path: root/comm/calendar/test/unit/test_recur.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/calendar/test/unit/test_recur.js')
1 files changed, 1361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/test/unit/test_recur.js b/comm/calendar/test/unit/test_recur.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32033d5b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/test/unit/test_recur.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1361 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
+ CalRecurrenceInfo: "resource:///modules/CalRecurrenceInfo.jsm",
+function makeEvent(str) {
+ return createEventFromIcalString("BEGIN:VEVENT\n" + str + "END:VEVENT");
+function run_test() {
+ do_calendar_startup(really_run_test);
+function really_run_test() {
+ test_interface();
+ test_rrule_interface();
+ test_rules();
+ test_failures();
+ test_limit();
+ test_startdate_change();
+ test_idchange();
+ test_rrule_icalstring();
+ test_immutable();
+ test_icalComponent();
+function test_rules() {
+ function check_recur(event, expected, endDate, ignoreNextOccCheck) {
+ dump("Checking '" + event.getProperty("DESCRIPTION") + "'\n");
+ // Immutability is required for testing the recurrenceEndDate property.
+ event.makeImmutable();
+ // Get recurrence dates
+ let start = createDate(1990, 0, 1);
+ let end = createDate(2020, 0, 1);
+ let recdates = event.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceDates(start, end, 0);
+ let occurrences = event.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(start, end, 0);
+ // Check number of items
+ dump("Expected " + expected.length + " occurrences\n");
+ dump("Got: " + => x.toString()) + "\n");
+ equal(recdates.length, expected.length);
+ let fmt = cal.dtz.formatter;
+ for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
+ // Check each date
+ let expectedDate = cal.createDateTime(expected[i]);
+ dump(
+ "Expecting instance at " + expectedDate + "(" + fmt.dayName(expectedDate.weekday) + ")\n"
+ );
+ dump("Recdate:");
+ equal(recdates[i].icalString, expected[i]);
+ // Make sure occurrences are correct
+ dump("Occurrence:");
+ occurrences[i].QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ equal(occurrences[i].startDate.icalString, expected[i]);
+ if (ignoreNextOccCheck) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Make sure getNextOccurrence works correctly
+ let nextOcc = event.recurrenceInfo.getNextOccurrence(recdates[i]);
+ if (expected.length > i + 1) {
+ notEqual(nextOcc, null);
+ dump("Checking next occurrence: " + expected[i + 1] + "\n");
+ nextOcc.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ equal(nextOcc.startDate.icalString, expected[i + 1]);
+ } else {
+ dump("Expecting no more occurrences, found " + (nextOcc ? nextOcc.startDate : null) + "\n");
+ equal(nextOcc, null);
+ }
+ // Make sure getPreviousOccurrence works correctly
+ let prevOcc = event.recurrenceInfo.getPreviousOccurrence(recdates[i]);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ dump(
+ "Checking previous occurrence: " +
+ expected[i - 1] +
+ ", found " +
+ (prevOcc ? prevOcc.startDate : prevOcc) +
+ "\n"
+ );
+ notEqual(prevOcc, null);
+ prevOcc.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ equal(prevOcc.startDate.icalString, expected[i - 1]);
+ } else {
+ dump(
+ "Expecting no previous occurrences, found " +
+ (prevOcc ? prevOcc.startDate : prevOcc) +
+ "\n"
+ );
+ equal(prevOcc, null);
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof endDate == "string") {
+ endDate = cal.createDateTime(endDate).nativeTime;
+ }
+ equal(event.recurrenceInfo.recurrenceEndDate, endDate);
+ // Make sure recurrenceInfo.clone works correctly
+ test_clone(event);
+ }
+ // Test specific items/rules
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat every tuesday and wednesday starting " +
+ "Tue 2nd April 2002\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020402T124500\n"
+ ),
+ [
+ "20020402T114500",
+ "20020403T114500",
+ "20020409T114500",
+ "20020410T114500",
+ "20020416T114500",
+ "20020417T114500",
+ ],
+ "20020417T124500"
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat every thursday starting Tue 2nd April 2002\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020402T124500\n"
+ ),
+ [
+ "20020402T114500", // DTSTART part of the resulting set
+ "20020404T114500",
+ "20020411T114500",
+ "20020418T114500",
+ "20020425T114500",
+ "20020502T114500",
+ "20020509T114500",
+ ],
+ "20020509T124500"
+ );
+ // Bug 469840 - Recurring Sundays incorrect
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DTSTART:20081217T133000\n" +
+ "DTEND:20081217T143000\n"
+ ),
+ [
+ "20081217T133000",
+ "20081220T133000",
+ "20081221T133000",
+ "20081231T133000",
+ "20090103T133000",
+ "20090104T133000",
+ ],
+ "20090104T143000"
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DTSTART:20081217T133000\n" +
+ "DTEND:20081217T143000\n"
+ ),
+ [
+ "20081217T133000",
+ "20081220T133000",
+ "20081228T133000",
+ "20081231T133000",
+ "20090103T133000",
+ "20090111T133000",
+ ],
+ "20090111T143000"
+ );
+ // bug 353797: occurrences for repeating all day events should stay "all-day"
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Allday repeat every thursday starting Tue 2nd April 2002\n" +
+ "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20020404\n" +
+ "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20020405\n"
+ ),
+ ["20020404", "20020411", "20020418"],
+ "20020419"
+ );
+ /* Test disabled, because BYWEEKNO is known to be broken
+ check_recur(makeEvent("DESCRIPTION:Monday of week number 20 (where the default start of the week is Monday)\n" +
+ "DTSTART:19970512T090000",
+ ["19970512T090000", "19980511T090000", "19990517T090000" +
+ "20000515T090000", "20010514T090000", "20020513T090000"]);
+ */
+ // bug 899326: Recurrences with BYMONTHDAY=X,X,31 don't show at all in months with less than 31 days
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Every 11th & 31st of every Month\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20130731T160000\n" +
+ "DTEND:20130731T170000\n"
+ ),
+ [
+ "20130731T160000",
+ "20130811T160000",
+ "20130831T160000",
+ "20130911T160000",
+ "20131011T160000",
+ "20131031T160000",
+ ],
+ "20131031T170000"
+ );
+ // bug 899770: Monthly Recurrences with BYDAY and BYMONTHDAY with more than 2 dates are not working
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Every WE & SA the 6th, 20th & 31st\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20130706T160000\n" +
+ "DTEND:20130706T170000\n"
+ ),
+ [
+ "20130706T160000",
+ "20130720T160000",
+ "20130731T160000",
+ "20130831T160000",
+ "20131106T160000",
+ "20131120T160000",
+ ],
+ "20131120T170000"
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Every day, use exdate to exclude the second day\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20020403T114500Z\n"
+ ),
+ ["20020402T114500Z", "20020404T114500Z"],
+ "20020404T114500"
+ );
+ // test for issue 734245
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Every day, use exdate of type DATE to exclude the second day\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20020403\n"
+ ),
+ ["20020402T114500Z", "20020404T114500Z"],
+ "20020404T114500"
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Use EXDATE to eliminate the base event\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20020402T114500Z\n"
+ ),
+ [],
+ -9223372036854775000
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "UID:123\n" +
+ "DESCRIPTION:Every day, exception put on exdated day\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20020403T114500Z\n" +
+ "END:VEVENT\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020403T114500Z\n" +
+ "UID:123\n" +
+ "RECURRENCE-ID:20020404T114500Z\n" +
+ ),
+ ["20020402T114500Z", "20020403T114500Z"],
+ "20020403T114500",
+ true
+ ); // ignore next occ check, bug 455490
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "UID:123\n" +
+ "DESCRIPTION:Every day, exception put on exdated start day\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "END:VEVENT\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "UID:123\n" +
+ "RECURRENCE-ID:20020404T114500Z\n" +
+ ),
+ ["20020402T114500Z", "20020403T114500Z"],
+ "20020403T114500",
+ true /* ignore next occ check, bug 455490 */
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Daily on weekdays with UNTIL\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20111212T220000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20111212T230000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20111212T220000Z",
+ "20111213T220000Z",
+ "20111214T220000Z",
+ "20111215T220000Z",
+ "20111216T220000Z",
+ ],
+ "20111216T230000",
+ false
+ );
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Daily on weekdays with UNTIL and exception\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20111214T220000Z\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20111212T220000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20111212T230000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ ["20111212T220000Z", "20111213T220000Z", "20111215T220000Z", "20111216T220000Z"],
+ "20111216T230000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 958978: Yearly recurrence, the last day of a specified month.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Yearly the last day of February\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20140228T220000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20140228T230000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20140228T220000Z",
+ "20150228T220000Z",
+ "20160229T220000Z",
+ "20170228T220000Z",
+ "20180228T220000Z",
+ "20190228T220000Z",
+ ],
+ "20190228T230000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 958978: Yearly recurrence, the last day of a not specified month.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Yearly the last day of April without BYMONTH=4 in the rule\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20140430T220000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20140430T230000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20140430T220000Z",
+ "20150430T220000Z",
+ "20160430T220000Z",
+ "20170430T220000Z",
+ "20180430T220000Z",
+ "20190430T220000Z",
+ ],
+ "20190430T230000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 958978 - Check a yearly recurrence on every WE and FR of January and March
+ // (more BYMONTH and more BYDAY).
+ // Check for the occurrences in the first year.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Yearly every WE and FR of January and March (more BYMONTH and more BYDAY)\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20140101T150000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20140101T160000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20140101T150000Z",
+ "20140103T150000Z",
+ "20140108T150000Z",
+ "20140110T150000Z",
+ "20140115T150000Z",
+ "20140117T150000Z",
+ "20140122T150000Z",
+ "20140124T150000Z",
+ "20140129T150000Z",
+ "20140131T150000Z",
+ "20140305T150000Z",
+ "20140307T150000Z",
+ "20140312T150000Z",
+ "20140314T150000Z",
+ "20140319T150000Z",
+ "20140321T150000Z",
+ "20140326T150000Z",
+ "20140328T150000Z",
+ ],
+ "20140328T160000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 958978 - Check a yearly recurrence every day of January (BYMONTH and more BYDAY).
+ // Check for all the occurrences in the first year.
+ let expectedDates = [];
+ for (let i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
+ expectedDates.push("201401" + (i < 10 ? "0" + i : i) + "T150000Z");
+ }
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Yearly, every day of January (one BYMONTH and more BYDAY)\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20140101T150000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20140101T160000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ expectedDates,
+ "20140131T160000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 958974 - Monthly recurrence every WE, FR and the third MO (monthly with more bydays).
+ // Check the occurrences in the first month until the week with the first monday of the rule.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Monthly every Wednesday, Friday and the third Monday\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150102T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150102T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150102T080000Z",
+ "20150107T080000Z",
+ "20150109T080000Z",
+ "20150114T080000Z",
+ "20150116T080000Z",
+ "20150119T080000Z",
+ "20150121T080000Z",
+ "20150123T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20150123T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 419490 - Monthly recurrence, the fifth Saturday starting from February.
+ // Check a monthly rule that specifies a day that is not part of the month
+ // the events starts in.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Monthly the fifth Saturday\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150202T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150202T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150202T080000Z",
+ "20150530T080000Z",
+ "20150829T080000Z",
+ "20151031T080000Z",
+ "20160130T080000Z",
+ "20160430T080000Z",
+ "20160730T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20160730T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 419490 - Monthly recurrence, the fifth Wednesday every two months starting from February.
+ // Check a monthly rule that specifies a day that is not part of the month
+ // the events starts in.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Monthly the fifth Friday every two months\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150202T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150202T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150202T080000Z",
+ "20151030T080000Z",
+ "20160429T080000Z",
+ "20161230T080000Z",
+ "20170630T080000Z",
+ "20171229T080000Z",
+ "20180629T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20180629T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bugs 419490, 958974 - Monthly recurrence, the 2nd Monday, 5th Wednesday and the 5th to last Saturday every month starting from February.
+ // Check a monthly rule that specifies a day that is not part of the month
+ // the events starts in with positive and negative position along with other byday.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat Monthly the 2nd Monday, 5th Wednesday and the 5th to last Saturday every month\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150401T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150401T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150401T080000Z",
+ "20150413T080000Z",
+ "20150511T080000Z",
+ "20150530T080000Z",
+ "20150608T080000Z",
+ "20150701T080000Z",
+ "20150713T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20150713T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1146500 - Monthly recurrence, every MO and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of March.
+ // Check the first occurrence when we have BYDAY along with BYMONTHDAY.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Monthly recurrence, every MO and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of March\n" +
+ "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,FR;BYMONTHDAY=1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31;COUNT=4\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150301T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150301T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150301T080000Z",
+ "20150309T080000Z",
+ "20150313T080000Z",
+ "20150323T080000Z",
+ "20150327T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20150327T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1146500 - Monthly recurrence, every MO and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of April.
+ // Check the first occurrence when we have BYDAY along with BYMONTHDAY.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Monthly recurrence, every MO and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of March\n" +
+ "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,FR;BYMONTHDAY=1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31;COUNT=4\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150401T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150401T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150401T080000Z",
+ "20150403T080000Z",
+ "20150413T080000Z",
+ "20150417T080000Z",
+ "20150427T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20150427T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1146500 - Monthly recurrence, every MO and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of April.
+ // Check the first occurrence when we have BYDAY along with BYMONTHDAY.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Monthly recurrence, every MO and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of March\n" +
+ "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,SA;BYMONTHDAY=1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31;COUNT=4\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150401T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150401T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150401T080000Z",
+ "20150411T080000Z",
+ "20150413T080000Z",
+ "20150425T080000Z",
+ "20150427T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20150427T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1146500 - Monthly every SU and FR when are odd days starting from 28 of February (BYDAY and BYMONTHDAY).
