path: root/runtime/menu.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/menu.vim')
1 files changed, 1223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/menu.vim b/runtime/menu.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59879d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/menu.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@
+" Vim support file to define the default menus
+" You can also use this as a start for your own set of menus.
+" Maintainer: The Vim Project <>
+" Last Change: 2023 Aug 10
+" Former Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
+" Note that ":an" (short for ":anoremenu") is often used to make a menu work
+" in all modes and avoid side effects from mappings defined by the user.
+" Make sure the '<' and 'C' flags are not included in 'cpoptions', otherwise
+" <CR> would not be recognized. See ":help 'cpoptions'".
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Avoid installing the menus twice
+if !exists("did_install_default_menus")
+let did_install_default_menus = 1
+if exists("v:lang") || &langmenu != ""
+ " Try to find a menu translation file for the current language.
+ if &langmenu != ""
+ if &langmenu =~ "none"
+ let s:lang = ""
+ else
+ let s:lang = &langmenu
+ endif
+ else
+ let s:lang = v:lang
+ endif
+ " A language name must be at least two characters, don't accept "C"
+ " Also skip "en_US" to avoid picking up "en_gb" translations.
+ if strlen(s:lang) > 1 && s:lang !~? '^en_us'
+ " When the language does not include the charset add 'encoding'
+ if s:lang =~ '^\a\a$\|^\a\a_\a\a$'
+ let s:lang = s:lang .. '.' .. &enc
+ endif
+ " We always use a lowercase name.
+ " Change "iso-8859" to "iso_8859" and "iso8859" to "iso_8859", some
+ " systems appear to use this.
+ " Change spaces to underscores.
+ let s:lang = substitute(tolower(s:lang), '\.iso-', ".iso_", "")
+ let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, '\.iso8859', ".iso_8859", "")
+ let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, " ", "_", "g")
+ " Remove "@euro", otherwise "LC_ALL=de_DE@euro gvim" will show English menus
+ let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, "@euro", "", "")
+ " Change "iso_8859-1" and "iso_8859-15" to "latin1", we always use the
+ " same menu file for them.
+ let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, 'iso_8859-15\=$', "latin1", "")
+ menutrans clear
+ exe "runtime! lang/menu_" .. s:lang .. ".vim"
+ if !exists("did_menu_trans")
+ " There is no exact match, try matching with a wildcard added
+ " (e.g. find menu_de_de.iso_8859-1.vim if s:lang == de_DE).
+ let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, '\.[^.]*', "", "")
+ exe "runtime! lang/menu_" .. s:lang .. "[^a-z]*vim"
+ if !exists("did_menu_trans") && s:lang =~ '_'
+ " If the language includes a region try matching without that region.
+ " (e.g. find menu_de.vim if s:lang == de_DE).
+ let langonly = substitute(s:lang, '_.*', "", "")
+ exe "runtime! lang/menu_" .. langonly .. "[^a-z]*vim"
+ endif
+ if !exists("did_menu_trans") && strlen($LANG) > 1 && s:lang !~ '^en_us'
+ " On windows locale names are complicated, try using $LANG, it might
+ " have been set by set_init_1(). But don't do this for "en" or "en_us".
+ " But don't match "slovak" when $LANG is "sl".
+ exe "runtime! lang/menu_" .. tolower($LANG) .. "[^a-z]*vim"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+" Help menu
+an 9999.10 &Help.&Overview<Tab><F1> :help<CR>
+an 9999.20 &Help.&User\ Manual :help usr_toc<CR>
+an 9999.30 &Help.&How-To\ Links :help how-to<CR>
+an <silent> 9999.40 &Help.&Find\.\.\. :call <SID>Helpfind()<CR>
+an 9999.45 &Help.-sep1- <Nop>
+an 9999.50 &Help.&Credits :help credits<CR>
+an 9999.60 &Help.Co&pying :help copying<CR>
+an 9999.70 &Help.&Sponsor/Register :help sponsor<CR>
+an 9999.70 &Help.O&rphans :help kcc<CR>
+an 9999.75 &Help.-sep2- <Nop>
+an 9999.80 &Help.&Version :version<CR>
+an 9999.90 &Help.&About :intro<CR>
+if exists(':tlmenu')
+ tlnoremenu 9999.10 &Help.&Overview<Tab><F1> <C-W>:help<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.20 &Help.&User\ Manual <C-W>:help usr_toc<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.30 &Help.&How-To\ Links <C-W>:help how-to<CR>
+ tlnoremenu <silent> 9999.40 &Help.&Find\.\.\. <C-W>:call <SID>Helpfind()<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.45 &Help.-sep1- <Nop>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.50 &Help.&Credits <C-W>:help credits<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.60 &Help.Co&pying <C-W>:help copying<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.70 &Help.&Sponsor/Register <C-W>:help sponsor<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.70 &Help.O&rphans <C-W>:help kcc<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.75 &Help.-sep2- <Nop>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.80 &Help.&Version <C-W>:version<CR>
+ tlnoremenu 9999.90 &Help.&About <C-W>:intro<CR>
+def s:Helpfind()
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_help_dialog")
+ g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Enter a command or word to find help on:\n\nPrepend i_ for Input mode commands (e.g.: i_CTRL-X)\nPrepend c_ for command-line editing commands (e.g.: c_<Del>)\nPrepend ' for an option name (e.g.: 'shiftwidth')"
+ endif
+ var h = inputdialog(g:menutrans_help_dialog)
+ if h != ""
+ v:errmsg = ""
+ silent! exe "help " .. h
+ if v:errmsg != ""
+ echo v:errmsg
+ endif
+ endif
+" File menu
+an 10.310 &File.&Open\.\.\.<Tab>:e :browse confirm e<CR>
+an 10.320 &File.Sp&lit-Open\.\.\.<Tab>:sp :browse sp<CR>
+an 10.320 &File.Open\ &Tab\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew :browse tabnew<CR>
+an 10.325 &File.&New<Tab>:enew :confirm enew<CR>
+an <silent> 10.330 &File.&Close<Tab>:close
+ \ :if winheight(2) < 0 && tabpagewinnr(2) == 0 <Bar>
+ \ confirm enew <Bar>
+ \ else <Bar>
+ \ confirm close <Bar>
+ \ endif<CR>
+tln <silent> 10.330 &File.&Close<Tab>:close
+ \ <C-W>:if winheight(2) < 0 && tabpagewinnr(2) == 0 <Bar>
+ \ confirm enew <Bar>
+ \ else <Bar>
+ \ confirm close <Bar>
+ \ endif<CR>
+an 10.335 &File.-SEP1- <Nop>
+an <silent> 10.340 &File.&Save<Tab>:w :if expand("%") == ""<Bar>browse confirm w<Bar>else<Bar>confirm w<Bar>endif<CR>
+an 10.350 &File.Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav :browse confirm saveas<CR>
+if has("diff")
+ an 10.400 &File.-SEP2- <Nop>
+ an 10.410 &File.Split\ &Diff\ With\.\.\. :browse vert diffsplit<CR>
+ an 10.420 &File.Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. :browse vert diffpatch<CR>
+if has("printer")
+ an 10.500 &File.-SEP3- <Nop>
+ an 10.510 &File.&Print :hardcopy<CR>
+ vunmenu &File.&Print
+ vnoremenu &File.&Print :hardcopy<CR>
+elseif has("unix")
+ an 10.500 &File.-SEP3- <Nop>
+ an 10.510 &File.&Print :w !lpr<CR>
+ vunmenu &File.&Print
+ vnoremenu &File.&Print :w !lpr<CR>
+an 10.600 &File.-SEP4- <Nop>
+an 10.610 &File.Sa&ve-Exit<Tab>:wqa :confirm wqa<CR>
+an 10.620 &File.E&xit<Tab>:qa :confirm qa<CR>
+def s:SelectAll()
+ exe "norm! gg" .. (&slm == "" ? "VG" : "gH\<C-O>G")
+" Edit menu
+an 20.310 &Edit.&Undo<Tab>u u
+an 20.320 &Edit.&Redo<Tab>^R <C-R>
+an 20.330 &Edit.Rep&eat<Tab>\. .
