path: root/src/doc/nomicon/src/vec/
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+# Allocating Memory
+Using `NonNull` throws a wrench in an important feature of Vec (and indeed all of
+the std collections): creating an empty Vec doesn't actually allocate at all. This
+is not the same as allocating a zero-sized memory block, which is not allowed by
+the global allocator (it results in undefined behavior!). So if we can't allocate,
+but also can't put a null pointer in `ptr`, what do we do in `Vec::new`? Well, we
+just put some other garbage in there!
+This is perfectly fine because we already have `cap == 0` as our sentinel for no
+allocation. We don't even need to handle it specially in almost any code because
+we usually need to check if `cap > len` or `len > 0` anyway. The recommended
+Rust value to put here is `mem::align_of::<T>()`. `NonNull` provides a convenience
+for this: `NonNull::dangling()`. There are quite a few places where we'll
+want to use `dangling` because there's no real allocation to talk about but
+`null` would make the compiler do bad things.
+<!-- ignore: explanation code -->
+use std::mem;
+impl<T> Vec<T> {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0, "We're not ready to handle ZSTs");
+ Vec {
+ ptr: NonNull::dangling(),
+ len: 0,
+ cap: 0,
+ _marker: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+# fn main() {}
+I slipped in that assert there because zero-sized types will require some
+special handling throughout our code, and I want to defer the issue for now.
+Without this assert, some of our early drafts will do some Very Bad Things.
+Next we need to figure out what to actually do when we *do* want space. For that,
+we use the global allocation functions [`alloc`][alloc], [`realloc`][realloc],
+and [`dealloc`][dealloc] which are available in stable Rust in
+[`std::alloc`][std_alloc]. These functions are expected to become deprecated in
+favor of the methods of [`std::alloc::Global`][Global] after this type is stabilized.
+We'll also need a way to handle out-of-memory (OOM) conditions. The standard
+library provides a function [`alloc::handle_alloc_error`][handle_alloc_error],
+which will abort the program in a platform-specific manner.
+The reason we abort and don't panic is because unwinding can cause allocations
+to happen, and that seems like a bad thing to do when your allocator just came
+back with "hey I don't have any more memory".
+Of course, this is a bit silly since most platforms don't actually run out of
+memory in a conventional way. Your operating system will probably kill the
+application by another means if you legitimately start using up all the memory.
+The most likely way we'll trigger OOM is by just asking for ludicrous quantities
+of memory at once (e.g. half the theoretical address space). As such it's
+*probably* fine to panic and nothing bad will happen. Still, we're trying to be
+like the standard library as much as possible, so we'll just kill the whole
+Okay, now we can write growing. Roughly, we want to have this logic:
+if cap == 0:
+ allocate()
+ cap = 1
+ reallocate()
+ cap *= 2
+But Rust's only supported allocator API is so low level that we'll need to do a
+fair bit of extra work. We also need to guard against some special
+conditions that can occur with really large allocations or empty allocations.
+In particular, `ptr::offset` will cause us a lot of trouble, because it has
+the semantics of LLVM's GEP inbounds instruction. If you're fortunate enough to
+not have dealt with this instruction, here's the basic story with GEP: alias
+analysis, alias analysis, alias analysis. It's super important to an optimizing
+compiler to be able to reason about data dependencies and aliasing.
+As a simple example, consider the following fragment of code:
+<!-- ignore: simplified code -->
+*x *= 7;
+*y *= 3;
+If the compiler can prove that `x` and `y` point to different locations in
+memory, the two operations can in theory be executed in parallel (by e.g.
+loading them into different registers and working on them independently).
+However the compiler can't do this in general because if x and y point to
+the same location in memory, the operations need to be done to the same value,
+and they can't just be merged afterwards.
+When you use GEP inbounds, you are specifically telling LLVM that the offsets
+you're about to do are within the bounds of a single "allocated" entity. The
+ultimate payoff being that LLVM can assume that if two pointers are known to
+point to two disjoint objects, all the offsets of those pointers are *also*
+known to not alias (because you won't just end up in some random place in
+memory). LLVM is heavily optimized to work with GEP offsets, and inbounds
+offsets are the best of all, so it's important that we use them as much as
+So that's what GEP's about, how can it cause us trouble?
