path: root/compiler/rustc_monomorphize/src/partitioning/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_monomorphize/src/partitioning/ b/compiler/rustc_monomorphize/src/partitioning/
deleted file mode 100644
index 603b3ddc1..000000000
--- a/compiler/rustc_monomorphize/src/partitioning/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-use std::cmp;
-use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
-use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
-use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
-use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
-use rustc_hir::definitions::DefPathDataName;
-use rustc_middle::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
-use rustc_middle::middle::exported_symbols::{SymbolExportInfo, SymbolExportLevel};
-use rustc_middle::mir::mono::{CodegenUnit, CodegenUnitNameBuilder, Linkage, Visibility};
-use rustc_middle::mir::mono::{InstantiationMode, MonoItem};
-use rustc_middle::ty::print::characteristic_def_id_of_type;
-use rustc_middle::ty::{self, visit::TypeVisitableExt, InstanceDef, TyCtxt};
-use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
-use super::PartitioningCx;
-use crate::collector::InliningMap;
-use crate::partitioning::{MonoItemPlacement, Partition, PlacedRootMonoItems};
-pub struct DefaultPartitioning;
-impl<'tcx> Partition<'tcx> for DefaultPartitioning {
- fn place_root_mono_items<I>(
- &mut self,
- cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>,
- mono_items: &mut I,
- ) -> PlacedRootMonoItems<'tcx>
- where
- I: Iterator<Item = MonoItem<'tcx>>,
- {
- let mut roots = FxHashSet::default();
- let mut codegen_units = FxHashMap::default();
- let is_incremental_build = cx.tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some();
- let mut internalization_candidates = FxHashSet::default();
- // Determine if monomorphizations instantiated in this crate will be made
- // available to downstream crates. This depends on whether we are in
- // share-generics mode and whether the current crate can even have
- // downstream crates.
- let export_generics =
- cx.tcx.sess.opts.share_generics() && cx.tcx.local_crate_exports_generics();
- let cgu_name_builder = &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder::new(cx.tcx);
- let cgu_name_cache = &mut FxHashMap::default();
- for mono_item in mono_items {
- match mono_item.instantiation_mode(cx.tcx) {
- InstantiationMode::GloballyShared { .. } => {}
- InstantiationMode::LocalCopy => continue,
- }
- let characteristic_def_id = characteristic_def_id_of_mono_item(cx.tcx, mono_item);
- let is_volatile = is_incremental_build && mono_item.is_generic_fn();
- let codegen_unit_name = match characteristic_def_id {
- Some(def_id) => compute_codegen_unit_name(
- cx.tcx,
- cgu_name_builder,
- def_id,
- is_volatile,
- cgu_name_cache,
- ),
- None => fallback_cgu_name(cgu_name_builder),
- };
- let codegen_unit = codegen_units
- .entry(codegen_unit_name)
- .or_insert_with(|| CodegenUnit::new(codegen_unit_name));
- let mut can_be_internalized = true;
- let (linkage, visibility) = mono_item_linkage_and_visibility(
- cx.tcx,
- &mono_item,
- &mut can_be_internalized,
- export_generics,
- );
- if visibility == Visibility::Hidden && can_be_internalized {
- internalization_candidates.insert(mono_item);
- }
- codegen_unit.items_mut().insert(mono_item, (linkage, visibility));
- roots.insert(mono_item);
- }
- // Always ensure we have at least one CGU; otherwise, if we have a
- // crate with just types (for example), we could wind up with no CGU.
- if codegen_units.is_empty() {
- let codegen_unit_name = fallback_cgu_name(cgu_name_builder);
- codegen_units.insert(codegen_unit_name, CodegenUnit::new(codegen_unit_name));
- }
- let codegen_units = codegen_units.into_values().collect();
- PlacedRootMonoItems { codegen_units, roots, internalization_candidates }
- }
- fn merge_codegen_units(
- &mut self,
- cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>,
- codegen_units: &mut Vec<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>,
- ) {
- assert!(cx.target_cgu_count >= 1);
- // Note that at this point in time the `codegen_units` here may not be
- // in a deterministic order (but we know they're deterministically the
- // same set). We want this merging to produce a deterministic ordering
- // of codegen units from the input.
- //
- // Due to basically how we've implemented the merging below (merge the
- // two smallest into each other) we're sure to start off with a
- // deterministic order (sorted by name). This'll mean that if two cgus
- // have the same size the stable sort below will keep everything nice
- // and deterministic.
- codegen_units.sort_by(|a, b|;
- // This map keeps track of what got merged into what.