+an 20.335 &Edit.-SEP1- <Nop>
+vnoremenu 20.340 &Edit.Cu&t<Tab>"+x "+x
+vnoremenu 20.350 &Edit.&Copy<Tab>"+y "+y
+cnoremenu 20.350 &Edit.&Copy<Tab>"+y <C-Y>
+if exists(':tlmenu')
+ tlnoremenu 20.350 &Edit.&Copy<Tab>"+y <C-W>:<C-Y><CR>
+nnoremenu 20.360 &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP "+gP
+cnoremenu &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP <C-R>+
+if exists(':tlmenu')
+ tlnoremenu &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP <C-W>"+
+exe 'vnoremenu <script> &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP ' .. paste#paste_cmd['v']
+exe 'inoremenu <script> &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP ' .. paste#paste_cmd['i']
+nnoremenu 20.370 &Edit.Put\ &Before<Tab>[p [p
+inoremenu &Edit.Put\ &Before<Tab>[p <C-O>[p
+nnoremenu 20.380 &Edit.Put\ &After<Tab>]p ]p
+inoremenu &Edit.Put\ &After<Tab>]p <C-O>]p
+if has("win32")
+ vnoremenu 20.390 &Edit.&Delete<Tab>x x
+noremenu <script> <silent> 20.400 &Edit.&Select\ All<Tab>ggVG :<C-U>call <SID>SelectAll()<CR>
+inoremenu <script> <silent> 20.400 &Edit.&Select\ All<Tab>ggVG <C-O>:call <SID>SelectAll()<CR>
+cnoremenu <script> <silent> 20.400 &Edit.&Select\ All<Tab>ggVG <C-U>call <SID>SelectAll()<CR>
+an 20.405 &Edit.-SEP2- <Nop>
+if has("win32") || has("gui_gtk") || has("gui_kde") || has("gui_motif")
+ an 20.410 &Edit.&Find\.\.\. :promptfind<CR>
+ vunmenu &Edit.&Find\.\.\.
+ vnoremenu <silent> &Edit.&Find\.\.\. y:promptfind <C-R>=<SID>FixFText()<CR><CR>
+ an 20.420 &Edit.Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. :promptrepl<CR>
+ vunmenu &Edit.Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.
+ vnoremenu <silent> &Edit.Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. y:promptrepl <C-R>=<SID>FixFText()<CR><CR>
+ an 20.410 &Edit.&Find<Tab>/ /
+ an 20.420 &Edit.Find\ and\ Rep&lace<Tab>:%s :%s/
+ vunmenu &Edit.Find\ and\ Rep&lace<Tab>:%s
+ vnoremenu &Edit.Find\ and\ Rep&lace<Tab>:s :s/
+an 20.425 &Edit.-SEP3- <Nop>
+an 20.430 &Edit.Settings\ &Window :options<CR>
+an 20.435 &Edit.Startup\ &Settings :call <SID>EditVimrc()<CR>
+def s:EditVimrc()
+ var fname: string
+ if $MYVIMRC != ''
+ fname = $MYVIMRC
+ elseif has("win32")
+ if $HOME != ''
+ fname = $HOME .. "/_vimrc"
+ else
+ fname = $VIM .. "/_vimrc"
+ endif
+ elseif has("amiga")
+ fname = "s:.vimrc"
+ else
+ fname = $HOME .. "/.vimrc"
+ endif
+ fname = fnameescape(fname)
+ if &mod
+ exe "split " .. fname
+ else
+ exe "edit " .. fname
+ endif
+def s:FixFText(): string
+ # Fix text in nameless register to be used with :promptfind.
+ return substitute(@", "[\r\n]", '\\n', 'g')
+" Edit/Global Settings
+an 20.440.100 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ Pattern\ &Highlight<Tab>:set\ hls! :set hls! hls?<CR>
+an 20.440.110 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ &Ignoring\ Case<Tab>:set\ ic! :set ic! ic?<CR>
+an 20.440.110 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ &Showing\ Matched\ Pairs<Tab>:set\ sm! :set sm! sm?<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 1\ :set so=1<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 2\ :set so=2<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 3\ :set so=3<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 4\ :set so=4<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 5\ :set so=5<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 7\ :set so=7<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 10\ :set so=10<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Context\ Lines.\ 100\ :set so=100<CR>
+an 20.440.130.40 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Virtual\ Edit.Never :set ve=<CR>
+an 20.440.130.50 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Virtual\ Edit.Block\ Selection :set ve=block<CR>
+an 20.440.130.60 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Virtual\ Edit.Insert\ Mode :set ve=insert<CR>
+an 20.440.130.70 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Virtual\ Edit.Block\ and\ Insert :set ve=block,insert<CR>
+an 20.440.130.80 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.&Virtual\ Edit.Always :set ve=all<CR>
+an 20.440.140 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ Insert\ &Mode<Tab>:set\ im! :set im!<CR>
+an 20.440.145 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ Vi\ C&ompatibility<Tab>:set\ cp! :set cp!<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.150 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Search\ &Path\.\.\. :call <SID>SearchP()<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.160 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Ta&g\ Files\.\.\. :call <SID>TagFiles()<CR>
+" GUI options
+an 20.440.300 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.-SEP1- <Nop>
+an <silent> 20.440.310 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ &Toolbar :call <SID>ToggleGuiOption("T")<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.320 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ &Bottom\ Scrollbar :call <SID>ToggleGuiOption("b")<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.330 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ &Left\ Scrollbar :call <SID>ToggleGuiOption("l")<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.340 &Edit.&Global\ Settings.Toggle\ &Right\ Scrollbar :call <SID>ToggleGuiOption("r")<CR>
+def s:SearchP()
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_path_dialog")
+ g:menutrans_path_dialog = "Enter search path for files.\nSeparate directory names with a comma."
