path: root/library/std/src/fs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/std/src/fs/')
1 files changed, 1553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/std/src/fs/ b/library/std/src/fs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8959316d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/fs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1553 @@
+use crate::io::prelude::*;
+use crate::env;
+use crate::fs::{self, File, OpenOptions};
+use crate::io::{ErrorKind, SeekFrom};
+use crate::path::Path;
+use crate::str;
+use crate::sync::Arc;
+use crate::sys_common::io::test::{tmpdir, TempDir};
+use crate::thread;
+use crate::time::{Duration, Instant};
+use rand::{rngs::StdRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};
+use crate::os::unix::fs::symlink as symlink_dir;
+use crate::os::unix::fs::symlink as symlink_file;
+use crate::os::unix::fs::symlink as symlink_junction;
+use crate::os::windows::fs::{symlink_dir, symlink_file};
+use crate::sys::fs::symlink_junction;
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+use crate::sys::weak::weak;
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+use libc::{c_char, c_int};
+macro_rules! check {
+ ($e:expr) => {
+ match $e {
+ Ok(t) => t,
+ Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with: {e}", stringify!($e)),
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! error {
+ ($e:expr, $s:expr) => {
+ match $e {
+ Ok(_) => panic!("Unexpected success. Should've been: {:?}", $s),
+ Err(ref err) => {
+ assert!(err.raw_os_error() == Some($s), "`{}` did not have a code of `{}`", err, $s)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! error {
+ ($e:expr, $s:expr) => {
+ error_contains!($e, $s)
+ };
+macro_rules! error_contains {
+ ($e:expr, $s:expr) => {
+ match $e {
+ Ok(_) => panic!("Unexpected success. Should've been: {:?}", $s),
+ Err(ref err) => {
+ assert!(err.to_string().contains($s), "`{}` did not contain `{}`", err, $s)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// Several test fail on windows if the user does not have permission to
+// create symlinks (the `SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege`). Instead of
+// disabling these test on Windows, use this function to test whether we
+// have permission, and return otherwise. This way, we still don't run these
+// tests most of the time, but at least we do if the user has the right
+// permissions.
+pub fn got_symlink_permission(tmpdir: &TempDir) -> bool {
+ if cfg!(unix) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let link = tmpdir.join("some_hopefully_unique_link_name");
+ match symlink_file(r"nonexisting_target", link) {
+ Err(ref err) if err.raw_os_error() == Some(1314) => false,
+ Ok(_) | Err(_) => true,
+ }
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+fn able_to_not_follow_symlinks_while_hard_linking() -> bool {
+ weak!(fn linkat(c_int, *const c_char, c_int, *const c_char, c_int) -> c_int);
+ linkat.get().is_some()
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
+fn able_to_not_follow_symlinks_while_hard_linking() -> bool {
+ return true;
+fn file_test_io_smoke_test() {
+ let message = "it's alright. have a good time";
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test.txt");
+ {
+ let mut write_stream = check!(File::create(filename));
+ check!(write_stream.write(message.as_bytes()));
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read_stream = check!(File::open(filename));
+ let mut read_buf = [0; 1028];
+ let read_str = match check!( read_buf)) {
+ 0 => panic!("shouldn't happen"),
+ n => str::from_utf8(&read_buf[..n]).unwrap().to_string(),
+ };
+ assert_eq!(read_str, message);
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(filename));
+fn invalid_path_raises() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_that_does_not_exist.txt");
+ let result = File::open(filename);
+ #[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "vxworks")))]
+ error!(result, "No such file or directory");
+ #[cfg(target_os = "vxworks")]
+ error!(result, "no such file or directory");
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ error!(result, 2); // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+fn file_test_iounlinking_invalid_path_should_raise_condition() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_another_file_that_does_not_exist.txt");
+ let result = fs::remove_file(filename);
+ #[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "vxworks")))]
+ error!(result, "No such file or directory");
+ #[cfg(target_os = "vxworks")]
+ error!(result, "no such file or directory");
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ error!(result, 2); // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+fn file_test_io_non_positional_read() {
+ let message: &str = "ten-four";
+ let mut read_mem = [0; 8];
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_positional.txt");
+ {
+ let mut rw_stream = check!(File::create(filename));
+ check!(rw_stream.write(message.as_bytes()));
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read_stream = check!(File::open(filename));
+ {
+ let read_buf = &mut read_mem[0..4];
+ check!(;
+ }
+ {
+ let read_buf = &mut read_mem[4..8];
+ check!(;
+ }
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(filename));
+ let read_str = str::from_utf8(&read_mem).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(read_str, message);
+fn file_test_io_seek_and_tell_smoke_test() {
+ let message = "ten-four";
+ let mut read_mem = [0; 4];
+ let set_cursor = 4 as u64;
+ let tell_pos_pre_read;
+ let tell_pos_post_read;
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seeking.txt");
+ {
+ let mut rw_stream = check!(File::create(filename));
+ check!(rw_stream.write(message.as_bytes()));
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read_stream = check!(File::open(filename));
+ check!(;
+ tell_pos_pre_read = check!(;
+ check!( read_mem));
+ tell_pos_post_read = check!(;
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(filename));
+ let read_str = str::from_utf8(&read_mem).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(read_str, &message[4..8]);
+ assert_eq!(tell_pos_pre_read, set_cursor);
+ assert_eq!(tell_pos_post_read, message.len() as u64);
+fn file_test_io_seek_and_write() {
+ let initial_msg = "food-is-yummy";
+ let overwrite_msg = "-the-bar!!";
+ let final_msg = "foo-the-bar!!";
+ let seek_idx = 3;
+ let mut read_mem = [0; 13];
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seek_and_write.txt");
+ {
