path: root/runtime/doc/gui.txt
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+*gui.txt* For Vim version 9.1. Last change: 2023 Apr 29
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
+Vim's Graphical User Interface *gui* *GUI*
+1. Starting the GUI |gui-start|
+2. Scrollbars |gui-scrollbars|
+3. Mouse Control |gui-mouse|
+4. Making GUI Selections |gui-selections|
+5. Menus |menus|
+6. Font |gui-font|
+7. Extras |gui-extras|
+8. Shell Commands |gui-shell|
+Other GUI documentation:
+|gui_x11.txt| For specific items of the X11 GUI.
+|gui_w32.txt| For specific items of the Win32 GUI.
+1. Starting the GUI *gui-start* *E229* *E233*
+First you must make sure you actually have a version of Vim with the GUI code
+included. You can check this with the ":version" command, it says "with xxx
+GUI", where "xxx" is X11-Motif, Photon, GTK2, GTK3, etc., or
+"MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version".
+How to start the GUI depends on the system used. Mostly you can run the
+GUI version of Vim with:
+ gvim [options] [files...]
+The X11 version of Vim can run both in GUI and in non-GUI mode. See
+ *gui-init* *gvimrc* *.gvimrc* *_gvimrc* *$MYGVIMRC*
+The gvimrc file is where GUI-specific startup commands should be placed. It
+is always sourced after the |vimrc| file. If you have one then the $MYGVIMRC
+environment variable has its name.
+When the GUI starts up initializations are carried out, in this order:
+- The 'term' option is set to "builtin_gui" and terminal options are reset to
+ their default value for the GUI |terminal-options|.
+- If the system menu file exists, it is sourced. The name of this file is
+ normally "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim". You can check this with ":version". Also
+ see |$VIMRUNTIME|. To skip loading the system menu include 'M' in
+ 'guioptions'. *buffers-menu* *no_buffers_menu*
+ The system menu file includes a "Buffers" menu. If you don't want this, set
+ the "no_buffers_menu" variable in your .vimrc (not .gvimrc!): >
+ :let no_buffers_menu = 1
+< NOTE: Switching on syntax highlighting also loads the menu file, thus
+ disabling the Buffers menu must be done before ":syntax on".
+ The path names are truncated to 35 characters. You can truncate them at a
+ different length, for example 50, like this: >
+ :let bmenu_max_pathlen = 50
+- If the "-U {gvimrc}" command-line option has been used when starting Vim,
+ the {gvimrc} file will be read for initializations. The following
+ initializations are skipped. When {gvimrc} is "NONE" no file will be read
+ for initializations.
+- For Unix and MS-Windows, if the system gvimrc exists, it is sourced. The
+ name of this file is normally "$VIM/gvimrc". You can check this with
+ ":version". Also see |$VIM|.
+- The following are tried, and only the first one that exists is used:
+ - If the GVIMINIT environment variable exists and is not empty, it is
+ executed as an Ex command.
+ - If the user gvimrc file exists, it is sourced. The name of this file is
+ normally "$HOME/.gvimrc". You can check this with ":version".
+ - For Win32, $HOME is set by Vim if needed, see |$HOME-windows|.
+ - When a "_gvimrc" file is not found, ".gvimrc" is tried too. And vice
+ versa.
+ The name of the first file found is stored in $MYGVIMRC, unless it was
+ already set.
+- If the 'exrc' option is set (which is NOT the default) the file ./.gvimrc
+ is sourced, if it exists and isn't the same file as the system or user
+ gvimrc file. If this file is not owned by you, some security restrictions
+ apply. When ".gvimrc" is not found, "_gvimrc" is tried too. For Macintosh
+ and DOS/Win32 "_gvimrc" is tried first.
+NOTE: All but the first one are not carried out if Vim was started with
+"-u NONE" or "-u DEFAULTS" and no "-U" argument was given, or when started
+with "-U NONE".
+All this happens AFTER the normal Vim initializations, like reading your
+.vimrc file. See |initialization|.
+But the GUI window is only opened after all the initializations have been
+carried out. If you want some commands to be executed just after opening the
+GUI window, use the |GUIEnter| autocommand event. Example: >
+ :autocmd GUIEnter * winpos 100 50
+You can use the gvimrc files to set up your own customized menus (see |:menu|)
+and initialize other things that you may want to set up differently from the
+terminal version.
+Recommended place for your personal GUI initializations:
+ Unix $HOME/.gvimrc or $HOME/.vim/gvimrc
+ Win32 $HOME/_gvimrc, $HOME/vimfiles/gvimrc
+ or $VIM/_gvimrc
+ Amiga s:.gvimrc, home:.gvimrc, home:vimfiles:gvimrc
+ or $VIM/.gvimrc
+ Haiku $HOME/config/settings/vim/gvimrc
+The personal initialization files are searched in the order specified above
+and only the first one that is found is read.
+There are a number of options which only have meaning in the GUI version of
+Vim. These are 'guicursor', 'guifont', 'guipty' and 'guioptions'. They are
+documented in |options.txt| with all the other options.
+If using the Motif version of the GUI (but not for the GTK+ or
+Win32 version), a number of X resources are available. See |gui-resources|.
+Another way to set the colors for different occasions is with highlight
+groups. The "Normal" group is used to set the background and foreground
+colors. Example (which looks nice): >
+ :highlight Normal guibg=grey90
+The "guibg" and "guifg" settings override the normal background and
+foreground settings. The other settings for the Normal highlight group are
+not used. Use the 'guifont' option to set the font.
+Also check out the 'guicursor' option, to set the colors for the cursor in
+various modes.
+Vim tries to make the window fit on the screen when it starts up. This avoids
+that you can't see part of it. On the X Window System this requires a bit of
+guesswork. You can change the height that is used for the window title and a
+task bar with the 'guiheadroom' option.
+ *:winp* *:winpos* *E188*
+ Display current position of the top left corner of the GUI vim
+ window in pixels. Does not work in all versions.
+ Also see |getwinpos()|, |getwinposx()| and |getwinposy()|.
+:winp[os] {X} {Y} *E466*
+ Put the GUI vim window at the given {X} and {Y} coordinates.
+ The coordinates should specify the position in pixels of the
+ top left corner of the window. Does not work in all versions.
+ Does work in an (new) xterm |xterm-color|.
+ When the GUI window has not been opened yet, the values are
+ remembered until the window is opened. The position is
+ adjusted to make the window fit on the screen (if possible).
+ *:wi* *:win* *:winsize* *E465*
+:win[size] {width} {height}
+ Set the window height to {width} by {height} characters.
+ It is recommended to use `:set lines=11 columns=22` instead,
+ since it's easy to see what the numbers mean.
+ If you get less lines than expected, check the 'guiheadroom'
+ option.
+If you are running the X Window System, you can get information about the
+window Vim is running in with these commands: >
+ :!xwininfo -id $WINDOWID
+ :!xprop -id $WINDOWID
+ :execute '!xwininfo -id ' .. v:windowid
+ :execute '!xprop -id ' .. v:windowid
+ *gui-IME* *iBus*
+Input methods for international characters in X that rely on the XIM
+framework, most notably iBus, have been known to produce undesirable results
+in gvim. These may include an inability to enter spaces, or long delays
+between typing a character and it being recognized by the application.
+One workaround that has been successful, for unknown reasons, is to prevent
+gvim from forking into the background by starting it with the |-f| argument.
+2. Scrollbars *gui-scrollbars*
+There are vertical scrollbars and a horizontal scrollbar. You may
+configure which ones appear with the 'guioptions' option.
+The interface looks like this (with ":set guioptions=mlrb"):
+ +------------------------------+ `
+ | File Edit Help | <- Menu bar (m) `
+ +-+--------------------------+-+ `
+ |^| |^| `
+ |#| Text area. |#| `
+ | | | | `
+ |v|__________________________|v| `
+ Normal status line -> |-+ File.c 5,2 +-| `
+ between Vim windows |^|""""""""""""""""""""""""""|^| `
+ | | | | `
+ | | Another file buffer. | | `
+ | | | | `
+ |#| |#| `
+ Left scrollbar (l) -> |#| |#| <- Right `
+ |#| |#| scrollbar (r) `
+ | | | | `
+ |v| |v| `
+ +-+--------------------------+-+ `
+ | |< #### >| | <- Bottom `
+ +-+--------------------------+-+ scrollbar (b) `
+Any of the scrollbar or menu components may be turned off by not putting the
+appropriate letter in the 'guioptions' string. The bottom scrollbar is
+only useful when 'nowrap' is set.
+VERTICAL SCROLLBARS *gui-vert-scroll*
+Each Vim window has a scrollbar next to it which may be scrolled up and down
+to move through the text in that buffer. The size of the scrollbar-thumb
+indicates the fraction of the buffer which can be seen in the window.
+When the scrollbar is dragged all the way down, the last line of the file
+will appear in the top of the window.
+If a window is shrunk to zero height (by the growth of another window) its
+scrollbar disappears. It reappears when the window is restored.
+If a window is vertically split, it will get a scrollbar when it is the
+current window and when, taking the middle of the current window and drawing a
+vertical line, this line goes through the window.
+When there are scrollbars on both sides, and the middle of the current window
+is on the left half, the right scrollbar column will contain scrollbars for
+the rightmost windows. The same happens on the other side.
+HORIZONTAL SCROLLBARS *gui-horiz-scroll*
+The horizontal scrollbar (at the bottom of the Vim GUI) may be used to
+scroll text sideways when the 'wrap' option is turned off. The
+scrollbar-thumb size is such that the text of the longest visible line may be
+scrolled as far as possible left and right. The cursor is moved when
+necessary, it must remain on a visible character (unless 'virtualedit' is
+Computing the length of the longest visible line takes quite a bit of
+computation, and it has to be done every time something changes. If this
+takes too much time or you don't like the cursor jumping to another line,
+include the 'h' flag in 'guioptions'. Then the scrolling is limited by the
+text of the current cursor line.
+ *motif-intellimouse*
+If you have an Intellimouse and an X server that supports using the wheel,
+then you can use the wheel to scroll the text up and down in gvim. This works
+with XFree86 4.0 and later, and with some older versions when you add patches.
+See |scroll-mouse-wheel|.
+For older versions of XFree86 you must patch your X server. The following
+page has a bit of information about using the Intellimouse on Linux as well as
+links to the patches and X server binaries (may not have the one you need
+3. Mouse Control *gui-mouse*
+The mouse only works if the appropriate flag in the 'mouse' option is set.
+When the GUI is switched on, and 'mouse' wasn't set yet, the 'mouse' option is
+automatically set to "a", enabling it for all modes except for the
+|hit-enter| prompt. If you don't want this, a good place to change the
+'mouse' option is the "gvimrc" file.
+Other options that are relevant:
+'mousefocus' window focus follows mouse pointer |gui-mouse-focus|
+'mousemodel' what mouse button does which action
+'mousehide' hide mouse pointer while typing text
+'mousemoveevent' enable mouse move events so that <MouseMove> can be mapped
+'selectmode' whether to start Select mode or Visual mode
+A quick way to set these is with the ":behave" command.
+ *:behave* *:be*
+:be[have] {model} Set behavior for mouse and selection. Valid
+ arguments are:
+ mswin MS-Windows behavior
+ xterm Xterm behavior
+ Using ":behave" changes these options:
+ option mswin xterm ~
+ 'selectmode' "mouse,key" ""
+ 'mousemodel' "popup" "extend"
+ 'keymodel' "startsel,stopsel" ""
+ 'selection' "exclusive" "inclusive"
+In the $VIMRUNTIME directory, there is a script called |mswin.vim|, which will
+also map a few keys to the MS-Windows cut/copy/paste commands. This is NOT
+compatible, since it uses the CTRL-V, CTRL-X and CTRL-C keys. If you don't
+mind, use this command: >
+ :so $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
+For scrolling with a wheel on a mouse, see |scroll-mouse-wheel|.
+3.1 Moving Cursor with Mouse *gui-mouse-move*
+Click the left mouse button somewhere in a text buffer where you want the
+cursor to go, and it does!
+This works in when 'mouse' contains ~
+Normal mode 'n' or 'a'
+Visual mode 'v' or 'a'
+Insert mode 'i' or 'a'
+Select mode is handled like Visual mode.
+You may use this with an operator such as 'd' to delete text from the current
+cursor position to the position you point to with the mouse. That is, you hit
+'d' and then click the mouse somewhere.
+ *gui-mouse-focus*
+The 'mousefocus' option can be set to make the keyboard focus follow the
+mouse pointer. This means that the window where the mouse pointer is, is the
+active window. Warning: this doesn't work very well when using a menu,
+because the menu command will always be applied to the top window.
+If you are on the ':' line (or '/' or '?'), then clicking the left or right
+mouse button will position the cursor on the ':' line (if 'mouse' contains
+'c' or 'a').
+In any situation the middle mouse button may be clicked to paste the current
+3.2 Selection with Mouse *gui-mouse-select*
+The mouse can be used to start a selection. How depends on the 'mousemodel'
+'mousemodel' is "extend": use the right mouse button
+'mousemodel' is "popup": use the left mouse button, while keeping the Shift
+key pressed.
+If there was no selection yet, this starts a selection from the old cursor
+position to the position pointed to with the mouse. If there already is a
+selection then the closest end will be extended.
+If 'selectmode' contains "mouse", then the selection will be in Select mode.
+This means that typing normal text will replace the selection. See
+|Select-mode|. Otherwise, the selection will be in Visual mode.
+Double clicking may be done to make the selection word-wise, triple clicking
+makes it line-wise, and quadruple clicking makes it rectangular block-wise.
+See |gui-selections| on how the selection is used.
+3.3 Other Text Selection with Mouse *gui-mouse-modeless*
+ *modeless-selection*
+A different kind of selection is used when:
+- in Command-line mode
+- in the Command-line window and pointing in another window
+- at the |hit-enter| prompt
+- whenever the current mode is not in the 'mouse' option
+- when holding the CTRL and SHIFT keys in the GUI
+Since Vim continues like the selection isn't there, and there is no mode
+associated with the selection, this is called modeless selection. Any text in
+the Vim window can be selected. Select the text by pressing the left mouse
+button at the start, drag to the end and release. To extend the selection,
+use the right mouse button when 'mousemodel' is "extend", or the left mouse
+button with the shift key pressed when 'mousemodel' is "popup".
+The selection is removed when the selected text is scrolled or changed.
+On the command line CTRL-Y can be used to copy the selection into the
+clipboard. To do this from Insert mode, use CTRL-O : CTRL-Y <CR>. When
+'guioptions' contains a or A (default on X11), the selection is automatically
+copied to the "* register.
+The middle mouse button can then paste the text. On non-X11 systems, you can
+use CTRL-R +.
+3.4 Using Mouse on Status Lines *gui-mouse-status*
+Clicking the left or right mouse button on the status line below a Vim
+window makes that window the current window. This actually happens on button
+release (to be able to distinguish a click from a drag action).
+With the left mouse button a status line can be dragged up and down, thus
+resizing the windows above and below it. This does not change window focus.
+The same can be used on the vertical separator: click to give the window left
+of it focus, drag left and right to make windows wider and narrower.
+3.5 Various Mouse Clicks *gui-mouse-various*
+ <S-LeftMouse> Search forward for the word under the mouse click.
+ When 'mousemodel' is "popup" this starts or extends a
+ selection.
+ <S-RightMouse> Search backward for the word under the mouse click.
+ <C-LeftMouse> Jump to the tag name under the mouse click.
+ <C-RightMouse> Jump back to position before the previous tag jump
+ (same as "CTRL-T")
+3.6 Mouse Mappings *gui-mouse-mapping*
+The mouse events, complete with modifiers, may be mapped. Eg: >
+ :map <S-LeftMouse> <RightMouse>
+ :map <S-LeftDrag> <RightDrag>
+ :map <S-LeftRelease> <RightRelease>
+ :map <2-S-LeftMouse> <2-RightMouse>
+ :map <2-S-LeftDrag> <2-RightDrag>
+ :map <2-S-LeftRelease> <2-RightRelease>
+ :map <3-S-LeftMouse> <3-RightMouse>
+ :map <3-S-LeftDrag> <3-RightDrag>
+ :map <3-S-LeftRelease> <3-RightRelease>
+ :map <4-S-LeftMouse> <4-RightMouse>
+ :map <4-S-LeftDrag> <4-RightDrag>
+ :map <4-S-LeftRelease> <4-RightRelease>
+These mappings make selection work the way it probably should in a Motif
+application, with shift-left mouse allowing for extending the visual area
+rather than the right mouse button.
+<MouseMove> may be mapped, but 'mousemoveevent' must be enabled to use the
+Mouse mapping with modifiers does not work for modeless selection.
+3.7 Drag and drop *drag-n-drop*
+You can drag and drop one or more files into the Vim window, where they will
+be opened as if a |:drop| command was used. You can check if this is
+supported with the *drop_file* feature: `has('drop_file')`.
+If you hold down Shift while doing this, Vim changes to the first dropped
+file's directory. If you hold Ctrl Vim will always split a new window for the
+file. Otherwise it's only done if the current buffer has been changed.
+You can also drop a directory on Vim. This starts the explorer plugin for
+that directory (assuming it was enabled, otherwise you'll get an error
+message). Keep Shift pressed to change to the directory instead.
+If Vim happens to be editing a command line, the names of the dropped files
+and directories will be inserted at the cursor. This allows you to use these
+names with any Ex command. Special characters (space, tab, double quote and
+'|'; backslash on non-MS-Windows systems) will be escaped.
+4. Making GUI Selections *gui-selections*
+ *quotestar*
+You may make selections with the mouse (see |gui-mouse-select|), or by using
+Vim's Visual mode (see |v|). If 'a' is present in 'guioptions', then
+whenever a selection is started (Visual or Select mode), or when the selection
+is changed, Vim becomes the owner of the windowing system's primary selection
+(on MS-Windows the |gui-clipboard| is used; under X11, the |x11-selection| is
+used - you should read whichever of these is appropriate now).
+ *clipboard*
+There is a special register for storing this selection, it is the "*
+register. Nothing is put in here unless the information about what text is
+selected is about to change (e.g. with a left mouse click somewhere), or when
+another application wants to paste the selected text. Then the text is put
+in the "* register. For example, to cut a line and make it the current
+selection/put it on the clipboard: >
+ "*dd
+Similarly, when you want to paste a selection from another application, e.g.,
+by clicking the middle mouse button, the selection is put in the "* register
+first, and then 'put' like any other register. For example, to put the
+selection (contents of the clipboard): >
+ "*p
+When using this register under X11, also see |x11-selection|. This also
+explains the related "+ register.
+Note that when pasting text from one Vim into another separate Vim, the type
+of selection (character, line, or block) will also be copied. For other
+applications the type is always character. However, if the text gets
+transferred via the |x11-cut-buffer|, the selection type is ALWAYS lost.
+When the "unnamed" string is included in the 'clipboard' option, the unnamed
+register is the same as the "* register. Thus you can yank to and paste the
+selection without prepending "* to commands.
+5. Menus *menus*
+For an introduction see |usr_42.txt| in the user manual.
+5.1 Using Menus *using-menus*
+Basically, menus can be used just like mappings. You can define your own
+menus, as many as you like.
+Long-time Vim users won't use menus much. But the power is in adding your own
+menus and menu items. They are most useful for things that you can't remember
+what the key sequence was.
+For creating menus in a different language, see |:menutrans|.
+If you don't want to use menus at all, see |'go-M'|.
+ *menu.vim*
+The default menus are read from the file "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim". See
+|$VIMRUNTIME| for where the path comes from. You can set up your own menus.
+Starting off with the default set is a good idea. You can add more items, or,
+if you don't like the defaults at all, start with removing all menus
+|:unmenu-all|. You can also avoid the default menus being loaded by adding
+this line to your .vimrc file (NOT your .gvimrc file!): >
+ :let did_install_default_menus = 1
+If you also want to avoid the Syntax menu: >
+ :let did_install_syntax_menu = 1
+The first item in the Syntax menu can be used to show all available filetypes
+in the menu (which can take a bit of time to load). If you want to have all
+filetypes already present at startup, add: >
+ :let do_syntax_sel_menu = 1
+The following menuitems show all available color schemes, keymaps and compiler
+ Edit > Color Scheme ~
+ Edit > Keymap ~
+ Tools > Set Compiler ~
+However, they can also take a bit of time to load, because they search all
+related files from the directories in 'runtimepath'. Therefore they are
+loaded lazily (by the |CursorHold| event), or you can also load them manually.
+If you want to have all these items already present at startup, add: >
+ :let do_no_lazyload_menus = 1
+Note that the menu.vim is sourced when `:syntax on` or `:filetype on` is
+executed or after your .vimrc file is sourced. This means that the 'encoding'
+option and the language of messages (`:language messages`) must be set before
+that (if you want to change them).
+ *console-menus*
+Although this documentation is in the GUI section, you can actually use menus
+in console mode too. You will have to load |menu.vim| explicitly then, it is
+not done by default. You can use the |:emenu| command and command-line
+completion with 'wildmenu' to access the menu entries almost like a real menu
+system. To do this, put these commands in your .vimrc file: >
+ :source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
+ :set wildmenu
+ :set cpo-=<
+ :set wcm=<C-Z>
+ :map <F4> :emenu <C-Z>
+Pressing <F4> will start the menu. You can now use the cursor keys to select
+a menu entry. Hit <Enter> to execute it. Hit <Esc> if you want to cancel.
+This does require the |+menu| feature enabled at compile time.
+ *tear-off-menus*
+GTK+ 2 and Motif support Tear-off menus. These are sort of sticky menus or
+pop-up menus that are present all the time. If the resizing does not work
+correctly, this may be caused by using something like "Vim*geometry" in the
+defaults. Use "Vim.geometry" instead.
+As to GTK+ 3, tear-off menus have been deprecated since GTK+ 3.4.
+Accordingly, they are disabled if gvim is linked against GTK+ 3.4 or later.
+The Win32 GUI version emulates Motif's tear-off menus. Actually, a Motif user
+will spot the differences easily, but hopefully they're just as useful. You
+can also use the |:tearoff| command together with |hidden-menus| to create
+floating menus that do not appear on the main menu bar.
+5.2 Creating New Menus *creating-menus*
+ *:me* *:menu* *:noreme* *:noremenu*
+ *E330* *E327* *E331* *E336* *E333*
+ *E328* *E329* *E337* *E792*
+To create a new menu item, use the ":menu" commands. They are mostly like
+the ":map" set of commands (see |map-modes|), but the first argument is a menu
+item name, given as a path of menus and submenus with a '.' between them,
+e.g.: >
+ :menu File.Save :w<CR>
+ :inoremenu File.Save <C-O>:w<CR>
+ :menu Edit.Big\ Changes.Delete\ All\ Spaces :%s/[ ^I]//g<CR>
+This last one will create a new item in the menu bar called "Edit", holding
+the mouse button down on this will pop up a menu containing the item
+"Big Changes", which is a sub-menu containing the item "Delete All Spaces",
+which when selected, performs the operation.
+To create a menu for terminal mode, use |:tlmenu| instead of |:tmenu| unlike
+key mapping (|:tmap|). This is because |:tmenu| is already used for defining
+tooltips for menus. See |terminal-typing|.
+Special characters in a menu name:
+ *menu-shortcut*
+ & The next character is the shortcut key. Make sure each
+ shortcut key is only used once in a (sub)menu. If you want to
+ insert a literal "&" in the menu name use "&&".
+ *menu-text*
+ <Tab> Separates the menu name from right-aligned text. This can be
+ used to show the equivalent typed command. The text "<Tab>"
+ can be used here for convenience. If you are using a real
+ tab, don't forget to put a backslash before it!
+Example: >
+ :amenu &File.&Open<Tab>:e :browse e<CR>
+[typed literally]
+With the shortcut "F" (while keeping the <Alt> key pressed), and then "O",
+this menu can be used. The second part is shown as "Open :e". The ":e"
+is right aligned, and the "O" is underlined, to indicate it is the shortcut.
+ *:am* *:amenu* *:an* *:anoremenu*
+The ":amenu" command can be used to define menu entries for all modes at once,
+except for Terminal mode. To make the command work correctly, a character is
+automatically inserted for some modes:
+ mode inserted appended ~
+ Normal nothing nothing
+ Visual <C-C> <C-\><C-G>
+ Insert <C-\><C-O>
+ Cmdline <C-C> <C-\><C-G>
+ Op-pending <C-C> <C-\><C-G>
+Appending CTRL-\ CTRL-G is for going back to insert mode when 'insertmode' is
+set. |CTRL-\_CTRL-G|
+Example: >
+ :amenu File.Next :next^M
+is equal to: >
+ :nmenu File.Next :next^M
+ :vmenu File.Next ^C:next^M^\^G
+ :imenu File.Next ^\^O:next^M
+ :cmenu File.Next ^C:next^M^\^G
+ :omenu File.Next ^C:next^M^\^G
+Careful: In Insert mode this only works for a SINGLE Normal mode command,
+because of the CTRL-O. If you have two or more commands, you will need to use
+the ":imenu" command. For inserting text in any mode, you can use the
+expression register: >
+ :amenu Insert.foobar "='foobar'<CR>P
+The special text <Cmd> begins a "command menu", it executes the command
+directly without changing modes. Where you might use ":...<CR>" you can
+instead use "<Cmd>...<CR>". See |<Cmd>| for more info. Example: >
+ anoremenu File.Next <Cmd>next<CR>
+Note that the '<' and 'k' flags in 'cpoptions' also apply here (when
+included they make the <> form and raw key codes not being recognized).
+Note that <Esc> in Cmdline mode executes the command, like in a mapping. This
+is Vi compatible. Use CTRL-C to quit Cmdline mode.
+ *:nme* *:nmenu* *:nnoreme* *:nnoremenu* *:nunme* *:nunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "n" work in Normal mode. |mapmode-n|
+ *:ome* *:omenu* *:onoreme* *:onoremenu* *:ounme* *:ounmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "o" work in Operator-pending mode. |mapmode-o|
+ *:vme* *:vmenu* *:vnoreme* *:vnoremenu* *:vunme* *:vunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "v" work in Visual mode. |mapmode-v|
+ *:xme* *:xmenu* *:xnoreme* *:xnoremenu* *:xunme* *:xunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "x" work in Visual and Select mode. |mapmode-x|
+ *:sme* *:smenu* *:snoreme* *:snoremenu* *:sunme* *:sunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "s" work in Select mode. |mapmode-s|
+ *:ime* *:imenu* *:inoreme* *:inoremenu* *:iunme* *:iunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "i" work in Insert mode. |mapmode-i|
+ *:cme* *:cmenu* *:cnoreme* *:cnoremenu* *:cunme* *:cunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "c" work in Cmdline mode. |mapmode-c|
+ *:tlm* *:tlmenu* *:tln* *:tlnoremenu* *:tlu* *:tlunmenu*
+Menu commands starting with "tl" work in Terminal mode. |mapmode-t|
+ *:menu-<silent>* *:menu-silent*
+To define a menu which will not be echoed on the command line, add
+"<silent>" as the first argument. Example: >
+ :menu <silent> Settings.Ignore\ case :set ic<CR>
+The ":set ic" will not be echoed when using this menu. Messages from the
+executed command are still given though. To shut them up too, add a ":silent"
+in the executed command: >
+ :menu <silent> Search.Header :exe ":silent normal /Header\r"<CR>
+"<silent>" may also appear just after "<special>" or "<script>".
+ *:menu-<special>* *:menu-special*
+Define a menu with <> notation for special keys, even though the "<" flag
+may appear in 'cpoptions'. This is useful if the side effect of setting
+'cpoptions' is not desired. Example: >
+ :menu <special> Search.Header /Header<CR>
+"<special>" must appear as the very first argument to the ":menu" command or
+just after "<silent>" or "<script>".
+ *:menu-<script>* *:menu-script*
+The "to" part of the menu will be inspected for mappings. If you don't want
+this, use the ":noremenu" command (or the similar one for a specific mode).
+If you do want to use script-local mappings, add "<script>" as the very first
+argument to the ":menu" command or just after "<silent>" or "<special>".
+ *menu-priority*
+You can give a priority to a menu. Menus with a higher priority go more to
+the right. The priority is given as a number before the ":menu" command.
+Example: >
+ :80menu :bn<CR>
+The default menus have these priorities:
+ File 10
+ Edit 20
+ Tools 40
+ Syntax 50
+ Buffers 60
+ Window 70
+ Help 9999
+When no or zero priority is given, 500 is used.
+The priority for the PopUp menu is not used.
+The Help menu will be placed on the far right side of the menu bar on systems
+which support this (Motif and GTK+). For GTK+ 2 and 3, this is not done
+anymore because right-aligning the Help menu is now discouraged UI design.
+You can use a priority higher than 9999, to make it go after the Help menu,
+but that is non-standard and is discouraged. The highest possible priority is
+about 32000. The lowest is 1.
+ *sub-menu-priority*
+The same mechanism can be used to position a sub-menu. The priority is then
+given as a dot-separated list of priorities, before the menu name: >
+ :menu 80.500 :bn<CR>
+Giving the sub-menu priority is only needed when the item is not to be put
+in a normal position. For example, to put a sub-menu before the other items: >
+ :menu 80.100 Buffer.first :brew<CR>
+Or to put a sub-menu after the other items, and further items with default
+priority will be put before it: >
+ :menu 80.900 Buffer.last :blast<CR>
+When a number is missing, the default value 500 will be used: >
+ :menu .900 myMenu.test :echo "text"<CR>
+The menu priority is only used when creating a new menu. When it already
+existed, e.g., in another mode, the priority will not change. Thus, the
+priority only needs to be given the first time a menu is used.
+An exception is the PopUp menu. There is a separate menu for each mode
+(Normal, Op-pending, Visual, Insert, Cmdline). The order in each of these
+menus can be different. This is different from menu-bar menus, which have
+the same order for all modes.
+NOTE: sub-menu priorities currently don't work for all versions of the GUI.
+ *menu-separator* *E332*
+Menu items can be separated by a special item that inserts some space between
+items. Depending on the system this is displayed as a line or a dotted line.
+These items must start with a '-' and end in a '-'. The part in between is
+used to give it a unique name. Priorities can be used as with normal items.
+Example: >
+ :menu Example.item1 :do something
+ :menu Example.-Sep- :
+ :menu Example.item2 :do something different
+Note that the separator also requires a rhs. It doesn't matter what it is,
+because the item will never be selected. Use a single colon to keep it
+ *gui-toolbar*
+The toolbar is currently available in the Win32, Motif, GTK+ (X11),
+and Photon GUI. It should turn up in other GUIs in due course. The
+default toolbar is setup in menu.vim.
+The display of the toolbar is controlled by the 'guioptions' letter 'T'. You
+can thus have menu & toolbar together, or either on its own, or neither.
+The appearance is controlled by the 'toolbar' option. You can choose between
+an image, text or both.
+ *toolbar-icon*
+The toolbar is defined as a special menu called ToolBar, which only has one
+level. Vim interprets the items in this menu as follows:
+1) If an "icon=" argument was specified, the file with this name is used.
+ The file can either be specified with the full path or with the base name.
+ In the last case it is searched for in the "bitmaps" directory in
+ 'runtimepath', like in point 3. Examples: >
+ :amenu icon=/usr/local/pixmaps/foo_icon.xpm ToolBar.Foo :echo "Foo"<CR>
+ :amenu icon=FooIcon ToolBar.Foo :echo "Foo"<CR>
+< Note that in the first case the extension is included, while in the second
+ case it is omitted.
+ If the file cannot be opened the next points are tried.
+ A space in the file name must be escaped with a backslash.
+ A menu priority must come _after_ the icon argument: >
+ :amenu icon=foo 1.42 ToolBar.Foo :echo "42!"<CR>
+2) An item called 'BuiltIn##', where ## is a number, is taken as number ## of
+ the built-in bitmaps available in Vim. Currently there are 31 numbered
+ from 0 to 30 which cover most common editing operations |builtin-tools|. >
+ :amenu ToolBar.BuiltIn22 :call SearchNext("back")<CR>
+3) An item with another name is first searched for in the directory
+ "bitmaps" in 'runtimepath'. If found, the bitmap file is used as the
+ toolbar button image. Note that the exact filename is OS-specific: For
+ example, under Win32 the command >
+ :amenu ToolBar.Hello :echo "hello"<CR>
+< would find the file 'hello.bmp'. Under GTK+/X11 it is 'Hello.xpm'. With
+ GTK+ 2 the files 'Hello.png', 'Hello.xpm' and 'Hello.bmp' are checked for
+ existence, and the first one found would be used.
+ For MS-Windows and GTK+ 2 the bitmap is scaled to fit the button. For
+ MS-Windows a size of 18 by 18 pixels works best.
+ For MS-Windows the bitmap should have 16 colors with the standard palette.
+ The light grey pixels will be changed to the Window frame color and the
+ dark grey pixels to the window shadow color. More colors might also work,
+ depending on your system.
+4) If the bitmap is still not found, Vim checks for a match against its list
+ of built-in names. Each built-in button image has a name.
+ So the command >
+ :amenu ToolBar.Open :e
+< will show the built-in "open a file" button image if no open.bmp exists.
+ All the built-in names can be seen used in menu.vim.
+5) If all else fails, a blank, but functioning, button is displayed.
+ *builtin-tools*
+nr Name Normal action ~
+00 New open new window
+01 Open browse for file to open in current window
+02 Save write buffer to file
+03 Undo undo last change
+04 Redo redo last undone change
+05 Cut delete selected text to clipboard
+06 Copy copy selected text to clipboard
+07 Paste paste text from clipboard
+08 Print print current buffer
+09 Help open a buffer on Vim's builtin help
+10 Find start a search command
+11 SaveAll write all modified buffers to file
+12 SaveSesn write session file for current situation
+13 NewSesn write new session file
+14 LoadSesn load session file
+15 RunScript browse for file to run as a Vim script
+16 Replace prompt for substitute command
+17 WinClose close current window
+18 WinMax make current window use many lines
+19 WinMin make current window use few lines
+20 WinSplit split current window
+21 Shell start a shell
+22 FindPrev search again, backward
+23 FindNext search again, forward
+24 FindHelp prompt for word to search help for
+25 Make run make and jump to first error
+26 TagJump jump to tag under the cursor
+27 RunCtags build tags for files in current directory
+28 WinVSplit split current window vertically
+29 WinMaxWidth make current window use many columns
+30 WinMinWidth make current window use few columns
+ *hidden-menus* *win32-hidden-menus*
+In the Win32 and GTK+ GUI, starting a menu name with ']' excludes that menu
+from the main menu bar. You must then use the |:popup| or |:tearoff| command
+to display it.
+ *window-toolbar* *WinBar*
+Each window can have a local toolbar. This uses the first line of the window,
+thus reduces the space for the text by one line. The items in the toolbar
+must start with "WinBar".
+Only text can be used. When using Unicode, special characters can be used to
+make the items look like icons.
+If the items do not fit then the last ones cannot be used. The toolbar does
+not wrap.
+Note that Vim may be in any mode when executing these commands. The menu
+should be defined for Normal mode and will be executed without changing the
+current mode. Thus if the current window is in Visual mode and the menu
+command does not intentionally change the mode, Vim will remain in Visual
+mode. Best is to use `:nnoremenu` to avoid side effects.
+Example for debugger tools: >
+ nnoremenu 1.10 WinBar.Step :Step<CR>
+ nnoremenu 1.20 WinBar.Next :Next<CR>
+ nnoremenu 1.30 WinBar.Finish :Finish<CR>
+ nnoremenu 1.40 WinBar.Cont :Continue<CR>
+< *hl-ToolbarLine* *hl-ToolbarButton*
+The window toolbar uses the ToolbarLine and ToolbarButton highlight groups.
+When splitting the window the window toolbar is not copied to the new window.
+ *popup-menu*
+In the Win32, GTK+, Motif and Photon GUI, you can define the
+special menu "PopUp". This is the menu that is displayed when the right mouse
+button is pressed, if 'mousemodel' is set to popup or popup_setpos.
+Example: >
+ nnoremenu 1.40 PopUp.&Paste "+gP
+ menu PopUp
+5.3 Showing What Menus Are Mapped To *showing-menus*
+To see what an existing menu is mapped to, use just one argument after the
+menu commands (just like you would with the ":map" commands). If the menu
+specified is a submenu, then all menus under that hierarchy will be shown.
+If no argument is given after :menu at all, then ALL menu items are shown
+for the appropriate mode (e.g., Command-line mode for :cmenu).
+Special characters in the list, just before the rhs:
+* The menu was defined with "nore" to disallow remapping.
+& The menu was defined with "<script>" to allow remapping script-local
+ mappings only.
+s The menu was defined with "<silent>" to avoid showing what it is
+ mapped to when triggered.
+- The menu was disabled.
+Note that hitting <Tab> while entering a menu name after a menu command may
+be used to complete the name of the menu item.
+It is not allowed to change menus while listing them. *E1310*
+This doesn't normally happen, only when, for example, you would have a timer
+callback define a menu and the user lists menus in a way it shows
+5.4 Executing Menus *execute-menus*
+ *:em* *:emenu* *E334* *E335*
+:[range]em[enu] {menu} Execute {menu} from the command line.
+ The default is to execute the Normal mode
+ menu. If a range is specified, it executes
+ the Visual mode menu.
+ If used from <c-o>, it executes the
+ insert-mode menu Eg: >
+ :emenu File.Exit
+:[range]em[enu] {mode} {menu} Like above, but execute the menu for {mode}:
+ 'n': |:nmenu| Normal mode
+ 'v': |:vmenu| Visual mode
+ 's': |:smenu| Select mode
+ 'o': |:omenu| Operator-pending mode
+ 't': |:tlmenu| Terminal mode
+ 'i': |:imenu| Insert mode
+ 'c': |:cmenu| Cmdline mode
+If the console-mode vim has been compiled with WANT_MENU defined, you can
+use :emenu to access useful menu items you may have got used to from GUI
+mode. See 'wildmenu' for an option that works well with this. See
+|console-menus| for an example.
+When using a range, if the lines match with '<,'>, then the menu is executed
+using the last visual selection.
+5.5 Deleting Menus *delete-menus*
+ *:unme* *:unmenu*
+ *:aun* *:aunmenu*
+To delete a menu item or a whole submenu, use the unmenu commands, which are
+analogous to the unmap commands. Eg: >
+ :unmenu! Edit.Paste
+This will remove the Paste item from the Edit menu for Insert and
+Command-line modes.
+Note that hitting <Tab> while entering a menu name after an umenu command
+may be used to complete the name of the menu item for the appropriate mode.
+To remove all menus use: *:unmenu-all* >
+ :unmenu * " remove all menus in Normal and visual mode
+ :unmenu! * " remove all menus in Insert and Command-line mode
+ :aunmenu * " remove all menus in all modes, except for Terminal
+ " mode
+ :tlunmenu * " remove all menus in Terminal mode
+If you want to get rid of the menu bar: >
+ :set guioptions-=m
+5.6 Disabling Menus *disable-menus*
+ *:menu-disable* *:menu-enable*
+If you do not want to remove a menu, but disable it for a moment, this can be
+done by adding the "enable" or "disable" keyword to a ":menu" command.
+Examples: >
+ :menu disable &File.&Open\.\.\.
+ :amenu enable *
+ :amenu disable &Tools.*
+The command applies to the modes as used with all menu commands. Note that
+characters like "&" need to be included for translated names to be found.
+When the argument is "*", all menus are affected. Otherwise the given menu
+name and all existing submenus below it are affected.
+5.7 Examples for Menus *menu-examples*
+Here is an example on how to add menu items with menu's! You can add a menu
+item for the keyword under the cursor. The register "z" is used. >
+ :nmenu Words.Add\ Var wb"zye:menu! Words.<C-R>z <C-R>z<CR>
+ :nmenu Words.Remove\ Var wb"zye:unmenu! Words.<C-R>z<CR>
+ :vmenu Words.Add\ Var "zy:menu! Words.<C-R>z <C-R>z <CR>
+ :vmenu Words.Remove\ Var "zy:unmenu! Words.<C-R>z<CR>
+ :imenu Words.Add\ Var <Esc>wb"zye:menu! Words.<C-R>z <C-R>z<CR>a
+ :imenu Words.Remove\ Var <Esc>wb"zye:unmenu! Words.<C-R>z<CR>a
+(the rhs is in <> notation, you can copy/paste this text to try out the
+mappings, or put these lines in your gvimrc; "<C-R>" is CTRL-R, "<CR>" is
+the <CR> key. |<>|)
+ *tooltips* *menu-tips*
+5.8 Tooltips & Menu tips
+See section |42.4| in the user manual.
+ *:tmenu* *:tm*
+:tm[enu] {menupath} {rhs} Define a tip for a menu or tool. {only in
+ X11 and Win32 GUI}
+:tm[enu] [menupath] List menu tips. {only in X11 and Win32 GUI}
+ *:tunmenu* *:tu*
+:tu[nmenu] {menupath} Remove a tip for a menu or tool.
+ {only in X11 and Win32 GUI}
+Note: To create menus for terminal mode, use |:tlmenu| instead.
+When a tip is defined for a menu item, it appears in the command-line area
+when the mouse is over that item, much like a standard Windows menu hint in
+the status bar. (Except when Vim is in Command-line mode, when of course
+nothing is displayed.)
+When a tip is defined for a ToolBar item, it appears as a tooltip when the
+mouse pauses over that button, in the usual fashion. Use the |hl-Tooltip|
+highlight group to change its colors.
+A "tip" can be defined for each menu item. For example, when defining a menu
+item like this: >
+ :amenu MyMenu.Hello :echo "Hello"<CR>
+The tip is defined like this: >
+ :tmenu MyMenu.Hello Displays a greeting.
+And delete it with: >
+ :tunmenu MyMenu.Hello
+Tooltips are currently only supported for the X11 and Win32 GUI. However, they
+should appear for the other gui platforms in the not too distant future.
+The ":tmenu" command works just like other menu commands, it uses the same
+arguments. ":tunmenu" deletes an existing menu tip, in the same way as the
+other unmenu commands.
+If a menu item becomes invalid (i.e. its actions in all modes are deleted) Vim
+deletes the menu tip (and the item) for you. This means that :aunmenu deletes
+a menu item - you don't need to do a :tunmenu as well.
+5.9 Popup Menus
+In the Win32 and GTK+ GUI, you can cause a menu to popup at the cursor.
+This behaves similarly to the PopUp menus except that any menu tree can
+be popped up.
+This command is for backwards compatibility, using it is discouraged, because
+it behaves in a strange way.
+ *:popup* *:popu*
+:popu[p] {name} Popup the menu {name}. The menu named must
+ have at least one subentry, but need not
+ appear on the menu-bar (see |hidden-menus|).
+ {only available for Win32 and GTK GUI or in
+ the terminal}
+:popu[p]! {name} Like above, but use the position of the mouse
+ pointer instead of the cursor.
+ In the terminal this is the last known
+ position, which is usually at the last click
+ or release (mouse movement is irrelevant).
+Example: >
+ :popup File
+will make the "File" menu (if there is one) appear at the text cursor (mouse
+pointer if ! was used). >
+ :amenu ]Toolbar.Make :make<CR>
+ :popup ]Toolbar
+This creates a popup menu that doesn't exist on the main menu-bar.
+Note that in the GUI the :popup command will return immediately, before a
+selection has been made. In the terminal the commands waits for the user to
+make a selection.
+Note that a menu that starts with ']' will not be displayed.
+6. Font
+This section describes font related options.
+GUIFONT *gui-font*
+'guifont' is the option that tells Vim what font to use. In its simplest form
+the value is just one font name. It can also be a list of font names
+separated with commas. The first valid font is used. When no valid font can
+be found you will get an error message.
+On systems where 'guifontset' is supported (X11) and 'guifontset' is not
+empty, then 'guifont' is not used. See |xfontset|.
+Note: As to the GTK GUIs, no error is given against any invalid names, and the
+first element of the list is always picked up and made use of. This is
+because, instead of identifying a given name with a font, the GTK GUIs use it
+to construct a pattern and try to look up a font which best matches the
+pattern among available fonts, and this way, the matching never fails. An
+invalid name doesn't matter because a number of font properties other than
+name will do to get the matching done.
+Spaces after a comma are ignored. To include a comma in a font name precede
+it with a backslash. Setting an option requires an extra backslash before a
+space and a backslash. See also |option-backslash|. For example: >
+ :set guifont=Screen15,\ 7x13,font\\,with\\,commas
+will make Vim try to use the font "Screen15" first, and if it fails it will
+try to use "7x13" and then "font,with,commas" instead.
+If none of the fonts can be loaded, Vim will keep the current setting. If an
+empty font list is given, Vim will try using other resource settings (for X,
+it will use the Vim.font resource), and finally it will try some builtin
+default which should always be there ("7x13" in the case of X). The font
+names given should be "normal" fonts. Vim will try to find the related bold
+and italic fonts.
+For Win32, GTK, Motif, Mac OS and Photon: >
+ :set guifont=*
+will bring up a font requester, where you can pick the font you want.
+The font name depends on the GUI used. See |setting-guifont| for a way to set
+'guifont' for various systems.
+For the GTK+ 2 and 3 GUIs, the font name looks like this: >
+ :set guifont=Andale\ Mono\ 11
+That's all. XLFDs are not used. For Chinese this is reported to work well: >
+ if has("gui_gtk2")
+ set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 12,Fixed\ 12
+ set guifontwide=Microsoft\ Yahei\ 12,WenQuanYi\ Zen\ Hei\ 12
+ endif
+(Replace gui_gtk2 with gui_gtk3 for the GTK+ 3 GUI)
+For Mac OSX you can use something like this: >
+ :set guifont=Monaco:h10
+Mono-spaced fonts *E236*
+Note that the fonts must be mono-spaced (all characters have the same width).
+An exception is GTK: all fonts are accepted, but mono-spaced fonts look best.
+To preview a font on X11, you might be able to use the "xfontsel" program.
+The "xlsfonts" program gives a list of all available fonts.
+For the Win32 GUI *E244* *E245*
+- Takes these options in the font name (use a ':' to separate the options):
+ hXX - height is XX (points, can be floating-point)
+ wXX - width is XX (points, can be floating-point)
+ WXX - weight is XX (see Note on Weights below)
+ b - bold. This is equivalent to setting the weight to 700.
+ i - italic
+ u - underline
+ s - strikeout
+ cXX - character set XX. Valid charsets are: ANSI, ARABIC, BALTIC,
+ TURKISH and VIETNAMESE. Normally you would use "cDEFAULT".
+ qXX - quality XX. Valid quality names are: PROOF, DRAFT, ANTIALIASED,
+ NONANTIALIASED, CLEARTYPE and DEFAULT. Normally you would use
+ Some quality values are not supported in legacy OSs.
+- A '_' can be used in the place of a space, so you don't need to use
+ backslashes to escape the spaces.
+Examples: >
+ :set guifont=courier_new:h12:w5:b:cRUSSIAN
+ :set guifont=Andale_Mono:h7.5:w4.5
+See also |font-sizes|.
+Note on Weights: Fonts often come with a variety of weights. "Normal" weights
+in Windows have a value of 400 and, left unspecified, this is the value that
+will be used when attempting to find fonts. Windows will often match fonts
+based on their weight with higher priority than the font name which means a
+Book or Medium variant of a font might be used despite specifying a Light or
+ExtraLight variant. If you are experiencing heavier weight substitution, then
+explicitly setting a lower weight value may mitigate against this unwanted
+GUIFONTWIDE *gui-fontwide*
+When not empty, 'guifontwide' specifies a comma-separated list of fonts to be
+used for double-width characters. The first font that can be loaded is used.
+Note: The size of these fonts must be exactly twice as wide as the one
+specified with 'guifont' and the same height. If there is a mismatch then the
+text will not be drawn correctly.
+All GUI versions but GTK+:
+'guifontwide' is only used when 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" and 'guifontset'
+is empty or invalid.
+When 'guifont' is set and a valid font is found in it and 'guifontwide' is
+empty Vim will attempt to find a matching double-width font and set
+'guifontwide' to it.
+GTK+ GUI only: *guifontwide_gtk*
+If set and valid, 'guifontwide' is always used for double width characters,
+even if 'encoding' is not set to "utf-8".
+Vim does not attempt to find an appropriate value for 'guifontwide'
+automatically. If 'guifontwide' is empty Pango/Xft will choose the font for
+characters not available in 'guifont'. Thus you do not need to set
+'guifontwide' at all unless you want to override the choice made by Pango/Xft.
+Windows +multibyte only: *guifontwide_win_mbyte*
+If set and valid, 'guifontwide' is used for IME instead of 'guifont'.
+7. Extras *gui-extras*
+This section describes other features which are related to the GUI.
+- With the GUI, there is no wait for one second after hitting escape, because
+ the key codes don't start with <Esc>.
+- Typing ^V followed by a special key in the GUI will insert "<Key>", since
+ the internal string used is meaningless. Modifiers may also be held down to
+ get "<Modifiers-Key>".
+- In the GUI, the modifiers SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT (or META) may be used within
+ mappings of special keys and mouse events.
+ E.g.: :map <M-LeftDrag> <LeftDrag>
+- In the GUI, several normal keys may have modifiers in mappings etc, these
+ are <Space>, <Tab>, <NL>, <CR>, <Esc>.
+- To check in a Vim script if the GUI is being used, you can use something
+ like this: >
+ if has("gui_running")
+ echo "yes, we have a GUI"
+ else
+ echo "Boring old console"
+ endif
+< *setting-guifont*
+- When you use the same vimrc file on various systems, you can use something
+ like this to set options specifically for each type of GUI: >
+ if has("gui_running")
+ if has("gui_gtk")
+ :set guifont=Luxi\ Mono\ 12
+ elseif has("x11")
+ :set guifont=*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-180-*-*-m-*-*
+ elseif has("gui_win32")
+ :set guifont=Luxi_Mono:h12:cANSI
+ endif
+ endif
+A recommended Japanese font is MS Mincho. You can find info here:
+8. Shell Commands *gui-shell*
+For the X11 GUI the external commands are executed inside the gvim window.
+See |gui-pty|.
+WARNING: Executing an external command from the X11 GUI will not always work.
+"normal" commands like "ls", "grep" and "make" mostly work fine.
+Commands that require an intelligent terminal like "less" and "ispell" won't
+work. Some may even hang and need to be killed from another terminal. So be
+For the Win32 GUI the external commands are executed in a separate window.
+See |gui-shell-win32|.
+ vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: