path: root/vendor/varisat-formula/src
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4 files changed, 836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/varisat-formula/src/ b/vendor/varisat-formula/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab8cfbf78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/varisat-formula/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+//! CNF formulas.
+use std::{cmp::max, fmt, ops::Range};
+use crate::lit::{Lit, Var};
+/// A formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF).
+/// Equivalent to Vec<Vec<Lit>> but more efficient as it uses a single buffer for all literals.
+#[derive(Default, Eq)]
+pub struct CnfFormula {
+ var_count: usize,
+ literals: Vec<Lit>,
+ clause_ranges: Vec<Range<usize>>,
+impl CnfFormula {
+ /// Create an empty CNF formula.
+ pub fn new() -> CnfFormula {
+ CnfFormula::default()
+ }
+ /// Number of variables in the formula.
+ ///
+ /// This also counts missing variables if a variable with a higher index is present.
+ /// A vector of this length can be indexed with the variable indices present.
+ pub fn var_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.var_count
+ }
+ /// Increase the number of variables in the formula.
+ ///
+ /// If the parameter is less than the current variable count do nothing.
+ pub fn set_var_count(&mut self, count: usize) {
+ self.var_count = max(self.var_count, count)
+ }
+ /// Number of clauses in the formula.
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.clause_ranges.len()
+ }
+ /// Whether the set of clauses is empty.
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.clause_ranges.is_empty()
+ }
+ /// Iterator over all clauses.
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[Lit]> {
+ let literals = &self.literals;
+ self.clause_ranges
+ .iter()
+ .map(move |range| &literals[range.clone()])
+ }
+/// Convert an iterable of [`Lit`] slices into a CnfFormula
+impl<Clauses, Item> From<Clauses> for CnfFormula
+ Clauses: IntoIterator<Item = Item>,
+ Item: std::borrow::Borrow<[Lit]>,
+ fn from(clauses: Clauses) -> CnfFormula {
+ let mut cnf_formula = CnfFormula::new();
+ for clause in clauses {
+ cnf_formula.add_clause(clause.borrow());
+ }
+ cnf_formula
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for CnfFormula {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.var_count(), f)?;
+ f.debug_list().entries(self.iter()).finish()
+ }
+impl PartialEq for CnfFormula {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &CnfFormula) -> bool {
+ self.var_count() == other.var_count()
+ && self.clause_ranges.len() == other.clause_ranges.len()
+ && self
+ .clause_ranges
+ .iter()
+ .zip(other.clause_ranges.iter())
+ .all(|(range_a, range_b)| {
+ self.literals[range_a.clone()] == other.literals[range_b.clone()]
+ })
+ }
+/// Extend a formula with new variables and clauses.
+pub trait ExtendFormula: Sized {
+ /// Appends a clause to the formula.
+ fn add_clause(&mut self, literals: &[Lit]);
+ /// Add a new variable to the formula and return it.
+ fn new_var(&mut self) -> Var;
+ /// Add a new variable to the formula and return it as positive literal.
+ fn new_lit(&mut self) -> Lit {
+ self.new_var().positive()
+ }
+ /// Iterator over multiple new variables.
+ fn new_var_iter(&mut self, count: usize) -> NewVarIter<Self> {
+ NewVarIter {
+ formula: self,
+ vars_left: count,
+ phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Iterator over multiple new literals.
+ fn new_lit_iter(&mut self, count: usize) -> NewVarIter<Self, Lit> {
+ NewVarIter {
+ formula: self,
+ vars_left: count,
+ phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add multiple new variables and return them.
+ ///
+ /// Returns a uniform tuple of variables. The number of variables is inferred, so it can be used
+ /// like `let (x, y, z) = formula.new_vars()`.
+ fn new_vars<Vars: UniformTuple<Var>>(&mut self) -> Vars {
+ Vars::tuple_from_iter(self.new_var_iter(Vars::tuple_len()))
+ }
+ /// Add multiple new variables and return them as positive literals.
+ ///
+ /// Returns a uniform tuple of variables. The number of variables is inferred, so it can be used
+ /// like `let (x, y, z) = formula.new_lits()`.
+ fn new_lits<Lits: UniformTuple<Lit>>(&mut self) -> Lits {
+ Lits::tuple_from_iter(self.new_lit_iter(Lits::tuple_len()))
+ }
+/// Iterator over new variables or literals.
+/// Created by the [`new_var_iter`][ExtendFormula::new_var_iter] and
+/// [`new_lit_iter`][ExtendFormula::new_lit_iter] methods of [`ExtendFormula`].
+pub struct NewVarIter<'a, F, V = Var> {
+ formula: &'a mut F,
+ vars_left: usize,
+ phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<V>,
+impl<'a, F, V> Iterator for NewVarIter<'a, F, V>
+ F: ExtendFormula,
+ V: From<Var>,
+ type Item = V;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<V> {
+ if self.vars_left == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let var = self.formula.new_var();
+ self.vars_left -= 1;
+ Some(V::from(var))
+ }
+ }
+impl ExtendFormula for CnfFormula {
+ fn add_clause(&mut self, clause: &[Lit]) {
+ let begin = self.literals.len();
+ self.literals.extend_from_slice(clause);
+ let end = self.literals.len();
+ for &lit in self.literals[begin..end].iter() {
+ self.var_count = max(lit.index() + 1, self.var_count);
+ }
+ self.clause_ranges.push(begin..end);
+ }
+ fn new_var(&mut self) -> Var {
+ let var = Var::from_index(self.var_count);
+ self.var_count += 1;
+ var
+ }
+/// Helper trait to initialize multiple variables of the same type.
+pub trait UniformTuple<Item> {
+ fn tuple_len() -> usize;
+ fn tuple_from_iter(items: impl Iterator<Item = Item>) -> Self;
+macro_rules! ignore_first {
+ ($a:tt, $b:tt) => {
+ $b
+ };
+macro_rules! array_like_impl {
+ ($count:expr, $($call:tt)*) => {
+ impl<Item> UniformTuple<Item> for ($(ignore_first!($call, Item)),*) {
+ fn tuple_len() -> usize { $count }
+ fn tuple_from_iter(mut items: impl Iterator<Item = Item>) -> Self {
+ ($( $call),*)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! array_like_impl_4 {
+ ($count:expr, $($call:tt)*) => {
+ array_like_impl!($count * 4 + 2, $(()()()$call)* ()());
+ array_like_impl!($count * 4 + 3, $(()()()$call)* ()()());
+ array_like_impl!($count * 4 + 4, $(()()()$call)* ()()()());
+ array_like_impl!($count * 4 + 5, $(()()()$call)* ()()()()());
+ }
+array_like_impl_4!(1, ());
+array_like_impl_4!(2, ()());
+array_like_impl_4!(3, ()()());
+array_like_impl_4!(4, ()()()());
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-strategies"))]
+pub mod strategy {
+ use super::*;
+ use proptest::{collection::SizeRange, prelude::*, *};
+ use crate::lit::strategy::lit;
+ pub fn vec_formula(
+ vars: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+ clauses: impl Into<SizeRange>,
+ clause_len: impl Into<SizeRange>,
+ ) -> impl Strategy<Value = Vec<Vec<Lit>>> {
+ let clauses = clauses.into();
+ let clause_len = clause_len.into();
+ // Not using ind_flat_map makes shrinking too expensive
+ vars.prop_ind_flat_map(move |vars| {
+ collection::vec(
+ collection::vec(lit(0..vars), clause_len.clone()),
+ clauses.clone(),
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn cnf_formula(
+ vars: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+ clauses: impl Into<SizeRange>,
+ clause_len: impl Into<SizeRange>,
+ ) -> impl Strategy<Value = CnfFormula> {
+ let clauses = clauses.into();
+ let clause_len = clause_len.into();
+ let clause_lens = collection::vec(collection::vec(Just(()), clause_len), clauses);
+ (vars, clause_lens).prop_flat_map(move |(vars, clause_lens)| {
+ let total_lits: usize = clause_lens.iter().map(|l| l.len()).sum();
+ collection::vec(lit(0..vars), total_lits)
+ .prop_map(move |literals| {
+ let mut clause_ranges = Vec::with_capacity(clause_lens.len());
+ let mut offset = 0;
+ for len in clause_lens.iter() {
+ clause_ranges.push(offset..offset + len.len());
+ offset += len.len();
+ }
+ CnfFormula {
+ var_count: vars,
+ literals,
+ clause_ranges,
+ }
+ })
+ .no_shrink() // Shrinking too expensive without this
+ })
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::{strategy::*, *};
+ use proptest::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn new_vars() {
+ let mut formula = CnfFormula::new();
+ let (x, y, z) = formula.new_vars();
+ assert_ne!(x, y);
+ assert_ne!(y, z);
+ assert_ne!(x, y);
+ assert_eq!(formula.var_count(), 3);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn simple_roundtrip() {
+ let input = cnf![
+ 1, 2, 3;
+ -1, -2;
+ 7, 2;
+ ;
+ 4, 5;
+ ];
+ let formula = CnfFormula::from(input.iter().cloned());
+ for (clause, &ref_clause) in formula.iter().zip(input.iter()) {
+ assert_eq!(clause, ref_clause);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(formula.var_count(), 7);
+ }
+ proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn roundtrip_from_vec(input in vec_formula(1..200usize, 0..1000, 0..10)) {
+ let formula = CnfFormula::from(input.clone());
+ for (clause, ref_clause) in formula.iter().zip(input.iter()) {
+ prop_assert_eq!(clause, &ref_clause[..]);
+ }
+ let var_count = input
+ .iter()
+ .flat_map(|clause| clause.iter().map(|lit| lit.index() + 1))
+ .max()
+ .unwrap_or(0);
+ prop_assert_eq!(formula.var_count(), var_count);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn roundtrip_from_cnf(input in cnf_formula(1..100usize, 0..1000, 0..10)) {
+ let roundtrip = CnfFormula::from(input.iter());
+ for (clause_a, clause_b) in input.iter().zip(roundtrip.iter()) {
+ prop_assert_eq!(clause_a, clause_b);
+ }
+ prop_assert!(roundtrip.var_count() <= input.var_count());
+ if roundtrip.var_count() == input.var_count() {
+ prop_assert_eq!(roundtrip, input);
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e51502ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/varisat-formula/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+//! Basic formula data types used by the Varisat SAT solver.
+/// Shortcut for tests
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+macro_rules! lit {
+ ($x:expr) => {
+ $crate::lit::Lit::from_dimacs($x)
+ };
+/// Shortcut for tests
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+macro_rules! var {
+ ($x:expr) => {
+ $crate::lit::Var::from_dimacs($x)
+ };
+/// Shortcut for tests
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+macro_rules! lits {
+ ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { [ $( $crate::lit!( $x ) ),* ] };
+ ( $( $x:expr ),* , ) => { $crate::lits! [ $( $ x),* ] };
+/// Shortcut for tests
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+macro_rules! vars {
+ ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { [ $( $crate::var!( $x ) ),* ] };
+ ( $( $x:expr ),* , ) => { $crate::vars! [ $( $ x),* ] };
+/// Shortcut for tests
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+macro_rules! cnf {
+ ( $( $( $x:expr ),* );* ; ) => { [ $( &[ $( $crate::lit!( $x ) ),* ] as &[$crate::Lit] ),* ] };
+/// Shortcut for tests
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+macro_rules! cnf_formula {
+ ( $( $t:tt )* ) => { $crate::cnf::CnfFormula::from($crate::cnf![ $($t)* ].iter().cloned()) };
+pub mod cnf;
+pub mod lit;
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "internal-testing"))]
+pub mod test;
+pub use cnf::{CnfFormula, ExtendFormula};
+pub use lit::{Lit, Var};
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index 000000000..15ed5a629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/varisat-formula/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+//! Literals and variables.
