path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2537 deletions
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-"""Test the autodoc extension.
-This tests mainly the Documenters; the auto directives are tested in a test
-source file translated by test_build.
-import sys
-from types import SimpleNamespace
-from unittest.mock import Mock
-from warnings import catch_warnings
-import pytest
-from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
-from sphinx import addnodes
-from sphinx.ext.autodoc import ALL, ModuleLevelDocumenter, Options
-from sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive import DocumenterBridge, process_documenter_options
-from sphinx.util.docutils import LoggingReporter
- # Enable pyximport to test cython module
- import pyximport
- pyximport.install()
-except ImportError:
- pyximport = None
-def do_autodoc(app, objtype, name, options=None):
- if options is None:
- options = {}
- app.env.temp_data.setdefault('docname', 'index') # set dummy docname
- doccls = app.registry.documenters[objtype]
- docoptions = process_documenter_options(doccls, app.config, options)
- state = Mock()
- state.document.settings.tab_width = 8
- bridge = DocumenterBridge(app.env, LoggingReporter(''), docoptions, 1, state)
- documenter = doccls(bridge, name)
- documenter.generate()
- return bridge.result
-def make_directive_bridge(env):
- options = Options(
- inherited_members = False,
- undoc_members = False,
- private_members = False,
- special_members = False,
- imported_members = False,
- show_inheritance = False,
- no_index = False,
- annotation = None,
- synopsis = '',
- platform = '',
- deprecated = False,
- members = [],
- member_order = 'alphabetical',
- exclude_members = set(),
- ignore_module_all = False,
- )
- directive = SimpleNamespace(
- env = env,
- genopt = options,
- result = ViewList(),
- record_dependencies = set(),
- state = Mock(),
- )
- directive.state.document.settings.tab_width = 8
- return directive
-processed_signatures = []
-def process_signature(app, what, name, obj, options, args, retann):
- processed_signatures.append((what, name))
- if name == 'bar':
- return '42', None
- return None
-def skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
- if name in ('__special1__', '__special2__'):
- return skip
- if name.startswith('__'):
- return True
- if name == 'skipmeth':
- return True
- return None
-def test_parse_name(app):
- def verify(objtype, name, result):
- inst = app.registry.documenters[objtype](directive, name)
- assert inst.parse_name()
- assert (inst.modname, inst.objpath, inst.args, inst.retann) == result
- directive = make_directive_bridge(app.env)
- # for modules
- verify('module', 'test_ext_autodoc', ('test_ext_autodoc', [], None, None))
- verify('module', 'test.test_ext_autodoc', ('test.test_ext_autodoc', [], None, None))
- verify('module', 'test(arg)', ('test', [], 'arg', None))
- assert 'signature arguments' in app._warning.getvalue()
- # for functions/classes
- verify('function', 'test_ext_autodoc.raises',
- ('test_ext_autodoc', ['raises'], None, None))
- verify('function', 'test_ext_autodoc.raises(exc) -> None',
- ('test_ext_autodoc', ['raises'], 'exc', 'None'))
- directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = 'test_ext_autodoc'
- verify('function', 'raises', ('test_ext_autodoc', ['raises'], None, None))
- del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module']
- directive.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'test_ext_autodoc'
- verify('function', 'raises', ('test_ext_autodoc', ['raises'], None, None))
- verify('class', 'Base', ('test_ext_autodoc', ['Base'], None, None))
- # for members
- directive.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'sphinx.testing.util'
- verify('method', 'SphinxTestApp.cleanup',
- ('sphinx.testing.util', ['SphinxTestApp', 'cleanup'], None, None))
- directive.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'sphinx.testing.util'
- directive.env.ref_context['py:class'] = 'Foo'
- directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = 'SphinxTestApp'
- verify('method', 'cleanup',
- ('sphinx.testing.util', ['SphinxTestApp', 'cleanup'], None, None))
- verify('method', 'SphinxTestApp.cleanup',
- ('sphinx.testing.util', ['SphinxTestApp', 'cleanup'], None, None))
-def test_format_signature(app):
- app.connect('autodoc-process-signature', process_signature)
- app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip_member)
- directive = make_directive_bridge(app.env)
- def formatsig(objtype, name, obj, args, retann):
- inst = app.registry.documenters[objtype](directive, name)
- inst.fullname = name
- inst.doc_as_attr = False # for class objtype
- inst.parent = object # dummy
- inst.object = obj
- inst.objpath = [name]
- inst.args = args
- inst.retann = retann
- res = inst.format_signature()
- print(res)
- return res
- # no signatures for modules
- assert formatsig('module', 'test', None, None, None) == ''
- # test for functions
- def f(a, b, c=1, **d):
- pass
- def g(a='\n'):
- pass
