path: root/rust/vendor/quote-0.6.13/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rust/vendor/quote-0.6.13/tests/')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/vendor/quote-0.6.13/tests/ b/rust/vendor/quote-0.6.13/tests/
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index 0000000..85562bf
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+++ b/rust/vendor/quote-0.6.13/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(blacklisted_name))]
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+extern crate proc_macro2;
+extern crate quote;
+use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
+use quote::TokenStreamExt;
+mod conditional {
+ #[cfg(integer128)]
+ mod integer128;
+struct X;
+impl quote::ToTokens for X {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
+ tokens.append(Ident::new("X", Span::call_site()));
+ }
+fn test_quote_impl() {
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ impl<'a, T: ToTokens> ToTokens for &'a T {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
+ (**self).to_tokens(tokens)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let expected = concat!(
+ "impl < 'a , T : ToTokens > ToTokens for & 'a T { ",
+ "fn to_tokens ( & self , tokens : & mut TokenStream ) { ",
+ "( * * self ) . to_tokens ( tokens ) ",
+ "} ",
+ "}"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_substitution() {
+ let x = X;
+ let tokens = quote!(#x <#x> (#x) [#x] {#x});
+ let expected = "X < X > ( X ) [ X ] { X }";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_iter() {
+ let primes = &[X, X, X, X];
+ assert_eq!("X X X X", quote!(#(#primes)*).to_string());
+ assert_eq!("X , X , X , X ,", quote!(#(#primes,)*).to_string());
+ assert_eq!("X , X , X , X", quote!(#(#primes),*).to_string());
+fn test_advanced() {
+ let generics = quote!( <'a, T> );
+ let where_clause = quote!( where T: Serialize );
+ let field_ty = quote!(String);
+ let item_ty = quote!(Cow<'a, str>);
+ let path = quote!(SomeTrait::serialize_with);
+ let value = quote!(self.x);
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ struct SerializeWith #generics #where_clause {
+ value: &'a #field_ty,
+ phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData<#item_ty>,
+ }
+ impl #generics ::serde::Serialize for SerializeWith #generics #where_clause {
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>
+ where S: ::serde::Serializer
+ {
+ #path(self.value, s)
+ }
+ }
+ SerializeWith {
+ value: #value,
+ phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData::<#item_ty>,
+ }
+ };
+ let expected = concat!(
+ "struct SerializeWith < 'a , T > where T : Serialize { ",
+ "value : & 'a String , ",
+ "phantom : :: std :: marker :: PhantomData < Cow < 'a , str > > , ",
+ "} ",
+ "impl < 'a , T > :: serde :: Serialize for SerializeWith < 'a , T > where T : Serialize { ",
+ "fn serialize < S > ( & self , s : & mut S ) -> Result < ( ) , S :: Error > ",
+ "where S : :: serde :: Serializer ",
+ "{ ",
+ "SomeTrait :: serialize_with ( self . value , s ) ",
+ "} ",
+ "} ",
+ "SerializeWith { ",
+ "value : self . x , ",
+ "phantom : :: std :: marker :: PhantomData :: < Cow < 'a , str > > , ",
+ "}"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_integer() {
+ let ii8 = -1i8;
+ let ii16 = -1i16;
+ let ii32 = -1i32;
+ let ii64 = -1i64;
+ let iisize = -1isize;
+ let uu8 = 1u8;
+ let uu16 = 1u16;
+ let uu32 = 1u32;
+ let uu64 = 1u64;
+ let uusize = 1usize;
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ #ii8 #ii16 #ii32 #ii64 #iisize
+ #uu8 #uu16 #uu32 #uu64 #uusize
+ };
+ let expected = "-1i8 -1i16 -1i32 -1i64 -1isize 1u8 1u16 1u32 1u64 1usize";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_floating() {
+ let e32 = 2.345f32;
+ let e64 = 2.345f64;
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ #e32
+ #e64
+ };
+ let expected = concat!("2.345f32 2.345f64");
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_char() {
+ let zero = '\0';
+ let pound = '#';
+ let quote = '"';
+ let apost = '\'';
+ let newline = '\n';
+ let heart = '\u{2764}';
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ #zero #pound #quote #apost #newline #heart
+ };
+ let expected = "'\\u{0}' '#' '\"' '\\'' '\\n' '\\u{2764}'";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_str() {
+ let s = "\0 a 'b \" c";
+ let tokens = quote!(#s);
+ let expected = "\"\\u{0} a 'b \\\" c\"";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_string() {
+ let s = "\0 a 'b \" c".to_string();
+ let tokens = quote!(#s);
+ let expected = "\"\\u{0} a 'b \\\" c\"";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_ident() {
+ let foo = Ident::new("Foo", Span::call_site());
+ let bar = Ident::new(&format!("Bar{}", 7), Span::call_site());
+ let tokens = quote!(struct #foo; enum #bar {});
+ let expected = "struct Foo ; enum Bar7 { }";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_duplicate() {
+ let ch = 'x';
+ let tokens = quote!(#ch #ch);
+ let expected = "'x' 'x'";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_fancy_repetition() {
+ let foo = vec!["a", "b"];
+ let bar = vec![true, false];
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ #(#foo: #bar),*
+ };
+ let expected = r#""a" : true , "b" : false"#;
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_nested_fancy_repetition() {
+ let nested = vec![vec!['a', 'b', 'c'], vec!['x', 'y', 'z']];
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ #(
+ #(#nested)*
+ ),*
+ };
+ let expected = "'a' 'b' 'c' , 'x' 'y' 'z'";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_empty_repetition() {
+ let tokens = quote!(#(a b)* #(c d),*);
+ assert_eq!("", tokens.to_string());
+fn test_variable_name_conflict() {
+ // The implementation of `#(...),*` uses the variable `_i` but it should be
+ // fine, if a little confusing when debugging.
+ let _i = vec!['a', 'b'];
+ let tokens = quote! { #(#_i),* };
+ let expected = "'a' , 'b'";
+ assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
+fn test_empty_quote() {
+ let tokens = quote!();
+ assert_eq!("", tokens.to_string());
+fn test_box_str() {
+ let b = "str".to_owned().into_boxed_str();
+ let tokens = quote! { #b };
+ assert_eq!("\"str\"", tokens.to_string());
+fn test_cow() {
+ let owned: Cow<Ident> = Cow::Owned(Ident::new("owned", Span::call_site()));
+ let ident = Ident::new("borrowed", Span::call_site());
+ let borrowed = Cow::Borrowed(&ident);
+ let tokens = quote! { #owned #borrowed };
+ assert_eq!("owned borrowed", tokens.to_string());
+fn test_closure() {
+ fn field_i(i: usize) -> Ident {
+ Ident::new(&format!("__field{}", i), Span::call_site())
+ }
+ let fields = (0usize..3)
+ .map(field_i as fn(_) -> _)
+ .map(|var| quote! { #var });
+ let tokens = quote! { #(#fields)* };
+ assert_eq!("__field0 __field1 __field2", tokens.to_string());
+fn test_append_tokens() {
+ let mut a = quote!(a);
+ let b = quote!(b);
+ a.append_all(b);
+ assert_eq!("a b", a.to_string());