path: root/vendor/basic-toml/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/basic-toml/tests/')
1 files changed, 687 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/basic-toml/tests/ b/vendor/basic-toml/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22b40a54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/basic-toml/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+#![allow(clippy::let_underscore_untyped, clippy::uninlined_format_args)]
+use serde_json::{json, Value};
+macro_rules! bad {
+ ($toml:expr, $msg:expr) => {
+ match basic_toml::from_str::<Value>($toml) {
+ Ok(s) => panic!("parsed to: {:#?}", s),
+ Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.to_string(), $msg),
+ }
+ };
+fn crlf() {
+ let toml = "\
+ [project]\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ name = \"splay\"\r\n\
+ version = \"0.1.0\"\r\n\
+ authors = [\"\"]\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ [[lib]]\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ path = \"\"\r\n\
+ name = \"splay\"\r\n\
+ description = \"\"\"\
+ A Rust implementation of a TAR file reader and writer. This library does not\r\n\
+ currently handle compression, but it is abstract over all I/O readers and\r\n\
+ writers. Additionally, great lengths are taken to ensure that the entire\r\n\
+ contents are never required to be entirely resident in memory all at once.\r\n\
+ \"\"\"\
+ ";
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>(toml).unwrap();
+fn fun_with_strings() {
+ let toml = r#"
+bar = "\U00000000"
+key1 = "One\nTwo"
+key2 = """One\nTwo"""
+key3 = """
+key4 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
+key5 = """
+The quick brown \
+fox jumps over \
+the lazy dog."""
+key6 = """\
+ The quick brown \
+ fox jumps over \
+ the lazy dog.\
+ """
+# What you see is what you get.
+winpath = 'C:\Users\nodejs\templates'
+winpath2 = '\\ServerX\admin$\system32\'
+quoted = 'Tom "Dubs" Preston-Werner'
+regex = '<\i\c*\s*>'
+regex2 = '''I [dw]on't need \d{2} apples'''
+lines = '''
+The first newline is
+trimmed in raw strings.
+All other whitespace
+is preserved.
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["bar"], json!("\0"));
+ assert_eq!(table["key1"], json!("One\nTwo"));
+ assert_eq!(table["key2"], json!("One\nTwo"));
+ assert_eq!(table["key3"], json!("One\nTwo"));
+ let msg = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
+ assert_eq!(table["key4"], json!(msg));
+ assert_eq!(table["key5"], json!(msg));
+ assert_eq!(table["key6"], json!(msg));
+ assert_eq!(table["winpath"], json!(r"C:\Users\nodejs\templates"));
+ assert_eq!(table["winpath2"], json!(r"\\ServerX\admin$\system32\"));
+ assert_eq!(table["quoted"], json!(r#"Tom "Dubs" Preston-Werner"#));
+ assert_eq!(table["regex"], json!(r"<\i\c*\s*>"));
+ assert_eq!(table["regex2"], json!(r"I [dw]on't need \d{2} apples"));
+ assert_eq!(
+ table["lines"],
+ json!(
+ "The first newline is\n\
+ trimmed in raw strings.\n\
+ All other whitespace\n\
+ is preserved.\n"
+ )
+ );
+fn tables_in_arrays() {
+ let toml = r#"
+[[foo]] # ...
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ table["foo"][0]["bar"].as_object().unwrap();
+ table["foo"][1]["bar"].as_object().unwrap();
+fn empty_table() {
+ let toml = r#"
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ table["foo"].as_object().unwrap();
+fn fruit() {
+ let toml = r#"
+name = "apple"
+color = "red"
+shape = "round"
+name = "red delicious"
+name = "granny smith"
+name = "banana"
+name = "plantain"
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["fruit"][0]["name"], json!("apple"));
+ assert_eq!(table["fruit"][0]["physical"]["color"], json!("red"));
+ assert_eq!(table["fruit"][0]["physical"]["shape"], json!("round"));
+ assert_eq!(
+ table["fruit"][0]["variety"][0]["name"],
+ json!("red delicious")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ table["fruit"][0]["variety"][1]["name"],
+ json!("granny smith")
+ );
+ assert_eq!(table["fruit"][1]["name"], json!("banana"));
+ assert_eq!(table["fruit"][1]["variety"][0]["name"], json!("plantain"));
+fn stray_cr() {
+ bad!("\r", "unexpected character found: `\\r` at line 1 column 1");
+ bad!(
+ "a = [ \r ]",
+ "unexpected character found: `\\r` at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = \"\"\"\r\"\"\"",
+ "invalid character in string: `\\r` at line 1 column 8"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = \"\"\"\\ \r \"\"\"",
+ "invalid escape character in string: ` ` at line 1 column 9"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = '''\r'''",
+ "invalid character in string: `\\r` at line 1 column 8"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = '\r'",
+ "invalid character in string: `\\r` at line 1 column 6"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = \"\r\"",
+ "invalid character in string: `\\r` at line 1 column 6"
+ );
+fn blank_literal_string() {
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str("foo = ''").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!(""));
+fn many_blank() {
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str("foo = \"\"\"\n\n\n\"\"\"").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!("\n\n"));
+fn literal_eats_crlf() {
+ let toml = "
+ foo = \"\"\"\\\r\n\"\"\"
+ bar = \"\"\"\\\r\n \r\n \r\n a\"\"\"
+ ";
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!(""));
+ assert_eq!(table["bar"], json!("a"));
+fn string_no_newline() {
+ bad!("a = \"\n\"", "newline in string found at line 1 column 6");
