path: root/vendor/regex-automata/src/util/
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+Types and routines for working with look-around assertions.
+This module principally defines two types:
+* [`Look`] enumerates all of the assertions supported by this crate.
+* [`LookSet`] provides a way to efficiently store a set of [`Look`] values.
+* [`LookMatcher`] provides routines for checking whether a `Look` or a
+`LookSet` matches at a particular position in a haystack.
+// LAMENTATION: Sadly, a lot of the API of `Look` and `LookSet` were basically
+// copied verbatim from the regex-syntax crate. I would have no problems using
+// the regex-syntax types and defining the matching routines (only found
+// in this crate) as free functions, except the `Look` and `LookSet` types
+// are used in lots of places. Including in places we expect to work when
+// regex-syntax is *not* enabled, such as in the definition of the NFA itself.
+// Thankfully the code we copy is pretty simple and there isn't much of it.
+// Otherwise, the rest of this module deals with *matching* the assertions,
+// which is not something that regex-syntax handles.
+use crate::util::{escape::DebugByte, utf8};
+/// A look-around assertion.
+/// An assertion matches at a position between characters in a haystack.
+/// Namely, it does not actually "consume" any input as most parts of a regular
+/// expression do. Assertions are a way of stating that some property must be
+/// true at a particular point during matching.
+/// For example, `(?m)^[a-z]+$` is a pattern that:
+/// * Scans the haystack for a position at which `(?m:^)` is satisfied. That
+/// occurs at either the beginning of the haystack, or immediately following
+/// a `\n` character.
+/// * Looks for one or more occurrences of `[a-z]`.
+/// * Once `[a-z]+` has matched as much as it can, an overall match is only
+/// reported when `[a-z]+` stops just before a `\n`.
+/// So in this case, `abc` and `\nabc\n` match, but `\nabc1\n` does not.
+/// Assertions are also called "look-around," "look-behind" and "look-ahead."
+/// Specifically, some assertions are look-behind (like `^`), other assertions
+/// are look-ahead (like `$`) and yet other assertions are both look-ahead and
+/// look-behind (like `\b`).
+/// # Assertions in an NFA
+/// An assertion in a [`thompson::NFA`](crate::nfa::thompson::NFA) can be
+/// thought of as a conditional epsilon transition. That is, a matching engine
+/// like the [`PikeVM`](crate::nfa::thompson::pikevm::PikeVM) only permits
+/// moving through conditional epsilon transitions when their condition
+/// is satisfied at whatever position the `PikeVM` is currently at in the
+/// haystack.
+/// How assertions are handled in a `DFA` is trickier, since a DFA does not
+/// have epsilon transitions at all. In this case, they are compiled into the
+/// automaton itself, at the expense of more states than what would be required
+/// without an assertion.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Look {
+ /// Match the beginning of text. Specifically, this matches at the starting
+ /// position of the input.
+ Start = 1 << 0,
+ /// Match the end of text. Specifically, this matches at the ending
+ /// position of the input.
+ End = 1 << 1,
+ /// Match the beginning of a line or the beginning of text. Specifically,
+ /// this matches at the starting position of the input, or at the position
+ /// immediately following a `\n` character.
+ StartLF = 1 << 2,
+ /// Match the end of a line or the end of text. Specifically, this matches
+ /// at the end position of the input, or at the position immediately
+ /// preceding a `\n` character.
+ EndLF = 1 << 3,
+ /// Match the beginning of a line or the beginning of text. Specifically,
+ /// this matches at the starting position of the input, or at the position
+ /// immediately following either a `\r` or `\n` character, but never after
+ /// a `\r` when a `\n` follows.
+ StartCRLF = 1 << 4,
+ /// Match the end of a line or the end of text. Specifically, this matches
+ /// at the end position of the input, or at the position immediately
+ /// preceding a `\r` or `\n` character, but never before a `\n` when a `\r`
+ /// precedes it.
+ EndCRLF = 1 << 5,
+ /// Match an ASCII-only word boundary. That is, this matches a position
+ /// where the left adjacent character and right adjacent character
+ /// correspond to a word and non-word or a non-word and word character.
+ WordAscii = 1 << 6,
+ /// Match an ASCII-only negation of a word boundary.
+ WordAsciiNegate = 1 << 7,
+ /// Match a Unicode-aware word boundary. That is, this matches a position
+ /// where the left adjacent character and right adjacent character
+ /// correspond to a word and non-word or a non-word and word character.
+ WordUnicode = 1 << 8,
+ /// Match a Unicode-aware negation of a word boundary.
+ WordUnicodeNegate = 1 << 9,
+impl Look {
+ /// Flip the look-around assertion to its equivalent for reverse searches.
+ /// For example, `StartLF` gets translated to `EndLF`.
+ ///
+ /// Some assertions, such as `WordUnicode`, remain the same since they
+ /// match the same positions regardless of the direction of the search.
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn reversed(self) -> Look {
+ match self {
+ Look::Start => Look::End,
+ Look::End => Look::Start,
+ Look::StartLF => Look::EndLF,
+ Look::EndLF => Look::StartLF,
+ Look::StartCRLF => Look::EndCRLF,
+ Look::EndCRLF => Look::StartCRLF,
+ Look::WordAscii => Look::WordAscii,
+ Look::WordAsciiNegate => Look::WordAsciiNegate,
+ Look::WordUnicode => Look::WordUnicode,
+ Look::WordUnicodeNegate => Look::WordUnicodeNegate,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return the underlying representation of this look-around enumeration
+ /// as an integer. Giving the return value to the [`Look::from_repr`]
+ /// constructor is guaranteed to return the same look-around variant that
+ /// one started with within a semver compatible release of this crate.
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn as_repr(self) -> u16 {
+ // AFAIK, 'as' is the only way to zero-cost convert an int enum to an
+ // actual int.
