path: root/vendor/proc-macro-error/src/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/proc-macro-error/src/ b/vendor/proc-macro-error/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 983e6174f..000000000
--- a/vendor/proc-macro-error/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-use crate::{abort_now, check_correctness, sealed::Sealed, SpanRange};
-use proc_macro2::Span;
-use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
-use quote::{quote_spanned, ToTokens};
-/// Represents a diagnostic level
-/// # Warnings
-/// Warnings are ignored on stable/beta
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub enum Level {
- Error,
- Warning,
- #[doc(hidden)]
- NonExhaustive,
-/// Represents a single diagnostic message
-pub struct Diagnostic {
- pub(crate) level: Level,
- pub(crate) span_range: SpanRange,
- pub(crate) msg: String,
- pub(crate) suggestions: Vec<(SuggestionKind, String, Option<SpanRange>)>,
- pub(crate) children: Vec<(SpanRange, String)>,
-/// A collection of methods that do not exist in `proc_macro::Diagnostic`
-/// but still useful to have around.
-/// This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented outside of `proc_macro_error`.
-pub trait DiagnosticExt: Sealed {
- /// Create a new diagnostic message that points to the `span_range`.
- ///
- /// This function is the same as `Diagnostic::spanned` but produces considerably
- /// better error messages for multi-token spans on stable.
- fn spanned_range(span_range: SpanRange, level: Level, message: String) -> Self;
- /// Add another error message to self such that it will be emitted right after
- /// the main message.
- ///
- /// This function is the same as `Diagnostic::span_error` but produces considerably
- /// better error messages for multi-token spans on stable.
- fn span_range_error(self, span_range: SpanRange, msg: String) -> Self;
- /// Attach a "help" note to your main message, the note will have it's own span on nightly.
- ///
- /// This function is the same as `Diagnostic::span_help` but produces considerably
- /// better error messages for multi-token spans on stable.
- ///
- /// # Span
- ///
- /// The span is ignored on stable, the note effectively inherits its parent's (main message) span
- fn span_range_help(self, span_range: SpanRange, msg: String) -> Self;
- /// Attach a note to your main message, the note will have it's own span on nightly.
- ///
- /// This function is the same as `Diagnostic::span_note` but produces considerably
- /// better error messages for multi-token spans on stable.
- ///
- /// # Span
- ///
- /// The span is ignored on stable, the note effectively inherits its parent's (main message) span
- fn span_range_note(self, span_range: SpanRange, msg: String) -> Self;
-impl DiagnosticExt for Diagnostic {
- fn spanned_range(span_range: SpanRange, level: Level, message: String) -> Self {
- Diagnostic {
- level,
- span_range,
- msg: message,
- suggestions: vec![],
- children: vec![],
- }
- }
- fn span_range_error(mut self, span_range: SpanRange, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.children.push((span_range, msg));
- self
- }
- fn span_range_help(mut self, span_range: SpanRange, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.suggestions
- .push((SuggestionKind::Help, msg, Some(span_range)));
- self
- }
- fn span_range_note(mut self, span_range: SpanRange, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.suggestions
- .push((SuggestionKind::Note, msg, Some(span_range)));
- self
- }
-impl Diagnostic {
- /// Create a new diagnostic message that points to `Span::call_site()`
- pub fn new(level: Level, message: String) -> Self {
- Diagnostic::spanned(Span::call_site(), level, message)
- }
- /// Create a new diagnostic message that points to the `span`
- pub fn spanned(span: Span, level: Level, message: String) -> Self {
- Diagnostic::spanned_range(
- SpanRange {
- first: span,
- last: span,
- },
- level,
- message,
- )
- }
- /// Add another error message to self such that it will be emitted right after
- /// the main message.
- pub fn span_error(self, span: Span, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.span_range_error(
- SpanRange {
- first: span,
- last: span,
- },
- msg,
- )
- }
- /// Attach a "help" note to your main message, the note will have it's own span on nightly.
- ///
- /// # Span
- ///
- /// The span is ignored on stable, the note effectively inherits its parent's (main message) span
- pub fn span_help(self, span: Span, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.span_range_help(
- SpanRange {
- first: span,
- last: span,
- },
- msg,
- )
- }
- /// Attach a "help" note to your main message.
- pub fn help(mut self, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.suggestions.push((SuggestionKind::Help, msg, None));
- self
- }
- /// Attach a note to your main message, the note will have it's own span on nightly.
- ///
- /// # Span
- ///
- /// The span is ignored on stable, the note effectively inherits its parent's (main message) span
- pub fn span_note(self, span: Span, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.span_range_note(
- SpanRange {
- first: span,
- last: span,
- },
- msg,
- )
- }
- /// Attach a note to your main message
- pub fn note(mut self, msg: String) -> Self {
- self.suggestions.push((SuggestionKind::Note, msg, None));
- self
- }
- /// The message of main warning/error (no notes attached)
- pub fn message(&self) -> &str {
- &self.msg
- }
- /// Abort the proc-macro's execution and display the diagnostic.
- ///
- /// # Warnings
- ///
- /// Warnings are not emitted on stable and beta, but this function will abort anyway.
- pub fn abort(self) -> ! {
- self.emit();
- abort_now()
- }
- /// Display the diagnostic while not aborting macro execution.
- ///
- /// # Warnings
- ///
- /// Warnings are ignored on stable/beta
- pub fn emit(self) {
- check_correctness();
- crate::imp::emit_diagnostic(self);
- }
-impl Diagnostic {
- pub fn span_suggestion(self, span: Span, suggestion: &str, msg: String) -> Self {
- match suggestion {
- "help" | "hint" => self.span_help(span, msg),
- _ => self.span_note(span, msg),
- }
- }
- pub fn suggestion(self, suggestion: &str, msg: String) -> Self {
- match suggestion {
- "help" | "hint" =>,
- _ => self.note(msg),
- }
- }
-impl ToTokens for Diagnostic {
- fn to_tokens(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) {
- use std::borrow::Cow;
- fn ensure_lf(buf: &mut String, s: &str) {
- if s.ends_with('\n') {
- buf.push_str(s);
- } else {
- buf.push_str(s);
- buf.push('\n');
- }
- }
- fn diag_to_tokens(
- span_range: SpanRange,
- level: &Level,
- msg: &str,
- suggestions: &[(SuggestionKind, String, Option<SpanRange>)],
- ) -> TokenStream {
- if *level == Level::Warning {
- return TokenStream::new();
- }
- let message = if suggestions.is_empty() {
- Cow::Borrowed(msg)
- } else {
- let mut message = String::new();
- ensure_lf(&mut message, msg);
- message.push('\n');
- for (kind, note, _span) in suggestions {
- message.push_str(" = ");
- message.push_str(;
- message.push_str(": ");
- ensure_lf(&mut message, note);
- }
- message.push('\n');
- Cow::Owned(message)
- };
- let mut msg = proc_macro2::Literal::string(&message);
- msg.set_span(span_range.last);
- let group = quote_spanned!(span_range.last=> { #msg } );
- quote_spanned!(span_range.first=> compile_error!#group)
- }
- ts.extend(diag_to_tokens(
- self.span_range,
- &self.level,
- &self.msg,
- &self.suggestions,
- ));
- ts.extend(
- self.children
- .iter()
- .map(|(span_range, msg)| diag_to_tokens(*span_range, &Level::Error, &msg, &[])),
- );
- }
-pub(crate) enum SuggestionKind {
- Help,
- Note,
-impl SuggestionKind {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- match self {
- SuggestionKind::Note => "note",
- SuggestionKind::Help => "help",
- }
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "syn-error")]
-impl From<syn::Error> for Diagnostic {
- fn from(err: syn::Error) -> Self {
- use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, TokenTree};
- fn gut_error(ts: &mut impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree>) -> Option<(SpanRange, String)> {
- let first = match {
- // compile_error
- None => return None,
- Some(tt) => tt.span(),
- };
-; // !
- let lit = match {
- TokenTree::Group(group) => {
- // Currently `syn` builds `compile_error!` invocations
- // exclusively in `ident{"..."}` (braced) form which is not
- // followed by `;` (semicolon).
- //
- // But if it changes to `ident("...");` (parenthesized)
- // or `ident["..."];` (bracketed) form,
- // we will need to skip the `;` as well.
- // Highly unlikely, but better safe than sorry.
- if group.delimiter() == Delimiter::Parenthesis
- || group.delimiter() == Delimiter::Bracket
- {
-; // ;
- }
- match {
- TokenTree::Literal(lit) => lit,
- _ => unreachable!(),
- }
- }
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- let last = lit.span();
- let mut msg = lit.to_string();
- // "abc" => abc
- msg.pop();
- msg.remove(0);
- Some((SpanRange { first, last }, msg))
- }
- let mut ts = err.to_compile_error().into_iter();
- let (span_range, msg) = gut_error(&mut ts).unwrap();
- let mut res = Diagnostic::spanned_range(span_range, Level::Error, msg);
- while let Some((span_range, msg)) = gut_error(&mut ts) {
- res = res.span_range_error(span_range, msg);
- }
- res
- }