path: root/runtime/syntax/baan.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/baan.vim')
1 files changed, 1917 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/baan.vim b/runtime/syntax/baan.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a42a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/baan.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1917 @@
+" Vim syntax file"
+" Language: Baan
+" Maintainer: Erik Remmelzwaal (erik.remmelzwaal 0x40
+" Originally owned by: Erwin Smit / Her van de Vliert
+" Last change: v1.17 2006/04/26 10:40:18
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+"********************************** Lexical setting ***************************"
+syn case ignore
+setlocal iskeyword+=.
+"setlocal ignorecase "This is not a local yet ;-(
+" Identifier
+syn match baanIdentifier "\<\k\+\>"
+"************************************* 3GL ************************************"
+syn match baan3glpre "#ident\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#include\>"
+syn region baan3glpre start="#define\>" end="^[^^|]"me=s-1 contains=baanString,baanConstant,baanNumber,baanComment,baansql
+syn match baan3glpre "#undef\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#pragma\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#if\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#ifdef\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#ifndef\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#elif\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#else\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#endif\>"
+" Some keywords are only defined when no foldinat based break bset call continue default
+syn keyword baan3gl empty fixed ge global goto gt le lt mb
+syn keyword baan3gl multibyte ne ofr prompt repeat static step stop
+syn keyword baan3gl until void wherebind ref reference break continue
+syn keyword baan3gl and or to not in
+syn keyword baan3gl eq input end return at print
+syn keyword baanType domain double long string table boolean common
+syn keyword baanType bset void xmlNode
+syn keyword baanStorageClass dim base based extern global fixed MB const
+syn keyword baanConstant pi true false
+" Folding settings
+if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold
+ syn region baanFunctionFold matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)\<function\>" matchgroup=NONE end="^\z1}" transparent fold keepend
+ syn keyword baan3gl function
+if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold && exists("baan_fold_block") && baan_fold_block
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)\(if\>\|else\>\)" end="^\z1endif\>" end="^\z1else\>"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)for\>" end="^\z1endfor\>" transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)while\>" end="^\z1endwhile\>" transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanDLLUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)dllusage\>" end="^\z1enddllusage\>" fold contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+ syn region baanFunUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)functionusage\>" end="^\z1endfunctionusage\>" fold contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)\(case\>\|default\>\)\>" end="^\z1endcase\>" end="^\z1\(case\>\|default\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn keyword baanConditional then else endif while endwhile endfor case endcase
+ syn match baanConditional "\<on case\>"
+ syn match baanConditional "\<for\>" contains=baansql
+ syn match baanConditional "\<on case\>"
+ syn keyword baanConditional if then else endif while endwhile endfor case endcase default
+ syn region baanDLLUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="\<dllusage\>" end="\<enddllusage\>" contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+ syn region baanFunUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="\<functionusage\>" end="\<endfunctionusage\>" contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+"************************************* SQL ************************************"
+syn keyword baansql from selectbind
+syn keyword baansql where wherebind whereused exsists
+syn keyword baansql between inrange having
+syn keyword baansql hint ordered asc desc
+syn match baansql "\<as set with \d\+ rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<as prepared set\>"
+syn match baansql "\<as prepared set with \d\+ rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<with retry\>"
+syn match baansql "\<with retry repeat last row\>"
+syn match baansql "\<for update\>"
+syn match baansql "\<order by\>"
+syn match baansql "\<group by\>"
+syn match baansql "\<union all\>"
+" references
+syn keyword path reference
+syn match baansql "\<refers to\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref clear\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref setunref\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref clearunref\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref skip\>"
+" hints
+syn keyword baansql hint and ordered asc desc
+syn match baansql "\<use index \d\+ on\>"
+syn match baansql "\<array fetching\>"
+syn match baansql "\<no array fetching\>"
+syn match baansql "\<array size \d\+\>"
+syn match baansql "\<all rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<first rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<buffer \d\+ rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<no hints\>"
+" update
+syn keyword baansql set
+if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold && exists("baan_fold_sql") && baan_fold_sql
+ syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(select\>\|selectdo\>\|selectempty\>\|selecterror\>\|selecteos\>\)" end="^\z1endselect\>" end="^\z1\(selectdo\>\|selectempty\>\|selecterror\>\|selecteos\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ "syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(update\>\|updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\|selecteos\>\)" end="^\z1endupdate\>" end="^\z1\(updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\|selecteos\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(update\>\|updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\)" end="^\z1endupdate\>" end="^\z1\(updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(delete\s\+from\>\|deleteempty\>\|deleteerror\>\)" end="^\z1enddelete\>" end="^\z1\(deleteempty\>\|deleteerror\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn keyword baansql select selectdo selectempty selecterror selecteos endselect
+ " delete
+ syn match baansql "\<delete from\>"
+ syn keyword baansql deleteempty deleteerror deleteeos enddelete
+ " update
+ syn keyword baansql update updateempty updateerror updateeos endupdate
+setlocal foldmethod=syntax
+"syn sync fromstart
+syn sync minlines=100
+"These are bshell functions
+if exists("baan_obsolete")
+syn match baansql "commit\.transaction()"
+syn match baansql "abort\.transaction()"
+syn match baansql "db\.columns\.to\.record"
+syn match baansql "db\.record\.to\.columns"
+syn match baansql "db\.bind"
+syn match baansql "db\.change\.order"
+syn match baansql "db\.set\.to\.default"
+syn match baansql "DB\.RETRY"
+syn match baansql "db\.delayed\.lock"
+syn match baansql "db\.retry\.point()"
+syn match baansql "db\.retry\.hit()"
+syn match baansql "db\.return\.dupl"
+syn match baansql "db\.skip\.dupl"
+syn match baansql "db\.row\.length"
+" Constants
+syn keyword baanConstant __function__
+syn keyword baanConstant __object__
+syn keyword baanConstant __file__
+syn keyword baanConstant __line__
+syn keyword baanConstant ABORT.PROGRAM
+syn keyword baanConstant ADD.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ALL_ENUMS_EXCEPT
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.EXCL
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.READ
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WAIT
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WIDE
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WRITE
+syn keyword baanConstant ASK.HELPINFO
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_PRINT
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_DISPLAY
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_MODIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_INSERT
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant BMS
+syn keyword baanConstant CALCULATOR
+syn keyword baanConstant CALENDAR
+syn keyword baanConstant CHANGE.ORDER
+syn keyword baanConstant CMD.OPTIONS
+syn keyword baanConstant CMD.WHATS.THIS
+syn keyword baanConstant CMF.MESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant CMF.TASK
+syn keyword baanConstant CMF.APPOINTMENT
+syn match baanConstant "\<COMPANY\$"
+syn keyword baanConstant COMPNR
+syn keyword baanConstant CONT.PROCESS