+ self as u16
+ }
+ /// Given the underlying representation of a `Look` value, return the
+ /// corresponding `Look` value if the representation is valid. Otherwise
+ /// `None` is returned.
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn from_repr(repr: u16) -> Option<Look> {
+ match repr {
+ 0b00_0000_0001 => Some(Look::Start),
+ 0b00_0000_0010 => Some(Look::End),
+ 0b00_0000_0100 => Some(Look::StartLF),
+ 0b00_0000_1000 => Some(Look::EndLF),
+ 0b00_0001_0000 => Some(Look::StartCRLF),
+ 0b00_0010_0000 => Some(Look::EndCRLF),
+ 0b00_0100_0000 => Some(Look::WordAscii),
+ 0b00_1000_0000 => Some(Look::WordAsciiNegate),
+ 0b01_0000_0000 => Some(Look::WordUnicode),
+ 0b10_0000_0000 => Some(Look::WordUnicodeNegate),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a convenient single codepoint representation of this
+ /// look-around assertion. Each assertion is guaranteed to be represented
+ /// by a distinct character.
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for succinctly representing a look-around assertion in
+ /// human friendly but succinct output intended for a programmer working on
+ /// regex internals.
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn as_char(self) -> char {
+ match self {
+ Look::Start => 'A',
+ Look::End => 'z',
+ Look::StartLF => '^',
+ Look::EndLF => '$',
+ Look::StartCRLF => 'r',
+ Look::EndCRLF => 'R',
+ Look::WordAscii => 'b',
+ Look::WordAsciiNegate => 'B',
+ Look::WordUnicode => '𝛃',
+ Look::WordUnicodeNegate => '𝚩',
+ }
+ }
+/// LookSet is a memory-efficient set of look-around assertions.
+/// This is useful for efficiently tracking look-around assertions. For
+/// example, a [`thompson::NFA`](crate::nfa::thompson::NFA) provides properties
+/// that return `LookSet`s.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct LookSet {
+ /// The underlying representation this set is exposed to make it possible
+ /// to store it somewhere efficiently. The representation is that
+ /// of a bitset, where each assertion occupies bit `i` where `i =
+ /// Look::as_repr()`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that users of this internal representation must permit the full
+ /// range of `u16` values to be represented. For example, even if the
+ /// current implementation only makes use of the 10 least significant bits,
+ /// it may use more bits in a future semver compatible release.
+ pub bits: u16,
+impl LookSet {
+ /// Create an empty set of look-around assertions.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn empty() -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: 0 }
+ }
+ /// Create a full set of look-around assertions.
+ ///
+ /// This set contains all possible look-around assertions.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn full() -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: !0 }
+ }
+ /// Create a look-around set containing the look-around assertion given.
+ ///
+ /// This is a convenience routine for creating an empty set and inserting
+ /// one look-around assertions.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn singleton(look: Look) -> LookSet {
+ LookSet::empty().insert(look)
+ }
+ /// Returns the total number of look-around assertions in this set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn len(self) -> usize {
+ // OK because max value always fits in a u8, which in turn always
+ // fits in a usize, regardless of target.
+ usize::try_from(self.bits.count_ones()).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set is empty.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
+ self.len() == 0
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if the given look-around assertion is in this
+ /// set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains(self, look: Look) -> bool {
+ self.bits & look.as_repr() != 0
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any anchor assertions.
+ /// This includes both "start/end of haystack" and "start/end of line."
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_anchor(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contains_anchor_haystack() || self.contains_anchor_line()
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of
+ /// haystack" anchors. This doesn't include "start/end of line" anchors.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_anchor_haystack(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contains(Look::Start) || self.contains(Look::End)
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of line"
+ /// anchors. This doesn't include "start/end of haystack" anchors. This
+ /// includes both `\n` line anchors and CRLF (`\r\n`) aware line anchors.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_anchor_line(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contains(Look::StartLF)
+ || self.contains(Look::EndLF)
+ || self.contains(Look::StartCRLF)
+ || self.contains(Look::EndCRLF)
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of line"
+ /// anchors that only treat `\n` as line terminators. This does not include
+ /// haystack anchors or CRLF aware line anchors.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_anchor_lf(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contains(Look::StartLF) || self.contains(Look::EndLF)
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of line"
+ /// anchors that are CRLF-aware. This doesn't include "start/end of
+ /// haystack" or "start/end of line-feed" anchors.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_anchor_crlf(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contains(Look::StartCRLF) || self.contains(Look::EndCRLF)
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any word boundary or
+ /// negated word boundary assertions. This include both Unicode and ASCII
+ /// word boundaries.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_word(self) -> bool {
+ self.contains_word_unicode() || self.contains_word_ascii()
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any Unicode word boundary
+ /// or negated Unicode word boundary assertions.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_word_unicode(self) -> bool {
+ self.contains(Look::WordUnicode)
+ || self.contains(Look::WordUnicodeNegate)
+ }
+ /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any ASCII word boundary
+ /// or negated ASCII word boundary assertions.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn contains_word_ascii(self) -> bool {
+ self.contains(Look::WordAscii) || self.contains(Look::WordAsciiNegate)
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over all of the look-around assertions in this set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn iter(self) -> LookSetIter {
+ LookSetIter { set: self }
+ }
+ /// Return a new set that is equivalent to the original, but with the given
+ /// assertion added to it. If the assertion is already in the set, then the
+ /// returned set is equivalent to the original.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn insert(self, look: Look) -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: self.bits | look.as_repr() }
+ }
+ /// Updates this set in place with the result of inserting the given
+ /// assertion into this set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_insert(&mut self, look: Look) {
+ *self = self.insert(look);
+ }
+ /// Return a new set that is equivalent to the original, but with the given
+ /// assertion removed from it. If the assertion is not in the set, then the
+ /// returned set is equivalent to the original.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn remove(self, look: Look) -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: self.bits & !look.as_repr() }
+ }
+ /// Updates this set in place with the result of removing the given
+ /// assertion from this set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_remove(&mut self, look: Look) {
+ *self = self.remove(look);
+ }
+ /// Returns a new set that is the result of subtracting the given set from
+ /// this set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn subtract(self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
+ }
+ /// Updates this set in place with the result of subtracting the given set
+ /// from this set.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_subtract(&mut self, other: LookSet) {
+ *self = self.subtract(other);
+ }
+ /// Returns a new set that is the union of this and the one given.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn union(self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
+ }
+ /// Updates this set in place with the result of unioning it with the one
+ /// given.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_union(&mut self, other: LookSet) {
+ *self = self.union(other);
+ }
+ /// Returns a new set that is the intersection of this and the one given.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn intersect(self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
+ LookSet { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
+ }
+ /// Updates this set in place with the result of intersecting it with the
+ /// one given.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set_intersect(&mut self, other: LookSet) {
+ *self = self.intersect(other);
+ }
+ /// Return a `LookSet` from the slice given as a native endian 16-bit
+ /// integer.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This panics if `slice.len() < 2`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn read_repr(slice: &[u8]) -> LookSet {
+ let bits = u16::from_ne_bytes(slice[..2].try_into().unwrap());
+ LookSet { bits }
+ }
+ /// Write a `LookSet` as a native endian 16-bit integer to the beginning
+ /// of the slice given.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This panics if `slice.len() < 2`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn write_repr(self, slice: &mut [u8]) {
+ let raw = self.bits.to_ne_bytes();
+ slice[0] = raw[0];
+ slice[1] = raw[1];
+ }
+ /// Checks that all assertions in this set can be matched.
