path: root/vendor/gix-pack/src/bundle/write/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix-pack/src/bundle/write/')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix-pack/src/bundle/write/ b/vendor/gix-pack/src/bundle/write/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc0284b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix-pack/src/bundle/write/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+use std::{
+ io,
+ io::Write,
+ marker::PhantomData,
+ path::{Path, PathBuf},
+ sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Arc},
+use gix_features::{interrupt, progress, progress::Progress};
+use gix_tempfile::{AutoRemove, ContainingDirectory};
+use crate::data;
+mod error;
+pub use error::Error;
+mod types;
+use types::{LockWriter, PassThrough};
+pub use types::{Options, Outcome};
+use crate::bundle::write::types::SharedTempFile;
+type ThinPackLookupFn = Box<dyn for<'a> FnMut(gix_hash::ObjectId, &'a mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<gix_object::Data<'a>>>;
+type ThinPackLookupFnSend =
+ Box<dyn for<'a> FnMut(gix_hash::ObjectId, &'a mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<gix_object::Data<'a>> + Send + 'static>;
+/// The progress ids used in [`write_to_directory()`][crate::Bundle::write_to_directory()].
+/// Use this information to selectively extract the progress of interest in case the parent application has custom visualization.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum ProgressId {
+ /// The amount of bytes read from the input pack data file.
+ ReadPackBytes,
+ /// A root progress counting logical steps towards an index file on disk.
+ ///
+ /// Underneath will be more progress information related to actually producing the index.
+ IndexingSteps(PhantomData<crate::index::write::ProgressId>),
+impl From<ProgressId> for gix_features::progress::Id {
+ fn from(v: ProgressId) -> Self {
+ match v {
+ ProgressId::ReadPackBytes => *b"BWRB",
+ ProgressId::IndexingSteps(_) => *b"BWCI",
+ }
+ }
+impl crate::Bundle {
+ /// Given a `pack` data stream, write it along with a generated index into the `directory` if `Some` or discard all output if `None`.
+ ///
+ /// In the latter case, the functionality provided here is more a kind of pack data stream validation.
+ ///
+ /// * `progress` provides detailed progress information which can be discarded with [`gix_features::progress::Discard`].
+ /// * `should_interrupt` is checked regularly and when true, the whole operation will stop.
+ /// * `thin_pack_base_object_lookup_fn` If set, we expect to see a thin-pack with objects that reference their base object by object id which is
+ /// expected to exist in the object database the bundle is contained within.
+ /// `options` further configure how the task is performed.
+ ///
+ /// # Note
+ ///
+ /// * the resulting pack may be empty, that is, contains zero objects in some situations. This is a valid reply by a server and should
+ /// be accounted for.
+ /// - Empty packs always have the same name and not handling this case will result in at most one superfluous pack.
+ pub fn write_to_directory<P>(
+ pack: impl io::BufRead,
+ directory: Option<impl AsRef<Path>>,
+ mut progress: P,
+ should_interrupt: &AtomicBool,
+ thin_pack_base_object_lookup_fn: Option<ThinPackLookupFn>,
+ options: Options,
+ ) -> Result<Outcome, Error>
+ where
+ P: Progress,
+ {
+ let mut read_progress = progress.add_child_with_id("read pack", ProgressId::ReadPackBytes.into());
+ read_progress.init(None, progress::bytes());
+ let pack = progress::Read {
+ inner: pack,
+ progress: progress::ThroughputOnDrop::new(read_progress),
+ };
+ let object_hash = options.object_hash;
+ let data_file = Arc::new(parking_lot::Mutex::new(io::BufWriter::with_capacity(
+ 64 * 1024,
+ match directory.as_ref() {
+ Some(directory) => gix_tempfile::new(directory, ContainingDirectory::Exists, AutoRemove::Tempfile)?,
+ None => gix_tempfile::new(std::env::temp_dir(), ContainingDirectory::Exists, AutoRemove::Tempfile)?,
+ },
+ )));
+ let (pack_entries_iter, pack_version): (
+ Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<data::input::Entry, data::input::Error>>>,
+ _,
+ ) = match thin_pack_base_object_lookup_fn {
+ Some(thin_pack_lookup_fn) => {
+ let pack = interrupt::Read {
+ inner: pack,
+ should_interrupt,
+ };
+ let buffered_pack = io::BufReader::new(pack);
+ let pack_entries_iter = data::input::LookupRefDeltaObjectsIter::new(
+ data::input::BytesToEntriesIter::new_from_header(
+ buffered_pack,
+ options.iteration_mode,
+ data::input::EntryDataMode::KeepAndCrc32,
+ object_hash,
+ )?,
+ thin_pack_lookup_fn,
+ );
+ let pack_version = pack_entries_iter.inner.version();
+ let pack_entries_iter = data::input::EntriesToBytesIter::new(
+ pack_entries_iter,
+ LockWriter {
+ writer: data_file.clone(),
+ },
+ pack_version,
+ gix_hash::Kind::Sha1, // Thin packs imply a pack being transported, and there we only ever know SHA1 at the moment.