+ endif
+ var n = inputdialog(g:menutrans_path_dialog, substitute(&path, '\\ ', ' ', 'g'))
+ if n != ""
+ &path = substitute(n, ' ', '\\ ', 'g')
+ endif
+def s:TagFiles()
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_tags_dialog")
+ g:menutrans_tags_dialog = "Enter names of tag files.\nSeparate the names with a comma."
+ endif
+ var n = inputdialog(g:menutrans_tags_dialog, substitute(&tags, '\\ ', ' ', 'g'))
+ if n != ""
+ &tags = substitute(n, ' ', '\\ ', 'g')
+ endif
+def s:ToggleGuiOption(option: string)
+ # If a:option is already set in guioptions, then we want to remove it
+ if match(&guioptions, "\\C" .. option) > -1
+ exec "set go-=" .. option
+ else
+ exec "set go+=" .. option
+ endif
+" Edit/File Settings
+" Boolean options
+an 20.440.100 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ Line\ &Numbering<Tab>:set\ nu! :set nu! nu?<CR>
+an 20.440.105 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ Relati&ve\ Line\ Numbering<Tab>:set\ rnu! :set rnu! rnu?<CR>
+an 20.440.110 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ &List\ Mode<Tab>:set\ list! :set list! list?<CR>
+an 20.440.120 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ Line\ &Wrapping<Tab>:set\ wrap! :set wrap! wrap?<CR>
+an 20.440.130 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ W&rapping\ at\ Word<Tab>:set\ lbr! :set lbr! lbr?<CR>
+an 20.440.160 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ Tab\ &Expanding<Tab>:set\ et! :set et! et?<CR>
+an 20.440.170 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ &Auto\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ ai! :set ai! ai?<CR>
+an 20.440.180 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Toggle\ &C-Style\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! :set cin! cin?<CR>
+" other options
+an 20.440.600 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.-SEP2- <Nop>
+an 20.440.610.20 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&Shiftwidth.2 :set sw=2 sw?<CR>
+an 20.440.610.30 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&Shiftwidth.3 :set sw=3 sw?<CR>
+an 20.440.610.40 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&Shiftwidth.4 :set sw=4 sw?<CR>
+an 20.440.610.50 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&Shiftwidth.5 :set sw=5 sw?<CR>
+an 20.440.610.60 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&Shiftwidth.6 :set sw=6 sw?<CR>
+an 20.440.610.80 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&Shiftwidth.8 :set sw=8 sw?<CR>
+an 20.440.620.20 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Soft\ &Tabstop.2 :set sts=2 sts?<CR>
+an 20.440.620.30 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Soft\ &Tabstop.3 :set sts=3 sts?<CR>
+an 20.440.620.40 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Soft\ &Tabstop.4 :set sts=4 sts?<CR>
+an 20.440.620.50 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Soft\ &Tabstop.5 :set sts=5 sts?<CR>
+an 20.440.620.60 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Soft\ &Tabstop.6 :set sts=6 sts?<CR>
+an 20.440.620.80 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Soft\ &Tabstop.8 :set sts=8 sts?<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.630 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.Te&xt\ Width\.\.\. :call <SID>TextWidth()<CR>
+an <silent> 20.440.640 &Edit.F&ile\ Settings.&File\ Format\.\.\. :call <SID>FileFormat()<CR>
+def s:TextWidth()
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog")
+ g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog = "Enter new text width (0 to disable formatting): "
+ endif
+ var n = inputdialog(g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog, &tw .. '')
+ if n != ""
+ # Remove leading zeros to avoid it being used as an octal number.
+ # But keep a zero by itself.
+ var tw = substitute(n, "^0*", "", "")
+ &tw = tw == '' ? 0 : str2nr(tw)
+ endif
+def s:FileFormat()
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog")
+ g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog = "Select format for writing the file"
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_fileformat_choices")
+ g:menutrans_fileformat_choices = "&Unix\n&Dos\n&Mac\n&Cancel"
+ endif
+ var def_choice: number
+ if &ff == "dos"
+ def_choice = 2
+ elseif &ff == "mac"
+ def_choice = 3
+ else
+ def_choice = 1
+ endif
+ var n = confirm(g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog, g:menutrans_fileformat_choices, def_choice, "Question")
+ if n == 1
+ set ff=unix
+ elseif n == 2
+ set ff=dos
+ elseif n == 3
+ set ff=mac
+ endif
+let s:did_setup_color_schemes = 0
+" Setup the Edit.Color Scheme submenu
+def s:SetupColorSchemes()
+ if s:did_setup_color_schemes
+ return
+ endif
+ s:did_setup_color_schemes = 1
+ var n = globpath(&runtimepath, "colors/*.vim", 1, 1)
+ n += globpath(&packpath, "pack/*/start/*/colors/*.vim", 1, 1)
+ n += globpath(&packpath, "pack/*/opt/*/colors/*.vim", 1, 1)
+ # Ignore case for VMS and windows, sort on name
+ var names = sort(map(n, 'substitute(v:val, "\\c.*[/\\\\:\\]]\\([^/\\\\:]*\\)\\.vim", "\\1", "")'), 'i')
+ # define all the submenu entries
+ var idx = 100
+ for name in names
+ exe "an 20.450." .. idx .. ' &Edit.C&olor\ Scheme.' .. name .. " :colors " .. name .. "<CR>"
+ idx += 10
+ endfor
+ silent! aunmenu &Edit.Show\ C&olor\ Schemes\ in\ Menu
+if exists("do_no_lazyload_menus")
+ call s:SetupColorSchemes()
+ an <silent> 20.450 &Edit.Show\ C&olor\ Schemes\ in\ Menu :call <SID>SetupColorSchemes()<CR>
+" Setup the Edit.Keymap submenu
+if has("keymap")
+ let s:did_setup_keymaps = 0
+ def s:SetupKeymaps()
+ if s:did_setup_keymaps
+ return
+ endif
+ s:did_setup_keymaps = 1
+ var names = globpath(&runtimepath, "keymap/*.vim", 1, 1)
+ if !empty(names)
+ var idx = 100
+ an 20.460.90 &Edit.&Keymap.None :set keymap=<CR>
+ for name in names
+ # Ignore case for VMS and windows
+ var mapname = substitute(name, '\c.*[/\\:\]]\([^/\\:_]*\)\(_[0-9a-zA-Z-]*\)\=\.vim', '\1', '')
+ exe "an 20.460." .. idx .. ' &Edit.&Keymap.' .. mapname .. " :set keymap=" .. mapname .. "<CR>"
+ idx += 10
+ endfor
+ endif
+ silent! aunmenu &Edit.Show\ &Keymaps\ in\ Menu
+ enddef
+ if exists("do_no_lazyload_menus")
+ call s:SetupKeymaps()
+ else
+ an <silent> 20.460 &Edit.Show\ &Keymaps\ in\ Menu :call <SID>SetupKeymaps()<CR>
+ endif
+if has("win32") || has("gui_motif") || has("gui_gtk") || has("gui_kde") || has("gui_photon") || has("gui_mac")
+ an 20.470 &Edit.Select\ Fo&nt\.\.\. :set guifont=*<CR>
+" Programming menu
+if !exists("g:ctags_command")
+ if has("vms")
+ let g:ctags_command = "mc vim:ctags *.*"
+ else
+ let g:ctags_command = "ctags -R ."
+ endif
+an 40.300 &Tools.&Jump\ to\ This\ Tag<Tab>g^] g<C-]>
+vunmenu &Tools.&Jump\ to\ This\ Tag<Tab>g^]
+vnoremenu &Tools.&Jump\ to\ This\ Tag<Tab>g^] g<C-]>
+an 40.310 &Tools.Jump\ &Back<Tab>^T <C-T>
+an 40.320 &Tools.Build\ &Tags\ File :exe "!" .. g:ctags_command<CR>
+if has("folding") || has("spell")
+ an 40.330 &Tools.-SEP1- <Nop>
+" Tools.Spelling Menu
+if has("spell")
+ an 40.335.110 &Tools.&Spelling.&Spell\ Check\ On :set spell<CR>
+ an 40.335.120 &Tools.&Spelling.Spell\ Check\ &Off :set nospell<CR>
+ an 40.335.130 &Tools.&Spelling.To\ &Next\ Error<Tab>]s ]s
+ an 40.335.130 &Tools.&Spelling.To\ &Previous\ Error<Tab>[s [s
+ an 40.335.140 &Tools.&Spelling.Suggest\ &Corrections<Tab>z= z=
+ an 40.335.150 &Tools.&Spelling.&Repeat\ Correction<Tab>:spellrepall :spellrepall<CR>
+ an 40.335.200 &Tools.&Spelling.-SEP1- <Nop>
+ an 40.335.210 &Tools.&Spelling.Set\ Language\ to\ "en" :set spl=en spell<CR>
+ an 40.335.220 &Tools.&Spelling.Set\ Language\ to\ "en_au" :set spl=en_au spell<CR>
+ an 40.335.230 &Tools.&Spelling.Set\ Language\ to\ "en_ca" :set spl=en_ca spell<CR>
+ an 40.335.240 &Tools.&Spelling.Set\ Language\ to\ "en_gb" :set spl=en_gb spell<CR>
+ an 40.335.250 &Tools.&Spelling.Set\ Language\ to\ "en_nz" :set spl=en_nz spell<CR>
+ an 40.335.260 &Tools.&Spelling.Set\ Language\ to\ "en_us" :set spl=en_us spell<CR>
+ an <silent> 40.335.270 &Tools.&Spelling.&Find\ More\ Languages :call <SID>SpellLang()<CR>
+ let s:undo_spelllang = ['aun &Tools.&Spelling.&Find\ More\ Languages']
+ def s:SpellLang(encChanged = false)
+ for cmd in s:undo_spelllang
+ exe "silent! " .. cmd
+ endfor
+ s:undo_spelllang = []
+ var enc = &enc == "iso-8859-15" ? "latin1" : &enc
+ # Reset g:menutrans_set_lang_to when called for the EncodingChanged event.
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_set_lang_to") || encChanged
+ g:menutrans_set_lang_to = 'Set Language to'
+ endif
+ var found = 0
+ var _nm = ''
+ var names = globpath(&runtimepath, "spell/*." .. enc .. ".spl", 1, 1)
+ if !empty(names)
+ var n = 300
+ for f in names
+ var nm = substitute(f, '.*spell[/\\]\(..\)\.[^/\\]*\.spl', '\1', "")
+ if nm != "en" && nm !~ '/'
+ _nm = nm
+ found += 1
+ var menuname = '&Tools.&Spelling.' .. escape(g:menutrans_set_lang_to, "\\. \t|") .. '\ "' .. nm .. '"'
+ exe 'an 40.335.' .. n .. ' ' .. menuname .. ' :set spl=' .. nm .. ' spell<CR>'
+ s:undo_spelllang += ['aun ' .. menuname]
+ endif
+ n += 10
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if found == 0
+ echomsg "Could not find other spell files"
+ elseif found == 1
+ echomsg "Found spell file " .. _nm
+ else
+ echomsg "Found " .. found .. " more spell files"
+ endif
+ # Need to redo this when 'encoding' is changed.
+ augroup spellmenu
+ au! EncodingChanged * call SpellLang(true)
+ augroup END
+ enddef
+" Tools.Fold Menu
+if has("folding")
+ " open close folds
+ an 40.340.110 &Tools.&Folding.&Enable/Disable\ Folds<Tab>zi zi
+ an 40.340.120 &Tools.&Folding.&View\ Cursor\ Line<Tab>zv zv
+ an 40.340.120 &Tools.&Folding.Vie&w\ Cursor\ Line\ Only<Tab>zMzx zMzx
+ inoremenu 40.340.120 &Tools.&Folding.Vie&w\ Cursor\ Line\ Only<Tab>zMzx <C-O>zM<C-O>zx
+ an 40.340.130 &Tools.&Folding.C&lose\ More\ Folds<Tab>zm zm
+ an 40.340.140 &Tools.&Folding.&Close\ All\ Folds<Tab>zM zM
+ an 40.340.150 &Tools.&Folding.O&pen\ More\ Folds<Tab>zr zr
+ an 40.340.160 &Tools.&Folding.&Open\ All\ Folds<Tab>zR zR
+ " fold method
+ an 40.340.200 &Tools.&Folding.-SEP1- <Nop>
+ an 40.340.210 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Met&hod.M&anual :set fdm=manual<CR>
+ an 40.340.210 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Met&hod.I&ndent :set fdm=indent<CR>
+ an 40.340.210 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Met&hod.E&xpression :set fdm=expr<CR>
+ an 40.340.210 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Met&hod.S&yntax :set fdm=syntax<CR>
+ an 40.340.210 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Met&hod.&Diff :set fdm=diff<CR>
+ an 40.340.210 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Met&hod.Ma&rker :set fdm=marker<CR>
+ " create and delete folds
+ vnoremenu 40.340.220 &Tools.&Folding.Create\ &Fold<Tab>zf zf
+ an 40.340.230 &Tools.&Folding.&Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd zd
+ an 40.340.240 &Tools.&Folding.Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD zD
+ " moving around in folds
+ an 40.340.300 &Tools.&Folding.-SEP2- <Nop>
+ an 40.340.310.10 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &0\ :set fdc=0<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.20 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &2\ :set fdc=2<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.30 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &3\ :set fdc=3<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.40 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &4\ :set fdc=4<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.50 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &5\ :set fdc=5<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.60 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &6\ :set fdc=6<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.70 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &7\ :set fdc=7<CR>
+ an 40.340.310.80 &Tools.&Folding.Fold\ Col&umn\ Width.\ &8\ :set fdc=8<CR>
+endif " has folding
+if has("diff")
+ an 40.350.100 &Tools.&Diff.&Update :diffupdate<CR>
+ an 40.350.110 &Tools.&Diff.&Get\ Block :diffget<CR>
+ vunmenu &Tools.&Diff.&Get\ Block
+ vnoremenu &Tools.&Diff.&Get\ Block :diffget<CR>
+ an 40.350.120 &Tools.&Diff.&Put\ Block :diffput<CR>
+ vunmenu &Tools.&Diff.&Put\ Block
+ vnoremenu &Tools.&Diff.&Put\ Block :diffput<CR>
+an 40.358 &Tools.-SEP2- <Nop>
+an 40.360 &Tools.&Make<Tab>:make :make<CR>
+an 40.370 &Tools.&List\ Errors<Tab>:cl :cl<CR>
+an 40.380 &Tools.L&ist\ Messages<Tab>:cl! :cl!<CR>
+an 40.390 &Tools.&Next\ Error<Tab>:cn :cn<CR>
+an 40.400 &Tools.&Previous\ Error<Tab>:cp :cp<CR>
+an 40.410 &Tools.&Older\ List<Tab>:cold :colder<CR>
+an 40.420 &Tools.N&ewer\ List<Tab>:cnew :cnewer<CR>
+an 40.430.50 &Tools.Error\ &Window.&Update<Tab>:cwin :cwin<CR>
+an 40.430.60 &Tools.Error\ &Window.&Open<Tab>:copen :copen<CR>
+an 40.430.70 &Tools.Error\ &Window.&Close<Tab>:cclose :cclose<CR>
+an 40.520 &Tools.-SEP3- <Nop>
+an <silent> 40.530 &Tools.&Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd
+ \ :call <SID>XxdConv()<CR>
+an <silent> 40.540 &Tools.Conve&rt\ Back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
+ \ :call <SID>XxdBack()<CR>
+" Use a function to do the conversion, so that it also works with 'insertmode'
+" set.