+use std::{fmt, ops};
+/// The backing type used to represent literals and variables.
+pub type LitIdx = u32;
+/// A boolean variable.
+/// A boolean value is represented by an index. Internally these are 0-based, i.e. the first
+/// variable has the index 0. For user IO a 1-based index is used, to allow denoting negated
+/// variables using negative integers. This convention is also used in the DIMACS CNF format.
+/// Creating a variable with an index larger than `Var::max_var().index()` is unsupported. This
+/// might panic or be interpreted as a different variable.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+pub struct Var {
+ index: LitIdx,
+impl Var {
+ /// Creates a variable from a 1-based index as used in the DIMCAS CNF encoding.
+ ///
+ /// The parameter must be positive and may not represent a variable past `Var::max_var()`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_dimacs(number: isize) -> Var {
+ debug_assert!(number > 0);
+ Var::from_index((number - 1) as usize)
+ }
+ /// Creates a variable from a 0-based index.
+ ///
+ /// The index may not represent a variable past `Var::max_var()`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_index(index: usize) -> Var {
+ debug_assert!(index <= Var::max_var().index());
+ Var {
+ index: index as LitIdx,
+ }
+ }
+ /// The 1-based index representing this variable in the DIMACS CNF encoding.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_dimacs(self) -> isize {
+ (self.index + 1) as isize
+ }
+ /// The 0-based index representing this variable.
+ #[inline]
+ pub const fn index(self) -> usize {
+ self.index as usize
+ }
+ /// The variable with largest index that is supported.
+ ///
+ /// This is less than the backing integer type supports. This enables storing a variable index
+ /// and additional bits (as in `Lit`) or sentinel values in a single word.
+ pub const fn max_var() -> Var {
+ // Allow for sign or tag bits
+ Var {
+ index: LitIdx::max_value() >> 4,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Largest number of variables supported.
+ ///
+ /// This is exactly `Var::max_var().index() + 1`.
+ pub const fn max_count() -> usize {
+ Self::max_var().index() + 1
+ }
+ /// Creates a literal from this var and a `bool` that is `true` when the literal is positive.
+ ///
+ /// Shortcut for `Lit::from_var(var, polarity)`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn lit(self, polarity: bool) -> Lit {
+ Lit::from_var(self, polarity)
+ }
+ /// Creates a positive literal from this var.
+ ///
+ /// Shortcut for `Lit::positive(var)`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn positive(self) -> Lit {
+ Lit::positive(self)
+ }
+ /// Creates a negative literal from this var.
+ ///
+ /// Shortcut for `Lit::negative(var)`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn negative(self) -> Lit {
+ Lit::negative(self)
+ }
+/// Uses the 1-based DIMACS CNF encoding.
+impl fmt::Debug for Var {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}", self.to_dimacs())
+ }
+/// Uses the 1-based DIMACS CNF encoding.
+impl fmt::Display for Var {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)
+ }
+/// A boolean literal.
+/// A literal is a variable or the negation of a variable.
+/// Conceptually a literal consists of a `Var` and a `bool` indicating whether the literal
+/// represents the variable (positive literal) or its negation (negative literal).
+/// Internally a literal is represented as an integer that is two times the index of its variable
+/// when it is positive or one more when it is negative. This integer is called the `code` of the
+/// literal.