+ );
+ (Box::new(pack_entries_iter), pack_version)
+ }
+ None => {
+ let pack = PassThrough {
+ reader: interrupt::Read {
+ inner: pack,
+ should_interrupt,
+ },
+ writer: Some(data_file.clone()),
+ };
+ // This buf-reader is required to assure we call 'read()' in order to fill the (extra) buffer. Otherwise all the counting
+ // we do with the wrapped pack reader doesn't work as it does not expect anyone to call BufRead functions directly.
+ // However, this is exactly what's happening in the ZipReader implementation that is eventually used.
+ // The performance impact of this is probably negligible, compared to all the other work that is done anyway :D.
+ let buffered_pack = io::BufReader::new(pack);
+ let pack_entries_iter = data::input::BytesToEntriesIter::new_from_header(
+ buffered_pack,
+ options.iteration_mode,
+ data::input::EntryDataMode::Crc32,
+ object_hash,
+ )?;
+ let pack_version = pack_entries_iter.version();
+ (Box::new(pack_entries_iter), pack_version)
+ }
+ };
+ let WriteOutcome {
+ outcome,
+ data_path,
+ index_path,
+ keep_path,
+ } = crate::Bundle::inner_write(
+ directory,
+ progress,
+ options,
+ data_file,
+ pack_entries_iter,
+ should_interrupt,
+ pack_version,
+ )?;
+ Ok(Outcome {
+ index: outcome,
+ object_hash,
+ pack_version,
+ data_path,
+ index_path,
+ keep_path,
+ })
+ }
+ /// Equivalent to [`write_to_directory()`][crate::Bundle::write_to_directory()] but offloads reading of the pack into its own thread, hence the `Send + 'static'` bounds.
+ ///
+ /// # Note
+ ///
+ /// As it sends portions of the input to a thread it requires the 'static lifetime for the interrupt flags. This can only
+ /// be satisfied by a static AtomicBool which is only suitable for programs that only run one of these operations at a time
+ /// or don't mind that all of them abort when the flag is set.
+ pub fn write_to_directory_eagerly<P>(
+ pack: impl io::Read + Send + 'static,
+ pack_size: Option<u64>,
+ directory: Option<impl AsRef<Path>>,
+ mut progress: P,
+ should_interrupt: &'static AtomicBool,
+ thin_pack_base_object_lookup_fn: Option<ThinPackLookupFnSend>,
+ options: Options,
+ ) -> Result<Outcome, Error>
+ where
+ P: Progress,
+ P::SubProgress: 'static,
+ {
+ let mut read_progress = progress.add_child_with_id("read pack", ProgressId::ReadPackBytes.into()); /* Bundle Write Read pack Bytes*/
+ read_progress.init(|s| s as usize), progress::bytes());
+ let pack = progress::Read {
+ inner: pack,
+ progress: progress::ThroughputOnDrop::new(read_progress),
+ };
+ let data_file = Arc::new(parking_lot::Mutex::new(io::BufWriter::new(match directory.as_ref() {
+ Some(directory) => gix_tempfile::new(directory, ContainingDirectory::Exists, AutoRemove::Tempfile)?,
+ None => gix_tempfile::new(std::env::temp_dir(), ContainingDirectory::Exists, AutoRemove::Tempfile)?,
+ })));
+ let object_hash = options.object_hash;
+ let eight_pages = 4096 * 8;
+ let (pack_entries_iter, pack_version): (
+ Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<data::input::Entry, data::input::Error>> + Send + 'static>,
+ _,
+ ) = match thin_pack_base_object_lookup_fn {
+ Some(thin_pack_lookup_fn) => {
+ let pack = interrupt::Read {
+ inner: pack,
+ should_interrupt,
+ };
+ let buffered_pack = io::BufReader::with_capacity(eight_pages, pack);
+ let pack_entries_iter = data::input::LookupRefDeltaObjectsIter::new(
+ data::input::BytesToEntriesIter::new_from_header(
+ buffered_pack,
+ options.iteration_mode,
+ data::input::EntryDataMode::KeepAndCrc32,
+ object_hash,
+ )?,
+ thin_pack_lookup_fn,
+ );
+ let pack_kind = pack_entries_iter.inner.version();
+ (Box::new(pack_entries_iter), pack_kind)
+ }
+ None => {
+ let pack = PassThrough {
+ reader: interrupt::Read {
+ inner: pack,
+ should_interrupt,
+ },
+ writer: Some(data_file.clone()),
+ };
+ let buffered_pack = io::BufReader::with_capacity(eight_pages, pack);
