path: root/library/core/src/iter/sources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/core/src/iter/sources')
8 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..98734c527
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+++ b/library/core/src/iter/sources/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+use crate::fmt;
+use crate::iter::{FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
+use crate::marker;
+/// Creates an iterator that yields nothing.
+/// # Examples
+/// Basic usage:
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // this could have been an iterator over i32, but alas, it's just not.
+/// let mut nope = iter::empty::<i32>();
+/// assert_eq!(None,;
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+#[rustc_const_stable(feature = "const_iter_empty", since = "1.32.0")]
+pub const fn empty<T>() -> Empty<T> {
+ Empty(marker::PhantomData)
+// Newtype for use in `PhantomData` to avoid
+// > error: const-stable function cannot use `#[feature(const_fn_fn_ptr_basics)]`
+// in `const fn empty<T>()` above.
+struct FnReturning<T>(fn() -> T);
+/// An iterator that yields nothing.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`empty()`] function. See its documentation for more.
+#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+pub struct Empty<T>(marker::PhantomData<FnReturning<T>>);
+#[stable(feature = "core_impl_debug", since = "1.9.0")]
+impl<T> fmt::Debug for Empty<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Empty").finish()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> Iterator for Empty<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ None
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ (0, Some(0))
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for Empty<T> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ None
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> ExactSizeIterator for Empty<T> {
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ 0
+ }
+#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
+unsafe impl<T> TrustedLen for Empty<T> {}
+#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
+impl<T> FusedIterator for Empty<T> {}
+// not #[derive] because that adds a Clone bound on T,
+// which isn't necessary.
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> Clone for Empty<T> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Empty<T> {
+ Empty(marker::PhantomData)
+ }
+// not #[derive] because that adds a Default bound on T,
+// which isn't necessary.
+#[stable(feature = "iter_empty", since = "1.2.0")]
+#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_default_impls", issue = "87864")]
+impl<T> const Default for Empty<T> {
+ fn default() -> Empty<T> {
+ Empty(marker::PhantomData)
+ }
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+use crate::fmt;
+/// Creates a new iterator where each iteration calls the provided closure
+/// `F: FnMut() -> Option<T>`.
+/// This allows creating a custom iterator with any behavior
+/// without using the more verbose syntax of creating a dedicated type
+/// and implementing the [`Iterator`] trait for it.
+/// Note that the `FromFn` iterator doesn’t make assumptions about the behavior of the closure,
+/// and therefore conservatively does not implement [`FusedIterator`],
+/// or override [`Iterator::size_hint()`] from its default `(0, None)`.
+/// The closure can use captures and its environment to track state across iterations. Depending on
+/// how the iterator is used, this may require specifying the [`move`] keyword on the closure.
+/// [`move`]: ../../std/keyword.move.html
+/// [`FusedIterator`]: crate::iter::FusedIterator
+/// # Examples
+/// Let’s re-implement the counter iterator from [module-level documentation]:
+/// [module-level documentation]: crate::iter
+/// ```
+/// let mut count = 0;
+/// let counter = std::iter::from_fn(move || {
+/// // Increment our count. This is why we started at zero.
+/// count += 1;
+/// // Check to see if we've finished counting or not.
+/// if count < 6 {
+/// Some(count)
+/// } else {
+/// None
+/// }
+/// });
+/// assert_eq!(counter.collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "iter_from_fn", since = "1.34.0")]
+pub fn from_fn<T, F>(f: F) -> FromFn<F>
+ F: FnMut() -> Option<T>,
+ FromFn(f)
+/// An iterator where each iteration calls the provided closure `F: FnMut() -> Option<T>`.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`iter::from_fn()`] function.
+/// See its documentation for more.
+/// [`iter::from_fn()`]: from_fn
+#[stable(feature = "iter_from_fn", since = "1.34.0")]
+pub struct FromFn<F>(F);
+#[stable(feature = "iter_from_fn", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<T, F> Iterator for FromFn<F>
+ F: FnMut() -> Option<T>,
+ type Item = T;
+ #[inline]
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ (self.0)()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_from_fn", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<F> fmt::Debug for FromFn<F> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("FromFn").finish()
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+use crate::ops::{Generator, GeneratorState};
+use crate::pin::Pin;
+/// Creates a new iterator where each iteration calls the provided generator.
