path: root/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-30 03:57:31 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-30 03:57:31 +0000
commitdc0db358abe19481e475e10c32149b53370f1a1c (patch)
treeab8ce99c4b255ce46f99ef402c27916055b899ee /vendor/codespan-reporting/examples
parentReleasing progress-linux version 1.71.1+dfsg1-2~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.72.1+dfsg1.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/codespan-reporting/examples')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 901 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/ b/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index dbbacda59..000000000
--- a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-//! An example that shows how to implement a simple custom file database.
-//! The database uses 32-bit file-ids, which could be useful for optimizing
-//! memory usage.
-//! To run this example, execute the following command from the top level of
-//! this repository:
-//! ```sh
-//! cargo run --example custom_files
-//! ```
-use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
-use codespan_reporting::term;
-use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream};
-use std::ops::Range;
-fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- let mut files = files::Files::new();
- let file_id0 = files.add("0.greeting", "hello world!").unwrap();
- let file_id1 = files.add("1.greeting", "bye world").unwrap();
- let messages = vec![
- Message::UnwantedGreetings {
- greetings: vec![(file_id0, 0..5), (file_id1, 0..3)],
- },
- Message::OverTheTopExclamations {
- exclamations: vec![(file_id0, 11..12)],
- },
- ];
- let writer = StandardStream::stderr(ColorChoice::Always);
- let config = term::Config::default();
- for message in &messages {
- let writer = &mut writer.lock();
- term::emit(writer, &config, &files, &message.to_diagnostic())?;
- }
- Ok(())
-/// A module containing the file implementation
-mod files {
- use codespan_reporting::files;
- use std::ops::Range;
- /// A file that is backed by an `Arc<String>`.
- #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
- struct File {
- /// The name of the file.
- name: String,
- /// The source code of the file.
- source: String,
- /// The starting byte indices in the source code.
- line_starts: Vec<usize>,
- }
- impl File {
- fn line_start(&self, line_index: usize) -> Result<usize, files::Error> {
- use std::cmp::Ordering;
- match line_index.cmp(&self.line_starts.len()) {
- Ordering::Less => Ok(self
- .line_starts
- .get(line_index)
- .expect("failed despite previous check")
- .clone()),
- Ordering::Equal => Ok(self.source.len()),
- Ordering::Greater => Err(files::Error::LineTooLarge {
- given: line_index,
- max: self.line_starts.len() - 1,
- }),
- }
- }
- }
- /// An opaque file identifier.
- #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
- pub struct FileId(u32);
- #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
- pub struct Files {
- files: Vec<File>,
- }
- impl Files {
- /// Create a new files database.
- pub fn new() -> Files {
- Files { files: Vec::new() }
- }
- /// Add a file to the database, returning the handle that can be used to
- /// refer to it again.
- pub fn add(
- &mut self,
- name: impl Into<String>,
- source: impl Into<String>,
- ) -> Option<FileId> {
- use std::convert::TryFrom;
- let file_id = FileId(u32::try_from(self.files.len()).ok()?);
- let name = name.into();
- let source = source.into();
- let line_starts = files::line_starts(&source).collect();
- self.files.push(File {
- name,
- line_starts,
- source,
- });
- Some(file_id)
- }
- /// Get the file corresponding to the given id.
- fn get(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Result<&File, files::Error> {
- self.files
- .get(file_id.0 as usize)
- .ok_or(files::Error::FileMissing)
- }
- }
- impl<'files> files::Files<'files> for Files {
- type FileId = FileId;
- type Name = &'files str;
- type Source = &'files str;
- fn name(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Result<&str, files::Error> {
- Ok(self.get(file_id)?.name.as_ref())
- }
- fn source(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Result<&str, files::Error> {
- Ok(&self.get(file_id)?.source)
- }
- fn line_index(&self, file_id: FileId, byte_index: usize) -> Result<usize, files::Error> {
- self.get(file_id)?
- .line_starts
- .binary_search(&byte_index)
- .or_else(|next_line| Ok(next_line - 1))
- }
- fn line_range(
- &self,
- file_id: FileId,
- line_index: usize,
- ) -> Result<Range<usize>, files::Error> {
- let file = self.get(file_id)?;
- let line_start = file.line_start(line_index)?;
- let next_line_start = file.line_start(line_index + 1)?;
- Ok(line_start..next_line_start)
- }
- }
-/// A Diagnostic message.
-enum Message {
- UnwantedGreetings {
- greetings: Vec<(files::FileId, Range<usize>)>,
- },
- OverTheTopExclamations {
- exclamations: Vec<(files::FileId, Range<usize>)>,
- },
-impl Message {
- fn to_diagnostic(&self) -> Diagnostic<files::FileId> {
- match self {
- Message::UnwantedGreetings { greetings } => Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("greetings are not allowed")
- .with_labels(
- greetings
- .iter()
- .map(|(file_id, range)| {
- Label::primary(*file_id, range.clone()).with_message("a greeting")
- })
- .collect(),
- )
- .with_notes(vec![
- "found greetings!".to_owned(),
- "pleas no greetings :(".to_owned(),
- ]),
- Message::OverTheTopExclamations { exclamations } => Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("over-the-top exclamations")
- .with_labels(
- exclamations
- .iter()
- .map(|(file_id, range)| {
- Label::primary(*file_id, range.clone()).with_message("an exclamation")
- })
- .collect(),
- )
- .with_notes(vec!["ridiculous!".to_owned()]),
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/ b/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 882ce6da8..000000000
--- a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-//! An example of using `peg` with `codespan_reporting`.
-//! To run this example, execute the following command from the top level of
-//! this repository:
-//! ```sh
-//! cargo run --example peg_calculator
-//! ```
-use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
-use codespan_reporting::files::SimpleFile;
-use codespan_reporting::term;
-use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream};
-use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
-use rustyline::Editor;
-peg::parser! {
- grammar arithmetic() for str {
- rule number() -> i64
- = n:$(['0'..='9']+) { n.parse().unwrap() }
- pub rule calculate() -> i64 = precedence!{
- x:(@) "+" y:@ { x + y }
- x:(@) "-" y:@ { x - y }
- "-" v:@ { - v }
- --
- x:(@) "*" y:@ { x * y }
- x:(@) "/" y:@ { x / y }
- --
- x:@ "^" y:(@) { i64::pow(x, y as u32) }
- v:@ "!" { (1..v+1).product() }
- --
- "(" v:calculate() ")" { v }
- n:number() { n }
- }
- }
-fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- let writer = StandardStream::stderr(ColorChoice::Always);
- let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
- let mut editor = Editor::<()>::new();
- loop {
- let line = match editor.readline("> ") {
- Ok(line) => line,
- Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) | Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => return Ok(()),
- Err(error) => return Err(error.into()),
- };
- match arithmetic::calculate(&line) {
- Ok(number) => println!("{}", number),
- Err(error) => {
- let file = SimpleFile::new("<repl>", line);
- let start = error.location.offset;
- let diagnostic = Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("parse error")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary((), start..start).with_message("parse error")
- ])
- .with_notes(vec![format!("expected: {}", error.expected)]);
- term::emit(&mut writer.lock(), &config, &file, &diagnostic)?;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/ b/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf96f60c..000000000
--- a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-//! Renders the preview SVG for the README.
