path: root/vendor/windows-bindgen/src
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-18 02:49:50 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-18 02:49:50 +0000
commit9835e2ae736235810b4ea1c162ca5e65c547e770 (patch)
tree3fcebf40ed70e581d776a8a4c65923e8ec20e026 /vendor/windows-bindgen/src
parentReleasing progress-linux version 1.70.0+dfsg2-1~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.71.1+dfsg1.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/windows-bindgen/src')
40 files changed, 6441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cdf50006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_has_default_interface(def) {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ quote! {
+ pub type #name = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void;
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ }
+ } else {
+ gen_class(gen, def)
+ }
+fn gen_class(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_extends(def) == TypeName::Attribute {
+ return TokenStream::new();
+ }
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ let interfaces = gen
+ .reader
+ .type_interfaces(&Type::TypeDef((def, Vec::new())));
+ let mut methods = quote! {};
+ let mut method_names = MethodNames::new();
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ for interface in &interfaces {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) = &interface.ty {
+ let mut virtual_names = MethodNames::new();
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(*def) {
+ methods.combine(&winrt_methods::gen(
+ gen,
+ *def,
+ generics,
+ interface.kind,
+ method,
+ &mut method_names,
+ &mut virtual_names,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let factories = interfaces.iter().filter_map(|interface| match interface.kind {
+ InterfaceKind::Static => {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) = &interface.ty {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_methods(*def).next().is_some() {
+ let interface_type = gen.type_name(&interface.ty);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&gen.reader.type_def_cfg(*def, generics));
+ let hidden = if gen.doc {
+ quote! { #[doc(hidden)] }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ return Some(quote! {
+ #hidden
+ #features
+ pub fn #interface_type<R, F: FnOnce(&#interface_type) -> ::windows::core::Result<R>>(
+ callback: F,
+ ) -> ::windows::core::Result<R> {
+ static SHARED: ::windows::imp::FactoryCache<#name, #interface_type> =
+ ::windows::imp::FactoryCache::new();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ _ => None,
+ });
+ if gen.reader.type_def_has_default_interface(def) {
+ let new = if gen.reader.type_def_has_default_constructor(def) {
+ quote! {
+ pub fn new() -> ::windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ Self::IActivationFactory(|f| f.ActivateInstance::<Self>())
+ }
+ fn IActivationFactory<R, F: FnOnce(&::windows::imp::IGenericFactory) -> ::windows::core::Result<R>>(
+ callback: F,
+ ) -> ::windows::core::Result<R> {
+ static SHARED: ::windows::imp::FactoryCache<#name, ::windows::imp::IGenericFactory> =
+ ::windows::imp::FactoryCache::new();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ pub struct #name(::windows::core::IUnknown);
+ #features
+ impl #name {
+ #new
+ #methods
+ #(#factories)*
+ }
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_core_traits(
+ def,
+ &[],
+ &name,
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_winrt_trait(
+ def,
+ &[],
+ &name,
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_trait(def, &[], &name, &TokenStream::new(), &features, true));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.runtime_name_trait(def, &[], &name, &TokenStream::new(), &features));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.async_get(
+ def,
+ &[],
+ &name,
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&iterators::gen(
+ gen,
+ def,
+ &[],
+ &name,
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &TokenStream::new(),
+ &cfg,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen_conversions(gen, def, &name, &interfaces, &cfg));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.agile(def, &name, &TokenStream::new(), &features));
+ tokens
+ } else {
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub struct #name;
+ #features
+ impl #name {
+ #methods
+ #(#factories)*
+ }
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&gen.runtime_name_trait(def, &[], &name, &TokenStream::new(), &features));
+ tokens
+ }
+fn gen_conversions(
+ gen: &Gen,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ name: &TokenStream,
+ interfaces: &[Interface],
+ cfg: &Cfg,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(cfg);
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #features
+ ::windows::imp::interface_hierarchy!(#name, ::windows::core::IUnknown, ::windows::core::IInspectable);
+ };
+ for interface in interfaces {
+ if gen.reader.type_is_exclusive(&interface.ty) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if interface.kind != InterfaceKind::Default
+ && interface.kind != InterfaceKind::None
+ && interface.kind != InterfaceKind::Base
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let into = gen.type_name(&interface.ty);
+ // TODO: simplify - maybe provide + operator?
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg.union(&gen.reader.type_cfg(&interface.ty)));
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::CanTryInto<#into> for #name {}
+ });
+ }
+ for def in gen.reader.type_def_bases(def) {
+ let into = gen.type_def_name(def, &[]);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg.union(&gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[])));
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::CanTryInto<#into> for #name {}
+ });
+ }
+ tokens
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb59b9d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(
+ gen: &Gen,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ kind: InterfaceKind,
+ method: MethodDef,
+ method_names: &mut MethodNames,
+ virtual_names: &mut MethodNames,
+ base_count: usize,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, &[]);
+ let name = method_names.add(gen, method);
+ let vname = virtual_names.add(gen, method);
+ let generics = gen.constraint_generics(&signature.params);
+ let where_clause = gen.where_clause(&signature.params);
+ let mut cfg = gen.reader.signature_cfg(&signature);
+ cfg.add_feature(gen.reader.type_def_namespace(def));
+ let doc = gen.cfg_method_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ if kind == InterfaceKind::None {
+ return quote! {};
+ }
+ let mut bases = quote! {};
+ for _ in 0..base_count {
+ bases.combine(&quote! { .base__ });
+ }
+ let kind = gen.reader.signature_kind(&signature);
+ match kind {
+ SignatureKind::Query(_) => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let generics = expand_generics(generics, quote!(T));
+ let where_clause =
+ expand_where_clause(where_clause, quote!(T: ::windows::core::ComInterface));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> ::windows::core::Result<T> #where_clause {
+ let mut result__ = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args).from_abi(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::QueryOptional(_) => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let generics = expand_generics(generics, quote!(T));
+ let where_clause =
+ expand_where_clause(where_clause, quote!(T: ::windows::core::ComInterface));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params result__: *mut ::core::option::Option<T>) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> #where_clause {
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args).ok()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ResultValue => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = signature.params[signature.params.len() - 1].ty.deref();
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(&return_type);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> #where_clause {
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args).from_abi(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ResultVoid => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> #where_clause {
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args).ok()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnValue => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = signature.params[signature.params.len() - 1].ty.deref();
+ let is_nullable = gen.reader.type_is_nullable(&return_type);
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(&return_type);
+ if is_nullable {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> #where_clause {
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args);
+ ::windows::core::from_abi(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> #return_type #where_clause {
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args);
+ ::std::mem::transmute(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnStruct => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(&signature.return_type.unwrap());
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> #return_type #where_clause {
+ let mut result__: #return_type = ::core::mem::zeroed();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), &mut result__, #args);
+ result__
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::PreserveSig => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = gen.return_sig(&signature);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) #return_type #where_clause {
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnVoid => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) #where_clause {
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(self)#bases.#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(self), #args)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub fn gen_upcall(gen: &Gen, sig: &Signature, inner: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ match gen.reader.signature_kind(sig) {
+ SignatureKind::ResultValue => {
+ let invoke_args = sig.params[..sig.params.len() - 1]
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| gen_win32_invoke_arg(gen, param));
+ let result = gen.param_name(sig.params[sig.params.len() - 1].def);
+ quote! {
+ match #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*) {
+ ::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
+ // use `core::ptr::write` since the result could be uninitialized
+ ::core::ptr::write(#result, ::core::mem::transmute(ok__));
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(0)
+ }
+ ::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::Query(_) | SignatureKind::QueryOptional(_) | SignatureKind::ResultVoid => {
+ let invoke_args = sig
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| gen_win32_invoke_arg(gen, param));
+ quote! {
+ #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*).into()
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnStruct => {
+ let invoke_args = sig
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| gen_win32_invoke_arg(gen, param));
+ quote! {
+ *result__ = #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*)
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let invoke_args = sig
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| gen_win32_invoke_arg(gen, param));
+ quote! {
+ #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_win32_invoke_arg(gen: &Gen, param: &SignatureParam) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.param_name(param.def);
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ && gen.reader.type_is_nullable(&param.ty)
+ {
+ quote! { ::windows::core::from_raw_borrowed(&#name) }
+ } else if (!param.ty.is_pointer() && gen.reader.type_is_nullable(&param.ty))
+ || (gen
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ && !gen.reader.type_is_primitive(&param.ty))
+ {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute(&#name) }
+ } else {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name) }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a08db0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: Field) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(def));
+ let ty = gen.reader.field_type(def, None).to_const_type();
+ let cfg = gen.reader.field_cfg(def);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ if let Some(constant) = gen.reader.field_constant(def) {
+ let constant_type = gen.reader.constant_type(constant);
+ if ty == constant_type {
+ if ty == Type::String {
+ let crate_name = gen.crate_name();
+ if gen.reader.field_is_ansi(def) {
+ let value = gen.value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #name: #crate_name PCSTR = #crate_name s!(#value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ let value = gen.value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #name: #crate_name PCWSTR = #crate_name w!(#value);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let value = gen.typed_value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #name: #value;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let kind = gen.type_default_name(&ty);
+ let value = gen.value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ let underlying_type = gen.reader.type_underlying_type(&ty);
+ let value = if underlying_type == constant_type {
+ value
+ } else if gen.std && underlying_type == Type::ISize {
+ quote! { ::core::ptr::invalid_mut(#value as _) }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #value as _ }
+ };
+ if !gen.sys && gen.reader.type_has_replacement(&ty) {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #name: #kind = #kind(#value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #name: #kind = #value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(guid) = gen.reader.field_guid(def) {
+ let value = gen.guid(&guid);
+ let guid = gen.type_name(&Type::GUID);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ pub const #name: #guid = #value;
+ }
+ } else if let Some(value) = initializer(gen, def) {
+ let kind = gen.type_default_name(&ty);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #name: #kind = #kind { #value };
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ }
+fn initializer(gen: &Gen, def: Field) -> Option<TokenStream> {
+ let Some(value) = constant(gen, def) else {
+ return None;
+ };
+ let mut input = value.as_str();
+ let Type::TypeDef((def, _)) = gen.reader.field_type(def, None) else {
+ unimplemented!();
+ };
+ let mut result = quote! {};
+ for field in gen.reader.type_def_fields(def) {
+ let (value, rest) = field_initializer(gen, field, input);
+ input = rest;
+ result.combine(&value);
+ }
+ Some(result)
+fn field_initializer<'a>(gen: &Gen, field: Field, input: &'a str) -> (TokenStream, &'a str) {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(field));
+ match gen.reader.field_type(field, None) {
+ Type::GUID => {
+ let (literals, rest) = read_literal_array(input, 11);
+ let value = gen.guid(&GUID::from_string_args(&literals));
+ (quote! { #name: #value, }, rest)
+ }
+ Type::Win32Array((_, len)) => {
+ let (literals, rest) = read_literal_array(input, len);
+ let literals = literals.iter().map(|literal| TokenStream::from(*literal));
+ (quote! { #name: [#(#literals,)*], }, rest)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let (literal, rest) = read_literal(input);
+ let literal: TokenStream = literal.into();
+ (quote! { #name: #literal, }, rest)
+ }
+ }
+fn constant(gen: &Gen, def: Field) -> Option<String> {
+ gen.reader
+ .field_attributes(def)
+ .find(|attribute| gen.reader.attribute_name(*attribute) == "ConstantAttribute")
+ .map(|attribute| {
+ let args = gen.reader.attribute_args(attribute);
+ match &args[0].1 {
+ Value::String(value) => value.clone(),
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ })
+fn read_literal(input: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
+ let mut start = None;
+ let mut end = 0;
+ for (pos, c) in input.bytes().enumerate() {
+ if start.is_none() {
+ if c != b' ' && c != b',' {
+ start = Some(pos);
+ }
+ } else if c == b' ' || c == b',' || c == b'}' {
+ break;
+ }
+ end += 1;
+ }
+ let Some(start) = start else {
+ unimplemented!();
+ };
+ (&input[start..end], &input[end..])
+fn read_token(input: &str, token: u8) -> &str {
+ for (pos, c) in input.bytes().enumerate() {
+ if c == token {
+ return &input[pos + 1..];
+ } else if c != b' ' && c != b',' {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ panic!("`{}` expected", token.escape_ascii());
+fn read_literal_array(input: &str, len: usize) -> (Vec<&str>, &str) {
+ let mut input = read_token(input, b'{');
+ let mut result = vec![];
+ for _ in 0..len {
+ let (literal, rest) = read_literal(input);
+ result.push(literal);
+ input = rest;
+ }
+ (result, read_token(input, b'}'))
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a68719c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ gen_delegate(gen, def)
+ } else {
+ gen_callback(gen, def)
+ }
+fn gen_callback(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ let method = gen.reader.type_def_invoke_method(def);
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, &[]);
+ let return_type = gen.return_sig(&signature);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let params = signature.params.iter().map(|p| {
+ let name = gen.param_name(p.def);
+ let tokens = gen.type_default_name(&p.ty);
+ quote! { #name: #tokens }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub type #name = ::core::option::Option<unsafe extern "system" fn(#(#params),*) #return_type>;
+ }
+fn gen_delegate(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ quote! {
+ pub type #name = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void;
+ }
+ } else {
+ gen_win_delegate(gen, def)
+ }
+fn gen_win_delegate(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ let vtbl = name.join("_Vtbl");
+ let boxed = name.join("Box");
+ let generics: &Vec<Type> = &gen.reader.type_def_generics(def).collect();
+ let phantoms = gen.generic_phantoms(generics);
+ let named_phantoms = gen.generic_named_phantoms(generics);
+ let constraints = gen.generic_constraints(generics);
+ let generic_names = gen.generic_names(generics);
+ let ident = gen.type_def_name(def, generics);
+ let method = gen.reader.type_def_invoke_method(def);
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, generics);
+ let fn_constraint = gen_fn_constraint(gen, def, &signature);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, generics);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let vtbl_signature = gen.vtbl_signature(def, generics, &signature);
+ let invoke = winrt_methods::gen(
+ gen,
+ def,
+ generics,
+ InterfaceKind::Default,
+ method,
+ &mut MethodNames::new(),
+ &mut MethodNames::new(),
+ );
+ let invoke_upcall = winrt_methods::gen_upcall(gen, &signature, quote! { ((*this).invoke) });
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ pub struct #ident(pub ::windows::core::IUnknown, #phantoms) where #constraints;
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> #ident {
+ pub fn new<#fn_constraint>(invoke: F) -> Self {
+ let com = #boxed::<#generic_names F> {
+ vtable: &#boxed::<#generic_names F>::VTABLE,
+ count: ::windows::imp::RefCount::new(1),
+ invoke,
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ ::core::mem::transmute(::std::boxed::Box::new(com))
+ }
+ }
+ #invoke
+ }
+ #features
+ #[repr(C)]
+ struct #boxed<#generic_names #fn_constraint> where #constraints {
+ vtable: *const #vtbl<#generic_names>,
+ invoke: F,
+ count: ::windows::imp::RefCount,
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints #fn_constraint> #boxed<#generic_names F> {
+ const VTABLE: #vtbl<#generic_names> = #vtbl::<#generic_names>{
+ base__: ::windows::core::IUnknown_Vtbl{QueryInterface: Self::QueryInterface, AddRef: Self::AddRef, Release: Self::Release},
+ Invoke: Self::Invoke,
+ #(#named_phantoms)*
+ };
+ unsafe extern "system" fn QueryInterface(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, iid: &::windows::core::GUID, interface: *mut *const ::core::ffi::c_void) -> ::windows::core::HRESULT {
+ let this = this as *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void as *mut Self;
+ *interface = if iid == &<#ident as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID ||
+ iid == &<::windows::core::IUnknown as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID ||
+ iid == &<::windows::imp::IAgileObject as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID {
+ &mut (*this).vtable as *mut _ as _
+ } else {
+ ::core::ptr::null_mut()
+ };
+ // TODO: implement IMarshal
+ if (*interface).is_null() {
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(-2147467262) // E_NOINTERFACE
+ } else {
+ (*this).count.add_ref();
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(0)
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe extern "system" fn AddRef(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> u32 {
+ let this = this as *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void as *mut Self;
+ (*this).count.add_ref()
+ }
+ unsafe extern "system" fn Release(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> u32 {
+ let this = this as *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void as *mut Self;
+ let remaining = (*this).count.release();
+ if remaining == 0 {
+ let _ = ::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(this);
+ }
+ remaining
+ }
+ unsafe extern "system" fn Invoke #vtbl_signature {
+ let this = this as *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void as *mut Self;
+ #invoke_upcall
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_core_traits(
+ def,
+ generics,
+ &ident,
+ &constraints,
+ &phantoms,
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_trait(def, generics, &ident, &constraints, &features, true));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_winrt_trait(
+ def,
+ generics,
+ &ident,
+ &constraints,
+ &phantoms,
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_vtbl(def, generics, &ident, &constraints, &features));
+ tokens
+fn gen_fn_constraint(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, signature: &Signature) -> TokenStream {
+ let signature = gen.impl_signature(def, signature);
+ quote! { F: FnMut #signature + ::core::marker::Send + 'static }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee7616fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let type_name = gen.reader.type_def_type_name(def);
+ let ident = to_ident(;
+ let underlying_type = gen.reader.type_def_underlying_type(def);
+ let underlying_type = gen.type_name(&underlying_type);
+ let is_scoped = gen.reader.type_def_is_scoped(def);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let fields: Vec<(TokenStream, TokenStream)> = gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_fields(def)
+ .filter_map(|field| {
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .field_flags(field)
+ .contains(FieldAttributes::LITERAL)
+ {
+ let field_name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(field));
+ let constant = gen.reader.field_constant(field).unwrap();
+ let value = gen.value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ Some((field_name, value))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let eq = if gen.sys {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ // Unfortunately, Rust requires these to be derived to allow constant patterns.