+ ///
+ /// Some assertions, such as Unicode word boundaries, require optional (but
+ /// enabled by default) tables that may not be available. If there are
+ /// assertions in this set that require tables that are not available, then
+ /// this will return an error.
+ ///
+ /// Specifically, this returns an error when the the
+ /// `unicode-word-boundary` feature is _not_ enabled _and_ this set
+ /// contains a Unicode word boundary assertion.
+ ///
+ /// It can be useful to use this on the result of
+ /// [`NFA::look_set_any`](crate::nfa::thompson::NFA::look_set_any)
+ /// when building a matcher engine to ensure methods like
+ /// [`LookMatcher::matches_set`] do not panic at search time.
+ pub fn available(self) -> Result<(), UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ if self.contains_word_unicode() {
+ UnicodeWordBoundaryError::check()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl core::fmt::Debug for LookSet {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ if self.is_empty() {
+ return write!(f, "∅");
+ }
+ for look in self.iter() {
+ write!(f, "{}", look.as_char())?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// An iterator over all look-around assertions in a [`LookSet`].
+/// This iterator is created by [`LookSet::iter`].
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct LookSetIter {
+ set: LookSet,
+impl Iterator for LookSetIter {
+ type Item = Look;
+ #[inline]
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Look> {
+ if self.set.is_empty() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // We'll never have more than u8::MAX distinct look-around assertions,
+ // so 'repr' will always fit into a u16.
+ let repr = u16::try_from(self.set.bits.trailing_zeros()).unwrap();
+ let look = Look::from_repr(1 << repr)?;
+ self.set = self.set.remove(look);
+ Some(look)
+ }
+/// A matcher for look-around assertions.
+/// This matcher permits configuring aspects of how look-around assertions are
+/// matched.
+/// # Example
+/// A `LookMatcher` can change the line terminator used for matching multi-line
+/// anchors such as `(?m:^)` and `(?m:$)`.
+/// ```
+/// use regex_automata::{
+/// nfa::thompson::{self, pikevm::PikeVM},
+/// util::look::LookMatcher,
+/// Match, Input,
+/// };
+/// let mut lookm = LookMatcher::new();
+/// lookm.set_line_terminator(b'\x00');
+/// let re = PikeVM::builder()
+/// .thompson(thompson::Config::new().look_matcher(lookm))
+/// .build(r"(?m)^[a-z]+$")?;
+/// let mut cache = re.create_cache();
+/// // Multi-line assertions now use NUL as a terminator.
+/// assert_eq!(
+/// Some(Match::must(0, 1..4)),
+/// re.find(&mut cache, b"\x00abc\x00"),
+/// );
+/// // ... and \n is no longer recognized as a terminator.
+/// assert_eq!(
+/// None,
+/// re.find(&mut cache, b"\nabc\n"),
+/// );
+/// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
+/// ```
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct LookMatcher {
+ lineterm: DebugByte,
+impl LookMatcher {
+ /// Creates a new default matcher for look-around assertions.
+ pub fn new() -> LookMatcher {
+ LookMatcher { lineterm: DebugByte(b'\n') }
+ }
+ /// Sets the line terminator for use with `(?m:^)` and `(?m:$)`.
+ ///
+ /// Namely, instead of `^` matching after `\n` and `$` matching immediately
+ /// before a `\n`, this will cause it to match after and before the byte
+ /// given.
+ ///
+ /// It can occasionally be useful to use this to configure the line
+ /// terminator to the NUL byte when searching binary data.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this does not apply to CRLF-aware line anchors such as
+ /// `(?Rm:^)` and `(?Rm:$)`. CRLF-aware line anchors are hard-coded to
+ /// use `\r` and `\n`.
+ pub fn set_line_terminator(&mut self, byte: u8) -> &mut LookMatcher {
+ self.lineterm.0 = byte;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Returns the line terminator that was configured for this matcher.
+ ///
+ /// If no line terminator was configured, then this returns `\n`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the line terminator should only be used for matching `(?m:^)`
+ /// and `(?m:$)` assertions. It specifically should _not_ be used for
+ /// matching the CRLF aware assertions `(?Rm:^)` and `(?Rm:$)`.
+ pub fn get_line_terminator(&self) -> u8 {
+ self.lineterm.0
+ }
+ /// Returns true when the position `at` in `haystack` satisfies the given
+ /// look-around assertion.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This panics when testing any Unicode word boundary assertion in this
+ /// set and when the Unicode word data is not available. Specifically, this
+ /// only occurs when the `unicode-word-boundary` feature is not enabled.
+ ///
+ /// Since it's generally expected that this routine is called inside of
+ /// a matching engine, callers should check the error condition when
+ /// building the matching engine. If there is a Unicode word boundary
+ /// in the matcher and the data isn't available, then the matcher should
+ /// fail to build.
+ ///
+ /// Callers can check the error condition with [`LookSet::available`].
+ ///
+ /// This also may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn matches(&self, look: Look, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ self.matches_inline(look, haystack, at)
+ }
+ /// Like `matches`, but forcefully inlined.
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(crate) fn matches_inline(
+ &self,
+ look: Look,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> bool {
+ match look {
+ Look::Start => self.is_start(haystack, at),
+ Look::End => self.is_end(haystack, at),
+ Look::StartLF => self.is_start_lf(haystack, at),
+ Look::EndLF => self.is_end_lf(haystack, at),
+ Look::StartCRLF => self.is_start_crlf(haystack, at),
+ Look::EndCRLF => self.is_end_crlf(haystack, at),
+ Look::WordAscii => self.is_word_ascii(haystack, at),
+ Look::WordAsciiNegate => self.is_word_ascii_negate(haystack, at),
+ Look::WordUnicode => self.is_word_unicode(haystack, at).unwrap(),
+ Look::WordUnicodeNegate => {
+ self.is_word_unicode_negate(haystack, at).unwrap()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true when _all_ of the assertions in the given set match at the
+ /// given position in the haystack.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This panics when testing any Unicode word boundary assertion in this
+ /// set and when the Unicode word data is not available. Specifically, this
+ /// only occurs when the `unicode-word-boundary` feature is not enabled.
+ ///
+ /// Since it's generally expected that this routine is called inside of
+ /// a matching engine, callers should check the error condition when
+ /// building the matching engine. If there is a Unicode word boundary
+ /// in the matcher and the data isn't available, then the matcher should
+ /// fail to build.
+ ///
+ /// Callers can check the error condition with [`LookSet::available`].
+ ///
+ /// This also may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn matches_set(
+ &self,
+ set: LookSet,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> bool {
+ self.matches_set_inline(set, haystack, at)
+ }
+ /// Like `LookSet::matches`, but forcefully inlined for perf.
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(crate) fn matches_set_inline(
+ &self,
+ set: LookSet,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> bool {
+ // This used to luse LookSet::iter with Look::matches on each element,
+ // but that proved to be quite diastrous for perf. The manual "if
+ // the set has this assertion, check it" turns out to be quite a bit
+ // faster.
+ if set.contains(Look::Start) {
+ if !self.is_start(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::End) {
+ if !self.is_end(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::StartLF) {
+ if !self.is_start_lf(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::EndLF) {
+ if !self.is_end_lf(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::StartCRLF) {
+ if !self.is_start_crlf(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::EndCRLF) {
+ if !self.is_end_crlf(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::WordAscii) {
+ if !self.is_word_ascii(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::WordAsciiNegate) {
+ if !self.is_word_ascii_negate(haystack, at) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::WordUnicode) {
+ if !self.is_word_unicode(haystack, at).unwrap() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if set.contains(Look::WordUnicodeNegate) {
+ if !self.is_word_unicode_negate(haystack, at).unwrap() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ /// Split up the given byte classes into equivalence classes in a way that
+ /// is consistent with this look-around assertion.
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ pub(crate) fn add_to_byteset(
+ &self,
+ look: Look,
+ set: &mut crate::util::alphabet::ByteClassSet,
+ ) {
+ match look {
+ Look::Start | Look::End => {}
+ Look::StartLF | Look::EndLF => {
+ set.set_range(self.lineterm.0, self.lineterm.0);
+ }
+ Look::StartCRLF | Look::EndCRLF => {
+ set.set_range(b'\r', b'\r');
+ set.set_range(b'\n', b'\n');
+ }
+ Look::WordAscii
+ | Look::WordAsciiNegate
+ | Look::WordUnicode
+ | Look::WordUnicodeNegate => {
+ // We need to mark all ranges of bytes whose pairs result in
+ // evaluating \b differently. This isn't technically correct
+ // for Unicode word boundaries, but DFAs can't handle those
+ // anyway, and thus, the byte classes don't need to either
+ // since they are themselves only used in DFAs.
+ //
+ // FIXME: It seems like the calls to 'set_range' here are
+ // completely invariant, which means we could just hard-code
+ // them here without needing to write a loop. And we only need
+ // to do this dance at most once per regex.
+ //
+ // FIXME: Is this correct for \B?
+ let iswb = utf8::is_word_byte;
+ // This unwrap is OK because we guard every use of 'asu8' with
+ // a check that the input is <= 255.
+ let asu8 = |b: u16| u8::try_from(b).unwrap();
+ let mut b1: u16 = 0;
+ let mut b2: u16;
+ while b1 <= 255 {
+ b2 = b1 + 1;
+ while b2 <= 255 && iswb(asu8(b1)) == iswb(asu8(b2)) {
+ b2 += 1;
+ }
+ // The guards above guarantee that b2 can never get any
+ // bigger.
+ assert!(b2 <= 256);
+ // Subtracting 1 from b2 is always OK because it is always
+ // at least 1 greater than b1, and the assert above
+ // guarantees that the asu8 conversion will succeed.
+ set.set_range(asu8(b1), asu8(b2.checked_sub(1).unwrap()));
+ b1 = b2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::Start`] is satisfied `at` the given position
+ /// in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_start(&self, _haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ at == 0
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::End`] is satisfied `at` the given position in
+ /// `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_end(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ at == haystack.len()
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::StartLF`] is satisfied `at` the given
+ /// position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_start_lf(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ self.is_start(haystack, at) || haystack[at - 1] == self.lineterm.0
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::EndLF`] is satisfied `at` the given position
+ /// in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_end_lf(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ self.is_end(haystack, at) || haystack[at] == self.lineterm.0
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::StartCRLF`] is satisfied `at` the given
+ /// position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_start_crlf(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ self.is_start(haystack, at)
+ || haystack[at - 1] == b'\n'
+ || (haystack[at - 1] == b'\r'
+ && (at >= haystack.len() || haystack[at] != b'\n'))
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::EndCRLF`] is satisfied `at` the given
+ /// position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_end_crlf(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ self.is_end(haystack, at)
+ || haystack[at] == b'\r'
+ || (haystack[at] == b'\n'
+ && (at == 0 || haystack[at - 1] != b'\r'))
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::WordAscii`] is satisfied `at` the given
+ /// position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_word_ascii(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ let word_before = at > 0 && utf8::is_word_byte(haystack[at - 1]);
+ let word_after =
+ at < haystack.len() && utf8::is_word_byte(haystack[at]);
+ word_before != word_after
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::WordAsciiNegate`] is satisfied `at` the given
+ /// position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_word_ascii_negate(&self, haystack: &[u8], at: usize) -> bool {
+ !self.is_word_ascii(haystack, at)
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::WordUnicode`] is satisfied `at` the given
+ /// position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error when Unicode word boundary tables
+ /// are not available. Specifically, this only occurs when the
+ /// `unicode-word-boundary` feature is not enabled.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_word_unicode(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ let word_before = is_word_char::rev(haystack, at)?;
+ let word_after = is_word_char::fwd(haystack, at)?;
+ Ok(word_before != word_after)
+ }
+ /// Returns true when [`Look::WordUnicodeNegate`] is satisfied `at` the
+ /// given position in `haystack`.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This may panic when `at > haystack.len()`. Note that `at ==
+ /// haystack.len()` is legal and guaranteed not to panic.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// This returns an error when Unicode word boundary tables
+ /// are not available. Specifically, this only occurs when the
+ /// `unicode-word-boundary` feature is not enabled.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_word_unicode_negate(
+ &self,
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ // This is pretty subtle. Why do we need to do UTF-8 decoding here?
+ // Well... at time of writing, the is_word_char_{fwd,rev} routines will
+ // only return true if there is a valid UTF-8 encoding of a "word"
+ // codepoint, and false in every other case (including invalid UTF-8).
+ // This means that in regions of invalid UTF-8 (which might be a
+ // subset of valid UTF-8!), it would result in \B matching. While this
+ // would be questionable in the context of truly invalid UTF-8, it is
+ // *certainly* wrong to report match boundaries that split the encoding
+ // of a codepoint. So to work around this, we ensure that we can decode
+ // a codepoint on either side of `at`. If either direction fails, then
+ // we don't permit \B to match at all.
+ //
+ // Now, this isn't exactly optimal from a perf perspective. We could
+ // try and detect this in is_word_char::{fwd,rev}, but it's not clear
+ // if it's worth it. \B is, after all, rarely used. Even worse,
+ // is_word_char::{fwd,rev} could do its own UTF-8 decoding, and so this
+ // will wind up doing UTF-8 decoding twice. Owch. We could fix this
+ // with more code complexity, but it just doesn't feel worth it for \B.
+ //
+ // And in particular, we do *not* have to do this with \b, because \b
+ // *requires* that at least one side of `at` be a "word" codepoint,
+ // which in turn implies one side of `at` must be valid UTF-8. This in
+ // turn implies that \b can never split a valid UTF-8 encoding of a
+ // codepoint. In the case where one side of `at` is truly invalid UTF-8
+ // and the other side IS a word codepoint, then we want \b to match
+ // since it represents a valid UTF-8 boundary. It also makes sense. For
+ // example, you'd want \b\w+\b to match 'abc' in '\xFFabc\xFF'.
+ //
+ // Note also that this is not just '!is_word_unicode(..)' like it is
+ // for the ASCII case. For example, neither \b nor \B is satisfied
+ // within invalid UTF-8 sequences.
+ let word_before = at > 0
+ && match utf8::decode_last(&haystack[]) {
+ None | Some(Err(_)) => return Ok(false),
+ Some(Ok(_)) => is_word_char::rev(haystack, at)?,
+ };
+ let word_after = at < haystack.len()
+ && match utf8::decode(&haystack[at..]) {
+ None | Some(Err(_)) => return Ok(false),
+ Some(Ok(_)) => is_word_char::fwd(haystack, at)?,
+ };
+ Ok(word_before == word_after)
+ }
+impl Default for LookMatcher {
+ fn default() -> LookMatcher {
+ LookMatcher::new()
+ }
+/// An error that occurs when the Unicode-aware `\w` class is unavailable.
+/// This error can occur when the data tables necessary for the Unicode aware
+/// Perl character class `\w` are unavailable. The `\w` class is used to
+/// determine whether a codepoint is considered a word character or not when
+/// determining whether a Unicode aware `\b` (or `\B`) matches at a particular
+/// position.
+/// This error can only occur when the `unicode-word-boundary` feature is
+/// disabled.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct UnicodeWordBoundaryError(());
+impl UnicodeWordBoundaryError {
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-word-boundary"))]
+ pub(crate) fn new() -> UnicodeWordBoundaryError {
+ UnicodeWordBoundaryError(())
+ }
+ /// Returns an error if and only if Unicode word boundary data is
+ /// unavailable.
+ pub fn check() -> Result<(), UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ is_word_char::check()
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+impl std::error::Error for UnicodeWordBoundaryError {}
+impl core::fmt::Display for UnicodeWordBoundaryError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "Unicode-aware \\b and \\B are unavailable because the \
+ requisite data tables are missing, please enable the \
+ unicode-word-boundary feature"
+ )
+ }
+// Below are FOUR different ways for checking whether whether a "word"
+// codepoint exists at a particular position in the haystack. The four
+// different approaches are, in order of preference:
+// 1. Parse '\w', convert to an NFA, convert to a fully compiled DFA on the
+// first call, and then use that DFA for all subsequent calls.
+// 2. Do UTF-8 decoding and use regex_syntax::is_word_character if available.
+// 3. Do UTF-8 decoding and use our own 'perl_word' table.
+// 4. Return an error.
+// The reason for all of these approaches is a combination of perf and
+// permitting one to build regex-automata without the Unicode data necessary
+// for handling Unicode-aware word boundaries. (In which case, '(?-u:\b)' would
+// still work.)
+// The DFA approach is the fastest, but it requires the regex parser, the
+// NFA compiler, the DFA builder and the DFA search runtime. That's a lot to
+// bring in, but if it's available, it's (probably) the best we can do.
+// Approaches (2) and (3) are effectively equivalent, but (2) reuses the
+// data in regex-syntax and avoids duplicating it in regex-automata.
+// Finally, (4) unconditionally returns an error since the requisite data isn't
+// available anywhere.
+// There are actually more approaches possible that we didn't implement. For
+// example, if the DFA builder is available but the syntax parser is not, we
+// could technically hand construct our own NFA from the 'perl_word' data
+// table. But to avoid some pretty hairy code duplication, we would in turn
+// need to pull the UTF-8 compiler out of the NFA compiler. Yikes.
+// A possibly more sensible alternative is to use a lazy DFA when the full
+// DFA builder isn't available...
+// Yet another choice would be to build the full DFA and then embed it into the
+// source. Then we'd only need to bring in the DFA search runtime, which is
+// considerably smaller than the DFA builder code. The problem here is that the
+// Debian people have spooked me[1] into avoiding cyclic dependencies. Namely,
+// we'd need to build regex-cli, which depends on regex-automata in order to
+// build some part of regex-automata. But to be honest, something like this has
+// to be allowed somehow? I just don't know what the right process is.
+// There are perhaps other choices as well. Why did I stop at these 4? Because
+// I wanted to preserve my sanity. I suspect I'll wind up adding the lazy DFA
+// approach eventually, as the benefits of the DFA approach are somewhat
+// compelling. The 'boundary-words-holmes' benchmark tests this:
+// $ regex-cli bench measure -f boundary-words-holmes -e pikevm > dfa.csv
+// Then I changed the code below so that the util/unicode_data/perl_word table
+// was used and re-ran the benchmark:
+// $ regex-cli bench measure -f boundary-words-holmes -e pikevm > table.csv
+// And compared them:
+// $ regex-cli bench diff dfa.csv table.csv
+// benchmark engine dfa table
+// --------- ------ --- -----
+// internal/count/boundary-words-holmes regex/automata/pikevm 18.6 MB/s 12.9 MB/s
+// Which is a nice improvement.
+// UPDATE: It turns out that it takes approximately 22ms to build the reverse
+// DFA for \w. (And about 3ms for the forward DFA.) It's probably not much in
+// the grand scheme things, but that is a significant latency cost. So I'm not
+// sure that's a good idea. I then tried using a lazy DFA instead, and that
+// eliminated the overhead, but since the lazy DFA requires mutable working
+// memory, that requires introducing a 'Cache' for every simultaneous call.
+// I ended up deciding for now to just keep the "UTF-8 decode and check the
+// table." The DFA and lazy DFA approaches are still below, but commented out.
+// [1]:
+/// A module that looks for word codepoints using lazy DFAs.
+ feature = "unicode-word-boundary",
+ feature = "syntax",
+ feature = "unicode-perl",
+ feature = "hybrid"
+mod is_word_char {
+ use alloc::vec::Vec;
+ use crate::{
+ hybrid::dfa::{Cache, DFA},
+ nfa::thompson::NFA,
+ util::{lazy::Lazy, pool::Pool, primitives::StateID},
+ Anchored, Input,
+ };
+ pub(super) fn check() -> Result<(), super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn fwd(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ mut at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ static WORD: Lazy<DFA> = Lazy::new(|| DFA::new(r"\w").unwrap());
+ static CACHE: Lazy<Pool<Cache>> =
+ Lazy::new(|| Pool::new(|| WORD.create_cache()));
+ let dfa = Lazy::get(&WORD);
+ let mut cache = Lazy::get(&CACHE).get();
+ let mut sid = dfa
+ .start_state_forward(
+ &mut cache,
+ &Input::new("").anchored(Anchored::Yes),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ while at < haystack.len() {
+ let byte = haystack[at];
+ sid = dfa.next_state(&mut cache, sid, byte).unwrap();
+ at += 1;
+ if sid.is_tagged() {
+ if sid.is_match() {
+ return Ok(true);
+ } else if sid.is_dead() {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(dfa.next_eoi_state(&mut cache, sid).unwrap().is_match())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn rev(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ mut at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ static WORD: Lazy<DFA> = Lazy::new(|| {
+ DFA::builder()
+ .thompson(NFA::config().reverse(true))
+ .build(r"\w")
+ .unwrap()
+ });
+ static CACHE: Lazy<Pool<Cache>> =
+ Lazy::new(|| Pool::new(|| WORD.create_cache()));
+ let dfa = Lazy::get(&WORD);
+ let mut cache = Lazy::get(&CACHE).get();
+ let mut sid = dfa
+ .start_state_reverse(
+ &mut cache,
+ &Input::new("").anchored(Anchored::Yes),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ while at > 0 {
+ at -= 1;
+ let byte = haystack[at];
+ sid = dfa.next_state(&mut cache, sid, byte).unwrap();
+ if sid.is_tagged() {
+ if sid.is_match() {
+ return Ok(true);
+ } else if sid.is_dead() {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(dfa.next_eoi_state(&mut cache, sid).unwrap().is_match())
+ }
+/// A module that looks for word codepoints using fully compiled DFAs.
+ feature = "unicode-word-boundary",
+ feature = "syntax",
+ feature = "unicode-perl",
+ feature = "dfa-build"
+mod is_word_char {
+ use alloc::vec::Vec;
+ use crate::{
+ dfa::{dense::DFA, Automaton, StartKind},
+ nfa::thompson::NFA,
+ util::{lazy::Lazy, primitives::StateID},
+ Anchored, Input,
+ };
+ pub(super) fn check() -> Result<(), super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn fwd(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ mut at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ static WORD: Lazy<(DFA<Vec<u32>>, StateID)> = Lazy::new(|| {
+ let dfa = DFA::builder()
+ .configure(DFA::config().start_kind(StartKind::Anchored))
+ .build(r"\w")
+ .unwrap();
+ // OK because our regex has no look-around.
+ let start_id = dfa.universal_start_state(Anchored::Yes).unwrap();
+ (dfa, start_id)
+ });
+ let &(ref dfa, mut sid) = Lazy::get(&WORD);
+ while at < haystack.len() {
+ let byte = haystack[at];
+ sid = dfa.next_state(sid, byte);
+ at += 1;
+ if dfa.is_special_state(sid) {
+ if dfa.is_match_state(sid) {
+ return Ok(true);
+ } else if dfa.is_dead_state(sid) {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(dfa.is_match_state(dfa.next_eoi_state(sid)))
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn rev(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ mut at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ static WORD: Lazy<(DFA<Vec<u32>>, StateID)> = Lazy::new(|| {
+ let dfa = DFA::builder()
+ .configure(DFA::config().start_kind(StartKind::Anchored))
+ // From ad hoc measurements, it looks like setting
+ // shrink==false is slightly faster than shrink==true. I kind
+ // of feel like this indicates that shrinking is probably a
+ // failure, although it can help in some cases. Sigh.
+ .thompson(NFA::config().reverse(true).shrink(false))
+ .build(r"\w")
+ .unwrap();
+ // OK because our regex has no look-around.
+ let start_id = dfa.universal_start_state(Anchored::Yes).unwrap();
+ (dfa, start_id)
+ });
+ let &(ref dfa, mut sid) = Lazy::get(&WORD);
+ while at > 0 {
+ at -= 1;
+ let byte = haystack[at];
+ sid = dfa.next_state(sid, byte);
+ if dfa.is_special_state(sid) {
+ if dfa.is_match_state(sid) {
+ return Ok(true);
+ } else if dfa.is_dead_state(sid) {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(dfa.is_match_state(dfa.next_eoi_state(sid)))
+ }
+/// A module that looks for word codepoints using regex-syntax's data tables.
+ feature = "unicode-word-boundary",
+ feature = "syntax",
+ feature = "unicode-perl",
+mod is_word_char {
+ use regex_syntax::try_is_word_character;
+ use crate::util::utf8;
+ pub(super) fn check() -> Result<(), super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn fwd(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(match utf8::decode(&haystack[at..]) {
+ None | Some(Err(_)) => false,
+ Some(Ok(ch)) => try_is_word_character(ch).expect(
+ "since unicode-word-boundary, syntax and unicode-perl \
+ are all enabled, it is expected that \
+ try_is_word_character succeeds",
+ ),
+ })
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn rev(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(match utf8::decode_last(&haystack[]) {
+ None | Some(Err(_)) => false,
+ Some(Ok(ch)) => try_is_word_character(ch).expect(
+ "since unicode-word-boundary, syntax and unicode-perl \
+ are all enabled, it is expected that \
+ try_is_word_character succeeds",
+ ),
+ })
+ }
+/// A module that looks for word codepoints using regex-automata's data tables
+/// (which are only compiled when regex-syntax's tables aren't available).
+/// Note that the cfg should match the one in src/util/unicode_data/ for
+/// perl_word.
+ feature = "unicode-word-boundary",
+ not(all(feature = "syntax", feature = "unicode-perl")),
+mod is_word_char {
+ use crate::util::utf8;
+ pub(super) fn check() -> Result<(), super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn fwd(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(match utf8::decode(&haystack[at..]) {
+ None | Some(Err(_)) => false,
+ Some(Ok(ch)) => is_word_character(ch),
+ })
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn rev(
+ haystack: &[u8],
+ at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Ok(match utf8::decode_last(&haystack[]) {
+ None | Some(Err(_)) => false,
+ Some(Ok(ch)) => is_word_character(ch),
+ })
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ fn is_word_character(c: char) -> bool {
+ use crate::util::{unicode_data::perl_word::PERL_WORD, utf8};
+ // MSRV(1.59): Use 'u8::try_from(c)' instead.
+ if u8::try_from(u32::from(c)).map_or(false, utf8::is_word_byte) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ .binary_search_by(|&(start, end)| {
+ use core::cmp::Ordering;
+ if start <= c && c <= end {
+ Ordering::Equal
+ } else if start > c {
+ Ordering::Greater
+ } else {
+ Ordering::Less
+ }
+ })
+ .is_ok()
+ }
+/// A module that always returns an error if Unicode word boundaries are
+/// disabled. When this feature is disabled, then regex-automata will not
+/// include its own data tables even if regex-syntax is disabled.