+def s:XxdConv()
+ var mod = &mod
+ if has("vms")
+ :%!mc vim:xxd
+ else
+ s:XxdFind()
+ exe ':%!' .. g:xxdprogram
+ endif
+ if getline(1) =~ "^00000000:" # only if it worked
+ set ft=xxd
+ endif
+ &mod = mod
+def s:XxdBack()
+ var mod = &mod
+ if has("vms")
+ :%!mc vim:xxd -r
+ else
+ s:XxdFind()
+ exe ':%!' .. g:xxdprogram .. ' -r'
+ endif
+ set ft=
+ if exists('#filetypedetect') && exists('#BufReadPost')
+ doautocmd filetypedetect BufReadPost
+ endif
+ &mod = mod
+def s:XxdFind()
+ if !exists("g:xxdprogram")
+ # On the PC xxd may not be in the path but in the install directory
+ if has("win32") && !executable("xxd")
+ g:xxdprogram = $VIMRUNTIME .. (&shellslash ? '/' : '\') .. "xxd.exe"
+ if g:xxdprogram =~ ' '
+ g:xxdprogram = '"' .. g:xxdprogram .. '"'
+ endif
+ else
+ g:xxdprogram = "xxd"
+ endif
+ endif
+let s:did_setup_compilers = 0
+" Setup the Tools.Compiler submenu
+def s:SetupCompilers()
+ if s:did_setup_compilers
+ return
+ endif
+ s:did_setup_compilers = 1
+ var names = globpath(&runtimepath, "compiler/*.vim", 1, 1)
+ var idx = 100
+ for name in names
+ # Ignore case for VMS and windows
+ var cname = substitute(name, '\c.*[/\\:\]]\([^/\\:]*\)\.vim', '\1', '')
+ exe "an 30.440." .. idx .. ' &Tools.Se&t\ Compiler.' .. cname .. " :compiler " .. cname .. "<CR>"
+ idx += 10
+ endfor
+ silent! aunmenu &Tools.Show\ Compiler\ Se&ttings\ in\ Menu
+if exists("do_no_lazyload_menus")
+ call s:SetupCompilers()
+ an <silent> 30.440 &Tools.Show\ Compiler\ Se&ttings\ in\ Menu :call <SID>SetupCompilers()<CR>
+" Load ColorScheme, Compiler Setting and Keymap menus when idle.
+if !exists("do_no_lazyload_menus")
+ def s:SetupLazyloadMenus()
+ s:SetupColorSchemes()
+ s:SetupCompilers()
+ if has("keymap")
+ s:SetupKeymaps()
+ endif
+ enddef
+ augroup SetupLazyloadMenus
+ au!
+ au CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call <SID>SetupLazyloadMenus() | au! SetupLazyloadMenus
+ augroup END
+if !exists("no_buffers_menu")
+" Buffer list menu -- Setup functions & actions
+" wait with building the menu until after loading 'session' files. Makes
+" startup faster.
+let s:bmenu_wait = 1
+" Dictionary of buffer number to name. This helps prevent problems where a
+" buffer as renamed and we didn't keep track of that.
+let s:bmenu_items = {}
+if !exists("bmenu_priority")
+ let bmenu_priority = 60
+" invoked from a BufCreate or BufFilePost autocommand
+def s:BMAdd()
+ if s:bmenu_wait == 0
+ # when adding too many buffers, redraw in short format
+ if s:bmenu_count == &menuitems && s:bmenu_short == 0
+ s:BMShow()
+ else
+ var name = expand("<afile>")
+ var num = str2nr(expand("<abuf>"))
+ if s:BMCanAdd(name, num)
+ s:BMFilename(name, num)
+ s:bmenu_count += 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+" invoked from a BufDelete or BufFilePre autocommand
+def s:BMRemove()
+ if s:bmenu_wait == 0
+ var bufnum = expand("<abuf>")
+ if s:bmenu_items->has_key(bufnum)
+ var menu_name = s:bmenu_items[bufnum]
+ exe 'silent! aun &Buffers.' .. menu_name
+ s:bmenu_count = s:bmenu_count - 1
+ unlet s:bmenu_items[bufnum]
+ endif
+ endif
+" Return non-zero if buffer with number "name" / "num" is useful to add in the
+" buffer menu.
+def s:BMCanAdd(name: string, num: number): bool
+ # no directory or unlisted buffer
+ if isdirectory(name) || !buflisted(num)
+ return false
+ endif
+ # no name with control characters
+ if name =~ '[\x01-\x1f]'
+ return false
+ endif
+ # no special buffer, such as terminal or popup
+ var buftype = getbufvar(num, '&buftype')
+ if buftype != '' && buftype != 'nofile' && buftype != 'nowrite'
+ return false
+ endif
+ # only existing buffers
+ return bufexists(num)
+" Create the buffer menu (delete an existing one first).
