path: root/comm/calendar/providers/storage/CalStorageStatements.jsm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/calendar/providers/storage/CalStorageStatements.jsm')
1 files changed, 751 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/providers/storage/CalStorageStatements.jsm b/comm/calendar/providers/storage/CalStorageStatements.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4906e036e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/providers/storage/CalStorageStatements.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CalStorageStatements"];
+const cICL = Ci.calIChangeLog;
+ * CalStorageStatements contains the mozIStorageBaseStatements used by the
+ * various storage calendar models. Remember to call the finalize() method when
+ * shutting down the db.
+ */
+class CalStorageStatements {
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectEvent = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectTodo = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement} mSelectNonRecurringEventsByRange
+ */
+ mSelectNonRecurringEventsByRange = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement} mSelectNonRecurringTodosByRange
+ */
+ mSelectNonRecurringTodosByRange = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAttendeesForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAttendeesForItemWithRecurrenceId = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllAttendees = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectPropertiesForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectPropertiesForItemWithRecurrenceId = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllProperties = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectParametersForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectParametersForItemWithRecurrenceId = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllParameters = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectRecurrenceForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllRecurrences = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectEventsWithRecurrence = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectTodosWithRecurrence = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectEventExceptions = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllEventExceptions = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectTodoExceptions = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllTodoExceptions = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectMetaData = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllMetaData = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectRelationsForItemWithRecurrenceId = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllRelations = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectRelationsForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAlarmsForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAlarmsForItemWithRecurrenceId = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllAlarms = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAttachmentsForItem = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAttachmentsForItemWithRecurrenceId = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mSelectAllAttachments = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertEvent = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertTodo = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertProperty = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertParameter = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertAttendee = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertRecurrence = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertAttachment = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertRelation = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertMetaData = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mInsertAlarm = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mEditEventOfflineFlag = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mEditTodoOfflineFlag = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteEvent = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteTodo = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteAttendees = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteProperties = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteParameters = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteRecurrence = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteAttachments = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteRelations = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteMetaData = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteAlarms = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement[]}
+ */
+ mDeleteEventExtras = [];
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement[]}
+ */
+ mDeleteTodoExtras = [];
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteAllEvents = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageAsyncStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteAllTodos = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {mozIStorageStatement}
+ */
+ mDeleteAllMetaData = null;
+ /**
+ * @param {CalStorageDatabase} db
+ *
+ * @throws - If unable to initialize SQL statements.
+ */
+ constructor(db) {
+ this.mSelectEvent = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_events
+ WHERE id = :id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL
+ LIMIT 1`
+ );
+ this.mSelectTodo = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_todos
+ WHERE id = :id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL
+ LIMIT 1`
+ );
+ // The more readable version of the next where-clause is:
+ // WHERE ((event_end > :range_start OR
+ // (event_end = :range_start AND
+ // event_start = :range_start))
+ // AND event_start < :range_end)
+ //
+ // but that doesn't work with floating start or end times. The logic
+ // is the same though.
+ // For readability, a few helpers:
+ let floatingEventStart = "event_start_tz = 'floating' AND event_start";
+ let nonFloatingEventStart = "event_start_tz != 'floating' AND event_start";
+ let floatingEventEnd = "event_end_tz = 'floating' AND event_end";
+ let nonFloatingEventEnd = "event_end_tz != 'floating' AND event_end";
+ // The query needs to take both floating and non floating into account.
+ this.mSelectNonRecurringEventsByRange = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_events
+ ((${floatingEventEnd} > :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingEventEnd} > :range_start) OR
+ (((${floatingEventEnd} = :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingEventEnd} = :range_start)) AND
+ ((${floatingEventStart} = :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingEventStart} = :range_start))))
+ ((${floatingEventStart} < :range_end + :end_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingEventStart} < :range_end))
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id AND flags & 16 == 0 AND recurrence_id IS NULL
+ AND ((:offline_journal IS NULL
+ AND (offline_journal IS NULL
+ OR offline_journal != ${cICL.OFFLINE_FLAG_DELETED_RECORD}))
+ OR (offline_journal == :offline_journal))`
+ );
+ //
+ // WHERE (due > rangeStart AND (entry IS NULL OR entry < rangeEnd)) OR
+ // (due = rangeStart AND (entry IS NULL OR entry = rangeStart)) OR
+ // (due IS NULL AND (entry >= rangeStart AND entry < rangeEnd)) OR
+ // (entry IS NULL AND (completed > rangeStart OR completed IS NULL))
+ //
+ let floatingTodoEntry = "todo_entry_tz = 'floating' AND todo_entry";
+ let nonFloatingTodoEntry = "todo_entry_tz != 'floating' AND todo_entry";
+ let floatingTodoDue = "todo_due_tz = 'floating' AND todo_due";
+ let nonFloatingTodoDue = "todo_due_tz != 'floating' AND todo_due";
+ let floatingCompleted = "todo_completed_tz = 'floating' AND todo_completed";
+ let nonFloatingCompleted = "todo_completed_tz != 'floating' AND todo_completed";
+ this.mSelectNonRecurringTodosByRange = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_todos
+ ((((${floatingTodoDue} > :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingTodoDue} > :range_start)) AND
+ ((todo_entry IS NULL) OR
+ ((${floatingTodoEntry} < :range_end + :end_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingTodoEntry} < :range_end)))) OR
+ (((${floatingTodoDue} = :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingTodoDue} = :range_start)) AND
+ ((todo_entry IS NULL) OR
+ ((${floatingTodoEntry} = :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingTodoEntry} = :range_start)))) OR
+ ((todo_due IS NULL) AND
+ (((${floatingTodoEntry} >= :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingTodoEntry} >= :range_start)) AND
+ ((${floatingTodoEntry} < :range_end + :end_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingTodoEntry} < :range_end)))) OR
+ ((todo_entry IS NULL) AND
+ (((${floatingCompleted} > :range_start + :start_offset) OR
+ (${nonFloatingCompleted} > :range_start)) OR
+ (todo_completed IS NULL))))
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id AND flags & 16 == 0 AND recurrence_id IS NULL
+ AND ((:offline_journal IS NULL
+ AND (offline_journal IS NULL
+ OR offline_journal != ${cICL.OFFLINE_FLAG_DELETED_RECORD}))
+ OR (offline_journal == :offline_journal))`
+ );
+ this.mSelectEventsWithRecurrence = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_events
+ WHERE flags & 16 == 16
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id is NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectTodosWithRecurrence = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_todos
+ WHERE flags & 16 == 16
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectEventExceptions = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_events
+ WHERE id = :id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NOT NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllEventExceptions = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_events
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NOT NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectTodoExceptions = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_todos
+ WHERE id = :id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NOT NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllTodoExceptions = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_todos
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NOT NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAttendeesForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_attendees
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAttendeesForItemWithRecurrenceId = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_attendees
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id = :recurrence_id
+ AND recurrence_id_tz = :recurrence_id_tz`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllAttendees = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, icalString FROM cal_attendees
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectPropertiesForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_properties
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectPropertiesForItemWithRecurrenceId = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_properties
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id = :recurrence_id
+ AND recurrence_id_tz = :recurrence_id_tz`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllProperties = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, key, value FROM cal_properties
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectParametersForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_parameters
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectParametersForItemWithRecurrenceId = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_parameters
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id = :recurrence_id
+ AND recurrence_id_tz = :recurrence_id_tz`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllParameters = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, key1, key2, value FROM cal_parameters
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectRecurrenceForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_recurrence
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllRecurrences = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, icalString FROM cal_recurrence
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAttachmentsForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_attachments
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAttachmentsForItemWithRecurrenceId = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_attachments
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id = :recurrence_id
+ AND recurrence_id_tz = :recurrence_id_tz`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllAttachments = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, icalString FROM cal_attachments
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectRelationsForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_relations
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectRelationsForItemWithRecurrenceId = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_relations
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id = :recurrence_id
+ AND recurrence_id_tz = :recurrence_id_tz`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllRelations = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, icalString FROM cal_relations
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectMetaData = db.createStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_metadata
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllMetaData = db.createStatement(
+ `SELECT * FROM cal_metadata