- assert formatsig('function', 'f', f, None, None) == '(a, b, c=1, **d)'
- assert formatsig('function', 'f', f, 'a, b, c, d', None) == '(a, b, c, d)'
- assert formatsig('function', 'g', g, None, None) == r"(a='\n')"
- # test for classes
- class D:
- pass
- class E:
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- # an empty init and no init are the same
- for C in (D, E):
- assert formatsig('class', 'D', C, None, None) == '()'
- class SomeMeta(type):
- def __call__(cls, a, b=None):
- return type.__call__(cls, a, b)
- # these three are all equivalent
- class F:
- def __init__(self, a, b=None):
- pass
- class FNew:
- def __new__(cls, a, b=None):
- return super().__new__(cls)
- class FMeta(metaclass=SomeMeta):
- pass
- # and subclasses should always inherit
- class G(F):
- pass
- class GNew(FNew):
- pass
- class GMeta(FMeta):
- pass
- # subclasses inherit
- for C in (F, FNew, FMeta, G, GNew, GMeta):
- assert formatsig('class', 'C', C, None, None) == '(a, b=None)'
- assert formatsig('class', 'C', D, 'a, b', 'X') == '(a, b) -> X'
- class ListSubclass(list):
- pass
- # only supported if the python implementation decides to document it
- if getattr(list, '__text_signature__', None) is not None:
- assert formatsig('class', 'C', ListSubclass, None, None) == '(iterable=(), /)'
- else:
- assert formatsig('class', 'C', ListSubclass, None, None) == ''
- class ExceptionSubclass(Exception):
- pass
- # Exception has no __text_signature__ at least in Python 3.11
- if getattr(Exception, '__text_signature__', None) is None:
- assert formatsig('class', 'C', ExceptionSubclass, None, None) == ''
- # __init__ have signature at first line of docstring
- directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'both'
- class F2:
- """some docstring for F2."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- """
- __init__(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)
- some docstring for __init__.
- """
- class G2(F2):
- pass
- assert formatsig('class', 'F2', F2, None, None) == \
- '(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)'
- assert formatsig('class', 'G2', G2, None, None) == \
- '(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)'
- # test for methods
- class H:
- def foo1(self, b, *c):
- pass
- def foo2(b, *c):
- pass
- def foo3(self, d='\n'):
- pass
- assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo1, None, None) == '(b, *c)'
- assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo1, 'a', None) == '(a)'
- assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo2, None, None) == '(*c)'
- assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo3, None, None) == r"(d='\n')"
- # test bound methods interpreted as functions
- assert formatsig('function', 'foo', H().foo1, None, None) == '(b, *c)'
- assert formatsig('function', 'foo', H().foo2, None, None) == '(*c)'
- assert formatsig('function', 'foo', H().foo3, None, None) == r"(d='\n')"
- # test exception handling (exception is caught and args is '')
- directive.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature = False
- assert formatsig('function', 'int', int, None, None) == ''
- # test processing by event handler
- assert formatsig('method', 'bar', H.foo1, None, None) == '42'
- # test functions created via functools.partial
- from functools import partial
- curried1 = partial(lambda a, b, c: None, 'A')
- assert formatsig('function', 'curried1', curried1, None, None) == \
- '(b, c)'
- curried2 = partial(lambda a, b, c=42: None, 'A')
- assert formatsig('function', 'curried2', curried2, None, None) == \
- '(b, c=42)'
- curried3 = partial(lambda a, b, *c: None, 'A')
- assert formatsig('function', 'curried3', curried3, None, None) == \
- '(b, *c)'
- curried4 = partial(lambda a, b, c=42, *d, **e: None, 'A')
- assert formatsig('function', 'curried4', curried4, None, None) == \
- '(b, c=42, *d, **e)'
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_process_signature_typing_generic(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.generic_class.A', {})
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: A(a, b=None)',
- ' :module: target.generic_class',
- '',
- ' docstring for A',
- '',
- ]
-def test_autodoc_process_signature_typehints(app):
- captured = []
- def process_signature(*args):
- captured.append(args)
- app.connect('autodoc-process-signature', process_signature)
- def func(x: int, y: int) -> int:
- pass
- directive = make_directive_bridge(app.env)
- inst = app.registry.documenters['function'](directive, 'func')
- inst.fullname = 'func'
- inst.object = func
- inst.objpath = ['func']
- inst.format_signature()
- assert captured == [(app, 'function', 'func', func,
- directive.genopt, '(x: int, y: int)', 'int')]
-def test_get_doc(app):
- directive = make_directive_bridge(app.env)
- def getdocl(objtype, obj):
- inst = app.registry.documenters[objtype](directive, 'tmp')
- inst.parent = object # dummy
- inst.object = obj
- inst.objpath = [obj.__name__]
- inst.doc_as_attr = False
- inst.format_signature() # handle docstring signatures!
- ds = inst.get_doc()
- # for testing purposes, concat them and strip the empty line at the end
- res = sum(ds, [])[:-1]
- print(res)
- return res
- # objects without docstring
- def f():
- pass
- assert getdocl('function', f) == []
- # standard function, diverse docstring styles...
- def f():
- """Docstring"""
- def g():
- """
- Docstring
- """
- for func in (f, g):
- assert getdocl('function', func) == ['Docstring']
- # first line vs. other lines indentation
- def f():
- """First line
- Other
- lines
- """
- assert getdocl('function', f) == ['First line', '', 'Other', ' lines']
- # charset guessing (this module is encoded in utf-8)
- def f():
- """Döcstring"""
- assert getdocl('function', f) == ['Döcstring']
- # verify that method docstrings get extracted in both normal case
- # and in case of bound method posing as a function
- class J:
- def foo(self):
- """Method docstring"""
- assert getdocl('method', == ['Method docstring']
- assert getdocl('function', J().foo) == ['Method docstring']
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_new_documenter(app):
- class MyDocumenter(ModuleLevelDocumenter):
- objtype = 'integer'
- directivetype = 'integer'
- priority = 100
- @classmethod
- def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
- return isinstance(member, int)
- def document_members(self, all_members=False):
- return
- app.add_autodocumenter(MyDocumenter)
- options = {"members": 'integer'}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:integer:: integer',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' documentation for the integer',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_attrgetter_using(app):
- directive = make_directive_bridge(app.env)
- directive.genopt['members'] = ALL
- directive.genopt['inherited_members'] = False
- with catch_warnings(record=True):
- _assert_getter_works(app, directive, 'class', 'target.Class', ['meth'])
- directive.genopt['inherited_members'] = True
- with catch_warnings(record=True):
- _assert_getter_works(app, directive, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Derived', ['inheritedmeth'])
-def _assert_getter_works(app, directive, objtype, name, attrs=(), **kw):
- getattr_spy = []
- def _special_getattr(obj, attr_name, *defargs):
- if attr_name in attrs:
- getattr_spy.append((obj, attr_name))
- return None
- return getattr(obj, attr_name, *defargs)
- app.add_autodoc_attrgetter(type, _special_getattr)
- getattr_spy.clear()
- app.registry.documenters[objtype](directive, name).generate(**kw)
- hooked_members = {s[1] for s in getattr_spy}
- documented_members = {s[1] for s in processed_signatures}
- for attr in attrs:
- fullname = '.'.join((name, attr))
- assert attr in hooked_members
- assert fullname not in documented_members, f'{fullname!r} not intercepted'
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_py_module(app, warning):
- # without py:module
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'Class.meth')
- assert list(actual) == []
- assert ("don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'Class.meth'"
- in warning.getvalue())
- # with py:module
- app.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'target'
- warning.truncate(0)
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'Class.meth')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Function.',
- '',
- ]
- assert ("don't know which module to import for autodocumenting 'Class.meth'"
- not in warning.getvalue())
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_decorator(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'decorator', 'target.decorator.deco1')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:decorator:: deco1',
- ' :module: target.decorator',
- '',
- ' docstring for deco1',
- '',
- ]
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'decorator', 'target.decorator.deco2')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:decorator:: deco2(condition, message)',
- ' :module: target.decorator',
- '',
- ' docstring for deco2',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_exception(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'exception', 'target.CustomEx')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:exception:: CustomEx',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' My custom exception.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_warnings(app, warning):
- app.env.temp_data['docname'] = 'dummy'
- # can't import module
- do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'unknown')
- assert "failed to import module 'unknown'" in warning.getvalue()
- # missing function
- do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'unknown')
- assert "import for autodocumenting 'unknown'" in warning.getvalue()
- do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.unknown')
- assert "failed to import function 'unknown' from module 'target'" in warning.getvalue()
- # missing method
- do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'target.Class.unknown')
- assert "failed to import method 'Class.unknown' from module 'target'" in warning.getvalue()
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_attributes(app):
- options = {"synopsis": 'Synopsis',
- "platform": "Platform",
- "deprecated": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target',
- ' :synopsis: Synopsis',
- ' :platform: Platform',
- ' :deprecated:',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_members(app):
- # default (no-members)
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base')
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ]
- # default ALL-members
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
- # default specific-members
- options = {"members": "inheritedmeth,inheritedstaticmeth"}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
- # ALL-members override autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": None}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
- # members override autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": "inheritedmeth"}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()',
- ]
- # members extends autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": "+inheritedmeth"}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_exclude_members(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "exclude-members": "inheritedmeth,inheritedstaticmeth"}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ]
- # members vs exclude-members
- options = {"members": "inheritedmeth",
- "exclude-members": "inheritedmeth"}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ]
- # + has no effect when autodoc_default_options are not present
- options = {"members": None,
- "exclude-members": "+inheritedmeth,inheritedstaticmeth"}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ]
- # exclude-members overrides autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": None,
- "exclude-members": "inheritedmeth"}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["exclude-members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
- # exclude-members extends autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": None,
- "exclude-members": "+inheritedmeth"}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["exclude-members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ]
- # no exclude-members causes use autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": None}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["exclude-members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth,inheritedmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ]
- # empty exclude-members cancels autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": None,
- "exclude-members": None}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["exclude-members"] = "inheritedstaticmeth,inheritedmeth"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_undoc_members(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.roger(a, *, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.skipattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
- ]
- # use autodoc_default_options
- options = {"members": None}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["undoc-members"] = None
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.roger(a, *, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.skipattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
- ]
- # options negation work check
- options = {"members": None,
- "no-undoc-members": None}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["undoc-members"] = None
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_undoc_members_for_metadata_only(app):
- # metadata only member is not displayed
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.metadata', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.metadata',
- '',
- ]
- # metadata only member is displayed when undoc-member given
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.metadata', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.metadata',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: foo()',
- ' :module: target.metadata',
- '',
- ' :meta metadata-only-docstring:',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_inherited_members(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "inherited-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Derived', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: 'method::' in l, actual)) == [
- ' .. py:method:: Derived.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Derived.inheritedmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Derived.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_inherited_members_Base(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "inherited-members": "Base",
- "special-members": None}
- # check methods for object class are shown
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Derived', options)
- assert ' .. py:method:: Derived.inheritedmeth()' in actual
- assert ' .. py:method:: Derived.inheritedclassmeth' not in actual
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_inherited_members_None(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "inherited-members": "None",
- "special-members": None}
- # check methods for object class are shown
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Derived', options)
- assert ' .. py:method:: Derived.__init__()' in actual
- assert ' .. py:method:: Derived.__str__()' in actual
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_imported_members(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "imported-members": None,
- "ignore-module-all": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target', options)
- assert '.. py:function:: function_to_be_imported(app: ~sphinx.application.Sphinx | None) -> str' in actual
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_special_members(app):
- # specific special methods
- options = {"undoc-members": None,
- "special-members": "__init__,__special1__"}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__init__(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special1__()',
- ]
- # combination with specific members
- options = {"members": "attr,docattr",
- "undoc-members": None,
- "special-members": "__init__,__special1__"}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__init__(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special1__()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ]
- # all special methods
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None,
- "special-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.__annotations__',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.__dict__',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__init__(arg)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.__module__',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special1__()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special2__()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.__weakref__',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.roger(a, *, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.skipattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
- ]
- # specific special methods from autodoc_default_options
- options = {"undoc-members": None}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["special-members"] = "__special2__"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special2__()',
- ]
- # specific special methods option with autodoc_default_options
- options = {"undoc-members": None,
- "special-members": "__init__,__special1__"}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["special-members"] = "__special2__"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__init__(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special1__()',
- ]
- # specific special methods merge with autodoc_default_options
- options = {"undoc-members": None,
- "special-members": "+__init__,__special1__"}
- app.config.autodoc_default_options["special-members"] = "__special2__"
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__init__(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special1__()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.__special2__()',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_ignore_module_all(app):
- # default (no-ignore-module-all)
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: 'class::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ]
- # ignore-module-all
- options = {"members": None,
- "ignore-module-all": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: 'class::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- '.. py:class:: CustomDict',
- '.. py:class:: InnerChild()',
- '.. py:class:: InstAttCls()',
- '.. py:class:: Outer()',
- ' .. py:class:: Outer.Inner()',
- '.. py:class:: StrRepr',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_noindex(app):
- options = {"no-index": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target',
- ' :no-index:',
- '',
- ]
- # TODO: :no-index: should be propagated to children of target item.
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inheritance.Base', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' :no-index:',
- ' :module: target.inheritance',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_subclass_of_builtin_class(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.CustomDict', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: CustomDict',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Docstring.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_inner_class(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Outer', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Outer()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Foo',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:class:: Outer.Inner()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Foo',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Outer.Inner.meth()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Foo',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Outer.factory',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:`dict`',
- ]
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Outer.Inner', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Inner()',
- ' :module: target.Outer',
- '',
- ' Foo',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Inner.meth()',
- ' :module: target.Outer',
- '',
- ' Foo',
- '',
- ]
- options['show-inheritance'] = None
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.InnerChild', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: InnerChild()',
- ' :module: target', '',
- ' Bases: :py:class:`~target.Outer.Inner`',
- '',
- ' InnerChild docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_classmethod(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'target.inheritance.Base.inheritedclassmeth')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()',
- ' :module: target.inheritance',
- ' :classmethod:',
- '',
- ' Inherited class method.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_staticmethod(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'target.inheritance.Base.inheritedstaticmeth')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)',
- ' :module: target.inheritance',
- ' :staticmethod:',
- '',
- ' Inherited static method.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_descriptor(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.descriptor.Class', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Class()',
- ' :module: target.descriptor',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.descr',
- ' :module: target.descriptor',
- '',
- ' Descriptor instance docstring.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:property:: Class.prop',
- ' :module: target.descriptor',
- '',
- ' Property.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_cached_property(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.cached_property.Foo', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.cached_property',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:property:: Foo.prop',
- ' :module: target.cached_property',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:property:: Foo.prop_with_type_comment',
- ' :module: target.cached_property',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_member_order(app):
- # case member-order='bysource'
- options = {"members": None,
- 'member-order': 'bysource',
- "undoc-members": None,
- 'private-members': None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.skipattr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.roger(a, *, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class._private_inst_attr',
- ]
- # case member-order='groupwise'
- options = {"members": None,
- 'member-order': 'groupwise',
- "undoc-members": None,
- 'private-members': None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.roger(a, *, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class._private_inst_attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.skipattr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ]
- # case member-order=None
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None,
- 'private-members': None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.Class', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class._private_inst_attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.excludemeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_inline',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.roger(a, *, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6)',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.skipattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.skipmeth()',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_module_member_order(app):
- # case member-order='bysource'
- options = {"members": 'foo, Bar, baz, qux, Quux, foobar',
- 'member-order': 'bysource',
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.sort_by_all', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:module:: target.sort_by_all',
- '.. py:function:: baz()',
- '.. py:function:: foo()',
- '.. py:class:: Bar()',
- '.. py:class:: Quux()',
- '.. py:function:: foobar()',
- '.. py:function:: qux()',
- ]
- # case member-order='bysource' and ignore-module-all
- options = {"members": 'foo, Bar, baz, qux, Quux, foobar',
- 'member-order': 'bysource',
- "undoc-members": None,
- "ignore-module-all": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.sort_by_all', options)
- assert list(filter(lambda l: '::' in l, actual)) == [
- '.. py:module:: target.sort_by_all',
- '.. py:function:: foo()',
- '.. py:class:: Bar()',
- '.. py:function:: baz()',
- '.. py:function:: qux()',
- '.. py:class:: Quux()',
- '.. py:function:: foobar()',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_module_scope(app):
- app.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = 'target'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'Class.mdocattr')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' :module: target',
- ' :value: <_io.StringIO object>',
- '',
- ' should be documented as well - sĂĽĂź',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_class_scope(app):
- app.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = 'target'
- app.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = 'Class'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'mdocattr')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
- ' :module: target',
- ' :value: <_io.StringIO object>',
- '',
- ' should be documented as well - sĂĽĂź',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_class_attributes(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.AttCls', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: AttCls()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: AttCls.a1',
- ' :module: target',
- ' :value: hello world',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: AttCls.a2',
- ' :module: target',
- ' :value: None',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autoclass_instance_attributes(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.InstAttCls', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: InstAttCls()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Class with documented class and instance attributes.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ca1',
- ' :module: target',
- " :value: 'a'",
- '',
- ' Doc comment for class attribute InstAttCls.ca1.',
- ' It can have multiple lines.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ca2',
- ' :module: target',
- " :value: 'b'",
- '',
- ' Doc comment for InstAttCls.ca2. One line only.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ca3',
- ' :module: target',
- " :value: 'c'",
- '',
- ' Docstring for class attribute InstAttCls.ca3.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ia1',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Doc comment for instance attribute InstAttCls.ia1',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ia2',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Docstring for instance attribute InstAttCls.ia2.',
- '',
- ]
- # pick up arbitrary attributes
- options = {"members": 'ca1,ia1'}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.InstAttCls', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: InstAttCls()',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Class with documented class and instance attributes.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ca1',
- ' :module: target',
- " :value: 'a'",
- '',
- ' Doc comment for class attribute InstAttCls.ca1.',
- ' It can have multiple lines.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ia1',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Doc comment for instance attribute InstAttCls.ia1',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autoattribute_instance_attributes(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'target.InstAttCls.ia1')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:attribute:: InstAttCls.ia1',
- ' :module: target',
- '',
- ' Doc comment for instance attribute InstAttCls.ia1',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_slots(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.slots', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.slots',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Bar()',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr1',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' docstring of attr1',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr2',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- ' docstring of instance attr2',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr3',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Baz()',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Baz.attr',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.attr',
- ' :module: target.slots',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_enum_class(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.enums.EnumCls', options)
- if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 12):
- args = ('(value, names=None, *values, module=None, '
- 'qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)')
- elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 11):
- args = ('(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, '
- 'type=None, start=1, boundary=None)')
- else:
- args = '(value)'
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: EnumCls' + args,
- ' :module: target.enums',
- '',
- ' this is enum class',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: EnumCls.say_goodbye()',
- ' :module: target.enums',
- ' :classmethod:',
- '',
- ' a classmethod says good-bye to you.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: EnumCls.say_hello()',
- ' :module: target.enums',
- '',
- ' a method says hello to you.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: EnumCls.val1',
- ' :module: target.enums',
- ' :value: 12',
- '',
- ' doc for val1',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: EnumCls.val2',
- ' :module: target.enums',
- ' :value: 23',
- '',
- ' doc for val2',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: EnumCls.val3',
- ' :module: target.enums',
- ' :value: 34',
- '',
- ' doc for val3',
- '',
- ]
- # checks for an attribute of EnumClass
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'target.enums.EnumCls.val1')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:attribute:: EnumCls.val1',
- ' :module: target.enums',
- ' :value: 12',
- '',
- ' doc for val1',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_descriptor_class(app):
- options = {"members": 'CustomDataDescriptor,CustomDataDescriptor2'}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.descriptor', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.descriptor',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: CustomDataDescriptor(doc)',
- ' :module: target.descriptor',
- '',
- ' Descriptor class docstring.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: CustomDataDescriptor.meth()',
- ' :module: target.descriptor',
- '',
- ' Function.',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: CustomDataDescriptor2(doc)',
- ' :module: target.descriptor',
- '',
- ' Descriptor class with custom metaclass docstring.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_automethod_for_builtin(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', '')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: int.__add__(value, /)',
- ' :module: builtins',
- '',
- ' Return self+value.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_automethod_for_decorated(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'target.decorator.Bar.meth')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Bar.meth(name=None, age=None)',
- ' :module: target.decorator',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_abstractmethods(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.abstractmethods', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.abstractmethods',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Base()',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.abstractmeth()',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- ' :abstractmethod:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.classmeth()',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- ' :abstractmethod:',
- ' :classmethod:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.coroutinemeth()',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- ' :abstractmethod:',
- ' :async:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.meth()',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:property:: Base.prop',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- ' :abstractmethod:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Base.staticmeth()',
- ' :module: target.abstractmethods',
- ' :abstractmethod:',
- ' :staticmethod:',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_partialfunction(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.partialfunction', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.partialfunction',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: func1(a, b, c)',
- ' :module: target.partialfunction',
- '',
- ' docstring of func1',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: func2(b, c)',
- ' :module: target.partialfunction',
- '',
- ' docstring of func1',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: func3(c)',
- ' :module: target.partialfunction',
- '',
- ' docstring of func3',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: func4()',
- ' :module: target.partialfunction',
- '',
- ' docstring of func3',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_imported_partialfunction_should_not_shown_without_imported_members(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.imported_members', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.imported_members',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_bound_method(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.bound_method', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.bound_method',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: bound_method()',
- ' :module: target.bound_method',
- '',
- ' Method docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_partialmethod(app):
- expected = [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Cell()',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- ' An example for partialmethod.',
- '',
- ' refs:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Cell.set_alive()',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- ' Make a cell alive.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Cell.set_state(state)',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- ' Update state of cell to *state*.',
- '',
- ]
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.partialmethod.Cell', options)
- assert list(actual) == expected
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_partialmethod_undoc_members(app):
- expected = [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Cell()',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- ' An example for partialmethod.',
- '',
- ' refs:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Cell.set_alive()',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- ' Make a cell alive.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Cell.set_dead()',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Cell.set_state(state)',
- ' :module: target.partialmethod',
- '',
- ' Update state of cell to *state*.',
- '',
- ]
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.partialmethod.Cell', options)
- assert list(actual) == expected
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_typed_instance_variables(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.typed_vars', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.typed_vars',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:attribute:: Alias',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:`~target.typed_vars.Derived`',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Class()',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr1',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- ' :value: 0',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr2',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr3',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- ' :value: 0',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr4',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' attr4',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr5',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' attr5',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr6',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' attr6',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.descr4',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' This is descr4',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Derived()',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr7',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: attr1',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: str',
- " :value: ''",
- '',
- ' attr1',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: attr2',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: str',
- '',
- ' attr2',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: attr3',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: str',
- " :value: ''",
- '',
- ' attr3',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_typed_inherited_instance_variables(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None,
- "inherited-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.typed_vars.Derived', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Derived()',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr1',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- ' :value: 0',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr2',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr3',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- ' :value: 0',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr4',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' attr4',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr5',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' attr5',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr6',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ' attr6',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr7',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.descr4',
- ' :module: target.typed_vars',
- ' :type: int',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_GenericAlias(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.genericalias', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.genericalias',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Class()',
- ' :module: target.genericalias',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Class.T',
- ' :module: target.genericalias',
- '',
- ' A list of int',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:`~typing.List`\\ [:py:class:`int`]',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: L',
- ' :module: target.genericalias',
- '',
- ' A list of Class',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:`~typing.List`\\ '
- '[:py:class:`~target.genericalias.Class`]',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: T',
- ' :module: target.genericalias',
- '',
- ' A list of int',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:`~typing.List`\\ [:py:class:`int`]',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_TypeVar(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.typevar', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.typevar',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Class()',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:class:: Class.T1',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T1',
- '',
- " alias of TypeVar('T1')",
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:class:: Class.T6',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T6',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:``',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: T1',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T1',
- '',
- " alias of TypeVar('T1')",
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: T3',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T3',
- '',
- " alias of TypeVar('T3', int, str)",
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: T4',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T4',
- '',
- " alias of TypeVar('T4', covariant=True)",
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: T5',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T5',
- '',
- " alias of TypeVar('T5', contravariant=True)",
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: T6',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T6',
- '',
- ' alias of :py:class:``',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: T7',
- ' :module: target.typevar',
- '',
- ' T7',
- '',
- " alias of TypeVar('T7', bound=\\ :py:class:`int`)",
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_Annotated(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.annotated', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.annotated',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: hello(name: str) -> None',
- ' :module: target.annotated',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_TYPE_CHECKING(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.TYPE_CHECKING', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.TYPE_CHECKING',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.TYPE_CHECKING',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.attr1',
- ' :module: target.TYPE_CHECKING',
- ' :type: ~_io.StringIO',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: spam(ham:[str]) -> tuple[~gettext.NullTranslations, bool]',
- ' :module: target.TYPE_CHECKING',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc_TYPE_CHECKING_circular_import(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'circular_import', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: circular_import',
- '',
- ]
- assert sys.modules["circular_import"].a is sys.modules["circular_import.a"]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_singledispatch(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.singledispatch', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.singledispatch',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: func(arg, kwarg=None)',
- ' func(arg: float, kwarg=None)',
- ' func(arg: int, kwarg=None)',
- ' func(arg: str, kwarg=None)',
- ' func(arg: dict, kwarg=None)',
- ' :module: target.singledispatch',
- '',
- ' A function for general use.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_singledispatchmethod(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.singledispatchmethod', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.singledispatchmethod',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.singledispatchmethod',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Foo.meth(arg, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: float, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: int, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: str, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: dict, kwarg=None)',
- ' :module: target.singledispatchmethod',
- '',
- ' A method for general use.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_singledispatchmethod_automethod(app):
- options = {}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'target.singledispatchmethod.Foo.meth', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Foo.meth(arg, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: float, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: int, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: str, kwarg=None)',
- ' Foo.meth(arg: dict, kwarg=None)',
- ' :module: target.singledispatchmethod',
- '',
- ' A method for general use.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 13),
- reason='Cython does not support Python 3.13 yet.')
-@pytest.mark.skipif(pyximport is None, reason='cython is not installed')
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_cython(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.cython', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.cython',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Class()',
- ' :module: target.cython',
- '',
- ' Docstring.',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth(name: str, age: int = 0) -> None',
- ' :module: target.cython',
- '',
- ' Docstring.',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: foo(x: int, *args, y: str, **kwargs)',
- ' :module: target.cython',
- '',
- ' Docstring.',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_final(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', '', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module::',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Class()',
- ' :module:',
- ' :final:',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth1()',
- ' :module:',
- ' :final:',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Class.meth2()',
- ' :module:',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_overload(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.overload', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.overload',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Bar(x: int, y: int)',
- ' Bar(x: str, y: str)',
- ' :module: target.overload',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Baz(x: int, y: int)',
- ' Baz(x: str, y: str)',
- ' :module: target.overload',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo(x: int, y: int)',
- ' Foo(x: str, y: str)',
- ' :module: target.overload',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Math()',
- ' :module: target.overload',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Math.sum(x: int, y: int = 0) -> int',
- ' Math.sum(x: float, y: float = 0.0) -> float',
- ' Math.sum(x: str, y: str = None) -> str',
- ' :module: target.overload',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: sum(x: int, y: int = 0) -> int',
- ' sum(x: float, y: float = 0.0) -> float',
- ' sum(x: str, y: str = None) -> str',
- ' :module: target.overload',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_overload2(app):
- options = {"members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.overload2', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.overload2',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Baz(x: int, y: int)',
- ' Baz(x: str, y: str)',
- ' :module: target.overload2',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_pymodule_for_ModuleLevelDocumenter(app):
- app.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'target.classes'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'Foo')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.classes',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_pymodule_for_ClassLevelDocumenter(app):
- app.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'target.methods'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'Base.meth')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Base.meth()',
- ' :module: target.methods',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_pyclass_for_ClassLevelDocumenter(app):
- app.env.ref_context['py:module'] = 'target.methods'
- app.env.ref_context['py:class'] = 'Base'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method', 'meth')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:method:: Base.meth()',
- ' :module: target.methods',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_autodoc(app, status, warning):
- app.builder.build_all()
- content = app.env.get_doctree('index')
- assert isinstance(content[3], addnodes.desc)
- assert content[3][0].astext() == 'autodoc_dummy_module.test()'
- assert content[3][1].astext() == 'Dummy function using dummy.*'
- # issue sphinx-doc/sphinx#2437
- assert content[11][-1].astext() == """Dummy class Bar with alias.
-alias of Foo"""
- assert warning.getvalue() == ''
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_name_conflict(app):
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', '')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: foo()',
- ' :module: target.name_conflict',
- '',
- ' docstring of target.name_conflict::foo.',
- '',
- ]
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', '')
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:class:: bar()',
- ' :module:',
- '',
- ' docstring of',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_name_mangling(app):
- options = {"members": None,
- "undoc-members": None,
- "private-members": None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.name_mangling', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.name_mangling',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Bar()',
- ' :module: target.name_mangling',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Bar._Baz__email',
- ' :module: target.name_mangling',
- ' :value: None',
- '',
- ' a member having mangled-like name',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.__address',
- ' :module: target.name_mangling',
- ' :value: None',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.name_mangling',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.__age',
- ' :module: target.name_mangling',
- ' :value: None',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.__name',
- ' :module: target.name_mangling',
- ' :value: None',
- '',
- ' name of Foo',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_type_union_operator(app):
- options = {'members': None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.pep604', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.pep604',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.pep604',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.attr',
- ' :module: target.pep604',
- ' :type: int | str',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Foo.meth(x: int | str, y: int | str) -> int | str',
- ' :module: target.pep604',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: attr',
- ' :module: target.pep604',
- ' :type: int | str',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:function:: sum(x: int | str, y: int | str) -> int | str',
- ' :module: target.pep604',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_hide_value(app):
- options = {'members': None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.hide_value', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.hide_value',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.hide_value',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.SENTINEL1',
- ' :module: target.hide_value',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ' :meta hide-value:',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:attribute:: Foo.SENTINEL2',
- ' :module: target.hide_value',
- '',
- ' :meta hide-value:',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: SENTINEL1',
- ' :module: target.hide_value',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ' :meta hide-value:',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:data:: SENTINEL2',
- ' :module: target.hide_value',
- '',
- ' :meta hide-value:',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_canonical(app):
- options = {'members': None,
- 'imported-members': None}
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.canonical', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.canonical',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Bar()',
- ' :module: target.canonical',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- '.. py:class:: Foo()',
- ' :module: target.canonical',
- ' :canonical: target.canonical.original.Foo',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- '',
- ' .. py:method:: Foo.meth()',
- ' :module: target.canonical',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ]
-@pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc')
-def test_literal_render(app):
- def bounded_typevar_rst(name, bound):
- return [
- '',
- f'.. py:class:: {name}',
- ' :module: target.literal',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- f' alias of TypeVar({name!r}, bound={bound})',
- '',
- ]
- def function_rst(name, sig):
- return [
- '',
- f'.. py:function:: {name}({sig})',
- ' :module: target.literal',
- '',
- ' docstring',
- '',
- ]
- # autodoc_typehints_format can take 'short' or 'fully-qualified' values
- # and this will be interpreted as 'smart' or 'fully-qualified-except-typing' by restify()
- # and 'smart' or 'fully-qualified' by stringify_annotation().
- options = {'members': None, 'exclude-members': 'MyEnum'}
- app.config.autodoc_typehints_format = 'short'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.literal', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.literal',
- '',
- *bounded_typevar_rst('T', r'\ :py:obj:`~typing.Literal`\ [1234]'),
- *bounded_typevar_rst('U', r'\ :py:obj:`~typing.Literal`\ [:py:attr:`~target.literal.MyEnum.a`]'),
- *function_rst('bar', 'x: ~typing.Literal[1234]'),
- *function_rst('foo', 'x: ~typing.Literal[MyEnum.a]'),
- ]
- # restify() assumes that 'fully-qualified' is 'fully-qualified-except-typing'
- # because it is more likely that a user wants to suppress 'typing.*'
- app.config.autodoc_typehints_format = 'fully-qualified'
- actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.literal', options)
- assert list(actual) == [
- '',
- '.. py:module:: target.literal',
- '',
- *bounded_typevar_rst('T', r'\ :py:obj:`~typing.Literal`\ [1234]'),
- *bounded_typevar_rst('U', r'\ :py:obj:`~typing.Literal`\ [:py:attr:`target.literal.MyEnum.a`]'),
- *function_rst('bar', 'x: typing.Literal[1234]'),
- *function_rst('foo', 'x: typing.Literal[target.literal.MyEnum.a]'),
- ]