path: root/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src')
22 files changed, 3684 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9409424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+use crate::error;
+use std::io;
+pub trait LzBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ fn len(&self) -> usize;
+ // Retrieve the last byte or return a default
+ fn last_or(&self, lit: u8) -> u8;
+ // Retrieve the n-th last byte
+ fn last_n(&self, dist: usize) -> error::Result<u8>;
+ // Append a literal
+ fn append_literal(&mut self, lit: u8) -> error::Result<()>;
+ // Fetch an LZ sequence (length, distance) from inside the buffer
+ fn append_lz(&mut self, len: usize, dist: usize) -> error::Result<()>;
+ // Get a reference to the output sink
+ fn get_output(&self) -> &W;
+ // Get a mutable reference to the output sink
+ fn get_output_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W;
+ // Consumes this buffer and flushes any data
+ fn finish(self) -> io::Result<W>;
+ // Consumes this buffer without flushing any data
+ fn into_output(self) -> W;
+// An accumulating buffer for LZ sequences
+pub struct LzAccumBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ stream: W, // Output sink
+ buf: Vec<u8>, // Buffer
+ memlimit: usize, // Buffer memory limit
+ len: usize, // Total number of bytes sent through the buffer
+impl<W> LzAccumBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ pub fn from_stream(stream: W) -> Self {
+ Self::from_stream_with_memlimit(stream, std::usize::MAX)
+ }
+ pub fn from_stream_with_memlimit(stream: W, memlimit: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ stream,
+ buf: Vec::new(),
+ memlimit,
+ len: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ // Append bytes
+ pub fn append_bytes(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
+ self.buf.extend_from_slice(buf);
+ self.len += buf.len();
+ }
+ // Reset the internal dictionary
+ pub fn reset(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ self.buf.clear();
+ self.len = 0;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<W> LzBuffer<W> for LzAccumBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.len
+ }
+ // Retrieve the last byte or return a default
+ fn last_or(&self, lit: u8) -> u8 {
+ let buf_len = self.buf.len();
+ if buf_len == 0 {
+ lit
+ } else {
+ self.buf[buf_len - 1]
+ }
+ }
+ // Retrieve the n-th last byte
+ fn last_n(&self, dist: usize) -> error::Result<u8> {
+ let buf_len = self.buf.len();
+ if dist > buf_len {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "Match distance {} is beyond output size {}",
+ dist, buf_len
+ )));
+ }
+ Ok(self.buf[buf_len - dist])
+ }
+ // Append a literal
+ fn append_literal(&mut self, lit: u8) -> error::Result<()> {
+ let new_len = self.len + 1;
+ if new_len > self.memlimit {
+ Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "exceeded memory limit of {}",
+ self.memlimit
+ )))
+ } else {
+ self.buf.push(lit);
+ self.len = new_len;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch an LZ sequence (length, distance) from inside the buffer
+ fn append_lz(&mut self, len: usize, dist: usize) -> error::Result<()> {
+ lzma_debug!("LZ {{ len: {}, dist: {} }}", len, dist);
+ let buf_len = self.buf.len();
+ if dist > buf_len {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZ distance {} is beyond output size {}",
+ dist, buf_len
+ )));
+ }
+ let mut offset = buf_len - dist;
+ for _ in 0..len {
+ let x = self.buf[offset];
+ self.buf.push(x);
+ offset += 1;
+ }
+ self.len += len;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Get a reference to the output sink
+ fn get_output(&self) -> &W {
+ &
+ }
+ // Get a mutable reference to the output sink
+ fn get_output_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
+ &mut
+ }
+ // Consumes this buffer and flushes any data
+ fn finish(mut self) -> io::Result<W> {
+ Ok(
+ }
+ // Consumes this buffer without flushing any data
+ fn into_output(self) -> W {
+ }
+// A circular buffer for LZ sequences
+pub struct LzCircularBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ stream: W, // Output sink
+ buf: Vec<u8>, // Circular buffer
+ dict_size: usize, // Length of the buffer
+ memlimit: usize, // Buffer memory limit
+ cursor: usize, // Current position
+ len: usize, // Total number of bytes sent through the buffer
+impl<W> LzCircularBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ pub fn from_stream_with_memlimit(stream: W, dict_size: usize, memlimit: usize) -> Self {
+ lzma_info!("Dict size in LZ buffer: {}", dict_size);
+ Self {
+ stream,
+ buf: Vec::new(),
+ dict_size,
+ memlimit,
+ cursor: 0,
+ len: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ fn get(&self, index: usize) -> u8 {
+ *self.buf.get(index).unwrap_or(&0)
+ }
+ fn set(&mut self, index: usize, value: u8) -> error::Result<()> {
+ let new_len = index + 1;
+ if self.buf.len() < new_len {
+ if new_len <= self.memlimit {
+ self.buf.resize(new_len, 0);
+ } else {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "exceeded memory limit of {}",
+ self.memlimit
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ self.buf[index] = value;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<W> LzBuffer<W> for LzCircularBuffer<W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.len
+ }
+ // Retrieve the last byte or return a default
+ fn last_or(&self, lit: u8) -> u8 {
+ if self.len == 0 {
+ lit
+ } else {
+ self.get((self.dict_size + self.cursor - 1) % self.dict_size)
+ }
+ }
+ // Retrieve the n-th last byte
+ fn last_n(&self, dist: usize) -> error::Result<u8> {
+ if dist > self.dict_size {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "Match distance {} is beyond dictionary size {}",
+ dist, self.dict_size
+ )));
+ }
+ if dist > self.len {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "Match distance {} is beyond output size {}",
+ dist, self.len
+ )));
+ }
+ let offset = (self.dict_size + self.cursor - dist) % self.dict_size;
+ Ok(self.get(offset))
+ }
+ // Append a literal
+ fn append_literal(&mut self, lit: u8) -> error::Result<()> {
+ self.set(self.cursor, lit)?;
+ self.cursor += 1;
+ self.len += 1;
+ // Flush the circular buffer to the output
+ if self.cursor == self.dict_size {
+ self.cursor = 0;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Fetch an LZ sequence (length, distance) from inside the buffer
+ fn append_lz(&mut self, len: usize, dist: usize) -> error::Result<()> {
+ lzma_debug!("LZ {{ len: {}, dist: {} }}", len, dist);
+ if dist > self.dict_size {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZ distance {} is beyond dictionary size {}",
+ dist, self.dict_size
+ )));
+ }
+ if dist > self.len {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZ distance {} is beyond output size {}",
+ dist, self.len
+ )));
+ }
+ let mut offset = (self.dict_size + self.cursor - dist) % self.dict_size;
+ for _ in 0..len {
+ let x = self.get(offset);
+ self.append_literal(x)?;
+ offset += 1;
+ if offset == self.dict_size {
+ offset = 0
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Get a reference to the output sink
+ fn get_output(&self) -> &W {
+ &
+ }
+ // Get a mutable reference to the output sink
+ fn get_output_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
+ &mut
+ }
+ // Consumes this buffer and flushes any data
+ fn finish(mut self) -> io::Result<W> {
+ if self.cursor > 0 {
+ }
+ Ok(
+ }
+ // Consumes this buffer without flushing any data
+ fn into_output(self) -> W {
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313bdbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+use crate::decode::lzbuffer;
+use crate::decode::rangecoder;
+use crate::error;
+use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
+use std::io;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use crate::decompress::Options;
+use crate::decompress::UnpackedSize;
+/// Maximum input data that can be processed in one iteration.
+/// Libhtp uses the following equation to define the maximum number of bits
+/// for the worst case scenario:
+/// log2((2^11 / 31) ^ 22) + 26 < 134 + 26 = 160
+const MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT: usize = 20;
+/// Processing mode for decompression.
+/// Tells the decompressor if we should expect more data after parsing the
+/// current input.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+enum ProcessingMode {
+ /// Streaming mode. Process the input bytes but assume there will be more
+ /// chunks of input data to receive in future calls to `process_mode()`.
+ Partial,
+ /// Synchronous mode. Process the input bytes and confirm end of stream has been reached.
+ /// Use this mode if you are processing a fixed buffer of compressed data, or after
+ /// using `Mode::Partial` to check for the end of stream.
+ Finish,
+/// Result of the next iteration of processing.
+/// Indicates whether processing should continue or is finished.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+enum ProcessingStatus {
+ Continue,
+ Finished,
+pub struct LzmaParams {
+ // most lc significant bits of previous byte are part of the literal context
+ lc: u32, // 0..8
+ lp: u32, // 0..4
+ // context for literal/match is plaintext offset modulo 2^pb
+ pb: u32, // 0..4
+ dict_size: u32,
+ unpacked_size: Option<u64>,
+impl LzmaParams {
+ pub fn read_header<R>(input: &mut R, options: &Options) -> error::Result<LzmaParams>
+ where
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ {
+ // Properties
+ let props = input.read_u8().map_err(error::Error::HeaderTooShort)?;
+ let mut pb = props as u32;
+ if pb >= 225 {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZMA header invalid properties: {} must be < 225",
+ pb
+ )));
+ }
+ let lc: u32 = pb % 9;
+ pb /= 9;
+ let lp: u32 = pb % 5;
+ pb /= 5;
+ lzma_info!("Properties {{ lc: {}, lp: {}, pb: {} }}", lc, lp, pb);
+ // Dictionary
+ let dict_size_provided = input
+ .read_u32::<LittleEndian>()
+ .map_err(error::Error::HeaderTooShort)?;
+ let dict_size = if dict_size_provided < 0x1000 {
+ 0x1000
+ } else {
+ dict_size_provided
+ };
+ lzma_info!("Dict size: {}", dict_size);
+ // Unpacked size
+ let unpacked_size: Option<u64> = match options.unpacked_size {
+ UnpackedSize::ReadFromHeader => {
+ let unpacked_size_provided = input
+ .read_u64::<LittleEndian>()
+ .map_err(error::Error::HeaderTooShort)?;
+ let marker_mandatory: bool = unpacked_size_provided == 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF;
+ if marker_mandatory {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(unpacked_size_provided)
+ }
+ }
+ UnpackedSize::ReadHeaderButUseProvided(x) => {
+ input
+ .read_u64::<LittleEndian>()
+ .map_err(error::Error::HeaderTooShort)?;
+ x
+ }
+ UnpackedSize::UseProvided(x) => x,
+ };
+ lzma_info!("Unpacked size: {:?}", unpacked_size);
+ let params = LzmaParams {
+ lc,
+ lp,
+ pb,
+ dict_size,
+ unpacked_size,
+ };
+ Ok(params)
+ }
+pub struct DecoderState<W, LZB>
+ W: io::Write,
+ LZB: lzbuffer::LzBuffer<W>,
+ _phantom: PhantomData<W>,
+ // Buffer input data here if we need more for decompression. Up to
+ // MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT bytes can be consumed during one iteration.