+ bad!("a = '\n'", "newline in string found at line 1 column 6");
+fn bad_leading_zeros() {
+ bad!("a = 00", "invalid number at line 1 column 6");
+ bad!("a = -00", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("a = +00", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("a = 00.0", "invalid number at line 1 column 6");
+ bad!("a = -00.0", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("a = +00.0", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!(
+ "a = 9223372036854775808",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 5"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = -9223372036854775809",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 5"
+ );
+fn bad_floats() {
+ bad!("a = 0.", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("a = 0.e", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("a = 0.E", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("a = 0.0E", "invalid number at line 1 column 5");
+ bad!("a = 0.0e", "invalid number at line 1 column 5");
+ bad!("a = 0.0e-", "invalid number at line 1 column 9");
+ bad!("a = 0.0e+", "invalid number at line 1 column 5");
+fn floats() {
+ macro_rules! t {
+ ($actual:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
+ let f = format!("foo = {}", $actual);
+ println!("{}", f);
+ let a: Value = basic_toml::from_str(&f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(a["foo"], json!($expected));
+ }};
+ }
+ t!("1.0", 1.0);
+ t!("1.0e0", 1.0);
+ t!("1.0e+0", 1.0);
+ t!("1.0e-0", 1.0);
+ t!("1E-0", 1.0);
+ t!("1.001e-0", 1.001);
+ t!("2e10", 2e10);
+ t!("2e+10", 2e10);
+ t!("2e-10", 2e-10);
+ t!("2_0.0", 20.0);
+ t!("2_0.0_0e1_0", 20.0e10);
+ t!("2_0.1_0e1_0", 20.1e10);
+fn bare_key_names() {
+ let toml = "
+ foo = 3
+ foo_3 = 3
+ foo_-2--3--r23f--4-f2-4 = 3
+ _ = 3
+ - = 3
+ 8 = 8
+ \"a\" = 3
+ \"!\" = 3
+ \"a^b\" = 3
+ \"\\\"\" = 3
+ \"character encoding\" = \"value\"
+ 'ʎǝʞ' = \"value\"
+ ";
+ let a: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ let _ = &a["foo"];
+ let _ = &a["-"];
+ let _ = &a["_"];
+ let _ = &a["8"];
+ let _ = &a["foo_3"];
+ let _ = &a["foo_-2--3--r23f--4-f2-4"];
+ let _ = &a["a"];
+ let _ = &a["!"];
+ let _ = &a["\""];
+ let _ = &a["character encoding"];
+ let _ = &a["ʎǝʞ"];
+fn bad_keys() {
+ bad!(
+ "key\n=3",
+ "expected an equals, found a newline at line 1 column 4"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "key=\n3",
+ "expected a value, found a newline at line 1 column 5"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "key|=3",
+ "unexpected character found: `|` at line 1 column 4"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "=3",
+ "expected a table key, found an equals at line 1 column 1"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "\"\"|=3",
+ "unexpected character found: `|` at line 1 column 3"
+ );
+ bad!("\"\n\"|=3", "newline in string found at line 1 column 2");
+ bad!(
+ "\"\r\"|=3",
+ "invalid character in string: `\\r` at line 1 column 2"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "''''''=3",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 1"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "\"\"\"\"\"\"=3",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 1"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "'''key'''=3",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 1"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "\"\"\"key\"\"\"=3",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 1"
+ );
+fn bad_table_names() {
+ bad!(
+ "[]",
+ "expected a table key, found a right bracket at line 1 column 2"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "[.]",
+ "expected a table key, found a period at line 1 column 2"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "[a.]",
+ "expected a table key, found a right bracket at line 1 column 4"
+ );
+ bad!("[!]", "unexpected character found: `!` at line 1 column 2");
+ bad!("[\"\n\"]", "newline in string found at line 1 column 3");
+ bad!(
+ "[a.b]\n[a.\"b\"]",
+ "redefinition of table `a.b` for key `a.b` at line 2 column 1"
+ );
+ bad!("[']", "unterminated string at line 1 column 2");
+ bad!("[''']", "unterminated string at line 1 column 2");
+ bad!(
+ "['''''']",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 2"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "['''foo''']",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 2"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "[\"\"\"bar\"\"\"]",
+ "multiline strings are not allowed for key at line 1 column 2"
+ );
+ bad!("['\n']", "newline in string found at line 1 column 3");
+ bad!("['\r\n']", "newline in string found at line 1 column 3");
+fn table_names() {
+ let toml = "
+ [a.\"b\"]
+ [\"f f\"]
+ [\"f.f\"]
+ [\"\\\"\"]
+ ['a.a']
+ ['\"\"']
+ ";
+ let a: Value = basic_toml::from_str(toml).unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", a);
+ let _ = &a["a"]["b"];
+ let _ = &a["f f"];
+ let _ = &a["f.f"];
+ let _ = &a["\""];
+ let _ = &a["\"\""];
+fn invalid_bare_numeral() {
+ bad!("4", "expected an equals, found eof at line 1 column 2");
+fn inline_tables() {
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = {}").unwrap();
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = {b=1}").unwrap();
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = { b = 1 }").unwrap();
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = {a=1,b=2}").unwrap();
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = {a=1,b=2,c={}}").unwrap();
+ bad!(
+ "a = {a=1,}",
+ "expected a table key, found a right brace at line 1 column 10"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = {,}",
+ "expected a table key, found a comma at line 1 column 6"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = {a=1,a=1}",
+ "duplicate key: `a` for key `a` at line 1 column 10"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = {\n}",
+ "expected a table key, found a newline at line 1 column 6"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "a = {",
+ "expected a table key, found eof at line 1 column 6"
+ );
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = {a=[\n]}").unwrap();
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = {\"a\"=[\n]}").unwrap();
+ basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("a = [\n{},\n{},\n]").unwrap();
+fn number_underscores() {
+ macro_rules! t {
+ ($actual:expr, $expected:expr) => {{
+ let f = format!("foo = {}", $actual);
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str(&f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!($expected));
+ }};
+ }
+ t!("1_0", 10);
+ t!("1_0_0", 100);
+ t!("1_000", 1000);
+ t!("+1_000", 1000);
+ t!("-1_000", -1000);
+fn bad_underscores() {
+ bad!("foo = 0_", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("foo = 0__0", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!(
+ "foo = __0",
+ "invalid TOML value, did you mean to use a quoted string? at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!("foo = 1_0_", "invalid number at line 1 column 7");
+fn bad_unicode_codepoint() {
+ bad!(
+ "foo = \"\\uD800\"",
+ "invalid escape value: `55296` at line 1 column 9"
+ );
+fn bad_strings() {
+ bad!(
+ "foo = \"\\uxx\"",
+ "invalid hex escape character in string: `x` at line 1 column 10"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = \"\\u\"",
+ "invalid hex escape character in string: `\\\"` at line 1 column 10"
+ );
+ bad!("foo = \"\\", "unterminated string at line 1 column 7");
+ bad!("foo = '", "unterminated string at line 1 column 7");
+fn empty_string() {
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str::<Value>("foo = \"\"").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!(""));
+fn booleans() {
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str("foo = true").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!(true));
+ let table: Value = basic_toml::from_str("foo = false").unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(table["foo"], json!(false));
+ bad!(
+ "foo = true2",
+ "invalid TOML value, did you mean to use a quoted string? at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = false2",
+ "invalid TOML value, did you mean to use a quoted string? at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = t1",
+ "invalid TOML value, did you mean to use a quoted string? at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = f2",
+ "invalid TOML value, did you mean to use a quoted string? at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+fn bad_nesting() {
+ bad!(
+ "
+ a = [2]
+ [[a]]
+ b = 5
+ ",
+ "duplicate key: `a` at line 3 column 11"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ a = 1
+ [a.b]
+ ",
+ "duplicate key: `a` at line 3 column 10"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ a = []
+ [a.b]
+ ",
+ "duplicate key: `a` at line 3 column 10"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ a = []
+ [[a.b]]
+ ",
+ "duplicate key: `a` at line 3 column 11"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ [a]
+ b = { c = 2, d = {} }
+ [a.b]
+ c = 2
+ ",
+ "duplicate key: `b` for key `a` at line 4 column 12"
+ );
+fn bad_table_redefine() {
+ bad!(
+ "
+ [a]
+ foo=\"bar\"
+ [a.b]
+ foo=\"bar\"
+ [a]
+ ",
+ "redefinition of table `a` for key `a` at line 6 column 9"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ [a]
+ foo=\"bar\"
+ b = { foo = \"bar\" }
+ [a]
+ ",
+ "redefinition of table `a` for key `a` at line 5 column 9"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ [a]
+ b = {}
+ [a.b]
+ ",
+ "duplicate key: `b` for key `a` at line 4 column 12"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "
+ [a]
+ b = {}
+ [a]
+ ",
+ "redefinition of table `a` for key `a` at line 4 column 9"
+ );
+fn datetimes() {
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09Z",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09.1Z",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09.2+10:00",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09.123456789-02:00",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09.Z",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-9-09T09:09:09Z",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09+2:00",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09-2:00",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ "foo = 2016-09-09T09:09:09Z-2:00",
+ "invalid number at line 1 column 7"
+ );
+fn require_newline_after_value() {
+ bad!("0=0r=false", "invalid number at line 1 column 3");
+ bad!(
+ r#"
+ "expected newline, found an identifier at line 2 column 5"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ r#"
+ "expected newline, found a left bracket at line 3 column 6"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ r#"
+ "expected newline, found an identifier at line 2 column 6"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ r#"
+ "invalid number at line 2 column 3"
+ );
+ bad!(
+ r#"
+ "invalid number at line 2 column 3"
+ );