path: root/vendor/gix-odb/src/store_impls/dynamic/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix-odb/src/store_impls/dynamic/')
1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix-odb/src/store_impls/dynamic/ b/vendor/gix-odb/src/store_impls/dynamic/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6fa3b312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix-odb/src/store_impls/dynamic/
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+use std::{convert::TryInto, ops::Deref};
+use gix_pack::cache::DecodeEntry;
+use crate::store::{handle, load_index};
+pub(crate) mod error {
+ use crate::{loose, pack};
+ /// Returned by [`Handle::try_find()`][gix_pack::Find::try_find()]
+ #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+ #[allow(missing_docs)]
+ pub enum Error {
+ #[error("An error occurred while obtaining an object from the loose object store")]
+ Loose(#[from] loose::find::Error),
+ #[error("An error occurred while obtaining an object from the packed object store")]
+ Pack(#[from] pack::data::decode::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ LoadIndex(#[from] crate::store::load_index::Error),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ LoadPack(#[from] std::io::Error),
+ #[error("Reached recursion limit of {} while resolving ref delta bases for {}", .max_depth, .id)]
+ DeltaBaseRecursionLimit {
+ /// the maximum recursion depth we encountered.
+ max_depth: usize,
+ /// The original object to lookup
+ id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
+ },
+ #[error("The base object {} could not be found but is required to decode {}", .base_id, .id)]
+ DeltaBaseMissing {
+ /// the id of the base object which failed to lookup
+ base_id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
+ /// The original object to lookup
+ id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
+ },
+ #[error("An error occurred when looking up a ref delta base object {} to decode {}", .base_id, .id)]
+ DeltaBaseLookup {
+ #[source]
+ err: Box<Self>,
+ /// the id of the base object which failed to lookup
+ base_id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
+ /// The original object to lookup
+ id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
+ },
+ }
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+ pub(crate) struct DeltaBaseRecursion<'a> {
+ pub depth: usize,
+ pub original_id: &'a gix_hash::oid,
+ }
+ impl<'a> DeltaBaseRecursion<'a> {
+ pub fn new(id: &'a gix_hash::oid) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ original_id: id,
+ depth: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn inc_depth(mut self) -> Self {
+ self.depth += 1;
+ self
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn error_size() {
+ let actual = std::mem::size_of::<Error>();
+ assert!(actual <= 88, "{actual} <= 88: should not grow without us noticing");
+ }
+ }
+pub use error::Error;
+use crate::{store::types::PackId, Find};
+impl<S> super::Handle<S>
+ S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
+ fn try_find_cached_inner<'a, 'b>(
+ &'b self,
+ mut id: &'b gix_hash::oid,
+ buffer: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
+ pack_cache: &mut impl DecodeEntry,
+ snapshot: &mut load_index::Snapshot,
+ recursion: Option<error::DeltaBaseRecursion<'_>>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(gix_object::Data<'a>, Option<gix_pack::data::entry::Location>)>, Error> {
+ if let Some(r) = recursion {
+ if r.depth >= self.max_recursion_depth {
+ return Err(Error::DeltaBaseRecursionLimit {
+ max_depth: self.max_recursion_depth,
+ id: r.original_id.to_owned(),
+ });
+ }
+ } else if !self.ignore_replacements {
+ if let Ok(pos) = self
+ .store
+ .replacements
+ .binary_search_by(|(map_this, _)| map_this.as_ref().cmp(id))
+ {
+ id =[pos].1.as_ref();
+ }
+ }
+ 'outer: loop {
+ {
+ let marker = snapshot.marker;
+ for (idx, index) in snapshot.indices.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+ if let Some(handle::index_lookup::Outcome {
+ object_index: handle::IndexForObjectInPack { pack_id, pack_offset },
+ index_file,
+ pack: possibly_pack,
+ }) = index.lookup(id)
+ {
+ let pack = match possibly_pack {
+ Some(pack) => pack,
+ None => match, marker)? {
+ Some(pack) => {
+ *possibly_pack = Some(pack);
+ possibly_pack.as_deref().expect("just put it in")
+ }
+ None => {
+ // The pack wasn't available anymore so we are supposed to try another round with a fresh index
+ match, snapshot.marker)? {
+ Some(new_snapshot) => {
+ *snapshot = new_snapshot;
+ self.clear_cache();
+ continue 'outer;
+ }
+ None => {
+ // nothing new in the index, kind of unexpected to not have a pack but to also
+ // to have no new index yet. We set the new index before removing any slots, so
+ // this should be observable.