+/// Similar to [`iter::from_fn`].
+/// [`iter::from_fn`]: crate::iter::from_fn
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// #![feature(generators)]
+/// #![feature(iter_from_generator)]
+/// let it = std::iter::from_generator(|| {
+/// yield 1;
+/// yield 2;
+/// yield 3;
+/// });
+/// let v: Vec<_> = it.collect();
+/// assert_eq!(v, [1, 2, 3]);
+/// ```
+#[unstable(feature = "iter_from_generator", issue = "43122", reason = "generators are unstable")]
+pub fn from_generator<G: Generator<Return = ()> + Unpin>(
+ generator: G,
+) -> impl Iterator<Item = G::Yield> {
+ FromGenerator(generator)
+struct FromGenerator<G>(G);
+impl<G: Generator<Return = ()> + Unpin> Iterator for FromGenerator<G> {
+ type Item = G::Yield;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ match Pin::new(&mut self.0).resume(()) {
+ GeneratorState::Yielded(n) => Some(n),
+ GeneratorState::Complete(()) => None,
+ }
+ }
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+use crate::iter::{FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
+/// Creates an iterator that yields an element exactly once.
+/// This is commonly used to adapt a single value into a [`chain()`] of other
+/// kinds of iteration. Maybe you have an iterator that covers almost
+/// everything, but you need an extra special case. Maybe you have a function
+/// which works on iterators, but you only need to process one value.
+/// [`chain()`]: Iterator::chain
+/// # Examples
+/// Basic usage:
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // one is the loneliest number
+/// let mut one = iter::once(1);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(1),;
+/// // just one, that's all we get
+/// assert_eq!(None,;
+/// ```
+/// Chaining together with another iterator. Let's say that we want to iterate
+/// over each file of the `.foo` directory, but also a configuration file,
+/// `.foorc`:
+/// ```no_run
+/// use std::iter;
+/// use std::fs;
+/// use std::path::PathBuf;
+/// let dirs = fs::read_dir(".foo").unwrap();
+/// // we need to convert from an iterator of DirEntry-s to an iterator of
+/// // PathBufs, so we use map
+/// let dirs =|file| file.unwrap().path());
+/// // now, our iterator just for our config file
+/// let config = iter::once(PathBuf::from(".foorc"));
+/// // chain the two iterators together into one big iterator
+/// let files = dirs.chain(config);
+/// // this will give us all of the files in .foo as well as .foorc
+/// for f in files {
+/// println!("{f:?}");
+/// }
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once", since = "1.2.0")]
+pub fn once<T>(value: T) -> Once<T> {
+ Once { inner: Some(value).into_iter() }
+/// An iterator that yields an element exactly once.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`once()`] function. See its documentation for more.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once", since = "1.2.0")]
+pub struct Once<T> {
+ inner: crate::option::IntoIter<T>,
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> Iterator for Once<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.inner.size_hint()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> DoubleEndedIterator for Once<T> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ self.inner.next_back()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once", since = "1.2.0")]
+impl<T> ExactSizeIterator for Once<T> {
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.inner.len()
+ }
+#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
+unsafe impl<T> TrustedLen for Once<T> {}
+#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
+impl<T> FusedIterator for Once<T> {}
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+use crate::iter::{FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
+/// Creates an iterator that lazily generates a value exactly once by invoking
+/// the provided closure.
+/// This is commonly used to adapt a single value generator into a [`chain()`] of
+/// other kinds of iteration. Maybe you have an iterator that covers almost
+/// everything, but you need an extra special case. Maybe you have a function
+/// which works on iterators, but you only need to process one value.
+/// Unlike [`once()`], this function will lazily generate the value on request.
