path: root/vendor/petgraph/src/visit/
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1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/petgraph/src/visit/ b/vendor/petgraph/src/visit/
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index 000000000..88782fa24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/petgraph/src/visit/
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+use super::{GraphRef, IntoNodeIdentifiers, Reversed};
+use super::{IntoNeighbors, IntoNeighborsDirected, VisitMap, Visitable};
+use crate::Incoming;
+use std::collections::VecDeque;
+/// Visit nodes of a graph in a depth-first-search (DFS) emitting nodes in
+/// preorder (when they are first discovered).
+/// The traversal starts at a given node and only traverses nodes reachable
+/// from it.
+/// `Dfs` is not recursive.
+/// `Dfs` does not itself borrow the graph, and because of this you can run
+/// a traversal over a graph while still retaining mutable access to it, if you
+/// use it like the following example:
+/// ```
+/// use petgraph::Graph;
+/// use petgraph::visit::Dfs;
+/// let mut graph = Graph::<_,()>::new();
+/// let a = graph.add_node(0);
+/// let mut dfs = Dfs::new(&graph, a);
+/// while let Some(nx) = {
+/// // we can access `graph` mutably here still
+/// graph[nx] += 1;
+/// }
+/// assert_eq!(graph[a], 1);
+/// ```
+/// **Note:** The algorithm may not behave correctly if nodes are removed
+/// during iteration. It may not necessarily visit added nodes or edges.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Dfs<N, VM> {
+ /// The stack of nodes to visit
+ pub stack: Vec<N>,
+ /// The map of discovered nodes
+ pub discovered: VM,
+impl<N, VM> Default for Dfs<N, VM>
+ VM: Default,
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Dfs {
+ stack: Vec::new(),
+ discovered: VM::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, VM> Dfs<N, VM>
+ N: Copy + PartialEq,
+ VM: VisitMap<N>,
+ /// Create a new **Dfs**, using the graph's visitor map, and put **start**
+ /// in the stack of nodes to visit.
+ pub fn new<G>(graph: G, start: N) -> Self
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ let mut dfs = Dfs::empty(graph);
+ dfs.move_to(start);
+ dfs
+ }
+ /// Create a `Dfs` from a vector and a visit map
+ pub fn from_parts(stack: Vec<N>, discovered: VM) -> Self {
+ Dfs { stack, discovered }
+ }
+ /// Clear the visit state
+ pub fn reset<G>(&mut self, graph: G)
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ graph.reset_map(&mut self.discovered);
+ self.stack.clear();
+ }
+ /// Create a new **Dfs** using the graph's visitor map, and no stack.
+ pub fn empty<G>(graph: G) -> Self
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ Dfs {
+ stack: Vec::new(),
+ discovered: graph.visit_map(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Keep the discovered map, but clear the visit stack and restart
+ /// the dfs from a particular node.
+ pub fn move_to(&mut self, start: N) {
+ self.stack.clear();
+ self.stack.push(start);
+ }
+ /// Return the next node in the dfs, or **None** if the traversal is done.
+ pub fn next<G>(&mut self, graph: G) -> Option<N>
+ where
+ G: IntoNeighbors<NodeId = N>,
+ {
+ while let Some(node) = self.stack.pop() {
+ if self.discovered.visit(node) {
+ for succ in graph.neighbors(node) {
+ if !self.discovered.is_visited(&succ) {
+ self.stack.push(succ);
+ }
+ }
+ return Some(node);
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+/// Visit nodes in a depth-first-search (DFS) emitting nodes in postorder
+/// (each node after all its descendants have been emitted).
+/// `DfsPostOrder` is not recursive.
+/// The traversal starts at a given node and only traverses nodes reachable
+/// from it.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct DfsPostOrder<N, VM> {
+ /// The stack of nodes to visit
+ pub stack: Vec<N>,
+ /// The map of discovered nodes
+ pub discovered: VM,
+ /// The map of finished nodes
+ pub finished: VM,
+impl<N, VM> Default for DfsPostOrder<N, VM>
+ VM: Default,
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ DfsPostOrder {
+ stack: Vec::new(),
+ discovered: VM::default(),
+ finished: VM::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, VM> DfsPostOrder<N, VM>
+ N: Copy + PartialEq,
+ VM: VisitMap<N>,
+ /// Create a new `DfsPostOrder` using the graph's visitor map, and put
+ /// `start` in the stack of nodes to visit.