+ partial_input_buf: std::io::Cursor<[u8; MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT]>,
+ pub output: LZB,
+ // most lc significant bits of previous byte are part of the literal context
+ pub lc: u32, // 0..8
+ pub lp: u32, // 0..4
+ // context for literal/match is plaintext offset modulo 2^pb
+ pub pb: u32, // 0..4
+ unpacked_size: Option<u64>,
+ literal_probs: Vec<Vec<u16>>,
+ pos_slot_decoder: Vec<rangecoder::BitTree>,
+ align_decoder: rangecoder::BitTree,
+ pos_decoders: [u16; 115],
+ is_match: [u16; 192], // true = LZ, false = literal
+ is_rep: [u16; 12],
+ is_rep_g0: [u16; 12],
+ is_rep_g1: [u16; 12],
+ is_rep_g2: [u16; 12],
+ is_rep_0long: [u16; 192],
+ state: usize,
+ rep: [usize; 4],
+ len_decoder: rangecoder::LenDecoder,
+ rep_len_decoder: rangecoder::LenDecoder,
+// Initialize decoder with accumulating buffer
+pub fn new_accum<W>(
+ output: lzbuffer::LzAccumBuffer<W>,
+ lc: u32,
+ lp: u32,
+ pb: u32,
+ unpacked_size: Option<u64>,
+) -> DecoderState<W, lzbuffer::LzAccumBuffer<W>>
+ W: io::Write,
+ DecoderState {
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ partial_input_buf: std::io::Cursor::new([0; MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT]),
+ output,
+ lc,
+ lp,
+ pb,
+ unpacked_size,
+ literal_probs: vec![vec![0x400; 0x300]; 1 << (lc + lp)],
+ pos_slot_decoder: vec![rangecoder::BitTree::new(6); 4],
+ align_decoder: rangecoder::BitTree::new(4),
+ pos_decoders: [0x400; 115],
+ is_match: [0x400; 192],
+ is_rep: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_g0: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_g1: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_g2: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_0long: [0x400; 192],
+ state: 0,
+ rep: [0; 4],
+ len_decoder: rangecoder::LenDecoder::new(),
+ rep_len_decoder: rangecoder::LenDecoder::new(),
+ }
+// Initialize decoder with circular buffer
+pub fn new_circular<W>(
+ output: W,
+ params: LzmaParams,
+) -> error::Result<DecoderState<W, lzbuffer::LzCircularBuffer<W>>>
+ W: io::Write,
+ new_circular_with_memlimit(output, params, std::usize::MAX)
+// Initialize decoder with circular buffer
+pub fn new_circular_with_memlimit<W>(
+ output: W,
+ params: LzmaParams,
+ memlimit: usize,
+) -> error::Result<DecoderState<W, lzbuffer::LzCircularBuffer<W>>>
+ W: io::Write,
+ // Decoder
+ let decoder = DecoderState {
+ _phantom: PhantomData,
+ output: lzbuffer::LzCircularBuffer::from_stream_with_memlimit(
+ output,
+ params.dict_size as usize,
+ memlimit,
+ ),
+ partial_input_buf: std::io::Cursor::new([0; MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT]),
+ lc:,
+ lp: params.lp,
+ pb: params.pb,
+ unpacked_size: params.unpacked_size,
+ literal_probs: vec![vec![0x400; 0x300]; 1 << ( + params.lp)],
+ pos_slot_decoder: vec![rangecoder::BitTree::new(6); 4],
+ align_decoder: rangecoder::BitTree::new(4),
+ pos_decoders: [0x400; 115],
+ is_match: [0x400; 192],
+ is_rep: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_g0: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_g1: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_g2: [0x400; 12],
+ is_rep_0long: [0x400; 192],
+ state: 0,
+ rep: [0; 4],
+ len_decoder: rangecoder::LenDecoder::new(),
+ rep_len_decoder: rangecoder::LenDecoder::new(),
+ };
+ Ok(decoder)
+impl<W, LZB> DecoderState<W, LZB>
+ W: io::Write,
+ LZB: lzbuffer::LzBuffer<W>,
+ pub fn reset_state(&mut self, lc: u32, lp: u32, pb: u32) {
+ = lc;
+ self.lp = lp;
+ self.pb = pb;
+ self.literal_probs = vec![vec![0x400; 0x300]; 1 << (lc + lp)];
+ self.pos_slot_decoder = vec![rangecoder::BitTree::new(6); 4];
+ self.align_decoder = rangecoder::BitTree::new(4);
+ self.pos_decoders = [0x400; 115];
+ self.is_match = [0x400; 192];
+ self.is_rep = [0x400; 12];
+ self.is_rep_g0 = [0x400; 12];
+ self.is_rep_g1 = [0x400; 12];
+ self.is_rep_g2 = [0x400; 12];
+ self.is_rep_0long = [0x400; 192];
+ self.state = 0;
+ self.rep = [0; 4];
+ self.len_decoder = rangecoder::LenDecoder::new();
+ self.rep_len_decoder = rangecoder::LenDecoder::new();
+ }
+ pub fn set_unpacked_size(&mut self, unpacked_size: Option<u64>) {
+ self.unpacked_size = unpacked_size;
+ }
+ pub fn process<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ ) -> error::Result<()> {
+ self.process_mode(rangecoder, ProcessingMode::Finish)
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "stream")]
+ pub fn process_stream<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ ) -> error::Result<()> {
+ self.process_mode(rangecoder, ProcessingMode::Partial)
+ }
+ /// Process the next iteration of the loop.
+ ///
+ /// If the update flag is true, the decoder's state will be updated.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `ProcessingStatus` to determine whether one should continue
+ /// processing the loop.
+ fn process_next_inner<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> error::Result<ProcessingStatus> {
+ let pos_state = self.output.len() & ((1 << self.pb) - 1);
+ // Literal
+ if !rangecoder.decode_bit(
+ // TODO: assumes pb = 2 ??
+ &mut self.is_match[(self.state << 4) + pos_state],
+ update,
+ )? {
+ let byte: u8 = self.decode_literal(rangecoder, update)?;
+ if update {
+ lzma_debug!("Literal: {}", byte);
+ self.output.append_literal(byte)?;
+ self.state = if self.state < 4 {
+ 0
+ } else if self.state < 10 {
+ self.state - 3
+ } else {
+ self.state - 6
+ };
+ }
+ return Ok(ProcessingStatus::Continue);
+ }
+ // LZ
+ let mut len: usize;
+ // Distance is repeated from LRU
+ if rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut self.is_rep[self.state], update)? {
+ // dist = rep[0]
+ if !rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut self.is_rep_g0[self.state], update)? {
+ // len = 1
+ if !rangecoder.decode_bit(
+ &mut self.is_rep_0long[(self.state << 4) + pos_state],
+ update,
+ )? {
+ // update state (short rep)
+ if update {
+ self.state = if self.state < 7 { 9 } else { 11 };
+ let dist = self.rep[0] + 1;
+ self.output.append_lz(1, dist)?;
+ }
+ return Ok(ProcessingStatus::Continue);
+ }
+ // dist = rep[i]
+ } else {
+ let idx: usize;
+ if !rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut self.is_rep_g1[self.state], update)? {
+ idx = 1;
+ } else if !rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut self.is_rep_g2[self.state], update)? {
+ idx = 2;
+ } else {
+ idx = 3;
+ }
+ if update {
+ // Update LRU
+ let dist = self.rep[idx];
+ for i in (0..idx).rev() {
+ self.rep[i + 1] = self.rep[i];
+ }
+ self.rep[0] = dist
+ }
+ }
+ len = self.rep_len_decoder.decode(rangecoder, pos_state, update)?;
+ if update {
+ // update state (rep)
+ self.state = if self.state < 7 { 8 } else { 11 };
+ }
+ // New distance
+ } else {
+ if update {
+ // Update LRU
+ self.rep[3] = self.rep[2];
+ self.rep[2] = self.rep[1];
+ self.rep[1] = self.rep[0];
+ }
+ len = self.len_decoder.decode(rangecoder, pos_state, update)?;
+ if update {
+ // update state (match)
+ self.state = if self.state < 7 { 7 } else { 10 };
+ }
+ let rep_0 = self.decode_distance(rangecoder, len, update)?;
+ if update {
+ self.rep[0] = rep_0;
+ if self.rep[0] == 0xFFFF_FFFF {
+ if rangecoder.is_finished_ok()? {
+ return Ok(ProcessingStatus::Finished);
+ }
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(String::from(
+ "Found end-of-stream marker but more bytes are available",
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if update {
+ len += 2;
+ let dist = self.rep[0] + 1;
+ self.output.append_lz(len, dist)?;
+ }
+ Ok(ProcessingStatus::Continue)
+ }
+ fn process_next<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ ) -> error::Result<ProcessingStatus> {
+ self.process_next_inner(rangecoder, true)
+ }
+ /// Try to process the next iteration of the loop.
+ ///
+ /// This will check to see if there is enough data to consume and advance the
+ /// decompressor. Needed in streaming mode to avoid corrupting the state while
+ /// processing incomplete chunks of data.
+ fn try_process_next(&mut self, buf: &[u8], range: u32, code: u32) -> error::Result<()> {
+ let mut temp = std::io::Cursor::new(buf);
+ let mut rangecoder = rangecoder::RangeDecoder::from_parts(&mut temp, range, code);
+ let _ = self.process_next_inner(&mut rangecoder, false)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Utility function to read data into the partial input buffer.
+ fn read_partial_input_buf<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ ) -> error::Result<()> {
+ // Fill as much of the tmp buffer as possible
+ let start = self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize;
+ let bytes_read =
+ rangecoder.read_into(&mut self.partial_input_buf.get_mut()[start..])? as u64;
+ self.partial_input_buf
+ .set_position(self.partial_input_buf.position() + bytes_read);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn process_mode<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ mut rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ mode: ProcessingMode,
+ ) -> error::Result<()> {
+ loop {
+ if let Some(unpacked_size) = self.unpacked_size {
+ if self.output.len() as u64 >= unpacked_size {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if match mode {
+ ProcessingMode::Partial => {
+ rangecoder.is_eof()? && self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize == 0
+ }
+ ProcessingMode::Finish => {
+ rangecoder.is_finished_ok()? && self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize == 0
+ }
+ } {
+ break;
+ }
+ if self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize > 0 {
+ self.read_partial_input_buf(rangecoder)?;
+ let tmp = *self.partial_input_buf.get_ref();
+ // Check if we need more data to advance the decompressor
+ if mode == ProcessingMode::Partial
+ && (self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize) < MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT
+ && self
+ .try_process_next(
+ &tmp[..self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize],
+ rangecoder.range,
+ rangecoder.code,
+ )
+ .is_err()
+ {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // Run the decompressor on the tmp buffer
+ let mut tmp_reader =
+ io::Cursor::new(&tmp[..self.partial_input_buf.position() as usize]);
+ let mut tmp_rangecoder = rangecoder::RangeDecoder::from_parts(
+ &mut tmp_reader,
+ rangecoder.range,
+ rangecoder.code,
+ );
+ let res = self.process_next(&mut tmp_rangecoder)?;
+ // Update the actual rangecoder
+ rangecoder.set(tmp_rangecoder.range, tmp_rangecoder.code);
+ // Update tmp buffer
+ let end = self.partial_input_buf.position();
+ let new_len = end - tmp_reader.position();
+ self.partial_input_buf.get_mut()[..new_len as usize]
+ .copy_from_slice(&tmp[tmp_reader.position() as usize..end as usize]);
+ self.partial_input_buf.set_position(new_len);
+ if res == ProcessingStatus::Finished {
+ break;
+ };
+ } else {
+ let buf: &[u8] =;
+ if mode == ProcessingMode::Partial
+ && buf.len() < MAX_REQUIRED_INPUT
+ && self
+ .try_process_next(buf, rangecoder.range, rangecoder.code)
+ .is_err()
+ {
+ return self.read_partial_input_buf(rangecoder);
+ }
+ if self.process_next(&mut rangecoder)? == ProcessingStatus::Finished {
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(len) = self.unpacked_size {
+ if mode == ProcessingMode::Finish && len != self.output.len() as u64 {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "Expected unpacked size of {} but decompressed to {}",
+ len,
+ self.output.len()
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn decode_literal<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> error::Result<u8> {
+ let def_prev_byte = 0u8;
+ let prev_byte = self.output.last_or(def_prev_byte) as usize;
+ let mut result: usize = 1;
+ let lit_state =
+ ((self.output.len() & ((1 << self.lp) - 1)) << + (prev_byte >> (8 -;
+ let probs = &mut self.literal_probs[lit_state];
+ if self.state >= 7 {
+ let mut match_byte = self.output.last_n(self.rep[0] + 1)? as usize;
+ while result < 0x100 {
+ let match_bit = (match_byte >> 7) & 1;
+ match_byte <<= 1;
+ let bit = rangecoder
+ .decode_bit(&mut probs[((1 + match_bit) << 8) + result], update)?
+ as usize;
+ result = (result << 1) ^ bit;
+ if match_bit != bit {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while result < 0x100 {
+ result = (result << 1) ^ (rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut probs[result], update)? as usize);
+ }
+ Ok((result - 0x100) as u8)
+ }
+ fn decode_distance<'a, R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut rangecoder::RangeDecoder<'a, R>,
+ length: usize,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> error::Result<usize> {
+ let len_state = if length > 3 { 3 } else { length };
+ let pos_slot = self.pos_slot_decoder[len_state].parse(rangecoder, update)? as usize;
+ if pos_slot < 4 {
+ return Ok(pos_slot);
+ }
+ let num_direct_bits = (pos_slot >> 1) - 1;
+ let mut result = (2 ^ (pos_slot & 1)) << num_direct_bits;
+ if pos_slot < 14 {
+ result += rangecoder.parse_reverse_bit_tree(
+ num_direct_bits,
+ &mut self.pos_decoders,
+ result - pos_slot,
+ update,
+ )? as usize;
+ } else {
+ result += (rangecoder.get(num_direct_bits - 4)? as usize) << 4;
+ result += self.align_decoder.parse_reverse(rangecoder, update)? as usize;
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f359511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+use crate::decode::lzbuffer;
+use crate::decode::lzbuffer::LzBuffer;
+use crate::decode::lzma;
+use crate::decode::rangecoder;
+use crate::error;
+use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
+use std::io;
+use std::io::Read;
+pub fn decode_stream<R, W>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W) -> error::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let accum = lzbuffer::LzAccumBuffer::from_stream(output);
+ let mut decoder = lzma::new_accum(accum, 0, 0, 0, None);
+ loop {
+ let status = input
+ .read_u8()
+ .map_err(|e| error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA2 expected new status: {}", e)))?;
+ lzma_info!("LZMA2 status: {}", status);
+ if status == 0 {
+ lzma_info!("LZMA2 end of input");
+ break;
+ } else if status == 1 {
+ // uncompressed reset dict
+ parse_uncompressed(&mut decoder, input, true)?;
+ } else if status == 2 {
+ // uncompressed no reset
+ parse_uncompressed(&mut decoder, input, false)?;
+ } else {
+ parse_lzma(&mut decoder, input, status)?;
+ }
+ }
+ decoder.output.finish()?;
+ Ok(())
+fn parse_lzma<R, W>(
+ decoder: &mut lzma::DecoderState<W, lzbuffer::LzAccumBuffer<W>>,
+ input: &mut R,
+ status: u8,
+) -> error::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ if status & 0x80 == 0 {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZMA2 invalid status {}, must be 0, 1, 2 or >= 128",
+ status
+ )));
+ }
+ let reset_dict: bool;
+ let reset_state: bool;
+ let reset_props: bool;
+ match (status >> 5) & 0x3 {
+ 0 => {
+ reset_dict = false;
+ reset_state = false;
+ reset_props = false;
+ }
+ 1 => {
+ reset_dict = false;
+ reset_state = true;
+ reset_props = false;
+ }
+ 2 => {
+ reset_dict = false;
+ reset_state = true;
+ reset_props = true;
+ }
+ 3 => {
+ reset_dict = true;
+ reset_state = true;
+ reset_props = true;
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ let unpacked_size = input
+ .read_u16::<BigEndian>()
+ .map_err(|e| error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA2 expected unpacked size: {}", e)))?;
+ let unpacked_size = ((((status & 0x1F) as u64) << 16) | (unpacked_size as u64)) + 1;
+ let packed_size = input
+ .read_u16::<BigEndian>()
+ .map_err(|e| error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA2 expected packed size: {}", e)))?;
+ let packed_size = (packed_size as u64) + 1;
+ lzma_info!(
+ "LZMA2 compressed block {{ unpacked_size: {}, packed_size: {}, reset_dict: {}, reset_state: {}, reset_props: {} }}",
+ unpacked_size,
+ packed_size,
+ reset_dict,
+ reset_state,
+ reset_props
+ );
+ if reset_dict {
+ decoder.output.reset()?;
+ }
+ if reset_state {
+ let lc: u32;
+ let lp: u32;
+ let mut pb: u32;
+ if reset_props {
+ let props = input.read_u8().map_err(|e| {
+ error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA2 expected new properties: {}", e))
+ })?;
+ pb = props as u32;
+ if pb >= 225 {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZMA2 invalid properties: {} must be < 225",
+ pb
+ )));
+ }
+ lc = pb % 9;
+ pb /= 9;
+ lp = pb % 5;
+ pb /= 5;
+ if lc + lp > 4 {
+ return Err(error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZMA2 invalid properties: lc + lp ({} + {}) must be <= 4",
+ lc, lp
+ )));
+ }
+ lzma_info!("Properties {{ lc: {}, lp: {}, pb: {} }}", lc, lp, pb);
+ } else {
+ lc =;
+ lp = decoder.lp;
+ pb = decoder.pb;
+ }
+ decoder.reset_state(lc, lp, pb);
+ }
+ decoder.set_unpacked_size(Some(unpacked_size + decoder.output.len() as u64));
+ let mut taken = input.take(packed_size);
+ let mut rangecoder = rangecoder::RangeDecoder::new(&mut taken)
+ .map_err(|e| error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA input too short: {}", e)))?;
+ decoder.process(&mut rangecoder)
+fn parse_uncompressed<R, W>(
+ decoder: &mut lzma::DecoderState<W, lzbuffer::LzAccumBuffer<W>>,
+ input: &mut R,
+ reset_dict: bool,
+) -> error::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let unpacked_size = input
+ .read_u16::<BigEndian>()
+ .map_err(|e| error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA2 expected unpacked size: {}", e)))?;
+ let unpacked_size = (unpacked_size as usize) + 1;
+ lzma_info!(
+ "LZMA2 uncompressed block {{ unpacked_size: {}, reset_dict: {} }}",
+ unpacked_size,
+ reset_dict
+ );
+ if reset_dict {
+ decoder.output.reset()?;
+ }
+ let mut buf = vec![0; unpacked_size];
+ input.read_exact(buf.as_mut_slice()).map_err(|e| {
+ error::Error::LzmaError(format!(
+ "LZMA2 expected {} uncompressed bytes: {}",
+ unpacked_size, e
+ ))
+ })?;
+ decoder.output.append_bytes(buf.as_slice());
+ Ok(())
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a7b0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+//! Decoding logic.
+pub mod lzbuffer;
+pub mod lzma;
+pub mod lzma2;
+pub mod options;
+pub mod rangecoder;
+pub mod util;
+pub mod xz;
+#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
+pub mod stream;
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea2b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/// Options to tweak decompression behavior.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Default)]
+pub struct Options {
+ /// Defines whether the unpacked size should be read from the header or provided.
+ ///
+ /// The default is
+ /// [`UnpackedSize::ReadFromHeader`](enum.UnpackedSize.html#variant.ReadFromHeader).
+ pub unpacked_size: UnpackedSize,
+ /// Defines whether the dictionary's dynamic size should be limited during decompression.
+ ///
+ /// The default is unlimited.
+ pub memlimit: Option<usize>,
+ /// Determines whether to bypass end of stream validation.
+ ///
+ /// This option only applies to the [`Stream`](struct.Stream.html) API.
+ ///
+ /// The default is false (always do completion check).
+ pub allow_incomplete: bool,
+/// Alternatives for defining the unpacked size of the decoded data.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum UnpackedSize {
+ /// Assume that the 8 bytes used to specify the unpacked size are present in the header.
+ /// If the bytes are `0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF`, assume that there is an end-of-payload marker in
+ /// the file.
+ /// If not, read the 8 bytes as a little-endian encoded u64.
+ ReadFromHeader,
+ /// Assume that there are 8 bytes representing the unpacked size present in the header.
+ /// Read it, but ignore it and use the provided value instead.
+ /// If the provided value is `None`, assume that there is an end-of-payload marker in the file.
+ /// Note that this is a non-standard way of reading LZMA data,
+ /// but is used by certain libraries such as
+ /// [OpenCTM](
+ ReadHeaderButUseProvided(Option<u64>),
+ /// Assume that the 8 bytes typically used to represent the unpacked size are *not* present in
+ /// the header. Use the provided value.
+ /// If the provided value is `None`, assume that there is an end-of-payload marker in the file.
+ UseProvided(Option<u64>),
+impl Default for UnpackedSize {
+ fn default() -> UnpackedSize {
+ UnpackedSize::ReadFromHeader
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_options() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ Options {
+ unpacked_size: UnpackedSize::ReadFromHeader,
+ memlimit: None,
+ allow_incomplete: false,
+ },
+ Options::default()
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ffacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use crate::decode::util;
+use crate::error;
+use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
+use std::io;
+pub struct RangeDecoder<'a, R>
+ R: 'a + io::BufRead,
+ pub stream: &'a mut R,
+ pub range: u32,
+ pub code: u32,
+impl<'a, R> RangeDecoder<'a, R>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ pub fn new(stream: &'a mut R) -> io::Result<Self> {
+ let mut dec = Self {
+ stream,
+ range: 0xFFFF_FFFF,
+ code: 0,
+ };
+ let _ =;
+ dec.code =<BigEndian>()?;
+ lzma_debug!("0 {{ range: {:08x}, code: {:08x} }}", dec.range, dec.code);
+ Ok(dec)
+ }
+ pub fn from_parts(stream: &'a mut R, range: u32, code: u32) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ stream,
+ range,
+ code,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set(&mut self, range: u32, code: u32) {
+ self.range = range;
+ self.code = code;
+ }
+ pub fn read_into(&mut self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_finished_ok(&mut self) -> io::Result<bool> {
+ Ok(self.code == 0 && self.is_eof()?)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_eof(&mut self) -> io::Result<bool> {
+ util::is_eof(
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn normalize(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ lzma_trace!(" {{ range: {:08x}, code: {:08x} }}", self.range, self.code);
+ if self.range < 0x0100_0000 {
+ self.range <<= 8;
+ self.code = (self.code << 8) ^ ( as u32);
+ lzma_debug!("+ {{ range: {:08x}, code: {:08x} }}", self.range, self.code);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn get_bit(&mut self) -> error::Result<bool> {
+ self.range >>= 1;
+ let bit = self.code >= self.range;
+ if bit {
+ self.code -= self.range
+ }
+ self.normalize()?;
+ Ok(bit)
+ }
+ pub fn get(&mut self, count: usize) -> error::Result<u32> {
+ let mut result = 0u32;
+ for _ in 0..count {
+ result = (result << 1) ^ (self.get_bit()? as u32)
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn decode_bit(&mut self, prob: &mut u16, update: bool) -> io::Result<bool> {
+ let bound: u32 = (self.range >> 11) * (*prob as u32);
+ lzma_trace!(
+ " bound: {:08x}, prob: {:04x}, bit: {}",
+ bound,
+ prob,
+ (self.code > bound) as u8
+ );
+ if self.code < bound {
+ if update {
+ *prob += (0x800_u16 - *prob) >> 5;
+ }
+ self.range = bound;
+ self.normalize()?;
+ Ok(false)
+ } else {
+ if update {
+ *prob -= *prob >> 5;
+ }
+ self.code -= bound;
+ self.range -= bound;
+ self.normalize()?;
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_bit_tree(
+ &mut self,
+ num_bits: usize,
+ probs: &mut [u16],
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> io::Result<u32> {
+ let mut tmp: u32 = 1;
+ for _ in 0..num_bits {
+ let bit = self.decode_bit(&mut probs[tmp as usize], update)?;
+ tmp = (tmp << 1) ^ (bit as u32);
+ }
+ Ok(tmp - (1 << num_bits))
+ }
+ pub fn parse_reverse_bit_tree(
+ &mut self,
+ num_bits: usize,
+ probs: &mut [u16],
+ offset: usize,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> io::Result<u32> {
+ let mut result = 0u32;
+ let mut tmp: usize = 1;
+ for i in 0..num_bits {
+ let bit = self.decode_bit(&mut probs[offset + tmp], update)?;
+ tmp = (tmp << 1) ^ (bit as usize);
+ result ^= (bit as u32) << i;
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+// TODO: parametrize by constant and use [u16; 1 << num_bits] as soon as Rust supports this
+pub struct BitTree {
+ num_bits: usize,
+ probs: Vec<u16>,
+impl BitTree {
+ pub fn new(num_bits: usize) -> Self {
+ BitTree {
+ num_bits,
+ probs: vec![0x400; 1 << num_bits],
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn parse<R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut RangeDecoder<R>,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> io::Result<u32> {
+ rangecoder.parse_bit_tree(self.num_bits, self.probs.as_mut_slice(), update)
+ }
+ pub fn parse_reverse<R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut RangeDecoder<R>,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> io::Result<u32> {
+ rangecoder.parse_reverse_bit_tree(self.num_bits, self.probs.as_mut_slice(), 0, update)
+ }
+pub struct LenDecoder {
+ choice: u16,
+ choice2: u16,
+ low_coder: Vec<BitTree>,
+ mid_coder: Vec<BitTree>,
+ high_coder: BitTree,
+impl LenDecoder {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ LenDecoder {
+ choice: 0x400,
+ choice2: 0x400,
+ low_coder: vec![BitTree::new(3); 16],
+ mid_coder: vec![BitTree::new(3); 16],
+ high_coder: BitTree::new(8),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn decode<R: io::BufRead>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut RangeDecoder<R>,
+ pos_state: usize,
+ update: bool,
+ ) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ if !rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut self.choice, update)? {
+ Ok(self.low_coder[pos_state].parse(rangecoder, update)? as usize)
+ } else if !rangecoder.decode_bit(&mut self.choice2, update)? {
+ Ok(self.mid_coder[pos_state].parse(rangecoder, update)? as usize + 8)
+ } else {
+ Ok(self.high_coder.parse(rangecoder, update)? as usize + 16)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe7b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+use crate::decode::lzbuffer::{LzBuffer, LzCircularBuffer};
+use crate::decode::lzma::{new_circular, new_circular_with_memlimit, DecoderState, LzmaParams};
+use crate::decode::rangecoder::RangeDecoder;
+use crate::decompress::Options;
+use crate::error::Error;
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use std::io::{self, BufRead, Cursor, Read, Write};
+/// Minimum header length to be read.
