path: root/test/testrunner.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/testrunner.tcl')
1 files changed, 1092 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/testrunner.tcl b/test/testrunner.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c704da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testrunner.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1092 @@
+set dir [pwd]
+set testdir [file normalize [file dirname $argv0]]
+set saved $argv
+set argv [list]
+source [file join $testdir testrunner_data.tcl]
+source [file join $testdir permutations.test]
+set argv $saved
+cd $dir
+# This script requires an interpreter that supports [package require sqlite3]
+# to run. If this is not such an intepreter, see if there is a [testfixture]
+# in the current directory. If so, run the command using it. If not,
+# recommend that the user build one.
+proc find_interpreter {} {
+ set interpreter [file tail [info nameofexec]]
+ set rc [catch { package require sqlite3 }]
+ if {$rc} {
+ if { [string match -nocase testfixture* $interpreter]==0
+ && [file executable ./testfixture]
+ } {
+ puts "Failed to find tcl package sqlite3. Restarting with ./testfixture.."
+ set status [catch {
+ exec ./testfixture [info script] {*}$::argv >@ stdout
+ } msg]
+ exit $status
+ }
+ }
+ if {$rc} {
+ puts stderr "Failed to find tcl package sqlite3"
+ puts stderr "Run \"make testfixture\" and then try again..."
+ exit 1
+ }
+# Usually this script is run by [testfixture]. But it can also be run
+# by a regular [tclsh]. For these cases, emulate the [clock_milliseconds]
+# command.
+if {[info commands clock_milliseconds]==""} {
+ proc clock_milliseconds {} {
+ clock milliseconds
+ }
+# Usage:
+proc usage {} {
+ set a0 [file tail $::argv0]
+ puts stderr [string trim [subst -nocommands {
+ $a0 njob ?NJOB?
+ $a0 status
+ where SWITCHES are:
+ --buildonly
+ --dryrun
+Interesting values for PERMUTATION are:
+ veryquick - a fast subset of the tcl test scripts. This is the default.
+ full - all tcl test scripts.
+ all - all tcl test scripts, plus a subset of test scripts rerun
+ with various permutations.
+ release - full release test with various builds.
+If no PATTERN arguments are present, all tests specified by the PERMUTATION
+are run. Otherwise, each pattern is interpreted as a glob pattern. Only
+those tcl tests for which the final component of the filename matches at
+least one specified pattern are run.
+If no PATTERN arguments are present, then various fuzztest, threadtest
+and other tests are run as part of the "release" permutation. These are
+omitted if any PATTERN arguments are specified on the command line.
+If a PERMUTATION is specified and is followed by the path to a Tcl script
+instead of a list of patterns, then that single Tcl test script is run
+with the specified permutation.
+The "status" and "njob" commands are designed to be run from the same
+directory as a running testrunner.tcl script that is running tests. The
+"status" command prints a report describing the current state and progress
+of the tests. The "njob" command may be used to query or modify the number
+of sub-processes the test script uses to run tests.
+ }]]
+ exit 1
+# Try to estimate a the number of processes to use.
+# Command [guess_number_of_cores] attempts to glean the number of logical
+# cores. Command [default_njob] returns the default value for the --jobs
+# switch.
+proc guess_number_of_cores {} {
+ if {[catch {number_of_cores} ret]} {
+ set ret 4
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
+ catch { set ret $::env(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS) }
+ } else {
+ if {$::tcl_platform(os)=="Darwin"} {
+ set cmd "sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu"
+ } else {
+ set cmd "nproc"
+ }
+ catch {
+ set fd [open "|$cmd" r]
+ set ret [gets $fd]
+ close $fd
+ set ret [expr $ret]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret
+proc default_njob {} {
+ set nCore [guess_number_of_cores]
+ if {$nCore<=2} {
+ set nHelper 1
+ } else {
+ set nHelper [expr int($nCore*0.5)]
+ }
+ return $nHelper
+# Setup various default values in the global TRG() array.
+set TRG(dbname) [file normalize testrunner.db]
+set TRG(logname) [file normalize testrunner.log]
+set TRG(build.logname) [file normalize testrunner_build.log]
+set TRG(info_script) [file normalize [info script]]
+set TRG(timeout) 10000 ;# Default busy-timeout for testrunner.db
+set TRG(nJob) [default_njob] ;# Default number of helper processes
+set TRG(patternlist) [list]
+set TRG(cmdline) $argv
+set TRG(reporttime) 2000
+set TRG(fuzztest) 0 ;# is the fuzztest option present.
