path: root/vendor/openssl-sys/src/handwritten/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/openssl-sys/src/handwritten/')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/openssl-sys/src/handwritten/ b/vendor/openssl-sys/src/handwritten/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b229a3759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/openssl-sys/src/handwritten/
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+use libc::*;
+use super::super::*;
+pub enum ASN1_INTEGER {}
+pub enum ASN1_STRING {}
+pub enum ASN1_BIT_STRING {}
+pub enum ASN1_TIME {}
+pub enum ASN1_TYPE {}
+pub enum ASN1_OBJECT {}
+pub enum ASN1_OCTET_STRING {}
+pub enum bio_st {} // FIXME remove
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum BIO {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct BIO {
+ pub method: *mut BIO_METHOD,
+ pub callback: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut BIO, c_int, *const c_char, c_int, c_long, c_long) -> c_long,
+ >,
+ pub cb_arg: *mut c_char,
+ pub init: c_int,
+ pub shutdown: c_int,
+ pub flags: c_int,
+ pub retry_reason: c_int,
+ pub num: c_int,
+ pub ptr: *mut c_void,
+ pub next_bio: *mut BIO,
+ pub prev_bio: *mut BIO,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub num_read: c_ulong,
+ pub num_write: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ }
+ }
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl350))] {
+ pub enum BIGNUM {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct BIGNUM {
+ pub d: *mut BN_ULONG,
+ pub top: c_int,
+ pub dmax: c_int,
+ pub neg: c_int,
+ pub flags: c_int,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum BN_BLINDING {}
+pub enum BN_MONT_CTX {}
+pub enum BN_CTX {}
+pub enum BN_GENCB {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum EVP_CIPHER {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct EVP_CIPHER {
+ pub nid: c_int,
+ pub block_size: c_int,
+ pub key_len: c_int,
+ pub iv_len: c_int,
+ pub flags: c_ulong,
+ pub init: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX, *const c_uchar, *const c_uchar, c_int) -> c_int,
+ >,
+ pub do_cipher: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX, *mut c_uchar, *const c_uchar, size_t) -> c_int,
+ >,
+ pub cleanup: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ pub ctx_size: c_int,
+ pub set_asn1_parameters:
+ Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX, *mut ASN1_TYPE) -> c_int>,
+ pub get_asn1_parameters:
+ Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX, *mut ASN1_TYPE) -> c_int>,
+ pub ctrl:
+ Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX, c_int, c_int, *mut c_void) -> c_int>,
+ pub app_data: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum EVP_CIPHER_CTX {}
+pub enum EVP_MD {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum EVP_MD_CTX {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct EVP_MD_CTX {
+ digest: *mut EVP_MD,
+ engine: *mut ENGINE,
+ flags: c_ulong,
+ md_data: *mut c_void,
+ pctx: *mut EVP_PKEY_CTX,
+ update: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO {}
+pub enum EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD {}
+pub enum EVP_PKEY_CTX {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum HMAC_CTX {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct HMAC_CTX {
+ md: *mut EVP_MD,
+ md_ctx: EVP_MD_CTX,
+ i_ctx: EVP_MD_CTX,
+ o_ctx: EVP_MD_CTX,
+ key_length: c_uint,
+ key: [c_uchar; 128],
+ }
+ }
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum DH {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct DH {
+ pub pad: c_int,
+ pub version: c_int,
+ pub p: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub g: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub length: c_long,
+ pub pub_key: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub priv_key: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub flags: c_int,
+ pub method_mont_p: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub q: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub j: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub seed: *mut c_uchar,
+ pub seedlen: c_int,
+ pub counter: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ pub meth: *const DH_METHOD,
+ pub engine: *mut ENGINE,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum DH_METHOD {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum DSA {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct DSA {
+ pub pad: c_int,
+ pub version: c_long,
+ pub write_params: c_int,
+ pub p: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub q: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub g: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub pub_key: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub priv_key: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub kinv: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub r: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub flags: c_int,
+ pub method_mont_p: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ pub meth: *const DSA_METHOD,
+ pub engine: *mut ENGINE,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum DSA_METHOD {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum RSA {}
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct RSA {
+ pub pad: c_int,
+ pub version: c_long,
+ pub meth: *const RSA_METHOD,
+ pub engine: *mut ENGINE,
+ pub n: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub e: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub d: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub p: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub q: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub dmp1: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub dmq1: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub iqmp: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub flags: c_int,
+ pub _method_mod_n: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub _method_mod_p: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub _method_mod_q: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub blinding: *mut BN_BLINDING,
+ pub mt_blinding: *mut BN_BLINDING,
+ }
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct RSA {
+ pub pad: c_int,
+ pub version: c_long,
+ pub meth: *const RSA_METHOD,
+ pub engine: *mut ENGINE,
+ pub n: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub e: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub d: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub p: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub q: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub dmp1: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub dmq1: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub iqmp: *mut BIGNUM,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub flags: c_int,
+ pub _method_mod_n: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub _method_mod_p: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub _method_mod_q: *mut BN_MONT_CTX,
+ pub bignum_data: *mut c_char,
+ pub blinding: *mut BN_BLINDING,
+ pub mt_blinding: *mut BN_BLINDING,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum RSA_METHOD {}
+pub enum EC_KEY {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum X509 {}
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509 {
+ pub cert_info: *mut X509_CINF,
+ pub sig_alg: *mut X509_ALGOR,
+ pub signature: *mut ASN1_BIT_STRING,
+ pub valid: c_int,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub name: *mut c_char,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ pub ex_pathlen: c_long,
+ pub ex_pcpathlen: c_long,
+ pub ex_flags: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_kusage: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_xkusage: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_nscert: c_ulong,
+ skid: *mut c_void,
+ akid: *mut c_void,
+ policy_cache: *mut c_void,
+ crldp: *mut c_void,
+ altname: *mut c_void,
+ nc: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_SHA"))]
+ sha1_hash: [c_uchar; 20],
+ aux: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509 {
+ pub cert_info: *mut X509_CINF,
+ pub sig_alg: *mut X509_ALGOR,
+ pub signature: *mut ASN1_BIT_STRING,
+ pub valid: c_int,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ pub name: *mut c_char,
+ pub ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ pub ex_pathlen: c_long,
+ pub ex_pcpathlen: c_long,
+ pub ex_flags: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_kusage: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_xkusage: c_ulong,
+ pub ex_nscert: c_ulong,
+ skid: *mut c_void,
+ akid: *mut c_void,
+ policy_cache: *mut c_void,
+ crldp: *mut c_void,
+ altname: *mut c_void,
+ nc: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779"))]
+ rfc3779_addr: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779"))]
+ rfc3779_asid: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_SHA"))]
+ sha1_hash: [c_uchar; 20],
+ aux: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ }
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(ossl110)] {
