path: root/library/std/src/thread
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
commit698f8c2f01ea549d77d7dc3338a12e04c11057b9 (patch)
tree173a775858bd501c378080a10dca74132f05bc50 /library/std/src/thread
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.64.0+dfsg1.upstream/1.64.0+dfsg1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'library/std/src/thread')
6 files changed, 3793 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/std/src/thread/ b/library/std/src/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4750cdf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+//! Thread local storage
+#![unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", issue = "none")]
+#[cfg(all(test, not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
+mod tests;
+mod dynamic_tests;
+use crate::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
+use crate::error::Error;
+use crate::fmt;
+/// A thread local storage key which owns its contents.
+/// This key uses the fastest possible implementation available to it for the
+/// target platform. It is instantiated with the [`thread_local!`] macro and the
+/// primary method is the [`with`] method.
+/// The [`with`] method yields a reference to the contained value which cannot be
+/// sent across threads or escape the given closure.
+/// [`thread_local!`]: crate::thread_local
+/// # Initialization and Destruction
+/// Initialization is dynamically performed on the first call to [`with`]
+/// within a thread, and values that implement [`Drop`] get destructed when a
+/// thread exits. Some caveats apply, which are explained below.
+/// A `LocalKey`'s initializer cannot recursively depend on itself, and using
+/// a `LocalKey` in this way will cause the initializer to infinitely recurse
+/// on the first call to `with`.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use std::cell::RefCell;
+/// use std::thread;
+/// thread_local!(static FOO: RefCell<u32> = RefCell::new(1));
+/// FOO.with(|f| {
+/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
+/// *f.borrow_mut() = 2;
+/// });
+/// // each thread starts out with the initial value of 1
+/// let t = thread::spawn(move|| {
+/// FOO.with(|f| {
+/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
+/// *f.borrow_mut() = 3;
+/// });
+/// });
+/// // wait for the thread to complete and bail out on panic
+/// t.join().unwrap();
+/// // we retain our original value of 2 despite the child thread
+/// FOO.with(|f| {
+/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 2);
+/// });
+/// ```
+/// # Platform-specific behavior
+/// Note that a "best effort" is made to ensure that destructors for types
+/// stored in thread local storage are run, but not all platforms can guarantee
+/// that destructors will be run for all types in thread local storage. For
+/// example, there are a number of known caveats where destructors are not run:
+/// 1. On Unix systems when pthread-based TLS is being used, destructors will
+/// not be run for TLS values on the main thread when it exits. Note that the
+/// application will exit immediately after the main thread exits as well.
+/// 2. On all platforms it's possible for TLS to re-initialize other TLS slots
+/// during destruction. Some platforms ensure that this cannot happen
+/// infinitely by preventing re-initialization of any slot that has been
+/// destroyed, but not all platforms have this guard. Those platforms that do
+/// not guard typically have a synthetic limit after which point no more
+/// destructors are run.
+/// 3. When the process exits on Windows systems, TLS destructors may only be
+/// run on the thread that causes the process to exit. This is because the
+/// other threads may be forcibly terminated.
+/// ## Synchronization in thread-local destructors
+/// On Windows, synchronization operations (such as [`JoinHandle::join`]) in
+/// thread local destructors are prone to deadlocks and so should be avoided.
+/// This is because the [loader lock] is held while a destructor is run. The
+/// lock is acquired whenever a thread starts or exits or when a DLL is loaded
+/// or unloaded. Therefore these events are blocked for as long as a thread
+/// local destructor is running.
+/// [loader lock]:
+/// [`JoinHandle::join`]: crate::thread::JoinHandle::join
+/// [`with`]: LocalKey::with
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub struct LocalKey<T: 'static> {
+ // This outer `LocalKey<T>` type is what's going to be stored in statics,
+ // but actual data inside will sometimes be tagged with #[thread_local].
+ // It's not valid for a true static to reference a #[thread_local] static,
+ // so we get around that by exposing an accessor through a layer of function
+ // indirection (this thunk).
+ //
+ // Note that the thunk is itself unsafe because the returned lifetime of the
+ // slot where data lives, `'static`, is not actually valid. The lifetime
+ // here is actually slightly shorter than the currently running thread!
+ //
+ // Although this is an extra layer of indirection, it should in theory be
+ // trivially devirtualizable by LLVM because the value of `inner` never
+ // changes and the constant should be readonly within a crate. This mainly
+ // only runs into problems when TLS statics are exported across crates.
+ inner: unsafe fn(Option<&mut Option<T>>) -> Option<&'static T>,
+#[stable(feature = "std_debug", since = "1.16.0")]
+impl<T: 'static> fmt::Debug for LocalKey<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("LocalKey").finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+/// Declare a new thread local storage key of type [`std::thread::LocalKey`].
+/// # Syntax
+/// The macro wraps any number of static declarations and makes them thread local.
+/// Publicity and attributes for each static are allowed. Example:
+/// ```
+/// use std::cell::RefCell;
+/// thread_local! {
+/// pub static FOO: RefCell<u32> = RefCell::new(1);
+/// #[allow(unused)]
+/// static BAR: RefCell<f32> = RefCell::new(1.0);
+/// }
+/// # fn main() {}
+/// ```
+/// See [`LocalKey` documentation][`std::thread::LocalKey`] for more
+/// information.
+/// [`std::thread::LocalKey`]: crate::thread::LocalKey
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "thread_local_macro")]
+macro_rules! thread_local {
+ // empty (base case for the recursion)
+ () => {};
+ ($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis static $name:ident: $t:ty = const { $init:expr }; $($rest:tt)*) => (
+ $crate::__thread_local_inner!($(#[$attr])* $vis $name, $t, const $init);
+ $crate::thread_local!($($rest)*);
+ );
+ ($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis static $name:ident: $t:ty = const { $init:expr }) => (
+ $crate::__thread_local_inner!($(#[$attr])* $vis $name, $t, const $init);
+ );
+ // process multiple declarations
+ ($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis static $name:ident: $t:ty = $init:expr; $($rest:tt)*) => (
+ $crate::__thread_local_inner!($(#[$attr])* $vis $name, $t, $init);
+ $crate::thread_local!($($rest)*);
+ );
+ // handle a single declaration
+ ($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis static $name:ident: $t:ty = $init:expr) => (
+ $crate::__thread_local_inner!($(#[$attr])* $vis $name, $t, $init);
+ );
+#[unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", reason = "should not be necessary", issue = "none")]
+#[allow_internal_unstable(thread_local_internals, cfg_target_thread_local, thread_local)]
+macro_rules! __thread_local_inner {
+ // used to generate the `LocalKey` value for const-initialized thread locals
+ (@key $t:ty, const $init:expr) => {{
+ #[cfg_attr(not(windows), inline)] // see comments below
+ #[deny(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]
+ unsafe fn __getit(
+ _init: $crate::option::Option<&mut $crate::option::Option<$t>>,
+ ) -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $t> {
+ const INIT_EXPR: $t = $init;
+ // wasm without atomics maps directly to `static mut`, and dtors
+ // aren't implemented because thread dtors aren't really a thing
+ // on wasm right now
+ //
+ // FIXME(#84224) this should come after the `target_thread_local`
+ // block.
+ #[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
+ {
+ static mut VAL: $t = INIT_EXPR;
+ unsafe { $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL) }
+ }
+ // If the platform has support for `#[thread_local]`, use it.
+ #[cfg(all(
+ target_thread_local,
+ not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
+ ))]
+ {
+ #[thread_local]
+ static mut VAL: $t = INIT_EXPR;
+ // If a dtor isn't needed we can do something "very raw" and
+ // just get going.
+ if !$crate::mem::needs_drop::<$t>() {
+ unsafe {
+ return $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL)
+ }
+ }
+ // 0 == dtor not registered
+ // 1 == dtor registered, dtor not run
+ // 2 == dtor registered and is running or has run
+ #[thread_local]
+ static mut STATE: $crate::primitive::u8 = 0;
+ unsafe extern "C" fn destroy(ptr: *mut $crate::primitive::u8) {
+ let ptr = ptr as *mut $t;
+ unsafe {
+ $crate::debug_assert_eq!(STATE, 1);
+ STATE = 2;
+ $crate::ptr::drop_in_place(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ match STATE {
+ // 0 == we haven't registered a destructor, so do
+ // so now.
+ 0 => {
+ $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner::<$t>::register_dtor(
+ $crate::ptr::addr_of_mut!(VAL) as *mut $crate::primitive::u8,
+ destroy,
+ );
+ STATE = 1;
+ $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL)
+ }
+ // 1 == the destructor is registered and the value
+ // is valid, so return the pointer.
+ 1 => $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL),
+ // otherwise the destructor has already run, so we
+ // can't give access.
+ _ => $crate::option::Option::None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // On platforms without `#[thread_local]` we fall back to the
+ // same implementation as below for os thread locals.
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(target_thread_local),
+ not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
+ ))]
+ {
+ #[inline]
+ const fn __init() -> $t { INIT_EXPR }
+ static __KEY: $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner<$t> =
+ $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner::new();
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ unsafe {
+ __KEY.get(move || {
+ if let $crate::option::Option::Some(init) = _init {
+ if let $crate::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
+ return value;
+ } else if $crate::cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ $crate::unreachable!("missing initial value");
+ }
+ }
+ __init()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ $crate::thread::LocalKey::new(__getit)
+ }
+ }};
+ // used to generate the `LocalKey` value for `thread_local!`
+ (@key $t:ty, $init:expr) => {
+ {
+ #[inline]
+ fn __init() -> $t { $init }
+ // When reading this function you might ask "why is this inlined
+ // everywhere other than Windows?", and that's a very reasonable
+ // question to ask. The short story is that it segfaults rustc if
+ // this function is inlined. The longer story is that Windows looks
+ // to not support `extern` references to thread locals across DLL
+ // boundaries. This appears to at least not be supported in the ABI
+ // that LLVM implements.
+ //
+ // Because of this we never inline on Windows, but we do inline on
+ // other platforms (where external references to thread locals
+ // across DLLs are supported). A better fix for this would be to
+ // inline this function on Windows, but only for "statically linked"
+ // components. For example if two separately compiled rlibs end up
+ // getting linked into a DLL then it's fine to inline this function
+ // across that boundary. It's only not fine to inline this function
+ // across a DLL boundary. Unfortunately rustc doesn't currently
+ // have this sort of logic available in an attribute, and it's not
+ // clear that rustc is even equipped to answer this (it's more of a
+ // Cargo question kinda). This means that, unfortunately, Windows
+ // gets the pessimistic path for now where it's never inlined.
+ //
+ // The issue of "should enable on Windows sometimes" is #84933
+ #[cfg_attr(not(windows), inline)]
+ unsafe fn __getit(
+ init: $crate::option::Option<&mut $crate::option::Option<$t>>,
+ ) -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $t> {
+ #[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
+ static __KEY: $crate::thread::__StaticLocalKeyInner<$t> =
+ $crate::thread::__StaticLocalKeyInner::new();
+ #[thread_local]
+ #[cfg(all(
+ target_thread_local,
+ not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
+ ))]
+ static __KEY: $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner<$t> =
+ $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner::new();
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(target_thread_local),
+ not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
+ ))]
+ static __KEY: $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner<$t> =
+ $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner::new();
+ // FIXME: remove the #[allow(...)] marker when macros don't
+ // raise warning for missing/extraneous unsafe blocks anymore.
+ // See
+ #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+ unsafe {
+ __KEY.get(move || {
+ if let $crate::option::Option::Some(init) = init {
+ if let $crate::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
+ return value;
+ } else if $crate::cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ $crate::unreachable!("missing default value");
+ }
+ }
+ __init()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ $crate::thread::LocalKey::new(__getit)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis $name:ident, $t:ty, $($init:tt)*) => {
+ $(#[$attr])* $vis const $name: $crate::thread::LocalKey<$t> =
+ $crate::__thread_local_inner!(@key $t, $($init)*);
+ }
+/// An error returned by [`LocalKey::try_with`](struct.LocalKey.html#method.try_with).
+#[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct AccessError;
+#[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
+impl fmt::Debug for AccessError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("AccessError").finish()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
+impl fmt::Display for AccessError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::Display::fmt("already destroyed", f)
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
+impl Error for AccessError {}
+impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ #[unstable(
+ feature = "thread_local_internals",
+ reason = "recently added to create a key",
+ issue = "none"
+ )]
+ #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", issue = "none")]
+ pub const unsafe fn new(
+ inner: unsafe fn(Option<&mut Option<T>>) -> Option<&'static T>,
+ ) -> LocalKey<T> {
+ LocalKey { inner }
+ }
+ /// Acquires a reference to the value in this TLS key.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This function will `panic!()` if the key currently has its
+ /// destructor running, and it **may** panic if the destructor has
+ /// previously been run for this thread.
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ pub fn with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
+ {
+ self.try_with(f).expect(
+ "cannot access a Thread Local Storage value \
+ during or after destruction",
+ )
+ }
+ /// Acquires a reference to the value in this TLS key.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet. If the key has been destroyed (which may happen if this is called
+ /// in a destructor), this function will return an [`AccessError`].
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This function will still `panic!()` if the key is uninitialized and the
+ /// key's initializer panics.