+set TRG(zipvfs) "" ;# -zipvfs option, if any
+set TRG(buildonly) 0 ;# True if --buildonly option
+set TRG(dryrun) 0 ;# True if --dryrun option
+switch -nocase -glob -- $tcl_platform(os) {
+ *darwin* {
+ set TRG(platform) osx
+ set TRG(make)
+ set TRG(makecmd) "bash"
+ set TRG(testfixture) testfixture
+ set TRG(run)
+ set TRG(runcmd) "bash"
+ }
+ *linux* {
+ set TRG(platform) linux
+ set TRG(make)
+ set TRG(makecmd) "bash"
+ set TRG(testfixture) testfixture
+ set TRG(run)
+ set TRG(runcmd) "bash"
+ }
+ *win* {
+ set TRG(platform) win
+ set TRG(make) make.bat
+ set TRG(makecmd) make.bat
+ set TRG(testfixture) testfixture.exe
+ set TRG(run) run.bat
+ set TRG(runcmd) "run.bat"
+ }
+ default {
+ error "cannot determine platform!"
+ }
+# The database schema used by the testrunner.db database.
+set TRG(schema) {
+ /*
+ ** This table contains one row for each job that testrunner.tcl must run
+ ** before the entire test run is finished.
+ **
+ ** jobid:
+ ** Unique identifier for each job. Must be a +ve non-zero number.
+ **
+ ** displaytype:
+ ** 3 or 4 letter mnemonic for the class of tests this belongs to e.g.
+ ** "fuzz", "tcl", "make" etc.
+ **
+ ** displayname:
+ ** Name/description of job. For display purposes.
+ **
+ ** build:
+ ** If the job requires a make.bat/ make wrapper (i.e. to build
+ ** something), the name of the build configuration it uses. See
+ ** testrunner_data.tcl for a list of build configs. e.g. "Win32-MemDebug".
+ **
+ ** dirname:
+ ** If the job should use a well-known directory name for its
+ ** sub-directory instead of an anonymous "testdir[1234...]" sub-dir
+ ** that is deleted after the job is finished.
+ **
+ ** cmd:
+ ** Bash or batch script to run the job.
+ **
+ ** depid:
+ ** The jobid value of a job that this job depends on. This job may not
+ ** be run before its depid job has finished successfully.
+ **
+ ** priority:
+ ** Higher values run first. Sometimes.
+ */
+ /* Fields populated when db is initialized */
+ jobid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- id to identify job
+ displaytype TEXT NOT NULL, -- Type of test (for one line report)
+ displayname TEXT NOT NULL, -- Human readable job name
+ build TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- file request, if any
+ dirname TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- directory name, if required
+ cmd TEXT NOT NULL, -- shell command to run
+ depid INTEGER, -- identifier of dependency (or '')
+ priority INTEGER NOT NULL, -- higher priority jobs may run earlier
+ /* Fields updated as jobs run */
+ starttime INTEGER,
+ endtime INTEGER,
+ state TEXT CHECK( state IN ('', 'ready', 'running', 'done', 'failed') ),
+ output TEXT
+ );
+ CREATE TABLE config(
+ value
+ CREATE INDEX i1 ON jobs(state, priority);
+ CREATE INDEX i2 ON jobs(depid);
+# Check if this script is being invoked to run a single file. If so,
+# run it.
+if {[llength $argv]==2
+ && ([lindex $argv 0]=="" || [info exists ::testspec([lindex $argv 0])])
+ && [file exists [lindex $argv 1]]
+} {
+ set permutation [lindex $argv 0]
+ set script [file normalize [lindex $argv 1]]
+ set ::argv [list]
+ set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
+ source $::testdir/tester.tcl
+ if {$permutation=="full"} {
+ unset -nocomplain ::G(isquick)
+ reset_db
+ } elseif {$permutation!="default" && $permutation!=""} {
+ if {[info exists ::testspec($permutation)]==0} {
+ error "no such permutation: $permutation"
+ }
+ array set O $::testspec($permutation)
+ set ::G(perm:name) $permutation
+ set ::G(perm:prefix) $O(-prefix)
+ set ::G(isquick) 1
+ set ::G(perm:dbconfig) $O(-dbconfig)
+ set ::G(perm:presql) $O(-presql)
+ rename finish_test helper_finish_test
+ proc finish_test {} "
+ uplevel {
+ $O(-shutdown)
+ }
+ helper_finish_test
+ "
+ eval $O(-initialize)
+ }
+ reset_db
+ source $script
+ exit
+# Check if this is the "njob" command:
+if {([llength $argv]==2 || [llength $argv]==1)
+ && [string compare -nocase njob [lindex $argv 0]]==0
+} {
+ sqlite3 mydb $TRG(dbname)
+ if {[llength $argv]==2} {
+ set param [lindex $argv 1]
+ if {[string is integer $param]==0 || $param<1 || $param>128} {
+ puts stderr "parameter must be an integer between 1 and 128"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ mydb eval { REPLACE INTO config VALUES('njob', $param); }
+ }
+ set res [mydb one { SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='njob' }]
+ mydb close
+ puts "$res"
+ exit
+# Check if this is the "script" command:
+if {[string compare -nocase script [lindex $argv 0]]==0} {
+ if {[llength $argv]!=2 && !([llength $argv]==3&&[lindex $argv 1]=="-msvc")} {
+ usage
+ }
+ set bMsvc [expr ([llength $argv]==3)]
+ set config [lindex $argv [expr [llength $argv]-1]]
+ puts [trd_buildscript $config [file dirname $testdir] $bMsvc]
+ exit
+# Check if this is the "status" command:
+if {[llength $argv]==1
+ && [string compare -nocase status [lindex $argv 0]]==0
+} {
+ proc display_job {jobdict {tm ""}} {
+ array set job $jobdict
+ set dfname [format %-60s $job(displayname)]
+ set dtm ""
+ if {$tm!=""} { set dtm "\[[expr {$tm-$job(starttime)}]ms\]" }
+ puts " $dfname $dtm"
+ }
+ sqlite3 mydb $TRG(dbname)
+ mydb timeout 1000
+ mydb eval BEGIN
+ set cmdline [mydb one { SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='cmdline' }]
+ set nJob [mydb one { SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='njob' }]
+ set now [clock_milliseconds]
+ set tm [mydb one {
+ COALESCE((SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='end'), $now) -
+ (SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='start')
+ }]
+ set total 0
+ foreach s {"" ready running done failed} { set S($s) 0 }
+ mydb eval {
+ SELECT state, count(*) AS cnt FROM jobs GROUP BY 1
+ } {
+ incr S($state) $cnt
+ incr total $cnt
+ }
+ set fin [expr $S(done)+$S(failed)]
+ if {$cmdline!=""} {set cmdline " $cmdline"}
+ set f ""
+ if {$S(failed)>0} {
+ set f "$S(failed) FAILED, "
+ }
+ puts "Command line: \[testrunner.tcl$cmdline\]"
+ puts "Jobs: $nJob"
+ puts "Summary: ${tm}ms, ($fin/$total) finished, ${f}$S(running) running"
+ set srcdir [file dirname [file dirname $TRG(info_script)]]
+ if {$S(running)>0} {
+ puts "Running: "
+ mydb eval {
+ SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE state='running' ORDER BY starttime
+ } job {
+ display_job [array get job] $now
+ }
+ }
+ if {$S(failed)>0} {
+ puts "Failures: "
+ mydb eval {
+ SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE state='failed' ORDER BY starttime
+ } job {
+ display_job [array get job]
+ }
+ }
+ mydb close
+ exit
+# Parse the command line.
+for {set ii 0} {$ii < [llength $argv]} {incr ii} {
+ set isLast [expr $ii==([llength $argv]-1)]
+ set a [lindex $argv $ii]
+ set n [string length $a]
+ if {[string range $a 0 0]=="-"} {
+ if {($n>2 && [string match "$a*" --jobs]) || $a=="-j"} {
+ incr ii
+ set TRG(nJob) [lindex $argv $ii]
+ if {$isLast} { usage }
+ } elseif {($n>2 && [string match "$a*" --zipvfs]) || $a=="-z"} {
+ incr ii
+ set TRG(zipvfs) [file normalize [lindex $argv $ii]]
+ if {$isLast} { usage }
+ } elseif {($n>2 && [string match "$a*" --buildonly]) || $a=="-b"} {
+ set TRG(buildonly) 1
+ } elseif {($n>2 && [string match "$a*" --dryrun]) || $a=="-d"} {
+ set TRG(dryrun) 1
+ } else {
+ usage
+ }
+ } else {
+ lappend TRG(patternlist) [string map {% *} $a]
+ }
+set argv [list]
+# This script runs individual tests - tcl scripts or [make xyz] commands -
+# in directories named "testdir$N", where $N is an integer. This variable
+# contains a list of integers indicating the directories in use.
+# This variable is accessed only via the following commands:
+# dirs_nHelper
+# Return the number of entries currently in the list.
+# dirs_freeDir IDIR
+# Remove value IDIR from the list. It is an error if it is not present.
+# dirs_allocDir
+# Select a value that is not already in the list. Add it to the list
+# and return it.
+set TRG(dirs_in_use) [list]
+proc dirs_nHelper {} {
+ global TRG
+ llength $TRG(dirs_in_use)
+proc dirs_freeDir {iDir} {
+ global TRG
+ set out [list]
+ foreach d $TRG(dirs_in_use) {
+ if {$iDir!=$d} { lappend out $d }
+ }
+ if {[llength $out]!=[llength $TRG(dirs_in_use)]-1} {
+ error "dirs_freeDir could not find $iDir"
+ }
+ set TRG(dirs_in_use) $out
+proc dirs_allocDir {} {
+ global TRG
+ array set inuse [list]
+ foreach d $TRG(dirs_in_use) {
+ set inuse($d) 1
+ }
+ for {set iRet 0} {[info exists inuse($iRet)]} {incr iRet} { }
+ lappend TRG(dirs_in_use) $iRet
+ return $iRet
+# Check that directory $dir exists. If it does not, create it. If
+# it does, delete its contents.
+proc create_or_clear_dir {dir} {
+ set dir [file normalize $dir]
+ catch { file mkdir $dir }
+ foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *]] {
+ catch { file delete -force $f }
+ }
+proc build_to_dirname {bname} {
+ set fold [string tolower [string map {- _} $bname]]
+ return "testrunner_build_$fold"
+proc r_write_db {tcl} {
+ trdb eval { BEGIN EXCLUSIVE }
+ uplevel $tcl
+ trdb eval { COMMIT }
+# Obtain a new job to be run by worker $iJob (an integer). A job is
+# returned as a three element list:
+# {$build $config $file}
+proc r_get_next_job {iJob} {
+ global T
+ if {($iJob%2)} {
+ set orderby "ORDER BY priority ASC"
+ } else {
+ set orderby "ORDER BY priority DESC"
+ }
+ set ret [list]
+ r_write_db {
+ set query "
+ SELECT * FROM jobs AS j WHERE state='ready' $orderby LIMIT 1
+ "
+ trdb eval $query job {
+ set tm [clock_milliseconds]
+ set T($iJob) $tm
+ set jobid $job(jobid)
+ trdb eval {
+ UPDATE jobs SET starttime=$tm, state='running' WHERE jobid=$jobid
+ }
+ set ret [array get job]
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret
+#rename r_get_next_job r_get_next_job_r
+#proc r_get_next_job {iJob} {
+ #puts [time { set res [r_get_next_job_r $iJob] }]
+ #set res
+# Usage:
+# where available OPTIONS are:
+# -displaytype
+# -displayname
+# -build
+# -dirname
+# -cmd
+# -depid
+# -priority
+# Returns the jobid value for the new job.
+proc add_job {args} {
+ set options {
+ -displaytype -displayname -build -dirname
+ -cmd -depid -priority
+ }
+ # Set default values of options.
+ set A(-dirname) ""
+ set A(-depid) ""
+ set A(-priority) 0
+ set A(-build) ""
+ array set A $args
+ # Check all required options are present. And that no extras are present.