+syn keyword baanConstant CREATE.JOB
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJSET
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOMETHOD
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJSETID
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJECTID
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOPROP
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOLOCMODE
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOGETPOS
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOSETPERM
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJPERM
+syn keyword baanConstant DALDBERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant DALHOOKERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOQUERYID
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_DESTROY
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_FIND
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_CURR
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_FIRST
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_LAST
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_NEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_PREV
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_SPECIFIED
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_NEW
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_UPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.ARRAY
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.BASED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.BITSET
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.BYTE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CHECK.IGNORED.REF
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CHILD
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CLEAR.NO.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CLEAR.WITH.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.COMBINED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.DATE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.DELAYED.LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.DOUBLE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.ENUM
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.DUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.NOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.ROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FILLED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FIXED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FL.LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FLOAT
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.IGNORE.ALL.REFS
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.INTEGER
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.IS.REF.TO
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.LONG
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.MAIL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.MULTIBYTE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.NOT.ACTIV
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.PAR.IS.REF.TO
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.CASCADE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.CHK.RUNTIME
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.NOP
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.NULLIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.RESTRICTED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.UPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETRY
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.DUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.ERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.NOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.REF.EXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.REF.NOT.EXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.ROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RPOINT
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.DUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.NOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.ROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.STRING
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.TEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.TIME
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_ACTIONS
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_DELAY_LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_REFER
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_SERVER_TYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DATA_SIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DEBUG_MESG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DEBUG_TSS
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FILE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FILEDEV
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FUN_DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_GET_PUT_VAR
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_INSTR_DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_MUL_ACTION
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_OBJ_SIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_PRINT_ENUMS
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_REF_PATH
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_RESOURCE_DBG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SCHED_DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SHOW_FLOW
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SHOW_TRACE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SRDD_USAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DEF.FIND
+syn keyword baanConstant DISPLAY.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant DIS.RESTARTED
+syn keyword baanConstant DLL_OVERLOAD
+syn keyword baanConstant DLL_OVERLOAD_ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant DLL_SILENT_ERR
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationCreateProcess
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationCreateThread
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationNormalExit
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStderr
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStdin
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStdout
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationSetDir
+syn keyword baanConstant DUPL.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant E2BIG
+syn keyword baanConstant EABORT
+syn keyword baanConstant EACCES
+syn keyword baanConstant EAGAIN
+syn keyword baanConstant EAUDIT
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADADRS
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADARG
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADCOLL
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADCURSOR
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADF
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADFLD
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADKEY
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADLOG
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADMEM
+syn keyword baanConstant EBDBNOTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EBDBON
+syn keyword baanConstant EBUSY
+syn keyword baanConstant ECHILD
+syn keyword baanConstant EDDCORRUPT
+syn keyword baanConstant EDOM
+syn keyword baanConstant EDUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant EENDFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant EEXIST
+syn keyword baanConstant EFAULT
+syn keyword baanConstant EFBIG
+syn keyword baanConstant EFLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EFNAME
+syn keyword baanConstant EINTR
+syn keyword baanConstant EINVAL
+syn keyword baanConstant EIO
+syn keyword baanConstant EISDIR
+syn keyword baanConstant EISREADONLY
+syn keyword baanConstant EKEXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOGOPEN
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOGREAD
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOGWRIT
+syn keyword baanConstant EMEMORY
+syn keyword baanConstant EMFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant EMLINK
+syn keyword baanConstant EMLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant END.PROGRAM
+syn keyword baanConstant ENFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOBEGIN
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOCURR
+syn keyword baanConstant ENODD
+syn keyword baanConstant ENODELAYEDLOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant ENODEV
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOENT
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOEXEC
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOLOK
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOMEM
+syn keyword baanConstant ENONFS
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOSERVER
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOSHMEM
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOSPC
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTBLK
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTDIR
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTEXCL
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTINRANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTOPEN
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTRANS
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTTY
+syn keyword baanConstant ENXIO
+syn keyword baanConstant ENUMMASK.INITIAL
+syn keyword baanConstant ENUMMASK.GENERAL
+syn keyword baanConstant EPERM
+syn keyword baanConstant EPIPE
+syn keyword baanConstant EPRIMKEY
+syn keyword baanConstant ERANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFERENCE
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFEXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFNOTEXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFUNDEFINED
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFUPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EROFS
+syn keyword baanConstant EROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant ESPIPE
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLCARDINALITYVIOLATION
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLDIVBYZERO
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLFILEIO
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLINDEXOUTOFDIMS
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLINVALIDPARAMETERTYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLQUERY
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLREFER
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSTRINGTRUNCATION
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSUBSTRINGERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSYNTAX
+syn keyword baanConstant ESRCH
+syn keyword baanConstant ETABLEEXIST
+syn keyword baanConstant ETOOMANY
+syn keyword baanConstant ETRANSACTIONON
+syn keyword baanConstant ETXTBSY
+syn keyword baanConstant EUNALLOWEDCOMPNR
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTALLEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTARMBUTTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTARMBUTTONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUCKETMESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON1
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON1MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON2
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON2MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON3
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON3MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON4
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON4MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON5
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON5MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONCHECKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONDPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONDPRESSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONMOTION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONMOTIONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONPRESSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONRELEASE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONRELEASEMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONUNCHECKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONUNDEFINED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANGEFOCUS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANGEFOCUSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANNELEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHECKBOXMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHECKBOXSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCLIENTMESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCONNECTREQUEST
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCONTROLMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDEATHCHILD
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDEATHCHILDMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDISARMBUTTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDISARMBUTTONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDLLEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDLLEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTENTERNOTIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTENTERNOTIFYMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTFIELDSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTFIELDSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDACTIVATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDBUTTONPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDCHANGEDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDCHANGEFOCUS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDLISTBOXCHANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKCELL
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKCOLUMN
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKRANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKROW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMOVECOLUMN
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMOVEROW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESETSELECTION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESIZECOLUMN
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESIZEROW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPCOMMAND
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPCONTEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTIOEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTIOEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTKEYPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTKEYPRESSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTKILLEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLEAVENOTIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLEAVENOTIFYMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONACTIVATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONTEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLOCKMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMAXSIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMENUSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMENUSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOD1MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOVEWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOVEWINDOWMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTNAVIGATOREVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTNAVIGATOREVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTNOEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEAUTOMATION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLECLOSE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLECREATEINSTANCE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEDATACHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEHIDEWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLELOADDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLELOCKSERVER
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLERELEASED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESAVEDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESETHOSTNAMES
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESHOWOBJECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESHOWWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEUNLOCKSERVER
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOPTIONSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTPROCESSEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTPUSHBUTTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRADIOBOXMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRADIOBOXSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRESIZEWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRESIZEWINDOWMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRUNPROGEXIT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSCROLLBARSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSCROLLBARSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSETFOCUS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSETFOCUSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSHIFTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSLIDERSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSLIDERSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSOCKHASDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSOCKIOERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTABSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTABSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTERMINATION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTERMINATIONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTIMEREVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTIMEREVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONACTIVATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONCOLLAPSE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONEXPAND
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONEXPANDMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREESELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREESELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EXDEV
+syn keyword baanConstant EXPLICIT.MODELESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EXTEND_APPEND
+syn keyword baanConstant EXTEND_OVERWRITE
+syn keyword baanConstant F.ASK.HELPINFO
+syn keyword baanConstant F.BACKTAB
+syn keyword baanConstant F.BMS
+syn keyword baanConstant F.HELP.INDEX
+syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.OBJ
+syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.OBJ
+syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant F.RESIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant F.RETURN
+syn keyword baanConstant F.SCROLL
+syn keyword baanConstant F.SELECT.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.SELECT.OPTION
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TAB
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.CHOICE
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant F.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant FALSE
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.CURR.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.FIRST.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.FIRST.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.FRM.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.HEIGHT.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.SELECTED.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.SELECTED.OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.WIDTH.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIRST.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIRST.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.NEXT.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.NEXT.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GRA.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.KYS.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.LAST.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.LAST.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.MAKE.FLD.CURR
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.MOVE.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.NEXT.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.NEXT.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.OPT.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.PREV.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.PREV.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.RESIZE.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.REST.FRM.ST
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.RPT.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SAVE.FRM.ST
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SAVE.SELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SEL.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SEL.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SWITCH.ORDER.OFF
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SWITCH.ORDER.ON
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.TEXT.MAIL.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FIND.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant FLDCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant FLDKEYPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant FORM.TAB.CHANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant GET.DEFAULTS
+syn keyword baanConstant GETS_ALL_CHARS
+syn keyword baanConstant GETS_NORMAL
+syn keyword baanConstant GETS_SKIP_ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant GLOBAL.COPY
+syn keyword baanConstant GLOBAL.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ABOUT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ARG_LEN
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_BITMAP
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_BLOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CHOICE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_IMAGE_NOTLOADED
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_IMAGE_READY
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_NEW_ARGS
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_NEW_INFO
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_COMMANDS
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_DOMAIN
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ENUM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_EXTERNAL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FORMFIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FROM_INDEX
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GEM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GIF
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GLOSSARY
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GOTO
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GOTOBLOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GO_SYS_DEPENDANT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_HPGL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION2
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION3
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_INDEX
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_LABEL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_LABELHELP
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MARK
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAXTYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_ARGS
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_HIST
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_IMAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ORGANIZER
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_POPUP_TYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_POSTSCRIPT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_QUESTION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_REFERENCE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION2
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION_DIAGRAM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_REPORT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SESSION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_STARTSESSION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_STARTSHELL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SUBFUNCTION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SYSTEM_DEPENDANT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_TABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_TABLEFIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_USING
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_APPLICABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_DERIVED
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_MANDATORY
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_READONLY
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_VALID
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_UPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant INCLUDE_ENUMS
+syn keyword baanConstant INTERRUPT
+syn keyword baanConstant LAST.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant LAST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant LAST.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.ABORT
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.GOTO.NEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.GOTO.PREV
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.SHOW.OPT
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TAG
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TAG.ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TO.CHOICE
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.UNTAG
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.UNTAG.ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant MARKONE.ACCEPT
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.ERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.INFO
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.WARNING
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.SUCCESS
+syn keyword baanConstant MODAL
+syn keyword baanConstant MODAL_OVERVIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant MODELESS
+syn keyword baanConstant MODELESS_ALWAYS
+syn keyword baanConstant MODIFY.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant MULTI_OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.PERM.DEFINED
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.RESTRICTION
