path: root/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..85d747c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# vim:ts=5:sw=5:expandtab
+# we have a spaces softtab, that ensures readability with other editors too
+[ -z "$BASH_VERSINFO" ] && printf "\n\033[1;35m Please make sure you're using \"bash\"! Bye...\033[m\n\n" >&2 && exit 245
+[ $(kill -l | grep -c SIG) -eq 0 ] && printf "\n\033[1;35m Please make sure you're calling me without leading \"sh\"! Bye...\033[m\n\n" >&2 && exit 245
+# This shell script generates the various static cipher lists that are used in
+# It should be re-run whenever new ciphers are added to cipher-mapping.txt to determine
+# whether any of the variables in containing cipher lists need to be updated.
+# debugging help:
+readonly PS4='${LINENO}> ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
+COLOR=${COLOR:-2} # 2: Full color, 1: b/w+positioning, 0: no ESC at all
+readonly RUN_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
+TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR="${TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR:-""}" # if you run from a different path you can set either TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR
+###### Cipher suite information #####
+declare -i TLS_NR_CIPHERS=0
+declare TLS_CIPHER_KX=()
+declare TLS_CIPHER_AUTH=()
+declare TLS_CIPHER_ENC=()
+###### output functions ######
+# a little bit of sanitzing with bash internal search&replace -- otherwise printf will hiccup at '%' and '--' does the rest.
+# if [[ "$BASH_VERSINFO" -eq 4 ]]; then
+ printf -- "%b" "${1//%/%%}"
+# else
+# /usr/bin/printf -- "${1//%/%%}"
+# fi
+outln() { out "$1\n"; }
+pr_off() { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[m"; }
+pr_underline() { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[4m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }
+if [[ $(uname) == "Linux" ]] ; then
+ toupper() { echo -n "${1^^}" ; }
+ tolower() { echo -n "${1,,}" ; }
+ toupper() { echo -n "$1" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'; }
+ tolower() { echo -n "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' ; }
+# try very hard to determine the install path to get ahold of the mapping file.
+# TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR can be supplied via environment so that the cipher mapping and CA bundles can be found
+get_mapping_file() {
+ local mac
+ [[ -r "$RUN_DIR/etc/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$RUN_DIR/etc/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ [[ -r "$RUN_DIR/../etc/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$RUN_DIR/../etc/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ [[ -r "$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/etc/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/etc/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ if [[ ! -r "$CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE" ]]; then
+ [[ -r "$RUN_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$RUN_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ [[ -r "$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ fi
+ # we haven't found the cipher file yet...
+ if [[ ! -r "$CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE" ]] && command -v readlink &>/dev/null ; then
+ readlink -f ls &>/dev/null && \
+ TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR=$(readlink -f $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})) || \
+ TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR=$(readlink $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
+ # not sure whether Darwin has -f
+ [[ -r "$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ [[ -r "$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/etc/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/etc/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ fi
+ # still no cipher mapping file:
+ if [[ ! -r "$CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE" ]] && command -v realpath &>/dev/null ; then
+ TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
+ [[ -r "$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ fi
+ # still no cipher mapping file (and realpath is not present):
+ if [[ ! -r "$CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE" ]] && command -v readlink &>/dev/null ; then
+ readlink -f ls &>/dev/null && \
+ TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})) || \
+ TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))
+ # not sure whether Darwin has -f
+ [[ -r "$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt" ]] && CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/cipher-mapping.txt"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -r "$CIPHERS_BY_STRENGTH_FILE" ]] ; then
+ outln "\nATTENTION: No cipher mapping file found!"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+get_robust_pfs_ciphers() {
+ local -i i
+ local pfs_cipher hexc pfs_cipher_list="" pfs_hex_cipher_list=""
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ pfs_cipher="${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}"
+ if ( [[ "$pfs_cipher" == "TLS_DHE_"* ]] || [[ "$pfs_cipher" == "TLS_ECDHE_"* ]] ) && \
+ [[ ! "$pfs_cipher" =~ "NULL" ]] && [[ ! "$pfs_cipher" =~ "DES" ]] && [[ ! "$pfs_cipher" =~ "RC4" ]] && \
+ [[ ! "$pfs_cipher" =~ "PSK" ]]; then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ pfs_hex_cipher_list+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}" != "-" ]] && pfs_cipher_list+=":${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln ; pr_underline "Robust PFS Cipher Lists for SSLv3 - TLSv1.2" ; outln
+ echo "ROBUST_PFS_CIPHERS=\"${pfs_cipher_list:1}\""
+ echo "ROBUST_PFS_CIPHERS_HEX=\"$(tolower "${pfs_hex_cipher_list:2}")\""
+get_std_cipherlists() {
+ local hexc hexcode strength
+ local -i i
+ local null_ciphers="" anon_ciphers="" adh_ciphers="" exp40_ciphers=""
+ local exp56_ciphers="" exp_ciphers="" low_ciphers="" des_ciphers=""
+ local medium_ciphers="" tdes_ciphers="" high_ciphers=""
+ local sslv2_null_ciphers="" sslv2_anon_ciphers="" sslv2_adh_ciphers="" sslv2_exp40_ciphers=""
+ local sslv2_exp56_ciphers="" sslv2_exp_ciphers="" sslv2_low_ciphers="" sslv2_des_ciphers=""
+ local sslv2_medium_ciphers="" sslv2_tdes_ciphers="" sslv2_high_ciphers=""
+ local using_sockets=true
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ strength="${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}"
+ strength="${strength//\)/}"
+ strength="${strength#*\(}"
+ if [[ ${#hexc} -eq 9 ]]; then
+ hexcode="${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=None" ]] && \
+ null_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_AUTH[i]}" == "Au=None" ]] && \
+ anon_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ "TLS_DH_anon_" ]] && \
+ adh_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ $strength -eq 40 ]] && exp40_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+# [[ $strength -eq 56 ]] && exp56_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ $strength -eq 56 ]] && \
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" == "export" ]] && \
+ exp56_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" == "export" ]] && \