+ let mut rw_stream = check!(File::create(filename));
+ check!(rw_stream.write(initial_msg.as_bytes()));
+ check!(;
+ check!(rw_stream.write(overwrite_msg.as_bytes()));
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read_stream = check!(File::open(filename));
+ check!( read_mem));
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(filename));
+ let read_str = str::from_utf8(&read_mem).unwrap();
+ assert!(read_str == final_msg);
+fn file_test_io_seek_shakedown() {
+ // 01234567890123
+ let initial_msg = "qwer-asdf-zxcv";
+ let chunk_one: &str = "qwer";
+ let chunk_two: &str = "asdf";
+ let chunk_three: &str = "zxcv";
+ let mut read_mem = [0; 4];
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seek_shakedown.txt");
+ {
+ let mut rw_stream = check!(File::create(filename));
+ check!(rw_stream.write(initial_msg.as_bytes()));
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read_stream = check!(File::open(filename));
+ check!(;
+ check!( read_mem));
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&read_mem).unwrap(), chunk_three);
+ check!(;
+ check!( read_mem));
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&read_mem).unwrap(), chunk_two);
+ check!(;
+ check!( read_mem));
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&read_mem).unwrap(), chunk_one);
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(filename));
+fn file_test_io_eof() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_eof.txt");
+ let mut buf = [0; 256];
+ {
+ let oo = OpenOptions::new().create_new(true).write(true).read(true).clone();
+ let mut rw = check!(;
+ assert_eq!(check!( buf)), 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!( buf)), 0);
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(&filename));
+fn file_test_io_read_write_at() {
+ use crate::os::unix::fs::FileExt;
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_read_write_at.txt");
+ let mut buf = [0; 256];
+ let write1 = "asdf";
+ let write2 = "qwer-";
+ let write3 = "-zxcv";
+ let content = "qwer-asdf-zxcv";
+ {
+ let oo = OpenOptions::new().create_new(true).write(true).read(true).clone();
+ let mut rw = check!(;
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.write_at(write1.as_bytes(), 5)), write1.len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.read_at(&mut buf, 5)), write1.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write1.len()]), Ok(write1));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.read_at(&mut buf[..write2.len()], 0)), write2.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write2.len()]), Ok("\0\0\0\0\0"));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.write(write2.as_bytes())), write2.len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 5);
+ assert_eq!(check!( buf)), write1.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write1.len()]), Ok(write1));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.read_at(&mut buf[..write2.len()], 0)), write2.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write2.len()]), Ok(write2));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.write_at(write3.as_bytes(), 9)), write3.len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read = check!(File::open(&filename));
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.read_at(&mut buf, 0)), content.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..content.len()]), Ok(content));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.read_at(&mut buf, 0)), content.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..content.len()]), Ok(content));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!( buf)), write3.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write3.len()]), Ok(write3));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.read_at(&mut buf, 0)), content.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..content.len()]), Ok(content));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.read_at(&mut buf, 14)), 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.read_at(&mut buf, 15)), 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(&filename));
+fn set_get_unix_permissions() {
+ use crate::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("set_get_unix_permissions");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(filename));
+ let mask = 0o7777;
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(filename, fs::Permissions::from_mode(0)));
+ let metadata0 = check!(fs::metadata(filename));
+ assert_eq!(mask & metadata0.permissions().mode(), 0);
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(filename, fs::Permissions::from_mode(0o1777)));
+ let metadata1 = check!(fs::metadata(filename));
+ #[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "vxworks")))]
+ assert_eq!(mask & metadata1.permissions().mode(), 0o1777);
+ #[cfg(target_os = "vxworks")]
+ assert_eq!(mask & metadata1.permissions().mode(), 0o0777);
+fn file_test_io_seek_read_write() {
+ use crate::os::windows::fs::FileExt;
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seek_read_write.txt");
+ let mut buf = [0; 256];
+ let write1 = "asdf";
+ let write2 = "qwer-";
+ let write3 = "-zxcv";
+ let content = "qwer-asdf-zxcv";
+ {
+ let oo = OpenOptions::new().create_new(true).write(true).read(true).clone();
+ let mut rw = check!(;
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.seek_write(write1.as_bytes(), 5)), write1.len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.seek_read(&mut buf, 5)), write1.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write1.len()]), Ok(write1));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.write(write2.as_bytes())), write2.len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 5);
+ assert_eq!(check!( buf)), write1.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write1.len()]), Ok(write1));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.seek_read(&mut buf[..write2.len()], 0)), write2.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write2.len()]), Ok(write2));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 5);
+ assert_eq!(check!(rw.seek_write(write3.as_bytes(), 9)), write3.len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ }
+ {
+ let mut read = check!(File::open(&filename));
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.seek_read(&mut buf, 0)), content.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..content.len()]), Ok(content));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.seek_read(&mut buf, 0)), content.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..content.len()]), Ok(content));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 9);
