path: root/vendor/gix-transport/src/client/blocking_io/http/curl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gix-transport/src/client/blocking_io/http/curl/')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gix-transport/src/client/blocking_io/http/curl/ b/vendor/gix-transport/src/client/blocking_io/http/curl/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f5867698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gix-transport/src/client/blocking_io/http/curl/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+use std::{
+ io,
+ io::{Read, Write},
+ sync::mpsc::{sync_channel, Receiver, SyncSender, TrySendError},
+ thread,
+ time::Duration,
+use curl::easy::{Auth, Easy2};
+use gix_features::io::pipe;
+use crate::client::{
+ blocking_io::http::{self, curl::Error, redirect},
+ http::{
+ curl::curl_is_spurious,
+ options::{FollowRedirects, HttpVersion, ProxyAuthMethod, SslVersion},
+ traits::PostBodyDataKind,
+ },
+enum StreamOrBuffer {
+ Stream(pipe::Reader),
+ Buffer(std::io::Cursor<Vec<u8>>),
+struct Handler {
+ send_header: Option<pipe::Writer>,
+ send_data: Option<pipe::Writer>,
+ receive_body: Option<StreamOrBuffer>,
+ checked_status: bool,
+ last_status: usize,
+ follow: FollowRedirects,
+impl Handler {
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ self.checked_status = false;
+ self.last_status = 0;
+ self.follow = FollowRedirects::default();
+ }
+ fn parse_status_inner(data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
+ let code = data
+ .split(|b| *b == b' ')
+ .nth(1)
+ .ok_or("Expected HTTP/<VERSION> STATUS")?;
+ let code = std::str::from_utf8(code)?;
+ code.parse().map_err(Into::into)
+ }
+ fn parse_status(data: &[u8], follow: FollowRedirects) -> Option<(usize, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>)> {
+ let valid_end = match follow {
+ FollowRedirects::Initial | FollowRedirects::All => 308,
+ FollowRedirects::None => 299,
+ };
+ match Self::parse_status_inner(data) {
+ Ok(status) if !(200..=valid_end).contains(&status) => {
+ Some((status, format!("Received HTTP status {status}").into()))
+ }
+ Ok(_) => None,
+ Err(err) => Some((500, err)),
+ }
+ }
+impl curl::easy::Handler for Handler {
+ fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, curl::easy::WriteError> {
+ drop(self.send_header.take()); // signal header readers to stop trying
+ match self.send_data.as_mut() {
+ Some(writer) => writer.write_all(data).map(|_| data.len()).or(Ok(0)),
+ None => Ok(0), // nothing more to receive, reader is done
+ }
+ }
+ fn read(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, curl::easy::ReadError> {
+ match self.receive_body.as_mut() {
+ Some(StreamOrBuffer::Stream(reader)) =>|_err| curl::easy::ReadError::Abort),
+ Some(StreamOrBuffer::Buffer(cursor)) =>|_err| curl::easy::ReadError::Abort),
+ None => Ok(0), // nothing more to read/writer depleted
+ }
+ }
+ fn header(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> bool {
+ if let Some(writer) = self.send_header.as_mut() {
+ if self.checked_status {
+ writer.write_all(data).ok();
+ } else {
+ self.checked_status = true;
+ self.last_status = 200;
+ if let Some((status, err)) = Handler::parse_status(data, self.follow) {
+ self.last_status = status;
+ writer
+ .channel
+ .send(Err(io::Error::new(
+ if status == 401 {
+ io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied
+ } else if (500..600).contains(&status) {
+ io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted
+ } else {
+ io::ErrorKind::Other
+ },
+ err,
+ )))
+ .ok();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ true
+ }
+pub struct Request {
+ pub url: String,
+ pub base_url: String,
+ pub headers: curl::easy::List,
+ pub upload_body_kind: Option<PostBodyDataKind>,
+ pub config: http::Options,
+pub struct Response {
+ pub headers: pipe::Reader,
+ pub body: pipe::Reader,
+ pub upload_body: pipe::Writer,
+pub fn new() -> (
+ thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), Error>>,
+ SyncSender<Request>,
+ Receiver<Response>,
+) {
+ let (req_send, req_recv) = sync_channel(0);
+ let (res_send, res_recv) = sync_channel(0);
+ let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let mut handle = Easy2::new(Handler::default());
+ // We don't wait for the possibility for pipelining to become clear, and curl tries to reuse connections by default anyway.