+ #[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn try_with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> Result<R, AccessError>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
+ {
+ unsafe {
+ let thread_local = (self.inner)(None).ok_or(AccessError)?;
+ Ok(f(thread_local))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Acquires a reference to the value in this TLS key, initializing it with
+ /// `init` if it wasn't already initialized on this thread.
+ ///
+ /// If `init` was used to initialize the thread local variable, `None` is
+ /// passed as the first argument to `f`. If it was already initialized,
+ /// `Some(init)` is passed to `f`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This function will panic if the key currently has its destructor
+ /// running, and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run
+ /// for this thread.
+ fn initialize_with<F, R>(&'static self, init: T, f: F) -> R
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(Option<T>, &T) -> R,
+ {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut init = Some(init);
+ let reference = (self.inner)(Some(&mut init)).expect(
+ "cannot access a Thread Local Storage value \
+ during or after destruction",
+ );
+ f(init, reference)
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<Cell<T>> {
+ /// Sets or initializes the contained value.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike the other methods, this will *not* run the lazy initializer of
+ /// the thread local. Instead, it will be directly initialized with the
+ /// given value if it wasn't initialized yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::Cell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: Cell<i32> = panic!("!");
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // Calling X.get() here would result in a panic.
+ ///
+ /// X.set(123); // But X.set() is fine, as it skips the initializer above.
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(X.get(), 123);
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn set(&'static self, value: T) {
+ self.initialize_with(Cell::new(value), |value, cell| {
+ if let Some(value) = value {
+ // The cell was already initialized, so `value` wasn't used to
+ // initialize it. So we overwrite the current value with the
+ // new one instead.
+ cell.set(value.into_inner());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /// Returns a copy of the contained value.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::Cell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: Cell<i32> = Cell::new(1);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(X.get(), 1);
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn get(&'static self) -> T
+ where
+ T: Copy,
+ {
+ self.with(|cell| cell.get())
+ }
+ /// Takes the contained value, leaving `Default::default()` in its place.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::Cell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: Cell<Option<i32>> = Cell::new(Some(1));
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(X.take(), Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(X.take(), None);
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn take(&'static self) -> T
+ where
+ T: Default,
+ {
+ self.with(|cell| cell.take())
+ }
+ /// Replaces the contained value, returning the old value.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::Cell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: Cell<i32> = Cell::new(1);
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(X.replace(2), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(X.replace(3), 2);
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn replace(&'static self, value: T) -> T {
+ self.with(|cell| cell.replace(value))
+ }
+impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<RefCell<T>> {
+ /// Acquires a reference to the contained value.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the value is currently mutably borrowed.
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::RefCell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: RefCell<Vec<i32>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow(|v| assert!(v.is_empty()));
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn with_borrow<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
+ {
+ self.with(|cell| f(&cell.borrow()))
+ }
+ /// Acquires a mutable reference to the contained value.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the value is currently borrowed.
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::RefCell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: RefCell<Vec<i32>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow_mut(|v| v.push(1));
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow(|v| assert_eq!(*v, vec![1]));
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn with_borrow_mut<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
+ where
+ F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> R,
+ {
+ self.with(|cell| f(&mut cell.borrow_mut()))
+ }
+ /// Sets or initializes the contained value.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike the other methods, this will *not* run the lazy initializer of
+ /// the thread local. Instead, it will be directly initialized with the
+ /// given value if it wasn't initialized yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the value is currently borrowed.
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::RefCell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: RefCell<Vec<i32>> = panic!("!");
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // Calling X.with() here would result in a panic.
+ ///
+ /// X.set(vec![1, 2, 3]); // But X.set() is fine, as it skips the initializer above.
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow(|v| assert_eq!(*v, vec![1, 2, 3]));
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn set(&'static self, value: T) {
+ self.initialize_with(RefCell::new(value), |value, cell| {
+ if let Some(value) = value {
+ // The cell was already initialized, so `value` wasn't used to
+ // initialize it. So we overwrite the current value with the
+ // new one instead.
+ *cell.borrow_mut() = value.into_inner();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /// Takes the contained value, leaving `Default::default()` in its place.
+ ///
+ /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not referenced
+ /// this key yet.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the value is currently borrowed.
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::RefCell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: RefCell<Vec<i32>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow_mut(|v| v.push(1));
+ ///
+ /// let a = X.take();
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(a, vec![1]);
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow(|v| assert!(v.is_empty()));
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn take(&'static self) -> T
+ where
+ T: Default,
+ {
+ self.with(|cell| cell.take())
+ }
+ /// Replaces the contained value, returning the old value.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the value is currently borrowed.
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the key currently has its destructor running,
+ /// and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for this thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(local_key_cell_methods)]
+ /// use std::cell::RefCell;
+ ///
+ /// thread_local! {
+ /// static X: RefCell<Vec<i32>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// let prev = X.replace(vec![1, 2, 3]);
+ /// assert!(prev.is_empty());
+ ///
+ /// X.with_borrow(|v| assert_eq!(*v, vec![1, 2, 3]));
+ /// ```
+ #[unstable(feature = "local_key_cell_methods", issue = "92122")]
+ pub fn replace(&'static self, value: T) -> T {
+ self.with(|cell| cell.replace(value))
+ }
+mod lazy {
+ use crate::cell::UnsafeCell;
+ use crate::hint;
+ use crate::mem;
+ pub struct LazyKeyInner<T> {
+ inner: UnsafeCell<Option<T>>,
+ }
+ impl<T> LazyKeyInner<T> {
+ pub const fn new() -> LazyKeyInner<T> {
+ LazyKeyInner { inner: UnsafeCell::new(None) }
+ }
+ pub unsafe fn get(&self) -> Option<&'static T> {
+ // SAFETY: The caller must ensure no reference is ever handed out to
+ // the inner cell nor mutable reference to the Option<T> inside said
+ // cell. This make it safe to hand a reference, though the lifetime
+ // of 'static is itself unsafe, making the get method unsafe.
+ unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).as_ref() }
+ }
+ /// The caller must ensure that no reference is active: this method
+ /// needs unique access.
+ pub unsafe fn initialize<F: FnOnce() -> T>(&self, init: F) -> &'static T {
+ // Execute the initialization up front, *then* move it into our slot,
+ // just in case initialization fails.
+ let value = init();
+ let ptr = self.inner.get();
+ // SAFETY:
+ //
+ // note that this can in theory just be `*ptr = Some(value)`, but due to
+ // the compiler will currently codegen that pattern with something like:
+ //
+ // ptr::drop_in_place(ptr)
+ // ptr::write(ptr, Some(value))
+ //
+ // Due to this pattern it's possible for the destructor of the value in
+ // `ptr` (e.g., if this is being recursively initialized) to re-access
+ // TLS, in which case there will be a `&` and `&mut` pointer to the same
+ // value (an aliasing violation). To avoid setting the "I'm running a
+ // destructor" flag we just use `mem::replace` which should sequence the
+ // operations a little differently and make this safe to call.
+ //
+ // The precondition also ensures that we are the only one accessing
+ // `self` at the moment so replacing is fine.
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = mem::replace(&mut *ptr, Some(value));
+ }
+ // SAFETY: With the call to `mem::replace` it is guaranteed there is
+ // a `Some` behind `ptr`, not a `None` so `unreachable_unchecked`
+ // will never be reached.
+ unsafe {
+ // After storing `Some` we want to get a reference to the contents of
+ // what we just stored. While we could use `unwrap` here and it should
+ // always work it empirically doesn't seem to always get optimized away,
+ // which means that using something like `try_with` can pull in
+ // panicking code and cause a large size bloat.
+ match *ptr {
+ Some(ref x) => x,
+ None => hint::unreachable_unchecked(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// The other methods hand out references while taking &self.
+ /// As such, callers of this method must ensure no `&` and `&mut` are
+ /// available and used at the same time.
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ pub unsafe fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ // SAFETY: See doc comment for this method.
+ unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).take() }
+ }
+ }
+/// On some targets like wasm there's no threads, so no need to generate
+/// thread locals and we can instead just use plain statics!
+#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
+pub mod statik {
+ use super::lazy::LazyKeyInner;
+ use crate::fmt;
+ pub struct Key<T> {
+ inner: LazyKeyInner<T>,
+ }
+ unsafe impl<T> Sync for Key<T> {}
+ impl<T> fmt::Debug for Key<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Key").finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T> Key<T> {
+ pub const fn new() -> Key<T> {
+ Key { inner: LazyKeyInner::new() }
+ }
+ pub unsafe fn get(&self, init: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> Option<&'static T> {
+ // SAFETY: The caller must ensure no reference is ever handed out to
+ // the inner cell nor mutable reference to the Option<T> inside said
+ // cell. This make it safe to hand a reference, though the lifetime
+ // of 'static is itself unsafe, making the get method unsafe.
+ let value = unsafe {
+ match self.inner.get() {
+ Some(ref value) => value,
+ None => self.inner.initialize(init),
+ }
+ };
+ Some(value)
+ }
+ }
+pub mod fast {
+ use super::lazy::LazyKeyInner;
+ use crate::cell::Cell;
+ use crate::fmt;
+ use crate::mem;
+ use crate::sys::thread_local_dtor::register_dtor;
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+ enum DtorState {
+ Unregistered,
+ Registered,
+ RunningOrHasRun,
+ }
+ // This data structure has been carefully constructed so that the fast path
+ // only contains one branch on x86. That optimization is necessary to avoid
+ // duplicated tls lookups on OSX.
+ //
+ // LLVM issue:
+ pub struct Key<T> {
+ // If `LazyKeyInner::get` returns `None`, that indicates either:
+ // * The value has never been initialized
+ // * The value is being recursively initialized
+ // * The value has already been destroyed or is being destroyed
+ // To determine which kind of `None`, check `dtor_state`.
+ //
+ // This is very optimizer friendly for the fast path - initialized but
+ // not yet dropped.
+ inner: LazyKeyInner<T>,
+ // Metadata to keep track of the state of the destructor. Remember that
+ // this variable is thread-local, not global.
+ dtor_state: Cell<DtorState>,
+ }
+ impl<T> fmt::Debug for Key<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Key").finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T> Key<T> {
+ pub const fn new() -> Key<T> {
+ Key { inner: LazyKeyInner::new(), dtor_state: Cell::new(DtorState::Unregistered) }
+ }
+ // note that this is just a publicly-callable function only for the
+ // const-initialized form of thread locals, basically a way to call the
+ // free `register_dtor` function defined elsewhere in libstd.
+ pub unsafe fn register_dtor(a: *mut u8, dtor: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut u8)) {
+ unsafe {
+ register_dtor(a, dtor);
+ }
+ }
+ pub unsafe fn get<F: FnOnce() -> T>(&self, init: F) -> Option<&'static T> {
+ // SAFETY: See the definitions of `LazyKeyInner::get` and
+ // `try_initialize` for more information.
+ //
+ // The caller must ensure no mutable references are ever active to
+ // the inner cell or the inner T when this is called.
+ // The `try_initialize` is dependant on the passed `init` function
+ // for this.
+ unsafe {
+ match self.inner.get() {
+ Some(val) => Some(val),
+ None => self.try_initialize(init),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // `try_initialize` is only called once per fast thread local variable,
+ // except in corner cases where thread_local dtors reference other
+ // thread_local's, or it is being recursively initialized.
+ //
+ // Macos: Inlining this function can cause two `tlv_get_addr` calls to
+ // be performed for every call to `Key::get`.
+ // LLVM issue:
+ #[inline(never)]
+ unsafe fn try_initialize<F: FnOnce() -> T>(&self, init: F) -> Option<&'static T> {
+ // SAFETY: See comment above (this function doc).
+ if !mem::needs_drop::<T>() || unsafe { self.try_register_dtor() } {
+ // SAFETY: See comment above (this function doc).
+ Some(unsafe { self.inner.initialize(init) })
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ // `try_register_dtor` is only called once per fast thread local
+ // variable, except in corner cases where thread_local dtors reference
+ // other thread_local's, or it is being recursively initialized.
+ unsafe fn try_register_dtor(&self) -> bool {
+ match self.dtor_state.get() {
+ DtorState::Unregistered => {
+ // SAFETY: dtor registration happens before initialization.
+ // Passing `self` as a pointer while using `destroy_value<T>`
+ // is safe because the function will build a pointer to a
+ // Key<T>, which is the type of self and so find the correct
+ // size.
+ unsafe { register_dtor(self as *const _ as *mut u8, destroy_value::<T>) };
+ self.dtor_state.set(DtorState::Registered);
+ true
+ }
+ DtorState::Registered => {
+ // recursively initialized
+ true
+ }
+ DtorState::RunningOrHasRun => false,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_value<T>(ptr: *mut u8) {
+ let ptr = ptr as *mut Key<T>;
+ // SAFETY:
+ //
+ // The pointer `ptr` has been built just above and comes from
+ // `try_register_dtor` where it is originally a Key<T> coming from `self`,
+ // making it non-NUL and of the correct type.
+ //
+ // Right before we run the user destructor be sure to set the
+ // `Option<T>` to `None`, and `dtor_state` to `RunningOrHasRun`. This
+ // causes future calls to `get` to run `try_initialize_drop` again,
+ // which will now fail, and return `None`.
+ unsafe {
+ let value = (*ptr).inner.take();
+ (*ptr).dtor_state.set(DtorState::RunningOrHasRun);
+ drop(value);
+ }
+ }
+pub mod os {
+ use super::lazy::LazyKeyInner;
+ use crate::cell::Cell;
+ use crate::fmt;
+ use crate::marker;
+ use crate::ptr;
+ use crate::sys_common::thread_local_key::StaticKey as OsStaticKey;
+ pub struct Key<T> {
+ // OS-TLS key that we'll use to key off.
+ os: OsStaticKey,
+ marker: marker::PhantomData<Cell<T>>,
+ }
+ impl<T> fmt::Debug for Key<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Key").finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe impl<T> Sync for Key<T> {}
+ struct Value<T: 'static> {
+ inner: LazyKeyInner<T>,
+ key: &'static Key<T>,
+ }
+ impl<T: 'static> Key<T> {
+ #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", issue = "none")]
+ pub const fn new() -> Key<T> {
+ Key { os: OsStaticKey::new(Some(destroy_value::<T>)), marker: marker::PhantomData }
+ }
+ /// It is a requirement for the caller to ensure that no mutable
+ /// reference is active when this method is called.
+ pub unsafe fn get(&'static self, init: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> Option<&'static T> {
+ // SAFETY: See the documentation for this method.
+ let ptr = unsafe { self.os.get() as *mut Value<T> };
+ if ptr.addr() > 1 {
+ // SAFETY: the check ensured the pointer is safe (its destructor
+ // is not running) + it is coming from a trusted source (self).
+ if let Some(ref value) = unsafe { (*ptr).inner.get() } {
+ return Some(value);
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: At this point we are sure we have no value and so
+ // initializing (or trying to) is safe.
+ unsafe { self.try_initialize(init) }
+ }
+ // `try_initialize` is only called once per os thread local variable,
+ // except in corner cases where thread_local dtors reference other
+ // thread_local's, or it is being recursively initialized.
+ unsafe fn try_initialize(&'static self, init: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> Option<&'static T> {
+ // SAFETY: No mutable references are ever handed out meaning getting
+ // the value is ok.
+ let ptr = unsafe { self.os.get() as *mut Value<T> };
+ if ptr.addr() == 1 {
+ // destructor is running
+ return None;
+ }
+ let ptr = if ptr.is_null() {
+ // If the lookup returned null, we haven't initialized our own
+ // local copy, so do that now.
+ let ptr: Box<Value<T>> = box Value { inner: LazyKeyInner::new(), key: self };
+ let ptr = Box::into_raw(ptr);
+ // SAFETY: At this point we are sure there is no value inside
+ // ptr so setting it will not affect anyone else.
+ unsafe {
+ self.os.set(ptr as *mut u8);
+ }
+ ptr
+ } else {
+ // recursive initialization
+ ptr
+ };
+ // SAFETY: ptr has been ensured as non-NUL just above an so can be
+ // dereferenced safely.
+ unsafe { Some((*ptr).inner.initialize(init)) }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_value<T: 'static>(ptr: *mut u8) {
+ // SAFETY:
+ //
+ // The OS TLS ensures that this key contains a null value when this
+ // destructor starts to run. We set it back to a sentinel value of 1 to
+ // ensure that any future calls to `get` for this thread will return
+ // `None`.
+ //
+ // Note that to prevent an infinite loop we reset it back to null right
+ // before we return from the destructor ourselves.
+ unsafe {
+ let ptr = Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut Value<T>);
+ let key = ptr.key;
+ key.os.set(ptr::invalid_mut(1));
+ drop(ptr);
+ key.os.set(ptr::null_mut());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/std/src/thread/local/ b/library/std/src/thread/local/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd1800416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/thread/local/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+use crate::cell::RefCell;
+use crate::collections::HashMap;
+use crate::thread_local;
+fn smoke() {
+ fn square(i: i32) -> i32 {
+ i * i
+ }
+ thread_local!(static FOO: i32 = square(3));
+ FOO.with(|f| {
+ assert_eq!(*f, 9);
+ });
+fn hashmap() {
+ fn map() -> RefCell<HashMap<i32, i32>> {
+ let mut m = HashMap::new();
+ m.insert(1, 2);
+ RefCell::new(m)
+ }
+ thread_local!(static FOO: RefCell<HashMap<i32, i32>> = map());
+ FOO.with(|map| {
+ assert_eq!(map.borrow()[&1], 2);
+ });
+fn refcell_vec() {
+ thread_local!(static FOO: RefCell<Vec<u32>> = RefCell::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
+ FOO.with(|vec| {
+ assert_eq!(vec.borrow().len(), 3);
+ vec.borrow_mut().push(4);
+ assert_eq!(vec.borrow()[3], 4);
+ });
diff --git a/library/std/src/thread/local/ b/library/std/src/thread/local/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1df1ca758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/thread/local/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+use crate::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell};
+use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering};
+use crate::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
+use crate::thread::{self, LocalKey};
+use crate::thread_local;
+struct Foo(Sender<()>);
+impl Drop for Foo {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let Foo(ref s) = *self;
+ s.send(()).unwrap();
+ }
+fn smoke_no_dtor() {
+ thread_local!(static FOO: Cell<i32> = Cell::new(1));
+ run(&FOO);
+ thread_local!(static FOO2: Cell<i32> = const { Cell::new(1) });
+ run(&FOO2);
+ fn run(key: &'static LocalKey<Cell<i32>>) {
+ key.with(|f| {
+ assert_eq!(f.get(), 1);
+ f.set(2);
+ });
+ let t = thread::spawn(move || {
+ key.with(|f| {
+ assert_eq!(f.get(), 1);
+ });
+ });
+ t.join().unwrap();
+ key.with(|f| {
+ assert_eq!(f.get(), 2);
+ });
+ }
+fn states() {
+ struct Foo(&'static LocalKey<Foo>);
+ impl Drop for Foo {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ assert!(self.0.try_with(|_| ()).is_err());
+ }
+ }
+ thread_local!(static FOO: Foo = Foo(&FOO));
+ run(&FOO);
+ thread_local!(static FOO2: Foo = const { Foo(&FOO2) });
+ run(&FOO2);
+ fn run(foo: &'static LocalKey<Foo>) {
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ assert!(foo.try_with(|_| ()).is_ok());
+ })
+ .join()
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+fn smoke_dtor() {
+ thread_local!(static FOO: UnsafeCell<Option<Foo>> = UnsafeCell::new(None));
+ run(&FOO);
+ thread_local!(static FOO2: UnsafeCell<Option<Foo>> = const { UnsafeCell::new(None) });
+ run(&FOO2);
+ fn run(key: &'static LocalKey<UnsafeCell<Option<Foo>>>) {
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ let t = thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
+ let mut tx = Some(tx);
+ key.with(|f| {
+ *f.get() = Some(Foo(tx.take().unwrap()));
+ });
+ });
+ rx.recv().unwrap();
+ t.join().unwrap();
+ }
+fn circular() {
+ struct S1(&'static LocalKey<UnsafeCell<Option<S1>>>, &'static LocalKey<UnsafeCell<Option<S2>>>);
+ struct S2(&'static LocalKey<UnsafeCell<Option<S1>>>, &'static LocalKey<UnsafeCell<Option<S2>>>);
+ thread_local!(static K1: UnsafeCell<Option<S1>> = UnsafeCell::new(None));
+ thread_local!(static K2: UnsafeCell<Option<S2>> = UnsafeCell::new(None));
+ thread_local!(static K3: UnsafeCell<Option<S1>> = const { UnsafeCell::new(None) });
+ thread_local!(static K4: UnsafeCell<Option<S2>> = const { UnsafeCell::new(None) });
+ static mut HITS: usize = 0;
+ impl Drop for S1 {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ HITS += 1;
+ if self.1.try_with(|_| ()).is_err() {
+ assert_eq!(HITS, 3);
+ } else {
+ if HITS == 1 {
+ self.1.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S2(self.0, self.1)));
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(HITS, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl Drop for S2 {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ HITS += 1;
+ assert!(self.0.try_with(|_| ()).is_ok());
+ assert_eq!(HITS, 2);
+ self.0.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1(self.0, self.1)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ drop(S1(&K1, &K2));
+ })
+ .join()
+ .unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ HITS = 0;
+ }
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ drop(S1(&K3, &K4));
+ })
+ .join()
+ .unwrap();
+fn self_referential() {
+ struct S1(&'static LocalKey<UnsafeCell<Option<S1>>>);
+ thread_local!(static K1: UnsafeCell<Option<S1>> = UnsafeCell::new(None));
+ thread_local!(static K2: UnsafeCell<Option<S1>> = const { UnsafeCell::new(None) });
+ impl Drop for S1 {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ assert!(self.0.try_with(|_| ()).is_err());
+ }
+ }
+ thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
+ K1.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1(&K1)));
+ })
+ .join()
+ .unwrap();
+ thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
+ K2.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1(&K2)));
+ })
+ .join()
+ .unwrap();
+// Note that this test will deadlock if TLS destructors aren't run (this
+// requires the destructor to be run to pass the test).
+fn dtors_in_dtors_in_dtors() {
+ struct S1(Sender<()>);
+ thread_local!(static K1: UnsafeCell<Option<S1>> = UnsafeCell::new(None));
+ thread_local!(static K2: UnsafeCell<Option<Foo>> = UnsafeCell::new(None));
+ impl Drop for S1 {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let S1(ref tx) = *self;
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = K2.try_with(|s| *s.get() = Some(Foo(tx.clone())));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ let _t = thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
+ let mut tx = Some(tx);
+ K1.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1(tx.take().unwrap())));
+ });
+ rx.recv().unwrap();
+fn dtors_in_dtors_in_dtors_const_init() {
+ struct S1(Sender<()>);
+ thread_local!(static K1: UnsafeCell<Option<S1>> = const { UnsafeCell::new(None) });
+ thread_local!(static K2: UnsafeCell<Option<Foo>> = const { UnsafeCell::new(None) });
+ impl Drop for S1 {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let S1(ref tx) = *self;
+ unsafe {
+ let _ = K2.try_with(|s| *s.get() = Some(Foo(tx.clone())));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ let _t = thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
+ let mut tx = Some(tx);
+ K1.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1(tx.take().unwrap())));
+ });
+ rx.recv().unwrap();
+// This test tests that TLS destructors have run before the thread joins. The
+// test has no false positives (meaning: if the test fails, there's actually
+// an ordering problem). It may have false negatives, where the test passes but
+// join is not guaranteed to be after the TLS destructors. However, false
+// negatives should be exceedingly rare due to judicious use of
+// thread::yield_now and running the test several times.
+fn join_orders_after_tls_destructors() {
+ // We emulate a synchronous MPSC rendezvous channel using only atomics and
+ // thread::yield_now. We can't use std::mpsc as the implementation itself
+ // may rely on thread locals.
+ //
+ // The basic state machine for an SPSC rendezvous channel is:
+ // where the first transition is done by the “receiving” thread and the 2nd
+ // transition is done by the “sending” thread.
+ //
+ // We add an additional state `THREAD2_LAUNCHED` between `FRESH` and
+ // `THREAD1_WAITING` to block until all threads are actually running.
+ //
+ // A thread that joins on the “receiving” thread completion should never
+ // observe the channel in the `THREAD1_WAITING` state. If this does occur,
+ // we switch to the “poison” state `THREAD2_JOINED` and panic all around.
+ // (This is equivalent to “sending” from an alternate producer thread.)
+ const FRESH: u8 = 0;
+ const THREAD2_LAUNCHED: u8 = 1;
+ const THREAD1_WAITING: u8 = 2;
+ const THREAD2_JOINED: u8 = 4;
+ static SYNC_STATE: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(FRESH);
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ let jh = thread::Builder::new()
+ .name("thread1".into())
+ .spawn(move || {
+ struct TlDrop;
+ impl Drop for TlDrop {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let mut sync_state = SYNC_STATE.swap(THREAD1_WAITING, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ loop {
+ match sync_state {
+ THREAD2_LAUNCHED | THREAD1_WAITING => thread::yield_now(),
+ THREAD2_JOINED => panic!(
+ "Thread 1 still running after thread 2 joined on thread 1"
+ ),
+ v => unreachable!("sync state: {}", v),
+ }
+ sync_state = SYNC_STATE.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ thread_local! {
+ static TL_DROP: TlDrop = TlDrop;
+ }
+ TL_DROP.with(|_| {});
+ loop {
+ match SYNC_STATE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
+ FRESH => thread::yield_now(),
+ THREAD2_LAUNCHED => break,
+ v => unreachable!("sync state: {}", v),
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let jh2 = thread::Builder::new()
+ .name("thread2".into())
+ .spawn(move || {
+ assert_eq!(SYNC_STATE.swap(THREAD2_LAUNCHED, Ordering::SeqCst), FRESH);
+ jh.join().unwrap();
+ match SYNC_STATE.swap(THREAD2_JOINED, Ordering::SeqCst) {
+ panic!("Thread 2 running after thread 1 join before main thread rendezvous")
+ }
+ v => unreachable!("sync state: {:?}", v),
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ loop {
+ match SYNC_STATE.compare_exchange(
+ Ordering::SeqCst,
+ Ordering::SeqCst,
+ ) {
+ Ok(_) => break,
+ Err(FRESH) => thread::yield_now(),
+ Err(THREAD2_LAUNCHED) => thread::yield_now(),
+ Err(THREAD2_JOINED) => {
+ panic!("Main thread rendezvous after thread 2 joined thread 1")
+ }
+ v => unreachable!("sync state: {:?}", v),
+ }
+ }
+ jh2.join().unwrap();
+ }
diff --git a/library/std/src/thread/ b/library/std/src/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44c8a50fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+//! Native threads.
