path: root/vendor/regex-automata/src/nfa/thompson/
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1 files changed, 75 insertions, 1549 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/regex-automata/src/nfa/thompson/ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/nfa/thompson/
index 88a438e8e..cf426736d 100644
--- a/vendor/regex-automata/src/nfa/thompson/
+++ b/vendor/regex-automata/src/nfa/thompson/
@@ -1,1555 +1,81 @@
-use core::{convert::TryFrom, fmt, mem, ops::Range};
-use alloc::{boxed::Box, format, string::String, sync::Arc, vec, vec::Vec};
-use crate::util::{
- alphabet::{self, ByteClassSet},
- decode_last_utf8, decode_utf8,
- id::{IteratorIDExt, PatternID, PatternIDIter, StateID},
- is_word_byte, is_word_char_fwd, is_word_char_rev,
-pub use self::{
- compiler::{Builder, Config},
- error::Error,
+Defines a Thompson NFA and provides the [`PikeVM`](pikevm::PikeVM) and
+[`BoundedBacktracker`](backtrack::BoundedBacktracker) regex engines.
+A Thompson NFA (non-deterministic finite automaton) is arguably _the_ central
+data type in this library. It is the result of what is commonly referred to as
+"regex compilation." That is, turning a regex pattern from its concrete syntax
+string into something that can run a search looks roughly like this:
+* A `&str` is parsed into a [`regex-syntax::ast::Ast`](regex_syntax::ast::Ast).
+* An `Ast` is translated into a [`regex-syntax::hir::Hir`](regex_syntax::hir::Hir).
+* An `Hir` is compiled into a [`NFA`].
+* The `NFA` is then used to build one of a few different regex engines:
+ * An `NFA` is used directly in the `PikeVM` and `BoundedBacktracker` engines.
+ * An `NFA` is used by a [hybrid NFA/DFA](crate::hybrid) to build out a DFA's
+ transition table at search time.
+ * An `NFA`, assuming it is one-pass, is used to build a full
+ [one-pass DFA](crate::dfa::onepass) ahead of time.
+ * An `NFA` is used to build a [full DFA](crate::dfa) ahead of time.
+The [`meta`](crate::meta) regex engine makes all of these choices for you based
+on various criteria. However, if you have a lower level use case, _you_ can
+build any of the above regex engines and use them directly. But you must start
+here by building an `NFA`.
+# Details
+It is perhaps worth expanding a bit more on what it means to go through the
+`&str`->`Ast`->`Hir`->`NFA` process.
+* Parsing a string into an `Ast` gives it a structured representation.
+Crucially, the size and amount of work done in this step is proportional to the
+size of the original string. No optimization or Unicode handling is done at
+this point. This means that parsing into an `Ast` has very predictable costs.
+Moreover, an `Ast` can be roundtripped back to its original pattern string as
+* Translating an `Ast` into an `Hir` is a process by which the structured
+representation is simplified down to its most fundamental components.
+Translation deals with flags such as case insensitivity by converting things
+like `(?i:a)` to `[Aa]`. Translation is also where Unicode tables are consulted
+to resolve things like `\p{Emoji}` and `\p{Greek}`. It also flattens each
+character class, regardless of how deeply nested it is, into a single sequence
+of non-overlapping ranges. All the various literal forms are thrown out in
+favor of one common representation. Overall, the `Hir` is small enough to fit
+into your head and makes analysis and other tasks much simpler.
+* Compiling an `Hir` into an `NFA` formulates the regex into a finite state
+machine whose transitions are defined over bytes. For example, an `Hir` might
+have a Unicode character class corresponding to a sequence of ranges defined
+in terms of `char`. Compilation is then responsible for turning those ranges
+into a UTF-8 automaton. That is, an automaton that matches the UTF-8 encoding
+of just the codepoints specified by those ranges. Otherwise, the main job of
+an `NFA` is to serve as a byte-code of sorts for a virtual machine. It can be
+seen as a sequence of instructions for how to match a regex.
+#[cfg(feature = "nfa-backtrack")]
+pub mod backtrack;
+mod builder;
+#[cfg(feature = "syntax")]
mod compiler;
mod error;
+#[cfg(feature = "syntax")]
+mod literal_trie;
+#[cfg(feature = "syntax")]
mod map;
+mod nfa;
+#[cfg(feature = "nfa-pikevm")]
pub mod pikevm;
+#[cfg(feature = "syntax")]
mod range_trie;
-/// A map from capture group name to its corresponding capture index.
-/// Since there are always two slots for each capture index, the pair of slots
-/// corresponding to the capture index for a pattern ID of 0 are indexed at
-/// `map["<name>"] * 2` and `map["<name>"] * 2 + 1`.
-/// This type is actually wrapped inside a Vec indexed by pattern ID on the
-/// NFA, since multiple patterns may have the same capture group name.
-/// Note that this is somewhat of a sub-optimal representation, since it
-/// requires a hashmap for each pattern. A better representation would be
-/// HashMap<(PatternID, Arc<str>), usize>, but this makes it difficult to look
-/// up a capture index by name without producing a `Arc<str>`, which requires
-/// an allocation. To fix this, I think we'd need to define our own unsized
-/// type or something?
-#[cfg(feature = "std")]
-type CaptureNameMap = std::collections::HashMap<Arc<str>, usize>;
-#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
-type CaptureNameMap = alloc::collections::BTreeMap<Arc<str>, usize>;
-// The NFA API below is not something I'm terribly proud of at the moment. In
-// particular, it supports both mutating the NFA and actually using the NFA to
-// perform a search. I think combining these two things muddies the waters a
-// bit too much.
-// I think the issue is that I saw the compiler as the 'builder,' and where
-// the compiler had the ability to manipulate the internal state of the NFA.
-// However, one of my goals was to make it possible for others to build their
-// own NFAs in a way that is *not* couple to the regex-syntax crate.
-// So I think really, there should be an NFA, a NFABuilder and then the
-// internal compiler which uses the NFABuilder API to build an NFA. Alas, at
-// the time of writing, I kind of ran out of steam.
-/// A fully compiled Thompson NFA.
-/// The states of the NFA are indexed by state IDs, which are how transitions
-/// are expressed.
-pub struct NFA {
- /// The state list. This list is guaranteed to be indexable by all starting
- /// state IDs, and it is also guaranteed to contain at most one `Match`
- /// state for each pattern compiled into this NFA. (A pattern may not have
- /// a corresponding `Match` state if a `Match` state is impossible to
- /// reach.)
- states: Vec<State>,
- /// The anchored starting state of this NFA.
- start_anchored: StateID,
- /// The unanchored starting state of this NFA.
- start_unanchored: StateID,
- /// The starting states for each individual pattern. Starting at any
- /// of these states will result in only an anchored search for the
- /// corresponding pattern. The vec is indexed by pattern ID. When the NFA
- /// contains a single regex, then `start_pattern[0]` and `start_anchored`
- /// are always equivalent.
- start_pattern: Vec<StateID>,
- /// A map from PatternID to its corresponding range of capture slots. Each
- /// range is guaranteed to be contiguous with the previous range. The
- /// end of the last range corresponds to the total number of slots needed
- /// for this NFA.
- patterns_to_slots: Vec<Range<usize>>,
- /// A map from capture name to its corresponding index. So e.g., given
- /// a single regex like '(\w+) (\w+) (?P<word>\w+)', the capture name
- /// 'word' for pattern ID=0 would corresponding to the index '3'. Its
- /// corresponding slots would then be '3 * 2 = 6' and '3 * 2 + 1 = 7'.
- capture_name_to_index: Vec<CaptureNameMap>,
- /// A map from pattern ID to capture group index to name, if one exists.
- /// This is effectively the inverse of 'capture_name_to_index'. The outer
- /// vec is indexed by pattern ID, while the inner vec is index by capture
- /// index offset for the corresponding pattern.
- ///
- /// The first capture group for each pattern is always unnamed and is thus
- /// always None.
- capture_index_to_name: Vec<Vec<Option<Arc<str>>>>,
- /// A representation of equivalence classes over the transitions in this
- /// NFA. Two bytes in the same equivalence class must not discriminate
- /// between a match or a non-match. This map can be used to shrink the
- /// total size of a DFA's transition table with a small match-time cost.
- ///
- /// Note that the NFA's transitions are *not* defined in terms of these
- /// equivalence classes. The NFA's transitions are defined on the original
- /// byte values. For the most part, this is because they wouldn't really
- /// help the NFA much since the NFA already uses a sparse representation
- /// to represent transitions. Byte classes are most effective in a dense
- /// representation.
- byte_class_set: ByteClassSet,
- /// Various facts about this NFA, which can be used to improve failure
- /// modes (e.g., rejecting DFA construction if an NFA has Unicode word
- /// boundaries) or for performing optimizations (avoiding an increase in
- /// states if there are no look-around states).
- facts: Facts,
- /// Heap memory used indirectly by NFA states. Since each state might use a
- /// different amount of heap, we need to keep track of this incrementally.
- memory_states: usize,
-impl NFA {
- pub fn config() -> Config {
- Config::new()
- }
- pub fn builder() -> Builder {
- Builder::new()
- }
- /// Returns an NFA with no states. Its match semantics are unspecified.
- ///
- /// An empty NFA is useful as a starting point for building one. It is
- /// itself not intended to be used for matching. For example, its starting
- /// state identifiers are configured to be `0`, but since it has no states,
- /// the identifiers are invalid.
- ///
- /// If you need an NFA that never matches is anything and can be correctly
- /// used for matching, use [`NFA::never_match`].
- #[inline]
- pub fn empty() -> NFA {
- NFA {
- states: vec![],
- start_anchored: StateID::ZERO,
- start_unanchored: StateID::ZERO,
- start_pattern: vec![],
- patterns_to_slots: vec![],
- capture_name_to_index: vec![],
- capture_index_to_name: vec![],
- byte_class_set: ByteClassSet::empty(),
- facts: Facts::default(),
- memory_states: 0,
- }
- }
- /// Returns an NFA with a single regex that always matches at every
- /// position.
- #[inline]
- pub fn always_match() -> NFA {
- let mut nfa = NFA::empty();
- // Since we're only adding one pattern, these are guaranteed to work.
- let start = nfa.add_match().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(start.as_usize(), 0);
- let pid = nfa.finish_pattern(start).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(pid.as_usize(), 0);
- nfa
- }
- /// Returns an NFA that never matches at any position. It contains no
- /// regexes.
- #[inline]
- pub fn never_match() -> NFA {
- let mut nfa = NFA::empty();
- // Since we're only adding one state, this can never fail.
- nfa.add_fail().unwrap();
- nfa
- }
- /// Return the number of states in this NFA.
- ///
- /// This is guaranteed to be no bigger than [`StateID::LIMIT`].
- #[inline]
- pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
- self.states.len()
- }
- /// Returns the total number of distinct match states in this NFA.
- /// Stated differently, this returns the total number of regex patterns
- /// used to build this NFA.
- ///
- /// This may return zero if the NFA was constructed with no patterns. In
- /// this case, and only this case, the NFA can never produce a match for
- /// any input.
- ///
- /// This is guaranteed to be no bigger than [`PatternID::LIMIT`].
- #[inline]
- pub fn pattern_len(&self) -> usize {
- self.start_pattern.len()
- }
- /// Returns the pattern ID of the pattern currently being compiled by this
- /// NFA.
- fn current_pattern_id(&self) -> PatternID {
- // This always works because we never permit more patterns in
- // 'start_pattern' than can be addressed by PatternID. Also, we only
- // add a new entry to 'start_pattern' once we finish compiling a
- // pattern. Thus, the length refers to the ID of the current pattern
- // being compiled.
- PatternID::new(self.start_pattern.len()).unwrap()
- }
- /// Returns the total number of capturing groups in this NFA.
- ///
- /// This includes the special 0th capture group that is always present and
- /// captures the start and end offset of the entire match.
- ///
- /// This is a convenience routine for `nfa.capture_slot_len() / 2`.
- #[inline]
- pub fn capture_len(&self) -> usize {
- let slots = self.capture_slot_len();
- // This assert is guaranteed to pass since the NFA construction process
- // guarantees that it is always true.
- assert_eq!(slots % 2, 0, "capture slots must be divisible by 2");
- slots / 2
- }
- /// Returns the total number of capturing slots in this NFA.
- ///
- /// This value is guaranteed to be a multiple of 2. (Where each capturing
- /// group has precisely two capturing slots in the NFA.)
- #[inline]
- pub fn capture_slot_len(&self) -> usize {
- self.patterns_to_slots.last().map_or(0, |r| r.end)
- }
- /// Return a range of capture slots for the given pattern.
- ///
- /// The range returned is guaranteed to be contiguous with ranges for
- /// adjacent patterns.
- ///
- /// This panics if the given pattern ID is greater than or equal to the
- /// number of patterns in this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn pattern_slots(&self, pid: PatternID) -> Range<usize> {
- self.patterns_to_slots[pid].clone()
- }
- /// Return the capture group index corresponding to the given name in the
- /// given pattern. If no such capture group name exists in the given
- /// pattern, then this returns `None`.
- ///
- /// If the given pattern ID is invalid, then this panics.
- #[inline]
- pub fn capture_name_to_index(
- &self,
- pid: PatternID,
- name: &str,
- ) -> Option<usize> {
- assert!(pid.as_usize() < self.pattern_len(), "invalid pattern ID");
- self.capture_name_to_index[pid].get(name).cloned()
- }
- // TODO: add iterators over capture group names.
- // Do we also permit indexing?
- /// Returns an iterator over all pattern IDs in this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn patterns(&self) -> PatternIter {
- PatternIter {
- it: PatternID::iter(self.pattern_len()),
- _marker: core::marker::PhantomData,
- }
- }
- /// Return the ID of the initial anchored state of this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn start_anchored(&self) -> StateID {
- self.start_anchored
- }
- /// Set the anchored starting state ID for this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn set_start_anchored(&mut self, id: StateID) {
- self.start_anchored = id;
- }
- /// Return the ID of the initial unanchored state of this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn start_unanchored(&self) -> StateID {
- self.start_unanchored
- }
- /// Set the unanchored starting state ID for this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn set_start_unanchored(&mut self, id: StateID) {
- self.start_unanchored = id;
- }
- /// Return the ID of the initial anchored state for the given pattern.
- ///
- /// If the pattern doesn't exist in this NFA, then this panics.
- #[inline]
- pub fn start_pattern(&self, pid: PatternID) -> StateID {
- self.start_pattern[pid]
- }
- /// Get the byte class set for this NFA.
- #[inline]
- pub fn byte_class_set(&self) -> &ByteClassSet {
- &self.byte_class_set
- }
- /// Return a reference to the NFA state corresponding to the given ID.
- #[inline]
- pub fn state(&self, id: StateID) -> &State {
- &self.states[id]
- }
- /// Returns a slice of all states in this NFA.
- ///
- /// The slice returned may be indexed by a `StateID` generated by `add`.
- #[inline]
- pub fn states(&self) -> &[State] {
- &self.states
- }
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_always_start_anchored(&self) -> bool {
- self.start_anchored() == self.start_unanchored()
- }
- #[inline]
- pub fn has_any_look(&self) -> bool {
- self.facts.has_any_look()
- }
- #[inline]
- pub fn has_any_anchor(&self) -> bool {
- self.facts.has_any_anchor()
- }
- #[inline]
- pub fn has_word_boundary(&self) -> bool {
- self.has_word_boundary_unicode() || self.has_word_boundary_ascii()
- }
- #[inline]
- pub fn has_word_boundary_unicode(&self) -> bool {
- self.facts.has_word_boundary_unicode()
- }
- #[inline]
- pub fn has_word_boundary_ascii(&self) -> bool {
- self.facts.has_word_boundary_ascii()
- }
- /// Returns the memory usage, in bytes, of this NFA.
- ///
- /// This does **not** include the stack size used up by this NFA. To
- /// compute that, use `std::mem::size_of::<NFA>()`.
- #[inline]
- pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
- self.states.len() * mem::size_of::<State>()
- + self.memory_states
- + self.start_pattern.len() * mem::size_of::<StateID>()
- }
- // Why do we define a bunch of 'add_*' routines below instead of just
- // defining a single 'add' routine that accepts a 'State'? Indeed, for most
- // of the 'add_*' routines below, such a simple API would be more than
- // appropriate. Unfortunately, adding capture states and, to a lesser
- // extent, match states, is a bit more complex. Namely, when we add a
- // capture state, we *really* want to know the corresponding capture
- // group's name and index and what not, so that we can update other state
- // inside this NFA. But, e.g., the capture group name is not and should
- // not be included in 'State::Capture'. So what are our choices?
- //
- // 1) Define one 'add' and require some additional optional parameters.
- // This feels quite ugly, and adds unnecessary complexity to more common
- // and simpler cases.
- //
- // 2) Do what we do below. The sad thing is that our API is bigger with
- // more methods. But each method is very specific and hopefully simple.
- //
- // 3) Define a new enum, say, 'StateWithInfo', or something that permits
- // providing both a State and some extra ancillary info in some cases. This
- // doesn't seem too bad to me, but seems slightly worse than (2) because of
- // the additional type required.
- //
- // 4) Abandon the idea that we have to specify things like the capture
- // group name when we add the Capture state to the NFA. We would then need
- // to add other methods that permit the caller to add this additional state
- // "out of band." Other than it introducing some additional complexity, I
- // decided against this because I wanted the NFA builder API to make it
- // as hard as possible to build a bad or invalid NFA. Using the approach
- // below, as you'll see, permits us to do a lot of strict checking of our
- // inputs and return an error if we see something we don't expect.
- pub fn add_range(&mut self, range: Transition) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- self.byte_class_set.set_range(range.start, range.end);
- self.add_state(State::Range { range })
- }
- pub fn add_sparse(
- &mut self,
- sparse: SparseTransitions,
- ) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- for range in sparse.ranges.iter() {
- self.byte_class_set.set_range(range.start, range.end);
- }
- self.add_state(State::Sparse(sparse))
- }
- pub fn add_look(
- &mut self,
- next: StateID,
- look: Look,
- ) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- self.facts.set_has_any_look(true);
- look.add_to_byteset(&mut self.byte_class_set);
- match look {
- Look::StartLine
- | Look::EndLine
- | Look::StartText
- | Look::EndText => {
- self.facts.set_has_any_anchor(true);
- }
- Look::WordBoundaryUnicode | Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate => {
- self.facts.set_has_word_boundary_unicode(true);
- }
- Look::WordBoundaryAscii | Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate => {
- self.facts.set_has_word_boundary_ascii(true);
- }
- }
- self.add_state(State::Look { look, next })
- }
- pub fn add_union(
- &mut self,
- alternates: Box<[StateID]>,
- ) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- self.add_state(State::Union { alternates })
- }
- pub fn add_capture_start(
- &mut self,
- next_id: StateID,
- capture_index: u32,
- name: Option<Arc<str>>,
- ) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- let pid = self.current_pattern_id();
- let capture_index = match usize::try_from(capture_index) {
- Err(_) => {
- return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(core::usize::MAX))
- }
- Ok(capture_index) => capture_index,
- };
- // Do arithmetic to find our absolute slot index first, to make sure
- // the index is at least possibly valid (doesn't overflow).
- let relative_slot = match capture_index.checked_mul(2) {
- Some(relative_slot) => relative_slot,
- None => return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index)),
- };
- let slot = match relative_slot.checked_add(self.capture_slot_len()) {
- Some(slot) => slot,
- None => return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index)),
- };
- // Make sure we have space to insert our (pid,index)|-->name mapping.
- if pid.as_usize() >= self.capture_index_to_name.len() {
- // Note that we require that if you're adding capturing groups,
- // then there must be at least one capturing group per pattern.
- // Moreover, whenever we expand our space here, it should always
- // first be for the first capture group (at index==0).
- if pid.as_usize() > self.capture_index_to_name.len()
- || capture_index > 0
- {
- return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index));
- }
- self.capture_name_to_index.push(CaptureNameMap::new());
- self.capture_index_to_name.push(vec![]);
- }
- if capture_index >= self.capture_index_to_name[pid].len() {
- // We require that capturing groups are added in correspondence
- // to their index. So no discontinuous indices. This is likely
- // overly strict, but also makes it simpler to provide guarantees
- // about our capturing group data.
- if capture_index > self.capture_index_to_name[pid].len() {
- return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index));
- }
- self.capture_index_to_name[pid].push(None);
- }
- if let Some(ref name) = name {
- self.capture_name_to_index[pid]
- .insert(Arc::clone(name), capture_index);
- }
- self.capture_index_to_name[pid][capture_index] = name;
- self.add_state(State::Capture { next: next_id, slot })
- }
- pub fn add_capture_end(
- &mut self,
- next_id: StateID,
- capture_index: u32,
- ) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- let pid = self.current_pattern_id();
- let capture_index = match usize::try_from(capture_index) {
- Err(_) => {
- return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(core::usize::MAX))
- }
- Ok(capture_index) => capture_index,
- };
- // If we haven't already added this capture group via a corresponding
- // 'add_capture_start' call, then we consider the index given to be
- // invalid.
- if pid.as_usize() >= self.capture_index_to_name.len()
- || capture_index >= self.capture_index_to_name[pid].len()
- {
- return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index));
- }
- // Since we've already confirmed that this capture index is invalid
- // and has a corresponding starting slot, we know the multiplcation
- // has already been done and succeeded.
- let relative_slot_start = capture_index.checked_mul(2).unwrap();
- let relative_slot = match relative_slot_start.checked_add(1) {
- Some(relative_slot) => relative_slot,
- None => return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index)),
- };
- let slot = match relative_slot.checked_add(self.capture_slot_len()) {
- Some(slot) => slot,
- None => return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(capture_index)),
- };
- self.add_state(State::Capture { next: next_id, slot })
- }
- pub fn add_fail(&mut self) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- self.add_state(State::Fail)
- }
- /// Add a new match state to this NFA and return its state ID.
- pub fn add_match(&mut self) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- let pattern_id = self.current_pattern_id();
- let sid = self.add_state(State::Match { id: pattern_id })?;
- Ok(sid)
- }
- /// Finish compiling the current pattern and return its identifier. The
- /// given ID should be the state ID corresponding to the anchored starting
- /// state for matching this pattern.
- pub fn finish_pattern(
- &mut self,
- start_id: StateID,
- ) -> Result<PatternID, Error> {
- // We've gotta make sure that we never permit the user to add more
- // patterns than we can identify. So if we're already at the limit,
- // then return an error. This is somewhat non-ideal since this won't
- // result in an error until trying to complete the compilation of a
- // pattern instead of starting it.
- if self.start_pattern.len() >= PatternID::LIMIT {
- return Err(Error::too_many_patterns(
- self.start_pattern.len().saturating_add(1),
- ));
- }
- let pid = self.current_pattern_id();
- self.start_pattern.push(start_id);
- // Add the number of new slots created by this pattern. This is always
- // equivalent to '2 * caps.len()', where 'caps.len()' is the number of
- // new capturing groups introduced by the pattern we're finishing.
- let new_cap_groups = self
- .capture_index_to_name
- .get(pid.as_usize())
- .map_or(0, |caps| caps.len());
- let new_slots = match new_cap_groups.checked_mul(2) {
- Some(new_slots) => new_slots,
- None => {
- // Just return the biggest index that we know exists.
- let index = new_cap_groups.saturating_sub(1);
- return Err(Error::invalid_capture_index(index));
- }
- };
- let slot_start = self.capture_slot_len();
- self.patterns_to_slots.push(slot_start..(slot_start + new_slots));
- Ok(pid)
- }
- fn add_state(&mut self, state: State) -> Result<StateID, Error> {
- let id = StateID::new(self.states.len())
- .map_err(|_| Error::too_many_states(self.states.len()))?;
- self.memory_states += state.memory_usage();
- self.states.push(state);
- Ok(id)
- }
- /// Remap the transitions in every state of this NFA using the given map.
- /// The given map should be indexed according to state ID namespace used by
- /// the transitions of the states currently in this NFA.
- ///
- /// This may be used during the final phases of an NFA compiler, which
- /// turns its intermediate NFA into the final NFA. Remapping may be
- /// required to bring the state pointers from the intermediate NFA to the
- /// final NFA.
- pub fn remap(&mut self, old_to_new: &[StateID]) {
- for state in &mut self.states {
- state.remap(old_to_new);
- }
- self.start_anchored = old_to_new[self.start_anchored];
- self.start_unanchored = old_to_new[self.start_unanchored];
- for (pid, id) in self.start_pattern.iter_mut().with_pattern_ids() {
- *id = old_to_new[*id];
- }
- }
- /// Clear this NFA such that it has zero states and is otherwise "empty."
- ///
- /// An empty NFA is useful as a starting point for building one. It is
- /// itself not intended to be used for matching. For example, its starting
- /// state identifiers are configured to be `0`, but since it has no states,
- /// the identifiers are invalid.
- pub fn clear(&mut self) {
- self.states.clear();
- self.start_anchored = StateID::ZERO;
- self.start_unanchored = StateID::ZERO;
- self.start_pattern.clear();
- self.patterns_to_slots.clear();
- self.capture_name_to_index.clear();
- self.capture_index_to_name.clear();
- self.byte_class_set = ByteClassSet::empty();
- self.facts = Facts::default();
- self.memory_states = 0;
- }
-impl fmt::Debug for NFA {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- writeln!(f, "thompson::NFA(")?;
- for (sid, state) in self.states.iter().with_state_ids() {
- let status = if sid == self.start_anchored {
- '^'
- } else if sid == self.start_unanchored {
- '>'
- } else {
- ' '
- };
- writeln!(f, "{}{:06?}: {:?}", status, sid.as_usize(), state)?;
- }
- if self.pattern_len() > 1 {
- writeln!(f, "")?;
- for pid in self.patterns() {
- let sid = self.start_pattern(pid);
- writeln!(
- f,
- "START({:06?}): {:?}",
- pid.as_usize(),
- sid.as_usize()
- )?;
- }
- }
- writeln!(f, "")?;
- writeln!(
- f,
- "transition equivalence classes: {:?}",
- self.byte_class_set().byte_classes()
- )?;
- writeln!(f, ")")?;
- Ok(())
- }
-/// A state in a final compiled NFA.
-#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub enum State {
- /// A state that transitions to `next` if and only if the current input
- /// byte is in the range `[start, end]` (inclusive).
- ///
- /// This is a special case of Sparse in that it encodes only one transition
- /// (and therefore avoids the allocation).
- Range { range: Transition },
- /// A state with possibly many transitions, represented in a sparse
- /// fashion. Transitions are ordered lexicographically by input range. As
- /// such, this may only be used when every transition has equal priority.
- /// (In practice, this is only used for encoding UTF-8 automata.)
- Sparse(SparseTransitions),
- /// A conditional epsilon transition satisfied via some sort of
- /// look-around.
- Look { look: Look, next: StateID },
- /// An alternation such that there exists an epsilon transition to all
- /// states in `alternates`, where matches found via earlier transitions
- /// are preferred over later transitions.
- Union { alternates: Box<[StateID]> },
- /// An empty state that records a capture location.
- ///
- /// From the perspective of finite automata, this is precisely equivalent
- /// to an epsilon transition, but serves the purpose of instructing NFA
- /// simulations to record additional state when the finite state machine
- /// passes through this epsilon transition.
- ///
- /// These transitions are treated as epsilon transitions with no additional
- /// effects in DFAs.
- ///
- /// 'slot' in this context refers to the specific capture group offset that
- /// is being recorded. Each capturing group has two slots corresponding to
- /// the start and end of the matching portion of that group.
- /// A fail state. When encountered, the automaton is guaranteed to never
- /// reach a match state.
- Capture { next: StateID, slot: usize },
- /// A state that cannot be transitioned out of. If a search reaches this
- /// state, then no match is possible and the search should terminate.
- Fail,
- /// A match state. There is exactly one such occurrence of this state for
- /// each regex compiled into the NFA.
- Match { id: PatternID },
-impl State {
- /// Returns true if and only if this state contains one or more epsilon
- /// transitions.
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_epsilon(&self) -> bool {
- match *self {
- State::Range { .. }
- | State::Sparse { .. }
- | State::Fail
- | State::Match { .. } => false,
- State::Look { .. }
- | State::Union { .. }
- | State::Capture { .. } => true,
- }
- }
- /// Returns the heap memory usage of this NFA state in bytes.
- fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
- match *self {
- State::Range { .. }
- | State::Look { .. }
- | State::Capture { .. }
- | State::Match { .. }
- | State::Fail => 0,
- State::Sparse(SparseTransitions { ref ranges }) => {
- ranges.len() * mem::size_of::<Transition>()
- }
- State::Union { ref alternates } => {
- alternates.len() * mem::size_of::<StateID>()
- }
- }
- }
- /// Remap the transitions in this state using the given map. Namely, the
- /// given map should be indexed according to the transitions currently
- /// in this state.
- ///
- /// This is used during the final phase of the NFA compiler, which turns
- /// its intermediate NFA into the final NFA.
- fn remap(&mut self, remap: &[StateID]) {
- match *self {
- State::Range { ref mut range } => = remap[],
- State::Sparse(SparseTransitions { ref mut ranges }) => {
- for r in ranges.iter_mut() {
- = remap[];
- }
- }
- State::Look { ref mut next, .. } => *next = remap[*next],
- State::Union { ref mut alternates } => {
- for alt in alternates.iter_mut() {
- *alt = remap[*alt];
- }
- }
- State::Capture { ref mut next, .. } => *next = remap[*next],
- State::Fail => {}
- State::Match { .. } => {}
- }
- }
-impl fmt::Debug for State {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- match *self {
- State::Range { ref range } => range.fmt(f),
- State::Sparse(SparseTransitions { ref ranges }) => {
- let rs = ranges
- .iter()
- .map(|t| format!("{:?}", t))
- .collect::<Vec<String>>()
- .join(", ");
- write!(f, "sparse({})", rs)
- }
- State::Look { ref look, next } => {
- write!(f, "{:?} => {:?}", look, next.as_usize())
- }
- State::Union { ref alternates } => {
- let alts = alternates
- .iter()
- .map(|id| format!("{:?}", id.as_usize()))
- .collect::<Vec<String>>()
- .join(", ");
- write!(f, "alt({})", alts)
- }
- State::Capture { next, slot } => {
- write!(f, "capture({:?}) => {:?}", slot, next.as_usize())
- }
- State::Fail => write!(f, "FAIL"),
- State::Match { id } => write!(f, "MATCH({:?})", id.as_usize()),
- }
- }
-/// A collection of facts about an NFA.
-/// There are no real cohesive principles behind what gets put in here. For
-/// the most part, it is implementation driven.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
-struct Facts {
- /// Various yes/no facts about this NFA.
- bools: u16,
-impl Facts {
- define_bool!(0, has_any_look, set_has_any_look);
- define_bool!(1, has_any_anchor, set_has_any_anchor);
- define_bool!(2, has_word_boundary_unicode, set_has_word_boundary_unicode);
- define_bool!(3, has_word_boundary_ascii, set_has_word_boundary_ascii);
-/// A sequence of transitions used to represent a sparse state.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub struct SparseTransitions {
- pub ranges: Box<[Transition]>,
-impl SparseTransitions {
- pub fn matches(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> Option<StateID> {
- haystack.get(at).and_then(|&b| self.matches_byte(b))
- }
- pub fn matches_unit(&self, unit: alphabet::Unit) -> Option<StateID> {
- unit.as_u8().map_or(None, |byte| self.matches_byte(byte))
- }
- pub fn matches_byte(&self, byte: u8) -> Option<StateID> {
- for t in self.ranges.iter() {
- if t.start > byte {
- break;
- } else if t.matches_byte(byte) {
- return Some(;
- }
- }
- None
- /*
- // This is an alternative implementation that uses binary search. In
- // some ad hoc experiments, like
- //
- //
- // regex-cli find nfa thompson pikevm -b "@$smallishru" '\b\w+\b'
- //
- // I could not observe any improvement, and in fact, things seemed to
- // be a bit slower.
- self.ranges
- .binary_search_by(|t| {
- if t.end < byte {
- core::cmp::Ordering::Less
- } else if t.start > byte {
- core::cmp::Ordering::Greater
- } else {
- core::cmp::Ordering::Equal
- }
- })
- .ok()
- .map(|i| self.ranges[i].next)
- */
- }
-/// A transition to another state, only if the given byte falls in the
-/// inclusive range specified.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Transition {
- pub start: u8,
- pub end: u8,
- pub next: StateID,
-impl Transition {
- pub fn matches(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
- haystack.get(at).map_or(false, |&b| self.matches_byte(b))
- }
- pub fn matches_unit(&self, unit: alphabet::Unit) -> bool {
- unit.as_u8().map_or(false, |byte| self.matches_byte(byte))
- }
- pub fn matches_byte(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
- self.start <= byte && byte <= self.end
- }
-impl fmt::Debug for Transition {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- use crate::util::DebugByte;
- let Transition { start, end, next } = *self;
- if self.start == self.end {
- write!(f, "{:?} => {:?}", DebugByte(start), next.as_usize())
- } else {
- write!(
- f,
- "{:?}-{:?} => {:?}",
- DebugByte(start),
- DebugByte(end),
- next.as_usize(),
- )
- }
- }
-/// A conditional NFA epsilon transition.
-/// A simulation of the NFA can only move through this epsilon transition if
-/// the current position satisfies some look-around property. Some assertions
-/// are look-behind (StartLine, StartText), some assertions are look-ahead
-/// (EndLine, EndText) while other assertions are both look-behind and
-/// look-ahead (WordBoundary*).
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub enum Look {
- /// The previous position is either `\n` or the current position is the
- /// beginning of the haystack (i.e., at position `0`).
- StartLine = 1 << 0,
- /// The next position is either `\n` or the current position is the end of
- /// the haystack (i.e., at position `haystack.len()`).
- EndLine = 1 << 1,
- /// The current position is the beginning of the haystack (i.e., at
- /// position `0`).
- StartText = 1 << 2,
- /// The current position is the end of the haystack (i.e., at position
- /// `haystack.len()`).
- EndText = 1 << 3,
- /// When tested at position `i`, where `p=decode_utf8_rev(&haystack[..i])`
- /// and `n=decode_utf8(&haystack[i..])`, this assertion passes if and only
- /// if `is_word(p) != is_word(n)`. If `i=0`, then `is_word(p)=false` and if
- /// `i=haystack.len()`, then `is_word(n)=false`.
- WordBoundaryUnicode = 1 << 4,
- /// Same as for `WordBoundaryUnicode`, but requires that
- /// `is_word(p) == is_word(n)`.
- WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate = 1 << 5,
- /// When tested at position `i`, where `p=haystack[i-1]` and
- /// `n=haystack[i]`, this assertion passes if and only if `is_word(p)
- /// != is_word(n)`. If `i=0`, then `is_word(p)=false` and if
- /// `i=haystack.len()`, then `is_word(n)=false`.
- WordBoundaryAscii = 1 << 6,
- /// Same as for `WordBoundaryAscii`, but requires that
- /// `is_word(p) == is_word(n)`.
- ///
- /// Note that it is possible for this assertion to match at positions that
- /// split the UTF-8 encoding of a codepoint. For this reason, this may only
- /// be used when UTF-8 mode is disable in the regex syntax.
- WordBoundaryAsciiNegate = 1 << 7,
-impl Look {
- #[inline(always)]
- pub fn matches(&self, bytes: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
- match *self {
- Look::StartLine => at == 0 || bytes[at - 1] == b'\n',
- Look::EndLine => at == bytes.len() || bytes[at] == b'\n',
- Look::StartText => at == 0,
- Look::EndText => at == bytes.len(),
- Look::WordBoundaryUnicode => {
- let word_before = is_word_char_rev(bytes, at);
- let word_after = is_word_char_fwd(bytes, at);
- word_before != word_after
- }
- Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate => {
- // This is pretty subtle. Why do we need to do UTF-8 decoding
- // here? Well... at time of writing, the is_word_char_{fwd,rev}
- // routines will only return true if there is a valid UTF-8
- // encoding of a "word" codepoint, and false in every other
- // case (including invalid UTF-8). This means that in regions
- // of invalid UTF-8 (which might be a subset of valid UTF-8!),
- // it would result in \B matching. While this would be
- // questionable in the context of truly invalid UTF-8, it is
- // *certainly* wrong to report match boundaries that split the
- // encoding of a codepoint. So to work around this, we ensure
- // that we can decode a codepoint on either side of `at`. If
- // either direction fails, then we don't permit \B to match at
- // all.
- //
- // Now, this isn't exactly optimal from a perf perspective. We
- // could try and detect this in is_word_char_{fwd,rev}, but
- // it's not clear if it's worth it. \B is, after all, rarely
- // used.
- //
- // And in particular, we do *not* have to do this with \b,
- // because \b *requires* that at least one side of `at` be a
- // "word" codepoint, which in turn implies one side of `at`
- // must be valid UTF-8. This in turn implies that \b can never
- // split a valid UTF-8 encoding of a codepoint. In the case
- // where one side of `at` is truly invalid UTF-8 and the other
- // side IS a word codepoint, then we want \b to match since it
- // represents a valid UTF-8 boundary. It also makes sense. For
- // example, you'd want \b\w+\b to match 'abc' in '\xFFabc\xFF'.
- let word_before = at > 0
- && match decode_last_utf8(&bytes[]) {
- None | Some(Err(_)) => return false,
- Some(Ok(_)) => is_word_char_rev(bytes, at),
- };
- let word_after = at < bytes.len()
- && match decode_utf8(&bytes[at..]) {
- None | Some(Err(_)) => return false,
- Some(Ok(_)) => is_word_char_fwd(bytes, at),
- };
- word_before == word_after
- }
- Look::WordBoundaryAscii => {
- let word_before = at > 0 && is_word_byte(bytes[at - 1]);
- let word_after = at < bytes.len() && is_word_byte(bytes[at]);
- word_before != word_after
- }
- Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate => {
- let word_before = at > 0 && is_word_byte(bytes[at - 1]);
- let word_after = at < bytes.len() && is_word_byte(bytes[at]);
- word_before == word_after
- }
- }
- }
- /// Create a look-around assertion from its corresponding integer (as
- /// defined in `Look`). If the given integer does not correspond to any
- /// assertion, then None is returned.
- fn from_int(n: u8) -> Option<Look> {
- match n {
- 0b0000_0001 => Some(Look::StartLine),
- 0b0000_0010 => Some(Look::EndLine),
- 0b0000_0100 => Some(Look::StartText),
- 0b0000_1000 => Some(Look::EndText),
- 0b0001_0000 => Some(Look::WordBoundaryUnicode),
- 0b0010_0000 => Some(Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate),
- 0b0100_0000 => Some(Look::WordBoundaryAscii),
- 0b1000_0000 => Some(Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate),
- _ => None,
- }
- }
- /// Flip the look-around assertion to its equivalent for reverse searches.
- fn reversed(&self) -> Look {
- match *self {
- Look::StartLine => Look::EndLine,
- Look::EndLine => Look::StartLine,
- Look::StartText => Look::EndText,
- Look::EndText => Look::StartText,
- Look::WordBoundaryUnicode => Look::WordBoundaryUnicode,
- Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate => Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate,
- Look::WordBoundaryAscii => Look::WordBoundaryAscii,
- Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate => Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate,
- }
- }
- /// Split up the given byte classes into equivalence classes in a way that
- /// is consistent with this look-around assertion.
- fn add_to_byteset(&self, set: &mut ByteClassSet) {
- match *self {
- Look::StartText | Look::EndText => {}
- Look::StartLine | Look::EndLine => {
- set.set_range(b'\n', b'\n');
- }
- Look::WordBoundaryUnicode
- | Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate
- | Look::WordBoundaryAscii
- | Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate => {
- // We need to mark all ranges of bytes whose pairs result in
- // evaluating \b differently. This isn't technically correct
- // for Unicode word boundaries, but DFAs can't handle those
- // anyway, and thus, the byte classes don't need to either
- // since they are themselves only used in DFAs.
- let iswb = regex_syntax::is_word_byte;
- let mut b1: u16 = 0;
- let mut b2: u16;
- while b1 <= 255 {
- b2 = b1 + 1;
- while b2 <= 255 && iswb(b1 as u8) == iswb(b2 as u8) {
- b2 += 1;
- }
- set.set_range(b1 as u8, (b2 - 1) as u8);
- b1 = b2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/// LookSet is a memory-efficient set of look-around assertions. Callers may
-/// idempotently insert or remove any look-around assertion from a set.
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
-pub(crate) struct LookSet {
- set: u8,
-impl LookSet {
- /// Return a LookSet from its representation.
- pub(crate) fn from_repr(repr: u8) -> LookSet {
- LookSet { set: repr }
- }
- /// Return a mutable LookSet from a mutable pointer to its representation.
- pub(crate) fn from_repr_mut(repr: &mut u8) -> &mut LookSet {
- // SAFETY: This is safe since a LookSet is repr(transparent) where its
- // repr is a u8.
- unsafe { core::mem::transmute::<&mut u8, &mut LookSet>(repr) }
- }
- /// Return true if and only if this set is empty.
- pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
- self.set == 0
- }
- /// Clears this set such that it has no assertions in it.
- pub(crate) fn clear(&mut self) {
- self.set = 0;
- }
- /// Insert the given look-around assertion into this set. If the assertion
- /// already exists, then this is a no-op.
- pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, look: Look) {
- self.set |= look as u8;
- }
- /// Remove the given look-around assertion from this set. If the assertion
- /// is not in this set, then this is a no-op.
- #[cfg(test)]
- pub(crate) fn remove(&mut self, look: Look) {
- self.set &= !(look as u8);
- }
- /// Return true if and only if the given assertion is in this set.
- pub(crate) fn contains(&self, look: Look) -> bool {
- (look as u8) & self.set != 0
- }
- /// Subtract the given `other` set from the `self` set and return a new
- /// set.
- pub(crate) fn subtract(&self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
- LookSet { set: self.set & !other.set }
- }
- /// Return the intersection of the given `other` set with the `self` set
- /// and return the resulting set.
- pub(crate) fn intersect(&self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
- LookSet { set: self.set & other.set }
- }
-impl core::fmt::Debug for LookSet {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
- let mut members = vec![];
- for i in 0..8 {
- let look = match Look::from_int(1 << i) {
- None => continue,
- Some(look) => look,
- };
- if self.contains(look) {
- members.push(look);
- }
- }
- f.debug_tuple("LookSet").field(&members).finish()
- }
-/// An iterator over all pattern IDs in an NFA.
