path: root/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular')
21 files changed, 1402 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4d0f79d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use crate::Uint;
+pub(crate) const fn add_montgomery_form<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ a: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ b: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ a.add_mod(b, modulus)
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index 000000000..f94e4c475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+use core::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData};
+use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallySelectable, ConstantTimeEq};
+use crate::{Limb, Uint, Zero};
+use super::{reduction::montgomery_reduction, Retrieve};
+#[cfg(feature = "rand_core")]
+use crate::{rand_core::CryptoRngCore, NonZero, Random, RandomMod};
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+use {
+ crate::Encoding,
+ serdect::serde::de::Error,
+ serdect::serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer},
+/// Additions between residues with a constant modulus
+mod const_add;
+/// Multiplicative inverses of residues with a constant modulus
+mod const_inv;
+/// Multiplications between residues with a constant modulus
+mod const_mul;
+/// Negations of residues with a constant modulus
+mod const_neg;
+/// Exponentiation of residues with a constant modulus
+mod const_pow;
+/// Subtractions between residues with a constant modulus
+mod const_sub;
+/// Macros to remove the boilerplate code when dealing with constant moduli.
+mod macros;
+pub use macros::*;
+/// The parameters to efficiently go to and from the Montgomery form for a given odd modulus. An easy way to generate these parameters is using the `impl_modulus!` macro. These parameters are constant, so they cannot be set at runtime.
+/// Unfortunately, `LIMBS` must be generic for now until const generics are stabilized.
+pub trait ResidueParams<const LIMBS: usize>:
+ Copy + Debug + Default + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static
+ /// Number of limbs required to encode a residue
+ const LIMBS: usize;
+ /// The constant modulus
+ const MODULUS: Uint<LIMBS>;
+ /// Parameter used in Montgomery reduction
+ const R: Uint<LIMBS>;
+ /// R^2, used to move into Montgomery form
+ const R2: Uint<LIMBS>;
+ /// R^3, used to perform a multiplicative inverse
+ const R3: Uint<LIMBS>;
+ /// The lowest limbs of -(MODULUS^-1) mod R
+ // We only need the LSB because during reduction this value is multiplied modulo 2**Limb::BITS.
+ const MOD_NEG_INV: Limb;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+/// A residue mod `MOD`, represented using `LIMBS` limbs. The modulus of this residue is constant, so it cannot be set at runtime.
+pub struct Residue<MOD, const LIMBS: usize>
+ MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>,
+ montgomery_form: Uint<LIMBS>,
+ phantom: PhantomData<MOD>,
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// The representation of 0 mod `MOD`.
+ pub const ZERO: Self = Self {
+ montgomery_form: Uint::<LIMBS>::ZERO,
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ };
+ /// The representation of 1 mod `MOD`.
+ pub const ONE: Self = Self {
+ montgomery_form: MOD::R,
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ };
+ /// Instantiates a new `Residue` that represents this `integer` mod `MOD`.
+ pub const fn new(integer: &Uint<LIMBS>) -> Self {
+ let product = integer.mul_wide(&MOD::R2);
+ let montgomery_form =
+ montgomery_reduction::<LIMBS>(&product, &MOD::MODULUS, MOD::MOD_NEG_INV);
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form,
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Retrieves the integer currently encoded in this `Residue`, guaranteed to be reduced.