+//! ## The threading model
+//! An executing Rust program consists of a collection of native OS threads,
+//! each with their own stack and local state. Threads can be named, and
+//! provide some built-in support for low-level synchronization.
+//! Communication between threads can be done through
+//! [channels], Rust's message-passing types, along with [other forms of thread
+//! synchronization](../../std/sync/index.html) and shared-memory data
+//! structures. In particular, types that are guaranteed to be
+//! threadsafe are easily shared between threads using the
+//! atomically-reference-counted container, [`Arc`].
+//! Fatal logic errors in Rust cause *thread panic*, during which
+//! a thread will unwind the stack, running destructors and freeing
+//! owned resources. While not meant as a 'try/catch' mechanism, panics
+//! in Rust can nonetheless be caught (unless compiling with `panic=abort`) with
+//! [`catch_unwind`](../../std/panic/fn.catch_unwind.html) and recovered
+//! from, or alternatively be resumed with
+//! [`resume_unwind`](../../std/panic/fn.resume_unwind.html). If the panic
+//! is not caught the thread will exit, but the panic may optionally be
+//! detected from a different thread with [`join`]. If the main thread panics
+//! without the panic being caught, the application will exit with a
+//! non-zero exit code.
+//! When the main thread of a Rust program terminates, the entire program shuts
+//! down, even if other threads are still running. However, this module provides
+//! convenient facilities for automatically waiting for the termination of a
+//! thread (i.e., join).
+//! ## Spawning a thread
+//! A new thread can be spawned using the [`thread::spawn`][`spawn`] function:
+//! ```rust
+//! use std::thread;
+//! thread::spawn(move || {
+//! // some work here
+//! });
+//! ```
+//! In this example, the spawned thread is "detached," which means that there is
+//! no way for the program to learn when the spawned thread completes or otherwise
+//! terminates.
+//! To learn when a thread completes, it is necessary to capture the [`JoinHandle`]
+//! object that is returned by the call to [`spawn`], which provides
+//! a `join` method that allows the caller to wait for the completion of the
+//! spawned thread:
+//! ```rust
+//! use std::thread;
+//! let thread_join_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
+//! // some work here
+//! });
+//! // some work here
+//! let res = thread_join_handle.join();
+//! ```
+//! The [`join`] method returns a [`thread::Result`] containing [`Ok`] of the final
+//! value produced by the spawned thread, or [`Err`] of the value given to
+//! a call to [`panic!`] if the thread panicked.
+//! Note that there is no parent/child relationship between a thread that spawns a
+//! new thread and the thread being spawned. In particular, the spawned thread may or
+//! may not outlive the spawning thread, unless the spawning thread is the main thread.
+//! ## Configuring threads
+//! A new thread can be configured before it is spawned via the [`Builder`] type,
+//! which currently allows you to set the name and stack size for the thread:
+//! ```rust
+//! # #![allow(unused_must_use)]
+//! use std::thread;
+//! thread::Builder::new().name("thread1".to_string()).spawn(move || {
+//! println!("Hello, world!");
+//! });
+//! ```
+//! ## The `Thread` type
+//! Threads are represented via the [`Thread`] type, which you can get in one of
+//! two ways:
+//! * By spawning a new thread, e.g., using the [`thread::spawn`][`spawn`]
+//! function, and calling [`thread`][`JoinHandle::thread`] on the [`JoinHandle`].
+//! * By requesting the current thread, using the [`thread::current`] function.
+//! The [`thread::current`] function is available even for threads not spawned
+//! by the APIs of this module.
+//! ## Thread-local storage
+//! This module also provides an implementation of thread-local storage for Rust
+//! programs. Thread-local storage is a method of storing data into a global
+//! variable that each thread in the program will have its own copy of.
+//! Threads do not share this data, so accesses do not need to be synchronized.
+//! A thread-local key owns the value it contains and will destroy the value when the
+//! thread exits. It is created with the [`thread_local!`] macro and can contain any
+//! value that is `'static` (no borrowed pointers). It provides an accessor function,
+//! [`with`], that yields a shared reference to the value to the specified
+//! closure. Thread-local keys allow only shared access to values, as there would be no
+//! way to guarantee uniqueness if mutable borrows were allowed. Most values
+//! will want to make use of some form of **interior mutability** through the
+//! [`Cell`] or [`RefCell`] types.
+//! ## Naming threads
+//! Threads are able to have associated names for identification purposes. By default, spawned
+//! threads are unnamed. To specify a name for a thread, build the thread with [`Builder`] and pass
+//! the desired thread name to [`Builder::name`]. To retrieve the thread name from within the
+//! thread, use [`Thread::name`]. A couple examples of where the name of a thread gets used:
+//! * If a panic occurs in a named thread, the thread name will be printed in the panic message.
+//! * The thread name is provided to the OS where applicable (e.g., `pthread_setname_np` in
+//! unix-like platforms).
+//! ## Stack size
+//! The default stack size for spawned threads is 2 MiB, though this particular stack size is
+//! subject to change in the future. There are two ways to manually specify the stack size for
+//! spawned threads:
+//! * Build the thread with [`Builder`] and pass the desired stack size to [`Builder::stack_size`].
+//! * Set the `RUST_MIN_STACK` environment variable to an integer representing the desired stack
+//! size (in bytes). Note that setting [`Builder::stack_size`] will override this.
+//! Note that the stack size of the main thread is *not* determined by Rust.
+//! [channels]: crate::sync::mpsc
+//! [`join`]: JoinHandle::join
+//! [`Result`]: crate::result::Result
+//! [`Ok`]: crate::result::Result::Ok
+//! [`Err`]: crate::result::Result::Err
+//! [`thread::current`]: current
+//! [`thread::Result`]: Result
+//! [`unpark`]: Thread::unpark
+//! [`thread::park_timeout`]: park_timeout
+//! [`Cell`]: crate::cell::Cell
+//! [`RefCell`]: crate::cell::RefCell
+//! [`with`]: LocalKey::with
+//! [`thread_local!`]: crate::thread_local
+#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+#[cfg(all(test, not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
+mod tests;
+use crate::any::Any;
+use crate::cell::UnsafeCell;
+use crate::ffi::{CStr, CString};
+use crate::fmt;
+use crate::io;
+use crate::marker::PhantomData;
+use crate::mem;
+use crate::num::NonZeroU64;
+use crate::num::NonZeroUsize;
+use crate::panic;
+use crate::panicking;
+use crate::pin::Pin;
+use crate::ptr::addr_of_mut;
+use crate::str;
+use crate::sync::Arc;
+use crate::sys::thread as imp;
+use crate::sys_common::mutex;
+use crate::sys_common::thread;
+use crate::sys_common::thread_info;
+use crate::sys_common::thread_parker::Parker;
+use crate::sys_common::{AsInner, IntoInner};
+use crate::time::Duration;
+// Thread-local storage
+mod local;
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+mod scoped;
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+pub use scoped::{scope, Scope, ScopedJoinHandle};
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub use self::local::{AccessError, LocalKey};
+// The types used by the thread_local! macro to access TLS keys. Note that there
+// are two types, the "OS" type and the "fast" type. The OS thread local key
+// type is accessed via platform-specific API calls and is slow, while the fast
+// key type is accessed via code generated via LLVM, where TLS keys are set up
+// by the elf linker. Note that the OS TLS type is always available: on macOS
+// the standard library is compiled with support for older platform versions
+// where fast TLS was not available; end-user code is compiled with fast TLS
+// where available, but both are needed.
+#[unstable(feature = "libstd_thread_internals", issue = "none")]
+pub use self::local::fast::Key as __FastLocalKeyInner;
+#[unstable(feature = "libstd_thread_internals", issue = "none")]
+pub use self::local::os::Key as __OsLocalKeyInner;
+#[unstable(feature = "libstd_thread_internals", issue = "none")]
+#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
+pub use self::local::statik::Key as __StaticLocalKeyInner;
+// Builder
+/// Thread factory, which can be used in order to configure the properties of
+/// a new thread.
+/// Methods can be chained on it in order to configure it.
+/// The two configurations available are:
+/// - [`name`]: specifies an [associated name for the thread][naming-threads]
+/// - [`stack_size`]: specifies the [desired stack size for the thread][stack-size]
+/// The [`spawn`] method will take ownership of the builder and create an
+/// [`io::Result`] to the thread handle with the given configuration.
+/// The [`thread::spawn`] free function uses a `Builder` with default
+/// configuration and [`unwrap`]s its return value.
+/// You may want to use [`spawn`] instead of [`thread::spawn`], when you want
+/// to recover from a failure to launch a thread, indeed the free function will
+/// panic where the `Builder` method will return a [`io::Result`].
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+/// let handler = builder.spawn(|| {
+/// // thread code
+/// }).unwrap();
+/// handler.join().unwrap();
+/// ```
+/// [`stack_size`]: Builder::stack_size
+/// [`name`]: Builder::name
+/// [`spawn`]: Builder::spawn
+/// [`thread::spawn`]: spawn
+/// [`io::Result`]: crate::io::Result
+/// [`unwrap`]: crate::result::Result::unwrap
+/// [naming-threads]: ./index.html#naming-threads
+/// [stack-size]: ./index.html#stack-size
+#[must_use = "must eventually spawn the thread"]
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub struct Builder {
+ // A name for the thread-to-be, for identification in panic messages
+ name: Option<String>,
+ // The size of the stack for the spawned thread in bytes
+ stack_size: Option<usize>,
+impl Builder {
+ /// Generates the base configuration for spawning a thread, from which
+ /// configuration methods can be chained.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new()
+ /// .name("foo".into())
+ /// .stack_size(32 * 1024);
+ ///
+ /// let handler = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// // thread code
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// handler.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ pub fn new() -> Builder {
+ Builder { name: None, stack_size: None }
+ }
+ /// Names the thread-to-be. Currently the name is used for identification
+ /// only in panic messages.
+ ///
+ /// The name must not contain null bytes (`\0`).
+ ///
+ /// For more information about named threads, see
+ /// [this module-level documentation][naming-threads].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new()
+ /// .name("foo".into());
+ ///
+ /// let handler = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// assert_eq!(thread::current().name(), Some("foo"))
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// handler.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [naming-threads]: ./index.html#naming-threads
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ pub fn name(mut self, name: String) -> Builder {
+ = Some(name);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the size of the stack (in bytes) for the new thread.
+ ///
+ /// The actual stack size may be greater than this value if
+ /// the platform specifies a minimal stack size.
+ ///
+ /// For more information about the stack size for threads, see
+ /// [this module-level documentation][stack-size].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new().stack_size(32 * 1024);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [stack-size]: ./index.html#stack-size
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ pub fn stack_size(mut self, size: usize) -> Builder {
+ self.stack_size = Some(size);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Spawns a new thread by taking ownership of the `Builder`, and returns an
+ /// [`io::Result`] to its [`JoinHandle`].
+ ///
+ /// The spawned thread may outlive the caller (unless the caller thread
+ /// is the main thread; the whole process is terminated when the main
+ /// thread finishes). The join handle can be used to block on
+ /// termination of the spawned thread, including recovering its panics.
+ ///
+ /// For a more complete documentation see [`thread::spawn`][`spawn`].
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// Unlike the [`spawn`] free function, this method yields an
+ /// [`io::Result`] to capture any failure to create the thread at
+ /// the OS level.
+ ///
+ /// [`io::Result`]: crate::io::Result
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if a thread name was set and it contained null bytes.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+ ///
+ /// let handler = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// // thread code
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// handler.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ pub fn spawn<F, T>(self, f: F) -> io::Result<JoinHandle<T>>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> T,
+ F: Send + 'static,
+ T: Send + 'static,
+ {
+ unsafe { self.spawn_unchecked(f) }
+ }
+ /// Spawns a new thread without any lifetime restrictions by taking ownership
+ /// of the `Builder`, and returns an [`io::Result`] to its [`JoinHandle`].
+ ///
+ /// The spawned thread may outlive the caller (unless the caller thread
+ /// is the main thread; the whole process is terminated when the main
+ /// thread finishes). The join handle can be used to block on
+ /// termination of the spawned thread, including recovering its panics.
+ ///
+ /// This method is identical to [`thread::Builder::spawn`][`Builder::spawn`],
+ /// except for the relaxed lifetime bounds, which render it unsafe.
+ /// For a more complete documentation see [`thread::spawn`][`spawn`].
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// Unlike the [`spawn`] free function, this method yields an
+ /// [`io::Result`] to capture any failure to create the thread at
+ /// the OS level.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if a thread name was set and it contained null bytes.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The caller has to ensure that the spawned thread does not outlive any
+ /// references in the supplied thread closure and its return type.
+ /// This can be guaranteed in two ways:
+ ///
+ /// - ensure that [`join`][`JoinHandle::join`] is called before any referenced
+ /// data is dropped
+ /// - use only types with `'static` lifetime bounds, i.e., those with no or only
+ /// `'static` references (both [`thread::Builder::spawn`][`Builder::spawn`]
+ /// and [`thread::spawn`][`spawn`] enforce this property statically)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// #![feature(thread_spawn_unchecked)]
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+ ///
+ /// let x = 1;
+ /// let thread_x = &x;
+ ///
+ /// let handler = unsafe {
+ /// builder.spawn_unchecked(move || {
+ /// println!("x = {}", *thread_x);
+ /// }).unwrap()
+ /// };
+ ///
+ /// // caller has to ensure `join()` is called, otherwise
+ /// // it is possible to access freed memory if `x` gets
+ /// // dropped before the thread closure is executed!