+ pub enum X509_ALGOR {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509_ALGOR {
+ pub algorithm: *mut ASN1_OBJECT,
+ parameter: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum X509_LOOKUP_METHOD {}
+pub enum X509_NAME {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl270))] {
+ pub enum X509_STORE {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509_STORE {
+ cache: c_int,
+ pub objs: *mut stack_st_X509_OBJECT,
+ get_cert_methods: *mut stack_st_X509_LOOKUP,
+ param: *mut X509_VERIFY_PARAM,
+ verify: Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ verify_cb: Option<extern "C" fn(ok: c_int, ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ get_issuer: Option<
+ extern "C" fn(issuer: *mut *mut X509, ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX, x: *mut X509) -> c_int,
+ >,
+ check_issued:
+ Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX, x: *mut X509, issuer: *mut X509) -> c_int>,
+ check_revocation: Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ get_crl: Option<
+ extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX, crl: *mut *mut X509_CRL, x: *mut X509) -> c_int,
+ >,
+ check_crl: Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX, crl: *mut X509_CRL) -> c_int>,
+ cert_crl:
+ Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX, crl: *mut X509_CRL, x: *mut X509) -> c_int>,
+ lookup_certs:
+ Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX, nm: *const X509_NAME) -> *mut stack_st_X509>,
+ lookup_crls: Option<
+ extern "C" fn(ctx: *const X509_STORE_CTX, nm: *const X509_NAME) -> *mut stack_st_X509_CRL,
+ >,
+ cleanup: Option<extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut X509_STORE_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ references: c_int,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum X509_STORE_CTX {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum X509_VERIFY_PARAM {}
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl251)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509_VERIFY_PARAM {
+ pub name: *mut c_char,
+ pub check_time: time_t,
+ pub inh_flags: c_ulong,
+ pub flags: c_ulong,
+ pub purpose: c_int,
+ pub trust: c_int,
+ pub depth: c_int,
+ pub policies: *mut stack_st_ASN1_OBJECT,
+ id: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509_VERIFY_PARAM {
+ pub name: *mut c_char,
+ pub check_time: time_t,
+ pub inh_flags: c_ulong,
+ pub flags: c_ulong,
+ pub purpose: c_int,
+ pub trust: c_int,
+ pub depth: c_int,
+ pub policies: *mut stack_st_ASN1_OBJECT,
+ //pub id: *mut X509_VERIFY_PARAM_ID,
+ }
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509_VERIFY_PARAM {
+ pub name: *mut c_char,
+ pub check_time: time_t,
+ pub inh_flags: c_ulong,
+ pub flags: c_ulong,
+ pub purpose: c_int,
+ pub trust: c_int,
+ pub depth: c_int,
+ pub policies: *mut stack_st_ASN1_OBJECT,
+ #[cfg(ossl102)]
+ pub id: *mut X509_VERIFY_PARAM_ID,
+ }
+ }
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl270))] {
+ pub enum X509_OBJECT {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct X509_OBJECT {
+ pub type_: c_int,
+ pub data: X509_OBJECT_data,
+ }
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub union X509_OBJECT_data {
+ pub ptr: *mut c_char,
+ pub x509: *mut X509,
+ pub crl: *mut X509_CRL,
+ pub pkey: *mut EVP_PKEY,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum X509_LOOKUP {}
+pub struct X509V3_CTX {
+ flags: c_int,
+ issuer_cert: *mut c_void,
+ subject_cert: *mut c_void,
+ subject_req: *mut c_void,
+ crl: *mut c_void,
+ db_meth: *mut c_void,
+ db: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(ossl300)]
+ issuer_pkey: *mut c_void,
+ // I like the last comment line, it is copied from OpenSSL sources:
+ // Maybe more here
+pub enum CONF {}
+pub enum ENGINE {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum SSL {}
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl251)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct SSL {
+ version: c_int,
+ method: *const SSL_METHOD,
+ rbio: *mut BIO,
+ wbio: *mut BIO,
+ bbio: *mut BIO,
+ pub server: c_int,
+ s3: *mut c_void,
+ d1: *mut c_void,
+ param: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list: *mut stack_st_SSL_CIPHER,
+ cert: *mut c_void,
+ sid_ctx_length: c_uint,
+ sid_ctx: [c_uchar; SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH as usize],
+ session: *mut SSL_SESSION,
+ verify_mode: c_int,
+ error: c_int,
+ error_code: c_int,
+ ctx: *mut SSL_CTX,
+ verify_result: c_long,
+ references: c_int,
+ client_version: c_int,
+ max_send_fragment: c_uint,