+ foreach o $options {
+ if {[info exists A($o)]==0} { error "missing required option $o" }
+ }
+ foreach o [array names A] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $options $o]<0} { error "unrecognized option: $o" }
+ }
+ set state ""
+ if {$A(-depid)==""} { set state ready }
+ trdb eval {
+ displaytype, displayname, build, dirname, cmd, depid, priority,
+ state
+ ) VALUES (
+ $A(-displaytype),
+ $A(-displayname),
+ $A(-build),
+ $A(-dirname),
+ $A(-cmd),
+ $A(-depid),
+ $A(-priority),
+ $state
+ )
+ }
+ trdb last_insert_rowid
+proc add_tcl_jobs {build config patternlist} {
+ global TRG
+ set topdir [file dirname $::testdir]
+ set testrunner_tcl [file normalize [info script]]
+ if {$build==""} {
+ set testfixture [info nameofexec]
+ } else {
+ set testfixture [file join [lindex $build 1] $TRG(testfixture)]
+ }
+ if {[lindex $build 2]=="Valgrind"} {
+ set setvar "export OMIT_MISUSE=1\n"
+ set testfixture "${setvar}valgrind -v --error-exitcode=1 $testfixture"
+ }
+ # The ::testspec array is populated by permutations.test
+ foreach f [dict get $::testspec($config) -files] {
+ if {[llength $patternlist]>0} {
+ set bMatch 0
+ foreach p $patternlist {
+ if {[string match $p [file tail $f]]} {
+ set bMatch 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$bMatch==0} continue
+ }
+ if {[file pathtype $f]!="absolute"} { set f [file join $::testdir $f] }
+ set f [file normalize $f]
+ set displayname [string map [list $topdir/ {}] $f]
+ if {$config=="full" || $config=="veryquick"} {
+ set cmd "$testfixture $f"
+ } else {
+ set cmd "$testfixture $testrunner_tcl $config $f"
+ set displayname "config=$config $displayname"
+ }
+ if {$build!=""} {
+ set displayname "[lindex $build 2] $displayname"
+ }
+ set lProp [trd_test_script_properties $f]
+ set priority 0
+ if {[lsearch $lProp slow]>=0} { set priority 2 }
+ if {[lsearch $lProp superslow]>=0} { set priority 4 }
+ add_job \
+ -displaytype tcl \
+ -displayname $displayname \
+ -cmd $cmd \
+ -depid [lindex $build 0] \
+ -priority $priority
+ }
+proc add_build_job {buildname target} {
+ global TRG
+ set dirname "[string tolower [string map {- _} $buildname]]_$target"
+ set dirname "testrunner_bld_$dirname"
+ set id [add_job \
+ -displaytype bld \
+ -displayname "Build $buildname ($target)" \
+ -dirname $dirname \
+ -build $buildname \
+ -cmd "$TRG(makecmd) $target" \
+ -priority 3
+ ]
+ list $id [file normalize $dirname] $buildname
+proc add_make_job {bld target} {
+ global TRG
+ if {$TRG(platform)=="win"} {
+ set path [string map {/ \\} [lindex $bld 1]]
+ set cmd "xcopy /S $path\\* ."
+ } else {
+ set cmd "cp -r [lindex $bld 1]/* ."
+ }
+ append cmd "\n$TRG(makecmd) $target"
+ add_job \
+ -displaytype make \
+ -displayname "[lindex $bld 2] make $target" \
+ -cmd $cmd \
+ -depid [lindex $bld 0] \
+ -priority 1
+proc add_fuzztest_jobs {buildname} {
+ foreach {interpreter scripts} [trd_fuzztest_data] {
+ set subcmd [lrange $interpreter 1 end]
+ set interpreter [lindex $interpreter 0]
+ set bld [add_build_job $buildname $interpreter]
+ foreach {depid dirname displayname} $bld {}
+ foreach s $scripts {
+ # Fuzz data files fuzzdata1.db and fuzzdata2.db are larger than
+ # the others. So ensure that these are run as a higher priority.
+ set tail [file tail $s]
+ if {$tail=="fuzzdata1.db" || $tail=="fuzzdata2.db"} {
+ set priority 5
+ } else {
+ set priority 1
+ }
+ add_job \
+ -displaytype fuzz \
+ -displayname "$buildname $interpreter $tail" \
+ -depid $depid \
+ -cmd "[file join $dirname $interpreter] $subcmd $s" \
+ -priority $priority
+ }
+ }
+proc add_zipvfs_jobs {} {
+ global TRG
+ source [file join $TRG(zipvfs) test zipvfs_testrunner.tcl]
+ set bld [add_build_job Zipvfs $TRG(testfixture)]
+ foreach s [zipvfs_testrunner_files] {
+ set cmd "[file join [lindex $bld 1] $TRG(testfixture)] $s"
+ add_job \
+ -displaytype tcl \
+ -displayname "Zipvfs [file tail $s]" \
+ -cmd $cmd \
+ -depid [lindex $bld 0]
+ }
+ set ::env(SQLITE_TEST_DIR) $::testdir
+# Used to add jobs for "mdevtest" and "sdevtest".
