path: root/runtime/doc/usr_21.txt
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+*usr_21.txt* For Vim version 9.1. Last change: 2019 Apr 25
+ VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
+ Go away and come back
+This chapter goes into mixing the use of other programs with Vim. Either by
+executing program from inside Vim or by leaving Vim and coming back later.
+Furthermore, this is about the ways to remember the state of Vim and restore
+it later.
+|21.1| Suspend and resume
+|21.2| Executing shell commands
+|21.3| Remembering information; viminfo
+|21.4| Sessions
+|21.5| Views
+|21.6| Modelines
+ Next chapter: |usr_22.txt| Finding the file to edit
+ Previous chapter: |usr_20.txt| Typing command-line commands quickly
+Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
+*21.1* Suspend and resume
+Like most Unix programs Vim can be suspended by pressing CTRL-Z. This stops
+Vim and takes you back to the shell it was started in. You can then do any
+other commands until you are bored with them. Then bring back Vim with the
+"fg" command. >
+ {any sequence of shell commands}
+ fg
+You are right back where you left Vim, nothing has changed.
+ In case pressing CTRL-Z doesn't work, you can also use ":suspend".
+Don't forget to bring Vim back to the foreground, you would lose any changes
+that you made!
+Only Unix has support for this. On other systems Vim will start a shell for
+you. This also has the functionality of being able to execute shell commands.
+But it's a new shell, not the one that you started Vim from.
+ When you are running the GUI you can't go back to the shell where Vim was
+started. CTRL-Z will minimize the Vim window instead.
+*21.2* Executing shell commands
+To execute a single shell command from Vim use ":!{command}". For example, to
+see a directory listing: >
+ :!ls
+ :!dir
+The first one is for Unix, the second one for MS-Windows.
+ Vim will execute the program. When it ends you will get a prompt to hit
+<Enter>. This allows you to have a look at the output from the command before
+returning to the text you were editing.
+ The "!" is also used in other places where a program is run. Let's take
+a look at an overview:
+ :!{program} execute {program}
+ :r !{program} execute {program} and read its output
+ :w !{program} execute {program} and send text to its input
+ :[range]!{program} filter text through {program}
+Notice that the presence of a range before "!{program}" makes a big
+difference. Without it executes the program normally, with the range a number
+of text lines is filtered through the program.
+Executing a whole row of programs this way is possible. But a shell is much
+better at it. You can start a new shell this way: >
+ :shell
+This is similar to using CTRL-Z to suspend Vim. The difference is that a new
+shell is started.
+When using the GUI the shell will be using the Vim window for its input and
+output. Since Vim is not a terminal emulator, this will not work perfectly.
+If you have trouble, try toggling the 'guipty' option. If this still doesn't
+work well enough, start a new terminal to run the shell in. For example with:
+ :!xterm&
+*21.3* Remembering information; viminfo
+After editing for a while you will have text in registers, marks in various
+files, a command line history filled with carefully crafted commands. When
+you exit Vim all of this is lost. But you can get it back!
+The viminfo file is designed to store status information:
+ Command-line and Search pattern history
+ Text in registers
+ Marks for various files
+ The buffer list
+ Global variables
+Each time you exit Vim it will store this information in a file, the viminfo
+file. When Vim starts again, the viminfo file is read and the information
+The 'viminfo' option is set by default to restore a limited number of items.
+You might want to set it to remember more information. This is done through
+the following command: >
+ :set viminfo=string
+The string specifies what to save. The syntax of this string is an option
+character followed by an argument. The option/argument pairs are separated by
+ Take a look at how you can build up your own viminfo string. First, the '
+option is used to specify how many files for which you save marks (a-z). Pick
+a nice even number for this option (1000, for instance). Your command now
+looks like this: >
+ :set viminfo='1000
+The f option controls whether global marks (A-Z and 0-9) are stored. If this
+option is 0, none are stored. If it is 1 or you do not specify an f option,
+the marks are stored. You want this feature, so now you have this: >
+ :set viminfo='1000,f1
+The < option controls how many lines are saved for each of the registers. By
+default, all the lines are saved. If 0, nothing is saved. To avoid adding
+thousands of lines to your viminfo file (which might never get used and makes
+starting Vim slower) you use a maximum of 500 lines: >
+ :set viminfo='1000,f1,<500
+Other options you might want to use:
+ : number of lines to save from the command line history
+ @ number of lines to save from the input line history
+ / number of lines to save from the search history
+ r removable media, for which no marks will be stored (can be
+ used several times)
+ ! global variables that start with an uppercase letter and
+ don't contain lowercase letters
+ h disable 'hlsearch' highlighting when starting
+ % the buffer list (only restored when starting Vim without file
+ arguments)
+ c convert the text using 'encoding'
+ n name used for the viminfo file (must be the last option)
+See the 'viminfo' option and |viminfo-file| for more information.
+When you run Vim multiple times, the last one exiting will store its
+information. This may cause information that previously exiting Vims stored
+to be lost. Each item can be remembered only once.
+You are halfway editing a file and it's time to leave for holidays. You exit
+Vim and go enjoy yourselves, forgetting all about your work. After a couple
+of weeks you start Vim, and type:
+ '0
+And you are right back where you left Vim. So you can get on with your work.
+ Vim creates a mark each time you exit Vim. The last one is '0. The
+position that '0 pointed to is made '1. And '1 is made to '2, and so forth.
+Mark '9 is lost.
+ The |:marks| command is useful to find out where '0 to '9 will take you.
+If you want to go back to a file that you edited recently, but not when
+exiting Vim, there is a slightly more complicated way. You can see a list of
+files by typing the command: >
+ :oldfiles
+< 1: ~/.viminfo ~
+ 2: ~/text/resume.txt ~
+ 3: /tmp/draft ~
+Now you would like to edit the second file, which is in the list preceded by
+"2:". You type: >
+ :e #<2
+Instead of ":e" you can use any command that has a file name argument, the
+"#<2" item works in the same place as "%" (current file name) and "#"
+(alternate file name). So you can also split the window to edit the third
+file: >
+ :split #<3
+That #<123 thing is a bit complicated when you just want to edit a file.
+Fortunately there is a simpler way: >
+ :browse oldfiles
+< 1: ~/.viminfo ~
+ 2: ~/text/resume.txt ~
+ 3: /tmp/draft ~
+ -- More --
+You get the same list of files as with |:oldfiles|. If you want to edit
+"resume.txt" first press "q" to stop the listing. You will get a prompt:
+ Type number and <Enter> (empty cancels): ~
+Type "2" and press <Enter> to edit the second file.
+More info at |:oldfiles|, |v:oldfiles| and |c_#<|.
+You can use the ":wviminfo" and ":rviminfo" commands to save and restore the
+information while still running Vim. This is useful for exchanging register
+contents between two instances of Vim, for example. In the first Vim do: >
+ :wviminfo! ~/tmp/viminfo
+And in the second Vim do: >
+ :rviminfo! ~/tmp/viminfo
+Obviously, the "w" stands for "write" and the "r" for "read".
+ The ! character is used by ":wviminfo" to forcefully overwrite an existing
+file. When it is omitted, and the file exists, the information is merged into
+the file.
+ The ! character used for ":rviminfo" means that all the information is
+used, this may overwrite existing information. Without the ! only information
+that wasn't set is used.
+ These commands can also be used to store info and use it again later. You
+could make a directory full of viminfo files, each containing info for a
+different purpose.
+*21.4* Sessions
+Suppose you are editing along, and it is the end of the day. You want to quit
+work and pick up where you left off the next day. You can do this by saving
+your editing session and restoring it the next day.
+ A Vim session contains all the information about what you are editing.
+This includes things such as the file list, window layout, global variables,
+options and other information. (Exactly what is remembered is controlled by
+the 'sessionoptions' option, described below.)
+ The following command creates a session file: >
+ :mksession vimbook.vim
+Later if you want to restore this session, you can use this command: >
+ :source vimbook.vim
+If you want to start Vim and restore a specific session, you can use the
+following command: >
+ vim -S vimbook.vim
+This tells Vim to read a specific file on startup. The 'S' stands for
+session (actually, you can source any Vim script with -S, thus it might as
+well stand for "source").
+The windows that were open are restored, with the same position and size as
+before. Mappings and option values are like before.
+ What exactly is restored depends on the 'sessionoptions' option. The
+default value is:
+ blank keep empty windows
+ buffers all buffers, not only the ones in a window
+ curdir the current directory
+ folds folds, also manually created ones
+ help the help window
+ options all options and mappings
+ tabpages all tab pages
+ winsize window sizes
+ terminal include terminal windows
+Change this to your liking. To also restore the size of the Vim window, for
+example, use: >
+ :set sessionoptions+=resize
+The obvious way to use sessions is when working on different projects.
+Suppose you store your session files in the directory "~/.vim". You are
+currently working on the "secret" project and have to switch to the "boring"
+project: >
+ :wall
+ :mksession! ~/.vim/secret.vim
+ :source ~/.vim/boring.vim
+This first uses ":wall" to write all modified files. Then the current session
+is saved, using ":mksession!". This overwrites the previous session. The
+next time you load the secret session you can continue where you were at this
+point. And finally you load the new "boring" session.
+If you open help windows, split and close various windows, and generally mess
+up the window layout, you can go back to the last saved session: >
+ :source ~/.vim/boring.vim
+Thus you have complete control over whether you want to continue next time
+where you are now, by saving the current setup in a session, or keep the
+session file as a starting point.
+ Another way of using sessions is to create a window layout that you like to
+use, and save this in a session. Then you can go back to this layout whenever
+you want.
+ For example, this is a nice layout to use:
+ +----------------------------------------+
+ | VIM - main help file |
+ | |
+ |Move around: Use the cursor keys, or "h|
+ |help.txt================================|
+ |explorer | |
+ |dir |~ |
+ |dir |~ |
+ |file |~ |
+ |file |~ |
+ |file |~ |
+ |file |~ |
+ |~/=========|[No File]===================|
+ | |
+ +----------------------------------------+
+This has a help window at the top, so that you can read this text. The narrow
+vertical window on the left contains a file explorer. This is a Vim plugin
+that lists the contents of a directory. You can select files to edit there.
+More about this in the next chapter.
+ Create this from a just started Vim with: >
+ :help
+ CTRL-W w
+ :vertical split ~/
+You can resize the windows a bit to your liking. Then save the session with:
+ :mksession ~/.vim/mine.vim
+Now you can start Vim with this layout: >
+ vim -S ~/.vim/mine.vim
+Hint: To open a file you see listed in the explorer window in the empty
+window, move the cursor to the filename and press "O". Double clicking with
+the mouse will also do this.
+Some people have to do work on MS-Windows systems one day and on Unix another
+day. If you are one of them, consider adding "slash" and "unix" to
+'sessionoptions'. The session files will then be written in a format that can
+be used on both systems. This is the command to put in your vimrc file: >
+ :set sessionoptions+=unix,slash
+Vim will use the Unix format then, because the MS-Windows Vim can read and
+write Unix files, but Unix Vim can't read MS-Windows format session files.
+Similarly, MS-Windows Vim understands file names with / to separate names, but
+Unix Vim doesn't understand \.
+Sessions store many things, but not the position of marks, contents of
+registers and the command line history. You need to use the viminfo feature
+for these things.
+ In most situations you will want to use sessions separately from viminfo.
+This can be used to switch to another session, but keep the command line
+history. And yank text into registers in one session, and paste it back in
+another session.