-//! To update the preview, execute the following command from the top level of
-//! the repository:
-//! ```sh
-//! cargo run --example readme_preview svg > codespan-reporting/assets/readme_preview.svg
-//! ```
-use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
-use codespan_reporting::files::SimpleFile;
-use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::{Color, ColorSpec, StandardStream, WriteColor};
-use codespan_reporting::term::{self, ColorArg};
-use std::io::{self, Write};
-use structopt::StructOpt;
-#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
-#[structopt(name = "emit")]
-pub enum Opts {
- /// Render SVG output
- Svg,
- /// Render Stderr output
- Stderr {
- /// Configure coloring of output
- #[structopt(
- long = "color",
- parse(try_from_str),
- default_value = "auto",
- possible_values = ColorArg::VARIANTS,
- case_insensitive = true
- )]
- color: ColorArg,
- },
-fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- let file = SimpleFile::new(
- "",
- unindent::unindent(
- r#"
- module FizzBuzz where
- fizz₁ : Nat → String
- fizz₁ num = case (mod num 5) (mod num 3) of
- 0 0 => "FizzBuzz"
- 0 _ => "Fizz"
- _ 0 => "Buzz"
- _ _ => num
- fizz₂ : Nat → String
- fizz₂ num =
- case (mod num 5) (mod num 3) of
- 0 0 => "FizzBuzz"
- 0 _ => "Fizz"
- _ 0 => "Buzz"
- _ _ => num
- "#,
- ),
- );
- let diagnostics = [Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types")
- .with_code("E0308")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary((), 328..331).with_message("expected `String`, found `Nat`"),
- Label::secondary((), 211..331).with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types"),
- Label::secondary((), 258..268).with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
- Label::secondary((), 284..290).with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
- Label::secondary((), 306..312).with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
- Label::secondary((), 186..192).with_message("expected type `String` found here"),
- ])
- .with_notes(vec![unindent::unindent(
- "
- expected type `String`
- found type `Nat`
- ",
- )])];
- // let mut files = SimpleFiles::new();
- match Opts::from_args() {
- Opts::Svg => {
- let mut buffer = Vec::new();
- let mut writer = HtmlEscapeWriter::new(SvgWriter::new(&mut buffer));
- let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config {
- styles: codespan_reporting::term::Styles::with_blue(Color::Blue),
- ..codespan_reporting::term::Config::default()
- };
- for diagnostic in &diagnostics {
- term::emit(&mut writer, &config, &file, &diagnostic)?;
- }
- let num_lines = buffer.iter().filter(|byte| **byte == b'\n').count() + 1;
- let padding = 10;
- let font_size = 12;
- let line_spacing = 3;
- let width = 882;
- let height = padding + num_lines * (font_size + line_spacing) + padding;
- let stdout = std::io::stdout();
- let writer = &mut stdout.lock();
- write!(
- writer,
- r#"<svg viewBox="0 0 {width} {height}" xmlns="">
- <style>
- /* */
- pre {{
- background: #1d1f21;
- margin: 0;
- padding: {padding}px;
- border-radius: 6px;
- color: #ffffff;
- font: {font_size}px SFMono-Regular, Consolas, Liberation Mono, Menlo, monospace;
- }}
- pre .bold {{ font-weight: bold; }}
- pre {{ color: #1d1f21; }}
- pre {{ color: #cc6666; }}
- pre {{ color: #b5bd68; }}
- pre .fg.yellow {{ color: #f0c674; }}
- pre {{ color: #81a2be; }}
- pre .fg.magenta {{ color: #b294bb; }}
- pre .fg.cyan {{ color: #8abeb7; }}
- pre .fg.white {{ color: #c5c8c6; }}
- pre {{ color: #969896; }}
- pre {{ color: #cc6666; }}
- pre {{ color: #b5bd68; }}
- pre .fg.yellow.bright {{ color: #f0c674; }}
- pre {{ color: #81a2be; }}
- pre .fg.magenta.bright {{ color: #b294bb; }}
- pre .fg.cyan.bright {{ color: #8abeb7; }}