+ // Check the first occurrence when we have BYDAY along with BYMONTHDAY.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Monthly recurrence, every SU and FR when are odd days starting from the 1st of March\n" +
+ "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=SU,FR;BYMONTHDAY=1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31;COUNT=9\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20150228T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20150228T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20150228T080000Z",
+ "20150301T080000Z",
+ "20150313T080000Z",
+ "20150315T080000Z",
+ "20150327T080000Z",
+ "20150329T080000Z",
+ "20150403T080000Z",
+ "20150405T080000Z",
+ "20150417T080000Z",
+ "20150419T080000Z",
+ ],
+ "20150419T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1103187 - Monthly recurrence with only MONTHLY tag in the rule. Recurrence day taken
+ // from the start date. Check four occurrences.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Only Monthly recurrence\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20160404T080000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20160404T090000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ ["20160404T080000Z", "20160504T080000Z", "20160604T080000Z", "20160704T080000Z"],
+ "20160704T090000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1265554 - Monthly recurrence with only MONTHLY tag in the rule. Recurrence on the 31st
+ // of the month. Check for 6 occurrences.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Only Monthly recurrence, the 31st\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20160131T150000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20160131T160000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20160131T150000Z",
+ "20160331T150000Z",
+ "20160531T150000Z",
+ "20160731T150000Z",
+ "20160831T150000Z",
+ "20161031T150000Z",
+ ],
+ "20161031T160000",
+ false
+ );
+ // Bug 1265554 - Monthly recurrence with only MONTHLY tag in the rule. Recurrence on the 31st
+ // of the month every two months. Check for 6 occurrences.
+ check_recur(
+ createEventFromIcalString(
+ "DESCRIPTION:Only Monthly recurrence, the 31st every 2 months\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20151231T150000Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20151231T160000Z\n" +
+ ),
+ [
+ "20151231T150000Z",
+ "20160831T150000Z",
+ "20161031T150000Z",
+ "20161231T150000Z",
+ "20170831T150000Z",
+ "20171031T150000Z",
+ ],
+ "20171031T160000",
+ false
+ );
+ let item, occ1;
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:occurrence on day 1 moved between the occurrences " +
+ "on days 2 and 3\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n"
+ );
+ occ1 = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(createDate(2002, 3, 2, true, 11, 45, 0));
+ occ1.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ1.startDate = createDate(2002, 3, 3, true, 12, 0, 0);
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ1, true);
+ check_recur(
+ item,
+ ["20020403T114500Z", "20020403T120000Z", "20020404T114500Z"],
+ "20020404T114500"
+ );
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:occurrence on day 1 moved between the occurrences " +
+ "on days 2 and 3, EXDATE on day 2\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20020403T114500Z\n"
+ );
+ occ1 = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(createDate(2002, 3, 2, true, 11, 45, 0));
+ occ1.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ1.startDate = createDate(2002, 3, 3, true, 12, 0, 0);
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ1, true);
+ check_recur(item, ["20020403T120000Z", "20020404T114500Z"], "20020404T114500");
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:all occurrences have exceptions\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n"
+ );
+ occ1 = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(createDate(2002, 3, 2, true, 11, 45, 0));
+ occ1.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ1.startDate = createDate(2002, 3, 2, true, 12, 0, 0);
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ1, true);
+ let occ2 = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(createDate(2002, 3, 3, true, 11, 45, 0));
+ occ2.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ2.startDate = createDate(2002, 3, 3, true, 12, 0, 0);
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ2, true);
+ check_recur(item, ["20020402T120000Z", "20020403T120000Z"], "20020403T114500");
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:rdate and exception before the recurrence start date\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "RDATE:20020401T114500Z\n"
+ );
+ occ1 = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(createDate(2002, 3, 2, true, 11, 45, 0));
+ occ1.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ1.startDate = createDate(2002, 2, 30, true, 11, 45, 0);
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ1, true);
+ check_recur(
+ item,
+ ["20020330T114500Z", "20020401T114500Z", "20020403T114500Z"],
+ "20020403T114500"
+ );
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:bug 734245, an EXDATE of type DATE shall also match a DTSTART of type DATE-TIME\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020401T114500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:20020402\n"
+ );
+ check_recur(item, ["20020401T114500Z", "20020403T114500Z"], "20020403T114500");
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:EXDATE with a timezone\n" +
+ "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20020401T114500\n" +
+ "EXDATE;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20020402T114500\n"
+ );
+ check_recur(item, ["20020401T114500", "20020403T114500"], "20020403T094500");
+ // Unsupported SECONDLY FREQ value.
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:bug 1770984\nRRULE:FREQ=SECONDLY;COUNT=60\nDTSTART:20220606T114500Z\n"
+ );
+ check_recur(item, [], "20220606T114500Z");
+ // Unsupported MINUTELY FREQ value.
+ item = makeEvent(
+ "DESCRIPTION:bug 1770984\nRRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;COUNT=60\nDTSTART:20220606T114500Z\n"
+ );
+ check_recur(item, [], "20220606T114500Z");
+function test_limit() {
+ let item = makeEvent(
+ "UID:1\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020401T114500\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020401T124500\n"
+ );
+ dump("ics: " + item.icalString + "\n");
+ let start = createDate(1990, 0, 1);
+ let end = createDate(2020, 0, 1);
+ let recdates = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceDates(start, end, 0);
+ let occurrences = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(start, end, 0);
+ equal(recdates.length, 3);
+ equal(occurrences.length, 3);
+ recdates = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceDates(start, end, 2);
+ occurrences = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(start, end, 2);
+ equal(recdates.length, 2);
+ equal(occurrences.length, 2);
+ recdates = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceDates(start, end, 9);
+ occurrences = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(start, end, 9);
+ equal(recdates.length, 3);
+ equal(occurrences.length, 3);
+function test_clone(event) {
+ let oldRecurItems = event.recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItems();
+ let cloned = event.recurrenceInfo.clone();
+ let newRecurItems = cloned.getRecurrenceItems();
+ // Check number of recurrence items
+ equal(oldRecurItems.length, newRecurItems.length);
+ for (let i = 0; i < oldRecurItems.length; i++) {
+ // Check if recurrence item cloned correctly
+ equal(oldRecurItems[i].icalProperty.icalString, newRecurItems[i].icalProperty.icalString);
+ }
+function test_interface() {
+ let item = makeEvent(
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020402T124500Z\n" +
+ "EXDATE:20020403T114500Z\r\n" +
+ "RDATE:20020401T114500Z\r\n"
+ );
+ let rinfo = item.recurrenceInfo;
+ ok(, item, Ci.calIEvent));
+ // getRecurrenceItems
+ let ritems = rinfo.getRecurrenceItems();
+ equal(ritems.length, 3);
+ let checkritems = new Map(
+ => [ritem.icalProperty.propertyName, ritem.icalProperty])
+ );
+ let rparts = new Map(
+ checkritems
+ .get("RRULE")
+ .value.split(";")
+ .map(value => value.split("=", 2))
+ );
+ equal(rparts.size, 3);
+ equal(rparts.get("FREQ"), "WEEKLY");
+ equal(rparts.get("COUNT"), "6");
+ equal(rparts.get("BYDAY"), "TU,WE");
+ equal(checkritems.get("EXDATE").value, "20020403T114500Z");
+ equal(checkritems.get("RDATE").value, "20020401T114500Z");
+ // setRecurrenceItems
+ let newRItems = [cal.createRecurrenceRule(), cal.createRecurrenceDate()];
+ newRItems[0].type = "DAILY";
+ newRItems[0].interval = 1;
+ newRItems[0].count = 1;
+ newRItems[1].isNegative = true;
+ newRItems[1].date = cal.createDateTime("20020404T114500Z");
+ rinfo.setRecurrenceItems(newRItems);
+ let itemString = item.icalString;
+ equal(itemString.match(/RRULE:[A-Z=,]*FREQ=WEEKLY/), null);
+ equal(itemString.match(/EXDATE[A-Z;=-]*:20020403T114500Z/, null));
+ equal(itemString.match(/RDATE[A-Z;=-]*:20020401T114500Z/, null));
+ notEqual(itemString.match(/RRULE:[A-Z=,]*FREQ=DAILY/), null);
+ notEqual(itemString.match(/EXDATE[A-Z;=-]*:20020404T114500Z/, null));
+ // This may be an implementation detail, but we don't want this breaking
+ rinfo.wrappedJSObject.ensureSortedRecurrenceRules();
+ equal(
+ rinfo.wrappedJSObject.mNegativeRules[0].icalProperty.icalString,
+ newRItems[1].icalProperty.icalString
+ );
+ equal(
+ rinfo.wrappedJSObject.mPositiveRules[0].icalProperty.icalString,
+ newRItems[0].icalProperty.icalString
+ );
+ // countRecurrenceItems
+ equal(2, rinfo.countRecurrenceItems());
+ // clearRecurrenceItems
+ rinfo.clearRecurrenceItems();
+ equal(0, rinfo.countRecurrenceItems());
+ // appendRecurrenceItems / getRecurrenceItemAt / insertRecurrenceItemAt
+ rinfo.appendRecurrenceItem(ritems[0]);
+ rinfo.appendRecurrenceItem(ritems[1]);
+ rinfo.insertRecurrenceItemAt(ritems[2], 0);
+ ok([2], rinfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(0), Ci.calIRecurrenceItem));
+ ok([0], rinfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(1), Ci.calIRecurrenceItem));
+ ok([1], rinfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(2), Ci.calIRecurrenceItem));
+ // deleteRecurrenceItem
+ rinfo.deleteRecurrenceItem(ritems[0]);
+ ok(!item.icalString.includes("RRULE"));
+ // deleteRecurrenceItemAt
+ rinfo.deleteRecurrenceItemAt(1);
+ itemString = item.icalString;
+ ok(!itemString.includes("EXDATE"));
+ ok(itemString.includes("RDATE"));
+ // insertRecurrenceItemAt with exdate
+ rinfo.insertRecurrenceItemAt(ritems[1], 1);
+ ok([1], rinfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(1), Ci.calIRecurrenceItem));
+ rinfo.deleteRecurrenceItem(ritems[1]);
+ // isFinite = true
+ ok(rinfo.isFinite);
+ rinfo.appendRecurrenceItem(ritems[0]);
+ ok(rinfo.isFinite);
+ // isFinite = false
+ let item2 = makeEvent(
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\n" + "DTEND:20020402T124500Z\n" + "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE\n"
+ );
+ ok(!item2.recurrenceInfo.isFinite);
+ // removeOccurrenceAt/restoreOccurreceAt
+ let occDate1 = cal.createDateTime("20020403T114500Z");
+ let occDate2 = cal.createDateTime("20020404T114500Z");
+ rinfo.removeOccurrenceAt(occDate1);
+ ok(item.icalString.includes("EXDATE"));
+ rinfo.restoreOccurrenceAt(occDate1);
+ ok(!item.icalString.includes("EXDATE"));
+ // modifyException / getExceptionFor
+ let occ1 = rinfo.getOccurrenceFor(occDate1);
+ occ1.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ1.startDate = cal.createDateTime("20020401T114500");
+ rinfo.modifyException(occ1, true);
+ ok(rinfo.getExceptionFor(occDate1) != null);
+ // modifyException immutable
+ let occ2 = rinfo.getOccurrenceFor(occDate2);
+ occ2.makeImmutable();
+ rinfo.modifyException(occ2, true);
+ ok(rinfo.getExceptionFor(occDate2) != null);
+ // getExceptionIds
+ let ids = rinfo.getExceptionIds();
+ equal(ids.length, 2);
+ ok(ids[0].compare(occDate1) == 0);
+ ok(ids[1].compare(occDate2) == 0);
+ // removeExceptionFor
+ rinfo.removeExceptionFor(occDate1);
+ ok(rinfo.getExceptionFor(occDate1) == null);
+ equal(rinfo.getExceptionIds().length, 1);
+function test_rrule_interface() {
+ let item = makeEvent(
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\r\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020402T124500Z\r\n" +
+ );
+ let rrule = item.recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(0);
+ rrule.QueryInterface(Ci.calIRecurrenceRule);
+ equal(rrule.type, "WEEKLY");
+ equal(rrule.interval, 2);
+ equal(rrule.count, 6);
+ ok(rrule.isByCount);
+ ok(!rrule.isNegative);
+ ok(rrule.isFinite);
+ equal(rrule.getComponent("BYDAY").toString(), [3, 4].toString());
+ // Now start changing things
+ rrule.setComponent("BYDAY", [4, 5]);
+ equal(rrule.icalString.match(/BYDAY=WE,TH/), "BYDAY=WE,TH");
+ rrule.count = -1;
+ ok(!rrule.isByCount);
+ ok(!rrule.isFinite);
+ equal(rrule.icalString.match(/COUNT=/), null);
+ throws(() => rrule.count, /0x80004005/);
+ rrule.interval = 1;
+ equal(rrule.interval, 1);
+ equal(rrule.icalString.match(/INTERVAL=/), null);
+ rrule.interval = 3;
+ equal(rrule.interval, 3);
+ equal(rrule.icalString.match(/INTERVAL=3/), "INTERVAL=3");
+ rrule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ equal(rrule.type, "MONTHLY");
+ equal(rrule.icalString.match(/FREQ=MONTHLY/), "FREQ=MONTHLY");
+ // untilDate (without UTC)
+ rrule.count = 3;
+ let untilDate = cal.createDateTime();
+ untilDate.timezone = cal.timezoneService.getTimezone("Europe/Berlin");
+ rrule.untilDate = untilDate;
+ ok(!rrule.isByCount);
+ throws(() => rrule.count, /0x80004005/);
+ equal(rrule.untilDate.icalString, untilDate.getInTimezone(cal.dtz.UTC).icalString);
+ // untilDate (with UTC)
+ rrule.count = 3;
+ untilDate = cal.createDateTime();
+ untilDate.timezone = cal.dtz.UTC;
+ rrule.untilDate = untilDate;
+ ok(!rrule.isByCount);
+ throws(() => rrule.count, /0x80004005/);
+ equal(rrule.untilDate.icalString, untilDate.icalString);
+function test_startdate_change() {
+ // Setting a start date if its missing shouldn't throw
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat
+ let item = makeEvent("DTEND:20020402T124500Z\r\n" + "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY\r\n");
+ item.startDate = cal.createDateTime("20020502T114500Z");
+ function makeRecEvent(str) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat
+ return makeEvent("DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\r\n" + "DTEND:20020402T134500Z\r\n" + str);
+ }
+ function changeBy(changeItem, dur) {
+ let newDate = changeItem.startDate.clone();
+ newDate.addDuration(cal.createDuration(dur));
+ changeItem.startDate = newDate;
+ }
+ let ritem;
+ // Changing an existing start date for a recurring item shouldn't either
+ item = makeRecEvent("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY\r\n");
+ changeBy(item, "PT1H");
+ // Event with an rdate
+ item = makeRecEvent("RDATE:20020403T114500Z\r\n");
+ changeBy(item, "PT1H");
+ ritem = item.recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(0);
+ ritem.QueryInterface(Ci.calIRecurrenceDate);
+ equal(, "20020403T124500Z");
+ // Event with an exdate
+ item = makeRecEvent("EXDATE:20020403T114500Z\r\n");
+ changeBy(item, "PT1H");
+ ritem = item.recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(0);
+ ritem.QueryInterface(Ci.calIRecurrenceDate);
+ equal(, "20020403T124500Z");
+ // Event with an rrule with until date
+ item = makeRecEvent("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20020406T114500Z\r\n");
+ changeBy(item, "PT1H");
+ ritem = item.recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(0);
+ ritem.QueryInterface(Ci.calIRecurrenceRule);
+ equal(ritem.untilDate.icalString, "20020406T124500Z");
+ // Event with an exception item
+ item = makeRecEvent("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY\r\n");
+ let occ = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(cal.createDateTime("20020406T114500Z"));
+ occ.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ.startDate = cal.createDateTime("20020406T124500Z");
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ, true);
+ changeBy(item, "PT1H");
+ equal(item.startDate.icalString, "20020402T124500Z");
+ occ = item.recurrenceInfo.getExceptionFor(cal.createDateTime("20020406T124500Z"));
+ occ.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ equal(occ.startDate.icalString, "20020406T134500Z");
+function test_idchange() {
+ let item = makeEvent(
+ "UID:unchanged\r\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\r\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020402T124500Z\r\n" +
+ );
+ let occ = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(cal.createDateTime("20020406T114500Z"));
+ occ.QueryInterface(Ci.calIEvent);
+ occ.startDate = cal.createDateTime("20020406T124500Z");
+ item.recurrenceInfo.modifyException(occ, true);
+ equal(, "unchanged");
+ = "changed";
+ occ = item.recurrenceInfo.getExceptionFor(cal.createDateTime("20020406T114500Z"));
+ equal(, "changed");
+function test_failures() {
+ let item = makeEvent(
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500Z\r\n" +
+ "DTEND:20020402T124500Z\r\n" +
+ );
+ let rinfo = item.recurrenceInfo;
+ let ritem = cal.createRecurrenceDate();
+ throws(() => rinfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(-1), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(() => rinfo.getRecurrenceItemAt(1), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(() => rinfo.deleteRecurrenceItemAt(-1), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(() => rinfo.deleteRecurrenceItemAt(1), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(() => rinfo.deleteRecurrenceItem(ritem), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(() => rinfo.insertRecurrenceItemAt(ritem, -1), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(() => rinfo.insertRecurrenceItemAt(ritem, 2), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ throws(
+ () => rinfo.restoreOccurrenceAt(cal.createDateTime("20080101T010101")),
+ /Illegal value/,
+ "Invalid Argument"
+ );
+ throws(() => new CalRecurrenceInfo().isFinite, /Component not initialized/);
+ // modifyException with a different parent item
+ let occ = rinfo.getOccurrenceFor(cal.createDateTime("20120102T114500Z"));
+ occ.calendar = {};
+ = "1234";
+ occ.parentItem = occ;
+ throws(() => rinfo.modifyException(occ, true), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ occ = rinfo.getOccurrenceFor(cal.createDateTime("20120102T114500Z"));
+ occ.recurrenceId = null;
+ throws(() => rinfo.modifyException(occ, true), /Illegal value/, "Invalid Argument");
+ // Missing DTSTART/DUE but RRULE
+ item = createTodoFromIcalString(
+ "BEGIN:VTODO\r\n" +
+ "END:VTODO\r\n" +
+ );
+ rinfo = item.recurrenceInfo;
+ equal(
+ rinfo.getOccurrenceDates(
+ cal.createDateTime("20120101T010101"),
+ cal.createDateTime("20120203T010101"),
+ 0
+ ).length,
+ 0
+ );
+function test_immutable() {
+ let item = createTodoFromIcalString(
+ "BEGIN:VTODO\r\n" +
+ "END:VTODO\r\n" +
+ );
+ ok(item.recurrenceInfo.isMutable);
+ let rinfo = item.recurrenceInfo.clone();
+ let ritem = cal.createRecurrenceDate();
+ rinfo.makeImmutable();
+ rinfo.makeImmutable(); // Doing so twice shouldn't throw
+ throws(() => rinfo.appendRecurrenceItem(ritem), /Can not modify immutable data container/);
+ ok(!rinfo.isMutable);
+ item.recurrenceInfo.appendRecurrenceItem(ritem);
+function test_rrule_icalstring() {
+ let recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "DAILY";
+ recRule.interval = 4;
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=4\r\n");
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "DAILY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "WEEKLY";
+ recRule.interval = 3;