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.INIT
+syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.OBJECT.CREATED
+syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.OBJECT.DESTROYED
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_OS400
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_UNIX
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_WINDOWS_95
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_WINDOWS_NT
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.MODIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.READ
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.UNKNOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.WRITE
+syn keyword baanConstant PI
+syn keyword baanConstant PREV.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant PREV.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant PREV.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant PRINT.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.BAR
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.CANCEL
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.NOAUTODESTROY
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.RESIZEABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.STOP
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.TIMER
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.END.TRACE
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.EXECUTE
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.FIELD.OPTION
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.GET.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.GET.DATA.ANSWER
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.PUT.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.START.TRACE
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.UNKNOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant PSMAXSIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.EQLE
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.EQUAL
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.FIRST
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.GT
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.GTEQ
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LAST
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LESS
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LOOKUP.FOR.STRUCT
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.NE
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.SRC.DUPL.ALLOWED
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.SRC.IS.SORTED
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.CENTER
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.LEFT
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.LOWER
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.NONE
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.RIGHT
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.UPPER
+syn keyword baanConstant RECOVER.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant RESIZE.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant RESTART.INPUT
+syn keyword baanConstant ROTATE.CURR
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_IPCINFO_FLAG
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_INPROC
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_NOWAIT
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_NOWAIT_WITH_EVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_WAIT
+syn keyword baanConstant RUN.JOB
+syn keyword baanConstant SAVE.DEFAULTS
+syn keyword baanConstant SBADJUST
+syn keyword baanConstant SBCONFIRM
+syn keyword baanConstant SBDOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant SBEND
+syn keyword baanConstant SBHOME
+syn keyword baanConstant SBMOVE
+syn keyword baanConstant SBPGDOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant SBPGUP
+syn keyword baanConstant SBPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant SBRELEASE
+syn keyword baanConstant SBUP
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_F_R_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_F_W_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_R_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_W_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_NO_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_DELETE_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_INSERT_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_MODIFY_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_DISPLAY_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_PRINT_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SINGLE_OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ADD.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BITSET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BITSET.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BRP.RUN
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BRP.SEND
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DEF.FIND
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DOUBLE
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DOUBLE.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DUPL.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ENUM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ENUM.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.FIND.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.FIRST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.LAST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MARK.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MARK.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MB
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MB.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MODIFY.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MULTI.2
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MULTI.3
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.NUM.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.NUMERIC
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.PROG.BUSY
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.1
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.3
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.4
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SORT
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.STRING
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.STRING.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TEXT.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TIME
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TIME.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.UPDATE.DB
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant START.CHART
+syn keyword baanConstant START.QUERY
+syn keyword baanConstant START.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant STAT_EXECUTABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant STAT_READABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant STAT_WRITEABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant SUBDAL
+syn keyword baanConstant TDIR
+syn keyword baanConstant TEXT.MANAGER
+syn keyword baanConstant TFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant TRUE
+syn keyword baanConstant UPDATE.DB
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.0
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.1
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.2
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.3
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.4
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.5
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.6
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.7
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.8
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.9
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.DIALOG
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.LIST
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MMTCONTROLLER
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MMTSATELLITE
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MODAL.MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MODELESS.MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.NONE
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.PARAMETER
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.SYNCHRONIZED
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.WIZARD
+syn keyword baanConstant WITH.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.DLL
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.DOMA
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.FLDN
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.LANGOPT
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.MESS
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.QUES
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.SESS