+ /// handler.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`io::Result`]: crate::io::Result
+ #[unstable(feature = "thread_spawn_unchecked", issue = "55132")]
+ pub unsafe fn spawn_unchecked<'a, F, T>(self, f: F) -> io::Result<JoinHandle<T>>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> T,
+ F: Send + 'a,
+ T: Send + 'a,
+ {
+ Ok(JoinHandle(unsafe { self.spawn_unchecked_(f, None) }?))
+ }
+ unsafe fn spawn_unchecked_<'a, 'scope, F, T>(
+ self,
+ f: F,
+ scope_data: Option<Arc<scoped::ScopeData>>,
+ ) -> io::Result<JoinInner<'scope, T>>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> T,
+ F: Send + 'a,
+ T: Send + 'a,
+ 'scope: 'a,
+ {
+ let Builder { name, stack_size } = self;
+ let stack_size = stack_size.unwrap_or_else(thread::min_stack);
+ let my_thread = Thread::new(|name| {
+ CString::new(name).expect("thread name may not contain interior null bytes")
+ }));
+ let their_thread = my_thread.clone();
+ let my_packet: Arc<Packet<'scope, T>> = Arc::new(Packet {
+ scope: scope_data,
+ result: UnsafeCell::new(None),
+ _marker: PhantomData,
+ });
+ let their_packet = my_packet.clone();
+ let output_capture = crate::io::set_output_capture(None);
+ crate::io::set_output_capture(output_capture.clone());
+ let main = move || {
+ if let Some(name) = their_thread.cname() {
+ imp::Thread::set_name(name);
+ }
+ crate::io::set_output_capture(output_capture);
+ // SAFETY: the stack guard passed is the one for the current thread.
+ // This means the current thread's stack and the new thread's stack
+ // are properly set and protected from each other.
+ thread_info::set(unsafe { imp::guard::current() }, their_thread);
+ let try_result = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
+ crate::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace(f)
+ }));
+ // SAFETY: `their_packet` as been built just above and moved by the
+ // closure (it is an Arc<...>) and `my_packet` will be stored in the
+ // same `JoinInner` as this closure meaning the mutation will be
+ // safe (not modify it and affect a value far away).
+ unsafe { *their_packet.result.get() = Some(try_result) };
+ };
+ if let Some(scope_data) = &my_packet.scope {
+ scope_data.increment_num_running_threads();
+ }
+ Ok(JoinInner {
+ // SAFETY:
+ //
+ // `imp::Thread::new` takes a closure with a `'static` lifetime, since it's passed
+ // through FFI or otherwise used with low-level threading primitives that have no
+ // notion of or way to enforce lifetimes.
+ //
+ // As mentioned in the `Safety` section of this function's documentation, the caller of
+ // this function needs to guarantee that the passed-in lifetime is sufficiently long
+ // for the lifetime of the thread.
+ //
+ // Similarly, the `sys` implementation must guarantee that no references to the closure
+ // exist after the thread has terminated, which is signaled by `Thread::join`
+ // returning.
+ native: unsafe {
+ imp::Thread::new(
+ stack_size,
+ mem::transmute::<Box<dyn FnOnce() + 'a>, Box<dyn FnOnce() + 'static>>(
+ Box::new(main),
+ ),
+ )?
+ },
+ thread: my_thread,
+ packet: my_packet,
+ })
+ }
+// Free functions
+/// Spawns a new thread, returning a [`JoinHandle`] for it.
+/// The join handle provides a [`join`] method that can be used to join the spawned
+/// thread. If the spawned thread panics, [`join`] will return an [`Err`] containing
+/// the argument given to [`panic!`].
+/// If the join handle is dropped, the spawned thread will implicitly be *detached*.
+/// In this case, the spawned thread may no longer be joined.
+/// (It is the responsibility of the program to either eventually join threads it
+/// creates or detach them; otherwise, a resource leak will result.)
+/// This call will create a thread using default parameters of [`Builder`], if you
+/// want to specify the stack size or the name of the thread, use this API
+/// instead.
+/// As you can see in the signature of `spawn` there are two constraints on
+/// both the closure given to `spawn` and its return value, let's explain them:
+/// - The `'static` constraint means that the closure and its return value
+/// must have a lifetime of the whole program execution. The reason for this
+/// is that threads can outlive the lifetime they have been created in.
+/// Indeed if the thread, and by extension its return value, can outlive their
+/// caller, we need to make sure that they will be valid afterwards, and since
+/// we *can't* know when it will return we need to have them valid as long as
+/// possible, that is until the end of the program, hence the `'static`
+/// lifetime.
+/// - The [`Send`] constraint is because the closure will need to be passed
+/// *by value* from the thread where it is spawned to the new thread. Its
+/// return value will need to be passed from the new thread to the thread
+/// where it is `join`ed.
+/// As a reminder, the [`Send`] marker trait expresses that it is safe to be
+/// passed from thread to thread. [`Sync`] expresses that it is safe to have a
+/// reference be passed from thread to thread.
+/// # Panics
+/// Panics if the OS fails to create a thread; use [`Builder::spawn`]
+/// to recover from such errors.
+/// # Examples
+/// Creating a thread.
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let handler = thread::spawn(|| {
+/// // thread code
+/// });
+/// handler.join().unwrap();
+/// ```
+/// As mentioned in the module documentation, threads are usually made to
+/// communicate using [`channels`], here is how it usually looks.
+/// This example also shows how to use `move`, in order to give ownership
+/// of values to a thread.
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
+/// let (tx, rx) = channel();
+/// let sender = thread::spawn(move || {
+/// tx.send("Hello, thread".to_owned())
+/// .expect("Unable to send on channel");
+/// });
+/// let receiver = thread::spawn(move || {
+/// let value = rx.recv().expect("Unable to receive from channel");
+/// println!("{value}");
+/// });
+/// sender.join().expect("The sender thread has panicked");
+/// receiver.join().expect("The receiver thread has panicked");
+/// ```
+/// A thread can also return a value through its [`JoinHandle`], you can use
+/// this to make asynchronous computations (futures might be more appropriate
+/// though).
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let computation = thread::spawn(|| {
+/// // Some expensive computation.
+/// 42
+/// });
+/// let result = computation.join().unwrap();
+/// println!("{result}");
+/// ```
+/// [`channels`]: crate::sync::mpsc
+/// [`join`]: JoinHandle::join
+/// [`Err`]: crate::result::Result::Err
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
+ F: FnOnce() -> T,
+ F: Send + 'static,
+ T: Send + 'static,
+ Builder::new().spawn(f).expect("failed to spawn thread")
+/// Gets a handle to the thread that invokes it.
+/// # Examples
+/// Getting a handle to the current thread with `thread::current()`:
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let handler = thread::Builder::new()
+/// .name("named thread".into())
+/// .spawn(|| {
+/// let handle = thread::current();
+/// assert_eq!(, Some("named thread"));
+/// })
+/// .unwrap();
+/// handler.join().unwrap();
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub fn current() -> Thread {
+ thread_info::current_thread().expect(
+ "use of std::thread::current() is not possible \
+ after the thread's local data has been destroyed",
+ )
+/// Cooperatively gives up a timeslice to the OS scheduler.
+/// This calls the underlying OS scheduler's yield primitive, signaling
+/// that the calling thread is willing to give up its remaining timeslice
+/// so that the OS may schedule other threads on the CPU.
+/// A drawback of yielding in a loop is that if the OS does not have any
+/// other ready threads to run on the current CPU, the thread will effectively
+/// busy-wait, which wastes CPU time and energy.
+/// Therefore, when waiting for events of interest, a programmer's first
+/// choice should be to use synchronization devices such as [`channel`]s,
+/// [`Condvar`]s, [`Mutex`]es or [`join`] since these primitives are
+/// implemented in a blocking manner, giving up the CPU until the event
+/// of interest has occurred which avoids repeated yielding.
+/// `yield_now` should thus be used only rarely, mostly in situations where
+/// repeated polling is required because there is no other suitable way to
+/// learn when an event of interest has occurred.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// thread::yield_now();
+/// ```
+/// [`channel`]: crate::sync::mpsc
+/// [`join`]: JoinHandle::join
+/// [`Condvar`]: crate::sync::Condvar
+/// [`Mutex`]: crate::sync::Mutex
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub fn yield_now() {
+ imp::Thread::yield_now()
+/// Determines whether the current thread is unwinding because of panic.
+/// A common use of this feature is to poison shared resources when writing
+/// unsafe code, by checking `panicking` when the `drop` is called.
+/// This is usually not needed when writing safe code, as [`Mutex`es][Mutex]
+/// already poison themselves when a thread panics while holding the lock.
+/// This can also be used in multithreaded applications, in order to send a
+/// message to other threads warning that a thread has panicked (e.g., for
+/// monitoring purposes).
+/// # Examples
+/// ```should_panic
+/// use std::thread;
+/// struct SomeStruct;
+/// impl Drop for SomeStruct {
+/// fn drop(&mut self) {
+/// if thread::panicking() {
+/// println!("dropped while unwinding");
+/// } else {
+/// println!("dropped while not unwinding");
+/// }
+/// }
+/// }
+/// {
+/// print!("a: ");
+/// let a = SomeStruct;
+/// }
+/// {
+/// print!("b: ");
+/// let b = SomeStruct;
+/// panic!()
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// [Mutex]: crate::sync::Mutex
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub fn panicking() -> bool {
+ panicking::panicking()
+/// Puts the current thread to sleep for at least the specified amount of time.
+/// The thread may sleep longer than the duration specified due to scheduling
+/// specifics or platform-dependent functionality. It will never sleep less.
+/// This function is blocking, and should not be used in `async` functions.
+/// # Platform-specific behavior
+/// On Unix platforms, the underlying syscall may be interrupted by a
+/// spurious wakeup or signal handler. To ensure the sleep occurs for at least
+/// the specified duration, this function may invoke that system call multiple
+/// times.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// use std::thread;
+/// // Let's sleep for 2 seconds:
+/// thread::sleep_ms(2000);
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+#[deprecated(since = "1.6.0", note = "replaced by `std::thread::sleep`")]
+pub fn sleep_ms(ms: u32) {
+ sleep(Duration::from_millis(ms as u64))
+/// Puts the current thread to sleep for at least the specified amount of time.
+/// The thread may sleep longer than the duration specified due to scheduling
+/// specifics or platform-dependent functionality. It will never sleep less.
+/// This function is blocking, and should not be used in `async` functions.
+/// # Platform-specific behavior
+/// On Unix platforms, the underlying syscall may be interrupted by a
+/// spurious wakeup or signal handler. To ensure the sleep occurs for at least
+/// the specified duration, this function may invoke that system call multiple
+/// times.
+/// Platforms which do not support nanosecond precision for sleeping will
+/// have `dur` rounded up to the nearest granularity of time they can sleep for.
+/// Currently, specifying a zero duration on Unix platforms returns immediately
+/// without invoking the underlying [`nanosleep`] syscall, whereas on Windows
+/// platforms the underlying [`Sleep`] syscall is always invoked.
+/// If the intention is to yield the current time-slice you may want to use
+/// [`yield_now`] instead.
+/// [`nanosleep`]:
+/// [`Sleep`]:
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// use std::{thread, time};
+/// let ten_millis = time::Duration::from_millis(10);
+/// let now = time::Instant::now();
+/// thread::sleep(ten_millis);
+/// assert!(now.elapsed() >= ten_millis);
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "thread_sleep", since = "1.4.0")]
+pub fn sleep(dur: Duration) {
+ imp::Thread::sleep(dur)
+/// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available.
+/// A call to `park` does not guarantee that the thread will remain parked
+/// forever, and callers should be prepared for this possibility.
+/// # park and unpark
+/// Every thread is equipped with some basic low-level blocking support, via the
+/// [`thread::park`][`park`] function and [`thread::Thread::unpark`][`unpark`]
+/// method. [`park`] blocks the current thread, which can then be resumed from
+/// another thread by calling the [`unpark`] method on the blocked thread's
+/// handle.
+/// Conceptually, each [`Thread`] handle has an associated token, which is
+/// initially not present:
+/// * The [`thread::park`][`park`] function blocks the current thread unless or
+/// until the token is available for its thread handle, at which point it
+/// atomically consumes the token. It may also return *spuriously*, without
+/// consuming the token. [`thread::park_timeout`] does the same, but allows
+/// specifying a maximum time to block the thread for.
+/// * The [`unpark`] method on a [`Thread`] atomically makes the token available
+/// if it wasn't already. Because the token is initially absent, [`unpark`]
+/// followed by [`park`] will result in the second call returning immediately.
+/// In other words, each [`Thread`] acts a bit like a spinlock that can be
+/// locked and unlocked using `park` and `unpark`.
+/// Notice that being unblocked does not imply any synchronization with someone
+/// that unparked this thread, it could also be spurious.
+/// For example, it would be a valid, but inefficient, implementation to make both [`park`] and
+/// [`unpark`] return immediately without doing anything.
+/// The API is typically used by acquiring a handle to the current thread,
+/// placing that handle in a shared data structure so that other threads can
+/// find it, and then `park`ing in a loop. When some desired condition is met, another
+/// thread calls [`unpark`] on the handle.
+/// The motivation for this design is twofold:
+/// * It avoids the need to allocate mutexes and condvars when building new
+/// synchronization primitives; the threads already provide basic
+/// blocking/signaling.
+/// * It can be implemented very efficiently on many platforms.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{Ordering, AtomicBool}};
+/// use std::time::Duration;
+/// let flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
+/// let flag2 = Arc::clone(&flag);
+/// let parked_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
+/// // We want to wait until the flag is set. We *could* just spin, but using
+/// // park/unpark is more efficient.
+/// while !flag2.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
+/// println!("Parking thread");
+/// thread::park();
+/// // We *could* get here spuriously, i.e., way before the 10ms below are over!
+/// // But that is no problem, we are in a loop until the flag is set anyway.
+/// println!("Thread unparked");
+/// }
+/// println!("Flag received");
+/// });
+/// // Let some time pass for the thread to be spawned.
+/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+/// // Set the flag, and let the thread wake up.
+/// // There is no race condition here, if `unpark`
+/// // happens first, `park` will return immediately.
+/// // Hence there is no risk of a deadlock.
+///, Ordering::Release);
+/// println!("Unpark the thread");
+/// parked_thread.thread().unpark();
+/// parked_thread.join().unwrap();
+/// ```
+/// [`unpark`]: Thread::unpark
+/// [`thread::park_timeout`]: park_timeout
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub fn park() {
+ // SAFETY: park_timeout is called on the parker owned by this thread.
+ unsafe {
+ current().inner.as_ref().parker().park();
+ }
+/// Use [`park_timeout`].
+/// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available or
+/// the specified duration has been reached (may wake spuriously).
+/// The semantics of this function are equivalent to [`park`] except
+/// that the thread will be blocked for roughly no longer than `dur`. This
+/// method should not be used for precise timing due to anomalies such as
+/// preemption or platform differences that might not cause the maximum
+/// amount of time waited to be precisely `ms` long.
+/// See the [park documentation][`park`] for more detail.
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+#[deprecated(since = "1.6.0", note = "replaced by `std::thread::park_timeout`")]
+pub fn park_timeout_ms(ms: u32) {
+ park_timeout(Duration::from_millis(ms as u64))
+/// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available or
+/// the specified duration has been reached (may wake spuriously).
+/// The semantics of this function are equivalent to [`park`][park] except
+/// that the thread will be blocked for roughly no longer than `dur`. This
+/// method should not be used for precise timing due to anomalies such as
+/// preemption or platform differences that might not cause the maximum
+/// amount of time waited to be precisely `dur` long.
+/// See the [park documentation][park] for more details.
+/// # Platform-specific behavior
+/// Platforms which do not support nanosecond precision for sleeping will have
+/// `dur` rounded up to the nearest granularity of time they can sleep for.
+/// # Examples
+/// Waiting for the complete expiration of the timeout:
+/// ```rust,no_run
+/// use std::thread::park_timeout;
+/// use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
+/// let timeout = Duration::from_secs(2);
+/// let beginning_park = Instant::now();
+/// let mut timeout_remaining = timeout;
+/// loop {
+/// park_timeout(timeout_remaining);
+/// let elapsed = beginning_park.elapsed();
+/// if elapsed >= timeout {
+/// break;
+/// }
+/// println!("restarting park_timeout after {elapsed:?}");
+/// timeout_remaining = timeout - elapsed;
+/// }
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "park_timeout", since = "1.4.0")]
+pub fn park_timeout(dur: Duration) {
+ // SAFETY: park_timeout is called on the parker owned by this thread.
+ unsafe {
+ current().inner.as_ref().parker().park_timeout(dur);
+ }
+// ThreadId
+/// A unique identifier for a running thread.
+/// A `ThreadId` is an opaque object that uniquely identifies each thread
+/// created during the lifetime of a process. `ThreadId`s are guaranteed not to
+/// be reused, even when a thread terminates. `ThreadId`s are under the control
+/// of Rust's standard library and there may not be any relationship between
+/// `ThreadId` and the underlying platform's notion of a thread identifier --
+/// the two concepts cannot, therefore, be used interchangeably. A `ThreadId`
+/// can be retrieved from the [`id`] method on a [`Thread`].
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let other_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
+/// thread::current().id()
+/// });
+/// let other_thread_id = other_thread.join().unwrap();
+/// assert!(thread::current().id() != other_thread_id);
+/// ```
+/// [`id`]: Thread::id
+#[stable(feature = "thread_id", since = "1.19.0")]
+#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug)]
+pub struct ThreadId(NonZeroU64);
+impl ThreadId {
+ // Generate a new unique thread ID.
+ fn new() -> ThreadId {
+ // It is UB to attempt to acquire this mutex reentrantly!
+ static GUARD: mutex::StaticMutex = mutex::StaticMutex::new();
+ static mut COUNTER: u64 = 1;
+ unsafe {
+ let guard = GUARD.lock();
+ // If we somehow use up all our bits, panic so that we're not
+ // covering up subtle bugs of IDs being reused.
+ if COUNTER == u64::MAX {
+ drop(guard); // in case the panic handler ends up calling `ThreadId::new()`, avoid reentrant lock acquire.
+ panic!("failed to generate unique thread ID: bitspace exhausted");
+ }
+ let id = COUNTER;
+ COUNTER += 1;
+ ThreadId(NonZeroU64::new(id).unwrap())
+ }
+ }
+ /// This returns a numeric identifier for the thread identified by this
+ /// `ThreadId`.
+ ///
+ /// As noted in the documentation for the type itself, it is essentially an
+ /// opaque ID, but is guaranteed to be unique for each thread. The returned
+ /// value is entirely opaque -- only equality testing is stable. Note that
+ /// it is not guaranteed which values new threads will return, and this may
+ /// change across Rust versions.
+ #[must_use]
+ #[unstable(feature = "thread_id_value", issue = "67939")]
+ pub fn as_u64(&self) -> NonZeroU64 {
+ self.0
+ }
+// Thread
+/// The internal representation of a `Thread` handle
+struct Inner {
+ name: Option<CString>, // Guaranteed to be UTF-8
+ id: ThreadId,
+ parker: Parker,
+impl Inner {
+ fn parker(self: Pin<&Self>) -> Pin<&Parker> {
+ unsafe { Pin::map_unchecked(self, |inner| &inner.parker) }
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+/// A handle to a thread.
+/// Threads are represented via the `Thread` type, which you can get in one of
+/// two ways:
+/// * By spawning a new thread, e.g., using the [`thread::spawn`][`spawn`]
+/// function, and calling [`thread`][`JoinHandle::thread`] on the
+/// [`JoinHandle`].
+/// * By requesting the current thread, using the [`thread::current`] function.
+/// The [`thread::current`] function is available even for threads not spawned
+/// by the APIs of this module.
+/// There is usually no need to create a `Thread` struct yourself, one
+/// should instead use a function like `spawn` to create new threads, see the
+/// docs of [`Builder`] and [`spawn`] for more details.
+/// [`thread::current`]: current
+pub struct Thread {
+ inner: Pin<Arc<Inner>>,
+impl Thread {
+ // Used only internally to construct a thread object without spawning
+ // Panics if the name contains nuls.
+ pub(crate) fn new(name: Option<CString>) -> Thread {
+ // We have to use `unsafe` here to construct the `Parker` in-place,
+ // which is required for the UNIX implementation.
+ //
+ // SAFETY: We pin the Arc immediately after creation, so its address never
+ // changes.
+ let inner = unsafe {
+ let mut arc = Arc::<Inner>::new_uninit();
+ let ptr = Arc::get_mut_unchecked(&mut arc).as_mut_ptr();
+ addr_of_mut!((*ptr).name).write(name);
+ addr_of_mut!((*ptr).id).write(ThreadId::new());
+ Parker::new(addr_of_mut!((*ptr).parker));
+ Pin::new_unchecked(arc.assume_init())
+ };
+ Thread { inner }
+ }
+ /// Atomically makes the handle's token available if it is not already.
+ ///
+ /// Every thread is equipped with some basic low-level blocking support, via
+ /// the [`park`][park] function and the `unpark()` method. These can be
+ /// used as a more CPU-efficient implementation of a spinlock.
+ ///
+ /// See the [park documentation][park] for more details.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ /// use std::time::Duration;
+ ///
+ /// let parked_thread = thread::Builder::new()
+ /// .spawn(|| {
+ /// println!("Parking thread");
+ /// thread::park();
+ /// println!("Thread unparked");
+ /// })
+ /// .unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// // Let some time pass for the thread to be spawned.
+ /// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+ ///
+ /// println!("Unpark the thread");
+ /// parked_thread.thread().unpark();
+ ///
+ /// parked_thread.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn unpark(&self) {
+ self.inner.as_ref().parker().unpark();
+ }
+ /// Gets the thread's unique identifier.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let other_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
+ /// thread::current().id()
+ /// });
+ ///
+ /// let other_thread_id = other_thread.join().unwrap();
+ /// assert!(thread::current().id() != other_thread_id);
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "thread_id", since = "1.19.0")]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn id(&self) -> ThreadId {
+ }
+ /// Gets the thread's name.
+ ///
+ /// For more information about named threads, see
+ /// [this module-level documentation][naming-threads].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Threads by default have no name specified:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+ ///
+ /// let handler = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// assert!(thread::current().name().is_none());
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// handler.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Thread with a specified name:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new()
+ /// .name("foo".into());
+ ///
+ /// let handler = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// assert_eq!(thread::current().name(), Some("foo"))
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// handler.join().unwrap();
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [naming-threads]: ./index.html#naming-threads
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
+ self.cname().map(|s| unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(s.to_bytes()) })
+ }
+ fn cname(&self) -> Option<&CStr> {
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+impl fmt::Debug for Thread {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Thread")
+ .field("id", &
+ .field("name", &
+ .finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+// JoinHandle
+/// A specialized [`Result`] type for threads.
+/// Indicates the manner in which a thread exited.
+/// The value contained in the `Result::Err` variant
+/// is the value the thread panicked with;
+/// that is, the argument the `panic!` macro was called with.
+/// Unlike with normal errors, this value doesn't implement
+/// the [`Error`](crate::error::Error) trait.
+/// Thus, a sensible way to handle a thread panic is to either:
+/// 1. propagate the panic with [`std::panic::resume_unwind`]
+/// 2. or in case the thread is intended to be a subsystem boundary
+/// that is supposed to isolate system-level failures,
+/// match on the `Err` variant and handle the panic in an appropriate way
+/// A thread that completes without panicking is considered to exit successfully.
+/// # Examples
+/// Matching on the result of a joined thread:
+/// ```no_run
+/// use std::{fs, thread, panic};
+/// fn copy_in_thread() -> thread::Result<()> {
+/// thread::spawn(|| {
+/// fs::copy("foo.txt", "bar.txt").unwrap();
+/// }).join()
+/// }
+/// fn main() {
+/// match copy_in_thread() {
+/// Ok(_) => println!("copy succeeded"),
+/// Err(e) => panic::resume_unwind(e),
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// [`Result`]: crate::result::Result
+/// [`std::panic::resume_unwind`]: crate::panic::resume_unwind
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub type Result<T> = crate::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>>;
+// This packet is used to communicate the return value between the spawned
+// thread and the rest of the program. It is shared through an `Arc` and
+// there's no need for a mutex here because synchronization happens with `join()`
+// (the caller will never read this packet until the thread has exited).
+// An Arc to the packet is stored into a `JoinInner` which in turns is placed
+// in `JoinHandle`.
+struct Packet<'scope, T> {
+ scope: Option<Arc<scoped::ScopeData>>,
+ result: UnsafeCell<Option<Result<T>>>,
+ _marker: PhantomData<Option<&'scope scoped::ScopeData>>,
+// Due to the usage of `UnsafeCell` we need to manually implement Sync.
+// The type `T` should already always be Send (otherwise the thread could not
+// have been created) and the Packet is Sync because all access to the
+// `UnsafeCell` synchronized (by the `join()` boundary), and `ScopeData` is Sync.
+unsafe impl<'scope, T: Sync> Sync for Packet<'scope, T> {}
+impl<'scope, T> Drop for Packet<'scope, T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // If this packet was for a thread that ran in a scope, the thread
+ // panicked, and nobody consumed the panic payload, we make sure
+ // the scope function will panic.
+ let unhandled_panic = matches!(self.result.get_mut(), Some(Err(_)));
+ // Drop the result without causing unwinding.
+ // This is only relevant for threads that aren't join()ed, as
+ // join() will take the `result` and set it to None, such that
+ // there is nothing left to drop here.
+ // If this panics, we should handle that, because we're outside the
+ // outermost `catch_unwind` of our thread.
+ // We just abort in that case, since there's nothing else we can do.
+ // (And even if we tried to handle it somehow, we'd also need to handle
+ // the case where the panic payload we get out of it also panics on
+ // drop, and so on. See issue #86027.)
+ if let Err(_) = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
+ *self.result.get_mut() = None;
+ })) {
+ rtabort!("thread result panicked on drop");
+ }
+ // Book-keeping so the scope knows when it's done.
+ if let Some(scope) = &self.scope {
+ // Now that there will be no more user code running on this thread
+ // that can use 'scope, mark the thread as 'finished'.