+ handle.pipewait(false)?;
+ handle.tcp_keepalive(true)?;
+ let mut follow = None;
+ let mut redirected_base_url = None::<String>;
+ for Request {
+ url,
+ base_url,
+ mut headers,
+ upload_body_kind,
+ config:
+ http::Options {
+ extra_headers,
+ follow_redirects,
+ low_speed_limit_bytes_per_second,
+ low_speed_time_seconds,
+ connect_timeout,
+ proxy,
+ no_proxy,
+ proxy_auth_method,
+ user_agent,
+ proxy_authenticate,
+ verbose,
+ ssl_ca_info,
+ ssl_version,
+ http_version,
+ backend,
+ },
+ } in req_recv
+ {
+ let effective_url = redirect::swap_tails(redirected_base_url.as_deref(), &base_url, url.clone());
+ handle.url(&effective_url)?;
+ for header in extra_headers {
+ headers.append(&header)?;
+ }
+ // needed to avoid sending Expect: 100-continue, which adds another response and only CURL wants that
+ headers.append("Expect:")?;
+ handle.verbose(verbose)?;
+ if let Some(ca_info) = ssl_ca_info {
+ handle.cainfo(ca_info)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut curl_options) = backend.as_ref().and_then(|backend| backend.lock().ok()) {
+ if let Some(opts) = curl_options.downcast_mut::<super::Options>() {
+ if let Some(enabled) = opts.schannel_check_revoke {
+ handle.ssl_options(curl::easy::SslOpt::new().no_revoke(!enabled))?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ssl_version) = ssl_version {
+ let (min, max) = ssl_version.min_max();
+ if min == max {
+ handle.ssl_version(to_curl_ssl_version(min))?;
+ } else {
+ handle.ssl_min_max_version(to_curl_ssl_version(min), to_curl_ssl_version(max))?;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(http_version) = http_version {
+ let version = match http_version {
+ HttpVersion::V1_1 => curl::easy::HttpVersion::V11,
+ HttpVersion::V2 => curl::easy::HttpVersion::V2,
+ };
+ // Failing to set the version isn't critical, and may indeed fail depending on the version
+ // of libcurl we are built against.
+ // Furthermore, `git` itself doesn't actually check for errors when configuring curl at all,
+ // treating all or most flags as non-critical.
+ handle.http_version(version).ok();
+ }
+ let mut proxy_auth_action = None;
+ if let Some(proxy) = proxy {
+ handle.proxy(&proxy)?;
+ let proxy_type = if proxy.starts_with("socks5h") {
+ curl::easy::ProxyType::Socks5Hostname
+ } else if proxy.starts_with("socks5") {
+ curl::easy::ProxyType::Socks5
+ } else if proxy.starts_with("socks4a") {
+ curl::easy::ProxyType::Socks4a
+ } else if proxy.starts_with("socks") {
+ curl::easy::ProxyType::Socks4
+ } else {
+ curl::easy::ProxyType::Http
+ };
+ handle.proxy_type(proxy_type)?;
+ if let Some((obtain_creds_action, authenticate)) = proxy_authenticate {
+ let creds = authenticate.lock().expect("no panics in other threads")(obtain_creds_action)?
+ .expect("action to fetch credentials");
+ handle.proxy_username(&creds.identity.username)?;
+ handle.proxy_password(&creds.identity.password)?;
+ proxy_auth_action = Some((, authenticate));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(no_proxy) = no_proxy {
+ handle.noproxy(&no_proxy)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(user_agent) = user_agent {
+ handle.useragent(&user_agent)?;
+ }
+ handle.transfer_encoding(false)?;
+ if let Some(timeout) = connect_timeout {
+ handle.connect_timeout(timeout)?;
+ }
+ {
+ let mut auth = Auth::new();
+ match proxy_auth_method {
+ ProxyAuthMethod::AnyAuth => auth
+ .basic(true)
+ .digest(true)
+ .digest_ie(true)
+ .gssnegotiate(true)
+ .ntlm(true)
+ .aws_sigv4(true),
+ ProxyAuthMethod::Basic => auth.basic(true),
+ ProxyAuthMethod::Digest => auth.digest(true),
+ ProxyAuthMethod::Negotiate => auth.digest_ie(true),
+ ProxyAuthMethod::Ntlm => auth.ntlm(true),
+ };
+ handle.proxy_auth(&auth)?;
+ }
+ handle.tcp_keepalive(true)?;
+ if low_speed_time_seconds > 0 && low_speed_limit_bytes_per_second > 0 {
+ handle.low_speed_limit(low_speed_limit_bytes_per_second)?;
+ handle.low_speed_time(Duration::from_secs(low_speed_time_seconds))?;
+ }
+ let (receive_data, receive_headers, send_body, mut receive_body) = {
+ let handler = handle.get_mut();
+ let (send, receive_data) = pipe::unidirectional(1);
+ handler.send_data = Some(send);
+ let (send, receive_headers) = pipe::unidirectional(1);
+ handler.send_header = Some(send);
+ let (send_body, receive_body) = pipe::unidirectional(None);
+ (receive_data, receive_headers, send_body, receive_body)
+ };
+ let follow = follow.get_or_insert(follow_redirects);
+ handle.get_mut().follow = *follow;
+ handle.follow_location(matches!(*follow, FollowRedirects::Initial | FollowRedirects::All))?;
+ if *follow == FollowRedirects::Initial {
+ *follow = FollowRedirects::None;
+ }
+ if res_send
+ .send(Response {
+ headers: receive_headers,
+ body: receive_data,
+ upload_body: send_body,
+ })
+ .is_err()
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ handle.get_mut().receive_body = Some(match upload_body_kind {
+ Some(PostBodyDataKind::Unbounded) | None => StreamOrBuffer::Stream(receive_body),
+ Some(PostBodyDataKind::BoundedAndFitsIntoMemory) => {
+ let mut buf = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(512);
+ receive_body.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
+ handle.post_field_size(buf.len() as u64)?;
+ drop(receive_body);
+ StreamOrBuffer::Buffer(std::io::Cursor::new(buf))
+ }
+ });
+ handle.http_headers(headers)?;
+ if let Err(err) = handle.perform() {
+ let handler = handle.get_mut();
+ handler.reset();
+ if let Some((action, authenticate)) = proxy_auth_action {
+ authenticate.lock().expect("no panics in other threads")(action.erase()).ok();
+ }
+ let err = Err(io::Error::new(
+ if curl_is_spurious(&err) {
+ std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset
+ } else {
+ std::io::ErrorKind::Other
+ },
+ err,
+ ));
+ handler.receive_body.take();
+ match (handler.send_header.take(), handler.send_data.take()) {
+ (Some(header), mut data) => {
+ if let Err(TrySendError::Disconnected(err)) | Err(TrySendError::Full(err)) =
+ {
+ if let Some(body) = data.take() {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (None, Some(body)) => {
+ }
+ (None, None) => {}
+ };
+ } else {
+ let handler = handle.get_mut();
+ if let Some((action, authenticate)) = proxy_auth_action {
+ authenticate.lock().expect("no panics in other threads")(if handler.last_status == 200 {
+ } else {
+ action.erase()
+ })?;
+ }
+ handler.reset();
+ handler.receive_body.take();
+ handler.send_header.take();
+ handler.send_data.take();
+ let actual_url = handle
+ .effective_url()?
+ .expect("effective url is present and valid UTF-8");
+ if actual_url != effective_url {
+ redirected_base_url = redirect::base_url(actual_url, &base_url, url)?.into();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ });
+ (handle, req_send, res_recv)
+fn to_curl_ssl_version(vers: SslVersion) -> curl::easy::SslVersion {
+ use curl::easy::SslVersion::*;
+ match vers {
+ SslVersion::Default => Default,
+ SslVersion::TlsV1 => Tlsv1,
+ SslVersion::SslV2 => Sslv2,
+ SslVersion::SslV3 => Sslv3,
+ SslVersion::TlsV1_0 => Tlsv10,
+ SslVersion::TlsV1_1 => Tlsv11,
+ SslVersion::TlsV1_2 => Tlsv12,
+ SslVersion::TlsV1_3 => Tlsv13,
+ }
+impl From<Error> for http::Error {
+ fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
+ http::Error::Detail {
+ description: err.to_string(),
+ }
+ }
+impl From<curl::Error> for http::Error {
+ fn from(err: curl::Error) -> Self {
+ http::Error::Detail {
+ description: err.to_string(),
+ }
+ }