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.TABL
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_DTD
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_ELEMENT
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_PI
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.AUTOACCEPT
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.AUTOZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.SESSION
+syn keyword baanConstant ZOOM
+"************************************* 4GL ************************************"
+" Program section
+syn match baan4glh "declaration:"
+syn match baan4glh "functions:"
+syn match baan4glh "before\.program:"
+syn match baan4glh "on\.error:"
+syn match baan4glh "after\.program:"
+syn match baan4glh "after\.update.db.commit:"
+syn match baan4glh "before\.display\.object:"
+" Form section
+syn match baan4glh "form\.\d\+:"
+syn match baan4glh "form\.all:"
+syn match baan4glh "form\.other:"
+syn match baan4gl "init\.form:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.form:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.form:"
+" Choice section
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.view:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.view:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.view:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.view:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.def\.find:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.find\.data:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.display\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.rotate\.curr:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.add\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.update\.db:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.dupl\.occur:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.recover\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.mark\.delete:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.mark\.occur:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.change\.order:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.modify\.set:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.restart\.input:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.print\.data:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.create\.job:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.form\.tab\.change:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.frm:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.frm:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.frm:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.frm:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.resize\.frm:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.options:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.zoom:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.interrupt:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.end\.program:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.abort\.program:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.cont\.process:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.text\.manager:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.run\.job:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.global\.delete:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.global\.copy:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.save\.defaults"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.get\.defaults:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.chart:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.query:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.user\.\d:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.ask\.helpinfo:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.calculator:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.calendar:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.bms:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.whats\.this:"
+syn match baan4glh "choice\.help\.index:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.choice:"
+syn match baan4gl "on\.choice:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.choice:"
+" Field section
+syn match baan4glh "field\.\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.\=c\=:"
+syn match baan4glh "field\.e\..\+:"
+syn match baan4glh "field\.all:"
+syn match baan4glh "field\.other:"
+syn match baan4gl "init\.field:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.field:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.display:"
+syn match baan4gl "selection\.filter:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.zoom:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.checks:"
+syn match baan4gl "domain\.error:"
+syn match baan4gl "ref\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "ref\.display:"
+syn match baan4gl "check\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "on\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "when\.field\.changes:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.zoom:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.display:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.field:"
+" Group section
+syn match baan4glh "group\.\d\+:"
+syn match baan4gl "init\.group:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.group:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.group:"
+" Zoom section
+syn match baan4glh "zoom\.from\..\+:"
+syn match baan4gl "on\.entry:"
+syn match baan4gl "on\.exit:"
+" Main table section
+syn match baan4glh "main\.table\.io:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.read:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.read:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.write:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.write:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.write:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.rewrite:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.rewrite:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.rewrite:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.delete:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.delete:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.delete:"
+syn match baan4gl "read\.view:"
+"**************************** Dal Hooks ********************************
+syn keyword baanDalHook after.abort.transaction after.commit.transaction after.destroy.object
+syn keyword baanDalHook after.change.object after.get.object before.change.object
+syn keyword baanDalHook before.destroy.object before.get.object
+syn keyword baanDalHook set.object.defaults
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.check"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.valid"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.applicable"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.never.applicable"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.derived"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.readonly"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.mandatory"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.make.valid"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.update"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\..*\.is.applicable"
+"number without a dot."
+syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\>"
+"number with dot"
+syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\.\d*\>"
+"number starting with a dot"
+syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\.\d\+\>"
+" String Error does not work correct with vim 6.0
+syn match baanOpenStringError +^[^^"]+ display contained excludenl
+syn region baanString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+ end=+^[^^]+ contains=baanOpenStringError keepend
+" Comment"
+syn match baanComment "|$"
+syn match baanComment "|.$"
+syn match baanComment "|[^ ]"
+syn match baanComment "|[^#].*[^ ]"
+syn match baanCommenth "^|#lra.*$"
+syn match baanCommenth "^|#mdm.*$"
+syn match baanCommenth "^|#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*$"
+syn match baanCommenth "^|#N\=o\=Include.*$"
+" Oldcode"
+syn match baanUncommented "^|[^*#].*[^ ]"
+" DLL section
+" SpaceError"
+syn match baanSpaces " "
+syn match baanSpaceError "\s*$"
+syn match baanSpaceError " "
+" Baan error"
+if exists("baan_code_stds") && baan_code_stds
+syn match BaanError "^\s*i\..*=\s*\(\k\|\"\)*\s*$" "assignment of an input var"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*ref.*\s[ilse]\..*$" " ref variable defined with i, l, e and s"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*const.*\s[olse]\..*$" " const variable defined with o, l, e and s"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*static.*\s\(i\|g\|l\|o\|io\)\..*$" " static defined without s."