+ pub const fn retrieve(&self) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ montgomery_reduction::<LIMBS>(
+ &(self.montgomery_form, Uint::ZERO),
+ )
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS> + Copy, const LIMBS: usize> ConditionallySelectable
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
+ Residue {
+ montgomery_form: Uint::conditional_select(
+ &a.montgomery_form,
+ &b.montgomery_form,
+ choice,
+ ),
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> ConstantTimeEq for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
+ ConstantTimeEq::ct_eq(&self.montgomery_form, &other.montgomery_form)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Default for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::ZERO
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Zero for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ const ZERO: Self = Self::ZERO;
+#[cfg(feature = "rand_core")]
+impl<MOD, const LIMBS: usize> Random for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>,
+ #[inline]
+ fn random(rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> Self {
+ Self::new(&Uint::random_mod(rng, &NonZero::from_uint(MOD::MODULUS)))
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Retrieve for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ type Output = Uint<LIMBS>;
+ fn retrieve(&self) -> Self::Output {
+ self.retrieve()
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl<'de, MOD, const LIMBS: usize> Deserialize<'de> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>,
+ Uint<LIMBS>: Encoding,
+ fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+ where
+ D: Deserializer<'de>,
+ {
+ Uint::<LIMBS>::deserialize(deserializer).and_then(|montgomery_form| {
+ if Uint::ct_lt(&montgomery_form, &MOD::MODULUS).into() {
+ Ok(Self {
+ montgomery_form,
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ })
+ } else {
+ Err(D::Error::custom("montgomery form must be reduced"))
+ }
+ })
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl<MOD, const LIMBS: usize> Serialize for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>,
+ Uint<LIMBS>: Encoding,
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+ where
+ S: Serializer,
+ {
+ self.montgomery_form.serialize(serializer)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82eb8826c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign};
+use crate::modular::add::add_montgomery_form;
+use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// Adds `rhs`.
+ pub const fn add(&self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: add_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &rhs.montgomery_form,
+ ),
+ phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Add<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self.add(rhs)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Add<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn add(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self + &rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Add<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn add(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ &self + rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Add<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn add(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ &self + &rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> AddAssign<&Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: &Self) {
+ *self = *self + rhs;
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> AddAssign<Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
+ *self += &rhs;
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{const_residue, impl_modulus, modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams, U256};
+ impl_modulus!(
+ Modulus,
+ U256,
+ "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551"
+ );
+ #[test]
+ fn add_overflow() {
+ let x =
+ U256::from_be_hex("44acf6b7e36c1342c2c5897204fe09504e1e2efb1a900377dbc4e7a6a133ec56");
+ let mut x_mod = const_residue!(x, Modulus);
+ let y =
+ U256::from_be_hex("d5777c45019673125ad240f83094d4252d829516fac8601ed01979ec1ec1a251");
+ let y_mod = const_residue!(y, Modulus);
+ x_mod += &y_mod;
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("1a2472fde50286541d97ca6a3592dd75beb9c9646e40c511b82496cfc3926956");
+ assert_eq!(expected, x_mod.retrieve());
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c8da7b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+use core::marker::PhantomData;
+use subtle::CtOption;
+use crate::{modular::inv::inv_montgomery_form, traits::Invert, CtChoice, NonZero};
+use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// Computes the residue `self^-1` representing the multiplicative inverse of `self`.
+ /// I.e. `self * self^-1 = 1`.
+ /// If the number was invertible, the second element of the tuple is the truthy value,
+ /// otherwise it is the falsy value (in which case the first element's value is unspecified).
+ pub const fn invert(&self) -> (Self, CtChoice) {
+ let (montgomery_form, is_some) = inv_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &MOD::R3,
+ );
+ let value = Self {
+ montgomery_form,
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ };
+ (value, is_some)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Invert for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ type Output = CtOption<Self>;
+ fn invert(&self) -> Self::Output {
+ let (value, is_some) = self.invert();
+ CtOption::new(value, is_some.into())
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Invert for NonZero<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>> {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn invert(&self) -> Self::Output {
+ // Always succeeds for a non-zero argument
+ let (value, _is_some) = self.as_ref().invert();
+ NonZero::new(value).unwrap()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{const_residue, impl_modulus, modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams, U256};
+ impl_modulus!(
+ Modulus,
+ U256,
+ "15477BCCEFE197328255BFA79A1217899016D927EF460F4FF404029D24FA4409"
+ );
+ #[test]
+ fn test_self_inverse() {
+ let x =
+ U256::from_be_hex("77117F1273373C26C700D076B3F780074D03339F56DD0EFB60E7F58441FD3685");
+ let x_mod = const_residue!(x, Modulus);
+ let (inv, _is_some) = x_mod.invert();
+ let res = &x_mod * &inv;
+ assert_eq!(res.retrieve(), U256::ONE);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bce1848a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+use core::{
+ marker::PhantomData,
+ ops::{Mul, MulAssign},
+use crate::{
+ modular::mul::{mul_montgomery_form, square_montgomery_form},
+ traits::Square,
+use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// Multiplies by `rhs`.
+ pub const fn mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: mul_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &rhs.montgomery_form,
+ ),
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Computes the (reduced) square of a residue.
+ pub const fn square(&self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: square_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ ),
+ phantom: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Mul<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self.mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Mul<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self * &rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Mul<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ &self * rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Mul<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ &self * &rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> MulAssign<&Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) {
+ *self = *self * rhs;
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> MulAssign<Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
+ *self *= &rhs;
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Square for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn square(&self) -> Self {
+ Residue::square(self)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
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index 000000000..1981f5a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+use core::ops::Neg;
+use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// Negates the number.
+ pub const fn neg(&self) -> Self {
+ Self::ZERO.sub(self)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Neg for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn neg(self) -> Self {
+ Residue::neg(&self)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Neg for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn neg(self) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ Residue::neg(self)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{const_residue, impl_modulus, modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams, U256};
+ impl_modulus!(
+ Modulus,
+ U256,
+ "15477BCCEFE197328255BFA79A1217899016D927EF460F4FF404029D24FA4409"
+ );
+ #[test]
+ fn test_negate() {
+ let x =
+ U256::from_be_hex("77117F1273373C26C700D076B3F780074D03339F56DD0EFB60E7F58441FD3685");
+ let x_mod = const_residue!(x, Modulus);
+ let res = -x_mod;
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("089B67BB2C124F084701AD76E8750D321385E35044C74CE457301A2A9BE061B1");
+ assert_eq!(res.retrieve(), expected);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60455b05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use crate::{modular::pow::pow_montgomery_form, PowBoundedExp, Uint};
+use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// Raises to the `exponent` power.
+ pub const fn pow(&self, exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self.pow_bounded_exp(exponent, Uint::<LIMBS>::BITS)
+ }
+ /// Raises to the `exponent` power,
+ /// with `exponent_bits` representing the number of (least significant) bits
+ /// to take into account for the exponent.
+ ///
+ /// NOTE: `exponent_bits` may be leaked in the time pattern.
+ pub const fn pow_bounded_exp(
+ &self,
+ exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ exponent_bits: usize,
+ ) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: pow_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ exponent,
+ exponent_bits,
+ &MOD::R,
+ ),
+ phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> PowBoundedExp<Uint<LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ fn pow_bounded_exp(&self, exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>, exponent_bits: usize) -> Self {
+ self.pow_bounded_exp(exponent, exponent_bits)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{const_residue, impl_modulus, modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams, U256};
+ impl_modulus!(
+ Modulus,
+ U256,
+ "9CC24C5DF431A864188AB905AC751B727C9447A8E99E6366E1AD78A21E8D882B"
+ );
+ #[test]
+ fn test_powmod_small_base() {
+ let base = U256::from(105u64);
+ let base_mod = const_residue!(base, Modulus);
+ let exponent =
+ U256::from_be_hex("77117F1273373C26C700D076B3F780074D03339F56DD0EFB60E7F58441FD3685");
+ let res = base_mod.pow(&exponent);
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("7B2CD7BDDD96C271E6F232F2F415BB03FE2A90BD6CCCEA5E94F1BFD064993766");
+ assert_eq!(res.retrieve(), expected);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_powmod_small_exponent() {
+ let base =
+ U256::from_be_hex("3435D18AA8313EBBE4D20002922225B53F75DC4453BB3EEC0378646F79B524A4");
+ let base_mod = const_residue!(base, Modulus);
+ let exponent = U256::from(105u64);
+ let res = base_mod.pow(&exponent);
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("89E2A4E99F649A5AE2C18068148C355CA927B34A3245C938178ED00D6EF218AA");
+ assert_eq!(res.retrieve(), expected);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_powmod() {
+ let base =
+ U256::from_be_hex("3435D18AA8313EBBE4D20002922225B53F75DC4453BB3EEC0378646F79B524A4");
+ let base_mod = const_residue!(base, Modulus);
+ let exponent =
+ U256::from_be_hex("77117F1273373C26C700D076B3F780074D03339F56DD0EFB60E7F58441FD3685");
+ let res = base_mod.pow(&exponent);
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("3681BC0FEA2E5D394EB178155A127B0FD2EF405486D354251C385BDD51B9D421");
+ assert_eq!(res.retrieve(), expected);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f65061146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use core::ops::{Sub, SubAssign};
+use crate::modular::sub::sub_montgomery_form;
+use super::{Residue, ResidueParams};
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ /// Subtracts `rhs`.
+ pub const fn sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: sub_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &rhs.montgomery_form,
+ ),
+ phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self.sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ self - &rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<&Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ &self - rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> Sub<Residue<MOD, LIMBS>>
+ for Residue<MOD, LIMBS>
+ type Output = Residue<MOD, LIMBS>;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: Residue<MOD, LIMBS>) -> Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ &self - &rhs
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> SubAssign<&Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: &Self) {
+ *self = *self - rhs;
+ }
+impl<MOD: ResidueParams<LIMBS>, const LIMBS: usize> SubAssign<Self> for Residue<MOD, LIMBS> {
+ fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
+ *self -= &rhs;
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{const_residue, impl_modulus, modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams, U256};
+ impl_modulus!(
+ Modulus,
+ U256,
+ "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551"
+ );
+ #[test]
+ fn sub_overflow() {
+ let x =
+ U256::from_be_hex("44acf6b7e36c1342c2c5897204fe09504e1e2efb1a900377dbc4e7a6a133ec56");
+ let mut x_mod = const_residue!(x, Modulus);
+ let y =
+ U256::from_be_hex("d5777c45019673125ad240f83094d4252d829516fac8601ed01979ec1ec1a251");
+ let y_mod = const_residue!(y, Modulus);
+ x_mod -= &y_mod;
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("6f357a71e1d5a03167f34879d469352add829491c6df41ddff65387d7ed56f56");
+ assert_eq!(expected, x_mod.retrieve());
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1583ca529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/constant_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// TODO: Use `adt_const_params` once stabilized to make a `Residue` generic around a modulus rather than having to implement a ZST + trait
+/// Implements a modulus with the given name, type, and value, in that specific order. Please `use crypto_bigint::traits::Encoding` to make this work.
+/// For example, `impl_modulus!(MyModulus, U256, "73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001");` implements a 256-bit modulus named `MyModulus`.
+macro_rules! impl_modulus {
+ ($name:ident, $uint_type:ty, $value:expr) => {
+ #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
+ pub struct $name {}
+ impl<const DLIMBS: usize>
+ $crate::modular::constant_mod::ResidueParams<{ $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) }>
+ for $name
+ where
+ $crate::Uint<{ $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) }>:
+ $crate::Concat<Output = $crate::Uint<DLIMBS>>,
+ {
+ const LIMBS: usize = { $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) };
+ const MODULUS: $crate::Uint<{ $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) }> =
+ <$uint_type>::from_be_hex($value);
+ const R: $crate::Uint<{ $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) }> = $crate::Uint::MAX
+ .const_rem(&Self::MODULUS)
+ .0
+ .wrapping_add(&$crate::Uint::ONE);
+ const R2: $crate::Uint<{ $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) }> =
+ $crate::Uint::const_rem_wide(Self::R.square_wide(), &Self::MODULUS).0;
+ const MOD_NEG_INV: $crate::Limb = $crate::Limb(
+ $crate::Word::MIN.wrapping_sub(
+ .inv_mod2k($crate::Word::BITS as usize)
+ .as_limbs()[0]
+ .0,
+ ),
+ );
+ const R3: $crate::Uint<{ $crate::nlimbs!(<$uint_type>::BITS) }> =
+ $crate::modular::montgomery_reduction(
+ &Self::R2.square_wide(),
+ &Self::MODULUS,
+ Self::MOD_NEG_INV,
+ );
+ }
+ };
+/// Creates a `Residue` with the given value for a specific modulus.
+/// For example, `residue!(U256::from(105u64), MyModulus);` creates a `Residue` for 105 mod `MyModulus`.