+ assert_eq!(check!( buf)), write3.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..write3.len()]), Ok(write3));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.seek_read(&mut buf, 0)), content.len());
+ assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(&buf[..content.len()]), Ok(content));
+ assert_eq!(check!(, 14);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.seek_read(&mut buf, 14)), 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(read.seek_read(&mut buf, 15)), 0);
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(&filename));
+fn file_test_stat_is_correct_on_is_file() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_stat_correct_on_is_file.txt");
+ {
+ let mut opts = OpenOptions::new();
+ let mut fs = check!(;
+ let msg = "hw";
+ fs.write(msg.as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ let fstat_res = check!(fs.metadata());
+ assert!(fstat_res.is_file());
+ }
+ let stat_res_fn = check!(fs::metadata(filename));
+ assert!(stat_res_fn.is_file());
+ let stat_res_meth = check!(filename.metadata());
+ assert!(stat_res_meth.is_file());
+ check!(fs::remove_file(filename));
+fn file_test_stat_is_correct_on_is_dir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_stat_correct_on_is_dir");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(filename));
+ let stat_res_fn = check!(fs::metadata(filename));
+ assert!(stat_res_fn.is_dir());
+ let stat_res_meth = check!(filename.metadata());
+ assert!(stat_res_meth.is_dir());
+ check!(fs::remove_dir(filename));
+fn file_test_fileinfo_false_when_checking_is_file_on_a_directory() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let dir = &tmpdir.join("fileinfo_false_on_dir");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(dir));
+ assert!(!dir.is_file());
+ check!(fs::remove_dir(dir));
+fn file_test_fileinfo_check_exists_before_and_after_file_creation() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let file = &tmpdir.join("fileinfo_check_exists_b_and_a.txt");
+ check!(check!(File::create(file)).write(b"foo"));
+ assert!(file.exists());
+ check!(fs::remove_file(file));
+ assert!(!file.exists());
+fn file_test_directoryinfo_check_exists_before_and_after_mkdir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let dir = &tmpdir.join("before_and_after_dir");
+ assert!(!dir.exists());
+ check!(fs::create_dir(dir));
+ assert!(dir.exists());
+ assert!(dir.is_dir());
+ check!(fs::remove_dir(dir));
+ assert!(!dir.exists());
+fn file_test_directoryinfo_readdir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let dir = &tmpdir.join("di_readdir");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(dir));
+ let prefix = "foo";
+ for n in 0..3 {
+ let f = dir.join(&format!("{n}.txt"));
+ let mut w = check!(File::create(&f));
+ let msg_str = format!("{}{}", prefix, n.to_string());
+ let msg = msg_str.as_bytes();
+ check!(w.write(msg));
+ }
+ let files = check!(fs::read_dir(dir));
+ let mut mem = [0; 4];
+ for f in files {
+ let f = f.unwrap().path();
+ {
+ let n = f.file_stem().unwrap();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&f)).read(&mut mem));
+ let read_str = str::from_utf8(&mem).unwrap();
+ let expected = format!("{}{}", prefix, n.to_str().unwrap());
+ assert_eq!(expected, read_str);
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_file(&f));
+ }
+ check!(fs::remove_dir(dir));
+fn file_create_new_already_exists_error() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let file = &tmpdir.join("file_create_new_error_exists");
+ check!(fs::File::create(file));
+ let e = fs::OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(file).unwrap_err();
+ assert_eq!(e.kind(), ErrorKind::AlreadyExists);
+fn mkdir_path_already_exists_error() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let dir = &tmpdir.join("mkdir_error_twice");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(dir));
+ let e = fs::create_dir(dir).unwrap_err();
+ assert_eq!(e.kind(), ErrorKind::AlreadyExists);
+fn recursive_mkdir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let dir = tmpdir.join("d1/d2");
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&dir));
+ assert!(dir.is_dir())
+fn recursive_mkdir_failure() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let dir = tmpdir.join("d1");
+ let file = dir.join("f1");
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&dir));
+ check!(File::create(&file));
+ let result = fs::create_dir_all(&file);
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+fn concurrent_recursive_mkdir() {
+ for _ in 0..100 {
+ let dir = tmpdir();
+ let mut dir = dir.join("a");
+ for _ in 0..40 {
+ dir = dir.join("a");
+ }
+ let mut join = vec![];
+ for _ in 0..8 {
+ let dir = dir.clone();
+ join.push(thread::spawn(move || {
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&dir));
+ }))
+ }
+ // No `Display` on result of `join()`
+ join.drain(..).map(|join| join.join().unwrap()).count();
+ }
+fn recursive_mkdir_slash() {
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(Path::new("/")));
+fn recursive_mkdir_dot() {
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(Path::new(".")));
+fn recursive_mkdir_empty() {
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(Path::new("")));
+fn recursive_rmdir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let d1 = tmpdir.join("d1");
+ let dt = d1.join("t");
+ let dtt = dt.join("t");
+ let d2 = tmpdir.join("d2");
+ let canary = d2.join("do_not_delete");
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&dtt));
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&d2));
+ check!(check!(File::create(&canary)).write(b"foo"));
+ check!(symlink_junction(&d2, &dt.join("d2")));
+ let _ = symlink_file(&canary, &d1.join("canary"));
+ check!(fs::remove_dir_all(&d1));
+ assert!(!d1.is_dir());
+ assert!(canary.exists());
+fn recursive_rmdir_of_symlink() {
+ // test we do not recursively delete a symlink but only dirs.
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let link = tmpdir.join("d1");
+ let dir = tmpdir.join("d2");
+ let canary = dir.join("do_not_delete");
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&dir));
+ check!(check!(File::create(&canary)).write(b"foo"));
+ check!(symlink_junction(&dir, &link));
+ check!(fs::remove_dir_all(&link));
+ assert!(!link.is_dir());
+ assert!(canary.exists());
+fn recursive_rmdir_of_file_fails() {
+ // test we do not delete a directly specified file.