+ #[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)]
+ }
+ };
+ let mut tokens = if is_scoped || !gen.sys {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ #eq
+ pub struct #ident(pub #underlying_type);
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub type #ident = #underlying_type;
+ }
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&if is_scoped {
+ let fields = fields.iter().map(|(field_name, value)| {
+ quote! {
+ pub const #field_name: Self = Self(#value);
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl #ident {
+ #(#fields)*
+ }
+ }
+ } else if !gen.sys {
+ let fields = fields.iter().map(|(field_name, value)| {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #field_name: #ident = #ident(#value);
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #(#fields)*
+ }
+ } else if !gen.standalone {
+ let fields = fields.iter().map(|(field_name, value)| {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub const #field_name: #ident = #value;
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #(#fields)*
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ });
+ if is_scoped || !gen.sys {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::marker::Copy for #ident {}
+ #features
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for #ident {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ *self
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if !gen.sys {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::default::Default for #ident {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self(0)
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if !gen.sys {
+ let name =;
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::TypeKind for #ident {
+ type TypeKind = ::windows::core::CopyType;
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for #ident {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_tuple(#name).field(&self.0).finish()
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if gen.reader.type_def_is_flags(def) {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl #ident {
+ pub const fn contains(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
+ self.0 & other.0 == other.0
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::ops::BitOr for #ident {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.0 | other.0)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::ops::BitAnd for #ident {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.0 & other.0)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::ops::BitOrAssign for #ident {
+ fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+ self.0.bitor_assign(other.0)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::ops::BitAndAssign for #ident {
+ fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
+ self.0.bitand_assign(other.0)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::ops::Not for #ident {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn not(self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.0.not())
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ let signature =
+ Literal::byte_string(gen.reader.type_def_signature(def, &[]).as_bytes());
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::RuntimeType for #ident {
+ const SIGNATURE: ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(#signature);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ tokens
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d379fdf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+struct StockIterable<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
+ values: std::vec::Vec<T::Default>,
+impl<T> IIterable_Impl<T> for StockIterable<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
+ fn First(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<IIterator<T>> {
+ unsafe {
+ // TODO: ideally we can do an AddRef rather than a QI here (via cast)...
+ // and then we can get rid of the unsafe as well.
+ Ok(StockIterator {
+ owner: self.cast()?,
+ current: 0.into(),
+ }
+ .into())
+ }
+ }
+struct StockIterator<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
+ owner: IIterable<T>,
+ current: ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize,
+impl<T> IIterator_Impl<T> for StockIterator<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
+ fn Current(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<T> {
+ let owner: &StockIterable<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if owner.values.len() > current {
+ T::from_default(&owner.values[current])
+ } else {
+ Err(::windows::imp::E_BOUNDS.into())
+ }
+ }
+ fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ let owner: &StockIterable<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ Ok(owner.values.len() > current)
+ }
+ fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ let owner: &StockIterable<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if current < owner.values.len() {
+ self.current
+ .fetch_add(1, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ Ok(owner.values.len() > current + 1)
+ }
+ fn GetMany(&self, values: &mut [T::Default]) -> ::windows::core::Result<u32> {
+ let owner: &StockIterable<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ let actual = std::cmp::min(owner.values.len() - current, values.len());
+ let (values, _) = values.split_at_mut(actual);
+ values.clone_from_slice(&owner.values[current..current + actual]);
+ self.current
+ .fetch_add(actual, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ Ok(actual as _)
+ }
+impl<T> ::core::convert::TryFrom<::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>> for IIterable<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: ::std::clone::Clone,
+ type Error = ::windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(values: ::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>) -> ::windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ // TODO: should provide a fallible try_into or more explicit allocator
+ Ok(StockIterable { values }.into())
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8980e4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#[windows::core::implement(IMapView<K, V>, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>)]
+struct StockMapView<K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ map: std::collections::BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>,
+impl<K, V> IIterable_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> for StockMapView<K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ fn First(&self) -> windows::core::Result<IIterator<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>> {
+ unsafe {
+ // TODO: ideally we can do an AddRef rather than a QI here (via cast)...
+ // and then we can get rid of the unsafe as well.
+ Ok(StockMapViewIterator::<K, V> {
+ _owner: self.cast()?,
+ current: std::sync::RwLock::new(,
+ }
+ .into())
+ }
+ }
+impl<K, V> IMapView_Impl<K, V> for StockMapView<K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ fn Lookup(&self, key: &K::Default) -> windows::core::Result<V> {
+ let value = self
+ .map
+ .get(key)
+ .ok_or_else(|| windows::core::Error::from(windows::imp::E_BOUNDS))?;
+ V::from_default(value)
+ }
+ fn Size(&self) -> windows::core::Result<u32> {
+ Ok( as _)
+ }
+ fn HasKey(&self, key: &K::Default) -> windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ Ok(
+ }
+ fn Split(
+ &self,
+ first: &mut std::option::Option<IMapView<K, V>>,
+ second: &mut std::option::Option<IMapView<K, V>>,
+ ) -> windows::core::Result<()> {
+ *first = None;
+ *second = None;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+#[::windows::core::implement(IIterator<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>)]
+struct StockMapViewIterator<'a, K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ _owner: IIterable<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>,
+ current: ::std::sync::RwLock<std::collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, K::Default, V::Default>>,
+impl<'a, K, V> IIterator_Impl<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> for StockMapViewIterator<'a, K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ fn Current(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<IKeyValuePair<K, V>> {
+ let mut current =;
+ if let Some((key, value)) = current.peek() {
+ Ok(StockKeyValuePair {
+ key: (*key).clone(),
+ value: (*value).clone(),
+ }
+ .into())
+ } else {
+ Err(windows::core::Error::from(windows::imp::E_BOUNDS))
+ }
+ }
+ fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ let mut current =;
+ Ok(current.peek().is_some())
+ }
+ fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ let mut current = self.current.write().unwrap();
+ Ok(current.clone().peekable().peek().is_some())
+ }
+ fn GetMany(&self, pairs: &mut [Option<IKeyValuePair<K, V>>]) -> ::windows::core::Result<u32> {
+ let mut current = self.current.write().unwrap();
+ let mut actual = 0;
+ for pair in pairs {
+ if let Some((key, value)) = {
+ *pair = Some(
+ StockKeyValuePair {
+ key: (*key).clone(),
+ value: (*value).clone(),
+ }
+ .into(),
+ );
+ actual += 1;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(actual as _)
+ }
+#[windows::core::implement(IKeyValuePair<K, V>)]
+struct StockKeyValuePair<K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ key: K::Default,
+ value: V::Default,
+impl<K, V> IKeyValuePair_Impl<K, V> for StockKeyValuePair<K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ fn Key(&self) -> windows::core::Result<K> {
+ K::from_default(&self.key)
+ }
+ fn Value(&self) -> windows::core::Result<V> {
+ V::from_default(&self.value)
+ }
+impl<K, V> ::core::convert::TryFrom<std::collections::BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>>
+ for IMapView<K, V>
+ K: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ V: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <K as windows::core::Type<K>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::Ord,
+ <V as windows::core::Type<V>>::Default: std::clone::Clone,
+ type Error = ::windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(
+ map: std::collections::BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>,
+ ) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ // TODO: should provide a fallible try_into or more explicit allocator
+ Ok(StockMapView { map }.into())
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c51dc0c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/impl/Foundation/Collections/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#[windows::core::implement(IVectorView<T>, IIterable<T>)]
+struct StockVectorView<T>
+ T: windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <T as windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
+ values: std::vec::Vec<T::Default>,
+impl<T> IIterable_Impl<T> for StockVectorView<T>
+ T: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
+ fn First(&self) -> windows::core::Result<IIterator<T>> {
+ unsafe {
+ // TODO: ideally we can do an AddRef rather than a QI here (via cast)...
+ // and then we can get rid of the unsafe as well.
+ Ok(StockVectorViewIterator {
+ owner: self.cast()?,
+ current: 0.into(),
+ }
+ .into())
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> IVectorView_Impl<T> for StockVectorView<T>
+ T: windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
+ fn GetAt(&self, index: u32) -> windows::core::Result<T> {
+ let item = self
+ .values
+ .get(index as usize)
+ .ok_or_else(|| windows::core::Error::from(windows::imp::E_BOUNDS))?;
+ T::from_default(item)
+ }
+ fn Size(&self) -> windows::core::Result<u32> {
+ Ok(self.values.len() as _)
+ }
+ fn IndexOf(&self, value: &T::Default, result: &mut u32) -> windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ match self.values.iter().position(|element| element == value) {
+ Some(index) => {
+ *result = index as _;
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ None => Ok(false),
+ }
+ }
+ fn GetMany(&self, current: u32, values: &mut [T::Default]) -> windows::core::Result<u32> {
+ let current = current as usize;
+ if current >= self.values.len() {
+ return Ok(0);
+ }
+ let actual = std::cmp::min(self.values.len() - current, values.len());
+ let (values, _) = values.split_at_mut(actual);
+ values.clone_from_slice(&self.values[current..current + actual]);
+ Ok(actual as _)
+ }
+struct StockVectorViewIterator<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
+ owner: IIterable<T>,
+ current: ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize,
+impl<T> IIterator_Impl<T> for StockVectorViewIterator<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
+ fn Current(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<T> {
+ let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if owner.values.len() > current {
+ T::from_default(&owner.values[current])
+ } else {
+ Err(windows::core::Error::from(windows::imp::E_BOUNDS))
+ }
+ }
+ fn HasCurrent(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ Ok(owner.values.len() > current)
+ }
+ fn MoveNext(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<bool> {
+ let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ if current < owner.values.len() {
+ self.current
+ .fetch_add(1, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ Ok(owner.values.len() > current + 1)
+ }
+ fn GetMany(&self, values: &mut [T::Default]) -> ::windows::core::Result<u32> {
+ let owner: &StockVectorView<T> = ::windows::core::AsImpl::as_impl(&self.owner);
+ let current = self.current.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ let actual = std::cmp::min(owner.values.len() - current, values.len());
+ let (values, _) = values.split_at_mut(actual);
+ values.clone_from_slice(&owner.values[current..current + actual]);
+ self.current
+ .fetch_add(actual, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
+ Ok(actual as _)
+ }
+impl<T> ::core::convert::TryFrom<::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>> for IVectorView<T>
+ T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType,
+ <T as ::windows::core::Type<T>>::Default: std::clone::Clone + std::cmp::PartialEq,
+ type Error = ::windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(values: ::std::vec::Vec<T::Default>) -> ::windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ // TODO: should provide a fallible try_into or more explicit allocator
+ Ok(StockVectorView { values }.into())
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b0b6942e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen_mod(gen: &Gen, namespace: &str) -> TokenStream {
+ if namespace == "Windows.Win32.UI.WindowsAndMessaging" {
+ return include_str!("mod/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/").into();
+ }
+ if gen.sys {
+ return "".into();
+ }
+ match namespace {
+ "Windows.Foundation.Numerics" => concat!(
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/Numerics/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/Numerics/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/Numerics/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/Numerics/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/Numerics/"),
+ ),
+ "Windows.Foundation" => concat!(
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Foundation/"),
+ ),
+ "Windows.Win32.Foundation" => concat!(
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Foundation/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Foundation/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Foundation/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Foundation/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Foundation/"),
+ ),
+ "Windows.Win32.Networking.WinSock" => concat!(
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/"),
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/"),
+ ),
+ "Windows.Win32.UI.WindowsAndMessaging" => {
+ include_str!("mod/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/")
+ }
+ _ => "",
+ }
+ .into()
+pub fn gen_impl(namespace: &str) -> TokenStream {
+ match namespace {
+ "Windows.Foundation.Collections" => concat!(
+ include_str!("impl/Foundation/Collections/"),
+ include_str!("impl/Foundation/Collections/"),
+ include_str!("impl/Foundation/Collections/"),
+ ),
+ _ => "",
+ }
+ .into()
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8ddabdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+impl std::fmt::Debug for windows::core::IInspectable {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ // Attempts to retrieve the string representation of the object via the
+ // IStringable interface. If that fails, it will use the canonical type
+ // name to give some idea of what the object represents.
+ let name =
+ <windows::core::IInspectable as windows::core::ComInterface>::cast::<IStringable>(self)
+ .and_then(|s| s.ToString())
+ .or_else(|_| self.GetRuntimeClassName())
+ .unwrap_or_default();
+ write!(f, "\"{}\"", name)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98be80636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+impl Matrix3x2 {
+ pub const fn identity() -> Self {
+ Self { M11: 1.0, M12: 0.0, M21: 0.0, M22: 1.0, M31: 0.0, M32: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub const fn translation(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { M11: 1.0, M12: 0.0, M21: 0.0, M22: 1.0, M31: x, M32: y }
+ }
+ pub fn rotation(angle: f32, x: f32, y: f32) -> Self {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct D2D_POINT_2F {
+ pub x: f32,
+ pub y: f32,
+ }
+ ::windows_targets::link!("d2d1.dll" "system" fn D2D1MakeRotateMatrix(angle: f32, center: D2D_POINT_2F, matrix: *mut Matrix3x2) -> ());
+ let mut matrix = Self::default();
+ unsafe {
+ D2D1MakeRotateMatrix(angle, D2D_POINT_2F { x, y }, &mut matrix);
+ }
+ matrix
+ }
+ fn impl_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 + rhs.M11,
+ M12: self.M12 + rhs.M12,
+ M21: self.M21 + rhs.M21,
+ M22: self.M22 + rhs.M22,
+ M31: self.M31 + rhs.M31,
+ M32: self.M32 + rhs.M32,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 - rhs.M11,
+ M12: self.M12 - rhs.M12,
+ M21: self.M21 - rhs.M21,
+ M22: self.M22 - rhs.M22,
+ M31: self.M31 - rhs.M31,
+ M32: self.M32 - rhs.M32,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 * rhs.M11 + self.M12 * rhs.M21,
+ M12: self.M11 * rhs.M12 + self.M12 * rhs.M22,
+ M21: self.M21 * rhs.M11 + self.M22 * rhs.M21,
+ M22: self.M21 * rhs.M12 + self.M22 * rhs.M22,
+ M31: self.M31 * rhs.M11 + self.M32 * rhs.M21 + rhs.M31,
+ M32: self.M31 * rhs.M12 + self.M32 * rhs.M22 + rhs.M32,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { M11: self.M11 * rhs, M12: self.M12 * rhs, M21: self.M21 * rhs, M22: self.M22 * rhs, M31: self.M31 * rhs, M32: self.M32 * rhs }
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Matrix3x2> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Matrix3x2> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Matrix3x2> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Matrix3x2> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Matrix3x2> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Matrix3x2> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Matrix3x2> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Matrix3x2> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Matrix3x2> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Matrix3x2> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Matrix3x2> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Matrix3x2> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Matrix3x2) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for &Matrix3x2 {
+ type Output = Matrix3x2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Matrix3x2 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb5d60866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+impl Matrix4x4 {
+ pub const fn translation(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: 1.0,
+ M12: 0.0,
+ M13: 0.0,
+ M14: 0.0,
+ M21: 0.0,
+ M22: 1.0,
+ M23: 0.0,
+ M24: 0.0,
+ M31: 0.0,
+ M32: 0.0,
+ M33: 1.0,
+ M34: 0.0,
+ M41: x,
+ M42: y,
+ M43: z,
+ M44: 1.0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn rotation_y(degree: f32) -> Self {
+ ::windows_targets::link!("d2d1.dll" "system" fn D2D1SinCos(angle: f32, sin: *mut f32, cos: *mut f32) -> ());
+ let angle = degree * (3.141592654 / 180.0);
+ let mut sin = 0.0;
+ let mut cos = 0.0;
+ unsafe {
+ D2D1SinCos(angle, &mut sin, &mut cos);
+ }
+ Self {
+ M11: cos,
+ M12: 0.0,
+ M13: -sin,
+ M14: 0.0,
+ M21: 0.0,
+ M22: 1.0,
+ M23: 0.0,
+ M24: 0.0,
+ M31: sin,
+ M32: 0.0,
+ M33: cos,
+ M34: 0.0,
+ M41: 0.0,
+ M42: 0.0,
+ M43: 0.0,
+ M44: 1.0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn perspective_projection(depth: f32) -> Self {
+ let projection = if depth > 0.0 { -1.0 / depth } else { 0.0 };
+ Self {
+ M11: 1.0,
+ M12: 0.0,
+ M13: 0.0,
+ M14: 0.0,
+ M21: 0.0,
+ M22: 1.0,
+ M23: 0.0,
+ M24: 0.0,
+ M31: 0.0,
+ M32: 0.0,
+ M33: 1.0,
+ M34: projection,
+ M41: 0.0,
+ M42: 0.0,
+ M43: 0.0,
+ M44: 1.0,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 + rhs.M11,
+ M12: self.M12 + rhs.M12,
+ M13: self.M13 + rhs.M13,
+ M14: self.M14 + rhs.M14,
+ M21: self.M21 + rhs.M21,
+ M22: self.M22 + rhs.M22,
+ M23: self.M23 + rhs.M23,
+ M24: self.M24 + rhs.M24,
+ M31: self.M31 + rhs.M31,
+ M32: self.M32 + rhs.M32,
+ M33: self.M33 + rhs.M33,
+ M34: self.M34 + rhs.M34,
+ M41: self.M41 + rhs.M41,
+ M42: self.M42 + rhs.M42,
+ M43: self.M43 + rhs.M43,
+ M44: self.M44 + rhs.M44,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 - rhs.M11,
+ M12: self.M12 - rhs.M12,
+ M13: self.M13 - rhs.M13,
+ M14: self.M14 - rhs.M14,
+ M21: self.M21 - rhs.M21,
+ M22: self.M22 - rhs.M22,
+ M23: self.M23 - rhs.M23,
+ M24: self.M24 - rhs.M24,
+ M31: self.M31 - rhs.M31,
+ M32: self.M32 - rhs.M32,
+ M33: self.M33 - rhs.M33,
+ M34: self.M34 - rhs.M34,
+ M41: self.M41 - rhs.M41,
+ M42: self.M42 - rhs.M42,
+ M43: self.M43 - rhs.M43,
+ M44: self.M44 - rhs.M44,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 * rhs.M11 + self.M12 * rhs.M21 + self.M13 * rhs.M31 + self.M14 * rhs.M41,
+ M12: self.M11 * rhs.M12 + self.M12 * rhs.M22 + self.M13 * rhs.M32 + self.M14 * rhs.M42,
+ M13: self.M11 * rhs.M13 + self.M12 * rhs.M23 + self.M13 * rhs.M33 + self.M14 * rhs.M43,
+ M14: self.M11 * rhs.M14 + self.M12 * rhs.M24 + self.M13 * rhs.M34 + self.M14 * rhs.M44,