+ pub fn new<G>(graph: G, start: N) -> Self
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ let mut dfs = Self::empty(graph);
+ dfs.move_to(start);
+ dfs
+ }
+ /// Create a new `DfsPostOrder` using the graph's visitor map, and no stack.
+ pub fn empty<G>(graph: G) -> Self
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ DfsPostOrder {
+ stack: Vec::new(),
+ discovered: graph.visit_map(),
+ finished: graph.visit_map(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Clear the visit state
+ pub fn reset<G>(&mut self, graph: G)
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ graph.reset_map(&mut self.discovered);
+ graph.reset_map(&mut self.finished);
+ self.stack.clear();
+ }
+ /// Keep the discovered and finished map, but clear the visit stack and restart
+ /// the dfs from a particular node.
+ pub fn move_to(&mut self, start: N) {
+ self.stack.clear();
+ self.stack.push(start);
+ }
+ /// Return the next node in the traversal, or `None` if the traversal is done.
+ pub fn next<G>(&mut self, graph: G) -> Option<N>
+ where
+ G: IntoNeighbors<NodeId = N>,
+ {
+ while let Some(&nx) = self.stack.last() {
+ if self.discovered.visit(nx) {
+ // First time visiting `nx`: Push neighbors, don't pop `nx`
+ for succ in graph.neighbors(nx) {
+ if !self.discovered.is_visited(&succ) {
+ self.stack.push(succ);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.stack.pop();
+ if self.finished.visit(nx) {
+ // Second time: All reachable nodes must have been finished
+ return Some(nx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+/// A breadth first search (BFS) of a graph.
+/// The traversal starts at a given node and only traverses nodes reachable
+/// from it.
+/// `Bfs` is not recursive.
+/// `Bfs` does not itself borrow the graph, and because of this you can run
+/// a traversal over a graph while still retaining mutable access to it, if you
+/// use it like the following example:
+/// ```
+/// use petgraph::Graph;
+/// use petgraph::visit::Bfs;
+/// let mut graph = Graph::<_,()>::new();
+/// let a = graph.add_node(0);
+/// let mut bfs = Bfs::new(&graph, a);
+/// while let Some(nx) = {
+/// // we can access `graph` mutably here still
+/// graph[nx] += 1;
+/// }
+/// assert_eq!(graph[a], 1);
+/// ```
+/// **Note:** The algorithm may not behave correctly if nodes are removed
+/// during iteration. It may not necessarily visit added nodes or edges.
+pub struct Bfs<N, VM> {
+ /// The queue of nodes to visit
+ pub stack: VecDeque<N>,
+ /// The map of discovered nodes
+ pub discovered: VM,
+impl<N, VM> Default for Bfs<N, VM>
+ VM: Default,
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Bfs {
+ stack: VecDeque::new(),
+ discovered: VM::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, VM> Bfs<N, VM>
+ N: Copy + PartialEq,
+ VM: VisitMap<N>,
+ /// Create a new **Bfs**, using the graph's visitor map, and put **start**
+ /// in the stack of nodes to visit.
+ pub fn new<G>(graph: G, start: N) -> Self
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ let mut discovered = graph.visit_map();
+ discovered.visit(start);
+ let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
+ stack.push_front(start);
+ Bfs { stack, discovered }
+ }
+ /// Return the next node in the bfs, or **None** if the traversal is done.
+ pub fn next<G>(&mut self, graph: G) -> Option<N>
+ where
+ G: IntoNeighbors<NodeId = N>,
+ {
+ if let Some(node) = self.stack.pop_front() {
+ for succ in graph.neighbors(node) {
+ if self.discovered.visit(succ) {
+ self.stack.push_back(succ);
+ }
+ }
+ return Some(node);
+ }
+ None
+ }
+/// A topological order traversal for a graph.
+/// **Note** that `Topo` only visits nodes that are not part of cycles,
+/// i.e. nodes in a true DAG. Use other visitors like `DfsPostOrder` or
+/// algorithms like kosaraju_scc to handle graphs with possible cycles.
+pub struct Topo<N, VM> {
+ tovisit: Vec<N>,
+ ordered: VM,
+impl<N, VM> Default for Topo<N, VM>
+ VM: Default,
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Topo {
+ tovisit: Vec::new(),
+ ordered: VM::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<N, VM> Topo<N, VM>
+ N: Copy + PartialEq,
+ VM: VisitMap<N>,
+ /// Create a new `Topo`, using the graph's visitor map, and put all
+ /// initial nodes in the to visit list.
