path: root/vendor/pasetors/src/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-04 12:41:41 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-04 12:41:41 +0000
commit10ee2acdd26a7f1298c6f6d6b7af9b469fe29b87 (patch)
treebdffd5d80c26cf4a7a518281a204be1ace85b4c1 /vendor/pasetors/src/
parentReleasing progress-linux version 1.70.0+dfsg1-9~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.70.0+dfsg2.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/pasetors/src/')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/pasetors/src/ b/vendor/pasetors/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cff1998df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/pasetors/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+#![cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
+use crate::errors::Error;
+#[cfg(feature = "paserk")]
+use crate::paserk::{FormatAsPaserk, Id};
+use regex::Regex;
+use serde_json::Value;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
+/// A footer with optional claims that are JSON-encoded.
+pub struct Footer {
+ list_of: HashMap<String, Value>,
+ max_keys: usize,
+ max_len: usize,
+impl Default for Footer {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+impl Footer {
+ /// Keys for registered claims in the footer, that are reserved for usage by PASETO in top-level.
+ pub const REGISTERED_CLAIMS: [&'static str; 2] = ["kid", "wpk"];
+ /// All PASERK types that are (implemented in this library) unsafe in the footer.
+ pub const DISALLOWED_FOOTER: [&'static str; 8] = [
+ "k2.local.",
+ "k4.local.",
+ "k2.secret.",
+ "k3.secret.",
+ "k4.secret.",
+ "k2.public.",
+ "k3.public.",
+ "k4.public.",
+ ];
+ /// See [PASETO docs] for the reason behind this limit.
+ ///
+ /// Maximum number of named keys within an object.
+ ///
+ /// [PASETO docs]:
+ pub const DEFAULT_MAX_KEYS: usize = 512;
+ /// See [PASETO docs] for the reason behind this limit.
+ ///
+ /// Maximum length of the JSON-encoded string.
+ ///
+ /// [PASETO docs]:
+ pub const DEFAULT_MAX_LEN: usize = 8192;
+ /// See [PASETO docs] for the reason behind this limit.
+ ///
+ /// This value has been set by `serde_json` and cannot be changed.
+ ///
+ /// [PASETO docs]:
+ pub const MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH: usize = 128;
+ /// Create a new `Footer` instance.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ list_of: HashMap::new(),
+ max_keys: Self::DEFAULT_MAX_KEYS,
+ max_len: Self::DEFAULT_MAX_LEN,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Change the default (512) amount of maximum number of named keys within an object.
+ ///
+ /// __NOTE__: There should be no need to change this if you don't know this is a specific problem for you.
+ pub fn max_keys(&mut self, max_keys: usize) {
+ self.max_keys = max_keys;
+ }
+ /// Change the default (8192) amount of maximum number of named keys within an object.
+ ///
+ /// __NOTE__: There should be no need to change this if you don't know this is a specific problem for you.
+ pub fn max_len(&mut self, max_len: usize) {
+ self.max_len = max_len;
+ }
+ /// Add additional claims. If `claim` already exists, it is replaced with the new.
+ ///
+ /// Errors:
+ /// - `claim` is a reserved claim (see [`Self::REGISTERED_CLAIMS`])
+ /// - `value` is any of (starts with) the disallowed PASERK types (see [`Self::DISALLOWED_FOOTER`]).
+ pub fn add_additional(&mut self, claim: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ for unsafe_value in Self::DISALLOWED_FOOTER {
+ if value.starts_with(unsafe_value) {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidClaim);
+ }
+ }
+ if !Self::REGISTERED_CLAIMS.contains(&claim) {
+ self.list_of.insert(claim.into(), value.into());
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::InvalidClaim)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Checks whether a specific claim has been added to the list.
+ ///
+ /// E.g `contains_claim("kid") == true` if `kid` has been added before.
+ pub fn contains_claim(&self, claim: &str) -> bool {
+ self.list_of.contains_key(claim)
+ }
+ /// Return Some(claim value) if claims list contains the `claim`.
+ /// None otherwise.
+ pub fn get_claim(&self, claim: &str) -> Option<&Value> {
+ self.list_of.get(claim)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "paserk")]
+ /// Set the `kid` claim. If it already exists, replace it with the new.
+ pub fn key_id(&mut self, id: &Id) {
+ let mut paserk_kid = String::new();
+ id.fmt(&mut paserk_kid).unwrap();
+ self.list_of.insert("kid".into(), paserk_kid.into());
+ }
+ /// Attempt to create `Footer` from a sequence of bytes.
+ ///
+ /// Errors:
+ /// - `bytes` contains non-UTF-8 sequences
+ /// - `bytes` does not decode as valid JSON
+ /// - `bytes` top-most JSON object does not decode to a map
+ /// - if any registered claims exist and they are not a `String`
+ /// - Parsing JSON maps and arrays that are more than 128 layers deep
+ /// - Maximum number of named keys is exceeded
+ /// - Maximum JSON-encoded string length is exceeded
+ pub fn parse_bytes(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let input = bytes.to_vec();
+ self.parse_string(&String::from_utf8(input).map_err(|_| Error::FooterParsing)?)
+ }
+ /// Attempt to parse a `Footer` from a string.
+ ///
+ /// Errors:
+ /// - `string` does not decode as valid JSON
+ /// - `string` top-most JSON object does not decode to a map
+ /// - if any registered claims exist and they are not a `String`
+ /// - Parsing JSON maps and arrays that are more than 128 layers deep
+ /// - Maximum number of named keys is exceeded
+ /// - Maximum JSON-encoded string length is exceeded
+ pub fn parse_string(&mut self, string: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ if string.len() > self.max_len {
+ return Err(Error::FooterParsing);
+ }
+ if Regex::new(r#"[^\\]":"#).unwrap().find_iter(string).count() > self.max_keys {
+ return Err(Error::FooterParsing);
+ }
+ self.list_of = serde_json::from_str(string).map_err(|_| Error::FooterParsing)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Return the JSON serialized representation of `Self`.
+ ///
+ /// Errors:
+ /// - `self` cannot be serialized as JSON
+ pub fn to_string(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ match serde_json::to_string(&self.list_of) {
+ Ok(ret) => Ok(ret),
+ Err(_) => Err(Error::FooterParsing),
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::footer::Footer;
+ use regex::Regex;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_count_keys() {
+ //
+ let string = r#""name": "3-S-2",
+ "expect-fail": false,
+ "public-key": "02fbcb7c69ee1c60579be7a334134878d9c5c5bf35d552dab63c0140397ed14cef637d7720925c44699ea30e72874c72fb",
+ "secret-key": "20347609607477aca8fbfbc5e6218455f3199669792ef8b466faa87bdc67798144c848dd03661eed5ac62461340cea96",
+ "secret-key-pem": "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----nMIGkAgEBBDAgNHYJYHR3rKj7+8XmIYRV8xmWaXku+LRm+qh73Gd5gUTISN0DZh7tnWsYkYTQM6pagBwYFK4EEACKhZANiAAT7y3xp7hxgV5vnozQTSHjZxcW/NdVS2rY8nAUA5ftFM72N9dyCSXERpnqMOcodMcvt8kgcrB8KcKee0HU23E79/s4CvEs8hBfnjnSUd/gcAm08EjSIz06iWjrNy4NakxR3I=n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----",
+ "public-key-pem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----nMHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAE+8t8ae4cYFeb56M0E0h42cXFvzXVUtq2nPAFAOX7RTO9jfXcgklxEaZ6jDnKHTHL7fJIHKwfCnCnntB1NtxO/f7OArxLPIQX5n40lHf4HAJtPBI0iM9Oolo6zcuDWpMUdyn-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
+ "token": "v3.public.eyJkYXRhIjoidGhpcyBpcyBhIHNpZ25lZCBtZXNzYWdlIiwiZXhwIjoiMjAyMi0wMS0wMVQwMDowMDowMCswMDowMCJ9ZWrbGZ6L0MDK72skosUaS0Dz7wJ_2bMcM6tOxFuCasO9GhwHrvvchqgXQNLQQyWzGC2wkr-VKII71AvkLpC8tJOrzJV1cap9NRwoFzbcXjzMZyxQ0wkshxZxx8ImmNWP.eyJraWQiOiJkWWtJU3lseFFlZWNFY0hFTGZ6Rjg4VVpyd2JMb2xOaUNkcHpVSEd3OVVxbiJ9",
+ "payload": "{"data":"this is a signed message","exp":"2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"}",
+ "footer": "{"kid":"dYkISylxQeecEcHELfzF88UZrwbLolNiCdpzUHGw9Uqn"}",
+ "implicit-assertion": """#;
+ assert_eq!(
+ Regex::new(r#"[^\\]":"#).unwrap().find_iter(string).count(),
+ 13