+ M21: self.M21 * rhs.M11 + self.M22 * rhs.M21 + self.M23 * rhs.M31 + self.M24 * rhs.M41,
+ M22: self.M21 * rhs.M12 + self.M22 * rhs.M22 + self.M23 * rhs.M32 + self.M24 * rhs.M42,
+ M23: self.M21 * rhs.M13 + self.M22 * rhs.M23 + self.M23 * rhs.M33 + self.M24 * rhs.M43,
+ M24: self.M21 * rhs.M14 + self.M22 * rhs.M24 + self.M23 * rhs.M34 + self.M24 * rhs.M44,
+ M31: self.M31 * rhs.M11 + self.M32 * rhs.M21 + self.M33 * rhs.M31 + self.M34 * rhs.M41,
+ M32: self.M31 * rhs.M12 + self.M32 * rhs.M22 + self.M33 * rhs.M32 + self.M34 * rhs.M42,
+ M33: self.M31 * rhs.M13 + self.M32 * rhs.M23 + self.M33 * rhs.M33 + self.M34 * rhs.M43,
+ M34: self.M31 * rhs.M14 + self.M32 * rhs.M24 + self.M33 * rhs.M34 + self.M34 * rhs.M44,
+ M41: self.M41 * rhs.M11 + self.M42 * rhs.M21 + self.M43 * rhs.M31 + self.M44 * rhs.M41,
+ M42: self.M41 * rhs.M12 + self.M42 * rhs.M22 + self.M43 * rhs.M32 + self.M44 * rhs.M42,
+ M43: self.M41 * rhs.M13 + self.M42 * rhs.M23 + self.M43 * rhs.M33 + self.M44 * rhs.M43,
+ M44: self.M41 * rhs.M14 + self.M42 * rhs.M24 + self.M43 * rhs.M34 + self.M44 * rhs.M44,
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ M11: self.M11 * rhs,
+ M12: self.M12 * rhs,
+ M13: self.M13 * rhs,
+ M14: self.M14 * rhs,
+ M21: self.M21 * rhs,
+ M22: self.M22 * rhs,
+ M23: self.M23 * rhs,
+ M24: self.M24 * rhs,
+ M31: self.M31 * rhs,
+ M32: self.M32 * rhs,
+ M33: self.M33 * rhs,
+ M34: self.M34 * rhs,
+ M41: self.M41 * rhs,
+ M42: self.M42 * rhs,
+ M43: self.M43 * rhs,
+ M44: self.M44 * rhs,
+ }
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Matrix4x4> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Matrix4x4> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Matrix4x4> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Matrix4x4> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Matrix4x4> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Matrix4x4> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Matrix4x4> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Matrix4x4> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Matrix4x4> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Matrix4x4> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Matrix4x4> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Matrix4x4> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Matrix4x4) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for &Matrix4x4 {
+ type Output = Matrix4x4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Matrix4x4 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f37b4620b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+impl Vector2 {
+ pub fn new(X: f32, Y: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X, Y }
+ }
+ pub fn zero() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0f32, Y: 0f32 }
+ }
+ pub fn one() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 1f32, Y: 1f32 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_x() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 1.0, Y: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_y() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0.0, Y: 1.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn dot(&self, rhs: &Self) -> f32 {
+ self.X * rhs.X + self.Y * rhs.Y
+ }
+ pub fn length_squared(&self) -> f32 {
+ }
+ pub fn length(&self) -> f32 {
+ self.length_squared().sqrt()
+ }
+ pub fn distance(&self, value: &Self) -> f32 {
+ (self - value).length()
+ }
+ pub fn distance_squared(&self, value: &Self) -> f32 {
+ (self - value).length_squared()
+ }
+ pub fn normalize(&self) -> Self {
+ self / self.length()
+ }
+ fn impl_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X + rhs.X, Y: self.Y + rhs.Y }
+ }
+ fn impl_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X - rhs.X, Y: self.Y - rhs.Y }
+ }
+ fn impl_div(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X / rhs.X, Y: self.Y / rhs.Y }
+ }
+ fn impl_div_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X / rhs, Y: self.Y / rhs }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X * rhs.X, Y: self.Y * rhs.Y }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X * rhs, Y: self.Y * rhs }
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn div(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_div(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<&Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn div(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_div(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn div(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_div(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<&Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn div(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_div(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<f32> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn div(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_div_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<f32> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn div(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_div_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Vector2> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Vector2> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Vector2) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for &Vector2 {
+ type Output = Vector2;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector2 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58dcf9653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+impl Vector3 {
+ pub fn new(X: f32, Y: f32, Z: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X, Y, Z }
+ }
+ pub fn zero() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0f32, Y: 0f32, Z: 0f32 }
+ }
+ pub fn one() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 1f32, Y: 1f32, Z: 1f32 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_x() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 1.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_y() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0.0, Y: 1.0, Z: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_z() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 1.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn dot(&self, rhs: &Self) -> f32 {
+ self.X * rhs.X + self.Y * rhs.Y + self.Z * rhs.Z
+ }
+ pub fn length_squared(&self) -> f32 {
+ }
+ pub fn length(&self) -> f32 {
+ self.length_squared().sqrt()
+ }
+ pub fn distance(&self, value: &Self) -> f32 {
+ (self - value).length()
+ }
+ pub fn distance_squared(&self, value: &Self) -> f32 {
+ (self - value).length_squared()
+ }
+ pub fn normalize(&self) -> Self {
+ self / self.length()
+ }
+ fn impl_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X + rhs.X, Y: self.Y + rhs.Y, Z: self.Z + rhs.Z }
+ }
+ fn impl_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X - rhs.X, Y: self.Y - rhs.Y, Z: self.Z - rhs.Z }
+ }
+ fn impl_div(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X / rhs.X, Y: self.Y / rhs.Y, Z: self.Z / rhs.Z }
+ }
+ fn impl_div_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X / rhs, Y: self.Y / rhs, Z: self.Z / rhs }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X * rhs.X, Y: self.Y * rhs.Y, Z: self.Z * rhs.Z }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X * rhs, Y: self.Y * rhs, Z: self.Z * rhs }
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn div(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_div(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<&Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn div(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_div(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn div(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_div(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<&Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn div(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_div(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<f32> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn div(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_div_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<f32> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn div(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_div_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Vector3> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Vector3> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Vector3) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for &Vector3 {
+ type Output = Vector3;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector3 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69609d906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/Numerics/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+impl Vector4 {
+ pub fn new(X: f32, Y: f32, Z: f32, W: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X, Y, Z, W }
+ }
+ pub fn zero() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0f32, Y: 0f32, Z: 0f32, W: 0f32 }
+ }
+ pub fn one() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 1f32, Y: 1f32, Z: 1f32, W: 1f32 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_x() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 1.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0, W: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_y() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0.0, Y: 1.0, Z: 0.0, W: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_z() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 1.0, W: 0.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn unit_w() -> Self {
+ Self { X: 0.0, Y: 0.0, Z: 0.0, W: 1.0 }
+ }
+ pub fn dot(&self, rhs: &Self) -> f32 {
+ self.X * rhs.X + self.Y * rhs.Y + self.Z * rhs.Z + self.W * rhs.W
+ }
+ pub fn length_squared(&self) -> f32 {
+ }
+ pub fn length(&self) -> f32 {
+ self.length_squared().sqrt()
+ }
+ pub fn distance(&self, value: &Self) -> f32 {
+ (self - value).length()
+ }
+ pub fn distance_squared(&self, value: &Self) -> f32 {
+ (self - value).length_squared()
+ }
+ pub fn normalize(&self) -> Self {
+ self / self.length()
+ }
+ fn impl_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X + rhs.X, Y: self.Y + rhs.Y, Z: self.Z + rhs.Z, W: self.W + rhs.W }
+ }
+ fn impl_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X - rhs.X, Y: self.Y - rhs.Y, Z: self.Z - rhs.Z, W: self.W - rhs.W }
+ }
+ fn impl_div(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X / rhs.X, Y: self.Y / rhs.Y, Z: self.Z / rhs.Z, W: self.W / rhs.W }
+ }
+ fn impl_div_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X / rhs, Y: self.Y / rhs, Z: self.Z / rhs, W: self.W / rhs }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X * rhs.X, Y: self.Y * rhs.Y, Z: self.Z * rhs.Z, W: self.W * rhs.W }
+ }
+ fn impl_mul_f32(&self, rhs: f32) -> Self {
+ Self { X: self.X * rhs, Y: self.Y * rhs, Z: self.Z * rhs, W: self.W * rhs }
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_add(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Add<&Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_add(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_sub(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Sub<&Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn div(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_div(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<&Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn div(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_div(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn div(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_div(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<&Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn div(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_div(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<f32> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn div(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_div_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Div<f32> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn div(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_div_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Vector4> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_mul(&rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<&Vector4> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Vector4) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Mul<f32> for &Vector4 {
+ type Output = Vector4;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: f32) -> Vector4 {
+ self.impl_mul_f32(rhs)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9a1f113e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+macro_rules! primitive_boxed_type {
+ ($(($t:ty, $m:ident)),+) => {
+ $(impl std::convert::TryFrom<$t> for windows::core::IInspectable {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: $t) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ PropertyValue::$m(value)
+ }
+ }
+ impl std::convert::TryFrom<windows::core::IInspectable> for $t {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: windows::core::IInspectable) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ <windows::core::IInspectable as windows::core::ComInterface>::cast::<IReference<$t>>(&value)?.Value()
+ }
+ }
+ impl std::convert::TryFrom<&windows::core::IInspectable> for $t {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: &windows::core::IInspectable) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ <windows::core::IInspectable as windows::core::ComInterface>::cast::<IReference<$t>>(value)?.Value()
+ }
+ })*
+ };
+primitive_boxed_type! {
+ (bool, CreateBoolean),
+ (u8, CreateUInt8),
+ (i16, CreateInt16),
+ (u16, CreateUInt16),
+ (i32, CreateInt32),
+ (u32, CreateUInt32),
+ (i64, CreateInt64),
+ (u64, CreateUInt64),
+ (f32, CreateSingle),
+ (f64, CreateDouble)
+impl std::convert::TryFrom<&str> for windows::core::IInspectable {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: &str) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ let value: windows::core::HSTRING = value.into();
+ PropertyValue::CreateString(&value)
+ }
+impl std::convert::TryFrom<windows::core::HSTRING> for windows::core::IInspectable {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: windows::core::HSTRING) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ PropertyValue::CreateString(&value)
+ }
+impl std::convert::TryFrom<&windows::core::HSTRING> for windows::core::IInspectable {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: &windows::core::HSTRING) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ PropertyValue::CreateString(value)
+ }
+impl std::convert::TryFrom<windows::core::IInspectable> for windows::core::HSTRING {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: windows::core::IInspectable) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ <windows::core::IInspectable as windows::core::ComInterface>::cast::<
+ IReference<windows::core::HSTRING>,
+ >(&value)?
+ .Value()
+ }
+impl std::convert::TryFrom<&windows::core::IInspectable> for windows::core::HSTRING {
+ type Error = windows::core::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: &windows::core::IInspectable) -> windows::core::Result<Self> {
+ <windows::core::IInspectable as windows::core::ComInterface>::cast::<
+ IReference<windows::core::HSTRING>,
+ >(value)?
+ .Value()
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..814b3d45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+impl ::core::convert::From<::core::time::Duration> for TimeSpan {
+ fn from(value: ::core::time::Duration) -> Self {
+ Self { Duration: (value.as_nanos() / 100) as i64 }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<TimeSpan> for ::core::time::Duration {
+ fn from(value: TimeSpan) -> Self {
+ ::core::time::Duration::from_nanos((value.Duration * 100) as u64)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f09ae9111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+impl BOOL {
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_bool(self) -> bool {
+ self.0 != 0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn ok(self) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> {
+ if self.as_bool() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(::windows::core::Error::from_win32())
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[track_caller]
+ pub fn unwrap(self) {
+ self.ok().unwrap();
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[track_caller]
+ pub fn expect(self, msg: &str) {
+ self.ok().expect(msg);
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<BOOL> for bool {
+ fn from(value: BOOL) -> Self {
+ value.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<&BOOL> for bool {
+ fn from(value: &BOOL) -> Self {
+ value.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<bool> for BOOL {
+ fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
+ if value {
+ Self(1)
+ } else {
+ Self(0)
+ }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<&bool> for BOOL {
+ fn from(value: &bool) -> Self {
+ (*value).into()
+ }
+impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq<bool> for BOOL {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &bool) -> bool {
+ self.as_bool() == *other
+ }
+impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq<BOOL> for bool {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &BOOL) -> bool {
+ *self == other.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Not for BOOL {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
+ if self.as_bool() {
+ Self(0)
+ } else {
+ Self(1)
+ }
+ }
+impl windows::core::IntoParam<BOOL> for bool {
+ fn into_param(self) -> windows::core::Param<BOOL> {
+ windows::core::Param::Owned(self.into())
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44afc65c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+impl BOOLEAN {
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_bool(self) -> bool {
+ self.0 != 0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn ok(self) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> {
+ if self.as_bool() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(::windows::core::Error::from_win32())
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[track_caller]
+ pub fn unwrap(self) {
+ self.ok().unwrap();
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[track_caller]
+ pub fn expect(self, msg: &str) {
+ self.ok().expect(msg);
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<BOOLEAN> for bool {
+ fn from(value: BOOLEAN) -> Self {
+ value.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<&BOOLEAN> for bool {
+ fn from(value: &BOOLEAN) -> Self {
+ value.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<bool> for BOOLEAN {
+ fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
+ if value {
+ Self(1)
+ } else {
+ Self(0)
+ }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<&bool> for BOOLEAN {
+ fn from(value: &bool) -> Self {
+ (*value).into()
+ }
+impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq<bool> for BOOLEAN {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &bool) -> bool {
+ self.as_bool() == *other
+ }
+impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq<BOOLEAN> for bool {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &BOOLEAN) -> bool {
+ *self == other.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Not for BOOLEAN {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
+ if self.as_bool() {
+ Self(0)
+ } else {
+ Self(1)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66d77db19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+impl NTSTATUS {
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn is_ok(self) -> bool {
+ self.0 >= 0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn is_err(self) -> bool {
+ !self.is_ok()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn to_hresult(self) -> ::windows::core::HRESULT {
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(self.0 | 0x1000_0000)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn ok(self) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> {
+ if self.is_ok() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(::windows::core::Error { code: self.to_hresult(), info: None })
+ }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<NTSTATUS> for ::windows::core::HRESULT {
+ fn from(value: NTSTATUS) -> Self {
+ value.to_hresult()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<NTSTATUS> for ::windows::core::Error {
+ fn from(value: NTSTATUS) -> Self {
+ Self { code: value.to_hresult(), info: None }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3015224ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn as_bool(self) -> bool {
+ self.0 != 0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn ok(self) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> {
+ if self.as_bool() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(::windows::core::Error::from_win32())
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[track_caller]
+ pub fn unwrap(self) {
+ self.ok().unwrap();
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ #[track_caller]
+ pub fn expect(self, msg: &str) {
+ self.ok().expect(msg);
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<VARIANT_BOOL> for bool {
+ fn from(value: VARIANT_BOOL) -> Self {
+ value.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<&VARIANT_BOOL> for bool {
+ fn from(value: &VARIANT_BOOL) -> Self {
+ value.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<bool> for VARIANT_BOOL {
+ fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
+ if value {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<&bool> for VARIANT_BOOL {
+ fn from(value: &bool) -> Self {
+ (*value).into()
+ }
+impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq<bool> for VARIANT_BOOL {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &bool) -> bool {
+ self.as_bool() == *other
+ }
+impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq<VARIANT_BOOL> for bool {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &VARIANT_BOOL) -> bool {
+ *self == other.as_bool()
+ }
+impl ::core::ops::Not for VARIANT_BOOL {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
+ if self.as_bool() {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d875953b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Foundation/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+impl WIN32_ERROR {
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn is_ok(self) -> bool {
+ self.0 == 0
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn is_err(self) -> bool {
+ !self.is_ok()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn to_hresult(self) -> ::windows::core::HRESULT {
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(if self.0 == 0 { self.0 } else { (self.0 & 0x0000_FFFF) | (7 << 16) | 0x8000_0000 } as _)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_error(error: &::windows::core::Error) -> ::core::option::Option<Self> {
+ let hresult = error.code().0 as u32;
+ if ((hresult >> 16) & 0x7FF) == 7 {
+ Some(Self(hresult & 0xFFFF))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn ok(self) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> {
+ if self.is_ok() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(::windows::core::Error { code: self.to_hresult(), info: None })
+ }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<WIN32_ERROR> for ::windows::core::HRESULT {
+ fn from(value: WIN32_ERROR) -> Self {
+ value.to_hresult()
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<WIN32_ERROR> for ::windows::core::Error {
+ fn from(value: WIN32_ERROR) -> Self {
+ Self { code: value.to_hresult(), info: None }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4290fba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::Ipv6Addr> for IN6_ADDR {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::Ipv6Addr) -> Self {
+ Self { u: IN6_ADDR_0 { Byte: addr.octets() } }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<IN6_ADDR> for ::std::net::Ipv6Addr {
+ fn from(in6_addr: IN6_ADDR) -> Self {
+ // SAFETY: this is safe because the union variants are just views of the same exact data
+ Self::from(unsafe { in6_addr.u.Byte })
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d12af968b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::Ipv4Addr> for IN_ADDR {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::Ipv4Addr) -> Self {
+ // u32::from(addr) is in host byte order
+ // S_addr must be big-endian, network byte order
+ Self { S_un: IN_ADDR_0 { S_addr: u32::from(addr).to_be() } }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<IN_ADDR> for ::std::net::Ipv4Addr {
+ fn from(in_addr: IN_ADDR) -> Self {
+ // SAFETY: this is safe because the union variants are just views of the same exact data
+ // in_addr.S_un.S_addr is big-endian, network byte order
+ // Ipv4Addr::new() expects the parameter in host byte order
+ Self::from(u32::from_be(unsafe { in_addr.S_un.S_addr }))
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68bfdc76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::SocketAddrV4> for SOCKADDR_IN {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::SocketAddrV4) -> Self {
+ // addr.port() is in host byte order
+ // sin_port must be big-endian, network byte order
+ SOCKADDR_IN { sin_family: AF_INET, sin_port: addr.port().to_be(), sin_addr: (*addr.ip()).into(), ..Default::default() }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b76f2f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::SocketAddrV6> for SOCKADDR_IN6 {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::SocketAddrV6) -> Self {
+ // addr.port() and addr.flowinfo() are in host byte order
+ // sin6_port and sin6_flowinfo must be big-endian, network byte order
+ // sin6_scope_id is a bitfield without endianness
+ sin6_family: AF_INET6,
+ sin6_port: addr.port().to_be(),
+ sin6_flowinfo: addr.flowinfo().to_be(),
+ sin6_addr: (*addr.ip()).into(),
+ Anonymous: SOCKADDR_IN6_0 { sin6_scope_id: addr.scope_id() },
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccaf570c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/Networking/WinSock/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::SocketAddrV4> for SOCKADDR_INET {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::SocketAddrV4) -> Self {
+ SOCKADDR_INET { Ipv4: addr.into() }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::SocketAddrV6> for SOCKADDR_INET {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::SocketAddrV6) -> Self {
+ SOCKADDR_INET { Ipv6: addr.into() }
+ }
+impl ::core::convert::From<::std::net::SocketAddr> for SOCKADDR_INET {
+ fn from(addr: ::std::net::SocketAddr) -> Self {
+ match addr {
+ ::std::net::SocketAddr::V4(socket_addr_v4) => socket_addr_v4.into(),
+ ::std::net::SocketAddr::V6(socket_addr_v6) => socket_addr_v6.into(),
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf1cc08d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/extensions/mod/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+#[cfg(feature = "Win32_Foundation")]
+pub use GetWindowLongA as GetWindowLongPtrA;
+#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+#[cfg(feature = "Win32_Foundation")]
+pub use GetWindowLongW as GetWindowLongPtrW;
+#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+#[cfg(feature = "Win32_Foundation")]
+pub use SetWindowLongA as SetWindowLongPtrA;
+#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+#[cfg(feature = "Win32_Foundation")]
+pub use SetWindowLongW as SetWindowLongPtrW;
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5ec866bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: MethodDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys {
+ gen_sys_function(gen, def)
+ } else {
+ gen_win_function(gen, def)
+ }
+fn gen_sys_function(gen: &Gen, def: MethodDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(def, &[]);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.signature_cfg(&signature);
+ let mut tokens = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ tokens.combine(&gen_link(gen, &signature, &cfg));
+ tokens
+fn gen_win_function(gen: &Gen, def: MethodDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.method_def_name(def));
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(def, &[]);
+ let generics = gen.constraint_generics(&signature.params);
+ let where_clause = gen.where_clause(&signature.params);
+ let abi_return_type = gen.return_sig(&signature);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.signature_cfg(&signature);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let link = gen_link(gen, &signature, &cfg);
+ let kind = gen.reader.signature_kind(&signature);
+ match kind {
+ SignatureKind::Query(_) => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let generics = expand_generics(generics, quote!(T));
+ let where_clause =
+ expand_where_clause(where_clause, quote!(T: ::windows::core::ComInterface));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> ::windows::core::Result<T> #where_clause {
+ #link
+ let mut result__ = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
+ #name(#args).from_abi(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::QueryOptional(_) => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let generics = expand_generics(generics, quote!(T));
+ let where_clause =
+ expand_where_clause(where_clause, quote!(T: ::windows::core::ComInterface));
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params result__: *mut ::core::option::Option<T>) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> #where_clause {
+ #link
+ #name(#args).ok()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ResultValue => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = signature.params[signature.params.len() - 1].ty.deref();
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(&return_type);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> #where_clause {
+ #link
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ #name(#args).from_abi(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ResultVoid => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> ::windows::core::Result<()> #where_clause {
+ #link
+ #name(#args).ok()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnValue => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = signature.params[signature.params.len() - 1].ty.deref();
+ let is_nullable = gen.reader.type_is_nullable(&return_type);
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(&return_type);
+ if is_nullable {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> #where_clause {
+ #link
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ #name(#args);
+ ::windows::core::from_abi(result__.assume_init())
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> #return_type #where_clause {
+ #link
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ #name(#args);
+ ::std::mem::transmute(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnStruct | SignatureKind::PreserveSig => {
+ if handle_last_error(gen, def, &signature) {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(&signature.return_type.unwrap());
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> #where_clause {
+ #link
+ let result__ = #name(#args);
+ ::windows::imp::then(!result__.is_invalid(), ||result__).ok_or_else(::windows::core::Error::from_win32)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) #abi_return_type #where_clause {
+ #link
+ #name(#args)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnVoid => {
+ let args = gen.win32_args(&signature.params, kind);
+ let params = gen.win32_params(&signature.params, kind);
+ let does_not_return = does_not_return(gen, def);
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ #[inline]
+ pub unsafe fn #name<#generics>(#params) #does_not_return #where_clause {
+ #link
+ #name(#args)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_link(gen: &Gen, signature: &Signature, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.reader.method_def_name(signature.def);
+ let ident = to_ident(name);
+ let library = gen.reader.method_def_module_name(signature.def);
+ let abi = gen.reader.method_def_extern_abi(signature.def);
+ let symbol = if let Some(impl_map) = gen.reader.method_def_impl_map(signature.def) {
+ gen.reader.impl_map_import_name(impl_map)
+ } else {
+ name
+ };
+ let link_name = if symbol != name {
+ quote! { #[link_name = #symbol] }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ let params = signature.params.iter().map(|p| {
+ let name = gen.param_name(p.def);
+ let tokens = if p.kind == SignatureParamKind::ValueType {
+ gen.type_default_name(&p.ty)
+ } else {
+ gen.type_abi_name(&p.ty)
+ };
+ quote! { #name: #tokens }
+ });
+ let return_type = gen.return_sig(signature);
+ if gen.std || !gen.namespace.starts_with("Windows.") {
+ let library = library.trim_end_matches(".dll");
+ quote! {
+ #[link(name = #library)]
+ extern #abi {
+ #link_name
+ pub fn #ident(#(#params),*) #return_type;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(library) = gen.reader.method_def_static_lib(signature.def) {
+ quote! {
+ #[link(name = #library, kind = "static")]
+ extern #abi {
+ #link_name
+ pub fn #ident(#(#params),*) #return_type;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let symbol = if symbol != name {
+ format!(" \"{symbol}\"")
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ let doc = if gen.sys {
+ gen.cfg_doc(cfg).0
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ let mut tokens = String::new();
+ for param in params {
+ tokens.push_str(&format!("{}, ", param.as_str()));
+ }
+ let tokens = tokens.trim_end_matches(", ");
+ format!(
+ r#"::windows_targets::link!("{library}" "{abi}"{symbol}{doc} fn {name}({tokens}){return_type});"#
+ )
+ .into()
+ }
+fn does_not_return(gen: &Gen, def: MethodDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.reader.method_def_does_not_return(def) {
+ quote! { -> ! }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ }
+fn handle_last_error(gen: &Gen, def: MethodDef, signature: &Signature) -> bool {
+ if let Some(map) = gen.reader.method_def_impl_map(def) {
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .impl_map_flags(map)
+ .contains(PInvokeAttributes::LAST_ERROR)
+ {
+ if let Some(Type::TypeDef((return_type, _))) = &signature.return_type {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_is_handle(*return_type) {
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_underlying_type(*return_type)
+ .is_pointer()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if !gen.reader.type_def_invalid_values(*return_type).is_empty() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ false
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30d4150e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1400 @@
+use super::*;
+pub struct Gen<'a> {
+ pub reader: &'a Reader<'a>,
+ pub namespace: &'a str,
+ pub sys: bool,
+ pub cfg: bool,
+ pub doc: bool,
+ pub component: bool,
+ pub standalone: bool,
+ pub std: bool,
+impl<'a> Gen<'a> {
+ pub fn new(reader: &'a Reader) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ reader,
+ namespace: "",
+ sys: false,
+ cfg: false,
+ doc: false,
+ component: false,
+ standalone: false,
+ std: false,
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // TypeDef
+ //
+ pub fn type_def_name(&self, def: TypeDef, generics: &[Type]) -> TokenStream {
+ self.type_def_name_imp(def, generics, "")
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_vtbl_name(&self, def: TypeDef, generics: &[Type]) -> TokenStream {
+ self.type_def_name_imp(def, generics, "_Vtbl")
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_name_imp(&self, def: TypeDef, generics: &[Type], suffix: &str) -> TokenStream {
+ let type_name = self.reader.type_def_type_name(def);
+ if type_name.namespace.is_empty() {
+ to_ident(&self.scoped_name(def))
+ } else {
+ let mut namespace = self.namespace(type_name.namespace);
+ let mut name = to_ident(;
+ name.push_str(suffix);
+ if generics.is_empty() || self.sys {
+ namespace.combine(&name);
+ namespace
+ } else {
+ let colon_separated = if !namespace.as_str().is_empty() {
+ quote! { :: }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ let generics = generics.iter().map(|ty| self.type_name(ty));
+ quote! { #namespace #name #colon_separated<#(#generics),*> }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Type
+ //
+ pub fn type_default_name(&self, ty: &Type) -> TokenStream {
+ if let Type::WinrtArray(ty) = ty {
+ self.type_default_name(ty)
+ } else {
+ let kind = self.type_name(ty);
+ if ty.is_generic() {
+ quote! { <#kind as ::windows::core::Type<#kind>>::Default }
+ } else if self.reader.type_is_nullable(ty) && !self.sys {
+ quote! { ::core::option::Option<#kind> }
+ } else {
+ kind
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn type_name(&self, ty: &Type) -> TokenStream {
+ match ty {
+ Type::Void => quote! { ::core::ffi::c_void },
+ Type::Bool => quote! { bool },
+ Type::Char => quote! { u16 },
+ Type::I8 => quote! { i8 },
+ Type::U8 => quote! { u8 },
+ Type::I16 => quote! { i16 },
+ Type::U16 => quote! { u16 },
+ Type::I32 => quote! { i32 },
+ Type::U32 => quote! { u32 },
+ Type::I64 => quote! { i64 },
+ Type::U64 => quote! { u64 },
+ Type::F32 => quote! { f32 },
+ Type::F64 => quote! { f64 },
+ Type::ISize => quote! { isize },
+ Type::USize => quote! { usize },
+ Type::String => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name HSTRING }
+ }
+ Type::BSTR => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name BSTR }
+ }
+ Type::IInspectable => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name IInspectable }
+ }
+ Type::GUID => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name GUID }
+ }
+ Type::IUnknown => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name IUnknown }
+ }
+ Type::HRESULT => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name HRESULT }
+ }
+ Type::PSTR => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name PSTR }
+ }
+ Type::PWSTR => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name PWSTR }
+ }
+ Type::PCSTR => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name PCSTR }
+ }
+ Type::PCWSTR => {
+ let crate_name = self.crate_name();
+ quote! { #crate_name PCWSTR }
+ }
+ Type::Win32Array((ty, len)) => {
+ let name = self.type_default_name(ty);
+ let len = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(*len);
+ quote! { [#name; #len] }
+ }
+ Type::GenericParam(generic) => self.reader.generic_param_name(*generic).into(),
+ Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) => self.type_def_name(*def, generics),
+ Type::MutPtr((ty, pointers)) => {
+ let pointers = mut_ptrs(*pointers);
+ let ty = self.type_default_name(ty);
+ quote! { #pointers #ty }
+ }
+ Type::ConstPtr((ty, pointers)) => {
+ let pointers = const_ptrs(*pointers);
+ let ty = self.type_default_name(ty);
+ quote! { #pointers #ty }
+ }
+ Type::WinrtArray(ty) => self.type_name(ty),
+ Type::WinrtArrayRef(ty) => self.type_name(ty),
+ Type::WinrtConstRef(ty) => self.type_name(ty),
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn type_vtbl_name(&self, ty: &Type) -> TokenStream {
+ match ty {
+ Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) => self.type_def_vtbl_name(*def, generics),
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn type_abi_name(&self, ty: &Type) -> TokenStream {
+ if self.sys {
+ return self.type_default_name(ty);
+ }
+ match ty {
+ Type::IUnknown | Type::IInspectable => {
+ quote! { *mut ::core::ffi::c_void }
+ }
+ Type::String => {
+ quote! { ::std::mem::MaybeUninit<::windows::core::HSTRING> }
+ }
+ Type::BSTR => {
+ quote! { ::std::mem::MaybeUninit<::windows::core::BSTR> }
+ }
+ Type::Win32Array((kind, len)) => {
+ let name = self.type_abi_name(kind);
+ let len = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(*len);
+ quote! { [#name; #len] }
+ }
+ Type::GenericParam(generic) => {
+ let name = to_ident(self.reader.generic_param_name(*generic));
+ quote! { ::windows::core::AbiType<#name> }
+ }
+ Type::TypeDef((def, _)) => match self.reader.type_def_kind(*def) {
+ TypeKind::Enum => self.type_def_name(*def, &[]),
+ TypeKind::Struct => {
+ let tokens = self.type_def_name(*def, &[]);
+ if self.reader.type_def_is_blittable(*def) {
+ tokens
+ } else {
+ quote! { ::std::mem::MaybeUninit<#tokens> }
+ }
+ }
+ TypeKind::Delegate => {
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(*def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ quote! { *mut ::core::ffi::c_void }
+ } else {
+ self.type_def_name(*def, &[])
+ }
+ }
+ _ => quote! { *mut ::core::ffi::c_void },
+ },
+ Type::MutPtr((kind, pointers)) => {
+ let pointers_tokens = gen_mut_ptrs(*pointers);
+ let kind = if *pointers > 1 {
+ self.type_name(kind)
+ } else {
+ self.type_abi_name(kind)
+ };
+ quote! { #pointers_tokens #kind }
+ }
+ Type::ConstPtr((kind, pointers)) => {
+ let pointers_tokens = gen_const_ptrs(*pointers);
+ let kind = if *pointers > 1 {
+ self.type_name(kind)
+ } else {
+ self.type_abi_name(kind)
+ };
+ quote! { #pointers_tokens #kind }
+ }
+ Type::WinrtArray(kind) => self.type_abi_name(kind),
+ Type::WinrtArrayRef(kind) => self.type_abi_name(kind),
+ _ => self.type_name(ty),
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Constraints
+ //
+ pub fn generic_phantoms(&self, generics: &[Type]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ for generic in generics {
+ let generic = self.type_name(generic);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { ::core::marker::PhantomData::<#generic>, });
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ pub fn generic_named_phantoms(&self, generics: &[Type]) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
+ generics
+ .iter()
+ .map(|generic| {
+ let generic = self.type_name(generic);
+ quote! { #generic: ::core::marker::PhantomData::<#generic>, }
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ pub fn generic_constraints(&self, generics: &[Type]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ for generic in generics {
+ let generic = self.type_name(generic);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #generic: ::windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static, });
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ pub fn generic_names(&self, generics: &[Type]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ for generic in generics {
+ let generic = self.type_name(generic);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #generic, });
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ /// The signature params which are generic (along with their relative index)
+ pub fn generic_params<'b>(
+ &'b self,
+ params: &'b [SignatureParam],
+ ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, &SignatureParam)> + 'b {
+ params
+ .iter()
+ .filter(move |param| self.reader.signature_param_is_convertible(param))
+ .enumerate()
+ }
+ /// The generic param names (i.e., `T` in `fn foo<T>()`)
+ pub fn constraint_generics(&self, params: &[SignatureParam]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut generics = self
+ .generic_params(params)
+ .map(|(position, _)| -> TokenStream { format!("P{position}").into() })
+ .peekable();
+ if generics.peek().is_some() {
+ quote!(#(#generics),*)
+ } else {
+ TokenStream::new()
+ }
+ }
+ /// A `where` clause for some constrained generic params
+ pub fn where_clause(&self, params: &[SignatureParam]) -> TokenStream {
+ let constraints = self.param_constraints(params);
+ if !constraints.is_empty() {
+ quote!(where #constraints)
+ } else {
+ quote!()
+ }
+ }
+ fn param_constraints(&self, params: &[SignatureParam]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ let gen_name = |position| {
+ let name: TokenStream = format!("P{position}").into();
+ name
+ };
+ for (position, param) in self.generic_params(params) {
+ match param.kind {
+ SignatureParamKind::TryInto => {
+ let name: TokenStream = gen_name(position);
+ let into = self.type_name(&param.ty);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: ::windows::core::TryIntoParam<#into>, });
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::IntoParam => {
+ let name: TokenStream = gen_name(position);
+ let into = self.type_name(&param.ty);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: ::windows::core::IntoParam<#into>, });
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ //
+ // Cfg
+ //
+ /// Generates doc comments for types, free functions, and constants.
+ pub(crate) fn cfg_doc(&self, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ if !self.doc {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let mut tokens = format!(r#"`\"{}\"`"#, to_feature(self.namespace));
+ let features = self.cfg_features_imp(cfg, self.namespace);
+ for features in features {
+ write!(tokens, r#", `\"{}\"`"#, to_feature(features)).unwrap();
+ }
+ if cfg.implement {
+ tokens.push_str(r#", `\"implement\"`"#)
+ }
+ format!(r#" #[doc = "*Required features: {tokens}*"]"#).into()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Generates doc comments for member functions (methods) and avoids redundantly declaring the
+ /// enclosing module feature required by the method's type.
+ pub(crate) fn cfg_method_doc(&self, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ if !self.doc {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let features = self.cfg_features_imp(cfg, self.namespace);
+ if features.is_empty() {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let mut tokens = String::new();
+ for features in features {
+ write!(tokens, r#"`\"{}\"`, "#, to_feature(features)).unwrap();
+ }
+ tokens.truncate(tokens.len() - 2);
+ format!(r#"#[doc = "*Required features: {tokens}*"]"#).into()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn cfg_features(&self, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ let arches = &cfg.arches;
+ let arch = match arches.len() {
+ 0 => quote! {},
+ 1 => {
+ quote! { #[cfg(#(target_arch = #arches),*)] }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ quote! { #[cfg(any(#(target_arch = #arches),*))] }
+ }
+ };
+ let features = self.cfg_features_imp(cfg, self.namespace);
+ let features = match features.len() {
+ 0 => quote! {},
+ 1 => {
+ let features = features.iter().cloned().map(to_feature);
+ quote! { #[cfg(#(feature = #features)*)] }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let features = features.iter().cloned().map(to_feature);
+ quote! { #[cfg(all( #(feature = #features),* ))] }
+ }
+ };
+ quote! { #arch #features }
+ }
+ fn cfg_features_imp(&self, cfg: &'a Cfg, namespace: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
+ let mut compact = Vec::<&'static str>::new();
+ if !self.standalone && !self.component {
+ for feature in cfg.types.keys() {
+ if !feature.is_empty() && !starts_with(namespace, feature) {
+ for pos in 0..compact.len() {
+ if starts_with(feature, unsafe { compact.get_unchecked(pos) }) {
+ compact.remove(pos);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ compact.push(feature);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ compact
+ }
+ fn cfg_not_features(&self, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ let features = self.cfg_features_imp(cfg, self.namespace);
+ if features.is_empty() {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ match features.len() {
+ 0 => quote! {},
+ 1 => {
+ let features = features.iter().cloned().map(to_feature);
+ quote! { #[cfg(not(#(feature = #features)*))] }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let features = features.iter().cloned().map(to_feature);
+ quote! { #[cfg(not(all( #(feature = #features),* )))] }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Other helpers
+ //
+ pub(crate) fn namespace(&self, namespace: &str) -> TokenStream {
+ if self.standalone || namespace == self.namespace {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let is_external =
+ namespace.starts_with("Windows.") && !self.namespace.starts_with("Windows");
+ let mut relative = self.namespace.split('.').peekable();
+ let mut namespace = namespace.split('.').peekable();
+ while relative.peek() == namespace.peek() {
+ if {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ if is_external {
+ tokens.push_str("::windows::");
+ } else {
+ for _ in 0..relative.count() {
+ tokens.push_str("super::");
+ }
+ }
+ for namespace in namespace {
+ tokens.push_str(namespace);
+ tokens.push_str("::");
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn crate_name(&self) -> TokenStream {
+ if self.standalone {
+ TokenStream::new()
+ } else if self.sys {
+ "::windows_sys::core::".into()
+ } else {
+ "::windows::core::".into()
+ }
+ }
+ fn scoped_name(&self, def: TypeDef) -> String {
+ if let Some(enclosing_type) = self.reader.type_def_enclosing_type(def) {
+ for (index, nested_type) in self.reader.nested_types(enclosing_type).enumerate() {
+ if self.reader.type_def_name(nested_type) == self.reader.type_def_name(def) {
+ return format!("{}_{index}", &self.scoped_name(enclosing_type));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.reader.type_def_name(def).to_string()
+ }
+ pub fn value(&self, value: &Value) -> TokenStream {
+ match value {
+ Value::Bool(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::U8(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::I8(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::U16(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::I16(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::U32(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::I32(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::U64(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::I64(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::F32(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::F64(value) => quote! { #value },
+ Value::String(value) => {
+ let mut tokens = "\"".to_string();
+ for u in value.chars() {
+ write!(tokens, "{}", u.escape_default()).unwrap();
+ }
+ tokens.push('\"');
+ tokens.into()
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn typed_value(&self, value: &Value) -> TokenStream {
+ let literal = self.value(value);
+ match value {
+ Value::Bool(_) => quote! { bool = #literal },
+ Value::U8(_) => quote! { u8 = #literal },
+ Value::I8(_) => quote! { i8 = #literal },
+ Value::U16(_) => quote! { u16 = #literal },
+ Value::I16(_) => quote! { i16 = #literal },
+ Value::U32(_) => quote! { u32 = #literal },
+ Value::I32(_) => quote! { i32 = #literal },
+ Value::U64(_) => quote! { u64 = #literal },
+ Value::I64(_) => quote! { i64 = #literal },
+ Value::F32(_) => quote! { f32 = #literal },
+ Value::F64(_) => quote! { f64 = #literal },
+ Value::String(_) => {
+ quote! { &str = #literal }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn guid(&self, value: &GUID) -> TokenStream {
+ let guid = self.type_name(&Type::GUID);
+ format!("{}::from_u128(0x{:08x?}_{:04x?}_{:04x?}_{:02x?}{:02x?}_{:02x?}{:02x?}{:02x?}{:02x?}{:02x?}{:02x?})", guid.into_string(), value.0, value.1, value.2, value.3, value.4, value.5, value.6, value.7, value.8, value.9, value.10).into()
+ }
+ pub fn interface_core_traits(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ _generics: &[Type],
+ ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ _phantoms: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = trim_tick(self.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::cmp::PartialEq for #ident {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ self.0 == other.0
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::cmp::Eq for #ident {}
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::fmt::Debug for #ident {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_tuple(#name).field(&self.0).finish()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn agile(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ if self.reader.type_def_is_agile(def) {
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ unsafe impl<#constraints> ::core::marker::Send for #ident {}
+ #features
+ unsafe impl<#constraints> ::core::marker::Sync for #ident {}
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn async_get(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ generics: &[Type],
+ ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ _phantoms: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut kind = self.reader.type_def_async_kind(def);
+ let mut async_generics = generics.to_vec();
+ if kind == AsyncKind::None {
+ for interface in self.reader.type_def_interfaces(def, generics) {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((interface_def, interface_generics)) = &interface.ty {
+ kind = self.reader.type_def_async_kind(*interface_def);
+ if kind != AsyncKind::None {
+ async_generics = interface_generics.to_vec();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if kind == AsyncKind::None {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let return_type = match kind {
+ AsyncKind::Operation | AsyncKind::OperationWithProgress => {
+ self.type_name(&async_generics[0])
+ }
+ _ => quote! { () },
+ };
+ let handler = match kind {
+ AsyncKind::Action => quote! { AsyncActionCompletedHandler },
+ AsyncKind::ActionWithProgress => quote! { AsyncActionWithProgressCompletedHandler },
+ AsyncKind::Operation => quote! { AsyncOperationCompletedHandler },
+ AsyncKind::OperationWithProgress => {
+ quote! { AsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ };
+ let namespace = self.namespace("Windows.Foundation");
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> #ident {
+ pub fn get(&self) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> {
+ if self.Status()? == #namespace AsyncStatus::Started {
+ let (_waiter, signaler) = ::windows::imp::Waiter::new()?;
+ self.SetCompleted(&#namespace #handler::new(move |_sender, _args| {
+ // Safe because the waiter will only be dropped after being signaled.
+ unsafe { signaler.signal(); }
+ Ok(())
+ }))?;
+ }
+ self.GetResults()
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::std::future::Future for #ident {
+ type Output = ::windows::core::Result<#return_type>;
+ fn poll(self: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut ::std::task::Context) -> ::std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
+ if self.Status()? == #namespace AsyncStatus::Started {
+ let waker = context.waker().clone();
+ let _ = self.SetCompleted(&#namespace #handler::new(move |_sender, _args| {
+ waker.wake_by_ref();
+ Ok(())
+ }));
+ ::std::task::Poll::Pending
+ } else {
+ ::std::task::Poll::Ready(self.GetResults())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn interface_winrt_trait(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ generics: &[Type],
+ ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ _phantoms: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ let type_signature = if self.reader.type_def_kind(def) == TypeKind::Class {
+ let type_signature =
+ Literal::byte_string(self.reader.type_def_signature(def, generics).as_bytes());
+ quote! { ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(#type_signature) }
+ } else {
+ let signature = Literal::byte_string(
+ format!("{{{:#?}}}", self.reader.type_def_guid(def).unwrap()).as_bytes(),
+ );
+ if generics.is_empty() {
+ quote! { ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(#signature) }
+ } else {
+ let generics = generics.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, g)| {
+ let g = self.type_name(g);
+ let semi = if index != generics.len() - 1 {
+ Some(quote! {
+ .push_slice(b";")
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ quote! {
+ .push_other(<#g as ::windows::core::RuntimeType>::SIGNATURE)
+ #semi
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ {
+ ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer::new()
+ .push_slice(b"pinterface(")
+ .push_slice(#signature)
+ .push_slice(b";")
+ #(#generics)*
+ .push_slice(b")")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::windows::core::RuntimeType for #ident {
+ const SIGNATURE: ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer = #type_signature;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn runtime_name_trait(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ _generics: &[Type],
+ name: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ // TODO: this needs to use a ConstBuffer-like facility to accomodate generics
+ let runtime_name = format!("{}", self.reader.type_def_type_name(def));
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::windows::core::RuntimeName for #name {
+ const NAME: &'static str = #runtime_name;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::RuntimeName for #name {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn interface_trait(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ generics: &[Type],
+ ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ has_unknown_base: bool,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ if let Some(default) = self.reader.type_def_default_interface(def) {
+ let default_name = self.type_name(&default);
+ let vtbl = self.type_vtbl_name(&default);
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::clone::Clone for #ident {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.0.clone())
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ unsafe impl ::windows::core::Interface for #ident {
+ type Vtable = #vtbl;
+ }
+ #features
+ unsafe impl ::windows::core::ComInterface for #ident {
+ const IID: ::windows::core::GUID = <#default_name as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let vtbl = self.type_def_vtbl_name(def, generics);
+ let guid = if generics.is_empty() {
+ match self.reader.type_def_guid(def) {
+ Some(guid) => self.guid(&guid),
+ None => {
+ quote! {
+ ::windows::core::GUID::zeroed()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ ::windows::core::GUID::from_signature(<Self as ::windows::core::RuntimeType>::SIGNATURE)
+ }
+ };
+ let phantoms = self.generic_phantoms(generics);
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #features
+ unsafe impl<#constraints> ::windows::core::Interface for #ident {
+ type Vtable = #vtbl;
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::clone::Clone for #ident {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.0.clone(), #phantoms)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if has_unknown_base {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ unsafe impl<#constraints> ::windows::core::ComInterface for #ident {
+ const IID: ::windows::core::GUID = #guid;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn interface_vtbl(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ generics: &[Type],
+ _ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ features: &TokenStream,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ let vtbl = self.type_def_vtbl_name(def, generics);
+ let mut methods = quote! {};
+ let mut method_names = MethodNames::new();
+ method_names.add_vtable_types(self, def);
+ let phantoms = self.generic_named_phantoms(generics);
+ match self.reader.type_def_vtables(def).last() {
+ Some(Type::IUnknown) => {
+ methods.combine(&quote! { pub base__: ::windows::core::IUnknown_Vtbl, })
+ }
+ Some(Type::IInspectable) => {
+ methods.combine(&quote! { pub base__: ::windows::core::IInspectable_Vtbl, })
+ }
+ Some(Type::TypeDef((def, _))) => {
+ let vtbl = self.type_def_vtbl_name(*def, &[]);
+ methods.combine(&quote! { pub base__: #vtbl, });
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ for method in self.reader.type_def_methods(def) {
+ if self.reader.method_def_name(method) == ".ctor" {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let name = method_names.add(self, method);
+ let signature = self.reader.method_def_signature(method, generics);
+ let mut cfg = self.reader.signature_cfg(&signature);
+ let signature = self.vtbl_signature(def, generics, &signature);
+ cfg.add_feature(self.reader.type_def_namespace(def));
+ let cfg_all = self.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let cfg_not = self.cfg_not_features(&cfg);
+ let signature = quote! { pub #name: unsafe extern "system" fn #signature, };
+ if cfg_all.is_empty() {
+ methods.combine(&signature);
+ } else {
+ methods.combine(&quote! {
+ #cfg_all
+ #signature
+ #cfg_not
+ #name: usize,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ #[repr(C)] #[doc(hidden)] pub struct #vtbl where #constraints {
+ #methods
+ #(pub #phantoms)*
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn vtbl_signature(
+ &self,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ _generics: &[Type],
+ signature: &Signature,
+ ) -> TokenStream {
+ let is_winrt = self
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT);
+ let hresult = self.type_name(&Type::HRESULT);
+ let (trailing_return_type, return_type, udt_return_type) = if is_winrt {
+ if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ if let Type::WinrtArray(kind) = return_type {
+ let tokens = self.type_abi_name(kind);
+ (
+ quote! { result_size__: *mut u32, result__: *mut *mut #tokens },
+ quote! { -> #hresult },
+ quote! {},
+ )
+ } else {
+ let tokens = self.type_abi_name(return_type);
+ (
+ quote! { result__: *mut #tokens },
+ quote! { -> #hresult },
+ quote! {},
+ )
+ }
+ } else {
+ (quote! {}, quote! { -> #hresult }, quote! {})
+ }
+ } else if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ if self.reader.type_is_struct(return_type) {
+ let tokens = self.type_abi_name(return_type);
+ (quote! {}, quote! {}, quote! { result__: *mut #tokens, })
+ } else {
+ let tokens = self.type_default_name(return_type);
+ (quote! {}, quote! { -> #tokens }, quote! {})
+ }
+ } else {
+ (quote! {}, quote! {}, quote! {})
+ };
+ let params = signature.params.iter().map(|p| {
+ let name = self.param_name(p.def);
+ if is_winrt {
+ let abi = self.type_abi_name(&p.ty);
+ let abi_size_name: TokenStream =
+ format!("{}_array_size", self.reader.param_name(p.def)).into();
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(p.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ {
+ if p.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { #abi_size_name: u32, #name: *const #abi, }
+ } else if p.ty.is_winrt_const_ref() {
+ quote! { #name: &#abi, }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name: #abi, }
+ }
+ } else if p.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { #abi_size_name: u32, #name: *mut #abi, }
+ } else if p.ty.is_winrt_array_ref() {
+ quote! { #abi_size_name: *mut u32, #name: *mut *mut #abi, }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name: *mut #abi, }
+ }
+ } else {
+ match p.kind {
+ SignatureParamKind::ValueType => {
+ let abi = self.type_default_name(&p.ty);
+ quote! { #name: #abi, }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let abi = self.type_abi_name(&p.ty);
+ quote! { #name: #abi, }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ quote! { (this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, #udt_return_type #(#params)* #trailing_return_type) #return_type }
+ }
+ pub fn param_name(&self, param: Param) -> TokenStream {
+ // In Rust, function parameters cannot be named the same as structs. This avoids some collisions that occur in the win32 metadata.
+ // See Icmp6SendEcho2 for an example.
+ to_ident(&self.reader.param_name(param).to_lowercase())
+ }
+ pub fn return_sig(&self, signature: &Signature) -> TokenStream {
+ if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ let tokens = self.type_default_name(return_type);
+ format!(" -> {}", tokens.as_str()).into()
+ } else if self.reader.method_def_does_not_return(signature.def) {
+ " -> !".into()
+ } else {
+ " -> ()".into()
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn win32_args(&self, params: &[SignatureParam], kind: SignatureKind) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = quote! {};
+ for (position, param) in params.iter().enumerate() {
+ let new = match kind {
+ SignatureKind::Query(query) if query.object == position => {
+ quote! { &mut result__, }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnValue | SignatureKind::ResultValue
+ if params.len() - 1 == position =>
+ {
+ quote! { &mut result__, }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::QueryOptional(query) if query.object == position => {
+ quote! { result__ as *mut _ as *mut _, }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::Query(query) | SignatureKind::QueryOptional(query)
+ if query.guid == position =>
+ {
+ quote! { &<T as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID, }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let name = self.param_name(param.def);
+ let flags = self.reader.param_flags(param.def);
+ match param.kind {
+ SignatureParamKind::ArrayFixed(_)
+ | SignatureParamKind::ArrayRelativeLen(_)
+ | SignatureParamKind::ArrayRelativeByteLen(_) => {
+ let map = if flags.contains(ParamAttributes::OPTIONAL) {
+ quote! { #name.as_deref().map_or(::core::ptr::null(), |slice|slice.as_ptr()) }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name.as_ptr() }
+ };
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute(#map), }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::ArrayRelativePtr(relative) => {
+ let name = self.param_name(params[relative].def);
+ let flags = self.reader.param_flags(params[relative].def);
+ if flags.contains(ParamAttributes::OPTIONAL) {
+ quote! { #name.as_deref().map_or(0, |slice|slice.len() as _), }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name.len() as _, }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::TryInto => {
+ quote! { #name.try_into_param()?.abi(), }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::IntoParam => {
+ quote! { #name.into_param().abi(), }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::OptionalPointer => {
+ if flags.contains(ParamAttributes::OUTPUT) {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute(#name.unwrap_or(::std::ptr::null_mut())), }
+ } else {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute(#name.unwrap_or(::std::ptr::null())), }
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::ValueType => {
+ quote! { #name, }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::Blittable => {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute(#name), }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::Other => {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(#name), }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&new)
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ pub fn win32_params(&self, params: &[SignatureParam], kind: SignatureKind) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = quote! {};
+ let mut generic_params = self.generic_params(params);
+ for (position, param) in params.iter().enumerate() {
+ match kind {
+ SignatureKind::Query(query) | SignatureKind::QueryOptional(query) => {
+ if query.object == position || query.guid == position {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureKind::ReturnValue | SignatureKind::ResultValue
+ if params.len() - 1 == position =>
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ let name = self.param_name(param.def);
+ match param.kind {
+ SignatureParamKind::ArrayFixed(fixed) => {
+ let ty = param.ty.deref();
+ let ty = self.type_default_name(&ty);
+ let len = Literal::u32_unsuffixed(fixed as _);
+ let ty = if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::OUTPUT)
+ {
+ quote! { &mut [#ty; #len] }
+ } else {
+ quote! { &[#ty; #len] }
+ };
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::OPTIONAL)
+ {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: ::core::option::Option<#ty>, });
+ } else {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: #ty, });
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::ArrayRelativeLen(_) => {
+ let ty = param.ty.deref();
+ let ty = self.type_default_name(&ty);
+ let ty = if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::OUTPUT)
+ {
+ quote! { &mut [#ty] }
+ } else {
+ quote! { &[#ty] }
+ };
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::OPTIONAL)
+ {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: ::core::option::Option<#ty>, });
+ } else {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: #ty, });
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::ArrayRelativeByteLen(_) => {
+ let ty = if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::OUTPUT)
+ {
+ quote! { &mut [u8] }
+ } else {
+ quote! { &[u8] }
+ };
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::OPTIONAL)
+ {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: ::core::option::Option<#ty>, });
+ } else {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: #ty, });
+ }
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::ArrayRelativePtr(_) => {}
+ SignatureParamKind::TryInto | SignatureParamKind::IntoParam => {
+ let (position, _) =;
+ let kind: TokenStream = format!("P{position}").into();
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: #kind, });
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::OptionalPointer => {
+ let kind = self.type_default_name(&param.ty);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: ::core::option::Option<#kind>, });
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::ValueType | SignatureParamKind::Blittable => {
+ let kind = self.type_default_name(&param.ty);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: #kind, });
+ }
+ SignatureParamKind::Other => {
+ let kind = self.type_default_name(&param.ty);
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #name: &#kind, });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+ pub fn impl_signature(&self, def: TypeDef, signature: &Signature) -> TokenStream {
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ let is_delegate = self.reader.type_def_kind(def) == TypeKind::Delegate;
+ let params = signature
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .map(|p| self.winrt_produce_type(p, !is_delegate));
+ let return_type = if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ let tokens = self.type_name(return_type);
+ if return_type.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { ::windows::core::Array<#tokens> }
+ } else {
+ tokens
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { () }
+ };
+ let this = if is_delegate {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ quote! { &self, }
+ };
+ quote! { (#this #(#params),*) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> }
+ } else {
+ let signature_kind = self.reader.signature_kind(signature);
+ let mut params = quote! {};
+ if signature_kind == SignatureKind::ResultValue {
+ for param in &signature.params[..signature.params.len() - 1] {
+ params.combine(&self.win32_produce_type(param));
+ }
+ } else {
+ for param in &signature.params {
+ params.combine(&self.win32_produce_type(param));
+ }
+ }
+ let return_type = match signature_kind {
+ SignatureKind::ReturnVoid => quote! {},
+ SignatureKind::Query(_)
+ | SignatureKind::QueryOptional(_)
+ | SignatureKind::ResultVoid => quote! { -> ::windows::core::Result<()> },
+ SignatureKind::ResultValue => {
+ let return_type = signature.params[signature.params.len() - 1].ty.deref();
+ let return_type = self.type_name(&return_type);
+ quote! { -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type> }
+ }
+ _ => self.return_sig(signature),
+ };
+ quote! { (&self, #params) #return_type }
+ }
+ }
+ fn winrt_produce_type(&self, param: &SignatureParam, include_param_names: bool) -> TokenStream {
+ let default_type = self.type_default_name(&param.ty);
+ let sig = if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ {
+ if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { &[#default_type] }
+ } else if self.reader.type_is_primitive(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { #default_type }
+ } else if self.reader.type_is_nullable(&param.ty) {
+ let type_name = self.type_name(&param.ty);
+ quote! { ::core::option::Option<&#type_name> }
+ } else {
+ quote! { &#default_type }
+ }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { &mut [#default_type] }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array_ref() {
+ let kind = self.type_name(&param.ty);
+ quote! { &mut ::windows::core::Array<#kind> }
+ } else {
+ quote! { &mut #default_type }
+ };
+ if include_param_names {
+ let name = self.param_name(param.def);
+ quote! { #name: #sig }
+ } else {
+ sig
+ }
+ }
+ fn win32_produce_type(&self, param: &SignatureParam) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = self.param_name(param.def);
+ let kind = self.type_default_name(&param.ty);
+ if self
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ {
+ if self.reader.type_is_primitive(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { #name: #kind, }
+ } else if self.reader.type_is_nullable(&param.ty) {
+ let kind = self.type_name(&param.ty);
+ quote! { #name: ::core::option::Option<&#kind>, }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name: &#kind, }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name: #kind, }
+ }
+ }
+pub fn to_ident(name: &str) -> TokenStream {
+ // keywords list based on
+ match name {
+ "abstract" | "as" | "become" | "box" | "break" | "const" | "continue" | "crate" | "do"
+ | "else" | "enum" | "extern" | "false" | "final" | "fn" | "for" | "if" | "impl" | "in"
+ | "let" | "loop" | "macro" | "match" | "mod" | "move" | "mut" | "override" | "priv"
+ | "pub" | "ref" | "return" | "static" | "struct" | "super" | "trait" | "true" | "type"
+ | "typeof" | "unsafe" | "unsized" | "use" | "virtual" | "where" | "while" | "yield"
+ | "try" | "async" | "await" | "dyn" => format!("r#{name}").into(),
+ "Self" | "self" => format!("{name}_").into(),
+ "_" => "unused".into(),
+ _ => trim_tick(name).into(),
+ }
+fn mut_ptrs(pointers: usize) -> TokenStream {
+ "*mut ".repeat(pointers).into()
+fn const_ptrs(pointers: usize) -> TokenStream {
+ "*const ".repeat(pointers).into()
+fn to_feature(name: &str) -> String {
+ let mut feature = String::new();
+ for name in name.split('.').skip(1) {
+ feature.push_str(name);
+ feature.push('_');
+ }
+ if feature.is_empty() {
+ feature = name.to_string();
+ } else {
+ feature.truncate(feature.len() - 1);
+ }
+ feature
+fn starts_with(namespace: &str, feature: &str) -> bool {
+ if namespace == feature {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if namespace.len() > feature.len() && namespace.as_bytes().get(feature.len()) == Some(&b'.') {
+ return namespace.starts_with(feature);
+ }
+ false
+fn gen_mut_ptrs(pointers: usize) -> TokenStream {
+ "*mut ".repeat(pointers).into()
+fn gen_const_ptrs(pointers: usize) -> TokenStream {
+ "*const ".repeat(pointers).into()
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_starts_with() {
+ assert!(starts_with(
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D11on12",
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D11on12"
+ ));
+ assert!(starts_with(
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D11on12",
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics"
+ ));
+ assert!(!starts_with(
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D11on12",
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D11"
+ ));
+ assert!(!starts_with(
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D",
+ "Windows.Win32.Graphics.Direct3D11"
+ ));
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ace4a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys {
+ gen_sys_handle(gen, def)
+ } else {
+ gen_win_handle(gen, def)
+ }
+pub fn gen_sys_handle(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let ident = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ match gen.reader.type_def_underlying_type(def) {
+ Type::ISize if gen.std => quote! {
+ pub type #ident = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void;
+ },
+ Type::USize if gen.std => quote! {
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
+ pub type #ident = u32;
+ #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
+ pub type #ident = u64;
+ },
+ underlying_type => {
+ let signature = gen.type_default_name(&underlying_type);
+ quote! {
+ pub type #ident = #signature;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub fn gen_win_handle(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.reader.type_def_name(def);
+ let ident = to_ident(name);
+ let underlying_type = gen.reader.type_def_underlying_type(def);
+ let signature = gen.type_default_name(&underlying_type);
+ let check = if underlying_type.is_pointer() {
+ quote! {
+ impl #ident {
+ pub fn is_invalid(&self) -> bool {
+ self.0.is_null()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let invalid = gen.reader.type_def_invalid_values(def);
+ if !invalid.is_empty() {
+ let invalid = invalid.iter().map(|value| {
+ let literal = Literal::i64_unsuffixed(*value);
+ if *value < 0 && underlying_type.is_unsigned() {
+ quote! { self.0 == #literal as _ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { self.0 == #literal }
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ impl #ident {
+ pub fn is_invalid(&self) -> bool {
+ #(#invalid)||*
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ }
+ };
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ // Unfortunately, Rust requires these to be derived to allow constant patterns.
+ #[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)]
+ pub struct #ident(pub #signature);
+ #check
+ impl ::core::default::Default for #ident {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() }
+ }
+ }
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for #ident {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ *self
+ }
+ }
+ impl ::core::marker::Copy for #ident {}
+ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for #ident {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_tuple(#name).field(&self.0).finish()
+ }
+ }
+ impl ::windows::core::TypeKind for #ident {
+ type TypeKind = ::windows::core::CopyType;
+ }
+ };
+ if let Some(dependency) = gen.reader.type_def_usable_for(def) {
+ let type_name = gen.reader.type_def_type_name(dependency);
+ let mut dependency = gen.namespace(type_name.namespace);
+ dependency.push_str(;
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ impl windows::core::CanInto<#dependency> for #ident {}
+ });
+ }
+ tokens
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a3184b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_kind(def) != TypeKind::Interface
+ || (!gen.component && !gen.reader.type_def_can_implement(def))
+ {
+ return quote! {};
+ }
+ let generics: &Vec<Type> = &gen.reader.type_def_generics(def).collect();
+ let type_ident = to_ident(gen.reader.type_def_name(def));
+ let impl_ident = type_ident.join("_Impl");
+ let vtbl_ident = type_ident.join("_Vtbl");
+ let implvtbl_ident = impl_ident.join("Vtbl");
+ let constraints = gen.generic_constraints(generics);
+ let generic_names = gen.generic_names(generics);
+ let named_phantoms = gen.generic_named_phantoms(generics);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg_impl(def, generics);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let mut requires = quote! {};
+ let type_ident = quote! { #type_ident<#generic_names> };
+ let vtables = gen.reader.type_def_vtables(def);
+ let has_unknown_base = matches!(vtables.first(), Some(Type::IUnknown));
+ fn gen_required_trait(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, generics: &[Type]) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.type_def_name_imp(def, generics, "_Impl");
+ quote! {
+ + #name
+ }
+ }
+ let mut matches = quote! { iid == &<#type_ident as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID };
+ if let Some(Type::TypeDef((def, _))) = vtables.last() {
+ requires.combine(&gen_required_trait(gen, *def, &[]))
+ }
+ for def in &vtables {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) = def {
+ let name = gen.type_def_name(*def, generics);
+ matches.combine(&quote! {
+ || iid == &<#name as ::windows::core::ComInterface>::IID
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ // TODO: this awkward wrapping of TypeDefs needs fixing
+ for interface in gen
+ .reader
+ .type_interfaces(&Type::TypeDef((def, generics.to_vec())))
+ {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) = interface.ty {
+ requires.combine(&gen_required_trait(gen, def, &generics));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let runtime_name = gen.runtime_name_trait(def, generics, &type_ident, &constraints, &features);
+ let mut method_names = MethodNames::new();
+ method_names.add_vtable_types(gen, def);
+ let method_traits = gen.reader.type_def_methods(def).map(|method| {
+ let name = method_names.add(gen, method);
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, generics);
+ let signature_tokens = gen.impl_signature(def, &signature);
+ quote! { fn #name #signature_tokens; }
+ });
+ let mut method_names = MethodNames::new();
+ method_names.add_vtable_types(gen, def);
+ let method_impls = gen.reader.type_def_methods(def).map(|method| {
+ let name = method_names.add(gen, method);
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, generics);
+ let vtbl_signature = gen.vtbl_signature(def, generics, &signature);
+ let invoke_upcall = if gen.reader.type_def_flags(def).contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT) { winrt_methods::gen_upcall(gen, &signature, quote! { this.#name }) } else { com_methods::gen_upcall(gen, &signature, quote! { this.#name }) };
+ if has_unknown_base {
+ quote! {
+ unsafe extern "system" fn #name<#constraints Identity: ::windows::core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: #impl_ident<#generic_names>, const OFFSET: isize> #vtbl_signature {
+ // offset the `this` pointer by `OFFSET` times the size of a pointer and cast it as an IUnknown implementation
+ let this = (this as *const *const ()).offset(OFFSET) as *const Identity;
+ let this = (*this).get_impl();
+ #invoke_upcall
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ unsafe extern "system" fn #name<Impl: #impl_ident> #vtbl_signature {
+ let this = (this as *mut *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) as *const ::windows::core::ScopedHeap;
+ let this = &*((*this).this as *const Impl);
+ #invoke_upcall
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ let mut methods = quote! {};
+ match vtables.last() {
+ Some(Type::IUnknown) => methods.combine(&quote! { base__: ::windows::core::IUnknown_Vtbl::new::<Identity, OFFSET>(), }),
+ Some(Type::IInspectable) => methods.combine(&quote! { base__: ::windows::core::IInspectable_Vtbl::new::<Identity, #type_ident, OFFSET>(), }),
+ Some(Type::TypeDef((def, generics))) => {
+ let name = gen.type_def_name_imp(*def, generics, "_Vtbl");
+ if has_unknown_base {
+ methods.combine(&quote! { base__: #name::new::<Identity, Impl, OFFSET>(), });
+ } else {
+ methods.combine(&quote! { base__: #name::new::<Impl>(), });
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ let mut method_names = MethodNames::new();
+ method_names.add_vtable_types(gen, def);
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(def) {
+ let name = method_names.add(gen, method);
+ if has_unknown_base {
+ methods.combine(&quote! { #name: #name::<#generic_names Identity, Impl, OFFSET>, });
+ } else {
+ methods.combine(&quote! { #name: #name::<Impl>, });
+ }
+ }
+ if has_unknown_base {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub trait #impl_ident<#generic_names> : Sized #requires where #constraints {
+ #(#method_traits)*
+ }
+ #runtime_name
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> #vtbl_ident<#generic_names> {
+ pub const fn new<Identity: ::windows::core::IUnknownImpl<Impl = Impl>, Impl: #impl_ident<#generic_names>, const OFFSET: isize>() -> #vtbl_ident<#generic_names> {
+ #(#method_impls)*
+ Self{
+ #methods
+ #(#named_phantoms)*
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn matches(iid: &windows::core::GUID) -> bool {
+ #matches
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub trait #impl_ident : Sized #requires {
+ #(#method_traits)*
+ }
+ #features
+ impl #vtbl_ident {
+ pub const fn new<Impl: #impl_ident>() -> #vtbl_ident {
+ #(#method_impls)*
+ Self{
+ #methods
+ #(#named_phantoms)*
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ #features
+ struct #implvtbl_ident<T: #impl_ident> (::std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
+ #features
+ impl<T: #impl_ident> #implvtbl_ident<T> {
+ const VTABLE: #vtbl_ident = #vtbl_ident::new::<T>();
+ }
+ #features
+ impl #type_ident {
+ pub fn new<'a, T: #impl_ident>(this: &'a T) -> ::windows::core::ScopedInterface<'a, Self> {
+ let this = ::windows::core::ScopedHeap { vtable: &#implvtbl_ident::<T>::VTABLE as *const _ as *const _, this: this as *const _ as *const _ };
+ let this = ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(::std::boxed::Box::new(this));
+ unsafe { ::windows::core::ScopedInterface::new(::std::mem::transmute(&this.vtable)) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1643e7798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys {
+ gen_sys_interface(gen, def)
+ } else {
+ gen_win_interface(gen, def)
+ }
+fn gen_sys_interface(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.reader.type_def_name(def);
+ let ident = to_ident(name);
+ if gen.reader.type_def_is_exclusive(def) {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ pub type #ident = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void;
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_win_interface(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let generics: &Vec<Type> = &gen.reader.type_def_generics(def).collect();
+ let ident = gen.type_def_name(def, generics);
+ let is_exclusive = gen.reader.type_def_is_exclusive(def);
+ let phantoms = gen.generic_phantoms(generics);
+ let constraints = gen.generic_constraints(generics);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let interfaces = gen
+ .reader
+ .type_interfaces(&Type::TypeDef((def, generics.to_vec())));
+ let vtables = gen.reader.type_def_vtables(def);
+ let has_unknown_base = matches!(vtables.first(), Some(Type::IUnknown));
+ let mut tokens = if is_exclusive {
+ quote! { #[doc(hidden)] }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #doc }
+ };
+ if has_unknown_base {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ pub struct #ident(::windows::core::IUnknown, #phantoms) where #constraints;
+ });
+ } else {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ #[repr(transparent)]
+ pub struct #ident(::std::ptr::NonNull<::std::ffi::c_void>);
+ });
+ }
+ if !is_exclusive {
+ let mut methods = quote! {};
+ // We need to distinguish between public and virtual methods because some WinRT type hierarchies inherit colliding (overloaded)
+ // methods that must be distinguishable.
+ let method_names = &mut MethodNames::new();
+ let virtual_names = &mut MethodNames::new();
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(def) {
+ methods.combine(&winrt_methods::gen(
+ gen,
+ def,
+ generics,
+ InterfaceKind::Default,
+ method,
+ method_names,
+ virtual_names,
+ ));
+ }
+ for interface in &interfaces {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((def, generics)) = &interface.ty {
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(*def) {
+ methods.combine(&winrt_methods::gen(
+ gen,
+ *def,
+ generics,
+ InterfaceKind::None,
+ method,
+ method_names,
+ virtual_names,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut bases = vtables.len();
+ for ty in &vtables {
+ match ty {
+ Type::IUnknown | Type::IInspectable => {}
+ Type::TypeDef((def, _)) => {
+ let kind = if gen.reader.type_def_type_name(*def) == TypeName::IDispatch {
+ InterfaceKind::None
+ } else {
+ InterfaceKind::Default
+ };
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(*def) {
+ methods.combine(&com_methods::gen(
+ gen,
+ *def,
+ kind,
+ method,
+ method_names,
+ virtual_names,
+ bases,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ bases -= 1;
+ }
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(def) {
+ methods.combine(&com_methods::gen(
+ gen,
+ def,
+ InterfaceKind::Default,
+ method,
+ method_names,
+ virtual_names,
+ 0,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> #ident {
+ #methods
+ }
+ });
+ if !vtables.is_empty() && generics.is_empty() {
+ let mut hierarchy = format!("::windows::imp::interface_hierarchy!({ident}");
+ let mut hierarchy_cfg = cfg.clone();
+ for ty in &vtables {
+ let into = gen.type_name(ty);
+ write!(&mut hierarchy, ", {into}").unwrap();
+ hierarchy_cfg = hierarchy_cfg.union(&gen.reader.type_cfg(ty));
+ }
+ hierarchy.push_str(");");
+ tokens.combine(&gen.cfg_features(&hierarchy_cfg));
+ tokens.push_str(&hierarchy);
+ } else {
+ for ty in &vtables {
+ let into = gen.type_name(ty);
+ let cfg = gen.cfg_features(&cfg.union(&gen.reader.type_cfg(ty)));
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #cfg
+ impl<#constraints> windows::core::CanInto<#into> for #ident {}
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ for interface in &interfaces {
+ let into = gen.type_name(&interface.ty);
+ let cfg = gen.cfg_features(&cfg.union(&gen.reader.type_cfg(&interface.ty)));
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #cfg
+ impl<#constraints> windows::core::CanTryInto<#into> for #ident {}
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_core_traits(
+ def,
+ generics,
+ &ident,
+ &constraints,
+ &phantoms,
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_winrt_trait(
+ def,
+ generics,
+ &ident,
+ &constraints,
+ &phantoms,
+ &features,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.async_get(def, generics, &ident, &constraints, &phantoms, &features));
+ tokens.combine(&iterators::gen(
+ gen,
+ def,
+ generics,
+ &ident,
+ &constraints,
+ &phantoms,
+ &cfg,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.agile(def, &ident, &constraints, &features));
+ }
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_trait(
+ def,
+ generics,
+ &ident,
+ &constraints,
+ &features,
+ has_unknown_base,
+ ));
+ tokens.combine(&gen.interface_vtbl(def, generics, &ident, &constraints, &features));
+ tokens
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49a90adf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(
+ gen: &Gen,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ generics: &[Type],
+ ident: &TokenStream,
+ constraints: &TokenStream,
+ _phantoms: &TokenStream,
+ cfg: &Cfg,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ match gen.reader.type_def_type_name(def) {
+ // If the type is IIterator<T> then simply implement the Iterator trait over top.
+ TypeName::IIterator => {
+ return quote! {
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::Iterator for IIterator<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> ::core::option::Option<Self::Item> {
+ let result = self.Current().ok();
+ if result.is_some() {
+ self.MoveNext().ok()?;
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // If the type is IIterable<T> then implement the IntoIterator trait and rely on the resulting
+ // IIterator<T> returned by first() to implement the Iterator trait.
+ TypeName::IIterable => {
+ return quote! {
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for IIterable<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = IIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ ::core::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(&self)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &IIterable<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = IIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ // TODO: not sure how to avoid this unwrap, although it should always succeed in practice.
+ self.First().unwrap()
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // If the type is IVectorView<T> then provide the VectorViewIterator fast iterator.
+ TypeName::IVectorView => {
+ return quote! {
+ pub struct VectorViewIterator<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static> {
+ vector: ::core::option::Option<IVectorView<T>>,
+ current: u32,
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> VectorViewIterator<T> {
+ pub fn new(vector: ::core::option::Option<IVectorView<T>>) -> Self {
+ Self { vector, current: 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::Iterator for VectorViewIterator<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> ::core::option::Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.vector.as_ref()
+ .and_then(|vector| {
+ vector.GetAt(self.current).ok()
+ })
+ .and_then(|result| {
+ self.current += 1;
+ Some(result)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for IVectorView<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = VectorViewIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ ::core::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(&self)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &IVectorView<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = VectorViewIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ // TODO: shouldn't need to clone - VectorViewIterator should hold a reference
+ VectorViewIterator::new(::core::option::Option::Some(::core::clone::Clone::clone(self)))
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ TypeName::IVector => {
+ return quote! {
+ pub struct VectorIterator<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType + 'static> {
+ vector: ::core::option::Option<IVector<T>>,
+ current: u32,
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> VectorIterator<T> {
+ pub fn new(vector: ::core::option::Option<IVector<T>>) -> Self {
+ Self { vector, current: 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::Iterator for VectorIterator<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> ::core::option::Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.vector.as_ref()
+ .and_then(|vector| {
+ vector.GetAt(self.current).ok()
+ })
+ .and_then(|result| {
+ self.current += 1;
+ Some(result)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for IVector<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = VectorIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ ::core::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(&self)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ::windows::core::RuntimeType> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &IVector<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = VectorIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ // TODO: shouldn't need to clone - VectorIterator should hold a reference
+ VectorIterator::new(::core::option::Option::Some(::core::clone::Clone::clone(self)))
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ let wfc = gen.namespace("Windows.Foundation.Collections");
+ let mut iterable = None;
+ let interfaces = gen
+ .reader
+ .type_interfaces(&Type::TypeDef((def, generics.to_vec())));
+ // If the class or interface is not one of the well-known collection interfaces, we then see whether it
+ // implements any one of them. Here is where we favor IVectorView/IVector over IIterable.
+ for interface in interfaces {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((interface, interface_generics)) = &interface.ty {
+ match gen.reader.type_def_type_name(*interface) {
+ TypeName::IVectorView => {
+ let item = gen.type_name(&interface_generics[0]);
+ let mut cfg = cfg.clone();
+ gen.reader
+ .type_def_cfg_combine(*interface, interface_generics, &mut cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ return quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for #ident {
+ type Item = #item;
+ type IntoIter = #wfc VectorViewIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ ::core::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(&self)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &#ident {
+ type Item = #item;
+ type IntoIter = #wfc VectorViewIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ #wfc VectorViewIterator::new(::windows::core::ComInterface::cast(self).ok())
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ TypeName::IVector => {
+ let item = gen.type_name(&interface_generics[0]);
+ let mut cfg = cfg.clone();
+ gen.reader
+ .type_def_cfg_combine(*interface, interface_generics, &mut cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ return quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for #ident {
+ type Item = #item;
+ type IntoIter = #wfc VectorIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ ::core::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(&self)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &#ident {
+ type Item = #item;
+ type IntoIter = #wfc VectorIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ #wfc VectorIterator::new(::windows::core::ComInterface::cast(self).ok())
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ TypeName::IIterable => {
+ iterable = Some((*interface, interface_generics.to_vec()));
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match iterable {
+ None => TokenStream::new(),
+ Some((interface, interface_generics)) => {
+ let item = gen.type_name(&interface_generics[0]);
+ let mut cfg = cfg.clone();
+ gen.reader
+ .type_def_cfg_combine(interface, &interface_generics, &mut cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for #ident {
+ type Item = #item;
+ type IntoIter = #wfc IIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ ::core::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(&self)
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl<#constraints> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &#ident {
+ type Item = #item;
+ type IntoIter = #wfc IIterator<Self::Item>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ // TODO: not sure how to avoid this unwrap, although it should always succeed in practice.
+ self.First().unwrap()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0957a4f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+Learn more about Rust for Windows here: <>
+mod classes;
+mod com_methods;
+mod constants;
+mod delegates;
+mod enums;
+mod extensions;
+mod functions;
+mod gen;
+mod handles;
+mod implements;
+mod interfaces;
+mod iterators;
+mod method_names;
+mod standalone;
+mod structs;
+mod try_format;
+mod winrt_methods;
+use metadata::reader::*;
+use method_names::*;
+pub use standalone::*;
+use std::collections::*;
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use tokens::*;
+use try_format::*;
+pub use gen::*;
+pub fn namespace(gen: &Gen, tree: &Tree) -> String {
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ if tree.namespace == "Windows" || !tree.namespace.starts_with("Windows.") {
+ tokens.combine(&allow());
+ }
+ for (name, tree) in &tree.nested {
+ let name = to_ident(name);
+ let namespace = tree.namespace[tree.namespace.find('.').unwrap() + 1..].replace('.', "_");
+ if !gen.component {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { #[cfg(feature = #namespace)] });
+ }
+ tokens.combine(&quote! { pub mod #name; });
+ }
+ let mut functions = BTreeMap::<&str, TokenStream>::new();
+ let mut types = BTreeMap::<TypeKind, BTreeMap<&str, TokenStream>>::new();
+ for method in gen.reader.namespace_functions(tree.namespace) {
+ let name = gen.reader.method_def_name(method);
+ functions
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&functions::gen(gen, method));
+ }
+ for field in gen.reader.namespace_constants(tree.namespace) {
+ let name = gen.reader.field_name(field);
+ types
+ .entry(TypeKind::Class)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&constants::gen(gen, field));
+ }
+ for def in gen
+ .reader
+ .namespace_types(tree.namespace, &Default::default())
+ {
+ let type_name = gen.reader.type_def_type_name(def);
+ if REMAP_TYPES.iter().any(|(x, _)| x == &type_name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if CORE_TYPES.iter().any(|(x, _)| x == &type_name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let name =;
+ let kind = gen.reader.type_def_kind(def);
+ match kind {
+ TypeKind::Class => {
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ types
+ .entry(kind)
+ .or_default()
+ .insert(name, classes::gen(gen, def));
+ }
+ }
+ TypeKind::Interface => types
+ .entry(kind)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&interfaces::gen(gen, def)),
+ TypeKind::Enum => types
+ .entry(kind)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&enums::gen(gen, def)),
+ TypeKind::Struct => {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).next().is_none() {
+ if let Some(guid) = gen.reader.type_def_guid(def) {
+ let ident = to_ident(name);
+ let value = gen.guid(&guid);
+ let guid = gen.type_name(&Type::GUID);
+ let cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let constant = quote! {
+ #doc
+ pub const #ident: #guid = #value;
+ };
+ types
+ .entry(TypeKind::Class)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&constant);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ types
+ .entry(kind)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&structs::gen(gen, def));
+ }
+ TypeKind::Delegate => types
+ .entry(kind)
+ .or_default()
+ .entry(name)
+ .or_default()
+ .combine(&delegates::gen(gen, def)),
+ }
+ }
+ for function in functions.values() {
+ tokens.combine(function);
+ }
+ for ty in types.values().flat_map(|v| v.values()) {
+ tokens.combine(ty);
+ }
+ tokens.combine(&extensions::gen_mod(gen, tree.namespace));
+ try_format(tokens.into_string())
+pub fn namespace_impl(gen: &Gen, tree: &Tree) -> String {
+ let mut types = BTreeMap::<&str, TokenStream>::new();
+ for def in gen
+ .reader
+ .namespace_types(tree.namespace, &Default::default())
+ {
+ let type_name = gen.reader.type_def_type_name(def);
+ if CORE_TYPES.iter().any(|(x, _)| x == &type_name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if gen.reader.type_def_kind(def) != TypeKind::Interface {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let tokens = implements::gen(gen, def);
+ if !tokens.is_empty() {
+ types.insert(, tokens);
+ }
+ }
+ let types = types.values();
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #(#types)*
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&extensions::gen_impl(tree.namespace));
+ try_format(tokens.into_string())
+/// Generates bindings for a specific component namespace.
+pub fn component(namespace: &str, files: &[File]) -> String {
+ let reader = &Reader::new(files);
+ let tree = reader.tree(namespace, &Default::default());
+ let mut gen = Gen::new(reader);
+ gen.namespace = tree.namespace;
+ gen.component = true;
+ let mut bindings = crate::namespace(&gen, &tree);
+ bindings.push_str(&namespace_impl(&gen, &tree));
+ try_format(bindings)
+fn allow() -> TokenStream {
+ quote! {
+ #![allow(non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals, non_camel_case_types, dead_code, clippy::all)]
+ }
+/// Expand a possibly empty generics list with a new generic
+fn expand_generics(generics: TokenStream, new: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ if generics.is_empty() {
+ quote!(#new)
+ } else {
+ quote!(#generics, #new)
+ }
+/// Expand a possibly emppty where clause with a new generic constraint
+fn expand_where_clause(where_clause: TokenStream, generic: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ if where_clause.is_empty() {
+ quote!(where #generic)
+ } else {
+ quote!(#where_clause #generic)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f5dad1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use super::*;
+pub struct MethodNames(BTreeMap<String, u32>);
+impl MethodNames {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(BTreeMap::new())
+ }
+ pub fn add(&mut self, gen: &Gen, method: MethodDef) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.reader.method_def_special_name(method);
+ let overload = self.0.entry(name.to_string()).or_insert(0);
+ *overload += 1;
+ if *overload > 1 {
+ format!("{name}{overload}").into()
+ } else {
+ to_ident(&name)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_vtable_types(&mut self, gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) {
+ for def in gen.reader.type_def_vtables(def) {
+ if let Type::TypeDef((def, _)) = def {
+ for method in gen.reader.type_def_methods(def) {
+ self.add(gen, method);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8db2fca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+use super::*;
+/// Generates standalone Windows bindings.
+pub fn standalone(names: &[&str]) -> String {
+ let files = &File::with_default(&[]).unwrap();
+ let reader = &Reader::new(files);
+ let gen = &mut Gen::new(reader);
+ standalone_imp(gen, names)
+/// Generates standalone Windows bindings for the Rust Standard Library.
