path: root/vendor/gix-config/src/parse/
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1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix-config/src/parse/ b/vendor/gix-config/src/parse/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62f621b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix-config/src/parse/
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+use std::convert::TryFrom;
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use crate::{
+ parse,
+ parse::{section, Event, Section},
+/// A type store without allocation all events that are typically preceding the first section.
+pub type FrontMatterEvents<'a> = SmallVec<[Event<'a>; 8]>;
+/// A zero-copy `gix-config` file parser.
+/// This is parser exposes low-level syntactic events from a `gix-config` file.
+/// Generally speaking, you'll want to use [`File`] as it wraps
+/// around the parser to provide a higher-level abstraction to a `gix-config`
+/// file, including querying, modifying, and updating values.
+/// This parser guarantees that the events emitted are sufficient to
+/// reconstruct a `gix-config` file identical to the source `gix-config`
+/// when writing it.
+/// # Differences between a `.ini` parser
+/// While the `gix-config` format closely resembles the [`.ini` file format],
+/// there are subtle differences that make them incompatible. For one, the file
+/// format is not well defined, and there exists no formal specification to
+/// adhere to.
+/// For concrete examples, some notable differences are:
+/// - `gix-config` sections permit subsections via either a quoted string
+/// (`[some-section "subsection"]`) or via the deprecated dot notation
+/// (`[some-section.subsection]`). Successful parsing these section names is not
+/// well defined in typical `.ini` parsers. This parser will handle these cases
+/// perfectly.
+/// - Comment markers are not strictly defined either. This parser will always
+/// and only handle a semicolon or octothorpe (also known as a hash or number
+/// sign).
+/// - Global properties may be allowed in `.ini` parsers, but is strictly
+/// disallowed by this parser.
+/// - Only `\t`, `\n`, `\b` `\\` are valid escape characters.
+/// - Quoted and semi-quoted values will be parsed (but quotes will be included
+/// in event outputs). An example of a semi-quoted value is `5"hello world"`,
+/// which should be interpreted as `5hello world` after
+/// [normalization][crate::value::normalize()].
+/// - Line continuations via a `\` character is supported (inside or outside of quotes)
+/// - Whitespace handling similarly follows the `gix-config` specification as
+/// closely as possible, where excess whitespace after a non-quoted value are
+/// trimmed, and line continuations onto a new line with excess spaces are kept.
+/// - Only equal signs (optionally padded by spaces) are valid name/value
+/// delimiters.
+/// Note that that things such as case-sensitivity or duplicate sections are
+/// _not_ handled. This parser is a low level _syntactic_ interpreter
+/// and higher level wrappers around this parser, which may
+/// or may not be zero-copy, should handle _semantic_ values. This also means
+/// that string-like values are not interpreted. For example, `hello"world"`
+/// would be read at a high level as `helloworld` but this parser will return
+/// the former instead, with the extra quotes. This is because it is not the
+/// responsibility of the parser to interpret these values, and doing so would
+/// necessarily require a copy, which this parser avoids.
+/// # Trait Implementations
+/// - This struct does _not_ implement [`FromStr`] due to lifetime
+/// constraints implied on the required `from_str` method. Instead, it provides
+/// [`From<&'_ str>`].
+/// # Idioms
+/// If you do want to use this parser, there are some idioms that may help you
+/// with interpreting sequences of events.
+/// ## `Value` events do not immediately follow `Key` events
+/// Consider the following `gix-config` example:
+/// ```text
+/// [core]
+/// autocrlf = input
+/// ```
+/// Because this parser guarantees perfect reconstruction, there are many
+/// non-significant events that occur in addition to the ones you may expect:
+/// ```
+/// # use gix_config::parse::{Event, Events, section};
+/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
+/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
+/// # let section_header = section::Header::new("core", None).unwrap();
+/// # let section_data = "[core]\n autocrlf = input";
+/// # assert_eq!(Events::from_str(section_data).unwrap().into_vec(), vec![
+/// Event::SectionHeader(section_header),
+/// Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed("\n".into())),
+/// Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(" ".into())),
+/// Event::SectionKey(section::Key::try_from("autocrlf")?),
+/// Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(" ".into())),
+/// Event::KeyValueSeparator,
+/// Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(" ".into())),
+/// Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed("input".into())),
+/// # ]);
+/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+/// Note the two whitespace events between the key and value pair! Those two
+/// events actually refer to the whitespace between the name and value and the
+/// equal sign. So if the config instead had `autocrlf=input`, those whitespace
+/// events would no longer be present.
+/// ## `KeyValueSeparator` event is not guaranteed to emit
+/// Consider the following `gix-config` example:
+/// ```text
+/// [core]
+/// autocrlf
+/// ```
+/// This is a valid config with a `autocrlf` key having an implicit `true`
+/// value. This means that there is not a `=` separating the key and value,
+/// which means that the corresponding event won't appear either:
+/// ```
+/// # use gix_config::parse::{Event, Events, section};
+/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
+/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
+/// # let section_header = section::Header::new("core", None).unwrap();
+/// # let section_data = "[core]\n autocrlf";
+/// # assert_eq!(Events::from_str(section_data).unwrap().into_vec(), vec![
+/// Event::SectionHeader(section_header),
+/// Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed("\n".into())),
+/// Event::Whitespace(Cow::Borrowed(" ".into())),
+/// Event::SectionKey(section::Key::try_from("autocrlf")?),
+/// Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed("".into())),
+/// # ]);
+/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+/// ## Quoted values are not unquoted
+/// Consider the following `gix-config` example:
+/// ```text
+/// [core]
+/// autocrlf=true""
+/// filemode=fa"lse"
+/// ```
+/// Both these events, when fully processed, should normally be `true` and
+/// `false`. However, because this parser is zero-copy, we cannot process
+/// partially quoted values, such as the `false` example. As a result, to
+/// maintain consistency, the parser will just take all values as literals. The
+/// relevant event stream emitted is thus emitted as:
+/// ```
+/// # use gix_config::parse::{Event, Events, section};
+/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
+/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
+/// # let section_header = section::Header::new("core", None).unwrap();
+/// # let section_data = "[core]\nautocrlf=true\"\"\nfilemode=fa\"lse\"";
+/// # assert_eq!(Events::from_str(section_data).unwrap().into_vec(), vec![
+/// Event::SectionHeader(section_header),
+/// Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed("\n".into())),
+/// Event::SectionKey(section::Key::try_from("autocrlf")?),
+/// Event::KeyValueSeparator,
+/// Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed(r#"true"""#.into())),
+/// Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed("\n".into())),
+/// Event::SectionKey(section::Key::try_from("filemode")?),
+/// Event::KeyValueSeparator,
+/// Event::Value(Cow::Borrowed(r#"fa"lse""#.into())),
+/// # ]);
+/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+/// ## Whitespace after line continuations are part of the value
+/// Consider the following `gix-config` example:
+/// ```text
+/// [some-section]
+/// file=a\
+/// c
+/// ```
+/// Because how `gix-config` treats continuations, the whitespace preceding `c`
+/// are in fact part of the value of `file`. The fully interpreted key/value
+/// pair is actually `file=a c`. As a result, the parser will provide this
+/// split value accordingly:
+/// ```
+/// # use gix_config::parse::{Event, Events, section};
+/// # use std::borrow::Cow;
+/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
+/// # let section_header = section::Header::new("some-section", None).unwrap();
+/// # let section_data = "[some-section]\nfile=a\\\n c";
+/// # assert_eq!(Events::from_str(section_data).unwrap().into_vec(), vec![
+/// Event::SectionHeader(section_header),
+/// Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed("\n".into())),
+/// Event::SectionKey(section::Key::try_from("file")?),
+/// Event::KeyValueSeparator,
+/// Event::ValueNotDone(Cow::Borrowed("a".into())),
+/// Event::Newline(Cow::Borrowed("\n".into())),
+/// Event::ValueDone(Cow::Borrowed(" c".into())),
+/// # ]);
+/// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+/// [`File`]: crate::File
+/// [`.ini` file format]:
+/// [`git`'s documentation]:
+/// [`FromStr`]: std::str::FromStr
+/// [`From<&'_ str>`]: std::convert::From
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Events<'a> {
+ /// Events seen before the first section.