+proc add_devtest_jobs {lBld patternlist} {
+ global TRG
+ foreach b $lBld {
+ set bld [add_build_job $b $TRG(testfixture)]
+ add_tcl_jobs $bld veryquick $patternlist
+ if {$patternlist==""} {
+ add_fuzztest_jobs $b
+ }
+ }
+proc add_jobs_from_cmdline {patternlist} {
+ global TRG
+ if {$TRG(zipvfs)!=""} {
+ add_zipvfs_jobs
+ if {[llength $patternlist]==0} return
+ }
+ if {[llength $patternlist]==0} {
+ set patternlist [list veryquick]
+ }
+ set first [lindex $patternlist 0]
+ switch -- $first {
+ all {
+ set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ set clist [trd_all_configs]
+ foreach c $clist {
+ add_tcl_jobs "" $c $patternlist
+ }
+ }
+ mdevtest {
+ add_devtest_jobs {All-O0 All-Debug} [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ }
+ sdevtest {
+ add_devtest_jobs {All-Sanitize All-Debug} [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ }
+ release {
+ set patternlist [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ foreach b [trd_builds $TRG(platform)] {
+ set bld [add_build_job $b $TRG(testfixture)]
+ foreach c [trd_configs $TRG(platform) $b] {
+ add_tcl_jobs $bld $c $patternlist
+ }
+ if {$patternlist==""} {
+ foreach e [trd_extras $TRG(platform) $b] {
+ if {$e=="fuzztest"} {
+ add_fuzztest_jobs $b
+ } else {
+ add_make_job $bld $e
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ if {[info exists ::testspec($first)]} {
+ add_tcl_jobs "" $first [lrange $patternlist 1 end]
+ } else {
+ add_tcl_jobs "" full $patternlist
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc make_new_testset {} {
+ global TRG
+ r_write_db {
+ trdb eval $TRG(schema)
+ set nJob $TRG(nJob)
+ set cmdline $TRG(cmdline)
+ set tm [clock_milliseconds]
+ trdb eval { REPLACE INTO config VALUES('njob', $nJob ); }
+ trdb eval { REPLACE INTO config VALUES('cmdline', $cmdline ); }
+ trdb eval { REPLACE INTO config VALUES('start', $tm ); }
+ add_jobs_from_cmdline $TRG(patternlist)
+ }
+proc mark_job_as_finished {jobid output state endtm} {
+ r_write_db {
+ trdb eval {
+ UPDATE jobs
+ SET output=$output, state=$state, endtime=$endtm
+ WHERE jobid=$jobid;
+ UPDATE jobs SET state='ready' WHERE depid=$jobid;
+ }
+ }
+proc script_input_ready {fd iJob jobid} {
+ global TRG
+ global O
+ global T
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ trdb eval { SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE jobid=$jobid } job {}
+ # If this job specified a directory name, then delete the
+ # file from it before continuing. This is because the contents of this
+ # directory might be copied by some other job, and we don't want to copy
+ # the file in this case.
+ if {$job(dirname)!=""} {
+ file delete -force [file join $job(dirname) $TRG(run)]
+ }
+ set ::done 1
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ set state "done"
+ set rc [catch { close $fd } msg]
+ if {$rc} {
+ if {[info exists TRG(reportlength)]} {
+ puts -nonewline "[string repeat " " $TRG(reportlength)]\r"
+ }
+ puts "FAILED: $job(displayname) ($iJob)"
+ set state "failed"
+ }
+ set tm [clock_milliseconds]
+ set jobtm [expr {$tm - $job(starttime)}]
+ puts $TRG(log) "### $job(displayname) ${jobtm}ms ($state)"
+ puts $TRG(log) [string trim $O($iJob)]
+ mark_job_as_finished $jobid $O($iJob) $state $tm
+ dirs_freeDir $iJob
+ launch_some_jobs
+ incr ::wakeup
+ } else {
+ set rc [catch { gets $fd line } res]
+ if {$rc} {
+ puts "ERROR $res"
+ }
+ if {$res>=0} {
+ append O($iJob) "$line\n"
+ }
+ }
+proc dirname {ii} {
+ return "testdir$ii"
+proc launch_another_job {iJob} {
+ global TRG
+ global O
+ global T
+ set testfixture [info nameofexec]
+ set script $TRG(info_script)
+ set O($iJob) ""
+ set jobdict [r_get_next_job $iJob]
+ if {$jobdict==""} { return 0 }
+ array set job $jobdict
+ set dir $job(dirname)
+ if {$dir==""} { set dir [dirname $iJob] }
+ create_or_clear_dir $dir
+ if {$job(build)!=""} {
+ set srcdir [file dirname $::testdir]
+ if {$job(build)=="Zipvfs"} {
+ set script [zipvfs_testrunner_script]
+ } else {
+ set bWin [expr {$TRG(platform)=="win"}]
+ set script [trd_buildscript $job(build) $srcdir $bWin]
+ }
+ set fd [open [file join $dir $TRG(make)] w]
+ puts $fd $script
+ close $fd
+ }
+ if { $TRG(dryrun) } {
+ mark_job_as_finished $job(jobid) "" done 0
+ dirs_freeDir $iJob
+ if {$job(build)!=""} {
+ puts $TRG(log) "(cd $dir ; $job(cmd) )"
+ } else {
+ puts $TRG(log) "$job(cmd)"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set pwd [pwd]
+ cd $dir
+ set fd [open $TRG(run) w]
+ puts $fd $job(cmd)
+ close $fd
+ set fd [open "|$TRG(runcmd) 2>@1" r]
+ cd $pwd
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking false
+ fileevent $fd readable [list script_input_ready $fd $iJob $job(jobid)]
+ }
+ return 1
+proc one_line_report {} {
+ global TRG
+ set tm [expr [clock_milliseconds] - $TRG(starttime)]
+ set tm [format "%d" [expr int($tm/1000.0 + 0.5)]]
+ r_write_db {
+ trdb eval {
+ SELECT displaytype, state, count(*) AS cnt
+ FROM jobs
+ GROUP BY 1, 2
+ } {
+ set v($state,$displaytype) $cnt
+ incr t($displaytype) $cnt
+ }
+ }
+ set text ""
+ foreach j [lsort [array names t]] {
+ foreach k {done failed running} { incr v($k,$j) 0 }
+ set fin [expr $v(done,$j) + $v(failed,$j)]
+ lappend text "${j}($fin/$t($j))"
+ if {$v(failed,$j)>0} {
+ lappend text "f$v(failed,$j)"
+ }
+ if {$v(running,$j)>0} {
+ lappend text "r$v(running,$j)"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists TRG(reportlength)]} {
+ puts -nonewline "[string repeat " " $TRG(reportlength)]\r"
+ }
+ set report "${tm} [join $text { }]"
+ set TRG(reportlength) [string length $report]
+ if {[string length $report]<100} {
+ puts -nonewline "$report\r"
+ flush stdout
+ } else {
+ puts $report
+ }
+ after $TRG(reporttime) one_line_report
+proc launch_some_jobs {} {
+ global TRG
+ set nJob [trdb one { SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='njob' }]
+ while {[dirs_nHelper]<$nJob} {
+ set iDir [dirs_allocDir]
+ if {0==[launch_another_job $iDir]} {
+ dirs_freeDir $iDir
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+proc run_testset {} {
+ global TRG
+ set ii 0
+ set TRG(starttime) [clock_milliseconds]
+ set TRG(log) [open $TRG(logname) w]
+ launch_some_jobs
+ one_line_report
+ while {[dirs_nHelper]>0} {
+ after 500 {incr ::wakeup}
+ vwait ::wakeup
+ }
+ close $TRG(log)
+ one_line_report
+ r_write_db {
+ set tm [clock_milliseconds]
+ trdb eval { REPLACE INTO config VALUES('end', $tm ); }
+ set nErr [trdb one {SELECT count(*) FROM jobs WHERE state='failed'}]
+ if {$nErr>0} {
+ puts "$nErr failures:"
+ trdb eval {
+ SELECT displayname FROM jobs WHERE state='failed'
+ } {
+ puts "FAILED: $displayname"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "\nTest database is $TRG(dbname)"
+ puts "Test log is $TRG(logname)"
+# Handle the --buildonly option, if it was specified.
+proc handle_buildonly {} {
+ global TRG
+ if {$TRG(buildonly)} {
+ r_write_db {
+ trdb eval { DELETE FROM jobs WHERE displaytype!='bld' }
+ }
+ }
+sqlite3 trdb $TRG(dbname)
+trdb timeout $TRG(timeout)
+set tm [lindex [time { make_new_testset }] 0]
+if {$TRG(nJob)>1} {
+ puts "splitting work across $TRG(nJob) jobs"
+puts "built testset in [expr $tm/1000]ms.."
+trdb close
+#puts [pwd]