+ You might prefer to keep the info with the session. You will have to do
+this yourself then. Example: >
+ :mksession! ~/.vim/secret.vim
+ :wviminfo! ~/.vim/secret.viminfo
+And to restore this again: >
+ :source ~/.vim/secret.vim
+ :rviminfo! ~/.vim/secret.viminfo
+*21.5* Views
+A session stores the looks of the whole of Vim. When you want to store the
+properties for one window only, use a view.
+ The use of a view is for when you want to edit a file in a specific way.
+For example, you have line numbers enabled with the 'number' option and
+defined a few folds. Just like with sessions, you can remember this view on
+the file and restore it later. Actually, when you store a session, it stores
+the view of each window.
+ There are two basic ways to use views. The first is to let Vim pick a name
+for the view file. You can restore the view when you later edit the same
+file. To store the view for the current window: >
+ :mkview
+Vim will decide where to store the view. When you later edit the same file
+you get the view back with this command: >
+ :loadview
+That's easy, isn't it?
+ Now you want to view the file without the 'number' option on, or with all
+folds open, you can set the options to make the window look that way. Then
+store this view with: >
+ :mkview 1
+Obviously, you can get this back with: >
+ :loadview 1
+Now you can switch between the two views on the file by using ":loadview" with
+and without the "1" argument.
+ You can store up to ten views for the same file this way, one unnumbered
+and nine numbered 1 to 9.
+The second basic way to use views is by storing the view in a file with a name
+you choose. This view can be loaded while editing another file. Vim will
+then switch to editing the file specified in the view. Thus you can use this
+to quickly switch to editing another file, with all its options set as you
+saved them.
+ For example, to save the view of the current file: >
+ :mkview ~/.vim/main.vim
+You can restore it with: >
+ :source ~/.vim/main.vim
+*21.6* Modelines
+When editing a specific file, you might set options specifically for that
+file. Typing these commands each time is boring. Using a session or view for
+editing a file doesn't work when sharing the file between several people.
+ The solution for this situation is adding a modeline to the file. This is
+a line of text that tells Vim the values of options, to be used in this file
+ A typical example is a C program where you make indents by a multiple of 4
+spaces. This requires setting the 'shiftwidth' option to 4. This modeline
+will do that:
+ /* vim:set shiftwidth=4: */ ~
+Put this line as one of the first or last five lines in the file. When
+editing the file, you will notice that 'shiftwidth' will have been set to
+four. When editing another file, it's set back to the default value of eight.
+ For some files the modeline fits well in the header, thus it can be put at
+the top of the file. For text files and other files where the modeline gets
+in the way of the normal contents, put it at the end of the file.
+The 'modelines' option specifies how many lines at the start and end of the
+file are inspected for containing a modeline. To inspect ten lines: >
+ :set modelines=10
+The 'modeline' option can be used to switch this off. Do this when you are
+working as root on Unix or Administrator on MS-Windows, or when you don't
+trust the files you are editing: >
+ :set nomodeline
+Use this format for the modeline:
+ any-text vim:set {option}={value} ... : any-text ~
+The "any-text" indicates that you can put any text before and after the part
+that Vim will use. This allows making it look like a comment, like what was
+done above with /* and */.
+ The " vim:" part is what makes Vim recognize this line. There must be
+white space before "vim", or "vim" must be at the start of the line. Thus
+using something like "gvim:" will not work.
+ The part between the colons is a ":set" command. It works the same way as
+typing the ":set" command, except that you need to insert a backslash before a
+colon (otherwise it would be seen as the end of the modeline).
+Another example:
+ // vim:set textwidth=72 dir=c\:\tmp: use c:\tmp here ~
+There is an extra backslash before the first colon, so that it's included in
+the ":set" command. The text after the second colon is ignored, thus a remark
+can be placed there.
+For more details see |modeline|.
+Next chapter: |usr_22.txt| Finding the file to edit
+Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: