path: root/ctdb/tests/UNIT/cunit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ctdb/tests/UNIT/cunit/')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ctdb/tests/UNIT/cunit/ b/ctdb/tests/UNIT/cunit/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c68cd69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctdb/tests/UNIT/cunit/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+remove_files ()
+ rm -f "$tfile"
+test_cleanup remove_files
+ok_tunable_defaults ()
+ ok "$defaults"
+# Set required output to a version of $defaults where values for
+# tunables specified in $tfile replace the default values
+ok_tunable ()
+ # Construct a version of $defaults prepended with a lowercase
+ # version of the tunable variable, to allow case-insensitive
+ # matching. This would be easier with the GNU sed
+ # case-insensitivity flag, but that is less portable. The $0
+ # condition in awk causes empty lines to be skipped, in case
+ # there are trailing empty lines in $defaults.
+ _map=$(echo "$defaults" |
+ awk -F= '$0 { printf "%s:%s=%s\n", tolower($1), $1, $2 }')
+ # Replace values for tunables set in $tfile
+ while IFS='= ' read -r _var _val ; do
+ case "$_var" in
+ \#* | "") continue ;;
+ esac
+ _decval=$((_val))
+ _vl=$(echo "$_var" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+ _map=$(echo "$_map" |
+ sed -e "s|^\\(${_vl}:.*=\\).*\$|\\1${_decval}|")
+ done <"$tfile"
+ # Set result, stripping off lowercase tunable prefix
+ ok "$(echo "$_map" | awk -F: '{ print $2 }')"
+test_case "Unreadable file"
+: >"$tfile"
+chmod a-r "$tfile"
+uid=$(id -u)
+# root can read unreadable files
+if [ "$uid" = 0 ]; then
+ ok_tunable_defaults
+ required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Failed to open ${tfile}
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+rm -f "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, contains 1 word"
+echo "Hello" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid line containing "Hello"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, contains multiple words"
+echo "Hello world!" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid line containing "Hello world!"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, missing value"
+echo "EnableBans=" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid line containing "EnableBans"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, invalid value (not a number)"
+echo "EnableBans=value" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid value "value" for tunable "EnableBans"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, missing key"
+echo "=123" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Syntax error
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, missing key but space before ="
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+ =0
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Syntax error
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, unknown tunable"
+echo "HelloWorld=123" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Unknown tunable "HelloWorld"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, obsolete tunable"
+echo "MaxRedirectCount=123" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Obsolete tunable "MaxRedirectCount"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, trailing non-whitespace garbage"
+echo "EnableBans=0xgg" >"$tfile"
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid value "0xgg" for tunable "EnableBans"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, multiple errors"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+MaxRedirectCount =123
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid line containing "EnableBans"
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid value "value" for tunable "EnableBans"
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Syntax error
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "Invalid file, errors followed by valid"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+required_error EINVAL <<EOF
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Unknown tunable "HelloWorld"
+ctdb_tunable_load_file: Invalid value "value" for tunable "EnableBans"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, missing file"
+rm -f "$tfile"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, empty file"
+: >"$tfile"
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, comments and blanks only"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+# This is a comment
+# There are also some blank lines
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 1 tunable"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 1 tunable, hex"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 1 tunable, octal"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 1 tunable, tab before ="
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+EnableBans =0
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 1 tunable, space after ="
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+EnableBans= 0
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 2 tunables, multiple spaces around ="
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+EnableBans = 0
+RecoverInterval = 10
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, 2 tunables, whitespace everywhere"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+ EnableBans = 0
+ RecoverInterval = 10
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, several tunables"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, several tunables, varying case"
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"
+test_case "OK, miscellaneous..."
+cat >"$tfile" <<EOF
+# Leading comment
+ReCoVerInTeRvAl = 10
+# Intermediate comment after a blank line
+# Final comment among blanks lines
+unit_test tunable_test "$tfile"