+/// - props: u8 (1 byte)
+/// - dict_size: u32 (4 bytes)
+const MIN_HEADER_LEN: usize = 5;
+/// Max header length to be read.
+/// - unpacked_size: u64 (8 bytes)
+const MAX_HEADER_LEN: usize = MIN_HEADER_LEN + 8;
+/// Required bytes after the header.
+/// - ignore: u8 (1 byte)
+/// - code: u32 (4 bytes)
+const START_BYTES: usize = 5;
+/// Maximum number of bytes to buffer while reading the header.
+/// Internal state of this streaming decoder. This is needed because we have to
+/// initialize the stream before processing any data.
+enum State<W>
+ W: Write,
+ /// Stream is initialized but header values have not yet been read.
+ Header(W),
+ /// Header values have been read and the stream is ready to process more data.
+ Data(RunState<W>),
+/// Structures needed while decoding data.
+struct RunState<W>
+ W: Write,
+ decoder: DecoderState<W, LzCircularBuffer<W>>,
+ range: u32,
+ code: u32,
+impl<W> Debug for RunState<W>
+ W: Write,
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ fmt.debug_struct("RunState")
+ .field("range", &self.range)
+ .field("code", &self.code)
+ .finish()
+ }
+/// Lzma decompressor that can process multiple chunks of data using the
+/// `io::Write` interface.
+pub struct Stream<W>
+ W: Write,
+ /// Temporary buffer to hold data while the header is being read.
+ tmp: Cursor<[u8; MAX_TMP_LEN]>,
+ /// Whether the stream is initialized and ready to process data.
+ /// An `Option` is used to avoid interior mutability when updating the state.
+ state: Option<State<W>>,
+ /// Options given when a stream is created.
+ options: Options,
+impl<W> Stream<W>
+ W: Write,
+ /// Initialize the stream. This will consume the `output` which is the sink
+ /// implementing `io::Write` that will receive decompressed bytes.
+ pub fn new(output: W) -> Self {
+ Self::new_with_options(&Options::default(), output)
+ }
+ /// Initialize the stream with the given `options`. This will consume the
+ /// `output` which is the sink implementing `io::Write` that will
+ /// receive decompressed bytes.
+ pub fn new_with_options(options: &Options, output: W) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ tmp: Cursor::new([0; MAX_TMP_LEN]),
+ state: Some(State::Header(output)),
+ options: *options,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get a reference to the output sink
+ pub fn get_output(&self) -> Option<&W> {
+ self.state.as_ref().map(|state| match state {
+ State::Header(output) => &output,
+ State::Data(state) => state.decoder.output.get_output(),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Get a mutable reference to the output sink
+ pub fn get_output_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut W> {
+ self.state.as_mut().map(|state| match state {
+ State::Header(output) => output,
+ State::Data(state) => state.decoder.output.get_output_mut(),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Consumes the stream and returns the output sink. This also makes sure
+ /// we have properly reached the end of the stream.
+ pub fn finish(mut self) -> crate::error::Result<W> {
+ if let Some(state) = self.state.take() {
+ match state {
+ State::Header(output) => {
+ if self.tmp.position() > 0 {
+ Err(Error::LzmaError("failed to read header".to_string()))
+ } else {
+ Ok(output)
+ }
+ }
+ State::Data(mut state) => {
+ if !self.options.allow_incomplete {
+ // Process one last time with empty input to force end of
+ // stream checks
+ let mut stream =
+ Cursor::new(&self.tmp.get_ref()[0..self.tmp.position() as usize]);
+ let mut range_decoder =
+ RangeDecoder::from_parts(&mut stream, state.range, state.code);
+ state.decoder.process(&mut range_decoder)?;
+ }
+ let output = state.decoder.output.finish()?;
+ Ok(output)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // this will occur if a call to `write()` fails
+ Err(Error::LzmaError(
+ "can't finish stream because of previous write error".to_string(),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Attempts to read the header and transition into a running state.
+ ///
+ /// This function will consume the state, returning the next state on both
+ /// error and success.
+ fn read_header<R: BufRead>(
+ output: W,
+ mut input: &mut R,
+ options: &Options,
+ ) -> crate::error::Result<State<W>> {
+ match LzmaParams::read_header(&mut input, options) {
+ Ok(params) => {
+ let decoder = if let Some(memlimit) = options.memlimit {
+ new_circular_with_memlimit(output, params, memlimit)
+ } else {
+ new_circular(output, params)
+ }?;
+ // The RangeDecoder is only kept temporarily as we are processing
+ // chunks of data.
+ if let Ok(rangecoder) = RangeDecoder::new(&mut input) {
+ Ok(State::Data(RunState {
+ decoder,
+ range: rangecoder.range,
+ code: rangecoder.code,
+ }))
+ } else {
+ // Failed to create a RangeDecoder because we need more data,
+ // try again later.
+ Ok(State::Header(decoder.output.into_output()))
+ }
+ }
+ // Failed to read_header() because we need more data, try again later.
+ Err(Error::HeaderTooShort(_)) => Ok(State::Header(output)),
+ // Fatal error. Don't retry.
+ Err(e) => Err(e),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Process compressed data
+ fn read_data<R: BufRead>(mut state: RunState<W>, mut input: &mut R) -> io::Result<RunState<W>> {
+ // Construct our RangeDecoder from the previous range and code
+ // values.
+ let mut rangecoder = RangeDecoder::from_parts(&mut input, state.range, state.code);
+ // Try to process all bytes of data.
+ state
+ .decoder
+ .process_stream(&mut rangecoder)
+ .map_err(|e| -> io::Error { e.into() })?;
+ Ok(RunState {
+ decoder: state.decoder,
+ range: rangecoder.range,
+ code: rangecoder.code,
+ })
+ }
+impl<W> Debug for Stream<W>
+ W: Write + Debug,
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ fmt.debug_struct("Stream")
+ .field("tmp", &self.tmp.position())
+ .field("state", &self.state)
+ .field("options", &self.options)
+ .finish()
+ }
+impl<W> Write for Stream<W>
+ W: Write,
+ fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let mut input = Cursor::new(data);
+ if let Some(state) = self.state.take() {
+ let state = match state {
+ // Read the header values and transition into a running state.
+ State::Header(state) => {
+ let res = if self.tmp.position() > 0 {
+ // attempt to fill the tmp buffer
+ let position = self.tmp.position();
+ let bytes_read =
+ self.tmp.get_mut()[position as usize..])?;
+ let bytes_read = if bytes_read < std::u64::MAX as usize {
+ bytes_read as u64
+ } else {
+ return Err(io::Error::new(
+ io::ErrorKind::Other,
+ "Failed to convert integer to u64.",
+ ));
+ };
+ self.tmp.set_position(position + bytes_read);
+ // attempt to read the header from our tmp buffer
+ let (position, res) = {
+ let mut tmp_input =
+ Cursor::new(&self.tmp.get_ref()[0..self.tmp.position() as usize]);
+ let res = Stream::read_header(state, &mut tmp_input, &self.options);
+ (tmp_input.position(), res)
+ };
+ // discard all bytes up to position if reading the header
+ // was successful
+ if let Ok(State::Data(_)) = &res {
+ let tmp = *self.tmp.get_ref();
+ let end = self.tmp.position();
+ let new_len = end - position;
+ (&mut self.tmp.get_mut()[0..new_len as usize])
+ .copy_from_slice(&tmp[position as usize..end as usize]);
+ self.tmp.set_position(new_len);
+ }
+ res
+ } else {
+ Stream::read_header(state, &mut input, &self.options)
+ };
+ match res {
+ // occurs when not enough input bytes were provided to
+ // read the entire header
+ Ok(State::Header(val)) => {
+ if self.tmp.position() == 0 {
+ // reset the cursor because we may have partial reads
+ input.set_position(0);
+ let bytes_read = self.tmp.get_mut()[..])?;
+ let bytes_read = if bytes_read < std::u64::MAX as usize {
+ bytes_read as u64
+ } else {
+ return Err(io::Error::new(
+ io::ErrorKind::Other,
+ "Failed to convert integer to u64.",
+ ));
+ };
+ self.tmp.set_position(bytes_read);
+ }
+ State::Header(val)
+ }
+ // occurs when the header was successfully read and we
+ // move on to the next state
+ Ok(State::Data(val)) => State::Data(val),
+ // occurs when the output was consumed due to a
+ // non-recoverable error
+ Err(e) => {
+ return Err(match e {
+ Error::IoError(e) | Error::HeaderTooShort(e) => e,
+ Error::LzmaError(e) | Error::XzError(e) => {
+ io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Process another chunk of data.
+ State::Data(state) => {
+ let state = if self.tmp.position() > 0 {
+ let mut tmp_input =
+ Cursor::new(&self.tmp.get_ref()[0..self.tmp.position() as usize]);
+ let res = Stream::read_data(state, &mut tmp_input)?;
+ self.tmp.set_position(0);
+ res
+ } else {
+ state
+ };
+ State::Data(Stream::read_data(state, &mut input)?)
+ }
+ };
+ self.state.replace(state);
+ }
+ Ok(input.position() as usize)
+ }
+ /// Flushes the output sink. The internal buffer isn't flushed to avoid
+ /// corrupting the internal state. Instead, call `finish()` to finalize the
+ /// stream and flush all remaining internal data.
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ if let Some(ref mut state) = self.state {
+ match state {
+ State::Header(_) => Ok(()),
+ State::Data(state) => state.decoder.output.get_output_mut().flush(),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+impl From<Error> for io::Error {
+ fn from(error: Error) -> io::Error {
+ io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("{:?}", error))
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ /// Test an empty stream
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stream_noop() {
+ let stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ assert!(stream.get_output().unwrap().is_empty());
+ let output = stream.finish().unwrap();
+ assert!(output.is_empty());
+ }
+ /// Test writing an empty slice
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stream_zero() {
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ stream.write_all(&[]).unwrap();
+ stream.write_all(&[]).unwrap();
+ let output = stream.finish().unwrap();
+ assert!(output.is_empty());
+ }
+ /// Test a bad header value
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic(expected = "LZMA header invalid properties: 255 must be < 225")]
+ fn test_bad_header() {
+ let input = [255u8; 32];
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ stream.write_all(&input[..]).unwrap();
+ let output = stream.finish().unwrap();
+ assert!(output.is_empty());
+ }
+ /// Test processing only partial data
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stream_incomplete() {
+ let input = b"\x5d\x00\x00\x80\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x83\xff\
+ \xfb\xff\xff\xc0\x00\x00\x00";
+ // Process until this index is reached.
+ let mut end = 1u64;
+ // Test when we fail to provide the minimum number of bytes required to
+ // read the header. Header size is 13 bytes but we also read the first 5
+ // bytes of data.
+ while end < (MAX_HEADER_LEN + START_BYTES) as u64 {
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ stream.write_all(&input[..end as usize]).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(stream.tmp.position(), end);
+ let err = stream.finish().unwrap_err();
+ assert!(
+ err.to_string().contains("failed to read header"),
+ "error was: {}",
+ err
+ );
+ end += 1;
+ }
+ // Test when we fail to provide enough bytes to terminate the stream. A
+ // properly terminated stream will have a code value of 0.
+ while end < input.len() as u64 {
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ stream.write_all(&input[..end as usize]).unwrap();
+ // Header bytes will be buffered until there are enough to read
+ if end < (MAX_HEADER_LEN + START_BYTES) as u64 {
+ assert_eq!(stream.tmp.position(), end);
+ }
+ let err = stream.finish().unwrap_err();
+ assert!(err.to_string().contains("failed to fill whole buffer"));
+ end += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Test processing all chunk sizes
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stream_chunked() {
+ let small_input = include_bytes!("../../tests/files/small.txt");
+ let mut reader = io::Cursor::new(&small_input[..]);
+ let mut small_input_compressed = Vec::new();
+ crate::lzma_compress(&mut reader, &mut small_input_compressed).unwrap();
+ let input : Vec<(&[u8], &[u8])> = vec![
+ (b"\x5d\x00\x00\x80\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x83\xff\xfb\xff\xff\xc0\x00\x00\x00", b""),
+ (&small_input_compressed[..], small_input)];
+ for (input, expected) in input {
+ for chunk in 1..input.len() {
+ let mut consumed = 0;
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ while consumed < input.len() {
+ let end = std::cmp::min(consumed + chunk, input.len());
+ stream.write_all(&input[consumed..end]).unwrap();
+ consumed = end;
+ }
+ let output = stream.finish().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(expected, &output[..]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stream_corrupted() {
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ let err = stream
+ .write_all(b"corrupted bytes here corrupted bytes here")
+ .unwrap_err();
+ assert!(err.to_string().contains("beyond output size"));
+ let err = stream.finish().unwrap_err();
+ assert!(err
+ .to_string()
+ .contains("can\'t finish stream because of previous write error"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_allow_incomplete() {
+ let input = include_bytes!("../../tests/files/small.txt");
+ let mut reader = io::Cursor::new(&input[..]);
+ let mut compressed = Vec::new();
+ crate::lzma_compress(&mut reader, &mut compressed).unwrap();
+ let compressed = &compressed[..compressed.len() / 2];
+ // Should fail to finish() without the allow_incomplete option.
+ let mut stream = Stream::new(Vec::new());
+ stream.write_all(&compressed[..]).unwrap();
+ stream.finish().unwrap_err();
+ // Should succeed with the allow_incomplete option.
+ let mut stream = Stream::new_with_options(
+ &Options {
+ allow_incomplete: true,
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ Vec::new(),
+ );
+ stream.write_all(&compressed[..]).unwrap();
+ let output = stream.finish().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(output, &input[..26]);
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8581daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+use std::hash;
+use std::io;
+pub fn read_tag<R: io::BufRead>(input: &mut R, tag: &[u8]) -> io::Result<bool> {
+ let mut buf = vec![0; tag.len()];
+ input.read_exact(buf.as_mut_slice())?;
+ Ok(buf.as_slice() == tag)
+pub fn is_eof<R: io::BufRead>(input: &mut R) -> io::Result<bool> {
+ let buf = input.fill_buf()?;
+ Ok(buf.is_empty())
+pub fn flush_zero_padding<R: io::BufRead>(input: &mut R) -> io::Result<bool> {
+ loop {
+ let len = {
+ let buf = input.fill_buf()?;
+ let len = buf.len();
+ if len == 0 {
+ return Ok(true);
+ }
+ for x in buf {
+ if *x != 0u8 {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ }
+ len
+ };
+ input.consume(len);
+ }
+// A Read computing a digest on the bytes read.
+pub struct HasherRead<'a, R, H>
+ R: 'a + io::Read,
+ H: 'a + hash::Hasher,
+ read: &'a mut R, // underlying reader
+ hasher: &'a mut H, // hasher
+impl<'a, R, H> HasherRead<'a, R, H>
+ R: io::Read,
+ H: hash::Hasher,
+ pub fn new(read: &'a mut R, hasher: &'a mut H) -> Self {
+ Self { read, hasher }
+ }
+impl<'a, R, H> io::Read for HasherRead<'a, R, H>
+ R: io::Read,
+ H: hash::Hasher,
+ fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let result =;
+ self.hasher.write(&buf[..result]);
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+// A BufRead counting the bytes read.
+pub struct CountBufRead<'a, R>
+ R: 'a + io::BufRead,
+ read: &'a mut R, // underlying reader
+ count: usize, // number of bytes read
+impl<'a, R> CountBufRead<'a, R>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ pub fn new(read: &'a mut R) -> Self {
+ Self { read, count: 0 }
+ }
+ pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.count
+ }
+impl<'a, R> io::Read for CountBufRead<'a, R>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let result =;
+ self.count += result;
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+impl<'a, R> io::BufRead for CountBufRead<'a, R>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> io::Result<&[u8]> {
+ }
+ fn consume(&mut self, amt: usize) {
+ self.count += amt;
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b623765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/decode/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+//! Decoder for the `.xz` file format.
+use crate::decode::lzma2;
+use crate::decode::util;
+use crate::error;
+use crate::xz::{footer, header, CheckMethod, StreamFlags};
+use byteorder::{BigEndian, LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
+use crc::{crc32, crc64, Hasher32};
+use std::hash::Hasher;
+use std::io;
+use std::io::Read;
+struct Record {
+ unpadded_size: u64,
+ unpacked_size: u64,
+pub fn decode_stream<R, W>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W) -> error::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let header = header::StreamHeader::parse(input)?;
+ let mut records: Vec<Record> = vec![];
+ let index_size = loop {
+ let mut count_input = util::CountBufRead::new(input);
+ let header_size = count_input.read_u8()?;
+ lzma_info!("XZ block header_size byte: 0x{:02x}", header_size);
+ if header_size == 0 {
+ lzma_info!("XZ records: {:?}", records);
+ check_index(&mut count_input, &records)?;
+ let index_size = count_input.count();
+ break index_size;
+ }
+ read_block(
+ &mut count_input,
+ output,
+ header.stream_flags.check_method,
+ &mut records,
+ header_size,
+ )?;
+ };
+ let crc32 = input.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherRead::new(input, &mut digest);
+ let backward_size = digested.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ if index_size as u32 != (backward_size + 1) << 2 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid index size: expected {} but got {}",
+ (backward_size + 1) << 2,
+ index_size
+ )));
+ }
+ let stream_flags = {
+ let field = digested.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?;
+ StreamFlags::parse(field)?
+ };
+ if header.stream_flags != stream_flags {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Flags in header ({:?}) does not match footer ({:?})",
+ header.stream_flags, stream_flags
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ let digest_crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ if crc32 != digest_crc32 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid footer CRC32: expected 0x{:08x} but got 0x{:08x}",
+ crc32, digest_crc32
+ )));
+ }
+ if !util::read_tag(input, footer::XZ_MAGIC_FOOTER)? {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid footer magic, expected {:?}",
+ )));
+ }
+ if !util::is_eof(input)? {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(
+ "Unexpected data after last XZ block".to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn check_index<'a, R>(
+ count_input: &mut util::CountBufRead<'a, R>,
+ records: &[Record],
+) -> error::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ let index_tag = 0u8;
+ digest.write_u8(index_tag);
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherRead::new(count_input, &mut digest);
+ let num_records = get_multibyte(&mut digested)?;
+ if num_records != records.len() as u64 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Expected {} records but got {} records",
+ num_records,
+ records.len()
+ )));
+ }
+ for (i, record) in records.iter().enumerate() {
+ lzma_info!("XZ index checking record {}: {:?}", i, record);
+ let unpadded_size = get_multibyte(&mut digested)?;
+ if unpadded_size != record.unpadded_size as u64 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid index for record {}: unpadded size ({}) does not match index ({})",
+ i, record.unpadded_size, unpadded_size
+ )));
+ }
+ let unpacked_size = get_multibyte(&mut digested)?;
+ if unpacked_size != record.unpacked_size as u64 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid index for record {}: unpacked size ({}) does not match index ({})",
+ i, record.unpacked_size, unpacked_size
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: create padding parser function
+ let count = count_input.count();
+ let padding_size = ((count ^ 0x03) + 1) & 0x03;
+ lzma_info!(
+ "XZ index: {} byte(s) read, {} byte(s) of padding",
+ count,
+ padding_size
+ );
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherRead::new(count_input, &mut digest);
+ for _ in 0..padding_size {
+ let byte = digested.read_u8()?;
+ if byte != 0 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(
+ "Invalid index padding, must be null bytes".to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let digest_crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ lzma_info!("XZ index checking digest 0x{:08x}", digest_crc32);
+ let crc32 = count_input.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ if crc32 != digest_crc32 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid index CRC32: expected 0x{:08x} but got 0x{:08x}",
+ crc32, digest_crc32
+ )));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+enum FilterId {
+ Lzma2,
+fn get_filter_id(id: u64) -> error::Result<FilterId> {
+ match id {
+ 0x21 => Ok(FilterId::Lzma2),
+ _ => Err(error::Error::XzError(format!("Unknown filter id {}", id))),
+ }
+struct Filter {
+ filter_id: FilterId,
+ props: Vec<u8>,
+struct BlockHeader {
+ filters: Vec<Filter>,
+ packed_size: Option<u64>,
+ unpacked_size: Option<u64>,
+fn read_block<'a, R, W>(
+ count_input: &mut util::CountBufRead<'a, R>,
+ output: &mut W,
+ check_method: CheckMethod,
+ records: &mut Vec<Record>,
+ header_size: u8,
+) -> error::Result<bool>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ digest.write_u8(header_size);
+ let header_size = ((header_size as u64) << 2) - 1;
+ let block_header = {
+ let mut taken = count_input.take(header_size);
+ let mut digested = io::BufReader::new(util::HasherRead::new(&mut taken, &mut digest));
+ read_block_header(&mut digested, header_size)?
+ };
+ let crc32 = count_input.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ let digest_crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ if crc32 != digest_crc32 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid header CRC32: expected 0x{:08x} but got 0x{:08x}",
+ crc32, digest_crc32
+ )));
+ }
+ let mut tmpbuf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ let filters = block_header.filters;
+ for (i, filter) in filters.iter().enumerate() {
+ if i == 0 {
+ // TODO: use SubBufRead on input if packed_size is known?
+ let packed_size = decode_filter(count_input, &mut tmpbuf, filter)?;
+ if let Some(expected_packed_size) = block_header.packed_size {
+ if (packed_size as u64) != expected_packed_size {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid compressed size: expected {} but got {}",
+ expected_packed_size, packed_size
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut newbuf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ decode_filter(
+ &mut io::BufReader::new(tmpbuf.as_slice()),
+ &mut newbuf,
+ filter,
+ )?;
+ // TODO: does this move or copy?
+ tmpbuf = newbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ let unpacked_size = tmpbuf.len();
+ lzma_info!("XZ block decompressed to {} byte(s)", tmpbuf.len());
+ if let Some(expected_unpacked_size) = block_header.unpacked_size {
+ if (unpacked_size as u64) != expected_unpacked_size {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid decompressed size: expected {} but got {}",
+ expected_unpacked_size, unpacked_size
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ let count = count_input.count();
+ let padding_size = ((count ^ 0x03) + 1) & 0x03;
+ lzma_info!(
+ "XZ block: {} byte(s) read, {} byte(s) of padding, check method {:?}",
+ count,
+ padding_size,
+ check_method
+ );
+ for _ in 0..padding_size {
+ let byte = count_input.read_u8()?;
+ if byte != 0 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(
+ "Invalid block padding, must be null bytes".to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ validate_block_check(count_input, tmpbuf.as_slice(), check_method)?;
+ output.write_all(tmpbuf.as_slice())?;
+ records.push(Record {
+ unpadded_size: (count_input.count() - padding_size) as u64,
+ unpacked_size: unpacked_size as u64,
+ });
+ let finished = false;
+ Ok(finished)
+/// Verify block checksum against the "Block Check" field.
+/// See spec section 3.4 for details.
+fn validate_block_check<R>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ buf: &[u8],
+ check_method: CheckMethod,
+) -> error::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ match check_method {
+ CheckMethod::None => (),
+ CheckMethod::Crc32 => {
+ let crc32 = input.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ let digest_crc32 = crc32::checksum_ieee(buf);
+ if crc32 != digest_crc32 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid block CRC32, expected 0x{:08x} but got 0x{:08x}",
+ crc32, digest_crc32
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ CheckMethod::Crc64 => {
+ let crc64 = input.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ let digest_crc64 = crc64::checksum_ecma(buf);
+ if crc64 != digest_crc64 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid block CRC64, expected 0x{:016x} but got 0x{:016x}",
+ crc64, digest_crc64
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ CheckMethod::Sha256 => {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(
+ "Unsupported SHA-256 checksum (not yet implemented)".to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn decode_filter<R, W>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W, filter: &Filter) -> error::Result<usize>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let mut count_input = util::CountBufRead::new(input);
+ match filter.filter_id {
+ FilterId::Lzma2 => {
+ if filter.props.len() != 1 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid properties for filter {:?}",
+ filter.filter_id
+ )));
+ }
+ // TODO: properties??
+ lzma2::decode_stream(&mut count_input, output)?;
+ Ok(count_input.count())
+ }
+ }
+fn read_block_header<R>(input: &mut R, header_size: u64) -> error::Result<BlockHeader>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ let flags = input.read_u8()?;
+ let num_filters = (flags & 0x03) + 1;
+ let reserved = flags & 0x3C;
+ let has_packed_size = flags & 0x40 != 0;
+ let has_unpacked_size = flags & 0x80 != 0;
+ lzma_info!(
+ "XZ block header: {{ header_size: {}, flags: {}, num_filters: {}, has_packed_size: {}, has_unpacked_size: {} }}",
+ header_size,
+ flags,
+ num_filters,
+ has_packed_size,
+ has_unpacked_size
+ );
+ if reserved != 0 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid block flags {}, reserved bits (mask 0x3C) must be zero",
+ flags
+ )));
+ }
+ let packed_size = if has_packed_size {
+ Some(get_multibyte(input)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let unpacked_size = if has_unpacked_size {
+ Some(get_multibyte(input)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ lzma_info!(
+ "XZ block header: {{ packed_size: {:?}, unpacked_size: {:?} }}",
+ packed_size,
+ unpacked_size
+ );
+ let mut filters: Vec<Filter> = vec![];
+ for _ in 0..num_filters {
+ let filter_id = get_filter_id(get_multibyte(input)?)?;
+ let size_of_properties = get_multibyte(input)?;
+ lzma_info!(
+ "XZ filter: {{ filter_id: {:?}, size_of_properties: {} }}",
+ filter_id,
+ size_of_properties
+ );
+ // Early abort to avoid allocating a large vector
+ if size_of_properties > header_size {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Size of filter properties exceeds block header size ({} > {})",
+ size_of_properties, header_size
+ )));
+ }
+ let mut buf = vec![0; size_of_properties as usize];
+ input.read_exact(buf.as_mut_slice()).map_err(|e| {
+ error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Could not read filter properties of size {}: {}",
+ size_of_properties, e
+ ))
+ })?;
+ lzma_info!("XZ filter properties: {:?}", buf);
+ filters.push(Filter {
+ filter_id,
+ props: buf,
+ })
+ }
+ if !util::flush_zero_padding(input)? {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(
+ "Invalid block header padding, must be null bytes".to_string(),
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(BlockHeader {
+ filters,
+ packed_size,
+ unpacked_size,
+ })
+pub fn get_multibyte<R>(input: &mut R) -> error::Result<u64>
+ R: io::Read,
+ let mut result = 0;
+ for i in 0..9 {
+ let byte = input.read_u8()?;
+ result ^= ((byte & 0x7F) as u64) << (i * 7);
+ if (byte & 0x80) == 0 {
+ return Ok(result);
+ }
+ }
+ Err(error::Error::XzError(
+ "Invalid multi-byte encoding".to_string(),
+ ))
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1574c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+use crate::compress::{Options, UnpackedSize};
+use crate::encode::rangecoder;
+use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
+use std::io;
+pub struct Encoder<'a, W>
+ W: 'a + io::Write,
+ rangecoder: rangecoder::RangeEncoder<'a, W>,
+ literal_probs: [[u16; 0x300]; 8],
+ is_match: [u16; 4], // true = LZ, false = literal
+ unpacked_size: UnpackedSize,
+const LC: u32 = 3;
+const LP: u32 = 0;
+const PB: u32 = 2;
+impl<'a, W> Encoder<'a, W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ pub fn from_stream(stream: &'a mut W, options: &Options) -> io::Result<Self> {
+ let dict_size = 0x0080_0000;
+ // Properties
+ let props = (LC + 9 * (LP + 5 * PB)) as u8;
+ lzma_info!("Properties {{ lc: {}, lp: {}, pb: {} }}", LC, LP, PB);
+ stream.write_u8(props)?;
+ // Dictionary
+ lzma_info!("Dict size: {}", dict_size);
+ stream.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(dict_size)?;
+ // Unpacked size
+ match &options.unpacked_size {
+ UnpackedSize::WriteToHeader(unpacked_size) => {
+ let value: u64 = match unpacked_size {
+ None => {
+ lzma_info!("Unpacked size: unknown");
+ }
+ Some(x) => {
+ lzma_info!("Unpacked size: {}", x);
+ *x
+ }
+ };
+ stream.write_u64::<LittleEndian>(value)?;
+ }
+ UnpackedSize::SkipWritingToHeader => {}
+ };
+ let encoder = Encoder {
+ rangecoder: rangecoder::RangeEncoder::new(stream),
+ literal_probs: [[0x400; 0x300]; 8],
+ is_match: [0x400; 4],
+ unpacked_size: options.unpacked_size,
+ };
+ Ok(encoder)
+ }
+ pub fn process<R>(mut self, input: R) -> io::Result<()>
+ where
+ R: io::Read,
+ {
+ let mut prev_byte = 0u8;
+ let mut input_len = 0;
+ for (out_len, byte_result) in input.bytes().enumerate() {
+ let byte = byte_result?;
+ let pos_state = out_len & 3;
+ input_len = out_len;
+ // Literal
+ self.rangecoder
+ .encode_bit(&mut self.is_match[pos_state], false)?;
+ self.encode_literal(byte, prev_byte)?;
+ prev_byte = byte;
+ }
+ self.finish(input_len + 1)
+ }
+ fn finish(&mut self, input_len: usize) -> io::Result<()> {
+ match self.unpacked_size {
+ UnpackedSize::SkipWritingToHeader | UnpackedSize::WriteToHeader(Some(_)) => {}
+ UnpackedSize::WriteToHeader(None) => {
+ // Write end-of-stream marker
+ let pos_state = input_len & 3;
+ // Match
+ self.rangecoder
+ .encode_bit(&mut self.is_match[pos_state], true)?;
+ // New distance
+ self.rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut 0x400, false)?;
+ // Dummy len, as small as possible (len = 0)
+ for _ in 0..4 {
+ self.rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut 0x400, false)?;
+ }
+ // Distance marker = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ // pos_slot = 63
+ for _ in 0..6 {
+ self.rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut 0x400, true)?;
+ }
+ // num_direct_bits = 30
+ // result = 3 << 30 = C000_0000
+ // + 3FFF_FFF0 (26 bits)
+ // + F ( 4 bits)
+ for _ in 0..30 {
+ self.rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut 0x400, true)?;
+ }
+ // = FFFF_FFFF
+ }
+ }
+ // Flush range coder
+ self.rangecoder.finish()
+ }
+ fn encode_literal(&mut self, byte: u8, prev_byte: u8) -> io::Result<()> {
+ let prev_byte = prev_byte as usize;
+ let mut result: usize = 1;
+ let lit_state = prev_byte >> 5;
+ let probs = &mut self.literal_probs[lit_state];
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ let bit = ((byte >> (7 - i)) & 1) != 0;
+ self.rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut probs[result], bit)?;
+ result = (result << 1) ^ (bit as usize);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead0726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt};
+use std::io;
+pub fn encode_stream<R, W>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let mut buf = vec![0u8; 0x10000];
+ loop {
+ let n = buf)?;
+ if n == 0 {
+ // status = EOF
+ output.write_u8(0)?;
+ break;
+ }
+ // status = uncompressed reset dict
+ output.write_u8(1)?;
+ // unpacked size
+ output.write_u16::<BigEndian>((n - 1) as u16)?;
+ // contents
+ output.write_all(&buf[..n])?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a0e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+//! Encoding logic.
+pub mod dumbencoder;
+pub mod lzma2;
+pub mod options;
+mod rangecoder;
+mod util;
+pub mod xz;
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index 0000000..cf2d305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/// Options for the `lzma_compress` function
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Options {
+ /// Defines whether the unpacked size should be written to the header.
+ /// The default is
+ /// [`UnpackedSize::WriteToHeader(None)`](enum.encode.UnpackedSize.html#variant.WriteValueToHeader)
+ pub unpacked_size: UnpackedSize,
+/// Alternatives for handling unpacked size
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub enum UnpackedSize {
+ /// If the value is `Some(u64)`, write the provided u64 value to the header.
+ /// There is currently no check in place that verifies that this is the actual number of bytes
+ /// provided by the input stream.
+ /// If the value is `None`, write the special `0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF` code to the header,
+ /// indicating that the unpacked size is unknown.
+ WriteToHeader(Option<u64>),
+ /// Do not write anything to the header. The unpacked size needs to be stored elsewhere and
+ /// provided when reading the file. Note that this is a non-standard way of writing LZMA data,
+ /// but is used by certain libraries such as
+ /// [OpenCTM](
+ SkipWritingToHeader,
+impl Default for UnpackedSize {
+ fn default() -> UnpackedSize {
+ UnpackedSize::WriteToHeader(None)
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da5385d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+use byteorder::WriteBytesExt;
+use std::io;
+pub struct RangeEncoder<'a, W>
+ W: 'a + io::Write,
+ stream: &'a mut W,
+ range: u32,
+ low: u64,
+ cache: u8,
+ cachesz: u32,
+impl<'a, W> RangeEncoder<'a, W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ #[allow(clippy::let_and_return)]
+ pub fn new(stream: &'a mut W) -> Self {
+ let enc = Self {
+ stream,
+ range: 0xFFFF_FFFF,
+ low: 0,
+ cache: 0,
+ cachesz: 1,
+ };
+ lzma_debug!("0 {{ range: {:08x}, low: {:010x} }}", enc.range, enc.low);
+ enc
+ }
+ fn write_low(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ if self.low < 0xFF00_0000 || self.low > 0xFFFF_FFFF {
+ let mut tmp = self.cache;
+ loop {
+ let byte = tmp.wrapping_add((self.low >> 32) as u8);
+ lzma_debug!("> byte: {:02x}", byte);
+ tmp = 0xFF;
+ self.cachesz -= 1;
+ if self.cachesz == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ self.cache = (self.low >> 24) as u8;
+ }
+ self.cachesz += 1;
+ self.low = (self.low << 8) & 0xFFFF_FFFF;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn finish(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ for _ in 0..5 {
+ self.write_low()?;
+ lzma_debug!("$ {{ range: {:08x}, low: {:010x} }}", self.range, self.low);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn normalize(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ while self.range < 0x0100_0000 {
+ lzma_debug!(
+ "+ {{ range: {:08x}, low: {:010x}, cache: {:02x}, {} }}",
+ self.range,
+ self.low,
+ self.cache,
+ self.cachesz
+ );
+ self.range <<= 8;
+ self.write_low()?;
+ lzma_debug!(
+ "* {{ range: {:08x}, low: {:010x}, cache: {:02x}, {} }}",
+ self.range,
+ self.low,
+ self.cache,
+ self.cachesz
+ );
+ }
+ lzma_trace!(" {{ range: {:08x}, low: {:010x} }}", self.range, self.low);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn encode_bit(&mut self, prob: &mut u16, bit: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
+ let bound: u32 = (self.range >> 11) * (*prob as u32);
+ lzma_trace!(
+ " bound: {:08x}, prob: {:04x}, bit: {}",
+ bound,
+ prob,
+ bit as u8
+ );
+ if bit {
+ *prob -= *prob >> 5;
+ self.low += bound as u64;
+ self.range -= bound;
+ } else {
+ *prob += (0x800_u16 - *prob) >> 5;
+ self.range = bound;
+ }
+ self.normalize()
+ }
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ fn encode_bit_tree(
+ &mut self,
+ num_bits: usize,
+ probs: &mut [u16],
+ value: u32,
+ ) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debug_assert!(value.leading_zeros() as usize + num_bits >= 32);
+ let mut tmp: usize = 1;
+ for i in 0..num_bits {
+ let bit = ((value >> (num_bits - i - 1)) & 1) != 0;
+ self.encode_bit(&mut probs[tmp], bit)?;
+ tmp = (tmp << 1) ^ (bit as usize);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub fn encode_reverse_bit_tree(
+ &mut self,
+ num_bits: usize,
+ probs: &mut [u16],
+ offset: usize,
+ mut value: u32,
+ ) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debug_assert!(value.leading_zeros() as usize + num_bits >= 32);
+ let mut tmp: usize = 1;
+ for _ in 0..num_bits {
+ let bit = (value & 1) != 0;
+ value >>= 1;
+ self.encode_bit(&mut probs[offset + tmp], bit)?;
+ tmp = (tmp << 1) ^ (bit as usize);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+// TODO: parametrize by constant and use [u16; 1 << num_bits] as soon as Rust supports this
+pub struct BitTree {
+ num_bits: usize,
+ probs: Vec<u16>,
+impl BitTree {
+ pub fn new(num_bits: usize) -> Self {
+ BitTree {
+ num_bits,
+ probs: vec![0x400; 1 << num_bits],
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn encode<W: io::Write>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut RangeEncoder<W>,
+ value: u32,
+ ) -> io::Result<()> {
+ rangecoder.encode_bit_tree(self.num_bits, self.probs.as_mut_slice(), value)
+ }
+ pub fn encode_reverse<W: io::Write>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut RangeEncoder<W>,
+ value: u32,
+ ) -> io::Result<()> {
+ rangecoder.encode_reverse_bit_tree(self.num_bits, self.probs.as_mut_slice(), 0, value)
+ }
+pub struct LenEncoder {
+ choice: u16,
+ choice2: u16,
+ low_coder: Vec<BitTree>,
+ mid_coder: Vec<BitTree>,
+ high_coder: BitTree,
+impl LenEncoder {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ LenEncoder {
+ choice: 0x400,
+ choice2: 0x400,
+ low_coder: vec![BitTree::new(3); 16],
+ mid_coder: vec![BitTree::new(3); 16],
+ high_coder: BitTree::new(8),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn encode<W: io::Write>(
+ &mut self,
+ rangecoder: &mut RangeEncoder<W>,
+ pos_state: usize,
+ value: u32,
+ ) -> io::Result<()> {
+ let is_low: bool = value < 8;
+ rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut self.choice, !is_low)?;
+ if is_low {
+ return self.low_coder[pos_state].encode(rangecoder, value);
+ }
+ let is_middle: bool = value < 16;
+ rangecoder.encode_bit(&mut self.choice2, !is_middle)?;
+ if is_middle {
+ return self.mid_coder[pos_state].encode(rangecoder, value - 8);
+ }
+ self.high_coder.encode(rangecoder, value - 16)
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::decode::rangecoder::{LenDecoder, RangeDecoder};
+ use crate::{decode, encode};
+ use std::io::BufReader;
+ fn encode_decode(prob_init: u16, bits: &[bool]) {
+ let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ let mut encoder = RangeEncoder::new(&mut buf);
+ let mut prob = prob_init;
+ for &b in bits {
+ encoder.encode_bit(&mut prob, b).unwrap();
+ }
+ encoder.finish().unwrap();
+ let mut bufread = BufReader::new(buf.as_slice());
+ let mut decoder = RangeDecoder::new(&mut bufread).unwrap();
+ let mut prob = prob_init;
+ for &b in bits {
+ assert_eq!(decoder.decode_bit(&mut prob, true).unwrap(), b);
+ }
+ assert!(decoder.is_finished_ok().unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_zeros() {
+ encode_decode(0x400, &[false; 10000]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_ones() {
+ encode_decode(0x400, &[true; 10000]);
+ }
+ fn encode_decode_bittree(num_bits: usize, values: &[u32]) {
+ let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ let mut encoder = RangeEncoder::new(&mut buf);
+ let mut tree = encode::rangecoder::BitTree::new(num_bits);
+ for &v in values {
+ tree.encode(&mut encoder, v).unwrap();
+ }
+ encoder.finish().unwrap();
+ let mut bufread = BufReader::new(buf.as_slice());
+ let mut decoder = RangeDecoder::new(&mut bufread).unwrap();
+ let mut tree = decode::rangecoder::BitTree::new(num_bits);
+ for &v in values {
+ assert_eq!(tree.parse(&mut decoder, true).unwrap(), v);
+ }
+ assert!(decoder.is_finished_ok().unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_bittree_zeros() {
+ for num_bits in 0..16 {
+ encode_decode_bittree(num_bits, &[0; 10000]);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_bittree_ones() {
+ for num_bits in 0..16 {
+ encode_decode_bittree(num_bits, &[(1 << num_bits) - 1; 10000]);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_bittree_all() {
+ for num_bits in 0..16 {
+ let max = 1 << num_bits;
+ let values: Vec<u32> = (0..max).collect();
+ encode_decode_bittree(num_bits, &values);
+ }
+ }
+ fn encode_decode_reverse_bittree(num_bits: usize, values: &[u32]) {
+ let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ let mut encoder = RangeEncoder::new(&mut buf);
+ let mut tree = encode::rangecoder::BitTree::new(num_bits);
+ for &v in values {
+ tree.encode_reverse(&mut encoder, v).unwrap();
+ }
+ encoder.finish().unwrap();
+ let mut bufread = BufReader::new(buf.as_slice());
+ let mut decoder = RangeDecoder::new(&mut bufread).unwrap();
+ let mut tree = decode::rangecoder::BitTree::new(num_bits);
+ for &v in values {
+ assert_eq!(tree.parse_reverse(&mut decoder, true).unwrap(), v);
+ }
+ assert!(decoder.is_finished_ok().unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_reverse_bittree_zeros() {
+ for num_bits in 0..16 {
+ encode_decode_reverse_bittree(num_bits, &[0; 10000]);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_reverse_bittree_ones() {
+ for num_bits in 0..16 {
+ encode_decode_reverse_bittree(num_bits, &[(1 << num_bits) - 1; 10000]);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_reverse_bittree_all() {
+ for num_bits in 0..16 {
+ let max = 1 << num_bits;
+ let values: Vec<u32> = (0..max).collect();
+ encode_decode_reverse_bittree(num_bits, &values);
+ }
+ }
+ fn encode_decode_length(pos_state: usize, values: &[u32]) {
+ let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ let mut encoder = RangeEncoder::new(&mut buf);
+ let mut len_encoder = LenEncoder::new();
+ for &v in values {
+ len_encoder.encode(&mut encoder, pos_state, v).unwrap();
+ }
+ encoder.finish().unwrap();
+ let mut bufread = BufReader::new(buf.as_slice());
+ let mut decoder = RangeDecoder::new(&mut bufread).unwrap();
+ let mut len_decoder = LenDecoder::new();
+ for &v in values {
+ assert_eq!(
+ len_decoder.decode(&mut decoder, pos_state, true).unwrap(),
+ v as usize
+ );
+ }
+ assert!(decoder.is_finished_ok().unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_length_zeros() {
+ for pos_state in 0..16 {
+ encode_decode_length(pos_state, &[0; 10000]);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_encode_decode_length_all() {
+ for pos_state in 0..16 {
+ let max = (1 << 8) + 16;
+ let values: Vec<u32> = (0..max).collect();
+ encode_decode_length(pos_state, &values);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e231f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+use std::hash;
+use std::io;
+// A Write computing a digest on the bytes written.
+pub struct HasherWrite<'a, W, H>
+ W: 'a + io::Write,
+ H: 'a + hash::Hasher,
+ write: &'a mut W, // underlying writer
+ hasher: &'a mut H, // hasher
+impl<'a, W, H> HasherWrite<'a, W, H>
+ W: io::Write,
+ H: hash::Hasher,
+ pub fn new(write: &'a mut W, hasher: &'a mut H) -> Self {
+ Self { write, hasher }
+ }
+impl<'a, W, H> io::Write for HasherWrite<'a, W, H>
+ W: io::Write,
+ H: hash::Hasher,
+ fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let result = self.write.write(buf)?;
+ self.hasher.write(&buf[..result]);
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ self.write.flush()
+ }
+// A Write counting the bytes written.
+pub struct CountWrite<'a, W>
+ W: 'a + io::Write,
+ write: &'a mut W, // underlying writer
+ count: usize, // number of bytes written
+impl<'a, W> CountWrite<'a, W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ pub fn new(write: &'a mut W) -> Self {
+ Self { write, count: 0 }
+ }
+ pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.count
+ }
+impl<'a, W> io::Write for CountWrite<'a, W>
+ W: io::Write,
+ fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ let result = self.write.write(buf)?;
+ self.count += result;
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ self.write.flush()
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15eca80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/encode/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+use crate::decode;
+use crate::encode::lzma2;
+use crate::encode::util;
+use crate::xz::{footer, header, CheckMethod, StreamFlags};
+use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
+use crc::{crc32, Hasher32};
+use std::io;
+use std::io::Write;
+pub fn encode_stream<R, W>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let stream_flags = StreamFlags {
+ check_method: CheckMethod::None,
+ };
+ // Header
+ write_header(output, stream_flags)?;
+ // Block
+ let (unpadded_size, unpacked_size) = write_block(input, output)?;
+ // Index
+ let index_size = write_index(output, unpadded_size, unpacked_size)?;
+ // Footer
+ write_footer(output, stream_flags, index_size)
+fn write_header<W>(output: &mut W, stream_flags: StreamFlags) -> io::Result<()>
+ W: io::Write,
+ output.write_all(header::XZ_MAGIC)?;
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherWrite::new(output, &mut digest);
+ stream_flags.serialize(&mut digested)?;
+ }
+ let crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ output.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(crc32)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn write_footer<W>(output: &mut W, stream_flags: StreamFlags, index_size: usize) -> io::Result<()>
+ W: io::Write,
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ let mut footer_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherWrite::new(&mut footer_buf, &mut digest);
+ let backward_size = (index_size >> 2) - 1;
+ digested.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(backward_size as u32)?;
+ stream_flags.serialize(&mut digested)?;
+ }
+ let crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ output.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(crc32)?;
+ output.write_all(footer_buf.as_slice())?;
+ output.write_all(footer::XZ_MAGIC_FOOTER)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn write_block<R, W>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W) -> io::Result<(usize, usize)>
+ R: io::BufRead,
+ W: io::Write,
+ let (unpadded_size, unpacked_size) = {
+ let mut count_output = util::CountWrite::new(output);
+ // Block header
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherWrite::new(&mut count_output, &mut digest);
+ let header_size = 8;
+ digested.write_u8((header_size >> 2) as u8)?;
+ let flags = 0x00; // 1 filter, no (un)packed size provided
+ digested.write_u8(flags)?;
+ let filter_id = 0x21; // LZMA2
+ digested.write_u8(filter_id)?;
+ let size_of_properties = 1;
+ digested.write_u8(size_of_properties)?;
+ let properties = 22; // TODO
+ digested.write_u8(properties)?;
+ let padding = [0, 0, 0];
+ digested.write_all(&padding)?;
+ }
+ let crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ count_output.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(crc32)?;
+ // Block
+ let mut count_input = decode::util::CountBufRead::new(input);
+ lzma2::encode_stream(&mut count_input, &mut count_output)?;
+ (count_output.count(), count_input.count())
+ };
+ lzma_info!(
+ "Unpadded size = {}, unpacked_size = {}",
+ unpadded_size,
+ unpacked_size
+ );
+ let padding_size = ((unpadded_size ^ 0x03) + 1) & 0x03;
+ let padding = vec![0; padding_size];
+ output.write_all(padding.as_slice())?;
+ // Checksum = None (cf. above)
+ Ok((unpadded_size, unpacked_size))
+fn write_index<W>(output: &mut W, unpadded_size: usize, unpacked_size: usize) -> io::Result<usize>
+ W: io::Write,
+ let mut count_output = util::CountWrite::new(output);
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherWrite::new(&mut count_output, &mut digest);
+ digested.write_u8(0)?; // No more block
+ let num_records = 1;
+ write_multibyte(&mut digested, num_records)?;
+ write_multibyte(&mut digested, unpadded_size as u64)?;
+ write_multibyte(&mut digested, unpacked_size as u64)?;
+ }
+ // Padding
+ let count = count_output.count();
+ let padding_size = ((count ^ 0x03) + 1) & 0x03;
+ {
+ let mut digested = util::HasherWrite::new(&mut count_output, &mut digest);
+ let padding = vec![0; padding_size];
+ digested.write_all(padding.as_slice())?;
+ }
+ let crc32 = digest.sum32();
+ count_output.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(crc32)?;
+ Ok(count_output.count())
+fn write_multibyte<W>(output: &mut W, mut value: u64) -> io::Result<()>
+ W: io::Write,
+ loop {
+ let byte = (value & 0x7F) as u8;
+ value >>= 7;
+ if value == 0 {
+ output.write_u8(byte)?;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ output.write_u8(0x80 | byte)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5bfcd
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+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+//! Error handling.
