path: root/vendor/futures-util/src/stream/try_stream/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/futures-util/src/stream/try_stream/')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/futures-util/src/stream/try_stream/ b/vendor/futures-util/src/stream/try_stream/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62734c746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/futures-util/src/stream/try_stream/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+use crate::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
+use core::fmt;
+use core::mem;
+use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
+use core::pin::Pin;
+use futures_core::future::{FusedFuture, Future};
+use futures_core::stream::TryStream;
+use futures_core::task::{Context, Poll};
+use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
+pin_project! {
+ /// Future for the
+ /// [`try_for_each_concurrent`](super::TryStreamExt::try_for_each_concurrent)
+ /// method.
+ #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
+ pub struct TryForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F> {
+ #[pin]
+ stream: Option<St>,
+ f: F,
+ futures: FuturesUnordered<Fut>,
+ limit: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
+ }
+impl<St, Fut, F> fmt::Debug for TryForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F>
+ St: fmt::Debug,
+ Fut: fmt::Debug,
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("TryForEachConcurrent")
+ .field("stream", &
+ .field("futures", &self.futures)
+ .field("limit", &self.limit)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl<St, Fut, F> FusedFuture for TryForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F>
+ St: TryStream,
+ F: FnMut(St::Ok) -> Fut,
+ Fut: Future<Output = Result<(), St::Error>>,
+ fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
+ && self.futures.is_empty()
+ }
+impl<St, Fut, F> TryForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F>
+ St: TryStream,
+ F: FnMut(St::Ok) -> Fut,
+ Fut: Future<Output = Result<(), St::Error>>,
+ pub(super) fn new(stream: St, limit: Option<usize>, f: F) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ stream: Some(stream),
+ // Note: `limit` = 0 gets ignored.
+ limit: limit.and_then(NonZeroUsize::new),
+ f,
+ futures: FuturesUnordered::new(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<St, Fut, F> Future for TryForEachConcurrent<St, Fut, F>
+ St: TryStream,
+ F: FnMut(St::Ok) -> Fut,
+ Fut: Future<Output = Result<(), St::Error>>,
+ type Output = Result<(), St::Error>;
+ fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
+ let mut this = self.project();
+ loop {
+ let mut made_progress_this_iter = false;
+ // Check if we've already created a number of futures greater than `limit`
+ if|limit| limit.get() > this.futures.len()).unwrap_or(true) {
+ let poll_res = match {
+ Some(stream) => stream.try_poll_next(cx),
+ None => Poll::Ready(None),
+ };
+ let elem = match poll_res {
+ Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(elem))) => {
+ made_progress_this_iter = true;
+ Some(elem)
+ }
+ Poll::Ready(None) => {
+ None
+ }
+ Poll::Pending => None,
+ Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))) => {
+ // Empty the stream and futures so that we know
+ // the future has completed.
+ drop(mem::replace(this.futures, FuturesUnordered::new()));
+ return Poll::Ready(Err(e));
+ }
+ };
+ if let Some(elem) = elem {
+ this.futures.push((this.f)(elem));
+ }
+ }
+ match this.futures.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
+ Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(()))) => made_progress_this_iter = true,
+ Poll::Ready(None) => {
+ if {
+ return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
+ }
+ }
+ Poll::Pending => {}
+ Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))) => {
+ // Empty the stream and futures so that we know
+ // the future has completed.
+ drop(mem::replace(this.futures, FuturesUnordered::new()));
+ return Poll::Ready(Err(e));
+ }
+ }
+ if !made_progress_this_iter {
+ return Poll::Pending;
+ }
+ }
+ }