+ // It's important we only do this after the `result` has been dropped,
+ // since dropping it might still use things it borrowed from 'scope.
+ scope.decrement_num_running_threads(unhandled_panic);
+ }
+ }
+/// Inner representation for JoinHandle
+struct JoinInner<'scope, T> {
+ native: imp::Thread,
+ thread: Thread,
+ packet: Arc<Packet<'scope, T>>,
+impl<'scope, T> JoinInner<'scope, T> {
+ fn join(mut self) -> Result<T> {
+ self.native.join();
+ Arc::get_mut(&mut self.packet).unwrap().result.get_mut().take().unwrap()
+ }
+/// An owned permission to join on a thread (block on its termination).
+/// A `JoinHandle` *detaches* the associated thread when it is dropped, which
+/// means that there is no longer any handle to the thread and no way to `join`
+/// on it.
+/// Due to platform restrictions, it is not possible to [`Clone`] this
+/// handle: the ability to join a thread is a uniquely-owned permission.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`thread::spawn`] function and the
+/// [`thread::Builder::spawn`] method.
+/// # Examples
+/// Creation from [`thread::spawn`]:
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let join_handle: thread::JoinHandle<_> = thread::spawn(|| {
+/// // some work here
+/// });
+/// ```
+/// Creation from [`thread::Builder::spawn`]:
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+/// let join_handle: thread::JoinHandle<_> = builder.spawn(|| {
+/// // some work here
+/// }).unwrap();
+/// ```
+/// A thread being detached and outliving the thread that spawned it:
+/// ```no_run
+/// use std::thread;
+/// use std::time::Duration;
+/// let original_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
+/// let _detached_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
+/// // Here we sleep to make sure that the first thread returns before.
+/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+/// // This will be called, even though the JoinHandle is dropped.
+/// println!("♫ Still alive ♫");
+/// });
+/// });
+/// original_thread.join().expect("The thread being joined has panicked");
+/// println!("Original thread is joined.");
+/// // We make sure that the new thread has time to run, before the main
+/// // thread returns.
+/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000));
+/// ```
+/// [`thread::Builder::spawn`]: Builder::spawn
+/// [`thread::spawn`]: spawn
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub struct JoinHandle<T>(JoinInner<'static, T>);
+#[stable(feature = "joinhandle_impl_send_sync", since = "1.29.0")]
+unsafe impl<T> Send for JoinHandle<T> {}
+#[stable(feature = "joinhandle_impl_send_sync", since = "1.29.0")]
+unsafe impl<T> Sync for JoinHandle<T> {}
+impl<T> JoinHandle<T> {
+ /// Extracts a handle to the underlying thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+ ///
+ /// let join_handle: thread::JoinHandle<_> = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// // some work here
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ ///
+ /// let thread = join_handle.thread();
+ /// println!("thread id: {:?}",;
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn thread(&self) -> &Thread {
+ &self.0.thread
+ }
+ /// Waits for the associated thread to finish.
+ ///
+ /// This function will return immediately if the associated thread has already finished.
+ ///
+ /// In terms of [atomic memory orderings], the completion of the associated
+ /// thread synchronizes with this function returning. In other words, all
+ /// operations performed by that thread [happen
+ /// before]( all
+ /// operations that happen after `join` returns.
+ ///
+ /// If the associated thread panics, [`Err`] is returned with the parameter given
+ /// to [`panic!`].
+ ///
+ /// [`Err`]: crate::result::Result::Err
+ /// [atomic memory orderings]: crate::sync::atomic
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This function may panic on some platforms if a thread attempts to join
+ /// itself or otherwise may create a deadlock with joining threads.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let builder = thread::Builder::new();
+ ///
+ /// let join_handle: thread::JoinHandle<_> = builder.spawn(|| {
+ /// // some work here
+ /// }).unwrap();
+ /// join_handle.join().expect("Couldn't join on the associated thread");
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+ pub fn join(self) -> Result<T> {
+ self.0.join()
+ }
+ /// Checks if the associated thread has finished running its main function.
+ ///
+ /// `is_finished` supports implementing a non-blocking join operation, by checking
+ /// `is_finished`, and calling `join` if it returns `true`. This function does not block. To
+ /// block while waiting on the thread to finish, use [`join`][Self::join].
+ ///
+ /// This might return `true` for a brief moment after the thread's main
+ /// function has returned, but before the thread itself has stopped running.
+ /// However, once this returns `true`, [`join`][Self::join] can be expected
+ /// to return quickly, without blocking for any significant amount of time.
+ #[stable(feature = "thread_is_running", since = "1.61.0")]
+ pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
+ Arc::strong_count(&self.0.packet) == 1
+ }
+impl<T> AsInner<imp::Thread> for JoinHandle<T> {
+ fn as_inner(&self) -> &imp::Thread {
+ &self.0.native
+ }
+impl<T> IntoInner<imp::Thread> for JoinHandle<T> {
+ fn into_inner(self) -> imp::Thread {
+ self.0.native
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "std_debug", since = "1.16.0")]
+impl<T> fmt::Debug for JoinHandle<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("JoinHandle").finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+fn _assert_sync_and_send() {
+ fn _assert_both<T: Send + Sync>() {}
+ _assert_both::<JoinHandle<()>>();
+ _assert_both::<Thread>();
+/// Returns an estimate of the default amount of parallelism a program should use.
+/// Parallelism is a resource. A given machine provides a certain capacity for
+/// parallelism, i.e., a bound on the number of computations it can perform
+/// simultaneously. This number often corresponds to the amount of CPUs a
+/// computer has, but it may diverge in various cases.
+/// Host environments such as VMs or container orchestrators may want to
+/// restrict the amount of parallelism made available to programs in them. This
+/// is often done to limit the potential impact of (unintentionally)
+/// resource-intensive programs on other programs running on the same machine.
+/// # Limitations
+/// The purpose of this API is to provide an easy and portable way to query
+/// the default amount of parallelism the program should use. Among other things it
+/// does not expose information on NUMA regions, does not account for
+/// differences in (co)processor capabilities or current system load,
+/// and will not modify the program's global state in order to more accurately
+/// query the amount of available parallelism.
+/// Where both fixed steady-state and burst limits are available the steady-state
+/// capacity will be used to ensure more predictable latencies.
+/// Resource limits can be changed during the runtime of a program, therefore the value is
+/// not cached and instead recomputed every time this function is called. It should not be
+/// called from hot code.
+/// The value returned by this function should be considered a simplified
+/// approximation of the actual amount of parallelism available at any given
+/// time. To get a more detailed or precise overview of the amount of
+/// parallelism available to the program, you may wish to use
+/// platform-specific APIs as well. The following platform limitations currently
+/// apply to `available_parallelism`:
+/// On Windows:
+/// - It may undercount the amount of parallelism available on systems with more
+/// than 64 logical CPUs. However, programs typically need specific support to
+/// take advantage of more than 64 logical CPUs, and in the absence of such
+/// support, the number returned by this function accurately reflects the
+/// number of logical CPUs the program can use by default.
+/// - It may overcount the amount of parallelism available on systems limited by
+/// process-wide affinity masks, or job object limitations.
+/// On Linux:
+/// - It may overcount the amount of parallelism available when limited by a
+/// process-wide affinity mask or cgroup quotas and `sched_getaffinity()` or cgroup fs can't be
+/// queried, e.g. due to sandboxing.
+/// - It may undercount the amount of parallelism if the current thread's affinity mask
+/// does not reflect the process' cpuset, e.g. due to pinned threads.
+/// - If the process is in a cgroup v1 cpu controller, this may need to
+/// scan mountpoints to find the corresponding cgroup v1 controller,
+/// which may take time on systems with large numbers of mountpoints.
+/// (This does not apply to cgroup v2, or to processes not in a
+/// cgroup.)
+/// On all targets:
+/// - It may overcount the amount of parallelism available when running in a VM
+/// with CPU usage limits (e.g. an overcommitted host).
+/// # Errors
+/// This function will, but is not limited to, return errors in the following
+/// cases:
+/// - If the amount of parallelism is not known for the target platform.
+/// - If the program lacks permission to query the amount of parallelism made
+/// available to it.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # #![allow(dead_code)]
+/// use std::{io, thread};
+/// fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
+/// let count = thread::available_parallelism()?.get();
+/// assert!(count >= 1_usize);
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
+#[doc(alias = "available_concurrency")] // Alias for a previous name we gave this API on unstable.
+#[doc(alias = "hardware_concurrency")] // Alias for C++ `std::thread::hardware_concurrency`.
+#[doc(alias = "num_cpus")] // Alias for a popular ecosystem crate which provides similar functionality.
+#[stable(feature = "available_parallelism", since = "1.59.0")]
+pub fn available_parallelism() -> io::Result<NonZeroUsize> {
+ imp::available_parallelism()
diff --git a/library/std/src/thread/ b/library/std/src/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6dbf35bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+use super::{current, park, Builder, JoinInner, Result, Thread};
+use crate::fmt;
+use crate::io;
+use crate::marker::PhantomData;
+use crate::panic::{catch_unwind, resume_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe};
+use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
+use crate::sync::Arc;
+/// A scope to spawn scoped threads in.
+/// See [`scope`] for details.
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+pub struct Scope<'scope, 'env: 'scope> {
+ data: Arc<ScopeData>,
+ /// Invariance over 'scope, to make sure 'scope cannot shrink,
+ /// which is necessary for soundness.
+ ///
+ /// Without invariance, this would compile fine but be unsound:
+ ///
+ /// ```compile_fail,E0373
+ /// std::thread::scope(|s| {
+ /// s.spawn(|| {
+ /// let a = String::from("abcd");
+ /// s.spawn(|| println!("{a:?}")); // might run after `a` is dropped
+ /// });
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ scope: PhantomData<&'scope mut &'scope ()>,
+ env: PhantomData<&'env mut &'env ()>,
+/// An owned permission to join on a scoped thread (block on its termination).
+/// See [`Scope::spawn`] for details.
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+pub struct ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, T>(JoinInner<'scope, T>);
+pub(super) struct ScopeData {
+ num_running_threads: AtomicUsize,
+ a_thread_panicked: AtomicBool,
+ main_thread: Thread,
+impl ScopeData {
+ pub(super) fn increment_num_running_threads(&self) {
+ // We check for 'overflow' with usize::MAX / 2, to make sure there's no
+ // chance it overflows to 0, which would result in unsoundness.
+ if self.num_running_threads.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) > usize::MAX / 2 {
+ // This can only reasonably happen by mem::forget()'ing many many ScopedJoinHandles.
+ self.decrement_num_running_threads(false);
+ panic!("too many running threads in thread scope");
+ }
+ }
+ pub(super) fn decrement_num_running_threads(&self, panic: bool) {
+ if panic {
+, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ if self.num_running_threads.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) == 1 {
+ self.main_thread.unpark();
+ }
+ }
+/// Create a scope for spawning scoped threads.
+/// The function passed to `scope` will be provided a [`Scope`] object,
+/// through which scoped threads can be [spawned][`Scope::spawn`].
+/// Unlike non-scoped threads, scoped threads can borrow non-`'static` data,
+/// as the scope guarantees all threads will be joined at the end of the scope.
+/// All threads spawned within the scope that haven't been manually joined
+/// will be automatically joined before this function returns.
+/// # Panics
+/// If any of the automatically joined threads panicked, this function will panic.
+/// If you want to handle panics from spawned threads,
+/// [`join`][ScopedJoinHandle::join] them before the end of the scope.
+/// # Example
+/// ```
+/// use std::thread;
+/// let mut a = vec![1, 2, 3];
+/// let mut x = 0;
+/// thread::scope(|s| {
+/// s.spawn(|| {
+/// println!("hello from the first scoped thread");
+/// // We can borrow `a` here.
+/// dbg!(&a);
+/// });
+/// s.spawn(|| {
+/// println!("hello from the second scoped thread");
+/// // We can even mutably borrow `x` here,
+/// // because no other threads are using it.
+/// x += a[0] + a[2];
+/// });
+/// println!("hello from the main thread");
+/// });
+/// // After the scope, we can modify and access our variables again:
+/// a.push(4);
+/// assert_eq!(x, a.len());
+/// ```
+/// # Lifetimes
+/// Scoped threads involve two lifetimes: `'scope` and `'env`.
+/// The `'scope` lifetime represents the lifetime of the scope itself.
+/// That is: the time during which new scoped threads may be spawned,
+/// and also the time during which they might still be running.
+/// Once this lifetime ends, all scoped threads are joined.
+/// This lifetime starts within the `scope` function, before `f` (the argument to `scope`) starts.
+/// It ends after `f` returns and all scoped threads have been joined, but before `scope` returns.
+/// The `'env` lifetime represents the lifetime of whatever is borrowed by the scoped threads.
+/// This lifetime must outlast the call to `scope`, and thus cannot be smaller than `'scope`.
+/// It can be as small as the call to `scope`, meaning that anything that outlives this call,
+/// such as local variables defined right before the scope, can be borrowed by the scoped threads.
+/// The `'env: 'scope` bound is part of the definition of the `Scope` type.
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+pub fn scope<'env, F, T>(f: F) -> T
+ F: for<'scope> FnOnce(&'scope Scope<'scope, 'env>) -> T,
+ // We put the `ScopeData` into an `Arc` so that other threads can finish their
+ // `decrement_num_running_threads` even after this function returns.