+pub fn standalone_std(names: &[&str]) -> String {
+ let files = &File::with_default(&[]).unwrap();
+ let reader = &Reader::new(files);
+ let gen = &mut Gen::new(reader);
+ gen.std = true;
+ standalone_imp(gen, names)
+fn standalone_imp(gen: &mut Gen, names: &[&str]) -> String {
+ gen.namespace = "Windows.";
+ gen.standalone = true;
+ gen.sys = true;
+ let mut type_names = BTreeSet::new();
+ let mut core_types = BTreeSet::new();
+ let mut enums = BTreeSet::new();
+ for name in names {
+ let type_name = TypeName::parse(name);
+ let mut found = false;
+ if let Some(def) = gen.reader.get(type_name).next() {
+ found = true;
+ type_names.insert(type_name);
+ let mut cfg = gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]);
+ core_types.append(&mut cfg.core_types);
+ for def in cfg.types.values().flatten() {
+ type_names.insert(gen.reader.type_def_type_name(*def));
+ }
+ if gen.reader.type_def_kind(def) == TypeKind::Struct
+ && gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).next().is_none()
+ && gen.reader.type_def_guid(def).is_some()
+ {
+ core_types.insert(Type::GUID);
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ for method in gen.reader.namespace_functions(type_name.namespace) {
+ if found {
+ break;
+ }
+ let name = gen.reader.method_def_name(method);
+ if name == {
+ found = true;
+ type_names.insert(type_name);
+ let mut cfg = gen
+ .reader
+ .signature_cfg(&gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, &[]));
+ core_types.append(&mut cfg.core_types);
+ for def in cfg.types.values().flatten() {
+ type_names.insert(gen.reader.type_def_type_name(*def));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for field in gen.reader.namespace_constants(type_name.namespace) {
+ if found {
+ break;
+ }
+ let name = gen.reader.field_name(field);
+ if name == {
+ found = true;
+ type_names.insert(type_name);
+ let mut cfg = gen.reader.field_cfg(field);
+ core_types.append(&mut cfg.core_types);
+ for def in cfg.types.values().flatten() {
+ type_names.insert(gen.reader.type_def_type_name(*def));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ for def in gen
+ .reader
+ .namespace_types(type_name.namespace, &Default::default())
+ {
+ if found {
+ break;
+ }
+ if gen.reader.type_def_kind(def) == TypeKind::Enum {
+ for field in gen.reader.type_def_fields(def) {
+ if found {
+ break;
+ }
+ let name = gen.reader.field_name(field);
+ if name == {
+ found = true;
+ let enum_name = gen.reader.type_def_type_name(def);
+ type_names.insert(enum_name);
+ enums.insert((enum_name,;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut sorted = SortedTokens::default();
+ for ty in core_types {
+ match ty {
+ Type::HRESULT => sorted.insert("HRESULT", quote! { pub type HRESULT = i32; }),
+ Type::String => sorted.insert(
+ quote! { pub type HSTRING = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void; },
+ ),
+ Type::IUnknown => sorted.insert(
+ "IUnknown",
+ quote! { pub type IUnknown = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void; },
+ ),
+ Type::IInspectable => sorted.insert(
+ "IInspectable",
+ quote! { pub type IInspectable = *mut ::core::ffi::c_void; },
+ ),
+ Type::PSTR => sorted.insert("PSTR", quote! { pub type PSTR = *mut u8; }),
+ Type::PWSTR => sorted.insert("PWSTR", quote! { pub type PWSTR = *mut u16; }),
+ Type::PCSTR => sorted.insert("PCSTR", quote! { pub type PCSTR = *const u8; }),
+ Type::PCWSTR => sorted.insert("PCWSTR", quote! { pub type PCWSTR = *const u16; }),
+ Type::BSTR => sorted.insert("BSTR", quote! { pub type BSTR = *const u16; }),
+ Type::GUID => {
+ sorted.insert("GUID", quote! {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct GUID {
+ pub data1: u32,
+ pub data2: u16,
+ pub data3: u16,
+ pub data4: [u8; 8],
+ }
+ impl GUID {
+ pub const fn from_u128(uuid: u128) -> Self {
+ Self { data1: (uuid >> 96) as u32, data2: (uuid >> 80 & 0xffff) as u16, data3: (uuid >> 64 & 0xffff) as u16, data4: (uuid as u64).to_be_bytes() }
+ }
+ }
+ impl ::core::marker::Copy for GUID {}
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for GUID {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ *self
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ for type_name in type_names {
+ let mut found = false;
+ for def in gen.reader.get(type_name) {
+ found = true;
+ let kind = gen.reader.type_def_kind(def);
+ match kind {
+ TypeKind::Class | TypeKind::Interface => unimplemented!(),
+ TypeKind::Enum => {
+ sorted.insert(gen.reader.type_def_name(def), enums::gen(gen, def));
+ }
+ TypeKind::Struct => {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).next().is_none() {
+ if let Some(guid) = gen.reader.type_def_guid(def) {
+ let ident = to_ident(;
+ let value = gen.guid(&guid);
+ let guid = gen.type_name(&Type::GUID);
+ sorted.insert(
+ quote! {
+ pub const #ident: #guid = #value;
+ },
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ sorted.insert(gen.reader.type_def_name(def), structs::gen(gen, def));
+ }
+ TypeKind::Delegate => {
+ sorted.insert(gen.reader.type_def_name(def), delegates::gen(gen, def));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ for method in gen.reader.namespace_functions(type_name.namespace) {
+ if found {
+ break;
+ }
+ let name = gen.reader.method_def_name(method);
+ if name == {
+ found = true;
+ sorted.insert(
+ &format!(".{}.{name}", gen.reader.method_def_module_name(method)),
+ functions::gen(gen, method),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ for field in gen.reader.namespace_constants(type_name.namespace) {
+ if found {
+ break;
+ }
+ let name = gen.reader.field_name(field);
+ if name == {
+ found = true;
+ sorted.insert(name, constants::gen(gen, field));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (enum_type, field_name) in enums {
+ if let Some(def) = gen.reader.get(enum_type).next() {
+ for field in gen.reader.type_def_fields(def) {
+ if gen.reader.field_name(field) == field_name {
+ let ident = to_ident(field_name);
+ let ty = to_ident(;
+ let constant = gen.reader.field_constant(field).unwrap();
+ let value = gen.value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ sorted.insert(
+ field_name,
+ quote! {
+ pub const #ident: #ty = #value;
+ },
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut tokens: TokenStream = format!(
+ r#"// Bindings generated by `windows-bindgen` {}
+ std::env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
+ )
+ .into();
+ tokens.combine(&allow());
+ for value in sorted.0.values() {
+ tokens.combine(value);
+ }
+ try_format(tokens.into_string())
+struct SortedTokens(BTreeMap<String, TokenStream>);
+impl SortedTokens {
+ fn insert(&mut self, key: &str, tokens: TokenStream) {
+ self.0.entry(key.to_string()).or_default().combine(&tokens);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89670bdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+use super::*;
+pub fn gen(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.reader.type_def_is_contract(def) {
+ return quote! {};
+ }
+ if gen.reader.type_def_is_handle(def) {
+ return handles::gen(gen, def);
+ }
+ gen_struct_with_name(gen, def, gen.reader.type_def_name(def), &Cfg::default())
+fn gen_struct_with_name(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, struct_name: &str, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = to_ident(struct_name);
+ if gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).next().is_none() {
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct #name(pub u8);
+ impl ::core::marker::Copy for #name {}
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for #name {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ *self
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if !gen.sys {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ impl ::windows::core::TypeKind for #name {
+ type TypeKind = ::windows::core::CopyType;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return tokens;
+ }
+ let flags = gen.reader.type_def_flags(def);
+ let cfg = cfg.union(&gen.reader.type_def_cfg(def, &[]));
+ let repr = if let Some(layout) = gen.reader.type_def_class_layout(def) {
+ let packing = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(gen.reader.class_layout_packing_size(layout));
+ quote! { #[repr(C, packed(#packing))] }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #[repr(C)] }
+ };
+ let fields = gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).map(|f| {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(f));
+ let ty = gen.reader.field_type(f, Some(def));
+ if gen.reader.field_flags(f).contains(FieldAttributes::LITERAL) {
+ quote! {}
+ } else if !gen.sys
+ && flags.contains(TypeAttributes::EXPLICIT_LAYOUT)
+ && !gen.reader.field_is_copyable(f, def)
+ {
+ // Rust can't tell that the type is copyable and won't accept windows::core::ManuallyDrop
+ let ty = gen.type_default_name(&ty);
+ quote! { pub #name: ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<#ty>, }
+ } else if !gen.sys
+ && !flags.contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ && !gen.reader.field_is_blittable(f, def)
+ {
+ if let Type::Win32Array((ty, len)) = ty {
+ let ty = gen.type_default_name(&ty);
+ quote! { pub #name: [::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<#ty>; #len], }
+ } else {
+ let ty = gen.type_default_name(&ty);
+ quote! { pub #name: ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<#ty>, }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let ty = gen.type_default_name(&ty);
+ quote! { pub #name: #ty, }
+ }
+ });
+ let struct_or_union = if flags.contains(TypeAttributes::EXPLICIT_LAYOUT) {
+ quote! { union }
+ } else {
+ quote! { struct }
+ };
+ let doc = gen.cfg_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #repr
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub #struct_or_union #name {#(#fields)*}
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&gen_struct_constants(gen, def, &name, &cfg));
+ tokens.combine(&gen_copy_clone(gen, def, &name, &cfg));
+ tokens.combine(&gen_debug(gen, def, &name, &cfg));
+ tokens.combine(&gen_windows_traits(gen, def, &name, &cfg));
+ tokens.combine(&gen_compare_traits(gen, def, &name, &cfg));
+ if !gen.sys {
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::default::Default for #name {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ unsafe { ::core::mem::zeroed() }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ for (index, nested_type) in gen.reader.nested_types(def).enumerate() {
+ let nested_name = format!("{struct_name}_{index}");
+ tokens.combine(&gen_struct_with_name(gen, nested_type, &nested_name, &cfg));
+ }
+ tokens
+fn gen_windows_traits(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, name: &TokenStream, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(cfg);
+ let is_copy = gen.reader.type_def_is_blittable(def);
+ let type_kind = if is_copy {
+ quote! { CopyType }
+ } else {
+ quote! { ValueType }
+ };
+ let mut tokens = quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::TypeKind for #name {
+ type TypeKind = ::windows::core::#type_kind;
+ }
+ };
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ let signature =
+ Literal::byte_string(gen.reader.type_def_signature(def, &[]).as_bytes());
+ tokens.combine(&quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::windows::core::RuntimeType for #name {
+ const SIGNATURE: ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(#signature);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ tokens
+ }
+fn gen_compare_traits(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, name: &TokenStream, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(cfg);
+ if gen.sys
+ || gen.reader.type_def_has_explicit_layout(def)
+ || gen.reader.type_def_has_packing(def)
+ || gen.reader.type_def_has_callback(def)
+ {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let fields = gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).filter_map(|f| {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(f));
+ if gen.reader.field_flags(f).contains(FieldAttributes::LITERAL) {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(quote! { self.#name == other.#name })
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq for #name {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ #(#fields)&&*
+ }
+ }
+ #features
+ impl ::core::cmp::Eq for #name {}
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_debug(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, ident: &TokenStream, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ if gen.sys
+ || gen.reader.type_def_has_explicit_layout(def)
+ || gen.reader.type_def_has_packing(def)
+ {
+ quote! {}
+ } else {
+ let name = ident.as_str();
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(cfg);
+ let fields = gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).filter_map(|f| {
+ if gen.reader.field_flags(f).contains(FieldAttributes::LITERAL) {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let name = gen.reader.field_name(f);
+ let ident = to_ident(name);
+ let ty = gen.reader.field_type(f, Some(def));
+ if gen.reader.type_has_callback(&ty) {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(quote! { .field(#name, &self.#ident) })
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for #ident {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct(#name) #(#fields)* .finish()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_copy_clone(gen: &Gen, def: TypeDef, name: &TokenStream, cfg: &Cfg) -> TokenStream {
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(cfg);
+ if gen.sys || gen.reader.type_def_is_copyable(def) {
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::marker::Copy for #name {}
+ #features
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for #name {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ *self
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if gen.reader.type_def_class_layout(def).is_some() {
+ // Don't support copy/clone of packed structs:
+ quote! {}
+ } else if !gen
+ .reader
+ .type_def_flags(def)
+ .contains(TypeAttributes::WINRT)
+ {
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for #name {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ unsafe { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(self) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let fields = gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).map(|f| {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(f));
+ if gen.reader.field_flags(f).contains(FieldAttributes::LITERAL) {
+ quote! {}
+ } else if gen.reader.field_is_blittable(f, def) {
+ quote! { #name: self.#name }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name: self.#name.clone() }
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ #features
+ impl ::core::clone::Clone for #name {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Self { #(#fields),* }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_struct_constants(
+ gen: &Gen,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ struct_name: &TokenStream,
+ cfg: &Cfg,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(cfg);
+ let constants = gen.reader.type_def_fields(def).filter_map(|f| {
+ if gen.reader.field_flags(f).contains(FieldAttributes::LITERAL) {
+ if let Some(constant) = gen.reader.field_constant(f) {
+ let name = to_ident(gen.reader.field_name(f));
+ let value = gen.typed_value(&gen.reader.constant_value(constant));
+ return Some(quote! {
+ pub const #name: #value;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ });
+ let mut tokens = quote! { #(#constants)* };
+ if !tokens.is_empty() {
+ tokens = quote! {
+ #features
+ impl #struct_name {
+ #tokens
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ tokens
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..493a8a842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+pub fn try_format(tokens: String) -> String {
+ use std::io::Write;
+ let Ok(mut child) = std::process::Command::new("rustfmt").stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()).stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()).stderr(std::process::Stdio::null()).spawn() else {
+ return tokens;
+ };
+ let Some(mut stdin) = child.stdin.take() else {
+ return tokens;
+ };
+ if stdin.write_all(tokens.as_bytes()).is_err() {
+ return tokens;
+ }
+ drop(stdin);
+ let Ok(output) = child.wait_with_output() else {
+ return tokens;
+ };
+ if !output.status.success() {
+ return tokens;
+ }
+ if let Ok(result) = String::from_utf8(output.stdout) {
+ result
+ } else {
+ tokens
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..457f70c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/windows-bindgen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+use super::*;
+// TODO take Signature instead of MethodDef (wherever MethodDef is found)
+pub fn gen(
+ gen: &Gen,
+ def: TypeDef,
+ generic_types: &[Type],
+ kind: InterfaceKind,
+ method: MethodDef,
+ method_names: &mut MethodNames,
+ virtual_names: &mut MethodNames,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let signature = gen.reader.method_def_signature(method, generic_types);
+ let params = &signature.params;
+ let name = method_names.add(gen, method);
+ let interface_name = gen.type_def_name(def, generic_types);
+ let vname = virtual_names.add(gen, method);
+ let generics = gen.constraint_generics(params);
+ let where_clause = gen.where_clause(params);
+ let mut cfg = gen.reader.signature_cfg(&signature);
+ gen.reader
+ .type_def_cfg_combine(def, generic_types, &mut cfg);
+ let doc = gen.cfg_method_doc(&cfg);
+ let features = gen.cfg_features(&cfg);
+ let args = gen_winrt_abi_args(gen, params);
+ let params = gen_winrt_params(gen, params);
+ let return_type_tokens = if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ let tokens = gen.type_name(return_type);
+ if return_type.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { ::windows::core::Array<#tokens> }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #tokens }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { () }
+ };
+ let return_arg = if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ if return_type.is_winrt_array() {
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(return_type);
+ quote! { ::windows::core::Array::<#return_type>::set_abi_len(::std::mem::transmute(&mut result__)), result__.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _ as _ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { &mut result__ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ let vcall = if let Some(return_type) = &signature.return_type {
+ if return_type.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! {
+ let mut result__ = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(this).#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(this), #args #return_arg)
+ .and_then(|| result__.assume_init())
+ }
+ } else {
+ let return_type = gen.type_name(return_type);
+ quote! {
+ let mut result__ = ::windows::core::zeroed::<#return_type>();
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(this).#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(this), #args #return_arg)
+ .from_abi(result__)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! {
+ (::windows::core::Interface::vtable(this).#vname)(::windows::core::Interface::as_raw(this), #args).ok()
+ }
+ };
+ match kind {
+ InterfaceKind::Default => quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type_tokens> #where_clause {
+ let this = self;
+ unsafe {
+ #vcall
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ InterfaceKind::None | InterfaceKind::Base | InterfaceKind::Overridable => {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub fn #name<#generics>(&self, #params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type_tokens> #where_clause {
+ let this = &::windows::core::ComInterface::cast::<#interface_name>(self)?;
+ unsafe {
+ #vcall
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ InterfaceKind::Static => {
+ quote! {
+ #doc
+ #features
+ pub fn #name<#generics>(#params) -> ::windows::core::Result<#return_type_tokens> #where_clause {
+ Self::#interface_name(|this| unsafe { #vcall })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_winrt_params(gen: &Gen, params: &[SignatureParam]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut result = quote! {};
+ let mut generic_params = gen.generic_params(params);
+ for param in params.iter() {
+ let name = gen.param_name(param.def);
+ let kind = gen.type_name(&param.ty);
+ let default_type = gen.type_default_name(&param.ty);
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ {
+ if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: &[#default_type], });
+ } else if gen.reader.signature_param_is_convertible(param) {
+ let (position, _) =;
+ let kind: TokenStream = format!("P{position}").into();
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: #kind, });
+ } else if gen.reader.type_is_blittable(&param.ty) {
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: #kind, });
+ } else {
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: &#kind, });
+ }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: &mut [#default_type], });
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array_ref() {
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: &mut ::windows::core::Array<#kind>, });
+ } else {
+ result.combine(&quote! { #name: &mut #default_type, });
+ }
+ }
+ result
+fn gen_winrt_abi_args(gen: &Gen, params: &[SignatureParam]) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
+ for param in params {
+ let name = gen.param_name(param.def);
+ let param = if gen
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ {
+ if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ if gen.reader.type_is_blittable(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { #name.len() as u32, #name.as_ptr(), }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name.len() as u32, ::core::mem::transmute(#name.as_ptr()), }
+ }
+ } else if gen.reader.signature_param_is_failible_param(param) {
+ quote! { #name.try_into_param()?.abi(), }
+ } else if gen.reader.signature_param_is_borrowed(param) {
+ quote! { #name.into_param().abi(), }
+ } else if gen.reader.type_is_blittable(&param.ty) {
+ if param.ty.is_winrt_const_ref() {
+ quote! { &#name, }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name, }
+ }
+ } else {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(#name), }
+ }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ if gen.reader.type_is_blittable(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { #name.len() as u32, #name.as_mut_ptr(), }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name.len() as u32, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name), }
+ }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array_ref() {
+ quote! { #name.set_abi_len(), #name as *mut _ as _, }
+ } else if gen.reader.type_is_blittable(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { #name, }
+ } else {
+ quote! { #name as *mut _ as _, }
+ };
+ tokens.combine(&param);
+ }
+ tokens
+pub fn gen_upcall(gen: &Gen, sig: &Signature, inner: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let invoke_args = sig
+ .params
+ .iter()
+ .map(|param| gen_winrt_invoke_arg(gen, param));
+ match &sig.return_type {
+ Some(return_type) if return_type.is_winrt_array() => {
+ quote! {
+ match #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*) {
+ ::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
+ let (ok_data__, ok_data_len__) = ok__.into_abi();
+ // use `core::ptr::write` since `result` could be uninitialized
+ ::core::ptr::write(result__, ok_data__);
+ ::core::ptr::write(result_size__, ok_data_len__);
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(0)
+ }
+ ::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Some(_) => {
+ quote! {
+ match #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*) {
+ ::core::result::Result::Ok(ok__) => {
+ // use `core::ptr::write` since `result` could be uninitialized
+ ::core::ptr::write(result__, ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&ok__));
+ ::core::mem::forget(ok__);
+ ::windows::core::HRESULT(0)
+ }
+ ::core::result::Result::Err(err) => err.into()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None => quote! {
+ #inner(#(#invoke_args,)*).into()
+ },
+ }
+fn gen_winrt_invoke_arg(gen: &Gen, param: &SignatureParam) -> TokenStream {
+ let name = gen.param_name(param.def);
+ let abi_size_name: TokenStream =
+ format!("{}_array_size", gen.reader.param_name(param.def)).into();
+ if gen
+ .reader
+ .param_flags(param.def)
+ .contains(ParamAttributes::INPUT)
+ {
+ if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { ::core::slice::from_raw_parts(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name), #abi_size_name as _) }
+ } else if gen.reader.type_is_primitive(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { #name }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_const_ref() {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name) }
+ } else if gen.reader.type_is_nullable(&param.ty) {
+ quote! { ::windows::core::from_raw_borrowed(&#name) }
+ } else {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute(&#name) }
+ }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array() {
+ quote! { ::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name), #abi_size_name as _) }
+ } else if param.ty.is_winrt_array_ref() {
+ quote! { ::windows::core::ArrayProxy::from_raw_parts(::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name), #abi_size_name).as_array() }
+ } else {
+ quote! { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&#name) }
+ }