+#[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-word-boundary"))]
+mod is_word_char {
+ pub(super) fn check() -> Result<(), super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Err(super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError::new())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn fwd(
+ _bytes: &[u8],
+ _at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Err(super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError::new())
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
+ pub(super) fn rev(
+ _bytes: &[u8],
+ _at: usize,
+ ) -> Result<bool, super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError> {
+ Err(super::UnicodeWordBoundaryError::new())
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ macro_rules! testlook {
+ ($look:expr, $haystack:expr, $at:expr) => {
+ LookMatcher::default().matches($look, $haystack.as_bytes(), $at)
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_matches_start_line() {
+ let look = Look::StartLF;
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\n", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\n", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\na", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 1));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_matches_end_line() {
+ let look = Look::EndLF;
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\n", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\na", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\na", 2));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a\na", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "\na", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_matches_start_text() {
+ let look = Look::Start;
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\n", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "\n", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "\na", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 1));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_matches_end_text() {
+ let look = Look::End;
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\n", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "\na", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "\na", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "\na", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a\na", 2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(all(not(miri), feature = "unicode-word-boundary"))]
+ fn look_matches_word_unicode() {
+ let look = Look::WordUnicode;
+ // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
+ // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
+ // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a ", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 2));
+ // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 4));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 4));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 5));
+ // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 4));
+ // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "ab", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a ", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃b", 4));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 5));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 6));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 3));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 5));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 6));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 7));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 8));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_matches_word_ascii() {
+ let look = Look::WordAscii;
+ // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
+ // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
+ // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a ", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 2));
+ // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint. Since this is
+ // an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 4));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 4));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 5));
+ // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints. Again, since
+ // this is an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 4));
+ // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "ab", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a ", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃b", 4));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 5));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 6));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 3));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 5));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 6));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 7));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 8));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(all(not(miri), feature = "unicode-word-boundary"))]
+ fn look_matches_word_unicode_negate() {
+ let look = Look::WordUnicodeNegate;
+ // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
+ // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
+ // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a ", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 2));
+ // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 4));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 4));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 5));
+ // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 4));
+ // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "ab", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a ", 2));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃b", 4));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 5));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 6));
+ // These don't match because they could otherwise return an offset that
+ // splits the UTF-8 encoding of a codepoint.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints. These also don't
+ // match because they could otherwise return an offset that splits the
+ // UTF-8 encoding of a codepoint.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 2));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 3));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 5));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 6));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 7));
+ // But this one does, since 𐆀 isn't a word codepoint, and 8 is the end
+ // of the haystack. So the "end" of the haystack isn't a word and 𐆀
+ // isn't a word, thus, \B matches.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 8));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_matches_word_ascii_negate() {
+ let look = Look::WordAsciiNegate;
+ // \xF0\x9D\x9B\x83 = 𝛃 (in \w)
+ // \xF0\x90\x86\x80 = 𐆀 (not in \w)
+ // Simple ASCII word boundaries.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 0));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "a ", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 1));
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, " a ", 2));
+ // Unicode word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint. Since this is
+ // an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 4));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 4));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 5));
+ // Unicode word boundaries between non-ASCII codepoints. Again, since
+ // this is an ASCII word boundary, none of these match.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 4));
+ // Non word boundaries for ASCII.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "ab", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "a ", 2));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " a ", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with a non-ASCII codepoint.
+ assert!(!testlook!(look, "𝛃b", 4));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃 ", 5));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 0));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, " 𝛃 ", 6));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 2));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃", 3));
+ // Non word boundaries with non-ASCII codepoints.
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 1));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 2));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 3));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 5));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 6));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 7));
+ assert!(testlook!(look, "𝛃𐆀", 8));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_set() {
+ let mut f = LookSet::default();
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::Start));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::End));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartLF));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndLF));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordUnicode));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordUnicodeNegate));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordAscii));
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordAsciiNegate));
+ f = f.insert(Look::Start);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::Start));
+ f = f.remove(Look::Start);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::Start));
+ f = f.insert(Look::End);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::End));
+ f = f.remove(Look::End);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::End));
+ f = f.insert(Look::StartLF);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::StartLF));
+ f = f.remove(Look::StartLF);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartLF));
+ f = f.insert(Look::EndLF);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::EndLF));
+ f = f.remove(Look::EndLF);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndLF));
+ f = f.insert(Look::StartCRLF);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::StartCRLF));
+ f = f.remove(Look::StartCRLF);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::StartCRLF));
+ f = f.insert(Look::EndCRLF);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::EndCRLF));
+ f = f.remove(Look::EndCRLF);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::EndCRLF));
+ f = f.insert(Look::WordUnicode);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::WordUnicode));
+ f = f.remove(Look::WordUnicode);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordUnicode));
+ f = f.insert(Look::WordUnicodeNegate);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::WordUnicodeNegate));
+ f = f.remove(Look::WordUnicodeNegate);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordUnicodeNegate));
+ f = f.insert(Look::WordAscii);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::WordAscii));
+ f = f.remove(Look::WordAscii);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordAscii));
+ f = f.insert(Look::WordAsciiNegate);
+ assert!(f.contains(Look::WordAsciiNegate));
+ f = f.remove(Look::WordAsciiNegate);
+ assert!(!f.contains(Look::WordAsciiNegate));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn look_set_iter() {
+ let set = LookSet::empty();
+ assert_eq!(0, set.iter().count());
+ let set = LookSet::full();
+ assert_eq!(10, set.iter().count());
+ let set =
+ LookSet::empty().insert(Look::StartLF).insert(Look::WordUnicode);
+ assert_eq!(2, set.iter().count());
+ let set = LookSet::empty().insert(Look::StartLF);
+ assert_eq!(1, set.iter().count());
+ let set = LookSet::empty().insert(Look::WordAsciiNegate);
+ assert_eq!(1, set.iter().count());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ fn look_set_debug() {
+ let res = alloc::format!("{:?}", LookSet::empty());
+ assert_eq!("∅", res);
+ let res = alloc::format!("{:?}", LookSet::full());
+ assert_eq!("Az^$rRbB𝛃𝚩", res);
+ }