+ tlsext_hostname: *mut c_char,
+ tlsext_status_type: c_int,
+ initial_ctx: *mut SSL_CTX,
+ enc_read_ctx: *mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX,
+ read_hash: *mut EVP_MD_CTX,
+ internal: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct SSL {
+ version: c_int,
+ type_: c_int,
+ method: *const SSL_METHOD,
+ rbio: *mut c_void,
+ wbio: *mut c_void,
+ bbio: *mut c_void,
+ rwstate: c_int,
+ in_handshake: c_int,
+ handshake_func: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL) -> c_int>,
+ pub server: c_int,
+ new_session: c_int,
+ quiet_shutdown: c_int,
+ shutdown: c_int,
+ state: c_int,
+ rstate: c_int,
+ init_buf: *mut c_void,
+ init_msg: *mut c_void,
+ init_num: c_int,
+ init_off: c_int,
+ packet: *mut c_uchar,
+ packet_length: c_uint,
+ s3: *mut c_void,
+ d1: *mut c_void,
+ read_ahead: c_int,
+ msg_callback: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int,
+ c_int,
+ c_int,
+ *const c_void,
+ size_t,
+ *mut SSL,
+ *mut c_void),
+ >,
+ msg_callback_arg: *mut c_void,
+ hit: c_int,
+ param: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list: *mut stack_st_SSL_CIPHER,
+ cipher_list_by_id: *mut stack_st_SSL_CIPHER,
+ mac_flags: c_int,
+ aead_read_ctx: *mut c_void,
+ enc_read_ctx: *mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX,
+ read_hash: *mut EVP_MD_CTX,
+ aead_write_ctx: *mut c_void,
+ enc_write_ctx: *mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX,
+ write_hash: *mut EVP_MD_CTX,
+ cert: *mut c_void,
+ sid_ctx_length: c_uint,
+ sid_ctx: [c_uchar; SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH as usize],
+ session: *mut SSL_SESSION,
+ generate_session_id: GEN_SESSION_CB,
+ verify_mode: c_int,
+ verify_callback: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, *mut X509_STORE_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ info_callback: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL, c_int, c_int)>,
+ error: c_int,
+ error_code: c_int,
+ ctx: *mut SSL_CTX,
+ debug: c_int,
+ verify_result: c_long,
+ ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ client_CA: *mut stack_st_X509_NAME,
+ references: c_int,
+ options: c_ulong,
+ mode: c_ulong,
+ max_cert_list: c_long,
+ first_packet: c_int,
+ client_version: c_int,
+ max_send_fragment: c_uint,
+ tlsext_debug_cb:
+ Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL, c_int, c_int, *mut c_uchar, c_int, *mut c_void)>,
+ tlsext_debug_arg: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_hostname: *mut c_char,
+ servername_done: c_int,
+ tlsext_status_type: c_int,
+ tlsext_status_expected: c_int,
+ tlsext_ocsp_ids: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_ocsp_exts: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_ocsp_resp: *mut c_uchar,
+ tlsext_ocsp_resplen: c_int,
+ tlsext_ticket_expected: c_int,
+ tlsext_ecpointformatlist_length: size_t,
+ tlsext_ecpointformatlist: *mut c_uchar,
+ tlsext_ellipticcurvelist_length: size_t,
+ tlsext_ellipticcurvelist: *mut c_uchar,
+ tlsext_session_ticket: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_session_ticket_ext_cb: tls_session_ticket_ext_cb_fn,
+ tls_session_ticket_ext_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ tls_session_secret_cb: tls_session_secret_cb_fn,
+ tls_session_secret_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ initial_ctx: *mut SSL_CTX,
+ next_proto_negotiated: *mut c_uchar,
+ next_proto_negotiated_len: c_uchar,
+ srtp_profiles: *mut c_void,
+ srtp_profile: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_heartbeat: c_uint,
+ tlsext_hb_pending: c_uint,
+ tlsext_hb_seq: c_uint,
+ alpn_client_proto_list: *mut c_uchar,
+ alpn_client_proto_list_len: c_uint,
+ renegotiate: c_int,
+ }
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct SSL {
+ version: c_int,
+ type_: c_int,
+ method: *const SSL_METHOD,
+ rbio: *mut c_void,
+ wbio: *mut c_void,
+ bbio: *mut c_void,
+ rwstate: c_int,
+ in_handshake: c_int,
+ handshake_func: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL) -> c_int>,
+ pub server: c_int,
+ new_session: c_int,
+ quiet_session: c_int,
+ shutdown: c_int,
+ state: c_int,
+ rstate: c_int,
+ init_buf: *mut c_void,
+ init_msg: *mut c_void,
+ init_num: c_int,
+ init_off: c_int,
+ packet: *mut c_uchar,
+ packet_length: c_uint,
+ s2: *mut c_void,
+ s3: *mut c_void,
+ d1: *mut c_void,
+ read_ahead: c_int,
+ msg_callback: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, c_int, c_int, *const c_void, size_t, *mut SSL, *mut c_void),
+ >,
+ msg_callback_arg: *mut c_void,
+ hit: c_int,