+macro_rules! const_residue {
+ ($variable:ident, $modulus:ident) => {
+ $crate::modular::constant_mod::Residue::<$modulus, { $modulus::LIMBS }>::new(&$variable)
+ };
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..408c03fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use crate::{modular::reduction::montgomery_reduction, CtChoice, Limb, Uint};
+pub const fn inv_montgomery_form<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ x: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ r3: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ mod_neg_inv: Limb,
+) -> (Uint<LIMBS>, CtChoice) {
+ let (inverse, is_some) = x.inv_odd_mod(modulus);
+ (
+ montgomery_reduction(&inverse.mul_wide(r3), modulus, mod_neg_inv),
+ is_some,
+ )
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b84ceb5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use crate::{Limb, Uint};
+use super::reduction::montgomery_reduction;
+pub(crate) const fn mul_montgomery_form<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ a: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ b: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ mod_neg_inv: Limb,
+) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ let product = a.mul_wide(b);
+ montgomery_reduction::<LIMBS>(&product, modulus, mod_neg_inv)
+pub(crate) const fn square_montgomery_form<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ a: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ mod_neg_inv: Limb,
+) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ let product = a.square_wide();
+ montgomery_reduction::<LIMBS>(&product, modulus, mod_neg_inv)
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ab1fd63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+use crate::{Limb, Uint, Word};
+use super::mul::{mul_montgomery_form, square_montgomery_form};
+/// Performs modular exponentiation using Montgomery's ladder.
+/// `exponent_bits` represents the number of bits to take into account for the exponent.
+/// NOTE: this value is leaked in the time pattern.
+pub const fn pow_montgomery_form<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ x: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ exponent_bits: usize,
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ r: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ mod_neg_inv: Limb,
+) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ if exponent_bits == 0 {
+ return *r; // 1 in Montgomery form
+ }
+ const WINDOW: usize = 4;
+ const WINDOW_MASK: Word = (1 << WINDOW) - 1;
+ // powers[i] contains x^i
+ let mut powers = [*r; 1 << WINDOW];
+ powers[1] = *x;
+ let mut i = 2;
+ while i < powers.len() {
+ powers[i] = mul_montgomery_form(&powers[i - 1], x, modulus, mod_neg_inv);
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ let starting_limb = (exponent_bits - 1) / Limb::BITS;
+ let starting_bit_in_limb = (exponent_bits - 1) % Limb::BITS;
+ let starting_window = starting_bit_in_limb / WINDOW;
+ let starting_window_mask = (1 << (starting_bit_in_limb % WINDOW + 1)) - 1;
+ let mut z = *r; // 1 in Montgomery form
+ let mut limb_num = starting_limb + 1;
+ while limb_num > 0 {
+ limb_num -= 1;
+ let w = exponent.as_limbs()[limb_num].0;
+ let mut window_num = if limb_num == starting_limb {
+ starting_window + 1
+ } else {
+ };
+ while window_num > 0 {
+ window_num -= 1;
+ let mut idx = (w >> (window_num * WINDOW)) & WINDOW_MASK;
+ if limb_num == starting_limb && window_num == starting_window {
+ idx &= starting_window_mask;
+ } else {
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < WINDOW {
+ i += 1;
+ z = square_montgomery_form(&z, modulus, mod_neg_inv);
+ }
+ }
+ // Constant-time lookup in the array of powers
+ let mut power = powers[0];
+ let mut i = 1;
+ while i < 1 << WINDOW {
+ let choice = Limb::ct_eq(Limb(i as Word), Limb(idx));
+ power = Uint::<LIMBS>::ct_select(&power, &powers[i], choice);
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ z = mul_montgomery_form(&z, &power, modulus, mod_neg_inv);
+ }
+ }
+ z
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3543bf97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+use crate::{CtChoice, Limb, Uint, WideWord, Word};
+/// Algorithm 14.32 in Handbook of Applied Cryptography <>
+pub const fn montgomery_reduction<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ lower_upper: &(Uint<LIMBS>, Uint<LIMBS>),
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ mod_neg_inv: Limb,
+) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ let (mut lower, mut upper) = *lower_upper;
+ let mut meta_carry: WideWord = 0;
+ let mut i = 0;
+ while i < LIMBS {
+ let u = (lower.limbs[i].0.wrapping_mul(mod_neg_inv.0)) as WideWord;
+ let new_limb =
+ (u * modulus.limbs[0].0 as WideWord).wrapping_add(lower.limbs[i].0 as WideWord);
+ let mut carry = new_limb >> Word::BITS;
+ let mut j = 1;
+ while j < (LIMBS - i) {
+ let new_limb = (u * modulus.limbs[j].0 as WideWord)
+ .wrapping_add(lower.limbs[i + j].0 as WideWord)
+ .wrapping_add(carry);
+ carry = new_limb >> Word::BITS;
+ lower.limbs[i + j] = Limb(new_limb as Word);
+ j += 1;
+ }
+ while j < LIMBS {
+ let new_limb = (u * modulus.limbs[j].0 as WideWord)
+ .wrapping_add(upper.limbs[i + j - LIMBS].0 as WideWord)
+ .wrapping_add(carry);
+ carry = new_limb >> Word::BITS;
+ upper.limbs[i + j - LIMBS] = Limb(new_limb as Word);
+ j += 1;
+ }
+ let new_sum = (upper.limbs[i].0 as WideWord)
+ .wrapping_add(carry)
+ .wrapping_add(meta_carry);
+ meta_carry = new_sum >> Word::BITS;
+ upper.limbs[i] = Limb(new_sum as Word);
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ // Division is simply taking the upper half of the limbs
+ // Final reduction (at this point, the value is at most 2 * modulus)
+ let must_reduce = CtChoice::from_lsb(meta_carry as Word).or(Uint::ct_gt(modulus, &upper).not());
+ upper = upper.wrapping_sub(&Uint::ct_select(&Uint::ZERO, modulus, must_reduce));
+ upper
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72f1094cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+use crate::{Limb, Uint, Word};
+use super::{reduction::montgomery_reduction, Retrieve};
+/// Additions between residues with a modulus set at runtime
+mod runtime_add;
+/// Multiplicative inverses of residues with a modulus set at runtime
+mod runtime_inv;
+/// Multiplications between residues with a modulus set at runtime
+mod runtime_mul;
+/// Negations of residues with a modulus set at runtime
+mod runtime_neg;
+/// Exponentiation of residues with a modulus set at runtime
+mod runtime_pow;
+/// Subtractions between residues with a modulus set at runtime
+mod runtime_sub;
+/// The parameters to efficiently go to and from the Montgomery form for a modulus provided at runtime.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct DynResidueParams<const LIMBS: usize> {
+ // The constant modulus
+ modulus: Uint<LIMBS>,
+ // Parameter used in Montgomery reduction
+ r: Uint<LIMBS>,
+ // R^2, used to move into Montgomery form
+ r2: Uint<LIMBS>,
+ // R^3, used to compute the multiplicative inverse
+ r3: Uint<LIMBS>,
+ // The lowest limbs of -(MODULUS^-1) mod R
+ // We only need the LSB because during reduction this value is multiplied modulo 2**Limb::BITS.
+ mod_neg_inv: Limb,
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidueParams<LIMBS> {
+ /// Instantiates a new set of `ResidueParams` representing the given `modulus`.
+ pub fn new(modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>) -> Self {
+ let r = Uint::MAX.const_rem(modulus).0.wrapping_add(&Uint::ONE);
+ let r2 = Uint::const_rem_wide(r.square_wide(), modulus).0;
+ let mod_neg_inv =
+ Limb(Word::MIN.wrapping_sub(modulus.inv_mod2k(Word::BITS as usize).limbs[0].0));
+ let r3 = montgomery_reduction(&r2.square_wide(), modulus, mod_neg_inv);
+ Self {
+ modulus: *modulus,
+ r,
+ r2,
+ r3,
+ mod_neg_inv,
+ }
+ }
+/// A residue represented using `LIMBS` limbs. The odd modulus of this residue is set at runtime.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct DynResidue<const LIMBS: usize> {
+ montgomery_form: Uint<LIMBS>,
+ residue_params: DynResidueParams<LIMBS>,
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Instantiates a new `Residue` that represents this `integer` mod `MOD`.
