path: root/vendor/rustix/src/backend/linux_raw/param/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/rustix/src/backend/linux_raw/param/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/rustix/src/backend/linux_raw/param/ b/vendor/rustix/src/backend/linux_raw/param/
deleted file mode 100644
index f45a25faf..000000000
--- a/vendor/rustix/src/backend/linux_raw/param/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-//! Linux auxv support, for Mustang.
-//! # Safety
-//! This uses raw pointers to locate and read the kernel-provided auxv array.
-use crate::backend::c;
-use crate::backend::elf::*;
-#[cfg(feature = "param")]
-use crate::ffi::CStr;
-use core::ffi::c_void;
-use core::mem::size_of;
-use core::ptr::{null, read};
-#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
-use core::slice;
-use linux_raw_sys::general::{
-#[cfg(feature = "param")]
-pub(crate) fn page_size() -> usize {
- // SAFETY: This is initialized during program startup.
- unsafe { PAGE_SIZE }
-#[cfg(feature = "param")]
-pub(crate) fn clock_ticks_per_second() -> u64 {
- // SAFETY: This is initialized during program startup.
- unsafe { CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND as u64 }
-#[cfg(feature = "param")]
-pub(crate) fn linux_hwcap() -> (usize, usize) {
- // SAFETY: This is initialized during program startup.
- unsafe { (HWCAP, HWCAP2) }
-#[cfg(feature = "param")]
-pub(crate) fn linux_execfn() -> &'static CStr {
- // SAFETY: This is initialized during program startup. And we
- // assume it's a valid pointer to a NUL-terminated string.
- unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(EXECFN.0.cast()) }
-#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
-pub(crate) fn exe_phdrs() -> (*const c_void, usize) {
- // SAFETY: This is initialized during program startup.
- unsafe { (PHDR.0.cast(), PHNUM) }
-#[cfg(feature = "runtime")]
-pub(in super::super) fn exe_phdrs_slice() -> &'static [Elf_Phdr] {
- let (phdr, phnum) = exe_phdrs();
- // SAFETY: We assume the `AT_PHDR` and `AT_PHNUM` values provided by the
- // kernel form a valid slice.
- unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(phdr.cast(), phnum) }
-/// `AT_SYSINFO_EHDR` isn't present on all platforms in all configurations,
-/// so if we don't see it, this function returns a null pointer.
-pub(in super::super) fn sysinfo_ehdr() -> *const Elf_Ehdr {
- // SAFETY: This is initialized during program startup.
- unsafe { SYSINFO_EHDR.0 }
-/// A const pointer to `T` that implements [`Sync`].
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct SyncConstPtr<T>(*const T);
-unsafe impl<T> Sync for SyncConstPtr<T> {}
-impl<T> SyncConstPtr<T> {
- /// Creates a `SyncConstPointer` from a raw pointer.
- ///
- /// Behavior is undefined if `ptr` is actually not
- /// safe to share across threads.
- pub const unsafe fn new(ptr: *const T) -> Self {
- Self(ptr)
- }
-static mut PAGE_SIZE: usize = 0;
-static mut CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND: usize = 0;
-static mut HWCAP: usize = 0;
-static mut HWCAP2: usize = 0;
-static mut SYSINFO_EHDR: SyncConstPtr<Elf_Ehdr> = unsafe { SyncConstPtr::new(null()) };
-static mut PHDR: SyncConstPtr<Elf_Phdr> = unsafe { SyncConstPtr::new(null()) };
-static mut PHNUM: usize = 0;
-static mut EXECFN: SyncConstPtr<c::c_char> = unsafe { SyncConstPtr::new(null()) };
-/// On mustang, we export a function to be called during initialization, and
-/// passed a pointer to the original environment variable block set up by the
-/// OS.
-pub(crate) unsafe fn init(envp: *mut *mut u8) {
- init_from_envp(envp);
-/// # Safety
-/// This must be passed a pointer to the environment variable buffer
-/// provided by the kernel, which is followed in memory by the auxv array.
-unsafe fn init_from_envp(mut envp: *mut *mut u8) {
- while !(*envp).is_null() {
- envp = envp.add(1);
- }
- init_from_auxp(envp.add(1).cast())
-/// Process auxv entries from the auxv array pointed to by `auxp`.
-/// # Safety
-/// This must be passed a pointer to an auxv array.
-/// The buffer contains `Elf_aux_t` elements, though it need not be aligned;
-/// function uses `read_unaligned` to read from it.
-unsafe fn init_from_auxp(mut auxp: *const Elf_auxv_t) {
- loop {
- let Elf_auxv_t { a_type, a_val } = read(auxp);
- match a_type as _ {
- AT_PAGESZ => PAGE_SIZE = a_val as usize,
- AT_CLKTCK => CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = a_val as usize,
- AT_HWCAP => HWCAP = a_val as usize,
- AT_HWCAP2 => HWCAP2 = a_val as usize,
- AT_PHDR => PHDR = SyncConstPtr::new(a_val.cast::<Elf_Phdr>()),
- AT_PHNUM => PHNUM = a_val as usize,
- AT_PHENT => assert_eq!(a_val as usize, size_of::<Elf_Phdr>()),
- AT_EXECFN => EXECFN = SyncConstPtr::new(a_val.cast::<c::c_char>()),
- AT_SYSINFO_EHDR => SYSINFO_EHDR = SyncConstPtr::new(a_val.cast::<Elf_Ehdr>()),
- AT_NULL => break,
- _ => (),
- }
- auxp = auxp.add(1);
- }
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-struct Elf_auxv_t {
- a_type: usize,
- // Some of the values in the auxv array are pointers, so we make `a_val` a
- // pointer, in order to preserve their provenance. For the values which are
- // integers, we cast this to `usize`.
- a_val: *const c_void,