+ param: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list: *mut stack_st_SSL_CIPHER,
+ cipher_list_by_id: *mut stack_st_SSL_CIPHER,
+ mac_flags: c_int,
+ enc_read_ctx: *mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX,
+ read_hash: *mut EVP_MD_CTX,
+ expand: *mut c_void,
+ enc_write_ctx: *mut EVP_CIPHER_CTX,
+ write_hash: *mut EVP_MD_CTX,
+ compress: *mut c_void,
+ cert: *mut c_void,
+ sid_ctx_length: c_uint,
+ sid_ctx: [c_uchar; SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH as usize],
+ session: *mut SSL_SESSION,
+ generate_session_id: GEN_SESSION_CB,
+ verify_mode: c_int,
+ verify_callback: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, *mut X509_STORE_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ info_callback: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL, c_int, c_int)>,
+ error: c_int,
+ error_code: c_int,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_KRB5"))]
+ kssl_ctx: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_PSK"))]
+ psk_client_callback: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL, *const c_char, *mut c_char, c_uint, *mut c_uchar, c_uint)
+ -> c_uint,
+ >,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_PSK"))]
+ psk_server_callback:
+ Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL, *const c_char, *mut c_uchar, c_uint) -> c_uint>,
+ ctx: *mut SSL_CTX,
+ debug: c_int,
+ verify_result: c_long,
+ ex_data: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ client_CA: *mut stack_st_X509_NAME,
+ references: c_int,
+ options: c_ulong,
+ mode: c_ulong,
+ max_cert_list: c_long,
+ first_packet: c_int,
+ client_version: c_int,
+ max_send_fragment: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_debug_cb:
+ Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut SSL, c_int, c_int, *mut c_uchar, c_int, *mut c_void)>,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_debug_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_hostname: *mut c_char,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ servername_done: c_int,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_status_type: c_int,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_status_expected: c_int,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_ocsp_ids: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_ocsp_exts: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_ocsp_resp: *mut c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_ocsp_resplen: c_int,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_ticket_expected: c_int,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC")
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ecpointformatlist_length: size_t,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC")
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ecpointformatlist: *mut c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC")
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ellipticcurvelist_length: size_t,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC")
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ellipticcurvelist: *mut c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_opaque_prf_input: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_opaque_prf_input_len: size_t,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_session_ticket: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_session_ticket_ext_cb: tls_session_ticket_ext_cb_fn,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tls_session_ticket_ext_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tls_session_secret_cb: tls_session_secret_cb_fn,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tls_session_secret_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ initial_ctx: *mut SSL_CTX,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG")
+ ))]
+ next_proto_negotiated: *mut c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG")
+ ))]
+ next_proto_negotiated_len: c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ srtp_profiles: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ srtp_profile: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_heartbeat: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_hb_pending: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_hb_seq: c_uint,
+ renegotiate: c_int,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_SRP"))]
+ srp_ctx: SRP_CTX,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl102))]
+ alpn_client_proto_list: *mut c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl102))]
