path: root/vendor/zerovec/src/hashmap/
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1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/zerovec/src/hashmap/ b/vendor/zerovec/src/hashmap/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58ffc48f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/zerovec/src/hashmap/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
+// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
+// (online at: ).
+use alloc::vec;
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+use t1ha::T1haHasher;
+// Const seed to be used with [`T1haHasher::with_seed`].
+const SEED: u64 = 0xaabbccdd;
+/// Split the 64bit `hash` into (g, f0, f1).
+/// g denotes the highest 16bits of the hash modulo `m`, and is referred to as first level hash.
+/// (f0, f1) denotes the middle, and lower 24bits of the hash respectively.
+/// (f0, f1) are used to distribute the keys with same g, into distinct slots.
+/// # Arguments
+/// * `hash` - The hash to split.
+/// * `m` - The modulo used to split the hash.
+pub const fn split_hash64(hash: u64, m: usize) -> (usize, u32, u32) {
+ (
+ ((hash >> 48) as usize % m),
+ ((hash >> 24) as u32 & 0xffffff),
+ ((hash & 0xffffff) as u32),
+ )
+/// Compute hash using [`T1haHasher`].
+pub fn compute_hash<K: Hash + ?Sized>(key: &K) -> u64 {
+ let mut hasher = T1haHasher::with_seed(SEED);
+ key.hash(&mut hasher);
+ hasher.finish()
+/// Calculate the index using (f0, f1), (d0, d1) in modulo m.
+/// Returns [`None`] if d is (0, 0) or modulo is 0
+/// else returns the index computed using (f0 + f1 * d0 + d1) mod m.
+pub fn compute_index(f: (u32, u32), d: (u32, u32), m: u32) -> Option<usize> {
+ if d == (0, 0) || m == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some((f.1.wrapping_mul(d.0).wrapping_add(f.0).wrapping_add(d.1) % m) as usize)
+ }
+/// Compute displacements for the given `key_hashes`, which split the keys into distinct slots by a
+/// two-level hashing schema.
+/// Returns a tuple of where the first item is the displacement array and the second item is the
+/// reverse mapping used to permute keys, values into their slots.
+/// 1. Split the hashes into (g, f0, f1).
+/// 2. Bucket and sort the split hash on g in descending order.
+/// 3. In decreasing order of bucket size, try until a (d0, d1) is found that splits the keys
+/// in the bucket into distinct slots.
+/// 4. Mark the slots for current bucket as occupied and store the reverse mapping.
+/// 5. Repeat untill all the keys have been assigned distinct slots.
+/// # Arguments
+/// * `key_hashes` - [`ExactSizeIterator`] over the hashed key values
+#[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing, clippy::unwrap_used)]
+pub fn compute_displacements(
+ key_hashes: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = u64>,
+) -> (Vec<(u32, u32)>, Vec<usize>) {
+ let len = key_hashes.len();
+ // A vector to track the size of buckets for sorting.
+ let mut bucket_sizes = vec![0; len];
+ // A flattened representation of items in the buckets after applying first level hash function
+ let mut bucket_flatten = Vec::with_capacity(len);
+ // Compute initial displacement and bucket sizes
+ key_hashes.into_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, kh)| {
+ let h = split_hash64(kh, len);
+ bucket_sizes[h.0] += 1;
+ bucket_flatten.push((h, i))
+ });
+ // Sort by decreasing order of bucket_sizes.
+ bucket_flatten.sort_by(|&(ha, _), &(hb, _)| {
+ // ha.0, hb.0 are always within bounds of `bucket_sizes`
+ (bucket_sizes[hb.0], hb).cmp(&(bucket_sizes[ha.0], ha))
+ });
+ // Generation count while iterating buckets.
+ // Each trial of ((d0, d1), bucket chain) is a new generation.
+ // We use this to track which all slots are assigned for the current bucket chain.
+ let mut generation = 0;
+ // Whether a slot has been occupied by previous buckets with a different first level hash (different
+ // bucket chain).
+ let mut occupied = vec![false; len];
+ // Track generation count for the slots.
+ // A slot is empty if either it is unoccupied by the previous bucket chains and the
+ // assignment is not equal to generation.
+ let mut assignments = vec![0; len];
+ // Vec to store the displacements (saves us a recomputation of hash while assigning slots).
+ let mut current_displacements = Vec::with_capacity(16);
+ // (d0, d1) which splits the bucket into different slots
+ let mut displacements = vec![(0, 0); len];
+ // Vec to store mapping to the original order of keys.
+ // This is a permutation which will be applied to keys, values at the end.
+ let mut reverse_mapping = vec![0; len];
+ let mut start = 0;
+ while start < len {
+ // Bucket span with the same first level hash
+ // start is always within bounds of `bucket_flatten`
+ let g = bucket_flatten[start].0 .0;
+ // g is always within bounds of `bucket_sizes`
+ let end = start + bucket_sizes[g];
+ // start, end - 1 are always within bounds of `bucket_sizes`
+ let buckets = &bucket_flatten[start..end];
+ 'd0: for d0 in 0..len as u32 {
+ 'd1: for d1 in 0..len as u32 {
+ if (d0, d1) == (0, 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ current_displacements.clear();
+ generation += 1;
+ for ((_, f0, f1), _) in buckets {
+ let displacement_idx = compute_index((*f0, *f1), (d0, d1), len as u32).unwrap();
+ // displacement_idx is always within bounds
+ if occupied[displacement_idx] || assignments[displacement_idx] == generation {
+ continue 'd1;
+ }
+ assignments[displacement_idx] = generation;
+ current_displacements.push(displacement_idx);
+ }
+ // Successfully found a (d0, d1), store it as index g.
+ // g < displacements.len() due to modulo operation
+ displacements[g] = (d0, d1);
+ for (i, displacement_idx) in current_displacements.iter().enumerate() {
+ // `current_displacements` has same size as `buckets`
+ let (_, idx) = &buckets[i];
+ // displacement_idx is always within bounds
+ occupied[*displacement_idx] = true;
+ reverse_mapping[*displacement_idx] = *idx;
+ }
+ break 'd0;
+ }
+ }
+ start = end;
+ }
+ (displacements, reverse_mapping)