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let canary = tmpdir.join("do_not_delete");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&canary)).write(b"foo"));
+ let result = fs::remove_dir_all(&canary);
+ #[cfg(unix)]
+ error!(result, "Not a directory");
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ error!(result, 267); // ERROR_DIRECTORY - The directory name is invalid.
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+ assert!(canary.exists());
+// only Windows makes a distinction between file and directory symlinks.
+fn recursive_rmdir_of_file_symlink() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ let f1 = tmpdir.join("f1");
+ let f2 = tmpdir.join("f2");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&f1)).write(b"foo"));
+ check!(symlink_file(&f1, &f2));
+ match fs::remove_dir_all(&f2) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!("wanted a failure"),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+#[ignore] // takes too much time
+fn recursive_rmdir_toctou() {
+ // Test for time-of-check to time-of-use issues.
+ //
+ // Scenario:
+ // The attacker wants to get directory contents deleted, to which they do not have access.
+ // They have a way to get a privileged Rust binary call `std::fs::remove_dir_all()` on a
+ // directory they control, e.g. in their home directory.
+ //
+ // The POC sets up the `attack_dest/attack_file` which the attacker wants to have deleted.
+ // The attacker repeatedly creates a directory and replaces it with a symlink from
+ // `victim_del` to `attack_dest` while the victim code calls `std::fs::remove_dir_all()`
+ // on `victim_del`. After a few seconds the attack has succeeded and
+ // `attack_dest/attack_file` is deleted.
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let victim_del_path = tmpdir.join("victim_del");
+ let victim_del_path_clone = victim_del_path.clone();
+ // setup dest
+ let attack_dest_dir = tmpdir.join("attack_dest");
+ let attack_dest_dir = attack_dest_dir.as_path();
+ fs::create_dir(attack_dest_dir).unwrap();
+ let attack_dest_file = tmpdir.join("attack_dest/attack_file");
+ File::create(&attack_dest_file).unwrap();
+ let drop_canary_arc = Arc::new(());
+ let drop_canary_weak = Arc::downgrade(&drop_canary_arc);
+ eprintln!("x: {:?}", &victim_del_path);
+ // victim just continuously removes `victim_del`
+ thread::spawn(move || {
+ while drop_canary_weak.upgrade().is_some() {
+ let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&victim_del_path_clone);
+ }
+ });
+ // attacker (could of course be in a separate process)
+ let start_time = Instant::now();
+ while Instant::now().duration_since(start_time) < Duration::from_secs(1000) {
+ if !attack_dest_file.exists() {
+ panic!(
+ "Victim deleted symlinked file outside of victim_del. Attack succeeded in {:?}.",
+ Instant::now().duration_since(start_time)
+ );
+ }
+ let _ = fs::create_dir(&victim_del_path);
+ let _ = fs::remove_dir(&victim_del_path);
+ let _ = symlink_dir(attack_dest_dir, &victim_del_path);
+ }
+fn unicode_path_is_dir() {
+ assert!(Path::new(".").is_dir());
+ assert!(!Path::new("test/stdtest/").is_dir());
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let mut dirpath = tmpdir.path().to_path_buf();
+ dirpath.push("test-가一ー你好");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(&dirpath));
+ assert!(dirpath.is_dir());
+ let mut filepath = dirpath;
+ filepath.push("unicode-file-\u{ac00}\u{4e00}\u{30fc}\u{4f60}\u{597d}.rs");
+ check!(File::create(&filepath)); // ignore return; touch only
+ assert!(!filepath.is_dir());
+ assert!(filepath.exists());
+fn unicode_path_exists() {
+ assert!(Path::new(".").exists());
+ assert!(!Path::new("test/nonexistent-bogus-path").exists());
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let unicode = tmpdir.path();
+ let unicode = unicode.join("test-각丁ー再见");
+ check!(fs::create_dir(&unicode));
+ assert!(unicode.exists());
+ assert!(!Path::new("test/unicode-bogus-path-각丁ー再见").exists());
+fn copy_file_does_not_exist() {
+ let from = Path::new("test/nonexistent-bogus-path");
+ let to = Path::new("test/other-bogus-path");
+ match fs::copy(&from, &to) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!(),
+ Err(..) => {
+ assert!(!from.exists());
+ assert!(!to.exists());
+ }
+ }
+fn copy_src_does_not_exist() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let from = Path::new("test/nonexistent-bogus-path");
+ let to = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&to)).write(b"hello"));
+ assert!(fs::copy(&from, &to).is_err());
+ assert!(!from.exists());
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&to)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"hello");
+fn copy_file_ok() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&input)).write(b"hello"));
+ check!(fs::copy(&input, &out));
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&out)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"hello");
+ assert_eq!(check!(input.metadata()).permissions(), check!(out.metadata()).permissions());
+fn copy_file_dst_dir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let out = tmpdir.join("out");
+ check!(File::create(&out));
+ match fs::copy(&*out, tmpdir.path()) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!(),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+fn copy_file_dst_exists() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let input = tmpdir.join("in");
+ let output = tmpdir.join("out");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&input)).write("foo".as_bytes()));
+ check!(check!(File::create(&output)).write("bar".as_bytes()));
+ check!(fs::copy(&input, &output));
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&output)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"foo".to_vec());
+fn copy_file_src_dir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let out = tmpdir.join("out");
+ match fs::copy(tmpdir.path(), &out) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!(),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+ assert!(!out.exists());
+fn copy_file_preserves_perm_bits() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
+ let attr = check!(check!(File::create(&input)).metadata());
+ let mut p = attr.permissions();
+ p.set_readonly(true);
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(&input, p));
+ check!(fs::copy(&input, &out));
+ assert!(check!(out.metadata()).permissions().readonly());
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(&input, attr.permissions()));
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(&out, attr.permissions()));
+fn copy_file_preserves_streams() {
+ let tmp = tmpdir();
+ check!(check!(File::create(tmp.join("in.txt:bunny"))).write("carrot".as_bytes()));
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::copy(tmp.join("in.txt"), tmp.join("out.txt"))), 0);