-pub struct PatternIter<'a> {
- it: PatternIDIter,
- /// We explicitly associate a lifetime with this iterator even though we
- /// don't actually borrow anything from the NFA. We do this for backward
- /// compatibility purposes. If we ever do need to borrow something from
- /// the NFA, then we can and just get rid of this marker without breaking
- /// the public API.
- _marker: core::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
-impl<'a> Iterator for PatternIter<'a> {
- type Item = PatternID;
- fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PatternID> {
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- // TODO: Replace tests using DFA with NFA matching engine once implemented.
- use crate::dfa::{dense, Automaton};
- #[test]
- fn always_match() {
- let nfa = NFA::always_match();
- let dfa = dense::Builder::new().build_from_nfa(&nfa).unwrap();
- let find = |input, start, end| {
- dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, input, start, end)
- .unwrap()
- .map(|m| m.offset())
- };
- assert_eq!(Some(0), find(b"", 0, 0));
- assert_eq!(Some(0), find(b"a", 0, 1));
- assert_eq!(Some(1), find(b"a", 1, 1));
- assert_eq!(Some(0), find(b"ab", 0, 2));
- assert_eq!(Some(1), find(b"ab", 1, 2));
- assert_eq!(Some(2), find(b"ab", 2, 2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn never_match() {
- let nfa = NFA::never_match();
- let dfa = dense::Builder::new().build_from_nfa(&nfa).unwrap();
- let find = |input, start, end| {
- dfa.find_leftmost_fwd_at(None, None, input, start, end)
- .unwrap()
- .map(|m| m.offset())
- };
- assert_eq!(None, find(b"", 0, 0));
- assert_eq!(None, find(b"a", 0, 1));
- assert_eq!(None, find(b"a", 1, 1));
- assert_eq!(None, find(b"ab", 0, 2));
- assert_eq!(None, find(b"ab", 1, 2));
- assert_eq!(None, find(b"ab", 2, 2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_set() {
- let mut f = LookSet::default();
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartText));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndText));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartLine));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndLine));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryUnicode));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryAscii));
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate));
- f.insert(Look::StartText);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::StartText));
- f.remove(Look::StartText);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartText));
- f.insert(Look::EndText);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::EndText));
- f.remove(Look::EndText);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndText));
- f.insert(Look::StartLine);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::StartLine));
- f.remove(Look::StartLine);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartLine));
- f.insert(Look::EndLine);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::EndLine));
- f.remove(Look::EndLine);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndLine));
- f.insert(Look::WordBoundaryUnicode);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryUnicode));
- f.remove(Look::WordBoundaryUnicode);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryUnicode));
- f.insert(Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate));
- f.remove(Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate));
- f.insert(Look::WordBoundaryAscii);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryAscii));
- f.remove(Look::WordBoundaryAscii);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryAscii));
- f.insert(Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate);
- assert!(f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate));
- f.remove(Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate);
- assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_start_line() {
- let look = Look::StartLine;
- assert!(look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\n"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\n"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\na"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 1));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_end_line() {
- let look = Look::EndLine;
- assert!(look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\n"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\na"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\na"), 2));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a\na"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("\na"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_start_text() {
- let look = Look::StartText;
- assert!(look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\n"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("\n"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("\na"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 1));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_end_text() {
- let look = Look::EndText;
- assert!(look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\n"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("\na"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("\na"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("\na"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a\na"), 2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_word_unicode() {
- let look = Look::WordBoundaryUnicode;
- // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
- // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
- // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
- assert!(look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a "), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 2));
- // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 4));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 4));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 5));
- // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 4));
- // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
- assert!(!look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("ab"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a "), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃b"), 4));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 5));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 6));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 3));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 5));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 6));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 7));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 8));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_word_ascii() {
- let look = Look::WordBoundaryAscii;
- // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
- // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
- // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
- assert!(look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a "), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 2));
- // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint. Since this is
- // an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 4));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 4));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 5));
- // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints. Again, since
- // this is an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 4));
- // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
- assert!(!look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("ab"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a "), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃b"), 4));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 5));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 6));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 3));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 5));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 6));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 7));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 8));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_word_unicode_negate() {
- let look = Look::WordBoundaryUnicodeNegate;
- // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
- // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
- // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a "), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 2));
- // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 4));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 4));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 5));
- // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 4));
- // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
- assert!(look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("ab"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a "), 2));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃b"), 4));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 5));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 6));
- // These don't match because they could otherwise return an offset that
- // splits the UTF-8 encoding of a codepoint.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃"), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints. These also don't
- // match because they could otherwise return an offset that splits the
- // UTF-8 encoding of a codepoint.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 2));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 3));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 5));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 6));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 7));
- // But this one does, since 𐆀 isn't a word codepoint, and 8 is the end
- // of the haystack. So the "end" of the haystack isn't a word and 𐆀
- // isn't a word, thus, \B matches.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 8));
- }
- #[test]
- fn look_matches_word_ascii_negate() {
- let look = Look::WordBoundaryAsciiNegate;
- // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
- // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
- // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 0));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a"), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B("a "), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 1));
- assert!(!look.matches(B(" a "), 2));
- // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint. Since this is
- // an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 4));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 4));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 5));
- // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints. Again, since
- // this is an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 4));
- // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
- assert!(look.matches(B(""), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B("ab"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("a "), 2));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" a "), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
- assert!(!look.matches(B("𝛃b"), 4));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃 "), 5));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 0));
- assert!(look.matches(B(" 𝛃 "), 6));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 2));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃"), 3));
- // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints.
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 1));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 2));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 3));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 5));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 6));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 7));
- assert!(look.matches(B("𝛃𐆀"), 8));
- }
- fn B<'a, T: 'a + ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>>(string: &'a T) -> &'a [u8] {
- string.as_ref()
- }
+pub use self::{
+ builder::Builder,
+ error::BuildError,
+ nfa::{
+ DenseTransitions, PatternIter, SparseTransitions, State, Transition,
+ NFA,
+ },
+#[cfg(feature = "syntax")]
+pub use compiler::{Compiler, Config, WhichCaptures};