path: root/runtime/syntax/ps1.vim
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 20:09:20 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-10 20:09:20 +0000
commit029f72b1a93430b24b88eb3a72c6114d9f149737 (patch)
tree765d5c2041967f9c6fef195fe343d9234a030e90 /runtime/syntax/ps1.vim
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2:9.1.0016.upstream/2%9.1.0016
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/ps1.vim')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/ps1.vim b/runtime/syntax/ps1.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f6b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/ps1.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Windows PowerShell
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2020 Nov 24
+" The following settings are available for tuning syntax highlighting:
+" let ps1_nofold_blocks = 1
+" let ps1_nofold_sig = 1
+" let ps1_nofold_region = 1
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Operators contain dashes
+setlocal iskeyword+=-
+" PowerShell doesn't care about case
+syn case ignore
+" Sync-ing method
+syn sync minlines=100
+" Certain tokens can't appear at the top level of the document
+syn cluster ps1NotTop contains=@ps1Comment,ps1CDocParam,ps1FunctionDeclaration
+" Comments and special comment words
+syn keyword ps1CommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD HACK NOTE contained
+syn match ps1CDocParam /.*/ contained
+syn match ps1CommentDoc /^\s*\zs\.\w\+\>/ nextgroup=ps1CDocParam contained
+syn match ps1CommentDoc /#\s*\zs\.\w\+\>/ nextgroup=ps1CDocParam contained
+syn match ps1Comment /#.*/ contains=ps1CommentTodo,ps1CommentDoc,@Spell
+syn region ps1Comment start="<#" end="#>" contains=ps1CommentTodo,ps1CommentDoc,@Spell
+" Language keywords and elements
+syn keyword ps1Conditional if else elseif switch default
+syn keyword ps1Repeat while for do until break continue foreach in
+syn match ps1Repeat /\<foreach\>/ nextgroup=ps1Block skipwhite
+syn match ps1Keyword /\<while\>/ nextgroup=ps1Block skipwhite
+syn match ps1Keyword /\<where\>/ nextgroup=ps1Block skipwhite
+syn keyword ps1Exception begin process end exit inlinescript parallel sequence
+syn keyword ps1Keyword try catch finally throw
+syn keyword ps1Keyword return filter in trap param data dynamicparam
+syn keyword ps1Constant $true $false $null
+syn match ps1Constant +\$?+
+syn match ps1Constant +\$_+
+syn match ps1Constant +\$\$+
+syn match ps1Constant +\$^+
+" Keywords reserved for future use
+syn keyword ps1Keyword class define from using var
+" Function declarations
+syn keyword ps1Keyword function nextgroup=ps1Function skipwhite
+syn keyword ps1Keyword filter nextgroup=ps1Function skipwhite
+syn keyword ps1Keyword workflow nextgroup=ps1Function skipwhite
+syn keyword ps1Keyword configuration nextgroup=ps1Function skipwhite
+syn keyword ps1Keyword class nextgroup=ps1Function skipwhite
+syn keyword ps1Keyword enum nextgroup=ps1Function skipwhite
+" Function declarations and invocations
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(add|clear|close|copy|enter|exit|find|format|get|hide|join|lock|move|new|open|optimize|pop|push|redo|remove|rename|reset|search|select|Set|show|skip|split|step|switch|undo|unlock|watch)(-\w+)+/ contained
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(connect|disconnect|read|receive|send|write)(-\w+)+/ contained
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(backup|checkpoint|compare|compress|convert|convertfrom|convertto|dismount|edit|expand|export|group|import|initialize|limit|merge|mount|out|publish|restore|save|sync|unpublish|update)(-\w+)+/ contained
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(debug|measure|ping|repair|resolve|test|trace)(-\w+)+/ contained
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(approve|assert|build|complete|confirm|deny|deploy|disable|enable|install|invoke|register|request|restart|resume|start|stop|submit|suspend|uninstall|unregister|wait)(-\w+)+/ contained
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(block|grant|protect|revoke|unblock|unprotect)(-\w+)+/ contained
+syn match ps1Cmdlet /\v(use)(-\w+)+/ contained
+" Other functions
+syn match ps1Function /\w\+\(-\w\+\)\+/ contains=ps1Cmdlet
+" Type declarations
+syn match ps1Type /\[[a-z_][a-z0-9_.,\[\]]\+\]/
+" Variable references
+syn match ps1ScopeModifier /\(global:\|local:\|private:\|script:\)/ contained
+syn match ps1Variable /\$\w\+\(:\w\+\)\?/ contains=ps1ScopeModifier
+syn match ps1Variable /\${\w\+\(:\?[[:alnum:]_()]\+\)\?}/ contains=ps1ScopeModifier
+" Operators
+syn keyword ps1Operator -eq -ne -ge -gt -lt -le -like -notlike -match -notmatch -replace -split -contains -notcontains
+syn keyword ps1Operator -ieq -ine -ige -igt -ile -ilt -ilike -inotlike -imatch -inotmatch -ireplace -isplit -icontains -inotcontains
+syn keyword ps1Operator -ceq -cne -cge -cgt -clt -cle -clike -cnotlike -cmatch -cnotmatch -creplace -csplit -ccontains -cnotcontains
+syn keyword ps1Operator -in -notin
+syn keyword ps1Operator -is -isnot -as -join
+syn keyword ps1Operator -and -or -not -xor -band -bor -bnot -bxor
+syn keyword ps1Operator -f
+syn match ps1Operator /!/
+syn match ps1Operator /=/
+syn match ps1Operator /+=/
+syn match ps1Operator /-=/
+syn match ps1Operator /\*=/
+syn match ps1Operator /\/=/
+syn match ps1Operator /%=/
+syn match ps1Operator /+/
+syn match ps1Operator /-\(\s\|\d\|\.\|\$\|(\)\@=/
+syn match ps1Operator /\*/
+syn match ps1Operator /\//
+syn match ps1Operator /|/
+syn match ps1Operator /%/
+syn match ps1Operator /&/
+syn match ps1Operator /::/
+syn match ps1Operator /,/
+syn match ps1Operator /\(^\|\s\)\@<=\. \@=/
+" Regular Strings
+" These aren't precisely correct and could use some work
+syn region ps1String start=/"/ skip=/`"/ end=/"/ contains=@ps1StringSpecial,@Spell
+syn region ps1String start=/'/ skip=/''/ end=/'/
+" Here-Strings
+syn region ps1String start=/@"$/ end=/^"@/ contains=@ps1StringSpecial,@Spell
+syn region ps1String start=/@'$/ end=/^'@/
+" Interpolation
+syn match ps1Escape /`./
+syn region ps1Interpolation matchgroup=ps1InterpolationDelimiter start="$(" end=")" contained contains=ALLBUT,@ps1NotTop
+syn region ps1NestedParentheses start="(" skip="\\\\\|\\)" matchgroup=ps1Interpolation end=")" transparent contained
+syn cluster ps1StringSpecial contains=ps1Escape,ps1Interpolation,ps1Variable,ps1Boolean,ps1Constant,ps1BuiltIn,@Spell
+" Numbers
+syn match ps1Number "\(\<\|-\)\@<=\(0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)\([KMGTP][B]\)\=\(\>\|-\)\@="
+syn match ps1Number "\(\(\<\|-\)\@<=\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[dD]\="
+syn match ps1Number "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[dD]\=\>"
+syn match ps1Number "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[dD]\>"
+" Constants
+syn match ps1Boolean "$\%(true\|false\)\>"
+syn match ps1Constant /\$null\>/
+syn match ps1BuiltIn "$^\|$?\|$_\|$\$"
+syn match ps1BuiltIn "$\%(args\|error\|foreach\|home\|input\)\>"
+syn match ps1BuiltIn "$\%(match\(es\)\?\|myinvocation\|host\|lastexitcode\)\>"
+syn match ps1BuiltIn "$\%(ofs\|shellid\|stacktrace\)\>"
+" Named Switch
+syn match ps1Label /\s-\w\+/
+" Folding blocks
+if !exists('g:ps1_nofold_blocks')
+ syn region ps1Block start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent fold
+if !exists('g:ps1_nofold_region')
+ syn region ps1Region start=/#region/ end=/#endregion/ transparent fold keepend extend
+if !exists('g:ps1_nofold_sig')
+ syn region ps1Signature start=/# SIG # Begin signature block/ end=/# SIG # End signature block/ transparent fold
+" Setup default color highlighting
+hi def link ps1Number Number
+hi def link ps1Block Block
+hi def link ps1Region Region
+hi def link ps1Exception Exception
+hi def link ps1Constant Constant
+hi def link ps1String String
+hi def link ps1Escape SpecialChar
+hi def link ps1InterpolationDelimiter Delimiter
+hi def link ps1Conditional Conditional
+hi def link ps1Cmdlet Function
+hi def link ps1Function Identifier
+hi def link ps1Variable Identifier
+hi def link ps1Boolean Boolean
+hi def link ps1Constant Constant
+hi def link ps1BuiltIn StorageClass
+hi def link ps1Type Type
+hi def link ps1ScopeModifier StorageClass
+hi def link ps1Comment Comment
+hi def link ps1CommentTodo Todo
+hi def link ps1CommentDoc Tag
+hi def link ps1CDocParam Identifier
+hi def link ps1Operator Operator
+hi def link ps1Repeat Repeat
+hi def link ps1RepeatAndCmdlet Repeat
+hi def link ps1Keyword Keyword
+hi def link ps1KeywordAndCmdlet Keyword
+hi def link ps1Label Label
+let b:current_syntax = "ps1"