+ let scope = Scope {
+ data: Arc::new(ScopeData {
+ num_running_threads: AtomicUsize::new(0),
+ main_thread: current(),
+ a_thread_panicked: AtomicBool::new(false),
+ }),
+ env: PhantomData,
+ scope: PhantomData,
+ };
+ // Run `f`, but catch panics so we can make sure to wait for all the threads to join.
+ let result = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| f(&scope)));
+ // Wait until all the threads are finished.
+ while != 0 {
+ park();
+ }
+ // Throw any panic from `f`, or the return value of `f` if no thread panicked.
+ match result {
+ Err(e) => resume_unwind(e),
+ Ok(_) if => {
+ panic!("a scoped thread panicked")
+ }
+ Ok(result) => result,
+ }
+impl<'scope, 'env> Scope<'scope, 'env> {
+ /// Spawns a new thread within a scope, returning a [`ScopedJoinHandle`] for it.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike non-scoped threads, threads spawned with this function may
+ /// borrow non-`'static` data from the outside the scope. See [`scope`] for
+ /// details.
+ ///
+ /// The join handle provides a [`join`] method that can be used to join the spawned
+ /// thread. If the spawned thread panics, [`join`] will return an [`Err`] containing
+ /// the panic payload.
+ ///
+ /// If the join handle is dropped, the spawned thread will implicitly joined at the
+ /// end of the scope. In that case, if the spawned thread panics, [`scope`] will
+ /// panic after all threads are joined.
+ ///
+ /// This call will create a thread using default parameters of [`Builder`].
+ /// If you want to specify the stack size or the name of the thread, use
+ /// [`Builder::spawn_scoped`] instead.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if the OS fails to create a thread; use [`Builder::spawn_scoped`]
+ /// to recover from such errors.
+ ///
+ /// [`join`]: ScopedJoinHandle::join
+ #[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+ pub fn spawn<F, T>(&'scope self, f: F) -> ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, T>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'scope,
+ T: Send + 'scope,
+ {
+ Builder::new().spawn_scoped(self, f).expect("failed to spawn thread")
+ }
+impl Builder {
+ /// Spawns a new scoped thread using the settings set through this `Builder`.
+ ///
+ /// Unlike [`Scope::spawn`], this method yields an [`io::Result`] to
+ /// capture any failure to create the thread at the OS level.
+ ///
+ /// [`io::Result`]: crate::io::Result
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Panics if a thread name was set and it contained null bytes.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// let mut a = vec![1, 2, 3];
+ /// let mut x = 0;
+ ///
+ /// thread::scope(|s| {
+ /// thread::Builder::new()
+ /// .name("first".to_string())
+ /// .spawn_scoped(s, ||
+ /// {
+ /// println!("hello from the {:?} scoped thread", thread::current().name());
+ /// // We can borrow `a` here.
+ /// dbg!(&a);
+ /// })
+ /// .unwrap();
+ /// thread::Builder::new()
+ /// .name("second".to_string())
+ /// .spawn_scoped(s, ||
+ /// {
+ /// println!("hello from the {:?} scoped thread", thread::current().name());
+ /// // We can even mutably borrow `x` here,
+ /// // because no other threads are using it.
+ /// x += a[0] + a[2];
+ /// })
+ /// .unwrap();
+ /// println!("hello from the main thread");
+ /// });
+ ///
+ /// // After the scope, we can modify and access our variables again:
+ /// a.push(4);
+ /// assert_eq!(x, a.len());
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+ pub fn spawn_scoped<'scope, 'env, F, T>(
+ self,
+ scope: &'scope Scope<'scope, 'env>,
+ f: F,
+ ) -> io::Result<ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, T>>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'scope,
+ T: Send + 'scope,
+ {
+ Ok(ScopedJoinHandle(unsafe { self.spawn_unchecked_(f, Some( }?))
+ }
+impl<'scope, T> ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, T> {
+ /// Extracts a handle to the underlying thread.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// thread::scope(|s| {
+ /// let t = s.spawn(|| {
+ /// println!("hello");
+ /// });
+ /// println!("thread id: {:?}", t.thread().id());
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ #[must_use]
+ #[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+ pub fn thread(&self) -> &Thread {
+ &self.0.thread
+ }
+ /// Waits for the associated thread to finish.
+ ///
+ /// This function will return immediately if the associated thread has already finished.
+ ///
+ /// In terms of [atomic memory orderings], the completion of the associated
+ /// thread synchronizes with this function returning.
+ /// In other words, all operations performed by that thread
+ /// [happen before](
+ /// all operations that happen after `join` returns.
+ ///
+ /// If the associated thread panics, [`Err`] is returned with the panic payload.
+ ///
+ /// [atomic memory orderings]: crate::sync::atomic
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use std::thread;
+ ///
+ /// thread::scope(|s| {
+ /// let t = s.spawn(|| {
+ /// panic!("oh no");
+ /// });
+ /// assert!(t.join().is_err());
+ /// });
+ /// ```
+ #[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+ pub fn join(self) -> Result<T> {
+ self.0.join()
+ }
+ /// Checks if the associated thread has finished running its main function.
+ ///
+ /// `is_finished` supports implementing a non-blocking join operation, by checking
+ /// `is_finished`, and calling `join` if it returns `false`. This function does not block. To
+ /// block while waiting on the thread to finish, use [`join`][Self::join].
+ ///
+ /// This might return `true` for a brief moment after the thread's main
+ /// function has returned, but before the thread itself has stopped running.
+ /// However, once this returns `true`, [`join`][Self::join] can be expected
+ /// to return quickly, without blocking for any significant amount of time.
+ #[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+ pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
+ Arc::strong_count(&self.0.packet) == 1
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+impl fmt::Debug for Scope<'_, '_> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Scope")
+ .field("num_running_threads", &
+ .field("a_thread_panicked", &
+ .field("main_thread", &
+ .finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "scoped_threads", since = "1.63.0")]
+impl<'scope, T> fmt::Debug for ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("ScopedJoinHandle").finish_non_exhaustive()
+ }
diff --git a/library/std/src/thread/ b/library/std/src/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec68b5291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+use super::Builder;
+use crate::any::Any;
+use crate::mem;
+use crate::panic::panic_any;
+use crate::result;
+use crate::sync::{
+ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
+ mpsc::{channel, Sender},
+ Arc, Barrier,
+use crate::thread::{self, Scope, ThreadId};
+use crate::time::Duration;
+use crate::time::Instant;
+// !!! These tests are dangerous. If something is buggy, they will hang, !!!
+// !!! instead of exiting cleanly. This might wedge the buildbots. !!!
+fn test_unnamed_thread() {
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ assert!(thread::current().name().is_none());
+ })
+ .join()
+ .ok()
+ .expect("thread panicked");
+fn test_named_thread() {
+ Builder::new()
+ .name("ada lovelace".to_string())
+ .spawn(move || {
+ assert!(thread::current().name().unwrap() == "ada lovelace".to_string());
+ })
+ .unwrap()
+ .join()
+ .unwrap();
+fn test_invalid_named_thread() {
+ let _ = Builder::new().name("ada l\0velace".to_string()).spawn(|| {});
+fn test_run_basic() {
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ tx.send(()).unwrap();
+ });
+ rx.recv().unwrap();
+fn test_is_finished() {
+ let b = Arc::new(Barrier::new(2));
+ let t = thread::spawn({
+ let b = b.clone();
+ move || {
+ b.wait();
+ 1234
+ }
+ });
+ // Thread is definitely running here, since it's still waiting for the barrier.
+ assert_eq!(t.is_finished(), false);
+ // Unblock the barrier.
+ b.wait();
+ // Now check that t.is_finished() becomes true within a reasonable time.
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ while !t.is_finished() {
+ assert!(start.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(2));
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(15));
+ }
+ // Joining the thread should not block for a significant time now.
+ let join_time = Instant::now();
+ assert_eq!(t.join().unwrap(), 1234);
+ assert!(join_time.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(2));
+fn test_join_panic() {
+ match thread::spawn(move || panic!()).join() {
+ result::Result::Err(_) => (),
+ result::Result::Ok(()) => panic!(),
+ }
+fn test_spawn_sched() {
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ fn f(i: i32, tx: Sender<()>) {
+ let tx = tx.clone();
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ if i == 0 {
+ tx.send(()).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ f(i - 1, tx);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ f(10, tx);
+ rx.recv().unwrap();
+fn test_spawn_sched_childs_on_default_sched() {
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ tx.send(()).unwrap();
+ });
+ });
+ rx.recv().unwrap();
+fn avoid_copying_the_body<F>(spawnfn: F)
+ F: FnOnce(Box<dyn Fn() + Send>),
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ let x: Box<_> = Box::new(1);
+ let x_in_parent = (&*x) as *const i32 as usize;
+ spawnfn(Box::new(move || {
+ let x_in_child = (&*x) as *const i32 as usize;
+ tx.send(x_in_child).unwrap();
+ }));
+ let x_in_child = rx.recv().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(x_in_parent, x_in_child);
+fn test_avoid_copying_the_body_spawn() {
+ avoid_copying_the_body(|v| {
+ thread::spawn(move || v());
+ });
+fn test_avoid_copying_the_body_thread_spawn() {
+ avoid_copying_the_body(|f| {
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ f();
+ });
+ })
+fn test_avoid_copying_the_body_join() {
+ avoid_copying_the_body(|f| {
+ let _ = thread::spawn(move || f()).join();
+ })
+fn test_child_doesnt_ref_parent() {
+ // If the child refcounts the parent thread, this will stack overflow when
+ // climbing the thread tree to dereference each ancestor. (See #1789)
+ // (well, it would if the constant were 8000+ - I lowered it to be more
+ // valgrind-friendly. try this at home, instead..!)
+ const GENERATIONS: u32 = 16;
+ fn child_no(x: u32) -> Box<dyn Fn() + Send> {
+ return Box::new(move || {
+ if x < GENERATIONS {
+ thread::spawn(move || child_no(x + 1)());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ thread::spawn(|| child_no(0)());
+fn test_simple_newsched_spawn() {
+ thread::spawn(move || {});
+fn test_try_panic_message_string_literal() {
+ match thread::spawn(move || {
+ panic!("static string");
+ })
+ .join()
+ {
+ Err(e) => {
+ type T = &'static str;
+ assert!(<T>());
+ assert_eq!(*e.downcast::<T>().unwrap(), "static string");
+ }
+ Ok(()) => panic!(),
+ }
+fn test_try_panic_any_message_owned_str() {
+ match thread::spawn(move || {
+ panic_any("owned string".to_string());
+ })
+ .join()
+ {
+ Err(e) => {
+ type T = String;
+ assert!(<T>());
+ assert_eq!(*e.downcast::<T>().unwrap(), "owned string".to_string());
+ }
+ Ok(()) => panic!(),
+ }
+fn test_try_panic_any_message_any() {
+ match thread::spawn(move || {
+ panic_any(Box::new(413u16) as Box<dyn Any + Send>);
+ })
+ .join()
+ {
+ Err(e) => {
+ type T = Box<dyn Any + Send>;
+ assert!(<T>());
+ let any = e.downcast::<T>().unwrap();
+ assert!(<u16>());
+ assert_eq!(*any.downcast::<u16>().unwrap(), 413);
+ }
+ Ok(()) => panic!(),
+ }
+fn test_try_panic_any_message_unit_struct() {
+ struct Juju;
+ match thread::spawn(move || panic_any(Juju)).join() {
+ Err(ref e) if<Juju>() => {}
+ Err(_) | Ok(()) => panic!(),
+ }
+fn test_park_timeout_unpark_before() {
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+ thread::current().unpark();
+ thread::park_timeout(Duration::from_millis(u32::MAX as u64));
+ }
+fn test_park_timeout_unpark_not_called() {
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+ thread::park_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10));
+ }
+fn test_park_timeout_unpark_called_other_thread() {
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+ let th = thread::current();
+ let _guard = thread::spawn(move || {
+ super::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50));
+ th.unpark();
+ });
+ thread::park_timeout(Duration::from_millis(u32::MAX as u64));
+ }
+fn sleep_ms_smoke() {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2));
+fn test_size_of_option_thread_id() {
+ assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Option<ThreadId>>(), mem::size_of::<ThreadId>());
+fn test_thread_id_equal() {
+ assert!(thread::current().id() == thread::current().id());
+fn test_thread_id_not_equal() {
+ let spawned_id = thread::spawn(|| thread::current().id()).join().unwrap();
+ assert!(thread::current().id() != spawned_id);
+fn test_scoped_threads_drop_result_before_join() {
+ let actually_finished = &AtomicBool::new(false);
+ struct X<'scope, 'env>(&'scope Scope<'scope, 'env>, &'env AtomicBool);
+ impl Drop for X<'_, '_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(20));
+ let actually_finished = self.1;
+ self.0.spawn(move || {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(20));
+, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ thread::scope(|s| {
+ s.spawn(move || {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(20));
+ X(s, actually_finished)
+ });
+ });
+ assert!(actually_finished.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
+fn test_scoped_threads_nll() {
+ // this is mostly a *compilation test* for this exact function:
+ fn foo(x: &u8) {
+ thread::scope(|s| {
+ s.spawn(|| drop(x));
+ });
+ }
+ // let's also run it for good measure
+ let x = 42_u8;
+ foo(&x);