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [2, 4, 6]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [2, 4, 6]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [10]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=1MO\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [10]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [20]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=2WE\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [20]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [-22]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=-2FR\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [-22]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTHDAY", [5]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=5\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTHDAY"), [5]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTHDAY", [1, 9, 17]);
+ equal(recRule.icalString, "RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=1,9,17\r\n");
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTHDAY"), [1, 9, 17]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "YEARLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTH", [1]);
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTHDAY", [3]);
+ ok(
+ [
+ ].includes(recRule.icalString)
+ );
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTH"), [1]);
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTHDAY"), [3]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "YEARLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTH", [4]);
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [3]);
+ ok(
+ [
+ ].includes(recRule.icalString)
+ );
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTH"), [4]);
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [3]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "YEARLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTH", [4]);
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [10]);
+ ok(
+ [
+ ].includes(recRule.icalString)
+ );
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTH"), [4]);
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [10]);
+ recRule = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
+ recRule.type = "YEARLY";
+ recRule.setComponent("BYMONTH", [4]);
+ recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", [-22]);
+ ok(
+ [
+ ].includes(recRule.icalString)
+ );
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYMONTH"), [4]);
+ deepEqual(recRule.getComponent("BYDAY"), [-22]);
+function test_icalComponent() {
+ let duration = "PT3600S";
+ let eventString =
+ "DESCRIPTION:Repeat every Thursday starting Tue 2nd April 2002\n" +
+ "DTSTART:20020402T114500\n" +
+ `DURATION:${duration}\n`;
+ let firstOccurrenceDate = createDate(2002, 4, 4, true, 11, 45, 0);
+ // Test each of these cases from the conditional in the icalComponent getter.
+ // * mIsProxy = true, value === null
+ // * mIsProxy = true, value !== null
+ // * mIsProxy = false, value === null
+ // * mIsProxy = false, value !== null
+ //
+ // Create a proxy for a given occurrence, modify properties on the proxy
+ // (checking before and after), then call the icalComponent getter to see
+ // whether both parent item and proxy item have the correct properties.
+ let parent = makeEvent(eventString);
+ let proxy = parent.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(firstOccurrenceDate);
+ equal(parent.getProperty("DURATION"), duration);
+ equal(proxy.getProperty("DURATION"), duration);
+ equal(parent.getProperty("LOCATION"), null);
+ equal(proxy.getProperty("LOCATION"), null);
+ let newDuration = "PT2200S";
+ let location = "Sherwood Forest";
+ proxy.setProperty("DURATION", newDuration);
+ proxy.setProperty("LOCATION", location);
+ equal(parent.getProperty("DURATION"), duration);
+ equal(proxy.getProperty("DURATION"), newDuration);
+ equal(parent.getProperty("LOCATION"), null);
+ equal(proxy.getProperty("LOCATION"), location);
+ equal(parent.icalComponent.duration.toString(), duration);
+ equal(proxy.icalComponent.duration.toString(), newDuration);
+ equal(parent.icalComponent.location, null);
+ equal(proxy.icalComponent.location, location);
+ // Test for bug 580896.
+ let event = makeEvent(eventString);
+ equal(event.getProperty("DURATION"), duration, "event has correct DURATION");
+ let occurrence = event.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrenceFor(firstOccurrenceDate);
+ equal(occurrence.getProperty("DURATION"), duration, "occurrence has correct DURATION");
+ equal(Boolean(occurrence.getProperty("DTEND")), true, "occurrence has DTEND");
+ ok(occurrence.icalComponent.duration, "occurrence icalComponent has DURATION");
+ // Changing the end date causes the duration to be set to null.
+ occurrence.endDate = createDate(2002, 4, 3);
+ equal(occurrence.getProperty("DURATION"), null, "occurrence DURATION has been set to null");
+ ok(!occurrence.icalComponent.duration, "occurrence icalComponent does not have DURATION");