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ let entry = pack.entry(pack_offset);
+ let header_size = entry.header_size();
+ let res = match pack.decode_entry(
+ entry,
+ buffer,
+ |id, _out| {
+ index_file.pack_offset_by_id(id).map(|pack_offset| {
+ gix_pack::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::InPack(pack.entry(pack_offset))
+ })
+ },
+ pack_cache,
+ ) {
+ Ok(r) => Ok((
+ gix_object::Data {
+ kind: r.kind,
+ data: buffer.as_slice(),
+ },
+ Some(gix_pack::data::entry::Location {
+ pack_id:,
+ pack_offset,
+ entry_size: r.compressed_size + header_size,
+ }),
+ )),
+ Err(gix_pack::data::decode::Error::DeltaBaseUnresolved(base_id)) => {
+ // Only with multi-pack indices it's allowed to jump to refer to other packs within this
+ // multi-pack. Otherwise this would constitute a thin pack which is only allowed in transit.
+ // However, if we somehow end up with that, we will resolve it safely, even though we could
+ // avoid handling this case and error instead.
+ // Since this is a special case, we just allocate here to make it work. It's an actual delta-ref object
+ // which is sent by some servers that points to an object outside of the pack we are looking
+ // at right now. With the complexities of loading packs, we go into recursion here. Git itself
+ // doesn't do a cycle check, and we won't either but limit the recursive depth.
+ // The whole ordeal isn't as efficient as it could be due to memory allocation and
+ // later mem-copying when trying again.
+ let mut buf = Vec::new();
+ let obj_kind = self
+ .try_find_cached_inner(
+ &base_id,
+ &mut buf,
+ pack_cache,
+ snapshot,
+ recursion
+ .map(|r| r.inc_depth())
+ .or_else(|| error::DeltaBaseRecursion::new(id).into()),
+ )
+ .map_err(|err| Error::DeltaBaseLookup {
+ err: Box::new(err),
+ base_id,
+ id: id.to_owned(),
+ })?
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error::DeltaBaseMissing {
+ base_id,
+ id: id.to_owned(),
+ })?
+ .0
+ .kind;
+ let handle::index_lookup::Outcome {
+ object_index:
+ handle::IndexForObjectInPack {
+ pack_id: _,
+ pack_offset,
+ },
+ index_file,
+ pack: possibly_pack,
+ } = match snapshot.indices[idx].lookup(id) {
+ Some(res) => res,
+ None => {
+ let mut out = None;
+ for index in snapshot.indices.iter_mut() {
+ out = index.lookup(id);
+ if out.is_some() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ out.unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ panic!("could not find object {id} in any index after looking up one of its base objects {base_id}" )
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ let pack = possibly_pack
+ .as_ref()
+ .expect("pack to still be available like just now");
+ let entry = pack.entry(pack_offset);
+ let header_size = entry.header_size();
+ pack.decode_entry(
+ entry,
+ buffer,
+ |id, out| {
+ index_file
+ .pack_offset_by_id(id)
+ .map(|pack_offset| {
+ gix_pack::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::InPack(
+ pack.entry(pack_offset),
+ )
+ })
+ .or_else(|| {
+ (id == base_id).then(|| {
+ out.resize(buf.len(), 0);
+ out.copy_from_slice(buf.as_slice());
+ gix_pack::data::decode::entry::ResolvedBase::OutOfPack {
+ kind: obj_kind,
+ end: out.len(),
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ pack_cache,
+ )
+ .map(move |r| {
+ (
+ gix_object::Data {
+ kind: r.kind,
+ data: buffer.as_slice(),
+ },
+ Some(gix_pack::data::entry::Location {
+ pack_id:,
+ pack_offset,
+ entry_size: r.compressed_size + header_size,
+ }),
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ Err(err) => Err(err),
+ }?;
+ if idx != 0 {
+ snapshot.indices.swap(0, idx);
+ }
+ return Ok(Some(res));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for lodb in snapshot.loose_dbs.iter() {
+ // TODO: remove this double-lookup once the borrow checker allows it.
+ if lodb.contains(id) {
+ return lodb
+ .try_find(id, buffer)
+ .map(|obj||obj| (obj, None)))
+ .map_err(Into::into);
+ }
+ }
+ match, snapshot.marker)? {
+ Some(new_snapshot) => {
+ *snapshot = new_snapshot;
+ self.clear_cache();
+ }
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn clear_cache(&self) {
+ self.packed_object_count.borrow_mut().take();
+ }
+impl<S> gix_pack::Find for super::Handle<S>
+ S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
+ type Error = Error;
+ // TODO: probably make this method fallible, but that would mean its own error type.
+ fn contains(&self, id: impl AsRef<gix_hash::oid>) -> bool {
+ let id = id.as_ref();
+ let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
+ loop {
+ for (idx, index) in snapshot.indices.iter().enumerate() {
+ if index.contains(id) {
+ if idx != 0 {
+ snapshot.indices.swap(0, idx);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ for lodb in snapshot.loose_dbs.iter() {
+ if lodb.contains(id) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ match, snapshot.marker) {
+ Ok(Some(new_snapshot)) => {
+ *snapshot = new_snapshot;
+ self.clear_cache();
+ }
+ Ok(None) => return false, // nothing more to load, or our refresh mode doesn't allow disk refreshes
+ Err(_) => return false, // something went wrong, nothing we can communicate here with this trait. TODO: Maybe that should change?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn try_find_cached<'a>(
+ &self,
+ id: impl AsRef<gix_hash::oid>,
+ buffer: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
+ pack_cache: &mut impl DecodeEntry,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(gix_object::Data<'a>, Option<gix_pack::data::entry::Location>)>, Self::Error> {
+ let id = id.as_ref();
+ let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
+ self.try_find_cached_inner(id, buffer, pack_cache, &mut snapshot, None)
+ }
+ fn location_by_oid(
+ &self,
+ id: impl AsRef<gix_hash::oid>,
+ buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
+ ) -> Option<gix_pack::data::entry::Location> {
+ assert!(
+ matches!(self.token.as_ref(), Some(handle::Mode::KeepDeletedPacksAvailable)),
+ "BUG: handle must be configured to `prevent_pack_unload()` before using this method"
+ );
+ assert!(self.store_ref().replacements.is_empty() || self.ignore_replacements, "Everything related to packing must not use replacements. These are not used here, but it should be turned off for good measure.");
+ let id = id.as_ref();
+ let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
+ 'outer: loop {
+ {
+ let marker = snapshot.marker;
+ for (idx, index) in snapshot.indices.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+ if let Some(handle::index_lookup::Outcome {
+ object_index: handle::IndexForObjectInPack { pack_id, pack_offset },
+ index_file: _,
+ pack: possibly_pack,
+ }) = index.lookup(id)
+ {
+ let pack = match possibly_pack {
+ Some(pack) => pack,
+ None => match, marker).ok()? {
+ Some(pack) => {
+ *possibly_pack = Some(pack);
+ possibly_pack.as_deref().expect("just put it in")
+ }
+ None => {
+ // The pack wasn't available anymore so we are supposed to try another round with a fresh index
+ match, snapshot.marker).ok()? {
+ Some(new_snapshot) => {
+ *snapshot = new_snapshot;
+ self.clear_cache();
+ continue 'outer;
+ }
+ None => {
+ // nothing new in the index, kind of unexpected to not have a pack but to also
+ // to have no new index yet. We set the new index before removing any slots, so
+ // this should be observable.