+ pub frontmatter: FrontMatterEvents<'a>,
+ /// All parsed sections.
+ pub sections: Vec<Section<'a>>,
+impl Events<'static> {
+ /// Parses the provided bytes, returning an [`Events`] that contains allocated
+ /// and owned events. This is similar to [`Events::from_bytes()`], but performance
+ /// is degraded as it requires allocation for every event.
+ ///
+ /// Use `filter` to only include those events for which it returns true.
+ pub fn from_bytes_owned<'a>(
+ input: &'a [u8],
+ filter: Option<fn(&Event<'a>) -> bool>,
+ ) -> Result<Events<'static>, parse::Error> {
+ from_bytes(input, |e| e.to_owned(), filter)
+ }
+impl<'a> Events<'a> {
+ /// Attempt to zero-copy parse the provided bytes. On success, returns a
+ /// [`Events`] that provides methods to accessing leading comments and sections
+ /// of a `gix-config` file and can be converted into an iterator of [`Event`]
+ /// for higher level processing.
+ ///
+ /// Use `filter` to only include those events for which it returns true.
+ pub fn from_bytes(input: &'a [u8], filter: Option<fn(&Event<'a>) -> bool>) -> Result<Events<'a>, parse::Error> {
+ from_bytes(input, std::convert::identity, filter)
+ }
+ /// Attempt to zero-copy parse the provided `input` string.
+ ///
+ /// Prefer the [`from_bytes()`][Self::from_bytes()] method if UTF8 encoding
+ /// isn't guaranteed.
+ #[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait)]
+ pub fn from_str(input: &'a str) -> Result<Events<'a>, parse::Error> {
+ Self::from_bytes(input.as_bytes(), None)
+ }
+ /// Consumes the parser to produce an iterator of all contained events.
+ #[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
+ #[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait)]
+ pub fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = parse::Event<'a>> + std::iter::FusedIterator {
+ self.frontmatter.into_iter().chain(
+ self.sections
+ .into_iter()
+ .flat_map(|section| std::iter::once(parse::Event::SectionHeader(section.header)).chain(,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Place all contained events into a single `Vec`.
+ pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<parse::Event<'a>> {
+ self.into_iter().collect()
+ }
+impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for Events<'a> {
+ type Error = parse::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ Self::from_str(value)
+ }
+impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a [u8]> for Events<'a> {
+ type Error = parse::Error;
+ fn try_from(value: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ Events::from_bytes(value, None)
+ }
+fn from_bytes<'a, 'b>(
+ input: &'a [u8],
+ convert: impl Fn(Event<'a>) -> Event<'b>,
+ filter: Option<fn(&Event<'a>) -> bool>,
+) -> Result<Events<'b>, parse::Error> {
+ let mut header = None;
+ let mut events = section::Events::default();
+ let mut frontmatter = FrontMatterEvents::default();
+ let mut sections = Vec::new();
+ parse::from_bytes(input, |e: Event<'_>| match e {
+ Event::SectionHeader(next_header) => {
+ match header.take() {
+ None => {
+ frontmatter = std::mem::take(&mut events).into_iter().collect();
+ }
+ Some(prev_header) => {
+ sections.push(parse::Section {
+ header: prev_header,
+ events: std::mem::take(&mut events),
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ header = match convert(Event::SectionHeader(next_header)) {
+ Event::SectionHeader(h) => h,
+ _ => unreachable!("BUG: convert must not change the event type, just the lifetime"),
+ }
+ .into();
+ }
+ event => {
+ if filter.map_or(true, |f| f(&event)) {
+ events.push(convert(event))
+ }
+ }
+ })?;
+ match header {
+ None => {
+ frontmatter = events.into_iter().collect();
+ }
+ Some(prev_header) => {
+ sections.push(parse::Section {
+ header: prev_header,
+ events: std::mem::take(&mut events),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(Events { frontmatter, sections })