+ assert_eq!(check!(tmp.join("out.txt").metadata()).len(), 0);
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(tmp.join("out.txt:bunny"))).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"carrot".to_vec());
+fn copy_file_returns_metadata_len() {
+ let tmp = tmpdir();
+ let in_path = tmp.join("in.txt");
+ let out_path = tmp.join("out.txt");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&in_path)).write(b"lettuce"));
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ check!(check!(File::create(tmp.join("in.txt:bunny"))).write(b"carrot"));
+ let copied_len = check!(fs::copy(&in_path, &out_path));
+ assert_eq!(check!(out_path.metadata()).len(), copied_len);
+fn copy_file_follows_dst_symlink() {
+ let tmp = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmp) {
+ return;
+ };
+ let in_path = tmp.join("in.txt");
+ let out_path = tmp.join("out.txt");
+ let out_path_symlink = tmp.join("out_symlink.txt");
+ check!(fs::write(&in_path, "foo"));
+ check!(fs::write(&out_path, "bar"));
+ check!(symlink_file(&out_path, &out_path_symlink));
+ check!(fs::copy(&in_path, &out_path_symlink));
+ assert!(check!(out_path_symlink.symlink_metadata()).file_type().is_symlink());
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read(&out_path_symlink)), b"foo".to_vec());
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read(&out_path)), b"foo".to_vec());
+fn symlinks_work() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&input)).write("foobar".as_bytes()));
+ check!(symlink_file(&input, &out));
+ assert!(check!(out.symlink_metadata()).file_type().is_symlink());
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&out)).len(), check!(fs::metadata(&input)).len());
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&out)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"foobar".to_vec());
+fn symlink_noexist() {
+ // Symlinks can point to things that don't exist
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ // Use a relative path for testing. Symlinks get normalized by Windows,
+ // so we might not get the same path back for absolute paths
+ check!(symlink_file(&"foo", &tmpdir.join("bar")));
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read_link(&tmpdir.join("bar"))).to_str().unwrap(), "foo");
+fn read_link() {
+ if cfg!(windows) {
+ // directory symlink
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read_link(r"C:\Users\All Users")), Path::new(r"C:\ProgramData"));
+ // junction
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read_link(r"C:\Users\Default User")), Path::new(r"C:\Users\Default"));
+ // junction with special permissions
+ // Since not all localized windows versions contain the folder "Documents and Settings" in english,
+ // we will briefly check, if it exists and otherwise skip the test. Except during CI we will always execute the test.
+ if Path::new(r"C:\Documents and Settings\").exists() || env::var_os("CI").is_some() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ check!(fs::read_link(r"C:\Documents and Settings\")),
+ Path::new(r"C:\Users")
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let link = tmpdir.join("link");
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ check!(symlink_file(&"foo", &link));
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read_link(&link)).to_str().unwrap(), "foo");
+fn readlink_not_symlink() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ match fs::read_link(tmpdir.path()) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!("wanted a failure"),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+fn links_work() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
+ check!(check!(File::create(&input)).write("foobar".as_bytes()));
+ check!(fs::hard_link(&input, &out));
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&out)).len(), check!(fs::metadata(&input)).len());
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&out)).len(), check!(input.metadata()).len());
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&out)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"foobar".to_vec());
+ // can't link to yourself
+ match fs::hard_link(&input, &input) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!("wanted a failure"),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+ // can't link to something that doesn't exist
+ match fs::hard_link(&tmpdir.join("foo"), &tmpdir.join("bar")) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!("wanted a failure"),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+fn chmod_works() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let file = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ check!(File::create(&file));
+ let attr = check!(fs::metadata(&file));
+ assert!(!attr.permissions().readonly());
+ let mut p = attr.permissions();
+ p.set_readonly(true);
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(&file, p.clone()));
+ let attr = check!(fs::metadata(&file));
+ assert!(attr.permissions().readonly());
+ match fs::set_permissions(&tmpdir.join("foo"), p.clone()) {
+ Ok(..) => panic!("wanted an error"),
+ Err(..) => {}
+ }
+ p.set_readonly(false);
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(&file, p));
+fn fchmod_works() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let path = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let file = check!(File::create(&path));
+ let attr = check!(fs::metadata(&path));
+ assert!(!attr.permissions().readonly());
+ let mut p = attr.permissions();
+ p.set_readonly(true);
+ check!(file.set_permissions(p.clone()));
+ let attr = check!(fs::metadata(&path));
+ assert!(attr.permissions().readonly());
+ p.set_readonly(false);
+ check!(file.set_permissions(p));
+fn sync_doesnt_kill_anything() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let path = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let mut file = check!(File::create(&path));
+ check!(file.sync_all());
+ check!(file.sync_data());
+ check!(file.write(b"foo"));
+ check!(file.sync_all());
+ check!(file.sync_data());
+fn truncate_works() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let path = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
+ let mut file = check!(File::create(&path));
+ check!(file.write(b"foo"));
+ check!(file.sync_all());
+ // Do some simple things with truncation
+ assert_eq!(check!(file.metadata()).len(), 3);
+ check!(file.set_len(10));
+ assert_eq!(check!(file.metadata()).len(), 10);
+ check!(file.write(b"bar"));
+ check!(file.sync_all());
+ assert_eq!(check!(file.metadata()).len(), 10);
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&path)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"foobar\0\0\0\0".to_vec());
+ // Truncate to a smaller length, don't seek, and then write something.