+ pub const fn new(integer: &Uint<LIMBS>, residue_params: DynResidueParams<LIMBS>) -> Self {
+ let product = integer.mul_wide(&residue_params.r2);
+ let montgomery_form = montgomery_reduction(
+ &product,
+ &residue_params.modulus,
+ residue_params.mod_neg_inv,
+ );
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form,
+ residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Retrieves the integer currently encoded in this `Residue`, guaranteed to be reduced.
+ pub const fn retrieve(&self) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ montgomery_reduction(
+ &(self.montgomery_form, Uint::ZERO),
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ self.residue_params.mod_neg_inv,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Instantiates a new `Residue` that represents zero.
+ pub const fn zero(residue_params: DynResidueParams<LIMBS>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: Uint::<LIMBS>::ZERO,
+ residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Instantiates a new `Residue` that represents 1.
+ pub const fn one(residue_params: DynResidueParams<LIMBS>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: residue_params.r,
+ residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Retrieve for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = Uint<LIMBS>;
+ fn retrieve(&self) -> Self::Output {
+ self.retrieve()
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb4708603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign};
+use crate::modular::add::add_montgomery_form;
+use super::DynResidue;
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Adds `rhs`.
+ pub const fn add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: add_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &rhs.montgomery_form,
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ ),
+ residue_params: self.residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Add<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn add(self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.residue_params, rhs.residue_params);
+ self.add(rhs)
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Add<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn add(self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ self + &rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Add<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn add(self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ &self + rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Add<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn add(self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ &self + &rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> AddAssign<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) {
+ *self = *self + rhs;
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> AddAssign<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) {
+ *self += &rhs;
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{
+ modular::runtime_mod::{DynResidue, DynResidueParams},
+ U256,
+ };
+ #[test]
+ fn add_overflow() {
+ let params = DynResidueParams::new(&U256::from_be_hex(
+ "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551",
+ ));
+ let x =
+ U256::from_be_hex("44acf6b7e36c1342c2c5897204fe09504e1e2efb1a900377dbc4e7a6a133ec56");
+ let mut x_mod = DynResidue::new(&x, params);
+ let y =
+ U256::from_be_hex("d5777c45019673125ad240f83094d4252d829516fac8601ed01979ec1ec1a251");
+ let y_mod = DynResidue::new(&y, params);
+ x_mod += &y_mod;
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("1a2472fde50286541d97ca6a3592dd75beb9c9646e40c511b82496cfc3926956");
+ assert_eq!(expected, x_mod.retrieve());
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e639d439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use subtle::CtOption;
+use crate::{modular::inv::inv_montgomery_form, traits::Invert, CtChoice};
+use super::DynResidue;
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Computes the residue `self^-1` representing the multiplicative inverse of `self`.
+ /// I.e. `self * self^-1 = 1`.
+ /// If the number was invertible, the second element of the tuple is the truthy value,
+ /// otherwise it is the falsy value (in which case the first element's value is unspecified).
+ pub const fn invert(&self) -> (Self, CtChoice) {
+ let (montgomery_form, is_some) = inv_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ &self.residue_params.r3,
+ self.residue_params.mod_neg_inv,
+ );
+ let value = Self {
+ montgomery_form,
+ residue_params: self.residue_params,
+ };
+ (value, is_some)
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Invert for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = CtOption<Self>;
+ fn invert(&self) -> Self::Output {
+ let (value, is_some) = self.invert();
+ CtOption::new(value, is_some.into())
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30c4b9c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use core::ops::{Mul, MulAssign};
+use crate::{
+ modular::mul::{mul_montgomery_form, square_montgomery_form},
+ traits::Square,
+use super::DynResidue;
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Multiplies by `rhs`.
+ pub const fn mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: mul_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &rhs.montgomery_form,
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ self.residue_params.mod_neg_inv,
+ ),
+ residue_params: self.residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Computes the (reduced) square of a residue.