+ let pack_entries_iter = data::input::BytesToEntriesIter::new_from_header(
+ buffered_pack,
+ options.iteration_mode,
+ data::input::EntryDataMode::Crc32,
+ object_hash,
+ )?;
+ let pack_kind = pack_entries_iter.version();
+ (Box::new(pack_entries_iter), pack_kind)
+ }
+ };
+ let num_objects = pack_entries_iter.size_hint().0;
+ let pack_entries_iter =
+ gix_features::parallel::EagerIterIf::new(move || num_objects > 25_000, pack_entries_iter, 5_000, 5);
+ let WriteOutcome {
+ outcome,
+ data_path,
+ index_path,
+ keep_path,
+ } = crate::Bundle::inner_write(
+ directory,
+ progress,
+ options,
+ data_file,
+ pack_entries_iter,
+ should_interrupt,
+ pack_version,
+ )?;
+ Ok(Outcome {
+ index: outcome,
+ object_hash,
+ pack_version,
+ data_path,
+ index_path,
+ keep_path,
+ })
+ }
+ fn inner_write(
+ directory: Option<impl AsRef<Path>>,
+ mut progress: impl Progress,
+ Options {
+ thread_limit,
+ iteration_mode: _,
+ index_version: index_kind,
+ object_hash,
+ }: Options,
+ data_file: SharedTempFile,
+ pack_entries_iter: impl Iterator<Item = Result<data::input::Entry, data::input::Error>>,
+ should_interrupt: &AtomicBool,
+ pack_version: data::Version,
+ ) -> Result<WriteOutcome, Error> {
+ let indexing_progress = progress.add_child_with_id(
+ "create index file",
+ ProgressId::IndexingSteps(Default::default()).into(),
+ );
+ Ok(match directory {
+ Some(directory) => {
+ let directory = directory.as_ref();
+ let mut index_file = gix_tempfile::new(directory, ContainingDirectory::Exists, AutoRemove::Tempfile)?;
+ let outcome = crate::index::File::write_data_iter_to_stream(
+ index_kind,
+ {
+ let data_file = Arc::clone(&data_file);
+ move || new_pack_file_resolver(data_file)
+ },
+ pack_entries_iter,
+ thread_limit,
+ indexing_progress,
+ &mut index_file,
+ should_interrupt,
+ object_hash,
+ pack_version,
+ )?;
+ let data_path = directory.join(format!("pack-{}.pack", outcome.data_hash.to_hex()));
+ let index_path = data_path.with_extension("idx");
+ let keep_path = data_path.with_extension("keep");
+ std::fs::write(&keep_path, b"")?;
+ Arc::try_unwrap(data_file)
+ .expect("only one handle left after pack was consumed")
+ .into_inner()
+ .into_inner()
+ .map_err(|err| Error::from(err.into_error()))?
+ .persist(&data_path)?;
+ index_file
+ .persist(&index_path)
+ .map_err(|err| {
+ "pack file at {} is retained despite failing to move the index file into place. You can use plumbing to make it usable.",
+ data_path.display()
+ ));
+ err
+ })?;
+ WriteOutcome {
+ outcome,
+ data_path: Some(data_path),
+ index_path: Some(index_path),
+ keep_path: Some(keep_path),
+ }
+ }
+ None => WriteOutcome {
+ outcome: crate::index::File::write_data_iter_to_stream(
+ index_kind,
+ move || new_pack_file_resolver(data_file),
+ pack_entries_iter,
+ thread_limit,
+ indexing_progress,
+ io::sink(),
+ should_interrupt,
+ object_hash,
+ pack_version,
+ )?,
+ data_path: None,
+ index_path: None,
+ keep_path: None,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+fn new_pack_file_resolver(
+ data_file: SharedTempFile,
+) -> io::Result<impl Fn(data::EntryRange, &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<()> + Send + Clone> {
+ let mut guard = data_file.lock();
+ guard.flush()?;
+ let mapped_file = Arc::new(crate::mmap::read_only(
+ &guard.get_mut().with_mut(|f| f.path().to_owned())?,
+ )?);
+ let pack_data_lookup = move |range: std::ops::Range<u64>, out: &mut Vec<u8>| -> Option<()> {
+ mapped_file
+ .get(range.start as usize..range.end as usize)
+ .map(|pack_entry| out.copy_from_slice(pack_entry))
+ };
+ Ok(pack_data_lookup)
+struct WriteOutcome {
+ outcome: crate::index::write::Outcome,
+ data_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+ index_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+ keep_path: Option<PathBuf>,