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ let entry = pack.entry(pack_offset);
+ buf.resize(entry.decompressed_size.try_into().expect("representable size"), 0);
+ assert_eq!(, pack_id.to_intrinsic_pack_id(), "both ids must always match");
+ let res = pack.decompress_entry(&entry, buf).ok().map(|entry_size_past_header| {
+ gix_pack::data::entry::Location {
+ pack_id:,
+ pack_offset,
+ entry_size: entry.header_size() + entry_size_past_header,
+ }
+ });
+ if idx != 0 {
+ snapshot.indices.swap(0, idx);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match, snapshot.marker).ok()? {
+ Some(new_snapshot) => {
+ *snapshot = new_snapshot;
+ self.clear_cache();
+ }
+ None => return None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn pack_offsets_and_oid(&self, pack_id: u32) -> Option<Vec<(u64, gix_hash::ObjectId)>> {
+ assert!(
+ matches!(self.token.as_ref(), Some(handle::Mode::KeepDeletedPacksAvailable)),
+ "BUG: handle must be configured to `prevent_pack_unload()` before using this method"
+ );
+ let pack_id = PackId::from_intrinsic_pack_id(pack_id);
+ loop {
+ let snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow();
+ {
+ for index in snapshot.indices.iter() {
+ if let Some(iter) = index.iter(pack_id) {
+ return Some(|e| (e.pack_offset, e.oid)).collect());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match, snapshot.marker).ok()? {
+ Some(new_snapshot) => {
+ drop(snapshot);
+ *self.snapshot.borrow_mut() = new_snapshot;
+ }
+ None => return None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn entry_by_location(&self, location: &gix_pack::data::entry::Location) -> Option<gix_pack::find::Entry> {
+ assert!(
+ matches!(self.token.as_ref(), Some(handle::Mode::KeepDeletedPacksAvailable)),
+ "BUG: handle must be configured to `prevent_pack_unload()` before using this method"
+ );
+ let pack_id = PackId::from_intrinsic_pack_id(location.pack_id);
+ let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.borrow_mut();
+ let marker = snapshot.marker;
+ loop {
+ {
+ for index in snapshot.indices.iter_mut() {
+ if let Some(possibly_pack) = index.pack(pack_id) {
+ let pack = match possibly_pack {
+ Some(pack) => pack,
+ None => {
+ let pack =, marker).ok()?.expect(
+ "BUG: pack must exist from previous call to location_by_oid() and must not be unloaded",
+ );
+ *possibly_pack = Some(pack);
+ possibly_pack.as_deref().expect("just put it in")
+ }
+ };
+ return pack
+ .entry_slice(location.entry_range(location.pack_offset))
+ .map(|data| gix_pack::find::Entry {
+ data: data.to_owned(),
+ version: pack.version(),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ snapshot.indices.insert(
+ 0,
+ .index_by_id(pack_id, marker)
+ .expect("BUG: index must always be present, must not be unloaded or overwritten"),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+impl<S> Find for super::Handle<S>
+ S: Deref<Target = super::Store> + Clone,
+ Self: gix_pack::Find,
+ type Error = <Self as gix_pack::Find>::Error;
+ fn contains(&self, id: impl AsRef<gix_hash::oid>) -> bool {
+ gix_pack::Find::contains(self, id)
+ }
+ fn try_find<'a>(
+ &self,
+ id: impl AsRef<gix_hash::oid>,
+ buffer: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<gix_object::Data<'a>>, Self::Error> {
+ gix_pack::Find::try_find(self, id, buffer).map(|t||t| t.0))
+ }