path: root/src/tools/clippy/tests/ui-toml/unwrap_used/unwrap_used.stderr
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/clippy/tests/ui-toml/unwrap_used/unwrap_used.stderr')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/clippy/tests/ui-toml/unwrap_used/unwrap_used.stderr b/src/tools/clippy/tests/ui-toml/unwrap_used/unwrap_used.stderr
index 94b5ef663..8a32750e3 100644
--- a/src/tools/clippy/tests/ui-toml/unwrap_used/unwrap_used.stderr
+++ b/src/tools/clippy/tests/ui-toml/unwrap_used/unwrap_used.stderr
@@ -188,10 +188,16 @@ LL | let _ = some_vec.get_mut(0..1).unwrap().to_vec();
= help: if you don't want to handle the `None` case gracefully, consider using `expect()` to provide a better panic message
error: called `.get().unwrap()` on a slice. Using `[]` is more clear and more concise
- --> $DIR/
+ --> $DIR/
+ |
+LL | let _ = boxed_slice.get(1).unwrap();
+ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `&boxed_slice[1]`
+error: called `.get().unwrap()` on a slice. Using `[]` is more clear and more concise
+ --> $DIR/
LL | let _ = Box::new([0]).get(1).unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `&Box::new([0])[1]`
-error: aborting due to 27 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 28 previous errors