- let mut cgu_contents: FxHashMap<Symbol, Vec<Symbol>> =
- codegen_units.iter().map(|cgu| (, vec![])).collect();
- // Merge the two smallest codegen units until the target size is
- // reached.
- while codegen_units.len() > cx.target_cgu_count {
- // Sort small cgus to the back
- codegen_units.sort_by_cached_key(|cgu| cmp::Reverse(cgu.size_estimate()));
- let mut smallest = codegen_units.pop().unwrap();
- let second_smallest = codegen_units.last_mut().unwrap();
- // Move the mono-items from `smallest` to `second_smallest`
- second_smallest.modify_size_estimate(smallest.size_estimate());
- for (k, v) in smallest.items_mut().drain() {
- second_smallest.items_mut().insert(k, v);
- }
- // Record that `second_smallest` now contains all the stuff that was
- // in `smallest` before.
- let mut consumed_cgu_names = cgu_contents.remove(&;
- cgu_contents.get_mut(& consumed_cgu_names);
- debug!(
- "CodegenUnit {} merged into CodegenUnit {}",
- );
- }
- let cgu_name_builder = &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder::new(cx.tcx);
- if cx.tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some() {
- // If we are doing incremental compilation, we want CGU names to
- // reflect the path of the source level module they correspond to.
- // For CGUs that contain the code of multiple modules because of the
- // merging done above, we use a concatenation of the names of all
- // contained CGUs.
- let new_cgu_names: FxHashMap<Symbol, String> = cgu_contents
- .into_iter()
- // This `filter` makes sure we only update the name of CGUs that
- // were actually modified by merging.
- .filter(|(_, cgu_contents)| cgu_contents.len() > 1)
- .map(|(current_cgu_name, cgu_contents)| {
- let mut cgu_contents: Vec<&str> =
- cgu_contents.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
- // Sort the names, so things are deterministic and easy to
- // predict. We are sorting primitive `&str`s here so we can
- // use unstable sort.
- cgu_contents.sort_unstable();
- (current_cgu_name, cgu_contents.join("--"))
- })
- .collect();
- for cgu in codegen_units.iter_mut() {
- if let Some(new_cgu_name) = new_cgu_names.get(& {
- if cx.tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.human_readable_cgu_names {
- cgu.set_name(Symbol::intern(&new_cgu_name));
- } else {
- // If we don't require CGU names to be human-readable,
- // we use a fixed length hash of the composite CGU name
- // instead.
- let new_cgu_name = CodegenUnit::mangle_name(&new_cgu_name);
- cgu.set_name(Symbol::intern(&new_cgu_name));
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // If we are compiling non-incrementally we just generate simple CGU
- // names containing an index.
- for (index, cgu) in codegen_units.iter_mut().enumerate() {
- let numbered_codegen_unit_name =
- cgu_name_builder.build_cgu_name_no_mangle(LOCAL_CRATE, &["cgu"], Some(index));
- cgu.set_name(numbered_codegen_unit_name);
- }
- }
- }
- fn place_inlined_mono_items(
- &mut self,
- cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>,
- codegen_units: &mut [CodegenUnit<'tcx>],
- roots: FxHashSet<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
- ) -> FxHashMap<MonoItem<'tcx>, MonoItemPlacement> {
- let mut mono_item_placements = FxHashMap::default();
- let single_codegen_unit = codegen_units.len() == 1;
- for old_codegen_unit in codegen_units.iter_mut() {
- // Collect all items that need to be available in this codegen unit.
- let mut reachable = FxHashSet::default();
- for root in old_codegen_unit.items().keys() {
- follow_inlining(*root, cx.inlining_map, &mut reachable);
- }
- let mut new_codegen_unit = CodegenUnit::new(;
- // Add all monomorphizations that are not already there.
- for mono_item in reachable {
- if let Some(linkage) = old_codegen_unit.items().get(&mono_item) {
- // This is a root, just copy it over.
- new_codegen_unit.items_mut().insert(mono_item, *linkage);
- } else {
- if roots.contains(&mono_item) {
- bug!(
- "GloballyShared mono-item inlined into other CGU: \
- {:?}",
- mono_item
- );
- }
- // This is a CGU-private copy.
- new_codegen_unit
- .items_mut()
- .insert(mono_item, (Linkage::Internal, Visibility::Default));
- }
- if !single_codegen_unit {
- // If there is more than one codegen unit, we need to keep track
- // in which codegen units each monomorphization is placed.
- match mono_item_placements.entry(mono_item) {
- Entry::Occupied(e) => {
- let placement = e.into_mut();
- debug_assert!(match *placement {
- MonoItemPlacement::SingleCgu { cgu_name } => {
- cgu_name !=
- }
- MonoItemPlacement::MultipleCgus => true,
- });
- *placement = MonoItemPlacement::MultipleCgus;
- }
- Entry::Vacant(e) => {
- e.insert(MonoItemPlacement::SingleCgu {
- cgu_name:,
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- *old_codegen_unit = new_codegen_unit;
- }
- return mono_item_placements;
- fn follow_inlining<'tcx>(
- mono_item: MonoItem<'tcx>,
- inlining_map: &InliningMap<'tcx>,
- visited: &mut FxHashSet<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
- ) {
- if !visited.insert(mono_item) {
- return;
- }
- inlining_map.with_inlining_candidates(mono_item, |target| {
- follow_inlining(target, inlining_map, visited);
- });
- }
- }
- fn internalize_symbols(
- &mut self,
- cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>,
- codegen_units: &mut [CodegenUnit<'tcx>],
- mono_item_placements: FxHashMap<MonoItem<'tcx>, MonoItemPlacement>,
- internalization_candidates: FxHashSet<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
- ) {
- if codegen_units.len() == 1 {
- // Fast path for when there is only one codegen unit. In this case we
- // can internalize all candidates, since there is nowhere else they
- // could be accessed from.
- for cgu in codegen_units {
- for candidate in &internalization_candidates {
- cgu.items_mut().insert(*candidate, (Linkage::Internal, Visibility::Default));
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // Build a map from every monomorphization to all the monomorphizations that
- // reference it.
- let mut accessor_map: FxHashMap<MonoItem<'tcx>, Vec<MonoItem<'tcx>>> = Default::default();
- cx.inlining_map.iter_accesses(|accessor, accessees| {
- for accessee in accessees {
- accessor_map.entry(*accessee).or_default().push(accessor);
- }
- });
- // For each internalization candidates in each codegen unit, check if it is
- // accessed from outside its defining codegen unit.
- for cgu in codegen_units {
- let home_cgu = MonoItemPlacement::SingleCgu { cgu_name: };
- for (accessee, linkage_and_visibility) in cgu.items_mut() {
- if !internalization_candidates.contains(accessee) {
- // This item is no candidate for internalizing, so skip it.
- continue;
- }
- debug_assert_eq!(mono_item_placements[accessee], home_cgu);
- if let Some(accessors) = accessor_map.get(accessee) {
- if accessors
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|accessor| {
- // Some accessors might not have been
- // instantiated. We can safely ignore those.
- mono_item_placements.get(accessor)
- })
- .any(|placement| *placement != home_cgu)
- {
- // Found an accessor from another CGU, so skip to the next
- // item without marking this one as internal.
- continue;
- }
- }
- // If we got here, we did not find any accesses from other CGUs,
- // so it's fine to make this monomorphization internal.
- *linkage_and_visibility = (Linkage::Internal, Visibility::Default);
- }
- }
- }
-fn characteristic_def_id_of_mono_item<'tcx>(
- tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
- mono_item: MonoItem<'tcx>,
-) -> Option<DefId> {
- match mono_item {
- MonoItem::Fn(instance) => {
- let def_id = match instance.def {
- ty::InstanceDef::Item(def) => def,
- ty::InstanceDef::VTableShim(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::ReifyShim(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::FnPtrShim(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
- | ty::InstanceDef::Intrinsic(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::DropGlue(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::Virtual(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::CloneShim(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::ThreadLocalShim(..)
- | ty::InstanceDef::FnPtrAddrShim(..) => return None,
- };
- // If this is a method, we want to put it into the same module as
- // its self-type. If the self-type does not provide a characteristic
- // DefId, we use the location of the impl after all.
- if tcx.trait_of_item(def_id).is_some() {
- let self_ty = instance.substs.type_at(0);
- // This is a default implementation of a trait method.
- return characteristic_def_id_of_type(self_ty).or(Some(def_id));
- }
- if let Some(impl_def_id) = tcx.impl_of_method(def_id) {
- if tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some()
- && tcx.trait_id_of_impl(impl_def_id) == tcx.lang_items().drop_trait()
- {
- // Put `Drop::drop` into the same cgu as `drop_in_place`
- // since `drop_in_place` is the only thing that can
- // call it.
- return None;
- }
- // When polymorphization is enabled, methods which do not depend on their generic
- // parameters, but the self-type of their impl block do will fail to normalize.
- if !tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.polymorphize || !instance.has_param() {
- // This is a method within an impl, find out what the self-type is:
- let impl_self_ty = tcx.subst_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
- instance.substs,
- ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all(),
- tcx.type_of(impl_def_id),
- );
- if let Some(def_id) = characteristic_def_id_of_type(impl_self_ty) {
- return Some(def_id);
- }
- }
- }
- Some(def_id)
- }
- MonoItem::Static(def_id) => Some(def_id),
- MonoItem::GlobalAsm(item_id) => Some(item_id.owner_id.to_def_id()),
- }
-fn compute_codegen_unit_name(
- tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
- name_builder: &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder<'_>,
- def_id: DefId,
- volatile: bool,
- cache: &mut CguNameCache,
-) -> Symbol {
- // Find the innermost module that is not nested within a function.
- let mut current_def_id = def_id;
- let mut cgu_def_id = None;
- // Walk backwards from the item we want to find the module for.
- loop {
- if current_def_id.is_crate_root() {
- if cgu_def_id.is_none() {
- // If we have not found a module yet, take the crate root.
- cgu_def_id = Some(def_id.krate.as_def_id());
- }
- break;
- } else if tcx.def_kind(current_def_id) == DefKind::Mod {
- if cgu_def_id.is_none() {
- cgu_def_id = Some(current_def_id);
- }
- } else {
- // If we encounter something that is not a module, throw away
- // any module that we've found so far because we now know that
- // it is nested within something else.
- cgu_def_id = None;
- }
- current_def_id = tcx.parent(current_def_id);
- }
- let cgu_def_id = cgu_def_id.unwrap();
- *cache.entry((cgu_def_id, volatile)).or_insert_with(|| {
- let def_path = tcx.def_path(cgu_def_id);
- let components =|part| match {
- DefPathDataName::Named(name) => name,
- DefPathDataName::Anon { .. } => unreachable!(),
- });
- let volatile_suffix = volatile.then_some("volatile");
- name_builder.build_cgu_name(def_path.krate, components, volatile_suffix)
- })
-// Anything we can't find a proper codegen unit for goes into this.
-fn fallback_cgu_name(name_builder: &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder<'_>) -> Symbol {
- name_builder.build_cgu_name(LOCAL_CRATE, &["fallback"], Some("cgu"))
-fn mono_item_linkage_and_visibility<'tcx>(
- tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
- mono_item: &MonoItem<'tcx>,
- can_be_internalized: &mut bool,
- export_generics: bool,
-) -> (Linkage, Visibility) {
- if let Some(explicit_linkage) = mono_item.explicit_linkage(tcx) {
- return (explicit_linkage, Visibility::Default);
- }
- let vis = mono_item_visibility(tcx, mono_item, can_be_internalized, export_generics);
- (Linkage::External, vis)
-type CguNameCache = FxHashMap<(DefId, bool), Symbol>;
-fn static_visibility<'tcx>(
- tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
- can_be_internalized: &mut bool,
- def_id: DefId,
-) -> Visibility {
- if tcx.is_reachable_non_generic(def_id) {
- *can_be_internalized = false;
- default_visibility(tcx, def_id, false)
- } else {
- Visibility::Hidden
- }
-fn mono_item_visibility<'tcx>(
- tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
- mono_item: &MonoItem<'tcx>,
- can_be_internalized: &mut bool,
- export_generics: bool,
-) -> Visibility {
- let instance = match mono_item {
- // This is pretty complicated; see below.
- MonoItem::Fn(instance) => instance,
- // Misc handling for generics and such, but otherwise:
- MonoItem::Static(def_id) => return static_visibility(tcx, can_be_internalized, *def_id),
- MonoItem::GlobalAsm(item_id) => {
- return static_visibility(tcx, can_be_internalized, item_id.owner_id.to_def_id());
- }
- };
- let def_id = match instance.def {
- InstanceDef::Item(def_id) | InstanceDef::DropGlue(def_id, Some(_)) => def_id,
- // We match the visibility of statics here
- InstanceDef::ThreadLocalShim(def_id) => {
- return static_visibility(tcx, can_be_internalized, def_id);
- }
- // These are all compiler glue and such, never exported, always hidden.
- InstanceDef::VTableShim(..)
- | InstanceDef::ReifyShim(..)
- | InstanceDef::FnPtrShim(..)
- | InstanceDef::Virtual(..)
- | InstanceDef::Intrinsic(..)
- | InstanceDef::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
- | InstanceDef::DropGlue(..)
- | InstanceDef::CloneShim(..)
- | InstanceDef::FnPtrAddrShim(..) => return Visibility::Hidden,
- };
- // The `start_fn` lang item is actually a monomorphized instance of a
- // function in the standard library, used for the `main` function. We don't
- // want to export it so we tag it with `Hidden` visibility but this symbol
- // is only referenced from the actual `main` symbol which we unfortunately
- // don't know anything about during partitioning/collection. As a result we
- // forcibly keep this symbol out of the `internalization_candidates` set.
- //
- // FIXME: eventually we don't want to always force this symbol to have
- // hidden visibility, it should indeed be a candidate for
- // internalization, but we have to understand that it's referenced
- // from the `main` symbol we'll generate later.
- //
- // This may be fixable with a new `InstanceDef` perhaps? Unsure!
- if tcx.lang_items().start_fn() == Some(def_id) {
- *can_be_internalized = false;
- return Visibility::Hidden;
- }
- let is_generic = instance.substs.non_erasable_generics().next().is_some();
- // Upstream `DefId` instances get different handling than local ones.
- let Some(def_id) = def_id.as_local() else {
- return if export_generics && is_generic {
- // If it is an upstream monomorphization and we export generics, we must make
- // it available to downstream crates.
- *can_be_internalized = false;
- default_visibility(tcx, def_id, true)
- } else {
- Visibility::Hidden
- };
- };
- if is_generic {
- if export_generics {
- if tcx.is_unreachable_local_definition(def_id) {
- // This instance cannot be used from another crate.
- Visibility::Hidden
- } else {
- // This instance might be useful in a downstream crate.
- *can_be_internalized = false;
- default_visibility(tcx, def_id.to_def_id(), true)
- }
- } else {
- // We are not exporting generics or the definition is not reachable
- // for downstream crates, we can internalize its instantiations.
- Visibility::Hidden
- }
- } else {
- // If this isn't a generic function then we mark this a `Default` if
- // this is a reachable item, meaning that it's a symbol other crates may
- // access when they link to us.
- if tcx.is_reachable_non_generic(def_id.to_def_id()) {
- *can_be_internalized = false;
- debug_assert!(!is_generic);
- return default_visibility(tcx, def_id.to_def_id(), false);
- }
- // If this isn't reachable then we're gonna tag this with `Hidden`
- // visibility. In some situations though we'll want to prevent this
- // symbol from being internalized.
- //
- // There's two categories of items here:
- //
- // * First is weak lang items. These are basically mechanisms for
- // libcore to forward-reference symbols defined later in crates like
- // the standard library or `#[panic_handler]` definitions. The
- // definition of these weak lang items needs to be referencable by
- // libcore, so we're no longer a candidate for internalization.
- // Removal of these functions can't be done by LLVM but rather must be
- // done by the linker as it's a non-local decision.
- //
- // * Second is "std internal symbols". Currently this is primarily used
- // for allocator symbols. Allocators are a little weird in their
- // implementation, but the idea is that the compiler, at the last
- // minute, defines an allocator with an injected object file. The
- // `alloc` crate references these symbols (`__rust_alloc`) and the
- // definition doesn't get hooked up until a linked crate artifact is
- // generated.
- //
- // The symbols synthesized by the compiler (`__rust_alloc`) are thin
- // veneers around the actual implementation, some other symbol which
- // implements the same ABI. These symbols (things like `__rg_alloc`,
- // `__rdl_alloc`, `__rde_alloc`, etc), are all tagged with "std
- // internal symbols".
- //
- // The std-internal symbols here **should not show up in a dll as an
- // exported interface**, so they return `false` from
- // `is_reachable_non_generic` above and we'll give them `Hidden`
- // visibility below. Like the weak lang items, though, we can't let
- // LLVM internalize them as this decision is left up to the linker to
- // omit them, so prevent them from being internalized.
- let attrs = tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id);
- if attrs.flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::RUSTC_STD_INTERNAL_SYMBOL) {
- *can_be_internalized = false;
- }
- Visibility::Hidden
- }
-fn default_visibility(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, id: DefId, is_generic: bool) -> Visibility {
- if ! {
- return Visibility::Default;
- }
- // Generic functions never have export-level C.
- if is_generic {
- return Visibility::Hidden;
- }
- // Things with export level C don't get instantiated in
- // downstream crates.
- if !id.is_local() {
- return Visibility::Hidden;
- }
- // C-export level items remain at `Default`, all other internal
- // items become `Hidden`.
- match tcx.reachable_non_generics(id.krate).get(&id) {
- Some(SymbolExportInfo { level: SymbolExportLevel::C, .. }) => Visibility::Default,
- _ => Visibility::Hidden,
- }