- pre .fg.white.bright {{ color: #ffffff; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #1d1f21; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #cc6666; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #b5bd68; }}
- pre .bg.yellow {{ background-color: #f0c674; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #81a2be; }}
- pre .bg.magenta {{ background-color: #b294bb; }}
- pre .bg.cyan {{ background-color: #8abeb7; }}
- pre .bg.white {{ background-color: #c5c8c6; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #969896; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #cc6666; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #b5bd68; }}
- pre .bg.yellow.bright {{ background-color: #f0c674; }}
- pre {{ background-color: #81a2be; }}
- pre .bg.magenta.bright {{ background-color: #b294bb; }}
- pre .bg.cyan.bright {{ background-color: #8abeb7; }}
- pre .bg.white.bright {{ background-color: #ffffff; }}
- </style>
- <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="{width}" height="{height}">
- <div xmlns="">
- <pre>"#,
- padding = padding,
- font_size = font_size,
- width = width,
- height = height,
- )?;
- writer.write_all(&buffer)?;
- write!(
- writer,
- "</pre>
- </div>
- </foreignObject>
- )?;
- }
- Opts::Stderr { color } => {
- let writer = StandardStream::stderr(color.into());
- let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
- for diagnostic in &diagnostics {
- term::emit(&mut writer.lock(), &config, &file, &diagnostic)?;
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(())
-/// Rudimentary HTML escaper which performs the following conversions:
-/// - `<` ⇒ `&lt;`
-/// - `>` ⇒ `&gt;`
-/// - `&` ⇒ `&amp;`
-pub struct HtmlEscapeWriter<W> {
- upstream: W,
-impl<W> HtmlEscapeWriter<W> {
- pub fn new(upstream: W) -> HtmlEscapeWriter<W> {
- HtmlEscapeWriter { upstream }
- }
-impl<W: Write> Write for HtmlEscapeWriter<W> {
- fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
- let mut last_term = 0usize;
- for (i, byte) in buf.iter().enumerate() {
- let escape = match byte {
- b'<' => &b"&lt;"[..],
- b'>' => &b"&gt;"[..],
- b'&' => &b"&amp;"[..],
- _ => continue,
- };
- self.upstream.write_all(&buf[last_term..i])?;
- last_term = i + 1;
- self.upstream.write_all(escape)?;
- }
- self.upstream.write_all(&buf[last_term..])?;
- Ok(buf.len())
- }
- fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
- self.upstream.flush()
- }
-impl<W: WriteColor> WriteColor for HtmlEscapeWriter<W> {
- fn supports_color(&self) -> bool {
- self.upstream.supports_color()
- }
- fn set_color(&mut self, spec: &ColorSpec) -> io::Result<()> {
- self.upstream.set_color(spec)
- }
- fn reset(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
- self.upstream.reset()
- }
-pub struct SvgWriter<W> {
- upstream: W,
- color: ColorSpec,
-impl<W> SvgWriter<W> {
- pub fn new(upstream: W) -> SvgWriter<W> {
- SvgWriter {
- upstream,
- color: ColorSpec::new(),
- }
- }
-impl<W: Write> Write for SvgWriter<W> {
- fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
- self.upstream.write(buf)
- }
- fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
- self.upstream.flush()
- }
-impl<W: Write> WriteColor for SvgWriter<W> {
- fn supports_color(&self) -> bool {
- true
- }
- fn set_color(&mut self, spec: &ColorSpec) -> io::Result<()> {
- #![allow(unused_assignments)]
- if self.color == *spec {
- return Ok(());
- } else {
- if !self.color.is_none() {
- write!(self, "</span>")?;
- }
- self.color = spec.clone();
- }
- if spec.is_none() {
- write!(self, "</span>")?;
- return Ok(());
- } else {
- write!(self, "<span class=\"")?;
- }
- let mut first = true;
- fn write_first<W: Write>(first: bool, writer: &mut SvgWriter<W>) -> io::Result<bool> {
- if !first {
- write!(writer, " ")?;
- }
- Ok(false)
- };
- fn write_color<W: Write>(color: &Color, writer: &mut SvgWriter<W>) -> io::Result<()> {
- match color {
- Color::Black => write!(writer, "black"),
- Color::Blue => write!(writer, "blue"),
- Color::Green => write!(writer, "green"),
- Color::Red => write!(writer, "red"),
- Color::Cyan => write!(writer, "cyan"),
- Color::Magenta => write!(writer, "magenta"),
- Color::Yellow => write!(writer, "yellow"),
- Color::White => write!(writer, "white"),
- // TODO: other colors
- _ => Ok(()),
- }
- };
- if let Some(fg) = spec.fg() {
- first = write_first(first, self)?;
- write!(self, "fg ")?;
- write_color(fg, self)?;
- }
- if let Some(bg) = {
- first = write_first(first, self)?;
- write!(self, "bg ")?;
- write_color(bg, self)?;
- }
- if spec.bold() {
- first = write_first(first, self)?;
- write!(self, "bold")?;
- }
- if spec.underline() {
- first = write_first(first, self)?;
- write!(self, "underline")?;
- }
- if spec.intense() {
- first = write_first(first, self)?;
- write!(self, "bright")?;
- }
- write!(self, "\">")?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn reset(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
- let color = self.color.clone();
- if color != ColorSpec::new() {
- write!(self, "</span>")?;
- self.color = ColorSpec::new();
- }
- Ok(())
- }
diff --git a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/ b/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index d05dee854..000000000
--- a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
-use codespan_reporting::files::SimpleFile;
-use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::StandardStream;
-use codespan_reporting::term::{self, ColorArg};
-use std::ops::Range;
-use structopt::StructOpt;
-#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
-#[structopt(name = "emit")]
-pub struct Opts {
- #[structopt(long = "color",
- parse(try_from_str),
- default_value = "auto",
- possible_values = ColorArg::VARIANTS,
- case_insensitive = true
- )]
- color: ColorArg,
-fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- let file = SimpleFile::new(
- "",
- unindent::unindent(
- r#"
- fn main() {
- let foo: i32 = "hello, world";
- foo += 1;
- }
- "#,
- ),
- );
- let errors = [
- Error::MismatchType(
- Item::new(20..23, "i32"),
- Item::new(31..45, "\"hello, world\""),
- ),
- Error::MutatingImmutable(Item::new(20..23, "foo"), Item::new(51..59, "foo += 1")),
- ];
- let opts = Opts::from_args();
- let writer = StandardStream::stderr(opts.color.into());
- let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
- for diagnostic in errors.iter().map(Error::report) {
- term::emit(&mut writer.lock(), &config, &file, &diagnostic)?;
- }
- Ok(())
-/// An error enum that represent all possible errors within your program
-enum Error {
- MismatchType(Item, Item),
- MutatingImmutable(Item, Item),
-impl Error {
- fn report(&self) -> Diagnostic<()> {
- match self {
- Error::MismatchType(left, right) => Diagnostic::error()
- .with_code("E0308")
- .with_message("mismatch types")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary((), right.range.clone()).with_message(format!(
- "Expected `{}`, found: `{}`",
- left.content, right.content,
- )),
- Label::secondary((), left.range.clone()).with_message("expected due to this"),
- ]),
- Error::MutatingImmutable(original, mutating) => Diagnostic::error()
- .with_code("E0384")
- .with_message(format!(
- "cannot mutate immutable variable `{}`",
- original.content,
- ))
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::secondary((), original.range.clone()).with_message(unindent::unindent(
- &format!(
- r#"
- first assignment to `{0}`
- help: make this binding mutable: `mut {0}`
- "#,
- original.content,
- ),
- )),
- Label::primary((), mutating.range.clone())
- .with_message("cannot assign twice to immutable variable"),
- ]),
- }
- }
-/// An item in the source code to be used in the `Error` enum.
-/// In a more complex program it could also contain a `files::FileId` to handle errors that occur inside multiple files.
-struct Item {
- range: Range<usize>,
- content: String,
-impl Item {
- fn new(range: Range<usize>, content: impl Into<String>) -> Item {
- let content = content.into();
- Item { range, content }
- }
diff --git a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/ b/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19bf8503c..000000000
--- a/vendor/codespan-reporting/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-//! To run this example, execute the following command from the top level of
-//! this repository:
-//! ```sh
-//! cargo run --example term
-//! ```
-use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Label};
-use codespan_reporting::files::SimpleFiles;
-use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::StandardStream;
-use codespan_reporting::term::{self, ColorArg};
-use structopt::StructOpt;
-#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
-#[structopt(name = "emit")]
-pub struct Opts {
- /// Configure coloring of output
- #[structopt(
- long = "color",
- parse(try_from_str),
- default_value = "auto",
- possible_values = ColorArg::VARIANTS,
- case_insensitive = true
- )]
- pub color: ColorArg,
-fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- let opts = Opts::from_args();
- let mut files = SimpleFiles::new();
- let file_id1 = files.add(
- "Data/",
- unindent::unindent(
- "
- module Data.Nat where
- data Nat : Type where
- zero : Nat
- succ : Nat → Nat
- {-# BUILTIN NATRAL Nat #-}
- infixl 6 _+_ _-_
- _+_ : Nat → Nat → Nat
- zero + n₂ = n₂
- succ n₁ + n₂ = succ (n₁ + n₂)
- _-_ : Nat → Nat → Nat
- n₁ - zero = n₁
- zero - succ n₂ = zero
- succ n₁ - succ n₂ = n₁ - n₂
- ",
- ),
- );
- let file_id2 = files.add(
- "",
- unindent::unindent(
- r#"
- module Test where
- _ : Nat
- _ = 123 + "hello"
- "#,
- ),
- );
- let file_id3 = files.add(
- "",
- unindent::unindent(
- r#"
- module FizzBuzz where
- fizz₁ : Nat → String
- fizz₁ num = case (mod num 5) (mod num 3) of
- 0 0 => "FizzBuzz"
- 0 _ => "Fizz"
- _ 0 => "Buzz"
- _ _ => num
- fizz₂ : Nat → String
- fizz₂ num =
- case (mod num 5) (mod num 3) of
- 0 0 => "FizzBuzz"
- 0 _ => "Fizz"
- _ 0 => "Buzz"
- _ _ => num
- "#,
- ),
- );
- let diagnostics = [
- // Unknown builtin error
- Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("unknown builtin: `NATRAL`")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary(file_id1, 96..102).with_message("unknown builtin")
- ])
- .with_notes(vec![
- "there is a builtin with a similar name: `NATURAL`".to_owned()
- ]),
- // Unused parameter warning
- Diagnostic::warning()
- .with_message("unused parameter pattern: `n₂`")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary(file_id1, 285..289).with_message("unused parameter")
- ])
- .with_notes(vec!["consider using a wildcard pattern: `_`".to_owned()]),
- // Unexpected type error
- Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("unexpected type in application of `_+_`")
- .with_code("E0001")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary(file_id2, 37..44).with_message("expected `Nat`, found `String`"),
- Label::secondary(file_id1, 130..155)
- .with_message("based on the definition of `_+_`"),
- ])
- .with_notes(vec![unindent::unindent(
- "
- expected type `Nat`
- found type `String`
- ",
- )]),
- // Incompatible match clause error
- Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types")
- .with_code("E0308")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary(file_id3, 163..166).with_message("expected `String`, found `Nat`"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 62..166)
- .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 41..47)
- .with_message("expected type `String` found here"),
- ])
- .with_notes(vec![unindent::unindent(
- "
- expected type `String`
- found type `Nat`
- ",
- )]),
- // Incompatible match clause error
- Diagnostic::error()
- .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types")
- .with_code("E0308")
- .with_labels(vec![
- Label::primary(file_id3, 328..331).with_message("expected `String`, found `Nat`"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 211..331)
- .with_message("`case` clauses have incompatible types"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 258..268)
- .with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 284..290)
- .with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 306..312)
- .with_message("this is found to be of type `String`"),
- Label::secondary(file_id3, 186..192)
- .with_message("expected type `String` found here"),
- ])
- .with_notes(vec![unindent::unindent(
- "
- expected type `String`
- found type `Nat`
- ",
- )]),
- ];
- let writer = StandardStream::stderr(opts.color.into());
- let config = codespan_reporting::term::Config::default();
- for diagnostic in &diagnostics {
- term::emit(&mut writer.lock(), &config, &files, &diagnostic)?;
- }
- Ok(())