+/// The restriction on the range of allowed indices for `Var` also applies to `Lit`.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
+pub struct Lit {
+ code: LitIdx,
+impl Lit {
+ /// Creates a literal from a `Var` and a `bool` that is `true` when the literal is positive.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_var(var: Var, polarity: bool) -> Lit {
+ Lit::from_litidx(var.index, polarity)
+ }
+ /// Create a positive literal from a `Var`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn positive(var: Var) -> Lit {
+ Lit::from_var(var, true)
+ }
+ /// Create a negative literal from a `Var`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn negative(var: Var) -> Lit {
+ Lit::from_var(var, false)
+ }
+ /// Create a literal from a variable index and a `bool` that is `true` when the literal is
+ /// positive.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_index(index: usize, polarity: bool) -> Lit {
+ Lit::from_var(Var::from_index(index), polarity)
+ }
+ /// Create a literal with the given encoding.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_code(code: usize) -> Lit {
+ debug_assert!(code <= Var::max_var().index() * 2 + 1);
+ Lit {
+ code: code as LitIdx,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_litidx(index: LitIdx, polarity: bool) -> Lit {
+ debug_assert!(index <= Var::max_var().index);
+ Lit {
+ code: (index << 1) | (!polarity as LitIdx),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates a literal from an integer.
+ ///
+ /// The absolute value is used as 1-based index, the sign of
+ /// the integer is used as sign of the literal.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_dimacs(number: isize) -> Lit {
+ Lit::from_var(Var::from_dimacs(number.abs()), number > 0)
+ }
+ /// 1-based Integer representation of the literal, opposite of `from_dimacs`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_dimacs(self) -> isize {
+ let mut number = self.var().to_dimacs();
+ if self.is_negative() {
+ number = -number
+ }
+ number
+ }
+ /// 0-based index of the literal's _variable_.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn index(self) -> usize {
+ (self.code >> 1) as usize
+ }
+ /// The literal's variable.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn var(self) -> Var {
+ Var {
+ index: self.code >> 1,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Whether the literal is negative, i.e. a negated variable.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_negative(self) -> bool {
+ (self.code & 1) != 0
+ }
+ /// Whether the literal is positive, i.e. a non-negated variable.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_positive(self) -> bool {
+ !self.is_negative()
+ }
+ /// Two times the variable's index for positive literals and one more for negative literals.
+ ///
+ /// This is also the internal encoding.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn code(self) -> usize {
+ self.code as usize
+ }
+ /// Apply a function to the variable of the literal, without changing the polarity.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn map_var(self, f: impl FnOnce(Var) -> Var) -> Lit {
+ f(self.var()).lit(self.is_positive())
+ }
+impl ops::Not for Lit {
+ type Output = Lit;
+ #[inline]
+ fn not(self) -> Lit {
+ Lit {
+ code: self.code ^ 1,
+ }
+ }
+impl ops::BitXor<bool> for Lit {
+ type Output = Lit;
+ #[inline]
+ fn bitxor(self, rhs: bool) -> Lit {
+ Lit {
+ code: self.code ^ (rhs as LitIdx),
+ }
+ }
+impl From<Var> for Lit {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(var: Var) -> Lit {
+ Lit::positive(var)
+ }
+/// Uses the 1-based DIMACS CNF encoding.
+impl fmt::Debug for Lit {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}", self.to_dimacs())
+ }
+/// Uses the 1-based DIMACS CNF encoding.
+impl fmt::Display for Lit {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)
+ }
+#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-strategies"))]
+pub mod strategy {
+ use super::*;
+ use proptest::{prelude::*, *};
+ pub fn var(index: impl Strategy<Value = usize>) -> impl Strategy<Value = Var> {
+ index.prop_map(Var::from_index)
+ }
+ pub fn lit(index: impl Strategy<Value = usize>) -> impl Strategy<Value = Lit> {
+ (var(index), bool::ANY).prop_map(|(var, polarity)| var.lit(polarity))
+ }
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index 000000000..22562d0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/varisat-formula/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+use proptest::{prelude::*, *};
+use rand::{distributions::Bernoulli, seq::SliceRandom};
+use crate::{cnf::CnfFormula, lit::Lit};
+/// Generate small hard unsat instances.