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAlarmsForItem = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT icalString FROM cal_alarms
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAlarmsForItemWithRecurrenceId = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT icalString FROM cal_alarms
+ WHERE item_id = :item_id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id = :recurrence_id
+ AND recurrence_id_tz = :recurrence_id_tz`
+ );
+ this.mSelectAllAlarms = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `SELECT item_id, icalString FROM cal_alarms
+ WHERE cal_id = :cal_id
+ AND recurrence_id IS NULL`
+ );
+ // insert statements
+ this.mInsertEvent = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_events
+ (cal_id, id, time_created, last_modified,
+ title, priority, privacy, ical_status, flags,
+ event_start, event_start_tz, event_end, event_end_tz, event_stamp,
+ recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz, alarm_last_ack)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :id, :time_created, :last_modified,
+ :title, :priority, :privacy, :ical_status, :flags,
+ :event_start, :event_start_tz, :event_end, :event_end_tz, :event_stamp,
+ :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz, :alarm_last_ack)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertTodo = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_todos
+ (cal_id, id, time_created, last_modified,
+ title, priority, privacy, ical_status, flags,
+ todo_entry, todo_entry_tz, todo_due, todo_due_tz, todo_stamp,
+ todo_completed, todo_completed_tz, todo_complete,
+ recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz, alarm_last_ack)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :id, :time_created, :last_modified,
+ :title, :priority, :privacy, :ical_status, :flags,
+ :todo_entry, :todo_entry_tz, :todo_due, :todo_due_tz, :todo_stamp,
+ :todo_completed, :todo_completed_tz, :todo_complete,
+ :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz, :alarm_last_ack)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertProperty = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_properties (cal_id, item_id, recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz, key, value)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz, :key, :value)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertParameter = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_parameters (cal_id, item_id, recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz, key1, key2, value)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz, :key1, :key2, :value)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertAttendee = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_attendees
+ (cal_id, item_id, recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz, icalString)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz, :icalString)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertRecurrence = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_recurrence
+ (cal_id, item_id, icalString)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :icalString)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertAttachment = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_attachments
+ (cal_id, item_id, icalString, recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :icalString, :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertRelation = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_relations
+ (cal_id, item_id, icalString, recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :icalString, :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertMetaData = db.createStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_metadata
+ (cal_id, item_id, value)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :value)`
+ );
+ this.mInsertAlarm = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `INSERT INTO cal_alarms
+ (cal_id, item_id, icalString, recurrence_id, recurrence_id_tz)
+ VALUES (:cal_id, :item_id, :icalString, :recurrence_id, :recurrence_id_tz)`
+ );
+ // Offline Operations
+ this.mEditEventOfflineFlag = db.createStatement(
+ `UPDATE cal_events SET offline_journal = :offline_journal
+ WHERE id = :id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ this.mEditTodoOfflineFlag = db.createStatement(
+ `UPDATE cal_todos SET offline_journal = :offline_journal
+ WHERE id = :id
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ // delete statements
+ this.mDeleteEvent = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_events WHERE id = :id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteTodo = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_todos WHERE id = :id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteAttendees = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_attendees WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteProperties = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_properties WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteParameters = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_parameters WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteRecurrence = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_recurrence WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteAttachments = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_attachments WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteRelations = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_relations WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteMetaData = db.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_metadata WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteAlarms = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM cal_alarms WHERE item_id = :item_id AND cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ // These are only used when deleting an entire calendar
+ let extrasTables = [
+ "cal_attendees",
+ "cal_properties",
+ "cal_parameters",
+ "cal_recurrence",
+ "cal_attachments",
+ "cal_metadata",
+ "cal_relations",
+ "cal_alarms",
+ ];
+ this.mDeleteEventExtras = [];
+ this.mDeleteTodoExtras = [];
+ for (let table in extrasTables) {
+ this.mDeleteEventExtras[table] = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `DELETE FROM ${extrasTables[table]}
+ WHERE item_id IN
+ (SELECT id FROM cal_events WHERE cal_id = :cal_id)
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ this.mDeleteTodoExtras[table] = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ `DELETE FROM ${extrasTables[table]}
+ WHERE item_id IN
+ (SELECT id FROM cal_todos WHERE cal_id = :cal_id)
+ AND cal_id = :cal_id`
+ );
+ }
+ // Note that you must delete the "extras" _first_ using the above two
+ // statements, before you delete the events themselves.
+ this.mDeleteAllEvents = db.createAsyncStatement(
+ "DELETE from cal_events WHERE cal_id = :cal_id"
+ );
+ this.mDeleteAllTodos = db.createAsyncStatement("DELETE from cal_todos WHERE cal_id = :cal_id");
+ this.mDeleteAllMetaData = db.createStatement("DELETE FROM cal_metadata WHERE cal_id = :cal_id");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ensures all Db statements are properly cleaned up before shutdown by
+ * calling their finalize() method.
+ */
+ finalize() {
+ for (let key of Object.keys(this)) {
+ if (this[key] instanceof Ci.mozIStorageBaseStatement) {
+ this[key].finalize();
+ }
+ }
+ for (let stmt of this.mDeleteEventExtras) {
+ stmt.finalize();
+ }
+ for (let stmt of this.mDeleteTodoExtras) {
+ stmt.finalize();
+ }
+ }