path: root/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_filetype.vim')
1 files changed, 2415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim b/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6913eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,2415 @@
+" Test :setfiletype
+func Test_backup_strip()
+ filetype on
+ let fname = 'Xdetect.js~~~~~~~~~~~'
+ call writefile(['one', 'two', 'three'], fname, 'D')
+ exe 'edit ' .. fname
+ call assert_equal('javascript', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_detection()
+ filetype on
+ augroup filetypedetect
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead * call assert_equal(1, did_filetype())
+ augroup END
+ new something.vim
+ call assert_equal('vim', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_conf_type()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['# some comment', 'must be conf'], 'Xconffile', 'D')
+ augroup filetypedetect
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead * call assert_equal(0, did_filetype())
+ augroup END
+ split Xconffile
+ call assert_equal('conf', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_other_type()
+ filetype on
+ augroup filetypedetect
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead * call assert_equal(0, did_filetype())
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead Xotherfile setf testfile
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead * call assert_equal(1, did_filetype())
+ augroup END
+ call writefile(['# some comment', 'must be conf'], 'Xotherfile', 'D')
+ split Xotherfile
+ call assert_equal('testfile', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+" If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set return "fname" expanded in a list.
+" Otherwise return an empty list.
+def s:WhenConfigHome(fname: string): list<string>
+ if exists('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME')
+ return [expand(fname)]
+ endif
+ return []
+" Return the name used for the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME directory.
+def s:GetConfigHome(): string
+ return getcwd() .. '/Xdg_config_home'
+" saved value of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
+let s:saveConfigHome = ''
+def s:SetupConfigHome()
+ if empty(windowsversion())
+ s:saveConfigHome = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
+ setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", GetConfigHome())
+ endif
+" Filetypes detected just from matching the file name.
+" First one is checking that these files have no filetype.
+def s:GetFilenameChecks(): dict<list<string>>
+ return {
+ none: ['bsd', 'some-bsd'],
+ 8th: ['file.8th'],
+ a2ps: ['/etc/a2ps.cfg', '/etc/a2ps/file.cfg', 'a2psrc', '.a2psrc', 'any/etc/a2ps.cfg', 'any/etc/a2ps/file.cfg'],
+ a65: ['file.a65'],
+ aap: ['file.aap'],
+ abap: ['file.abap'],
+ abc: [''],
+ abel: ['file.abl'],
+ acedb: ['file.wrm'],
+ ada: ['file.adb', '', 'file.ada', 'file.gpr'],
+ ahdl: ['file.tdf'],
+ aidl: ['file.aidl'],
+ alsaconf: ['.asoundrc', '/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf', '/etc/asound.conf', 'any/etc/asound.conf', 'any/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf'],
+ aml: ['file.aml'],
+ ampl: [''],
+ ant: ['build.xml'],
+ apache: ['.htaccess', '/etc/httpd/file.conf', '/etc/apache2/sites-2/', '/etc/apache2/some.config', '/etc/apache2/conf.file/conf', '/etc/apache2/mods-some/file', '/etc/apache2/sites-some/file', '/etc/httpd/conf.d/file.config', '/etc/apache2/conf.file/file', '/etc/apache2/file.conf', '/etc/apache2/file.conf-file', '/etc/apache2/mods-file/file', '/etc/apache2/sites-file/file', '/etc/apache2/sites-file/', '/etc/httpd/conf.d/file.conf', '/etc/httpd/conf.d/file.conf-file', 'access.conf', 'access.conf-file', 'any/etc/apache2/conf.file/file', 'any/etc/apache2/file.conf', 'any/etc/apache2/file.conf-file', 'any/etc/apache2/mods-file/file', 'any/etc/apache2/sites-file/file', 'any/etc/apache2/sites-file/', 'any/etc/httpd/conf.d/file.conf', 'any/etc/httpd/conf.d/file.conf-file', 'any/etc/httpd/file.conf', 'apache.conf', 'apache.conf-file', 'apache2.conf', 'apache2.conf-file', 'httpd.conf', 'httpd.conf-file', 'srm.conf', 'srm.conf-file', '/etc/httpd/mods-some/file', '/etc/httpd/sites-some/file', '/etc/httpd/conf.file/conf'],
+ apachestyle: ['/etc/proftpd/file.config,/etc/proftpd/conf.file/file', '/etc/proftpd/conf.file/file', '/etc/proftpd/file.conf', '/etc/proftpd/file.conf-file', 'any/etc/proftpd/conf.file/file', 'any/etc/proftpd/file.conf', 'any/etc/proftpd/file.conf-file', 'proftpd.conf', 'proftpd.conf-file'],
+ applescript: ['file.scpt'],
+ aptconf: ['apt.conf', '/.aptitude/config', 'any/.aptitude/config'],
+ arch: ['.arch-inventory', '=tagging-method'],
+ arduino: ['file.ino', 'file.pde'],
+ art: [''],
+ asciidoc: ['file.asciidoc', 'file.adoc'],
+ asn: ['file.asn', 'file.asn1'],
+ asterisk: ['asterisk/file.conf', 'asterisk/file.conf-file', 'some-asterisk/file.conf', 'some-asterisk/file.conf-file'],
+ astro: ['file.astro'],
+ atlas: ['file.atl', ''],
+ authzed: ['schema.zed'],
+ autohotkey: ['file.ahk'],
+ autoit: ['file.au3'],
+ automake: ['', '', ''],
+ ave: ['file.ave'],
+ awk: ['file.awk', 'file.gawk'],
+ b: ['file.mch', 'file.ref', 'file.imp'],
+ basic: ['file.bas', '', ''],
+ bass: ['file.bass'],
+ bc: ['file.bc'],
+ bdf: ['file.bdf'],
+ beancount: ['file.beancount'],
+ bib: ['file.bib'],
+ bicep: ['file.bicep', 'file.bicepparam'],
+ bindzone: ['named.root', '/bind/db.file', '/named/db.file', 'any/bind/db.file', 'any/named/db.file'],
+ bitbake: ['', 'file.bbappend', 'file.bbclass', 'build/conf/local.conf', 'meta/conf/layer.conf', 'build/conf/bbappend.conf', 'meta-layer/conf/distro/foo.conf'],
+ blade: ['file.blade.php'],
+ blank: [''],
+ blueprint: ['file.blp'],
+ bsdl: ['file.bsd', 'file.bsdl'],
+ bst: ['file.bst'],
+ bzl: ['file.bazel', 'file.bzl', 'WORKSPACE', 'WORKSPACE.bzlmod'],
+ bzr: ['bzr_log.any', 'bzr_log.file'],
+ c: ['enlightenment/file.cfg', 'file.qc', 'file.c', 'some-enlightenment/file.cfg'],
+ cabal: ['file.cabal'],
+ cabalconfig: ['cabal.config', expand("$HOME/.config/cabal/config")] + WhenConfigHome('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cabal/config'),
+ cabalproject: ['cabal.project', 'cabal.project.local'],
+ cairo: ['file.cairo'],
+ calendar: ['calendar', '/.calendar/file', '/share/calendar/any/calendar.file', '/share/calendar/calendar.file', 'any/share/calendar/any/calendar.file', 'any/share/calendar/calendar.file'],
+ capnp: ['file.capnp'],
+ catalog: ['catalog', 'sgml.catalogfile', 'sgml.catalog', 'sgml.catalog-file'],
+ cdl: ['file.cdl'],
+ cdrdaoconf: ['/etc/cdrdao.conf', '/etc/defaults/cdrdao', '/etc/default/cdrdao', '.cdrdao', 'any/etc/cdrdao.conf', 'any/etc/default/cdrdao', 'any/etc/defaults/cdrdao'],
+ cdrtoc: ['file.toc'],
+ cf: ['file.cfm', 'file.cfi', 'file.cfc'],
+ cfengine: ['cfengine.conf'],
+ cfg: ['file.hgrc', 'filehgrc', 'hgrc', 'some-hgrc'],
+ ch: ['file.chf'],
+ chaiscript: ['file.chai'],
+ chaskell: ['file.chs'],
+ chatito: ['file.chatito'],
+ chill: [''],
+ chordpro: ['file.chopro', 'file.crd', 'file.cho', 'file.crdpro', 'file.chordpro'],
+ cl: ['file.eni'],
+ clean: ['file.dcl', 'file.icl'],
+ clojure: ['file.clj', 'file.cljs', 'file.cljx', 'file.cljc'],
+ cmake: ['CMakeLists.txt', 'file.cmake', ''],
+ cmod: ['file.cmod'],
+ cmusrc: ['any/.cmus/autosave', 'any/.cmus/rc', 'any/.cmus/command-history', 'any/.cmus/file.theme', 'any/cmus/rc', 'any/cmus/file.theme', '/.cmus/autosave', '/.cmus/command-history', '/.cmus/file.theme', '/.cmus/rc', '/cmus/file.theme', '/cmus/rc'],
+ cobol: ['file.cbl', 'file.cob', 'file.lib'],
+ coco: ['file.atg'],
+ conaryrecipe: ['file.recipe'],
+ conf: ['auto.master', 'file.conf'],
+ config: ['', '', '/etc/hostname.file', 'any/etc/hostname.file'],
+ confini: ['/etc/pacman.conf', 'any/etc/pacman.conf', 'mpv.conf', 'any/.aws/config', 'any/.aws/credentials', 'file.nmconnection'],
+ context: ['tex/context/any/file.tex', 'file.mkii', 'file.mkiv', 'file.mkvi', 'file.mkxl', 'file.mklx'],
+ cook: ['file.cook'],
+ corn: ['file.corn'],
+ cpon: ['file.cpon'],
+ cpp: ['file.cxx', 'file.c++', 'file.hh', 'file.hxx', 'file.hpp', 'file.ipp', 'file.moc', 'file.tcc', 'file.inl', 'file.tlh', 'file.cppm', 'file.ccm', 'file.cxxm', 'file.c++m'],
+ cqlang: ['file.cql'],
+ crm: ['file.crm'],
+ crontab: ['crontab', 'crontab.file', '/etc/cron.d/file', 'any/etc/cron.d/file'],
+ crystal: [''],
+ cs: ['file.cs', 'file.csx'],
+ csc: [''],
+ csdl: ['file.csdl'],
+ csp: ['file.csp', 'file.fdr'],
+ css: ['file.css'],
+ cterm: ['file.con'],
+ csv: ['file.csv'],
+ cucumber: ['file.feature'],
+ cuda: ['', 'file.cuh'],
+ cue: ['file.cue'],
+ cupl: ['file.pld'],
+ cuplsim: [''],
+ cvs: ['cvs123'],
+ cvsrc: ['.cvsrc'],
+ cynpp: ['file.cyn'],
+ cypher: ['file.cypher'],
+ d: ['file.d'],
+ dart: ['file.dart', 'file.drt'],
+ datascript: ['file.ds'],
+ dcd: ['file.dcd'],
+ debchangelog: ['changelog.Debian', 'changelog.dch', 'NEWS.Debian', 'NEWS.dch', '/debian/changelog'],
+ debcontrol: ['/debian/control', 'any/debian/control'],
+ debcopyright: ['/debian/copyright', 'any/debian/copyright'],
+ debsources: ['/etc/apt/sources.list', '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/file.list', 'any/etc/apt/sources.list', 'any/etc/apt/sources.list.d/file.list'],
+ deb822sources: ['/etc/apt/sources.list.d/file.sources', 'any/etc/apt/sources.list.d/file.sources'],
+ def: ['file.def'],
+ denyhosts: ['denyhosts.conf'],
+ desc: ['file.desc'],
+ desktop: ['file.desktop', '.directory', ''],
+ dhall: ['file.dhall'],
+ dictconf: ['dict.conf', '.dictrc'],
+ dictdconf: ['dictd.conf', 'dictdfile.conf', 'dictd-file.conf'],
+ diff: ['file.diff', 'file.rej'],
+ dircolors: ['.dir_colors', '.dircolors', '/etc/DIR_COLORS', 'any/etc/DIR_COLORS'],
+ dnsmasq: ['/etc/dnsmasq.conf', '/etc/dnsmasq.d/file', 'any/etc/dnsmasq.conf', 'any/etc/dnsmasq.d/file'],
+ dockerfile: ['Containerfile', 'Dockerfile', 'dockerfile', 'file.Dockerfile', 'file.dockerfile', 'Dockerfile.debian', 'Containerfile.something'],
+ dosbatch: ['file.bat'],
+ dosini: ['/etc/yum.conf', 'file.ini', 'npmrc', '.npmrc', 'php.ini', 'php.ini-5', 'php.ini-file', '/etc/yum.repos.d/file', 'any/etc/yum.conf', 'any/etc/yum.repos.d/file', 'file.wrap', 'file.vbp', 'ja2.ini', 'JA2.INI'],
+ dot: ['', 'file.gv'],
+ dracula: ['file.drac', 'file.drc', 'filelvs', 'filelpe', 'drac.file', 'lpe', 'lvs', 'some-lpe', 'some-lvs'],
+ dtd: ['file.dtd'],
+ dtrace: ['/usr/lib/dtrace/io.d'],
+ dts: ['file.dts', 'file.dtsi'],
+ dune: ['jbuild', 'dune', 'dune-project', 'dune-workspace'],
+ dylan: ['file.dylan'],
+ dylanintr: ['file.intr'],
+ dylanlid: ['file.lid'],
+ ecd: ['file.ecd'],
+ edif: ['file.edf', 'file.edif', 'file.edo'],
+ editorconfig: ['.editorconfig'],
+ eelixir: ['file.eex', 'file.leex'],
+ elinks: ['elinks.conf'],
+ elixir: ['file.ex', 'file.exs', 'mix.lock'],
+ elm: ['file.elm'],
+ elmfilt: ['filter-rules'],
+ elsa: [''],
+ elvish: ['file.elv'],
+ epuppet: ['file.epp'],
+ erlang: ['file.erl', 'file.hrl', 'file.yaws'],
+ eruby: ['file.erb', 'file.rhtml'],
+ esdl: ['file.esdl'],
+ esmtprc: ['anyesmtprc', 'esmtprc', 'some-esmtprc'],
+ esqlc: ['', 'file.EC'],
+ esterel: ['file.strl'],
+ eterm: ['anyEterm/file.cfg', 'Eterm/file.cfg', 'some-Eterm/file.cfg'],
+ execline: ['/etc/s6-rc/run', './s6-rc/src/dbus-srv/up', '/sbin/s6-shutdown'],
+ exim: ['exim.conf'],
+ expect: ['file.exp'],
+ exports: ['exports'],
+ factor: ['file.factor'],
+ falcon: ['file.fal'],
+ fan: ['', 'file.fwt'],
+ fennel: ['file.fnl'],
+ fetchmail: ['.fetchmailrc'],
+ fgl: ['file.4gl', 'file.4gh', 'file.m4gl'],
+ firrtl: ['file.fir'],
+ fish: [''],
+ focexec: ['file.fex', 'file.focexec'],
+ form: ['file.frm'],
+ forth: ['file.ft', 'file.fth', 'file.4th'],
+ fortran: ['file.f', 'file.for', 'file.fortran', 'file.fpp', 'file.ftn', 'file.f77', 'file.f90', 'file.f95', 'file.f03', 'file.f08'],
+ fpcmake: ['file.fpc'],
+ framescript: ['file.fsl'],
+ freebasic: ['file.fb'],
+ fsh: ['file.fsh'],
+ fsharp: ['file.fs', 'file.fsi', 'file.fsx'],
+ fstab: ['fstab', 'mtab'],
+ func: ['file.fc'],
+ fusion: ['file.fusion'],
+ fvwm: ['/.fvwm/file', 'any/.fvwm/file'],