+/// Implementation of but with random partitions
+pub fn sgen_unsat_formula(
+ blocks: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+) -> impl Strategy<Value = CnfFormula> {
+ blocks.prop_flat_map(|blocks| {
+ collection::vec(bool::ANY, blocks * 4 + 1).prop_perturb(|polarity, mut rng| {
+ let mut clauses: Vec<Vec<Lit>> = vec![];
+ let mut lits = polarity
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, polarity)| Lit::from_index(index, polarity))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ for &invert in [false, true].iter() {
+ lits.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ for block in lits.chunks_exact(4) {
+ for a in 0..4 {
+ for b in 0..a {
+ for c in 0..b {
+ let mut clause =
+ vec![block[a] ^ invert, block[b] ^ invert, block[c] ^ invert];
+ clause.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ clauses.push(clause);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let &lit_a = lits.last().unwrap();
+ for b in 0..4 {
+ for c in 0..b {
+ let mut clause = vec![lit_a ^ invert, lits[b] ^ invert, lits[c] ^ invert];
+ clause.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ clauses.push(clause);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clauses.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ CnfFormula::from(clauses)
+ })
+ })
+/// Generate a sat instance.
+/// This generates a random full assignment and then only generates clauses compatible with that
+/// assignment.
+pub fn sat_formula(
+ vars: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+ clause_count: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+ density: impl Strategy<Value = f64>,
+ polarity_dist: impl Strategy<Value = f64>,
+) -> impl Strategy<Value = CnfFormula> {
+ (vars, clause_count, density, polarity_dist).prop_flat_map(
+ |(vars, clause_count, density, polarity_dist)| {
+ let density = Bernoulli::new(density).unwrap();
+ let polarity_dist = Bernoulli::new(polarity_dist).unwrap();
+ collection::vec(bool::ANY, vars).prop_perturb(move |polarity, mut rng| {
+ let mut clauses: Vec<Vec<Lit>> = vec![];
+ let lits = polarity
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, polarity)| Lit::from_index(index, polarity))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ for _ in 0..clause_count {
+ let &fixed_lit = lits.choose(&mut rng).unwrap();
+ let mut clause = vec![fixed_lit];
+ for &lit in lits.iter() {
+ if lit != fixed_lit && rng.sample(density) {
+ clause.push(lit ^ rng.sample(polarity_dist));
+ }
+ }
+ clause.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ clauses.push(clause);
+ }
+ clauses.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ CnfFormula::from(clauses)
+ })
+ },
+ )
+/// Generates a conditional pigeon hole principle formula.
+pub fn conditional_pigeon_hole(
+ columns: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+ extra_rows: impl Strategy<Value = usize>,
+) -> impl Strategy<Value = (Vec<Lit>, usize, CnfFormula)> {
+ (columns, extra_rows).prop_flat_map(|(columns, extra_rows)| {
+ let rows = columns + extra_rows;
+ let vars = (columns + 1) * rows;
+ collection::vec(bool::ANY, vars).prop_perturb(move |polarity, mut rng| {
+ let mut clauses: Vec<Vec<Lit>> = vec![];
+ let lits = polarity
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, polarity)| Lit::from_index(index, polarity))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ for i in 1..columns + 1 {
+ for j in 0..rows {
+ for k in 0..j {
+ let mut clause = [lits[i * rows + j], lits[i * rows + k]];
+ clause.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ clauses.push(clause[..].to_owned());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for j in 0..rows {
+ let mut clause: Vec<_> = (0..columns + 1).map(|i| !lits[i * rows + j]).collect();
+ clause.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ clauses.push(clause[..].to_owned());
+ }
+ clauses.shuffle(&mut rng);
+ (lits[0..rows].to_owned(), columns, CnfFormula::from(clauses))
+ })
+ })