path: root/contrib/systemtap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/systemtap')
4 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/systemtap/dp_request.stp b/contrib/systemtap/dp_request.stp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa1082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/systemtap/dp_request.stp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* Start Run with:
+ * stap -v dp_request.stp
+ *
+ * Then reproduce slow login or id/getent in another terminal.
+ * Ctrl-C running stap once login completes.
+ *
+ * Probe tapsets are in /usr/share/systemtap/tapset/sssd.stp
+ */
+global num_dp_requests
+global time_in_dp_req
+global elapsed_time
+global dp_req_send_start
+global dp_req_send_end
+/* Used for tracking slowest request as tz_ctime() only converts seconds, not ms */
+global dp_req_send_sec_start
+global dp_req_send_sec_end
+global slowest_req_name
+global slowest_req_target
+global slowest_req_method
+global slowest_req_time = 0
+global slowest_req_start_time
+global slowest_req_end_time
+function print_report()
+ printf("\nEnding Systemtap Run - Providing Summary\n")
+ printf("Total Number of DP requests: [%d]\n", num_dp_requests)
+ printf("Total time in DP requests: [%s]\n", msecs_to_string(time_in_dp_req))
+ printf("Slowest request data:\n")
+ printf("\tRequest: [%s]\n", slowest_req_name)
+ printf("\tTarget: [%s]\n", dp_target_str(slowest_req_target))
+ printf("\tMethod: [%s]\n", dp_method_str(slowest_req_method))
+ printf("\tStart Time: [%s]\n", tz_ctime(slowest_req_start_time))
+ printf("\tEnd Time: [%s]\n", tz_ctime(slowest_req_end_time))
+ printf("\tDuration: [%s]\n\n", msecs_to_string(slowest_req_time))
+probe dp_req_send
+ dp_req_send_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+ dp_req_send_sec_start = gettimeofday_s()
+ printf("\t--> DP Request [%s] sent for domain [%s]\n", dp_req_name, dp_req_domain)
+ printf("\t--> Target: [%s] - Method: [%s]\n", dp_target_str(dp_req_target), dp_method_str(dp_req_method))
+ num_dp_requests++
+probe dp_req_done
+ dp_req_send_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ dp_req_send_sec_end = gettimeofday_s()
+ elapsed_time = (dp_req_send_end - dp_req_send_start)
+ printf("\t\t DP Request [%s] finished with return code [%d]: [%s]\n",
+ dp_req_name, dp_ret, dp_errorstr)
+ printf("\t\t Elapsed time [%s]\n\n", msecs_to_string(elapsed_time))
+ /* Track slowest request information */
+ if (elapsed_time > slowest_req_time) {
+ slowest_req_time = elapsed_time
+ slowest_req_name = dp_req_name
+ slowest_req_method = dp_req_method
+ slowest_req_target = slowest_req_target
+ slowest_req_start_time = dp_req_send_sec_start
+ slowest_req_end_time = dp_req_send_sec_end
+ }
+ time_in_dp_req += (dp_req_send_end - dp_req_send_start)
+probe begin
+ printf("\t*** Beginning run! ***\n")
+probe end
+ print_report()
diff --git a/contrib/systemtap/id_perf.stp b/contrib/systemtap/id_perf.stp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a778975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/systemtap/id_perf.stp
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+global in_id
+global runtime_start
+global runtime_end
+global num_transactions
+global time_in_transactions
+global trans_start_time
+global trans_end_time
+global time_in_ldb
+global ldb_start_time
+global ldb_end_time
+global num_ldap_searches
+global time_in_ldap
+global ldap_start_time
+global ldap_end_time
+global acct_req_types
+global acct_req_times
+global acct_req_rtime
+global bts
+function print_acct_req(req_type)
+ str_req = acct_req_desc(req_type)
+ printf("\tNumber of %s requests: %d\n", str_req, acct_req_types[req_type])
+ printf("\tTime spent in %s requests: %d\n", str_req, acct_req_times[req_type])
+ printf("\n")
+function print_report()
+ max_trans_time = 0
+ max_trans_time_bt = ""
+ total_time = runtime_end - runtime_start
+ printf("Total run time of id was: %d ms\n", total_time)
+ printf("Number of zero-level cache transactions: %d\n", num_transactions)
+ printf("Time spent in level-0 sysdb transactions: %d ms\n", time_in_transactions)
+ printf("Time spent writing to LDB: %d ms\n", time_in_ldb)
+ printf("Number of LDAP searches: %d\n", num_ldap_searches)
+ printf("Time spent waiting for LDAP: %d ms\n", time_in_ldap)
+ printf("LDAP searches breakdown:\n")
+ foreach (req_type in acct_req_types) {
+ print_acct_req(req_type)
+ }
+ printf("Unaccounted time: %d ms\n",
+ total_time - time_in_transactions - time_in_ldap)
+ printf("sysdb transaction breakdown:\n")
+ foreach ([b] in bts) {
+ printf("%d hits of transaction %s\n", @count(bts[b]), b)
+ printf("avg:%d min: %d max: %d sum: %d\n\n",
+ @avg(bts[b]), @min(bts[b]), @max(bts[b]), @sum(bts[b]))
+ if (@max(bts[b]) > max_trans_time) {
+ max_trans_time = @max(bts[b])
+ max_trans_time_bt = b
+ }
+ }
+ if (max_trans_time > 0) {
+ printf("The most expensive transaction breakdown, per transaction:\n")
+ print(@hist_linear(bts[max_trans_time_bt], 0, 500, 50))
+ }
+probe process("/usr/bin/id").begin
+ in_id = 1
+ num_transactions = 0
+ time_in_transactions = 0
+ num_ldap_searches = 0
+ time_in_ldap = 0
+ time_in_ldb = 0
+ acct_req_types[0x0001] = 0
+ acct_req_types[0x0002] = 0
+ acct_req_types[0x0003] = 0
+ acct_req_times[0x0001] = 0
+ acct_req_times[0x0002] = 0
+ acct_req_times[0x0003] = 0
+ acct_req_rtime[0x0001] = 0
+ acct_req_rtime[0x0002] = 0
+ acct_req_rtime[0x0003] = 0
+ runtime_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe process("/usr/bin/id").end
+ in_id = 0
+ runtime_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ print_report()
+ delete bts
+probe sssd_transaction_start
+ if (nesting == 0 && in_id == 1) {
+ num_transactions++
+ trans_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sssd_transaction_commit_before
+ if (nesting == 0 && in_id == 1) {
+ ldb_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sssd_transaction_commit_after
+ if (nesting == 0 && in_id == 1) {
+ ldb_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_ldb += (ldb_end_time-ldb_start_time)
+ trans_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_transactions += (trans_end_time-trans_start_time)
+ bt = sprint_ubacktrace()
+ bts[bt] <<< (trans_end_time-trans_start_time)
+ }
+probe sdap_search_send
+ if (in_id == 1) {
+ num_ldap_searches++
+ ldap_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sdap_search_recv
+ if (in_id == 1) {
+ ldap_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_ldap += (ldap_end_time-ldap_start_time)
+ }
+probe sdap_acct_req_send
+ if (in_id == 1) {
+ acct_req_types[entry_type]++
+ acct_req_rtime[entry_type] = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sdap_acct_req_recv
+ if (in_id == 1) {
+ acct_req_times[entry_type] += (gettimeofday_ms() - acct_req_rtime[entry_type])
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/systemtap/ldap_perf.stp b/contrib/systemtap/ldap_perf.stp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd24ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/systemtap/ldap_perf.stp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* Start Run with:
+ *
+ * stap ldap_perf.stp
+ *
+ * Then reproduce slow operation in another terminal.
+ * Ctrl-C running stap once login completes.
+ *
+ * This script watches all sssd_be processes. This can be limited by
+ * specifying sssd_be process id
+ *
+ * stap -G sssd_be_pid=1234 ldap_perf.stp
+ *
+ * Probe tapsets are in /usr/share/systemtap/tapset/sssd.stp
+ */
+global start_time;
+global sdap_attributes;
+global query_attributes;
+global sssd_be_pid=0;
+global slowest_request_time;
+global slowest_request_filter;
+global slowest_request_scope;
+global slowest_request_base;
+global slowest_request_attrs;
+probe begin
+ printf("===== ldap queries probe started =====\n");
+ id = pid();
+ start_time[id] = gettimeofday_us();
+ query_attributes[id] = "";
+ slowest_request_time = 0;
+ slowest_request_filter = "";
+ slowest_request_scope = 0;
+ slowest_request_base = "";
+ slowest_request_attrs = "";
+probe sdap_parse_entry
+ id = pid();
+ if (sssd_be_pid == 0 || sssd_be_pid == id) {
+ idx = 0;
+ while ([id, attr, idx] in sdap_attributes) {
+ idx++;
+ }
+ sdap_attributes[id, attr, idx] = value;
+ }
+probe sdap_parse_entry_done
+ id = pid();
+ if (sssd_be_pid == 0 || sssd_be_pid == id) {
+ dn = sdap_attributes[id, "OriginalDN", 0];
+ printf("[%d] <- dn: %s\n", id, dn);
+ delete sdap_attributes[id, "OriginalDN", *];
+ foreach ([x, attr, idx] in sdap_attributes[id,*,*]) {
+ printf("[%d] <- %s: %s\n", id, attr, sdap_attributes[x, attr, idx]);
+ }
+ delete sdap_attributes[id, *, *];
+ }
+probe sdap_search_send
+ id = pid();
+ if (sssd_be_pid == 0 || sssd_be_pid == id) {
+ printf("[%d] -> ldap request: basedn '%s', scope %d, filter '%s'\n",
+ id, base, scope, filter);
+ printf("[%d] -> attrs: %s\n", id, attrs);
+ query_attributes[id] = attrs;
+ start_time[id] = gettimeofday_ms();
+ delete sdap_attributes[id, *, *];
+ }
+probe sdap_search_recv
+ id = pid();
+ if (sssd_be_pid == 0 || sssd_be_pid == id) {
+ delta = gettimeofday_ms() - start_time[id];
+ printf("[%d] ldap response to request: basedn '%s', scope %d, filter '%s'\n",
+ id, base, scope, filter);
+ printf("[%d] took: %d ms\n", id, delta);
+ printf("[%d]--------------------------------------------------\n", id);
+ if (slowest_request_time < delta) {
+ slowest_request_time = delta;
+ slowest_request_base = base;
+ slowest_request_scope = scope;
+ slowest_request_filter = filter;
+ slowest_request_attrs = query_attributes[id];
+ }
+ }
+probe process("/usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_be").end
+ printf("done\n");
+probe end
+ printf("\n===== slowest ldap request =====\n");
+ printf("base: '%s'\nscope: %d\nfilter: '%s'\nattrs: %s\ntook: %d ms\n",
+ slowest_request_base,
+ slowest_request_scope,
+ slowest_request_filter,
+ slowest_request_attrs,
+ slowest_request_time);
diff --git a/contrib/systemtap/nested_group_perf.stp b/contrib/systemtap/nested_group_perf.stp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7ff03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/systemtap/nested_group_perf.stp
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+global time_in_populate
+global populate_start_time
+global populate_end_time
+global time_in_save
+global save_start_time
+global save_end_time
+global time_in_groupreq
+global groupreq_start
+global groupreq_end
+global user_req_index = 0
+global group_req_index = 1
+global unknown_req_index = 2
+global deref_req_index = 3
+global ldap_req_times
+global user_req_start
+global user_req_end
+global group_req_start
+global group_req_end
+global unknown_req_start
+global unknown_req_end
+global deref_req_start
+global deref_req_end
+global time_in_deref_nested
+global deref_req_nested_start
+global deref_req_nested_end
+global time_in_deref_process
+global deref_req_process_start
+global deref_req_process_end
+global time_in_transactions
+global trans_start_time
+global trans_end_time
+global time_in_ldb
+global ldb_start_time
+global ldb_end_time
+global time_in_nested_gr_req
+global nested_gr_req_start_time
+global nested_gr_req_end_time
+global time_in_nested_gr_process_req
+global nested_gr_process_req_start_time
+global nested_gr_process_req_end_time
+global time_in_split_members
+global split_members_start
+global split_members_end
+global time_in_check_cache
+global check_cache_start
+global check_cache_end
+global time_in_search_users
+global search_users_start
+global search_users_end
+global time_in_search_groups
+global search_groups_start
+global search_groups_end
+global time_in_populate_search_users
+global populate_search_users_start
+global populate_search_users_end
+function print_report()
+ user_req_total = @sum(ldap_req_times[user_req_index])
+ group_req_total = @sum(ldap_req_times[group_req_index])
+ unknown_req_total = @sum(ldap_req_times[unknown_req_index])
+ deref_req_total = @sum(ldap_req_times[deref_req_index])
+ all_req_total = user_req_total + group_req_total + unknown_req_total + deref_req_total
+ # systemtap doesn't handle floating point numbers..