+use std::fmt::Display;
+use std::io;
+use std::result;
+/// Library errors.
+pub enum Error {
+ /// I/O error.
+ IoError(io::Error),
+ /// Not enough bytes to complete header
+ HeaderTooShort(io::Error),
+ /// LZMA error.
+ LzmaError(String),
+ /// XZ error.
+ XzError(String),
+/// Library result alias.
+pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
+impl From<io::Error> for Error {
+ fn from(e: io::Error) -> Error {
+ Error::IoError(e)
+ }
+impl Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ Error::IoError(e) => write!(fmt, "io error: {}", e),
+ Error::HeaderTooShort(e) => write!(fmt, "header too short: {}", e),
+ Error::LzmaError(e) => write!(fmt, "lzma error: {}", e),
+ Error::XzError(e) => write!(fmt, "xz error: {}", e),
+ }
+ }
+impl std::error::Error for Error {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+ match self {
+ Error::IoError(e) | Error::HeaderTooShort(e) => Some(e),
+ Error::LzmaError(_) | Error::XzError(_) => None,
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::Error;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_display() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ Error::IoError(std::io::Error::new(
+ std::io::ErrorKind::Other,
+ "this is an error"
+ ))
+ .to_string(),
+ "io error: this is an error"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Error::LzmaError("this is an error".to_string()).to_string(),
+ "lzma error: this is an error"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ Error::XzError("this is an error".to_string()).to_string(),
+ "xz error: this is an error"
+ );
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..763e8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+//! Pure-Rust codecs for LZMA, LZMA2, and XZ.
+mod macros;
+mod decode;
+mod encode;
+pub mod error;
+mod xz;
+use crate::decode::lzbuffer::LzBuffer;
+use std::io;
+/// Compression helpers.
+pub mod compress {
+ pub use crate::encode::options::*;
+/// Decompression helpers.
+pub mod decompress {
+ pub use crate::decode::options::*;
+ #[cfg(feature = "stream")]
+ pub use crate::decode::stream::Stream;
+/// Decompress LZMA data with default [`Options`](decompress/struct.Options.html).
+pub fn lzma_decompress<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+) -> error::Result<()> {
+ lzma_decompress_with_options(input, output, &decompress::Options::default())
+/// Decompress LZMA data with the provided options.
+pub fn lzma_decompress_with_options<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+ options: &decompress::Options,
+) -> error::Result<()> {
+ let params = decode::lzma::LzmaParams::read_header(input, options)?;
+ let mut decoder = if let Some(memlimit) = options.memlimit {
+ decode::lzma::new_circular_with_memlimit(output, params, memlimit)?
+ } else {
+ decode::lzma::new_circular(output, params)?
+ };
+ let mut rangecoder = decode::rangecoder::RangeDecoder::new(input)
+ .map_err(|e| error::Error::LzmaError(format!("LZMA stream too short: {}", e)))?;
+ decoder.process(&mut rangecoder)?;
+ decoder.output.finish()?;
+ Ok(())
+/// Compresses data with LZMA and default [`Options`](compress/struct.Options.html).
+pub fn lzma_compress<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+) -> io::Result<()> {
+ lzma_compress_with_options(input, output, &compress::Options::default())
+/// Compress LZMA data with the provided options.
+pub fn lzma_compress_with_options<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+ options: &compress::Options,
+) -> io::Result<()> {
+ let encoder = encode::dumbencoder::Encoder::from_stream(output, options)?;
+ encoder.process(input)
+/// Decompress LZMA2 data with default [`Options`](decompress/struct.Options.html).
+pub fn lzma2_decompress<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+) -> error::Result<()> {
+ decode::lzma2::decode_stream(input, output)
+/// Compress data with LZMA2 and default [`Options`](compress/struct.Options.html).
+pub fn lzma2_compress<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+) -> io::Result<()> {
+ encode::lzma2::encode_stream(input, output)
+/// Decompress XZ data with default [`Options`](decompress/struct.Options.html).
+pub fn xz_decompress<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(
+ input: &mut R,
+ output: &mut W,
+) -> error::Result<()> {
+ decode::xz::decode_stream(input, output)
+/// Compress data with XZ and default [`Options`](compress/struct.Options.html).
+pub fn xz_compress<R: io::BufRead, W: io::Write>(input: &mut R, output: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
+ encode::xz::encode_stream(input, output)
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+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/// Log trace message (feature: enabled).
+#[cfg(feature = "enable_logging")]
+macro_rules! lzma_trace {
+ ($($arg:tt)+) => {
+ log::trace!($($arg)+);
+ }
+/// Log debug message (feature: enabled).
+#[cfg(feature = "enable_logging")]
+macro_rules! lzma_debug {
+ ($($arg:tt)+) => {
+ log::debug!($($arg)+);
+ }
+/// Log info message (feature: enabled).
+#[cfg(feature = "enable_logging")]
+macro_rules! lzma_info {
+ ($($arg:tt)+) => {
+ log::info!($($arg)+);
+ }
+/// Log trace message (feature: disabled).
+#[cfg(not(feature = "enable_logging"))]
+macro_rules! lzma_trace {
+ ($($arg:tt)+) => {};
+/// Log debug message (feature: disabled).
+#[cfg(not(feature = "enable_logging"))]
+macro_rules! lzma_debug {
+ ($($arg:tt)+) => {};
+/// Log info message (feature: disabled).
+#[cfg(not(feature = "enable_logging"))]
+macro_rules! lzma_info {
+ ($($arg:tt)+) => {};
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d74eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+//! XZ footer.
+/// File format trailing terminator, see sect.
+pub(crate) const XZ_MAGIC_FOOTER: &[u8] = &[0x59, 0x5A];
diff --git a/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/
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index 0000000..0266414
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+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//! XZ header.
+use crate::decode::util;
+use crate::error;
+use crate::xz::StreamFlags;
+use byteorder::{BigEndian, LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
+use crc::crc32::{self, Hasher32};
+/// File format magic header signature, see sect.
+pub(crate) const XZ_MAGIC: &[u8] = &[0xFD, 0x37, 0x7A, 0x58, 0x5A, 0x00];
+/// Stream Header, see sect. 2.1.1.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub(crate) struct StreamHeader {
+ pub(crate) stream_flags: StreamFlags,
+impl StreamHeader {
+ /// Parse a Stream Header from a buffered reader.
+ pub(crate) fn parse<BR>(input: &mut BR) -> error::Result<Self>
+ where
+ BR: std::io::BufRead,
+ {
+ if !util::read_tag(input, XZ_MAGIC)? {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid XZ magic, expected {:?}",
+ )));
+ }
+ let (flags, digested) = {
+ let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
+ let mut digest_rd = util::HasherRead::new(input, &mut digest);
+ let value = digest_rd.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?;
+ (value, digest.sum32())
+ };
+ let crc32 = input.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
+ if crc32 != digested {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid header CRC32: expected 0x{:08x} but got 0x{:08x}",
+ crc32, digested
+ )));
+ }
+ let stream_flags = StreamFlags::parse(flags)?;
+ let header = Self { stream_flags };
+ lzma_info!("XZ check method: {:?}", header.stream_flags.check_method);
+ Ok(header)
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d68ed6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/vendor/lzma-rs/src/xz/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+//! Logic for handling `.xz` file format.
+//! Format specifications are at [](spec).
+//! [spec]:
+use crate::error;
+use std::io;
+pub(crate) mod footer;
+pub(crate) mod header;
+/// Stream flags, see sect.
+/// This does not store the leading null byte, which is currently unused.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub(crate) struct StreamFlags {
+ pub(crate) check_method: CheckMethod,
+impl StreamFlags {
+ /// Parse Stream Flags from a 16bits value.
+ pub(crate) fn parse(input: u16) -> error::Result<Self> {
+ let flags_bytes = input.to_be_bytes();
+ if flags_bytes[0] != 0x00 {
+ return Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid null byte in Stream Flags: {:x}",
+ flags_bytes[0]
+ )));
+ }
+ let flags = Self {
+ check_method: CheckMethod::try_from(flags_bytes[1])?,
+ };
+ Ok(flags)
+ }
+ /// Serialize Stream Flags into a writer.
+ pub(crate) fn serialize<W>(self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<usize>
+ where
+ W: io::Write,
+ {
+ // First byte is currently unused and hard-coded to null.
+ writer
+ .write(&[0x00, self.check_method as u8])
+ .map_err(Into::into)
+ }
+/// Stream check type, see sect.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum CheckMethod {
+ None = 0x00,
+ Crc32 = 0x01,
+ Crc64 = 0x04,
+ Sha256 = 0x0A,
+impl CheckMethod {
+ /// Parse Check ID (second byte in Stream Flags).
+ pub fn try_from(id: u8) -> error::Result<CheckMethod> {
+ match id {
+ 0x00 => Ok(CheckMethod::None),
+ 0x01 => Ok(CheckMethod::Crc32),
+ 0x04 => Ok(CheckMethod::Crc64),
+ 0x0A => Ok(CheckMethod::Sha256),
+ _ => Err(error::Error::XzError(format!(
+ "Invalid check method {:x}, expected one of [0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x0A]",
+ id
+ ))),
+ }
+ }
+impl From<CheckMethod> for u8 {
+ fn from(method: CheckMethod) -> u8 {
+ method as u8
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
+ use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checkmethod_roundtrip() {
+ let mut count_valid = 0;
+ for input in 0..std::u8::MAX {
+ if let Ok(check) = CheckMethod::try_from(input) {
+ let output: u8 = check.into();
+ assert_eq!(input, output);
+ count_valid += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ assert_eq!(count_valid, 4);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_streamflags_roundtrip() {
+ let input = StreamFlags {
+ check_method: CheckMethod::Crc32,
+ };
+ let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(vec![0u8; 2]);
+ let len = input.serialize(&mut cursor).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(len, 2);
+ let field = cursor.read_u16::<BigEndian>().unwrap();
+ let output = StreamFlags::parse(field).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(input, output);
+ }