+ pub const fn square(&self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: square_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ self.residue_params.mod_neg_inv,
+ ),
+ residue_params: self.residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Mul<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.residue_params, rhs.residue_params);
+ self.mul(rhs)
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Mul<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn mul(self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ self * &rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Mul<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn mul(self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ &self * rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Mul<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ &self * &rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> MulAssign<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) {
+ *self = *self * rhs;
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> MulAssign<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) {
+ *self *= &rhs;
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Square for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn square(&self) -> Self {
+ DynResidue::square(self)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fca1ff875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+use core::ops::Neg;
+use super::DynResidue;
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Negates the number.
+ pub const fn neg(&self) -> Self {
+ Self::zero(self.residue_params).sub(self)
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Neg for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn neg(self) -> Self {
+ DynResidue::neg(&self)
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Neg for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn neg(self) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ DynResidue::neg(self)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..270f4c01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use crate::{modular::pow::pow_montgomery_form, PowBoundedExp, Uint};
+use super::DynResidue;
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Raises to the `exponent` power.
+ pub const fn pow(&self, exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ self.pow_bounded_exp(exponent, Uint::<LIMBS>::BITS)
+ }
+ /// Raises to the `exponent` power,
+ /// with `exponent_bits` representing the number of (least significant) bits
+ /// to take into account for the exponent.
+ ///
+ /// NOTE: `exponent_bits` may be leaked in the time pattern.
+ pub const fn pow_bounded_exp(&self, exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>, exponent_bits: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: pow_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ exponent,
+ exponent_bits,
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ &self.residue_params.r,
+ self.residue_params.mod_neg_inv,
+ ),
+ residue_params: self.residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> PowBoundedExp<Uint<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn pow_bounded_exp(&self, exponent: &Uint<LIMBS>, exponent_bits: usize) -> Self {
+ self.pow_bounded_exp(exponent, exponent_bits)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd6fd84c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/runtime_mod/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+use core::ops::{Sub, SubAssign};
+use crate::modular::sub::sub_montgomery_form;
+use super::DynResidue;
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ /// Subtracts `rhs`.
+ pub const fn sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ montgomery_form: sub_montgomery_form(
+ &self.montgomery_form,
+ &rhs.montgomery_form,
+ &self.residue_params.modulus,
+ ),
+ residue_params: self.residue_params,
+ }
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Sub<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(self.residue_params, rhs.residue_params);
+ self.sub(rhs)
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Sub<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for &DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn sub(self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ self - &rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Sub<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ #[allow(clippy::op_ref)]
+ fn sub(self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ &self - rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> Sub<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ type Output = DynResidue<LIMBS>;
+ fn sub(self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) -> DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ &self - &rhs
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> SubAssign<&DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: &DynResidue<LIMBS>) {
+ *self = *self - rhs;
+ }
+impl<const LIMBS: usize> SubAssign<DynResidue<LIMBS>> for DynResidue<LIMBS> {
+ fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: DynResidue<LIMBS>) {
+ *self -= &rhs;
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::{
+ modular::runtime_mod::{DynResidue, DynResidueParams},
+ U256,
+ };
+ #[test]
+ fn sub_overflow() {
+ let params = DynResidueParams::new(&U256::from_be_hex(
+ "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551",
+ ));
+ let x =
+ U256::from_be_hex("44acf6b7e36c1342c2c5897204fe09504e1e2efb1a900377dbc4e7a6a133ec56");
+ let mut x_mod = DynResidue::new(&x, params);
+ let y =
+ U256::from_be_hex("d5777c45019673125ad240f83094d4252d829516fac8601ed01979ec1ec1a251");
+ let y_mod = DynResidue::new(&y, params);
+ x_mod -= &y_mod;
+ let expected =
+ U256::from_be_hex("6f357a71e1d5a03167f34879d469352add829491c6df41ddff65387d7ed56f56");
+ assert_eq!(expected, x_mod.retrieve());
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c4717033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/crypto-bigint/src/uint/modular/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use crate::Uint;
+pub(crate) const fn sub_montgomery_form<const LIMBS: usize>(
+ a: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ b: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+ modulus: &Uint<LIMBS>,
+) -> Uint<LIMBS> {
+ a.sub_mod(b, modulus)