+ exp_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_AUTH[i]}" != "Au=None" ]]; then
+# [[ $strength -le 64 ]] && low_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" != "Enc=None" ]] && \
+ [[ $strength -le 64 ]] && \
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" != "export" ]] && \
+ low_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=DES(56)" ]] && \
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" != "export" ]] && \
+ des_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=SEED(128)" ]] && \
+ medium_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=RC4(128)" ]] && \
+ medium_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=IDEA(128)" ]] && \
+ medium_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=3DES(168)" ]] && \
+ tdes_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=AES"* ]] && \
+ high_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=Camellia"* ]] && \
+ high_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=ChaCha20"* ]] && \
+ high_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=GOST"* ]] && \
+ high_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=ARIA"* ]] && \
+ high_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ fi
+ else
+ hexcode="${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2},${hexc:12:2}"
+ [[ $strength -eq 40 ]] && sslv2_exp40_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+# [[ $strength -eq 56 ]] && sslv2_exp56_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" == "export" ]] && \
+ sslv2_exp_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+# [[ $strength -le 64 ]] && sslv2_low_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ $strength -le 64 ]] && \
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" != "export" ]] && \
+ sslv2_low_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=DES(56)" ]] && \
+ sslv2_des_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_ENC[i]}" == "Enc=3DES(168)" ]] && \
+ sslv2_tdes_ciphers+=", $hexcode"
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ -n "$null_ciphers" ]] && null_ciphers="${null_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$anon_ciphers" ]] && anon_ciphers="${anon_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$adh_ciphers" ]] && adh_ciphers="${adh_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$exp40_ciphers" ]] && exp40_ciphers="${exp40_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$exp56_ciphers" ]] && exp56_ciphers="${exp56_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$exp_ciphers" ]] && exp_ciphers="${exp_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$low_ciphers" ]] && low_ciphers="${low_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$des_ciphers" ]] && des_ciphers="${des_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$medium_ciphers" ]] && medium_ciphers="${medium_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$tdes_ciphers" ]] && tdes_ciphers="${tdes_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$high_ciphers" ]] && high_ciphers="${high_ciphers:2}, 00,ff"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_null_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_null_ciphers="${sslv2_null_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_anon_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_anon_ciphers="${sslv2_anon_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_adh_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_adh_ciphers="${sslv2_adh_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_exp40_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_exp40_ciphers="${sslv2_exp40_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_exp56_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_exp56_ciphers="${sslv2_exp56_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_exp_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_exp_ciphers="${sslv2_exp_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_low_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_low_ciphers="${sslv2_low_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_des_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_des_ciphers="${sslv2_des_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_medium_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_medium_ciphers="${sslv2_medium_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_tdes_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_tdes_ciphers="${sslv2_tdes_ciphers:2}"
+ [[ -n "$sslv2_high_ciphers" ]] && sslv2_high_ciphers="${sslv2_high_ciphers:2}"
+ outln ; pr_underline "Cipher lists for run_std_cipherlists()"; outln
+ outln "null_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$null_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_null_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_null_ciphers")\""
+ outln "anon_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$anon_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_anon_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_anon_ciphers")\""
+ outln "adh_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$adh_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_adh_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_adh_ciphers")\""
+ outln exp40_ciphers"=\"$(tolower "$exp40_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_exp40_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_exp40_ciphers")\""
+ outln "exp56_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$exp56_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_exp56_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_exp56_ciphers")\""
+ outln "exp_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$exp_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_exp_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_exp_ciphers")\""
+ outln "low_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$low_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_low_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_low_ciphers")\""
+ outln "des_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$des_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_des_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_des_ciphers")\""
+ outln "medium_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$medium_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_medium_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_medium_ciphers")\""
+ outln "tdes_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$tdes_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_tdes_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_tdes_ciphers")\""
+ outln "high_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$high_ciphers")\""
+ outln "sslv2_high_ciphers=\"$(tolower "$sslv2_high_ciphers")\""
+get_cbc_ciphers() {
+ local -i
+ local hexc cbc_cipher_list="" cbc_cipher_list_hex=""
+ # Want to keep ciphers lists to under 128 ciphers. Since there are a number of CBC ciphers
+ # that do not currently have OpenSSL names, the ciphers with Null authentication can be
+ # included in the OpenSSL list, but need to be excluded from the hex list.
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_SSLVERS[i]}" != "SSLv2" ]] && [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ CBC ]] && \
+ [[ ! "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ PSK ]] && [[ ! "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ SRP ]] && \
+ [[ ! "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ KRB5 ]]; then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_AUTH[i]}" != "Au=None" ]] && cbc_cipher_list_hex+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}" != "-" ]] && cbc_cipher_list+=":${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln ; pr_underline "CBC Ciphers for determine_tls_extensions()"; outln
+ outln "cbc_cipher_list=\"${cbc_cipher_list:1}\""
+ outln "cbc_cipher_list_hex=\"$(tolower "${cbc_cipher_list_hex:2}")\""
+get_all_cbc_ciphers() {
+ local -i
+ local hexc cbc_ciphers="" cbc_ciphers_hex=""
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_SSLVERS[i]}" != "SSLv2" ]] && [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ CBC ]]; then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ cbc_ciphers_hex+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}" != "-" ]] && cbc_ciphers+=":${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln ; pr_underline "CBC Ciphers for run_lucky13()"; outln
+ outln "cbc_ciphers=\"${cbc_ciphers:1}\""
+ outln "cbc_ciphers_hex=\"$(tolower "${cbc_ciphers_hex:2}")\""
+get_sslv3_tls1_cbc_ciphers() {
+ local -i
+ local hexc cbc_ciphers="" cbc_ciphers_hex=""
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_SSLVERS[i]}" != "SSLv2" ]] && [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" =~ CBC ]] && \
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" != *SHA256 ]] && [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" != *SHA384 ]]; then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ cbc_ciphers_hex+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}" != "-" ]] && cbc_ciphers+=":${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln ; pr_underline "SSLv3/TLSv1.0 CBC Ciphers for run_ssl_poodle() and run_beast()"; outln
+ outln "cbc_ciphers=\"${cbc_ciphers:1}\""
+ outln "cbc_ciphers_hex=\"$(tolower "${cbc_ciphers_hex:2}")\""
+get_export_rsa_ciphers() {
+ local -i i
+ local exportrsa_cipher_list="" exportrsa_tls_cipher_list_hex="" exportrsa_ssl2_cipher_list_hex=""
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" == "export" ]] && \
+ ( [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_KX[i]}" =~ RSA ]] || [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_AUTH[i]}" =~ RSA ]] ); then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_SSLVERS[i]}" == "SSLv2" ]] && exportrsa_ssl2_cipher_list_hex+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2},${hexc:12:2}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_SSLVERS[i]}" != "SSLv2" ]] && exportrsa_tls_cipher_list_hex+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ [[ ! ":${exportrsa_cipher_list}:" =~ "${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}" ]] && exportrsa_cipher_list+=":${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln ; pr_underline "Export RSA ciphers for run_freak()"; outln
+ outln "exportrsa_cipher_list=\"${exportrsa_cipher_list:1}\""
+ outln "exportrsa_tls_cipher_list_hex=\"${exportrsa_tls_cipher_list_hex:2}\""
+ outln "exportrsa_ssl2_cipher_list_hex=\"${exportrsa_ssl2_cipher_list_hex:2}\""
+get_weak_dh_ciphers() {
+ local -i
+ local hexc exportdh_cipher_list="" exportdh_cipher_list_hex=""
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" == "TLS_DHE_"* ]] && [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT[i]}" == "export" ]]; then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}" != "-" ]] && exportdh_cipher_list+=":${TLS_CIPHER_OSSL_NAME[i]}"
+ exportdh_cipher_list_hex+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln; pr_underline "Weak ephemeral DH ciphers for run_logjam()"; outln
+ outln "exportdh_cipher_list=\"${exportdh_cipher_list:1}\""
+ outln "exportdh_cipher_list_hex=\"${exportdh_cipher_list_hex:2}\""
+get_dhe_ciphers() {
+ local -i
+ local hexc all_dh_ciphers=""
+ for (( i=0; i < TLS_NR_CIPHERS; i++ )); do
+ if [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" == "TLS_DHE_"* ]] || [[ "${TLS_CIPHER_RFC_NAME[i]}" == "TLS_DH_anon_"* ]]; then
+ hexc="${TLS_CIPHER_HEXCODE[i]}"
+ all_dh_ciphers+=", ${hexc:2:2},${hexc:7:2}"
+ fi
+ done
+ outln; pr_underline "All ephemeral DH ciphers for run_logjam()"; outln
+ outln "all_dh_ciphers=\"$(tolower "${all_dh_ciphers:2}")\""
+exit $?