+ alpn_client_proto_list_len: c_uint,
+ }
+ }
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum SSL_CTX {}
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl251)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct SSL_CTX {
+ method: *const SSL_METHOD,
+ cipher_list: *mut stack_st_SSL_CIPHER,
+ cert_store: *mut c_void,
+ session_timeout: c_long,
+ pub references: c_int,
+ extra_certs: *mut stack_st_X509,
+ verify_mode: c_int,
+ sid_ctx_length: c_uint,
+ sid_ctx: [c_uchar; SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH as usize],
+ param: *mut X509_VERIFY_PARAM,
+ default_passwd_callback: *mut c_void,
+ default_passwd_callback_userdata: *mut c_void,
+ internal: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct SSL_CTX {
+ method: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list_by_id: *mut c_void,
+ cert_store: *mut c_void,
+ sessions: *mut c_void,
+ session_cache_size: c_ulong,
+ session_cache_head: *mut c_void,
+ session_cache_tail: *mut c_void,
+ session_cache_mode: c_int,
+ session_timeout: c_long,
+ new_session_cb: *mut c_void,
+ remove_session_cb: *mut c_void,
+ get_session_cb: *mut c_void,
+ stats: [c_int; 11],
+ pub references: c_int,
+ app_verify_callback: *mut c_void,
+ app_verify_arg: *mut c_void,
+ default_passwd_callback: *mut c_void,
+ default_passwd_callback_userdata: *mut c_void,
+ client_cert_cb: *mut c_void,
+ app_gen_cookie_cb: *mut c_void,
+ app_verify_cookie_cb: *mut c_void,
+ ex_dat: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ rsa_md5: *mut c_void,
+ md5: *mut c_void,
+ sha1: *mut c_void,
+ extra_certs: *mut c_void,
+ comp_methods: *mut c_void,
+ info_callback: *mut c_void,
+ client_CA: *mut c_void,
+ options: c_ulong,
+ mode: c_ulong,
+ max_cert_list: c_long,
+ cert: *mut c_void,
+ read_ahead: c_int,
+ msg_callback: *mut c_void,
+ msg_callback_arg: *mut c_void,
+ verify_mode: c_int,
+ sid_ctx_length: c_uint,
+ sid_ctx: [c_uchar; 32],
+ default_verify_callback: *mut c_void,
+ generate_session_id: *mut c_void,
+ param: *mut c_void,
+ quiet_shutdown: c_int,
+ max_send_fragment: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE"))]
+ client_cert_engine: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_servername_callback: *mut c_void,
+ tlsect_servername_arg: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_tick_key_name: [c_uchar; 16],
+ tlsext_tick_hmac_key: [c_uchar; 16],
+ tlsext_tick_aes_key: [c_uchar; 16],
+ tlsext_ticket_key_cb: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_status_cb: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_status_arg: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_opaque_prf_input_callback: *mut c_void,
+ tlsext_opaque_prf_input_callback_arg: *mut c_void,
+ next_protos_advertised_cb: *mut c_void,
+ next_protos_advertised_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ next_proto_select_cb: *mut c_void,
+ next_proto_select_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ srtp_profiles: *mut c_void,
+ }
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct SSL_CTX {
+ method: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list: *mut c_void,
+ cipher_list_by_id: *mut c_void,
+ cert_store: *mut c_void,
+ sessions: *mut c_void,
+ session_cache_size: c_ulong,
+ session_cache_head: *mut c_void,
+ session_cache_tail: *mut c_void,
+ session_cache_mode: c_int,
+ session_timeout: c_long,
+ new_session_cb: *mut c_void,
+ remove_session_cb: *mut c_void,
+ get_session_cb: *mut c_void,
+ stats: [c_int; 11],
+ pub references: c_int,
+ app_verify_callback: *mut c_void,
+ app_verify_arg: *mut c_void,
+ default_passwd_callback: *mut c_void,
+ default_passwd_callback_userdata: *mut c_void,
+ client_cert_cb: *mut c_void,
+ app_gen_cookie_cb: *mut c_void,
+ app_verify_cookie_cb: *mut c_void,
+ ex_dat: CRYPTO_EX_DATA,
+ rsa_md5: *mut c_void,
+ md5: *mut c_void,
+ sha1: *mut c_void,
+ extra_certs: *mut c_void,
+ comp_methods: *mut c_void,
+ info_callback: *mut c_void,
+ client_CA: *mut c_void,
+ options: c_ulong,
+ mode: c_ulong,
+ max_cert_list: c_long,
+ cert: *mut c_void,
+ read_ahead: c_int,
+ msg_callback: *mut c_void,
+ msg_callback_arg: *mut c_void,
+ verify_mode: c_int,
+ sid_ctx_length: c_uint,
+ sid_ctx: [c_uchar; 32],
+ default_verify_callback: *mut c_void,
+ generate_session_id: *mut c_void,
+ param: *mut c_void,
+ quiet_shutdown: c_int,
+ max_send_fragment: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE"))]
+ client_cert_engine: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_servername_callback: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsect_servername_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_tick_key_name: [c_uchar; 16],
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_tick_hmac_key: [c_uchar; 16],
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_tick_aes_key: [c_uchar; 16],
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_ticket_key_cb: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_status_cb: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_status_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_opaque_prf_input_callback: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"))]
+ tlsext_opaque_prf_input_callback_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_PSK"))]
+ psk_identity_hint: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_PSK"))]
+ psk_client_callback: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_PSK"))]
+ psk_server_callback: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_BUF_FREELISTS"))]
+ freelist_max_len: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_BUF_FREELISTS"))]
+ wbuf_freelist: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_BUF_FREELISTS"))]
+ rbuf_freelist: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_SRP"))]
+ srp_ctx: SRP_CTX,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG")
+ ))]
+ next_protos_advertised_cb: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG")
+ ))]
+ next_protos_advertised_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG")
+ ))]
+ next_proto_select_cb: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG")
+ ))]
+ next_proto_select_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl101))]
+ srtp_profiles: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl102))]
+ alpn_select_cb: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl102))]
+ alpn_select_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl102))]
+ alpn_client_proto_list: *mut c_void,
+ #[cfg(all(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"), ossl102))]
+ alpn_client_proto_list_len: c_uint,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC"),
+ ossl102
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ecpointformatlist_length: size_t,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC"),
+ ossl102
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ecpointformatlist: *mut c_uchar,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC"),
+ ossl102
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ellipticcurvelist_length: size_t,
+ #[cfg(all(
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT"),
+ not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_EC"),
+ ossl102
+ ))]
+ tlsext_ellipticcurvelist: *mut c_uchar,
+ }
+ #[repr(C)]
+ #[cfg(not(osslconf = "OPENSSL_NO_SRP"))]
+ pub struct SRP_CTX {
+ SRP_cb_arg: *mut c_void,
+ TLS_ext_srp_username_callback: *mut c_void,
+ SRP_verify_param_callback: *mut c_void,
+ SRP_give_srp_client_pwd_callback: *mut c_void,
+ login: *mut c_void,
+ N: *mut c_void,
+ g: *mut c_void,
+ s: *mut c_void,
+ B: *mut c_void,
+ A: *mut c_void,
+ a: *mut c_void,
+ b: *mut c_void,
+ v: *mut c_void,
+ info: *mut c_void,
+ stringth: c_int,
+ srp_Mask: c_ulong,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum COMP_CTX {}
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl350))] {
+ pub enum COMP_METHOD {}
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct COMP_METHOD {
+ pub type_: c_int,
+ pub name: *const c_char,
+ init: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut COMP_CTX) -> c_int>,
+ finish: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut COMP_CTX)>,
+ compress: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(
+ *mut COMP_CTX,
+ *mut c_uchar,
+ c_uint,
+ *mut c_uchar,
+ c_uint,
+ ) -> c_int,
+ >,
+ expand: Option<
+ unsafe extern "C" fn(
+ *mut COMP_CTX,
+ *mut c_uchar,
+ c_uint,
+ *mut c_uchar,
+ c_uint,
+ ) -> c_int,
+ >,
+ ctrl: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> c_long>,
+ callback_ctrl: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> c_long>,
+ }
+ }
+cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(any(ossl110, libressl280))] {
+ pub enum CRYPTO_EX_DATA {}
+ } else if #[cfg(libressl)] {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct CRYPTO_EX_DATA {
+ pub sk: *mut stack_st_void,
+ }
+ } else {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct CRYPTO_EX_DATA {
+ pub sk: *mut stack_st_void,
+ pub dummy: c_int,
+ }
+ }
+pub enum OCSP_RESPONSE {}
+pub enum OSSL_PROVIDER {}
+pub enum OSSL_LIB_CTX {}