+The first problem is that we index into arrays with unsigned integers, but
+GEP (and as a consequence `ptr::offset`) takes a signed integer. This means
+that half of the seemingly valid indices into an array will overflow GEP and
+actually go in the wrong direction! As such we must limit all allocations to
+`isize::MAX` elements. This actually means we only need to worry about
+byte-sized objects, because e.g. `> isize::MAX` `u16`s will truly exhaust all of
+the system's memory. However in order to avoid subtle corner cases where someone
+reinterprets some array of `< isize::MAX` objects as bytes, std limits all
+allocations to `isize::MAX` bytes.
+On all 64-bit targets that Rust currently supports we're artificially limited
+to significantly less than all 64 bits of the address space (modern x64
+platforms only expose 48-bit addressing), so we can rely on just running out of
+memory first. However on 32-bit targets, particularly those with extensions to
+use more of the address space (PAE x86 or x32), it's theoretically possible to
+successfully allocate more than `isize::MAX` bytes of memory.
+However since this is a tutorial, we're not going to be particularly optimal
+here, and just unconditionally check, rather than use clever platform-specific
+The other corner-case we need to worry about is empty allocations. There will
+be two kinds of empty allocations we need to worry about: `cap = 0` for all T,
+and `cap > 0` for zero-sized types.
+These cases are tricky because they come
+down to what LLVM means by "allocated". LLVM's notion of an
+allocation is significantly more abstract than how we usually use it. Because
+LLVM needs to work with different languages' semantics and custom allocators,
+it can't really intimately understand allocation. Instead, the main idea behind
+allocation is "doesn't overlap with other stuff". That is, heap allocations,
+stack allocations, and globals don't randomly overlap. Yep, it's about alias
+analysis. As such, Rust can technically play a bit fast and loose with the notion of
+an allocation as long as it's *consistent*.
+Getting back to the empty allocation case, there are a couple of places where
+we want to offset by 0 as a consequence of generic code. The question is then:
+is it consistent to do so? For zero-sized types, we have concluded that it is
+indeed consistent to do a GEP inbounds offset by an arbitrary number of
+elements. This is a runtime no-op because every element takes up no space,
+and it's fine to pretend that there's infinite zero-sized types allocated
+at `0x01`. No allocator will ever allocate that address, because they won't
+allocate `0x00` and they generally allocate to some minimal alignment higher
+than a byte. Also generally the whole first page of memory is
+protected from being allocated anyway (a whole 4k, on many platforms).
+However what about for positive-sized types? That one's a bit trickier. In
+principle, you can argue that offsetting by 0 gives LLVM no information: either
+there's an element before the address or after it, but it can't know which.
+However we've chosen to conservatively assume that it may do bad things. As
+such we will guard against this case explicitly.
+Ok with all the nonsense out of the way, let's actually allocate some memory:
+<!-- ignore: simplified code -->
+use std::alloc::{self, Layout};
+impl<T> Vec<T> {
+ fn grow(&mut self) {
+ let (new_cap, new_layout) = if self.cap == 0 {
+ (1, Layout::array::<T>(1).unwrap())
+ } else {
+ // This can't overflow since self.cap <= isize::MAX.
+ let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
+ // `Layout::array` checks that the number of bytes is <= usize::MAX,
+ // but this is redundant since old_layout.size() <= isize::MAX,
+ // so the `unwrap` should never fail.
+ let new_layout = Layout::array::<T>(new_cap).unwrap();
+ (new_cap, new_layout)
+ };
+ // Ensure that the new allocation doesn't exceed `isize::MAX` bytes.
+ assert!(new_layout.size() <= isize::MAX as usize, "Allocation too large");
+ let new_ptr = if self.cap == 0 {
+ unsafe { alloc::alloc(new_layout) }
+ } else {
+ let old_layout = Layout::array::<T>(self.cap).unwrap();
+ let old_ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
+ unsafe { alloc::realloc(old_ptr, old_layout, new_layout.size()) }
+ };
+ // If allocation fails, `new_ptr` will be null, in which case we abort.
+ self.ptr = match NonNull::new(new_ptr as *mut T) {
+ Some(p) => p,
+ None => alloc::handle_alloc_error(new_layout),
+ };
+ self.cap = new_cap;
+ }
+# fn main() {}
+[Global]: ../../std/alloc/struct.Global.html
+[handle_alloc_error]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
+[alloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.alloc.html
+[realloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.realloc.html
+[dealloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.dealloc.html
+[std_alloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/index.html