+/// [`chain()`]: Iterator::chain
+/// [`once()`]: crate::iter::once
+/// # Examples
+/// Basic usage:
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // one is the loneliest number
+/// let mut one = iter::once_with(|| 1);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(1),;
+/// // just one, that's all we get
+/// assert_eq!(None,;
+/// ```
+/// Chaining together with another iterator. Let's say that we want to iterate
+/// over each file of the `.foo` directory, but also a configuration file,
+/// `.foorc`:
+/// ```no_run
+/// use std::iter;
+/// use std::fs;
+/// use std::path::PathBuf;
+/// let dirs = fs::read_dir(".foo").unwrap();
+/// // we need to convert from an iterator of DirEntry-s to an iterator of
+/// // PathBufs, so we use map
+/// let dirs =|file| file.unwrap().path());
+/// // now, our iterator just for our config file
+/// let config = iter::once_with(|| PathBuf::from(".foorc"));
+/// // chain the two iterators together into one big iterator
+/// let files = dirs.chain(config);
+/// // this will give us all of the files in .foo as well as .foorc
+/// for f in files {
+/// println!("{f:?}");
+/// }
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+pub fn once_with<A, F: FnOnce() -> A>(gen: F) -> OnceWith<F> {
+ OnceWith { gen: Some(gen) }
+/// An iterator that yields a single element of type `A` by
+/// applying the provided closure `F: FnOnce() -> A`.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`once_with()`] function.
+/// See its documentation for more.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+pub struct OnceWith<F> {
+ gen: Option<F>,
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+impl<A, F: FnOnce() -> A> Iterator for OnceWith<F> {
+ type Item = A;
+ #[inline]
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
+ let f = self.gen.take()?;
+ Some(f())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ self.gen.iter().size_hint()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+impl<A, F: FnOnce() -> A> DoubleEndedIterator for OnceWith<F> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+impl<A, F: FnOnce() -> A> ExactSizeIterator for OnceWith<F> {
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.gen.iter().len()
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+impl<A, F: FnOnce() -> A> FusedIterator for OnceWith<F> {}
+#[stable(feature = "iter_once_with", since = "1.43.0")]
+unsafe impl<A, F: FnOnce() -> A> TrustedLen for OnceWith<F> {}
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+use crate::iter::{FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
+/// Creates a new iterator that endlessly repeats a single element.
+/// The `repeat()` function repeats a single value over and over again.
+/// Infinite iterators like `repeat()` are often used with adapters like
+/// [`Iterator::take()`], in order to make them finite.
+/// If the element type of the iterator you need does not implement `Clone`,
+/// or if you do not want to keep the repeated element in memory, you can
+/// instead use the [`repeat_with()`] function.
+/// [`repeat_with()`]: crate::iter::repeat_with
+/// # Examples
+/// Basic usage:
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // the number four 4ever:
+/// let mut fours = iter::repeat(4);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// // yup, still four
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// ```
+/// Going finite with [`Iterator::take()`]:
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // that last example was too many fours. Let's only have four fours.
+/// let mut four_fours = iter::repeat(4).take(4);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// // ... and now we're done
+/// assert_eq!(None,;
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "iter_repeat")]
+pub fn repeat<T: Clone>(elt: T) -> Repeat<T> {
+ Repeat { element: elt }
+/// An iterator that repeats an element endlessly.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`repeat()`] function. See its documentation for more.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+pub struct Repeat<A> {
+ element: A,
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+impl<A: Clone> Iterator for Repeat<A> {
+ type Item = A;
+ #[inline]
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
+ Some(self.element.clone())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ (usize::MAX, None)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn advance_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
+ // Advancing an infinite iterator of a single element is a no-op.
+ let _ = n;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<A> {
+ let _ = n;
+ Some(self.element.clone())
+ }
+ fn last(self) -> Option<A> {
+ loop {}
+ }
+ fn count(self) -> usize {
+ loop {}
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+impl<A: Clone> DoubleEndedIterator for Repeat<A> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
+ Some(self.element.clone())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn advance_back_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
+ // Advancing an infinite iterator of a single element is a no-op.
+ let _ = n;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn nth_back(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<A> {
+ let _ = n;
+ Some(self.element.clone())
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
+impl<A: Clone> FusedIterator for Repeat<A> {}
+#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
+unsafe impl<A: Clone> TrustedLen for Repeat<A> {}
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+use crate::iter::{FusedIterator, TrustedLen};
+/// Creates a new iterator that repeats elements of type `A` endlessly by
+/// applying the provided closure, the repeater, `F: FnMut() -> A`.
+/// The `repeat_with()` function calls the repeater over and over again.
+/// Infinite iterators like `repeat_with()` are often used with adapters like
+/// [`Iterator::take()`], in order to make them finite.
+/// If the element type of the iterator you need implements [`Clone`], and
+/// it is OK to keep the source element in memory, you should instead use
+/// the [`repeat()`] function.
+/// An iterator produced by `repeat_with()` is not a [`DoubleEndedIterator`].
+/// If you need `repeat_with()` to return a [`DoubleEndedIterator`],
+/// please open a GitHub issue explaining your use case.
+/// [`repeat()`]: crate::iter::repeat
+/// [`DoubleEndedIterator`]: crate::iter::DoubleEndedIterator
+/// # Examples
+/// Basic usage:
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // let's assume we have some value of a type that is not `Clone`
+/// // or which we don't want to have in memory just yet because it is expensive:
+/// #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
+/// struct Expensive;
+/// // a particular value forever:
+/// let mut things = iter::repeat_with(|| Expensive);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(Expensive),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(Expensive),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(Expensive),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(Expensive),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(Expensive),;
+/// ```
+/// Using mutation and going finite:
+/// ```rust
+/// use std::iter;
+/// // From the zeroth to the third power of two:
+/// let mut curr = 1;
+/// let mut pow2 = iter::repeat_with(|| { let tmp = curr; curr *= 2; tmp })
+/// .take(4);
+/// assert_eq!(Some(1),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(2),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(4),;
+/// assert_eq!(Some(8),;
+/// // ... and now we're done
+/// assert_eq!(None,;
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "iterator_repeat_with", since = "1.28.0")]
+pub fn repeat_with<A, F: FnMut() -> A>(repeater: F) -> RepeatWith<F> {
+ RepeatWith { repeater }
+/// An iterator that repeats elements of type `A` endlessly by
+/// applying the provided closure `F: FnMut() -> A`.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`repeat_with()`] function.
+/// See its documentation for more.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+#[stable(feature = "iterator_repeat_with", since = "1.28.0")]
+pub struct RepeatWith<F> {
+ repeater: F,
+#[stable(feature = "iterator_repeat_with", since = "1.28.0")]
+impl<A, F: FnMut() -> A> Iterator for RepeatWith<F> {
+ type Item = A;
+ #[inline]
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
+ Some((self.repeater)())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ (usize::MAX, None)
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iterator_repeat_with", since = "1.28.0")]
+impl<A, F: FnMut() -> A> FusedIterator for RepeatWith<F> {}
+#[unstable(feature = "trusted_len", issue = "37572")]
+unsafe impl<A, F: FnMut() -> A> TrustedLen for RepeatWith<F> {}
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+use crate::{fmt, iter::FusedIterator};
+/// Creates a new iterator where each successive item is computed based on the preceding one.
+/// The iterator starts with the given first item (if any)
+/// and calls the given `FnMut(&T) -> Option<T>` closure to compute each item’s successor.
+/// ```
+/// use std::iter::successors;
+/// let powers_of_10 = successors(Some(1_u16), |n| n.checked_mul(10));
+/// assert_eq!(powers_of_10.collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[1, 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000]);
+/// ```
+#[stable(feature = "iter_successors", since = "1.34.0")]
+pub fn successors<T, F>(first: Option<T>, succ: F) -> Successors<T, F>
+ F: FnMut(&T) -> Option<T>,
+ // If this function returned `impl Iterator<Item=T>`
+ // it could be based on `unfold` and not need a dedicated type.
+ // However having a named `Successors<T, F>` type allows it to be `Clone` when `T` and `F` are.
+ Successors { next: first, succ }
+/// An new iterator where each successive item is computed based on the preceding one.
+/// This `struct` is created by the [`iter::successors()`] function.
+/// See its documentation for more.
+/// [`iter::successors()`]: successors
+#[stable(feature = "iter_successors", since = "1.34.0")]
+pub struct Successors<T, F> {
+ next: Option<T>,
+ succ: F,
+#[stable(feature = "iter_successors", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<T, F> Iterator for Successors<T, F>
+ F: FnMut(&T) -> Option<T>,
+ type Item = T;
+ #[inline]
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ let item =;
+ = (self.succ)(&item);
+ Some(item)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ if { (1, None) } else { (0, Some(0)) }
+ }
+#[stable(feature = "iter_successors", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<T, F> FusedIterator for Successors<T, F> where F: FnMut(&T) -> Option<T> {}
+#[stable(feature = "iter_successors", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<T: fmt::Debug, F> fmt::Debug for Successors<T, F> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Successors").field("next", &
+ }