+def s:BMShow()
+ s:bmenu_wait = 1
+ s:bmenu_short = 1
+ s:bmenu_count = 0
+ s:bmenu_items = {}
+ # Remove old menu, if it exists; keep one entry to avoid a torn off menu to
+ # disappear. Use try/catch to avoid setting v:errmsg
+ try
+ unmenu &Buffers
+ catch
+ endtry
+ exe 'noremenu ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".1 &Buffers.Dummy l"
+ try
+ unmenu! &Buffers
+ catch
+ endtry
+ # create new menu
+ exe 'an <silent> ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".2 &Buffers.&Refresh\\ menu :call <SID>BMShow()<CR>"
+ exe 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".4 &Buffers.&Delete :confirm bd<CR>"
+ exe 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".6 &Buffers.&Alternate :confirm b #<CR>"
+ exe 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".7 &Buffers.&Next :confirm bnext<CR>"
+ exe 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".8 &Buffers.&Previous :confirm bprev<CR>"
+ exe 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. ".9 &Buffers.-SEP- :"
+ unmenu &Buffers.Dummy
+ # figure out how many buffers there are
+ var buf = 1
+ while buf <= bufnr('$')
+ if s:BMCanAdd(bufname(buf), buf)
+ s:bmenu_count = s:bmenu_count + 1
+ endif
+ buf += 1
+ endwhile
+ if s:bmenu_count <= &menuitems
+ s:bmenu_short = 0
+ endif
+ # iterate through buffer list, adding each buffer to the menu:
+ buf = 1
+ while buf <= bufnr('$')
+ var name = bufname(buf)
+ if s:BMCanAdd(name, buf)
+ call s:BMFilename(name, buf)
+ endif
+ buf += 1
+ endwhile
+ s:bmenu_wait = 0
+ aug buffer_list
+ au!
+ au BufCreate,BufFilePost * call s:BMAdd()
+ au BufDelete,BufFilePre * call s:BMRemove()
+ aug END
+def s:BMHash(name: string): number
+ # Make name all upper case, so that chars are between 32 and 96
+ var nm = substitute(name, ".*", '\U\0', "")
+ var sp: number
+ if has("ebcdic")
+ # HACK: Replace all non alphabetics with 'Z'
+ # Just to make it work for now.
+ nm = substitute(nm, "[^A-Z]", 'Z', "g")
+ sp = char2nr('A') - 1
+ else
+ sp = char2nr(' ')
+ endif
+ # convert first six chars into a number for sorting:
+ return (char2nr(nm[0]) - sp) * 0x800000 + (char2nr(nm[1]) - sp) * 0x20000 + (char2nr(nm[2]) - sp) * 0x1000 + (char2nr(nm[3]) - sp) * 0x80 + (char2nr(nm[4]) - sp) * 0x20 + (char2nr(nm[5]) - sp)
+def s:BMHash2(name: string): string
+ var nm = substitute(name, ".", '\L\0', "")
+ if nm[0] < 'a' || nm[0] > 'z'
+ return '&others.'
+ elseif nm[0] <= 'd'
+ return '&abcd.'
+ elseif nm[0] <= 'h'
+ return '&efgh.'
+ elseif nm[0] <= 'l'
+ return '&ijkl.'
+ elseif nm[0] <= 'p'
+ return '&mnop.'
+ elseif nm[0] <= 't'
+ return '&qrst.'
+ else
+ return '&u-z.'
+ endif
+" Insert a buffer name into the buffer menu.
+def s:BMFilename(name: string, num: number)
+ var munge = s:BMMunge(name, num)
+ var hash = s:BMHash(munge)
+ var cmd: string
+ if s:bmenu_short == 0
+ s:bmenu_items[num] = munge
+ cmd = 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. '.' .. hash .. ' &Buffers.' .. munge
+ else
+ var menu_name = s:BMHash2(munge) .. munge
+ s:bmenu_items[num] = menu_name
+ cmd = 'an ' .. g:bmenu_priority .. '.' .. hash .. '.' .. hash .. ' &Buffers.' .. menu_name
+ endif
+ exe cmd .. ' :confirm b' .. num .. '<CR>'
+" Truncate a long path to fit it in a menu item.
+if !exists("g:bmenu_max_pathlen")
+ let g:bmenu_max_pathlen = 35
+def s:BMTruncName(fname: string): string
+ var name = fname
+ if g:bmenu_max_pathlen < 5
+ name = ""
+ else
+ var len = strlen(name)
+ if len > g:bmenu_max_pathlen
+ var amountl = (g:bmenu_max_pathlen / 2) - 2
+ var amountr = g:bmenu_max_pathlen - amountl - 3
+ var pattern = '^\(.\{,' .. amountl .. '}\).\{-}\(.\{,' .. amountr .. '}\)$'
+ var left = substitute(name, pattern, '\1', '')
+ var right = substitute(name, pattern, '\2', '')
+ if strlen(left) + strlen(right) < len
+ name = left .. '...' .. right
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return name
+def s:BMMunge(fname: string, bnum: number): string
+ var name = fname
+ if name == ''
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_no_file")
+ g:menutrans_no_file = "[No Name]"
+ endif
+ name = g:menutrans_no_file
+ else
+ name = fnamemodify(name, ':p:~')
+ endif
+ # detach file name and separate it out:
+ var name2 = fnamemodify(name, ':t')
+ if bnum >= 0
+ name2 = name2 .. ' (' .. bnum .. ')'
+ endif
+ name = name2 .. "\t" .. s:BMTruncName(fnamemodify(name, ':h'))
+ name = escape(name, "\\. \t|")
+ name = substitute(name, "&", "&&", "g")
+ name = substitute(name, "\n", "^@", "g")
+ return name
+" When just starting Vim, load the buffer menu later
+if has("vim_starting")
+ augroup LoadBufferMenu
+ au! VimEnter * if !exists("no_buffers_menu") | call <SID>BMShow() | endif
+ au VimEnter * au! LoadBufferMenu
+ augroup END
+ call <SID>BMShow()
+endif " !exists("no_buffers_menu")
+" Window menu
+an 70.300 &Window.&New<Tab>^Wn <C-W>n
+an 70.310 &Window.S&plit<Tab>^Ws <C-W>s
+an 70.320 &Window.Sp&lit\ To\ #<Tab>^W^^ <C-W><C-^>
+an 70.330 &Window.Split\ &Vertically<Tab>^Wv <C-W>v
+an <silent> 70.332 &Window.Split\ File\ E&xplorer :call MenuExplOpen()<CR>
+if !exists("*MenuExplOpen")
+ def MenuExplOpen()
+ if @% == ""
+ :20vsp .
+ else
+ exe ":20vsp " .. fnameescape(expand("%:p:h"))
+ endif
+ enddef
+an 70.335 &Window.-SEP1- <Nop>
+an 70.340 &Window.&Close<Tab>^Wc :confirm close<CR>
+an 70.345 &Window.Close\ &Other(s)<Tab>^Wo :confirm only<CR>
+an 70.350 &Window.-SEP2- <Nop>
+an 70.355 &Window.Move\ &To.&Top<Tab>^WK <C-W>K
+an 70.355 &Window.Move\ &To.&Bottom<Tab>^WJ <C-W>J
+an 70.355 &Window.Move\ &To.&Left\ Side<Tab>^WH <C-W>H
+an 70.355 &Window.Move\ &To.&Right\ Side<Tab>^WL <C-W>L
+an 70.360 &Window.Rotate\ &Up<Tab>^WR <C-W>R
+an 70.362 &Window.Rotate\ &Down<Tab>^Wr <C-W>r
+an 70.365 &Window.-SEP3- <Nop>
+an 70.370 &Window.&Equal\ Size<Tab>^W= <C-W>=
+an 70.380 &Window.&Max\ Height<Tab>^W_ <C-W>_
+an 70.390 &Window.M&in\ Height<Tab>^W1_ <C-W>1_
+an 70.400 &Window.Max\ &Width<Tab>^W\| <C-W>\|
+an 70.410 &Window.Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| <C-W>1\|
+" The popup menu
+an 1.10 PopUp.&Undo u
+an 1.15 PopUp.-SEP1- <Nop>
+vnoremenu 1.20 PopUp.Cu&t "+x
+vnoremenu 1.30 PopUp.&Copy "+y
+cnoremenu 1.30 PopUp.&Copy <C-Y>
+nnoremenu 1.40 PopUp.&Paste "+gP
+cnoremenu 1.40 PopUp.&Paste <C-R>+
+exe 'vnoremenu <script> 1.40 PopUp.&Paste ' .. paste#paste_cmd['v']
+exe 'inoremenu <script> 1.40 PopUp.&Paste ' .. paste#paste_cmd['i']
+vnoremenu 1.50 PopUp.&Delete x
+an 1.55 PopUp.-SEP2- <Nop>
+vnoremenu 1.60 PopUp.Select\ Blockwise <C-V>
+nnoremenu 1.70 PopUp.Select\ &Word vaw
+onoremenu 1.70 PopUp.Select\ &Word aw
+vnoremenu 1.70 PopUp.Select\ &Word <C-C>vaw
+inoremenu 1.70 PopUp.Select\ &Word <C-O>vaw
+cnoremenu 1.70 PopUp.Select\ &Word <C-C>vaw
+nnoremenu 1.73 PopUp.Select\ &Sentence vas
+onoremenu 1.73 PopUp.Select\ &Sentence as
+vnoremenu 1.73 PopUp.Select\ &Sentence <C-C>vas
+inoremenu 1.73 PopUp.Select\ &Sentence <C-O>vas
+cnoremenu 1.73 PopUp.Select\ &Sentence <C-C>vas
+nnoremenu 1.77 PopUp.Select\ Pa&ragraph vap
+onoremenu 1.77 PopUp.Select\ Pa&ragraph ap
+vnoremenu 1.77 PopUp.Select\ Pa&ragraph <C-C>vap
+inoremenu 1.77 PopUp.Select\ Pa&ragraph <C-O>vap
+cnoremenu 1.77 PopUp.Select\ Pa&ragraph <C-C>vap
+nnoremenu 1.80 PopUp.Select\ &Line V
+onoremenu 1.80 PopUp.Select\ &Line <C-C>V
+vnoremenu 1.80 PopUp.Select\ &Line <C-C>V
+inoremenu 1.80 PopUp.Select\ &Line <C-O>V
+cnoremenu 1.80 PopUp.Select\ &Line <C-C>V
+nnoremenu 1.90 PopUp.Select\ &Block <C-V>
+onoremenu 1.90 PopUp.Select\ &Block <C-C><C-V>
+vnoremenu 1.90 PopUp.Select\ &Block <C-C><C-V>
+inoremenu 1.90 PopUp.Select\ &Block <C-O><C-V>
+cnoremenu 1.90 PopUp.Select\ &Block <C-C><C-V>
+noremenu <script> <silent> 1.100 PopUp.Select\ &All :<C-U>call <SID>SelectAll()<CR>
+inoremenu <script> <silent> 1.100 PopUp.Select\ &All <C-O>:call <SID>SelectAll()<CR>
+cnoremenu <script> <silent> 1.100 PopUp.Select\ &All <C-U>call <SID>SelectAll()<CR>
+if has("spell")
+ " Spell suggestions in the popup menu. Note that this will slow down the
+ " appearance of the menu!
+ def s:SpellPopup()
+ if exists("s:changeitem") && s:changeitem != ''
+ call s:SpellDel()
+ endif
+ # Return quickly if spell checking is not enabled.
+ if !&spell || &spelllang == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ var curcol = col('.')
+ var w: string
+ var a: string
+ [w, a] = spellbadword()
+ if col('.') > curcol # don't use word after the cursor
+ w = ''
+ endif
+ if w != ''
+ if a == 'caps'
+ s:suglist = [substitute(w, '.*', '\u&', '')]
+ else
+ s:suglist = spellsuggest(w, 10)
+ endif
+ if len(s:suglist) > 0
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_spell_change_ARG_to")
+ g:menutrans_spell_change_ARG_to = 'Change\ "%s"\ to'
+ endif
+ s:changeitem = printf(g:menutrans_spell_change_ARG_to, escape(w, ' .'))
+ s:fromword = w
+ var pri = 1
+ for sug in s:suglist
+ exe 'anoremenu 1.5.' .. pri .. ' PopUp.' .. s:changeitem .. '.' .. escape(sug, ' .')
+ \ .. ' :call <SID>SpellReplace(' .. pri .. ')<CR>'
+ pri += 1
+ endfor
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_spell_add_ARG_to_word_list")
+ g:menutrans_spell_add_ARG_to_word_list = 'Add\ "%s"\ to\ Word\ List'
+ endif
+ s:additem = printf(g:menutrans_spell_add_ARG_to_word_list, escape(w, ' .'))
+ exe 'anoremenu 1.6 PopUp.' .. s:additem .. ' :spellgood ' .. w .. '<CR>'
+ if !exists("g:menutrans_spell_ignore_ARG")
+ g:menutrans_spell_ignore_ARG = 'Ignore\ "%s"'
+ endif
+ s:ignoreitem = printf(g:menutrans_spell_ignore_ARG, escape(w, ' .'))
+ exe 'anoremenu 1.7 PopUp.' .. s:ignoreitem .. ' :spellgood! ' .. w .. '<CR>'
+ anoremenu 1.8 PopUp.-SpellSep- :
+ endif
+ endif
+ call cursor(0, curcol) # put the cursor back where it was
+ enddef
+ def s:SpellReplace(n: number)
+ var l = getline('.')
+ # Move the cursor to the start of the word.
+ call spellbadword()
+ call setline('.', strpart(l, 0, col('.') - 1) .. s:suglist[n - 1]
+ \ .. strpart(l, col('.') + len(s:fromword) - 1))
+ enddef
+ def s:SpellDel()
+ exe "aunmenu PopUp." .. s:changeitem
+ exe "aunmenu PopUp." .. s:additem
+ exe "aunmenu PopUp." .. s:ignoreitem
+ aunmenu PopUp.-SpellSep-
+ s:changeitem = ''
+ enddef
+ augroup SpellPopupMenu
+ au! MenuPopup * call <SID>SpellPopup()
+ augroup END
+" The GUI toolbar (for MS-Windows and GTK)
+if has("toolbar")
+ an 1.10 ToolBar.Open :browse confirm e<CR>
+ an <silent> 1.20 ToolBar.Save :if expand("%") == ""<Bar>browse confirm w<Bar>else<Bar>confirm w<Bar>endif<CR>
+ an 1.30 ToolBar.SaveAll :browse confirm wa<CR>
+ if has("printer")
+ an 1.40 ToolBar.Print :hardcopy<CR>
+ vunmenu ToolBar.Print
+ vnoremenu ToolBar.Print :hardcopy<CR>
+ elseif has("unix")
+ an 1.40 ToolBar.Print :w !lpr<CR>
+ vunmenu ToolBar.Print
+ vnoremenu ToolBar.Print :w !lpr<CR>
+ endif
+ an 1.45 ToolBar.-sep1- <Nop>
+ an 1.50 ToolBar.Undo u
+ an 1.60 ToolBar.Redo <C-R>
+ an 1.65 ToolBar.-sep2- <Nop>
+ vnoremenu 1.70 ToolBar.Cut "+x
+ vnoremenu 1.80 ToolBar.Copy "+y
+ cnoremenu 1.80 ToolBar.Copy <C-Y>
+ nnoremenu 1.90 ToolBar.Paste "+gP
+ cnoremenu ToolBar.Paste <C-R>+
+ exe 'vnoremenu <script> ToolBar.Paste ' .. paste#paste_cmd['v']
+ exe 'inoremenu <script> ToolBar.Paste ' .. paste#paste_cmd['i']
+ if !has("gui_athena")
+ an 1.95 ToolBar.-sep3- <Nop>
+ an 1.100 ToolBar.Replace :promptrepl<CR>
+ vunmenu ToolBar.Replace
+ vnoremenu ToolBar.Replace y:promptrepl <C-R>=<SID>FixFText()<CR><CR>
+ an 1.110 ToolBar.FindNext n
+ an 1.120 ToolBar.FindPrev N
+ endif
+ an 1.215 ToolBar.-sep5- <Nop>
+ an <silent> 1.220 ToolBar.LoadSesn :call <SID>LoadVimSesn()<CR>
+ an <silent> 1.230 ToolBar.SaveSesn :call <SID>SaveVimSesn()<CR>
+ an 1.240 ToolBar.RunScript :browse so<CR>
+ an 1.245 ToolBar.-sep6- <Nop>
+ an 1.250 ToolBar.Make :make<CR>
+ an 1.270 ToolBar.RunCtags :exe "!" .. g:ctags_command<CR>
+ an 1.280 ToolBar.TagJump g<C-]>
+ an 1.295 ToolBar.-sep7- <Nop>
+ an 1.300 ToolBar.Help :help<CR>
+ an <silent> 1.310 ToolBar.FindHelp :call <SID>Helpfind()<CR>
+" Only set the tooltips here if not done in a language menu file
+if exists("*Do_toolbar_tmenu")
+ call Do_toolbar_tmenu()
+ let did_toolbar_tmenu = 1
+ tmenu ToolBar.Open Open file
+ tmenu ToolBar.Save Save current file
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveAll Save all files
+ tmenu ToolBar.Print Print
+ tmenu ToolBar.Undo Undo
+ tmenu ToolBar.Redo Redo
+ tmenu ToolBar.Cut Cut to clipboard
+ tmenu ToolBar.Copy Copy to clipboard
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Paste from Clipboard
+ if !has("gui_athena")
+ tmenu ToolBar.Replace Find / Replace...
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindNext Find Next
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev Find Previous
+ endif
+ tmenu ToolBar.LoadSesn Choose a session to load
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveSesn Save current session
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunScript Choose a Vim Script to run
+ tmenu ToolBar.Make Make current project (:make)
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunCtags Build tags in current directory tree (!ctags -R .)
+ tmenu ToolBar.TagJump Jump to tag under cursor
+ tmenu ToolBar.Help Vim Help
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindHelp Search Vim Help
+" Select a session to load; default to current session name if present
+def s:LoadVimSesn()
+ var name: string
+ if strlen(v:this_session) > 0
+ name = fnameescape(v:this_session)
+ else
+ name = "Session.vim"
+ endif
+ execute "browse so " .. name
+" Select a session to save; default to current session name if present
+def s:SaveVimSesn()
+ if strlen(v:this_session) == 0
+ v:this_session = "Session.vim"
+ endif
+ execute "browse mksession! " .. fnameescape(v:this_session)
+endif " !exists("did_install_default_menus")
+" Define these items always, so that syntax can be switched on when it wasn't.
+" But skip them when the Syntax menu was disabled by the user.
+if !exists("did_install_syntax_menu")
+ an 50.212 &Syntax.&Manual :syn manual<CR>
+ an 50.214 &Syntax.A&utomatic :syn on<CR>
+ an <silent> 50.216 &Syntax.On/Off\ for\ &This\ File :call <SID>SynOnOff()<CR>
+ if !exists("*s:SynOnOff")
+ def s:SynOnOff()
+ if has("syntax_items")
+ syn clear
+ else
+ if !exists("g:syntax_on")
+ syn manual
+ endif
+ set syn=ON
+ endif
+ enddef
+ endif
+" Install the Syntax menu only when filetype.vim has been loaded or when
+" manual syntax highlighting is enabled.
+" Avoid installing the Syntax menu twice.
+if (exists("did_load_filetypes") || exists("syntax_on"))
+ \ && !exists("did_install_syntax_menu")
+ let did_install_syntax_menu = 1
+" Skip setting up the individual syntax selection menus unless
+" do_syntax_sel_menu is defined (it takes quite a bit of time).
+if exists("do_syntax_sel_menu")
+ runtime! synmenu.vim
+ an <silent> 50.10 &Syntax.&Show\ File\ Types\ in\ Menu :let do_syntax_sel_menu = 1<Bar>runtime! synmenu.vim<Bar>aunmenu &Syntax.&Show\ File\ Types\ in\ Menu<CR>
+ an 50.195 &Syntax.-SEP1- <Nop>
+an 50.210 &Syntax.&Off :syn off<CR>
+an 50.700 &Syntax.-SEP3- <Nop>
+an 50.710 &Syntax.Co&lor\ Test :sp $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/colortest.vim<Bar>so %<CR>
+an 50.720 &Syntax.&Highlight\ Test :runtime syntax/hitest.vim<CR>
+an 50.730 &Syntax.&Convert\ to\ HTML :runtime syntax/2html.vim<CR>
+" Uncomment the next line to compile the functions early to find any mistakes
+" defcompile
+endif " !exists("did_install_syntax_menu")
+" Restore the previous value of 'cpoptions'.
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: set sw=2 :