path: root/doc/_themes/sphinx13/layout.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/_themes/sphinx13/layout.html')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/_themes/sphinx13/layout.html b/doc/_themes/sphinx13/layout.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86a7943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/_themes/sphinx13/layout.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+{# Sphinx layout template for the sphinxdoc theme. #}
+{%- extends "basic/layout.html" %}
+{% block extrahead %}
+{{ super() }}
+{%- if not embedded and pagename == 'index' %}
+<style>.related { display: none; }</style>
+{%- endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block header %}
+<div class="pageheader">
+<a href="{{ pathto('index') }}">
+ <img src="{{ pathto('_static/sphinxheader.png', 1) }}" alt="SPHINX" />
+{% endblock %}
+{%- block relbar1 %}
+<div class="related" role="navigation" aria-label="related navigation">
+ <h3>{{ _('Navigation') }}</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="{{ pathto('index') }}">Documentation</a> &raquo;</li>
+ {%- for parent in parents %}
+ <li class="nav-item nav-item-{{ loop.index }}"><a href="{{|e }}" {% if loop.last %}{{ accesskey("U") }}{% endif %}>{{ parent.title }}</a>{{ reldelim1 }}</li>
+ {%- endfor %}
+ <li class="nav-item nav-item-this"><a href="{{ link|e }}">{{ title }}</a></li>
+ </ul>
+{% endblock %}
+{%- block content %}
+<div class="document">
+ <div class="sphinxsidebar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">
+ {%- include "searchfield.html" %}
+ <div class="sphinxsidebar-navigation__contents">
+ <h3>{{ _('On this page') }}</h3>
+ {{ toc }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="sphinxsidebar-navigation__pages">
+ <h3>{{ _('Site navigation') }}</h3>
+ {{ toctree(includehidden=True, maxdepth=3, titles_only=True) }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {%- block document %}
+ <div class="body" role="main">
+ {% block body %}{% endblock %}
+ </div>
+ {%- endblock %}
+{%- endblock %}
+{%- block relbar2 %}{% endblock %}
+{%- block footer %}
+<div class="footer" role="contentinfo">
+ {{ copyright_block() }}
+ {% trans sphinx_version=sphinx_version|e %}Created using <a href="">Sphinx</a> {{ sphinx_version }}.{% endtrans %}
+{%- endblock %}