, ';')
+ local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Authentication-Results',
+ cur_auth_results)
+ sha_ctx:update(s)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s)
+ s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Message-Signature', header)
+ sha_ctx:update(s)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s)
+ local cur_arc_seal = string.format('i=%d; s=%s; d=%s; t=%d; a=rsa-sha256; cv=%s; b=',
+ cur_idx,
+ params.selector,
+ params.domain,
+ math.floor(rspamd_util.get_time()), params.arc_cv)
+ s = string.format('%s:%s', 'arc-seal', cur_arc_seal)
+ sha_ctx:update(s)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'initial update signature with header: %s', s)
+ local nl_type
+ if task:has_flag("milter") then
+ nl_type = "lf"
+ else
+ nl_type = task:get_newlines_type()
+ end
+ local sig = rspamd_rsa.sign_memory(privkey, sha_ctx:bin())
+ cur_arc_seal = string.format('%s%s', cur_arc_seal,
+ sig:base64(70, nl_type))
+ lua_mime.modify_headers(task, {
+ add = {
+ ['ARC-Authentication-Results'] = { order = 1, value = cur_auth_results },
+ ['ARC-Message-Signature'] = { order = 1, value = header },
+ ['ARC-Seal'] = { order = 1, value = lua_util.fold_header(task,
+ 'ARC-Seal', cur_arc_seal) }
+ },
+ -- RFC requires a strict order for these headers to be inserted
+ order = { 'ARC-Authentication-Results', 'ARC-Message-Signature', 'ARC-Seal' },
+ })
+ task:insert_result(settings.sign_symbol, 1.0,
+ string.format('%s:s=%s:i=%d', params.domain, params.selector, cur_idx))
+local function prepare_arc_selector(task, sel)
+ local arc_seals = task:cache_get('arc-seals')
+ if not arc_seals then
+ -- Check if our arc is broken
+ local failure_reason = task:cache_get('arc-failure')
+ if failure_reason then
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip ARC as the existing chain is broken: %s', failure_reason)
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ sel.arc_cv = 'none'
+ sel.arc_idx = 1
+ sel.no_cache = true
+ sel.sign_type = 'arc-sign'
+ if arc_seals then
+ sel.arc_idx = #arc_seals + 1
+ local function default_arc_cv()
+ if task:cache_get('arc-allow') then
+ sel.arc_cv = 'pass'
+ else
+ sel.arc_cv = 'fail'
+ end
+ end
+ if settings.reuse_auth_results then
+ local ar_header = task:get_header('Authentication-Results')
+ if ar_header then
+ local arc_match = string.match(ar_header, 'arc=(%w+)')
+ if arc_match then
+ if arc_match == 'none' or arc_match == 'pass' then
+ -- none should be converted to `pass`
+ sel.arc_cv = 'pass'
+ else
+ sel.arc_cv = 'fail'
+ end
+ else
+ default_arc_cv()
+ end
+ else
+ -- Cannot reuse, use normal path
+ default_arc_cv()
+ end
+ else
+ default_arc_cv()
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+local function do_sign(task, sign_params)
+ if sign_params.alg and sign_params.alg ~= 'rsa' then
+ -- No support for ed25519 keys
+ return
+ end
+ if not prepare_arc_selector(task, sign_params) then
+ -- Broken arc
+ return
+ end
+ if settings.check_pubkey then
+ local resolve_name = sign_params.selector .. "._domainkey." .. sign_params.domain
+ task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({
+ task = task,
+ name = resolve_name,
+ callback = function(_, _, results, err)
+ if not err and results and results[1] then
+ sign_params.pubkey = results[1]
+ sign_params.strict_pubkey_check = not settings.allow_pubkey_mismatch
+ elseif not settings.allow_pubkey_mismatch then
+ rspamd_logger.errx('public key for domain %s/%s is not found: %s, skip signing',
+ sign_params.domain, sign_params.selector, err)
+ return
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.infox('public key for domain %s/%s is not found: %s',
+ sign_params.domain, sign_params.selector, err)
+ end
+ local dret, hdr = dkim_sign(task, sign_params)
+ if dret then
+ arc_sign_seal(task, sign_params, hdr)
+ end
+ end,
+ forced = true
+ })
+ else
+ local dret, hdr = dkim_sign(task, sign_params)
+ if dret then
+ arc_sign_seal(task, sign_params, hdr)
+ end
+ end
+local function sign_error(task, msg)
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'signing failure: %s', msg)
+local function arc_signing_cb(task)
+ local ret, selectors = dkim_sign_tools.prepare_dkim_signing(N, task, settings)
+ if not ret then
+ return
+ end
+ if settings.use_redis then
+ dkim_sign_tools.sign_using_redis(N, task, settings, selectors, do_sign, sign_error)
+ else
+ if selectors.vault then
+ dkim_sign_tools.sign_using_vault(N, task, settings, selectors, do_sign, sign_error)
+ else
+ -- TODO: no support for multiple sigs
+ local cur_selector = selectors[1]
+ prepare_arc_selector(task, cur_selector)
+ if ((cur_selector.key or cur_selector.rawkey) and cur_selector.selector) then
+ if cur_selector.key then
+ cur_selector.key = lua_util.template(cur_selector.key, {
+ domain = cur_selector.domain,
+ selector = cur_selector.selector
+ })
+ local exists, err = rspamd_util.file_exists(cur_selector.key)
+ if not exists then
+ if err and err == 'No such file or directory' then
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'cannot read key from %s: %s', cur_selector.key, err)
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'cannot read key from %s: %s', cur_selector.key, err)
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ do_sign(task, cur_selector)
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'key path or dkim selector unconfigured; no signing')
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+dkim_sign_tools.process_signing_settings(N, settings, opts)
+if not dkim_sign_tools.validate_signing_settings(settings) then
+ rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'mandatory parameters missing, disable arc signing')
+ return
+local ar_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('milter_headers')
+if ar_opts and ar_opts.routines then
+ local routines = ar_opts.routines
+ if routines['authentication-results'] then
+ ar_settings = lua_util.override_defaults(ar_settings,
+ routines['authentication-results'])
+ end
+if settings.use_redis then
+ redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('arc')
+ if not redis_params then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, ' ..
+ 'but module is configured to load keys from redis, disable arc signing')
+ return
+ end
+ settings.redis_params = redis_params
+local sym_reg_tbl = {
+ name = settings['sign_symbol'],
+ callback = arc_signing_cb,
+ groups = { "policies", "arc" },
+ flags = 'ignore_passthrough',
+ score = 0.0,
+if type(settings.allowed_ids) == 'table' then
+ sym_reg_tbl.allowed_ids = settings.allowed_ids
+if type(settings.forbidden_ids) == 'table' then
+ sym_reg_tbl.forbidden_ids = settings.forbidden_ids
+if settings.whitelisted_signers_map then
+ arc_symbols.trusted_allow = arc_symbols.trusted_allow or 'ARC_ALLOW_TRUSTED'
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ name = arc_symbols.trusted_allow,
+ parent = id,
+ type = 'virtual',
+ score = -2.0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'arc' },
+ })
+-- Do not sign unless checked
+rspamd_config:register_dependency(settings['sign_symbol'], 'ARC_CHECK')
+-- We need to check dmarc before signing as we have to produce valid AAR header
+-- see #3613
+rspamd_config:register_dependency(settings['sign_symbol'], 'DMARC_CHECK')
+if settings.adjust_dmarc and settings.whitelisted_signers_map then
+ local function arc_dmarc_adjust_cb(task)
+ local trusted_arc_ar = task:cache_get(AR_TRUSTED_CACHE_KEY)
+ local sym_to_adjust
+ if task:has_symbol(ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.reject) then
+ sym_to_adjust = ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.reject
+ elseif task:has_symbol(ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.quarantine) then
+ sym_to_adjust = ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.quarantine
+ end
+ if sym_to_adjust and trusted_arc_ar and then
+ for _, ar in ipairs( do
+ if ar.dmarc then
+ local dmarc_fwd = ar.dmarc
+ if dmarc_fwd == 'pass' then
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, "adjust dmarc reject score as trusted forwarder "
+ .. "proved DMARC validity for %s", ar['header.from'])
+ task:adjust_result(sym_to_adjust, 0.1,
+ 'ARC trusted')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ callback = arc_dmarc_adjust_cb,
+ type = 'callback',
+ })
+ rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_DMARC_ADJUSTMENT', 'DMARC_CHECK')
+ rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_DMARC_ADJUSTMENT', 'ARC_CHECK')