+ gdb: ['.gdbinit', 'gdbinit', 'file.gdb', '.config/gdbearlyinit', '.gdbearlyinit'],
+ gdmo: ['', 'file.gdmo'],
+ gdresource: ['file.tscn', 'file.tres'],
+ gdscript: [''],
+ gdshader: ['file.gdshader', 'file.shader'],
+ gedcom: ['file.ged', 'lltxxxxx.txt', '/tmp/lltmp', '/tmp/lltmp-file', 'any/tmp/lltmp', 'any/tmp/lltmp-file'],
+ gemtext: ['file.gmi', 'file.gemini'],
+ gift: [''],
+ gitattributes: ['file.git/info/attributes', '.gitattributes', '/.config/git/attributes', '/etc/gitattributes', '/usr/local/etc/gitattributes', 'some.git/info/attributes'] + WhenConfigHome('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/attributes'),
+ gitconfig: ['file.git/config', 'file.git/config.worktree', 'file.git/worktrees/x/config.worktree', '.gitconfig', '.gitmodules', 'file.git/modules//config', '/.config/git/config', '/etc/gitconfig', '/usr/local/etc/gitconfig', '/etc/gitconfig.d/file', 'any/etc/gitconfig.d/file', '/.gitconfig.d/file', 'any/.config/git/config', 'any/.gitconfig.d/file', 'some.git/config', 'some.git/modules/any/config'] + WhenConfigHome('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config'),
+ gitignore: ['file.git/info/exclude', '.gitignore', '/.config/git/ignore', 'some.git/info/exclude'] + WhenConfigHome('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore'),
+ gitolite: ['gitolite.conf', '/gitolite-admin/conf/file', 'any/gitolite-admin/conf/file'],
+ gitrebase: ['git-rebase-todo'],
+ gitsendemail: ['.gitsendemail.msg.xxxxxx'],
+ gkrellmrc: ['gkrellmrc', 'gkrellmrc_x'],
+ gleam: ['file.gleam'],
+ glsl: ['file.glsl'],
+ gn: ['', 'file.gni'],
+ gnash: ['gnashrc', '.gnashrc', 'gnashpluginrc', '.gnashpluginrc'],
+ gnuplot: ['file.gpi', '.gnuplot'],
+ go: ['file.go'],
+ gomod: ['go.mod'],
+ gosum: ['go.sum', ''],
+ gowork: [''],
+ gp: ['', '.gprc'],
+ gpg: ['/.gnupg/options', '/.gnupg/gpg.conf', '/usr/any/gnupg/options.skel', 'any/.gnupg/gpg.conf', 'any/.gnupg/options', 'any/usr/any/gnupg/options.skel'],
+ grads: [''],
+ graphql: ['file.graphql', 'file.graphqls', 'file.gql'],
+ gretl: ['file.gretl'],
+ groovy: ['file.gradle', 'file.groovy', 'Jenkinsfile'],
+ group: ['any/etc/group', 'any/etc/group-', 'any/etc/group.edit', 'any/etc/gshadow', 'any/etc/gshadow-', 'any/etc/gshadow.edit', 'any/var/backups/group.bak', 'any/var/backups/gshadow.bak', '/etc/group', '/etc/group-', '/etc/group.edit', '/etc/gshadow', '/etc/gshadow-', '/etc/gshadow.edit', '/var/backups/group.bak', '/var/backups/gshadow.bak'],
+ grub: ['/boot/grub/menu.lst', '/boot/grub/grub.conf', '/etc/grub.conf', 'any/boot/grub/grub.conf', 'any/boot/grub/menu.lst', 'any/etc/grub.conf'],
+ gsp: ['file.gsp'],
+ gtkrc: ['.gtkrc', 'gtkrc', '.gtkrc-file', 'gtkrc-file'],
+ gyp: ['file.gyp', 'file.gypi'],
+ hack: ['file.hack', 'file.hackpartial'],
+ haml: ['file.haml'],
+ hamster: ['file.hsm'],
+ handlebars: ['file.hbs'],
+ hare: ['file.ha'],
+ haskell: ['file.hs', 'file.hsc', 'file.hs-boot', 'file.hsig'],
+ haskellpersistent: ['file.persistentmodels'],
+ haste: [''],
+ hastepreproc: ['file.htpp'],