+ // Ensure that the intermediate zeroes are all filled in (we have `seek`ed
+ // past the end of the file).
+ check!(file.set_len(2));
+ assert_eq!(check!(file.metadata()).len(), 2);
+ check!(file.write(b"wut"));
+ check!(file.sync_all());
+ assert_eq!(check!(file.metadata()).len(), 9);
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&path)).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert_eq!(v, b"fo\0\0\0\0wut".to_vec());
+fn open_flavors() {
+ use crate::fs::OpenOptions as OO;
+ fn c<T: Clone>(t: &T) -> T {
+ t.clone()
+ }
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let mut r = OO::new();
+ let mut w = OO::new();
+ w.write(true);
+ let mut rw = OO::new();
+ let mut a = OO::new();
+ a.append(true);
+ let mut ra = OO::new();
+ #[cfg(windows)]
+ let invalid_options = 87; // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
+ #[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "vxworks")))]
+ let invalid_options = "Invalid argument";
+ #[cfg(target_os = "vxworks")]
+ let invalid_options = "invalid argument";
+ // Test various combinations of creation modes and access modes.
+ //
+ // Allowed:
+ // creation mode | read | write | read-write | append | read-append |
+ // :-----------------------|:-----:|:-----:|:----------:|:------:|:-----------:|
+ // not set (open existing) | X | X | X | X | X |
+ // create | | X | X | X | X |
+ // truncate | | X | X | | |
+ // create and truncate | | X | X | | |
+ // create_new | | X | X | X | X |
+ //
+ // tested in reverse order, so 'create_new' creates the file, and 'open existing' opens it.
+ // write-only
+ check!(c(&w).create_new(true).open(&tmpdir.join("a")));
+ check!(c(&w).create(true).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("a")));
+ check!(c(&w).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("a")));
+ check!(c(&w).create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("a")));
+ check!(c(&w).open(&tmpdir.join("a")));
+ // read-only
+ error!(c(&r).create_new(true).open(&tmpdir.join("b")), invalid_options);
+ error!(c(&r).create(true).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("b")), invalid_options);
+ error!(c(&r).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("b")), invalid_options);
+ error!(c(&r).create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("b")), invalid_options);
+ check!(c(&r).open(&tmpdir.join("a"))); // try opening the file created with write_only
+ // read-write
+ check!(c(&rw).create_new(true).open(&tmpdir.join("c")));
+ check!(c(&rw).create(true).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("c")));
+ check!(c(&rw).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("c")));
+ check!(c(&rw).create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("c")));
+ check!(c(&rw).open(&tmpdir.join("c")));
+ // append
+ check!(c(&a).create_new(true).open(&tmpdir.join("d")));
+ error!(c(&a).create(true).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("d")), invalid_options);
+ error!(c(&a).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("d")), invalid_options);
+ check!(c(&a).create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("d")));
+ check!(c(&a).open(&tmpdir.join("d")));
+ // read-append
+ check!(c(&ra).create_new(true).open(&tmpdir.join("e")));
+ error!(c(&ra).create(true).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("e")), invalid_options);
+ error!(c(&ra).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("e")), invalid_options);
+ check!(c(&ra).create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("e")));
+ check!(c(&ra).open(&tmpdir.join("e")));
+ // Test opening a file without setting an access mode
+ let mut blank = OO::new();
+ error!(blank.create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("f")), invalid_options);
+ // Test write works
+ check!(check!(File::create(&tmpdir.join("h"))).write("foobar".as_bytes()));
+ // Test write fails for read-only
+ check!("h")));
+ {
+ let mut f = check!("h")));
+ assert!(f.write("wut".as_bytes()).is_err());
+ }
+ // Test write overwrites
+ {
+ let mut f = check!(c(&w).open(&tmpdir.join("h")));
+ check!(f.write("baz".as_bytes()));
+ }
+ {
+ let mut f = check!(c(&r).open(&tmpdir.join("h")));
+ let mut b = vec![0; 6];
+ check!( b));
+ assert_eq!(b, "bazbar".as_bytes());
+ }
+ // Test truncate works
+ {
+ let mut f = check!(c(&w).truncate(true).open(&tmpdir.join("h")));
+ check!(f.write("foo".as_bytes()));
+ }
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&tmpdir.join("h"))).len(), 3);
+ // Test append works
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&tmpdir.join("h"))).len(), 3);
+ {
+ let mut f = check!(c(&a).open(&tmpdir.join("h")));
+ check!(f.write("bar".as_bytes()));
+ }
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&tmpdir.join("h"))).len(), 6);
+ // Test .append(true) equals .write(true).append(true)
+ {
+ let mut f = check!(c(&w).append(true).open(&tmpdir.join("h")));
+ check!(f.write("baz".as_bytes()));
+ }
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::metadata(&tmpdir.join("h"))).len(), 9);
+fn _assert_send_sync() {
+ fn _assert_send_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}
+ _assert_send_sync::<OpenOptions>();
+fn binary_file() {
+ let mut bytes = [0; 1024];
+ StdRng::from_entropy().fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ check!(check!(File::create(&tmpdir.join("test"))).write(&bytes));
+ let mut v = Vec::new();
+ check!(check!(File::open(&tmpdir.join("test"))).read_to_end(&mut v));
+ assert!(v == &bytes[..]);
+fn write_then_read() {
+ let mut bytes = [0; 1024];
+ StdRng::from_entropy().fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ check!(fs::write(&tmpdir.join("test"), &bytes[..]));
+ let v = check!(fs::read(&tmpdir.join("test")));
+ assert!(v == &bytes[..]);
+ check!(fs::write(&tmpdir.join("not-utf8"), &[0xFF]));
+ error_contains!(
+ fs::read_to_string(&tmpdir.join("not-utf8")),
+ "stream did not contain valid UTF-8"
+ );
+ let s = "𐁁𐀓𐀠𐀴𐀍";
+ check!(fs::write(&tmpdir.join("utf8"), s.as_bytes()));
+ let string = check!(fs::read_to_string(&tmpdir.join("utf8")));
+ assert_eq!(string, s);
+fn file_try_clone() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let mut f1 =
+ check!(OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).create(true).open(&tmpdir.join("test")));
+ let mut f2 = check!(f1.try_clone());
+ check!(f1.write_all(b"hello world"));
+ check!(;
+ let mut buf = vec![];
+ check!(f2.read_to_end(&mut buf));
+ assert_eq!(buf, b"llo world");
+ drop(f2);
+ check!(f1.write_all(b"!"));
+fn unlink_readonly() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let path = tmpdir.join("file");
+ check!(File::create(&path));
+ let mut perm = check!(fs::metadata(&path)).permissions();
+ perm.set_readonly(true);
+ check!(fs::set_permissions(&path, perm));
+ check!(fs::remove_file(&path));
+fn mkdir_trailing_slash() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let path = tmpdir.join("file");
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&path.join("a/")));
+fn canonicalize_works_simple() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let tmpdir = fs::canonicalize(tmpdir.path()).unwrap();
+ let file = tmpdir.join("test");
+ File::create(&file).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&file).unwrap(), file);
+fn realpath_works() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ let tmpdir = fs::canonicalize(tmpdir.path()).unwrap();
+ let file = tmpdir.join("test");
+ let dir = tmpdir.join("test2");
+ let link = dir.join("link");
+ let linkdir = tmpdir.join("test3");
+ File::create(&file).unwrap();
+ fs::create_dir(&dir).unwrap();
+ symlink_file(&file, &link).unwrap();
+ symlink_dir(&dir, &linkdir).unwrap();
+ assert!(link.symlink_metadata().unwrap().file_type().is_symlink());
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&tmpdir).unwrap(), tmpdir);
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&file).unwrap(), file);
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&link).unwrap(), file);
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&linkdir).unwrap(), dir);
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&linkdir.join("link")).unwrap(), file);
+fn realpath_works_tricky() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ let tmpdir = fs::canonicalize(tmpdir.path()).unwrap();
+ let a = tmpdir.join("a");
+ let b = a.join("b");
+ let c = b.join("c");
+ let d = a.join("d");
+ let e = d.join("e");
+ let f = a.join("f");
+ fs::create_dir_all(&b).unwrap();
+ fs::create_dir_all(&d).unwrap();
+ File::create(&f).unwrap();
+ if cfg!(not(windows)) {
+ symlink_file("../d/e", &c).unwrap();
+ symlink_file("../f", &e).unwrap();
+ }
+ if cfg!(windows) {
+ symlink_file(r"..\d\e", &c).unwrap();
+ symlink_file(r"..\f", &e).unwrap();
+ }
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&c).unwrap(), f);
+ assert_eq!(fs::canonicalize(&e).unwrap(), f);
+fn dir_entry_methods() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ fs::create_dir_all(&tmpdir.join("a")).unwrap();
+ File::create(&tmpdir.join("b")).unwrap();
+ for file in tmpdir.path().read_dir().unwrap().map(|f| f.unwrap()) {
+ let fname = file.file_name();
+ match fname.to_str() {
+ Some("a") => {
+ assert!(file.file_type().unwrap().is_dir());
+ assert!(file.metadata().unwrap().is_dir());
+ }
+ Some("b") => {
+ assert!(file.file_type().unwrap().is_file());
+ assert!(file.metadata().unwrap().is_file());
+ }
+ f => panic!("unknown file name: {f:?}"),
+ }
+ }
+fn dir_entry_debug() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ File::create(&tmpdir.join("b")).unwrap();
+ let mut read_dir = tmpdir.path().read_dir().unwrap();
+ let dir_entry =;
+ let actual = format!("{dir_entry:?}");
+ let expected = format!("DirEntry({:?})", dir_entry.0.path());
+ assert_eq!(actual, expected);
+fn read_dir_not_found() {
+ let res = fs::read_dir("/path/that/does/not/exist");
+ assert_eq!(res.err().unwrap().kind(), ErrorKind::NotFound);
+fn file_open_not_found() {
+ let res = File::open("/path/that/does/not/exist");
+ assert_eq!(res.err().unwrap().kind(), ErrorKind::NotFound);
+fn create_dir_all_with_junctions() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let target = tmpdir.join("target");
+ let junction = tmpdir.join("junction");
+ let b = junction.join("a/b");
+ let link = tmpdir.join("link");
+ let d = link.join("c/d");
+ fs::create_dir(&target).unwrap();
+ check!(symlink_junction(&target, &junction));
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&b));
+ // the junction itself is not a directory, but `is_dir()` on a Path
+ // follows links
+ assert!(junction.is_dir());
+ assert!(b.exists());
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ check!(symlink_dir(&target, &link));
+ check!(fs::create_dir_all(&d));
+ assert!(link.is_dir());
+ assert!(d.exists());
+fn metadata_access_times() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let b = tmpdir.join("b");
+ File::create(&b).unwrap();
+ let a = check!(fs::metadata(&tmpdir.path()));
+ let b = check!(fs::metadata(&b));
+ assert_eq!(check!(a.accessed()), check!(a.accessed()));
+ assert_eq!(check!(a.modified()), check!(a.modified()));
+ assert_eq!(check!(b.accessed()), check!(b.modified()));
+ if cfg!(target_os = "macos") || cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
+ check!(a.created());
+ check!(b.created());
+ }
+ if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
+ // Not always available
+ match (a.created(), b.created()) {
+ (Ok(t1), Ok(t2)) => assert!(t1 <= t2),
+ (Err(e1), Err(e2))
+ if e1.kind() == ErrorKind::Uncategorized
+ && e2.kind() == ErrorKind::Uncategorized
+ || e1.kind() == ErrorKind::Unsupported
+ && e2.kind() == ErrorKind::Unsupported => {}
+ (a, b) => {
+ panic!("creation time must be always supported or not supported: {a:?} {b:?}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Test creating hard links to symlinks.