+syn match BaanError "^\s*\(domain\s\|long\s\|string\s\).*\so\.\k*[,)]" " ref variable without ref"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*\(domain\s\|long\s\|string\s\).*\se\.\k*[,)]" " 'e.' variable without extern"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*i\..*,\s*|\s*ref.*$" "
+"**************************** bshell functions ********************************
+syn match baanBshell "\<shiftl\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<shiftr\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<shiftc\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<strip\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<tolower\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<toupper\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell isdigit
+syn keyword baanBshell isspace
+syn match baanBshell "\<chr\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell rpos
+syn match baanBshell "\<sprintf\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<vsprintf\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<concat\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell gregdate
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell ttyname
+syn match baanBshell "\<ttyname\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<creat.tmp.file\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<string.set\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell string.scan
+syn keyword baanBshell not.fixed
+syn keyword baanBshell dummy
+syn keyword baanBshell alloc.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell free.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell copy.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell cmp.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell set.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell expr.compile
+syn keyword baanBshell l.expr
+syn keyword baanBshell d.expr
+syn match baanBshell "\<s.expr\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell compnr.check
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.dir\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.tmp.dir\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.release\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.portset\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<getenv\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell base.extern
+syn keyword baanBshell at.base
+syn keyword baanBshell get.compnr
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell get.argc
+syn keyword baanBshell get.long.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell get.double.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell get.string.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell get.arg.type
+syn keyword baanBshell put.long.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell put.double.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell put.string.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell setenv
+syn keyword baanBshell cmp.password
+syn match baanBshell "\<crypt.password\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell is.password.ok
+syn keyword baanBshell block.cipher.encrypt
+syn keyword baanBshell block.cipher.decrypt
+syn keyword baanBshell encrypt.user.password
+syn keyword baanBshell verify.user.password
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn match baanBshell "\<hostname\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell base64.encode
+syn keyword baanBshell base64.decode
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.create
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.initialize
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.compute.output
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.destroy
+syn match baanBshell "\<uuid.generate\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<uuid.format\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell lookupkey.hash
+syn keyword baanBshell lookupkey.unhash
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.width
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.localename\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.tss.clean\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.ext.clean\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.import\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.export\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.import.raw
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.export.raw
+syn keyword baanBshell uni.import
+syn keyword baanBshell uni.export
+syn keyword baanBshell utf8.import
+syn keyword baanBshell utf8.export
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.strpos
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.scrpos
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.char
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.type
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.cast\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.display
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.isbidi
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.isbidi.language
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.rev\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.hasbidi
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.kb.lang
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.locale.enumerate
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.nsets
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell set.fields.default
+syn keyword baanBshell table.round
+syn keyword baanBshell halfadj
+syn keyword baanBshell round
+syn keyword baanBshell format.round
+syn match baanBshell "\<edit\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<str\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell lval
+syn keyword baanBshell acos
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+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
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+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
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+syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method.sync
+syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method.async
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.write
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.newnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.unlinknode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.deletenode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.appendchildnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.addnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.insertnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.duplicatenode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.setnodeproperties
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.getnodeproperties
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.deletenodeproperties
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.findfirstnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.findnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.findsetofsiblingnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlcontainsvalidcharactersonly
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwrite
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwritepretty
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwritetostring
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwriteprettytostring
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlread
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlreadfromstring
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlnewnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlnewdataelement
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlrewritedataelement
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetdataelement
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetname
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetdata
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetattribute
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldeleteattribute
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetname
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetdata
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgettype
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetparent
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetfirstchild
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetlastchild
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetrightsibling
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetleftsibling
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumattributes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumsiblings
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumleftsiblings
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumrightsiblings
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumchilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetattribute
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetattributename
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldelete
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlunlink
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinsert
+syn keyword baanBshell xmladd
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlappend
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinsertinchilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlappendtochilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicate
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandinsert
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandadd
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandappend
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandinsertinchilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandappendtochilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicatetoprocess
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindfirst
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindfirstmatch
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindmatch
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindsetofsiblingnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlexecutesql
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlexecutedllmethod
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldllsignature
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlnodetosymbol
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlputstringtolog
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetlog
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlcleanuplog
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinstallloglistener
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldeinstallloglistener
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinitsql
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlrefreshsqlcache
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlstatisticssqlcache
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.dump
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.init
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.requestlicense
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.confirmlicense
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.releaselicense
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.customerdata
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.enabledemoperiod
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.productidlicensed
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.set.desktop
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+hi def link baanConditional Conditional
+hi def link baan3gl Statement
+hi def link baan3glpre PreProc
+hi def link baan4gl Statement
+hi def link baan4glh Statement
+hi def link baansql Statement
+hi def link baansqlh Statement
+hi def link baanDalHook Statement
+hi def link baanNumber Number
+hi def link baanString String
+hi def link baanOpenStringError Error
+hi def link baanConstant Constant
+hi def link baanComment Comment
+hi def link baanCommenth Comment
+hi def link baanUncommented Comment
+hi def link baanDLLUsage Comment
+hi def link baanFunUsage Comment
+hi def link baanIdentifier Normal
+hi def link baanBshell Function
+hi def link baanType Type
+hi def link baanStorageClass StorageClass
+let b:current_syntax = "baan"
+" vim: ts=8