+ trans_rate = 10000 * time_in_transactions / time_in_groupreq
+ nested_rate = 10000 * time_in_nested_gr_req / time_in_groupreq
+ printf("Time spent in group sssd_be searches: %d\n", time_in_groupreq)
+ printf("Time spent in sdap_nested_group_send/recv: %d ms (ratio: %d.%02d%%)\n",
+ time_in_nested_gr_req, nested_rate/100, nested_rate%100)
+ printf("Time spent in zero-level sysdb transactions: %d ms (ratio: %d.%02d%%)\n",
+ time_in_transactions, trans_rate/100, trans_rate%100)
+ printf("\n")
+ printf("Breakdown of sdap_nested_group req (total: %d ms)\n", time_in_nested_gr_req);
+ printf("\tsdap_nested_group_process req: %d\n", time_in_nested_gr_process_req)
+ printf("\t\tsdap_nested_group_process_split req: %d\n", time_in_split_members)
+ printf("\t\t\tsdap_nested_group_check_cache: %d\n", time_in_check_cache)
+ printf("\t\t\t\tsdap_nested_group_sysdb_search_users: %d\n", time_in_search_users)
+ printf("\t\t\t\tsdap_nested_group_sysdb_search_groups: %d\n", time_in_search_groups)
+ printf("\t\tldap request breakdown of total %d\n", all_req_total)
+ printf("\t\t\tsdap_nested_group_deref req: %d\n", time_in_deref_nested)
+ printf("\t\t\t\tsdap_deref_search_send req %d\n", deref_req_total)
+ printf("\t\t\t\tprocessing deref results: %d\n", time_in_deref_process)
+ printf("\t\t\tsdap_nested_group_lookup_user req: %d\n", user_req_total)
+ printf("\t\t\tsdap_nested_group_lookup_group req: %d\n", group_req_total)
+ printf("\t\t\tTime spent refreshing unknown members: %d\n", unknown_req_total)
+ printf("\n")
+ printf("Breakdown of results processing (total %d)\n", time_in_transactions);
+ printf("\tTime spent populating nested members: %d\n", time_in_populate)
+ printf("\t\tTime spent searching ldb while populating nested members: %d\n", time_in_populate_search_users)
+ printf("\tTime spent saving nested members: %d\n", time_in_save)
+ printf("\tTime spent writing to the ldb: %d ms\n", time_in_ldb)
+ printf("\n")
+probe sssd_transaction_start
+ if (nesting == 0) {
+ num_transactions++
+ trans_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sssd_transaction_commit_before
+ if (nesting == 0) {
+ ldb_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sssd_transaction_commit_after
+ if (nesting == 0) {
+ trans_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_transactions += (trans_end_time-trans_start_time)
+ ldb_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_ldb += (ldb_end_time - ldb_start_time)
+ }
+probe sdap_deref_send
+ deref_req_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_deref_recv
+ deref_req_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ ldap_req_times[deref_req_index] <<< (deref_req_end - deref_req_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_lookup_user_send
+ user_req_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_lookup_user_recv
+ user_req_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ ldap_req_times[user_req_index] <<< (user_req_end - user_req_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_lookup_group_send
+ group_req_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_lookup_group_recv
+ group_req_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ ldap_req_times[group_req_index] <<< (group_req_end - group_req_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_lookup_unknown_send
+ unknown_req_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_lookup_unknown_recv
+ unknown_req_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ ldap_req_times[unknown_req_index] <<< (unknown_req_end - unknown_req_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_deref_send
+ deref_req_nested_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_deref_recv
+ deref_req_nested_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_deref_nested += (deref_req_nested_end - deref_req_nested_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_deref_process_pre
+ deref_req_process_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_deref_process_post
+ deref_req_process_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_deref_process += (deref_req_process_end - deref_req_process_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_populate_pre
+ populate_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_populate_post
+ populate_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_populate += (populate_end_time - populate_start_time)
+probe sdap_nested_group_save_pre
+ save_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_save_post
+ save_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_save += (save_end_time - save_start_time)
+probe sdap_nested_group_send
+ nested_gr_req_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_recv
+ nested_gr_req_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_nested_gr_req += (nested_gr_req_end_time - nested_gr_req_start_time)
+probe sdap_nested_group_process_send
+ nested_gr_process_req_start_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_process_recv
+ nested_gr_process_req_end_time = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_nested_gr_process_req += (nested_gr_process_req_end_time - nested_gr_process_req_start_time)
+probe sdap_nested_group_process_split_pre
+ split_members_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_process_split_post
+ split_members_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_split_members += (split_members_end - split_members_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_check_cache_pre
+ check_cache_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_check_cache_post
+ check_cache_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_check_cache += (check_cache_end - check_cache_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_sysdb_search_users_pre
+ search_users_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_sysdb_search_users_post
+ search_users_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_search_users += (search_users_end - search_users_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_sysdb_search_groups_pre
+ search_groups_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_sysdb_search_groups_post
+ search_groups_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_search_groups += (search_groups_end - search_groups_start)
+probe sdap_nested_group_populate_search_users_pre
+ populate_search_users_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+probe sdap_nested_group_populate_search_users_post
+ populate_search_users_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_populate_search_users += (populate_search_users_end - populate_search_users_start)
+probe sdap_acct_req_send
+ if (entry_type == 0x0002) {
+ groupreq_start = gettimeofday_ms()
+ }
+probe sdap_acct_req_recv
+ if (entry_type == 0x0002) {
+ groupreq_end = gettimeofday_ms()
+ time_in_groupreq += (groupreq_end - groupreq_start)
+ }
+probe begin
+ time_in_populate = 0
+ time_in_save = 0
+ time_in_transactions = 0
+probe end
+ print_report()