+fn symlink_hard_link() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ if !got_symlink_permission(&tmpdir) {
+ return;
+ };
+ if !able_to_not_follow_symlinks_while_hard_linking() {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create "file", a file.
+ check!(fs::File::create(tmpdir.join("file")));
+ // Create "symlink", a symlink to "file".
+ check!(symlink_file("file", tmpdir.join("symlink")));
+ // Create "hard_link", a hard link to "symlink".
+ check!(fs::hard_link(tmpdir.join("symlink"), tmpdir.join("hard_link")));
+ // "hard_link" should appear as a symlink.
+ assert!(check!(fs::symlink_metadata(tmpdir.join("hard_link"))).file_type().is_symlink());
+ // We should be able to open "file" via any of the above names.
+ let _ = check!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("file")));
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("file.renamed")).is_err());
+ let _ = check!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("symlink")));
+ let _ = check!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("hard_link")));
+ // Rename "file" to "file.renamed".
+ check!(fs::rename(tmpdir.join("file"), tmpdir.join("file.renamed")));
+ // Now, the symlink and the hard link should be dangling.
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("file")).is_err());
+ let _ = check!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("file.renamed")));
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("symlink")).is_err());
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("hard_link")).is_err());
+ // The symlink and the hard link should both still point to "file".
+ assert!(fs::read_link(tmpdir.join("file")).is_err());
+ assert!(fs::read_link(tmpdir.join("file.renamed")).is_err());
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read_link(tmpdir.join("symlink"))), Path::new("file"));
+ assert_eq!(check!(fs::read_link(tmpdir.join("hard_link"))), Path::new("file"));
+ // Remove "file.renamed".
+ check!(fs::remove_file(tmpdir.join("file.renamed")));
+ // Now, we can't open the file by any name.
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("file")).is_err());
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("file.renamed")).is_err());
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("symlink")).is_err());
+ assert!(fs::File::open(tmpdir.join("hard_link")).is_err());
+ // "hard_link" should still appear as a symlink.
+ assert!(check!(fs::symlink_metadata(tmpdir.join("hard_link"))).file_type().is_symlink());
+/// Ensure `fs::create_dir` works on Windows with longer paths.
+fn create_dir_long_paths() {
+ use crate::{ffi::OsStr, iter, os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt};
+ const PATH_LEN: usize = 247;
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let mut path = tmpdir.path().to_path_buf();
+ path.push("a");
+ let mut path = path.into_os_string();
+ let utf16_len = path.encode_wide().count();
+ if utf16_len >= PATH_LEN {
+ // Skip the test in the unlikely event the local user has a long temp directory path.
+ // This should not affect CI.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Increase the length of the path.
+ path.extend(iter::repeat(OsStr::new("a")).take(PATH_LEN - utf16_len));
+ // This should succeed.
+ fs::create_dir(&path).unwrap();
+ // This will fail if the path isn't converted to verbatim.
+ path.push("a");
+ fs::create_dir(&path).unwrap();
+ // #90940: Ensure an empty path returns the "Not Found" error.
+ let path = Path::new("");
+ assert_eq!(path.canonicalize().unwrap_err().kind(), crate::io::ErrorKind::NotFound);
+/// Ensure ReadDir works on large directories.
+/// Regression test for
+fn read_large_dir() {
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ let count = 32 * 1024;
+ for i in 0..count {
+ check!(fs::File::create(tmpdir.join(&i.to_string())));
+ }
+ for entry in fs::read_dir(tmpdir.path()).unwrap() {
+ entry.unwrap();
+ }
+/// Test the fallback for getting the metadata of files like hiberfil.sys that
+/// Windows holds a special lock on, preventing normal means of querying
+/// metadata. See #96980.
+/// Note this fails in CI because `hiberfil.sys` does not actually exist there.
+/// Therefore it's marked as ignored.
+fn hiberfil_sys() {
+ let hiberfil = Path::new(r"C:\hiberfil.sys");
+ assert_eq!(true, hiberfil.try_exists().unwrap());
+ fs::symlink_metadata(hiberfil).unwrap();
+ fs::metadata(hiberfil).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(true, hiberfil.exists());