+ pub fn new<G>(graph: G) -> Self
+ where
+ G: IntoNodeIdentifiers + IntoNeighborsDirected + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ let mut topo = Self::empty(graph);
+ topo.extend_with_initials(graph);
+ topo
+ }
+ fn extend_with_initials<G>(&mut self, g: G)
+ where
+ G: IntoNodeIdentifiers + IntoNeighborsDirected<NodeId = N>,
+ {
+ // find all initial nodes (nodes without incoming edges)
+ self.tovisit.extend(
+ g.node_identifiers()
+ .filter(move |&a| g.neighbors_directed(a, Incoming).next().is_none()),
+ );
+ }
+ /* Private until it has a use */
+ /// Create a new `Topo`, using the graph's visitor map with *no* starting
+ /// index specified.
+ fn empty<G>(graph: G) -> Self
+ where
+ G: GraphRef + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ Topo {
+ ordered: graph.visit_map(),
+ tovisit: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Clear visited state, and put all initial nodes in the to visit list.
+ pub fn reset<G>(&mut self, graph: G)
+ where
+ G: IntoNodeIdentifiers + IntoNeighborsDirected + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ graph.reset_map(&mut self.ordered);
+ self.tovisit.clear();
+ self.extend_with_initials(graph);
+ }
+ /// Return the next node in the current topological order traversal, or
+ /// `None` if the traversal is at the end.
+ ///
+ /// *Note:* The graph may not have a complete topological order, and the only
+ /// way to know is to run the whole traversal and make sure it visits every node.
+ pub fn next<G>(&mut self, g: G) -> Option<N>
+ where
+ G: IntoNeighborsDirected + Visitable<NodeId = N, Map = VM>,
+ {
+ // Take an unvisited element and find which of its neighbors are next
+ while let Some(nix) = self.tovisit.pop() {
+ if self.ordered.is_visited(&nix) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ self.ordered.visit(nix);
+ for neigh in g.neighbors(nix) {
+ // Look at each neighbor, and those that only have incoming edges
+ // from the already ordered list, they are the next to visit.
+ if Reversed(g)
+ .neighbors(neigh)
+ .all(|b| self.ordered.is_visited(&b))
+ {
+ self.tovisit.push(neigh);
+ }
+ }
+ return Some(nix);
+ }
+ None
+ }
+/// A walker is a traversal state, but where part of the traversal
+/// information is supplied manually to each next call.
+/// This for example allows graph traversals that don't hold a borrow of the
+/// graph they are traversing.
+pub trait Walker<Context> {
+ type Item;
+ /// Advance to the next item
+ fn walk_next(&mut self, context: Context) -> Option<Self::Item>;
+ /// Create an iterator out of the walker and given `context`.
+ fn iter(self, context: Context) -> WalkerIter<Self, Context>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ Context: Clone,
+ {
+ WalkerIter {
+ walker: self,
+ context,
+ }
+ }
+/// A walker and its context wrapped into an iterator.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct WalkerIter<W, C> {
+ walker: W,
+ context: C,
+impl<W, C> WalkerIter<W, C>
+ W: Walker<C>,
+ C: Clone,
+ pub fn context(&self) -> C {
+ self.context.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn inner_ref(&self) -> &W {
+ &self.walker
+ }
+ pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
+ &mut self.walker
+ }
+impl<W, C> Iterator for WalkerIter<W, C>
+ W: Walker<C>,
+ C: Clone,
+ type Item = W::Item;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.walker.walk_next(self.context.clone())
+ }
+impl<'a, C, W: ?Sized> Walker<C> for &'a mut W
+ W: Walker<C>,
+ type Item = W::Item;
+ fn walk_next(&mut self, context: C) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ (**self).walk_next(context)
+ }
+impl<G> Walker<G> for Dfs<G::NodeId, G::Map>
+ G: IntoNeighbors + Visitable,
+ type Item = G::NodeId;
+ fn walk_next(&mut self, context: G) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ }
+impl<G> Walker<G> for DfsPostOrder<G::NodeId, G::Map>
+ G: IntoNeighbors + Visitable,
+ type Item = G::NodeId;
+ fn walk_next(&mut self, context: G) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ }
+impl<G> Walker<G> for Bfs<G::NodeId, G::Map>
+ G: IntoNeighbors + Visitable,
+ type Item = G::NodeId;
+ fn walk_next(&mut self, context: G) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ }
+impl<G> Walker<G> for Topo<G::NodeId, G::Map>
+ G: IntoNeighborsDirected + Visitable,
+ type Item = G::NodeId;
+ fn walk_next(&mut self, context: G) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ }