path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/mir/eval/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/mir/eval/')
1 files changed, 676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/mir/eval/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/mir/eval/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca4268b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/crates/hir-ty/src/mir/eval/
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+use base_db::{fixture::WithFixture, FileId};
+use hir_def::db::DefDatabase;
+use syntax::{TextRange, TextSize};
+use crate::{db::HirDatabase, test_db::TestDB, Interner, Substitution};
+use super::{interpret_mir, MirEvalError};
+fn eval_main(db: &TestDB, file_id: FileId) -> Result<(String, String), MirEvalError> {
+ let module_id = db.module_for_file(file_id);
+ let def_map = module_id.def_map(db);
+ let scope = &def_map[module_id.local_id].scope;
+ let func_id = scope
+ .declarations()
+ .find_map(|x| match x {
+ hir_def::ModuleDefId::FunctionId(x) => {
+ if db.function_data(x).name.display(db).to_string() == "main" {
+ Some(x)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ _ => None,
+ })
+ .expect("no main function found");
+ let body = db
+ .monomorphized_mir_body(
+ func_id.into(),
+ Substitution::empty(Interner),
+ db.trait_environment(func_id.into()),
+ )
+ .map_err(|e| MirEvalError::MirLowerError(func_id.into(), e))?;
+ let (result, stdout, stderr) = interpret_mir(db, &body, false);
+ result?;
+ Ok((stdout, stderr))
+fn check_pass(ra_fixture: &str) {
+ check_pass_and_stdio(ra_fixture, "", "");
+fn check_pass_and_stdio(ra_fixture: &str, expected_stdout: &str, expected_stderr: &str) {
+ let (db, file_ids) = TestDB::with_many_files(ra_fixture);
+ let file_id = *file_ids.last().unwrap();
+ let x = eval_main(&db, file_id);
+ match x {
+ Err(e) => {
+ let mut err = String::new();
+ let line_index = |size: TextSize| {
+ let mut size = u32::from(size) as usize;
+ let mut lines = ra_fixture.lines().enumerate();
+ while let Some((i, l)) = {
+ if let Some(x) = size.checked_sub(l.len()) {
+ size = x;
+ } else {
+ return (i, size);
+ }
+ }
+ (usize::MAX, size)
+ };
+ let span_formatter = |file, range: TextRange| {
+ format!("{:?} {:?}..{:?}", file, line_index(range.start()), line_index(range.end()))
+ };
+ e.pretty_print(&mut err, &db, span_formatter).unwrap();
+ panic!("Error in interpreting: {err}");
+ }
+ Ok((stdout, stderr)) => {
+ assert_eq!(stdout, expected_stdout);
+ assert_eq!(stderr, expected_stderr);
+ }
+ }
+fn function_with_extern_c_abi() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+extern "C" fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
+ a + b
+fn main() {
+ let x = foo(2, 3);
+ "#,
+ );
+fn drop_basic() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: drop, add
+struct X<'a>(&'a mut i32);
+impl<'a> Drop for X<'a> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ *self.0 += 1;
+ }
+struct NestedX<'a> { f1: X<'a>, f2: X<'a> }
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn my_drop2(x: X<'_>) {
+ return;
+fn my_drop(x: X<'_>) {
+ drop(x);
+fn main() {
+ let mut s = 10;
+ let mut x = X(&mut s);
+ my_drop(x);
+ x = X(&mut s);
+ my_drop2(x);
+ X(&mut s); // dropped immediately
+ let x = X(&mut s);
+ NestedX { f1: x, f2: X(&mut s) };
+ if s != 15 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ "#,
+ );
+fn drop_if_let() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: drop, add, option, cell, builtin_impls
+use core::cell::Cell;
+struct X<'a>(&'a Cell<i32>);
+impl<'a> Drop for X<'a> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.0.set(self.0.get() + 1)
+ }
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn main() {
+ let s = Cell::new(0);
+ let x = Some(X(&s));
+ if let Some(y) = x {
+ if s.get() != 0 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ if s.get() != 0 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ } else {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ if s.get() != 1 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ let x = Some(X(&s));
+ if let None = x {
+ should_not_reach();
+ } else {
+ if s.get() != 1 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ }
+ if s.get() != 1 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ "#,
+ );
+fn drop_in_place() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: drop, add, coerce_unsized
+use core::ptr::drop_in_place;
+struct X<'a>(&'a mut i32);
+impl<'a> Drop for X<'a> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ *self.0 += 1;
+ }
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn main() {
+ let mut s = 2;
+ let x = X(&mut s);
+ drop_in_place(&mut x);
+ drop(x);
+ if s != 4 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ let p: &mut [X] = &mut [X(&mut 2)];
+ drop_in_place(p);
+ "#,
+ );
+fn manually_drop() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: manually_drop
+use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
+struct X;
+impl Drop for X {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn main() {
+ let x = ManuallyDrop::new(X);
+ "#,
+ );
+fn generic_impl_for_trait_with_generic_method() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: drop
+struct S<T>(T);
+trait Tr {
+ fn f<F>(&self, x: F);
+impl<T> Tr for S<T> {
+ fn f<F>(&self, x: F) {
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let s = S(1u8);
+ s.f(5i64);
+ "#,
+ );
+fn index_of_slice_should_preserve_len() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: index, slice, coerce_unsized
+struct X;
+impl core::ops::Index<X> for [i32] {
+ type Output = i32;
+ fn index(&self, _: X) -> &i32 {
+ if self.len() != 3 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ &self[0]
+ }
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn main() {
+ let x: &[i32] = &[1, 2, 3];
+ &x[X];
+ "#,
+ );
+fn memcmp() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: slice, coerce_unsized, index
+fn should_not_reach() -> bool {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+extern "C" {
+ fn memcmp(s1: *const u8, s2: *const u8, n: usize) -> i32;
+fn my_cmp(x: &[u8], y: &[u8]) -> i32 {
+ memcmp(x as *const u8, y as *const u8, x.len())
+fn main() {
+ if my_cmp(&[1, 2, 3], &[1, 2, 3]) != 0 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ if my_cmp(&[1, 20, 3], &[1, 2, 3]) <= 0 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ if my_cmp(&[1, 2, 3], &[1, 20, 3]) >= 0 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ "#,
+ );
+fn unix_write_stdout() {
+ check_pass_and_stdio(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: slice, index, coerce_unsized
+type pthread_key_t = u32;
+type c_void = u8;
+type c_int = i32;
+extern "C" {
+ pub fn write(fd: i32, buf: *const u8, count: usize) -> usize;
+fn main() {
+ let stdout = b"stdout";
+ let stderr = b"stderr";
+ write(1, &stdout[0], 6);
+ write(2, &stderr[0], 6);
+ "#,
+ "stdout",
+ "stderr",
+ );
+fn closure_layout_in_rpit() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: fn
+fn f<F: Fn()>(x: F) {
+ fn g(x: impl Fn()) -> impl FnOnce() {
+ move || {
+ x();
+ }
+ }
+ g(x)();
+fn main() {
+ f(|| {});
+ "#,
+ );
+fn from_fn() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: fn, iterator
+struct FromFn<F>(F);
+impl<T, F: FnMut() -> Option<T>> Iterator for FromFn<F> {
+ type Item = T;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ (self.0)()
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let mut tokenize = {
+ FromFn(move || Some(2))
+ };
+ let s =;
+ "#,
+ );
+fn for_loop() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: iterator, add
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+struct X;
+struct XIter(i32);
+impl IntoIterator for X {
+ type Item = i32;
+ type IntoIter = XIter;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ XIter(0)
+ }
+impl Iterator for XIter {
+ type Item = i32;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ if self.0 == 5 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ self.0 += 1;
+ Some(self.0)
+ }
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let mut s = 0;
+ for x in X {
+ s += x;
+ }
+ if s != 15 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ "#,
+ );
+fn field_with_associated_type() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- /b/ crate:b
+pub trait Tr {
+ fn f(self);
+pub trait Tr2 {
+ type Ty: Tr;
+pub struct S<T: Tr2> {
+ pub t: T::Ty,
+impl<T: Tr2> S<T> {
+ pub fn g(&self) {
+ let k = (self.t, self.t);
+ self.t.f();
+ }
+//- /a/ crate:a deps:b
+use b::{Tr, Tr2, S};
+struct A(i32);
+struct B(u8);
+impl Tr for A {
+ fn f(&self) {
+ }
+impl Tr2 for B {
+ type Ty = A;
+fn main() {
+ let s: S<B> = S { t: A(2) };
+ s.g();
+ "#,
+ );
+fn specialization_array_clone() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: copy, derive, slice, index, coerce_unsized
+impl<T: Clone, const N: usize> Clone for [T; N] {
+ #[inline]
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ SpecArrayClone::clone(self)
+ }
+trait SpecArrayClone: Clone {
+ fn clone<const N: usize>(array: &[Self; N]) -> [Self; N];
+impl<T: Clone> SpecArrayClone for T {
+ #[inline]
+ default fn clone<const N: usize>(array: &[T; N]) -> [T; N] {
+ // FIXME: panic here when we actually implement specialization.
+ from_slice(array)
+ }
+fn from_slice<T, const N: usize>(s: &[T]) -> [T; N] {
+ [s[0]; N]
+impl<T: Copy> SpecArrayClone for T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn clone<const N: usize>(array: &[T; N]) -> [T; N] {
+ *array
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+struct X(i32);
+fn main() {
+ let ar = [X(1), X(2)];
+ ar.clone();
+ "#,
+ );
+fn short_circuit_operator() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+fn should_not_reach() -> bool {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn main() {
+ if false && should_not_reach() {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ true || should_not_reach();
+ "#,
+ );
+fn closure_state() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: fn, add, copy
+fn should_not_reach() {
+ _ // FIXME: replace this function with panic when that works
+fn main() {
+ let mut x = 2;
+ let mut c = move || {
+ x += 1;
+ x
+ };
+ c();
+ c();
+ c();
+ if x != 2 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ if c() != 6 {
+ should_not_reach();
+ }
+ "#,
+ );
+fn closure_capture_array_const_generic() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: fn, add, copy
+struct X(i32);
+fn f<const N: usize>(mut x: [X; N]) { // -> impl FnOnce() {
+ let c = || {
+ x;
+ };
+ c();
+fn main() {
+ let s = f([X(1)]);
+ //s();
+ "#,
+ );
+fn posix_tls() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: option
+type pthread_key_t = u32;
+type c_void = u8;
+type c_int = i32;
+extern "C" {
+ pub fn pthread_key_create(
+ key: *mut pthread_key_t,
+ dtor: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void)>,
+ ) -> c_int;
+ pub fn pthread_key_delete(key: pthread_key_t) -> c_int;
+ pub fn pthread_getspecific(key: pthread_key_t) -> *mut c_void;
+ pub fn pthread_setspecific(key: pthread_key_t, value: *const c_void) -> c_int;
+fn main() {
+ let mut key = 2;
+ pthread_key_create(&mut key, None);
+ "#,
+ );
+fn regression_14966() {
+ check_pass(
+ r#"
+//- minicore: fn, copy, coerce_unsized
+trait A<T> {
+ fn a(&self) {}
+impl A<()> for () {}
+struct B;
+impl B {
+ pub fn b<T>(s: &dyn A<T>) -> Self {
+ B
+ }
+struct C;
+impl C {
+ fn c<T>(a: &dyn A<T>) -> Self {
+ let mut c = C;
+ let b = B::b(a);
+ c.d(|| a.a());
+ c
+ }
+ fn d(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce()) {}
+fn main() {
+ C::c(&());
+ );