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn err_on_max_keys() {
+ let mut footer = Footer::default();
+ for n in 1..=11 {
+ footer
+ .add_additional(format!("{}", n).as_str(), "test")
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ let mut footer_parse = Footer::default();
+ footer_parse.max_keys(10);
+ assert!(footer_parse
+ .parse_bytes(footer.to_string().unwrap().as_bytes())
+ .is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn err_on_max_len() {
+ let mut footer = Footer::new();
+ for n in 1..=11 {
+ footer
+ .add_additional(format!("{}", n).as_str(), "test")
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ let ser_footer = footer.to_string().unwrap();
+ let mut footer_parse = Footer::new();
+ footer_parse.max_len(ser_footer.len() - 1);
+ assert!(footer_parse.parse_bytes(ser_footer.as_bytes()).is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn err_on_custom_with_registered() {
+ let mut footer = Footer::new();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", "test").is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", "test").is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", "test").is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(all(feature = "paserk", feature = "v2", feature = "v3", feature = "v4"))]
+ fn err_on_disallowed_in_footer() {
+ use crate::keys::{AsymmetricKeyPair, Generate, SymmetricKey};
+ use crate::paserk::FormatAsPaserk;
+ use crate::version2::V2;
+ use crate::version3::V3;
+ use crate::version4::V4;
+ let mut footer = Footer::new();
+ let kpv2 = AsymmetricKeyPair::<V2>::generate().unwrap();
+ let kpv3 = AsymmetricKeyPair::<V3>::generate().unwrap();
+ let kpv4 = AsymmetricKeyPair::<V4>::generate().unwrap();
+ let skv2 = SymmetricKey::<V2>::generate().unwrap();
+ let skv4 = SymmetricKey::<V4>::generate().unwrap();
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ kpv2.secret.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ kpv2.public.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ kpv3.secret.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ kpv3.public.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ kpv4.secret.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ kpv4.public.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ skv2.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ skv4.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("wpk", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(all(feature = "paserk", feature = "v2", feature = "v3", feature = "v4"))]
+ fn kid_in_footer() {
+ use crate::keys::{AsymmetricKeyPair, Generate, SymmetricKey};
+ use crate::paserk::{FormatAsPaserk, Id};
+ use crate::version2::V2;
+ use crate::version3::V3;
+ use crate::version4::V4;
+ let mut footer = Footer::new();
+ let kpv2 = AsymmetricKeyPair::<V2>::generate().unwrap();
+ let kpv3 = AsymmetricKeyPair::<V3>::generate().unwrap();
+ let kpv4 = AsymmetricKeyPair::<V4>::generate().unwrap();
+ let skv2 = SymmetricKey::<V2>::generate().unwrap();
+ let skv4 = SymmetricKey::<V4>::generate().unwrap();
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&kpv2.secret);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&kpv2.public);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&kpv3.secret);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&kpv3.public);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&kpv4.secret);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&kpv4.public);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&skv2);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ let mut buf = String::new();
+ let paserk_id = Id::from(&skv4);
+ paserk_id.fmt(&mut buf).unwrap();
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("kid", &buf).is_err());
+ assert!(footer.add_additional("custom", &buf).is_ok());
+ footer.key_id(&paserk_id);
+ assert!(footer.contains_claim("kid"));
+ assert_eq!(footer.get_claim("kid").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), buf);
+ }