+ hb: ['file.hb'],
+ hcl: ['file.hcl'],
+ heex: ['file.heex'],
+ hercules: ['', 'file.ev', 'file.sum', 'file.errsum'],
+ hex: ['file.hex', 'file.h32'],
+ hgcommit: ['hg-editor-file.txt'],
+ hjson: ['file.hjson'],
+ hlsplaylist: ['file.m3u', 'file.m3u8'],
+ hog: ['file.hog', 'snort.conf', 'vision.conf'],
+ hollywood: ['file.hws'],
+ hoon: ['file.hoon'],
+ hostconf: ['/etc/host.conf', 'any/etc/host.conf'],
+ hostsaccess: ['/etc/hosts.allow', '/etc/hosts.deny', 'any/etc/hosts.allow', 'any/etc/hosts.deny'],
+ html: ['file.html', 'file.htm', 'file.cshtml', 'file.component.html'],
+ htmlm4: ['file.html.m4'],
+ httest: ['file.htt', 'file.htb'],
+ hurl: ['file.hurl'],
+ i3config: ['/home/user/.i3/config', '/home/user/.config/i3/config', '/etc/i3/config', '/etc/xdg/i3/config'],
+ ibasic: ['file.iba', 'file.ibi'],
+ icemenu: ['/.icewm/menu', 'any/.icewm/menu'],
+ icon: ['file.icn'],
+ indent: ['', 'indentrc'],
+ inform: ['file.inf', 'file.INF'],
+ initng: ['/etc/initng/any/file.i', 'file.ii', 'any/etc/initng/any/file.i'],
+ inittab: ['inittab'],
+ ipfilter: ['ipf.conf', 'ipf6.conf', 'ipf.rules'],
+ iss: ['file.iss'],
+ ist: ['', 'file.mst'],
+ j: ['file.ijs'],
+ jal: ['file.jal', 'file.JAL'],
+ jam: ['file.jpl', 'file.jpr', 'JAM-file.file', 'JAM.file', 'Prl-file.file', 'Prl.file'],
+ janet: ['file.janet'],
+ java: ['', 'file.jav'],
+ javacc: ['file.jj', 'file.jjt'],
+ javascript: ['file.js', 'file.jsm', 'file.javascript', '', 'file.mjs', 'file.cjs'],
+ 'javascript.glimmer': ['file.gjs'],
+ javascriptreact: ['file.jsx'],
+ jess: ['file.clp'],
+ jgraph: ['file.jgr'],
+ jq: ['file.jq'],
+ jovial: ['file.jov', 'file.j73', 'file.jovial'],
+ jproperties: ['', 'file.properties_xx', 'file.properties_xx_xx', 'some.properties_xx_xx_file', ''],
+ json: ['file.json', 'file.jsonp', 'file.json-patch', 'file.geojson', 'file.webmanifest', 'Pipfile.lock', 'file.ipynb', '.prettierrc', '.firebaserc', '.stylelintrc', 'file.slnf'],
+ json5: ['file.json5'],
+ jsonc: ['file.jsonc', '.babelrc', '.eslintrc', '.jsfmtrc', '.jshintrc', '.hintrc', '.swrc', 'jsconfig.json', 'tsconfig.json', 'tsconfig.test.json', 'tsconfig-test.json'],
+ jsonl: ['file.jsonl'],
+ jsonnet: ['file.jsonnet', 'file.libsonnet'],
+ jsp: ['file.jsp'],
+ julia: ['file.jl'],
+ just: ['justfile', 'Justfile', '.justfile', 'config.just'],
+ kconfig: ['Kconfig', 'Kconfig.debug', 'Kconfig.file'],
+ kdl: ['file.kdl'],
+ kivy: ['file.kv'],
+ kix: ['file.kix'],
+ kotlin: ['file.kt', 'file.ktm', 'file.kts'],
+ krl: ['file.sub', 'file.Sub', 'file.SUB'],
+ kscript: ['file.ks'],
+ kwt: ['file.k'],
+ lace: ['file.ace', 'file.ACE'],
+ latte: ['file.latte', 'file.lte'],
+ ld: ['file.ld'],
+ ldif: ['file.ldif'],
+ lean: ['file.lean'],
+ ledger: ['file.ldg', 'file.ledger', 'file.journal'],
+ less: ['file.less'],
+ lex: ['file.lex', 'file.l', 'file.lxx', 'file.l++'],
+ lftp: ['lftp.conf', '.lftprc', 'anylftp/rc', 'lftp/rc', 'some-lftp/rc'],
+ lhaskell: ['file.lhs'],
+ libao: ['/etc/libao.conf', '/.libao', 'any/.libao', 'any/etc/libao.conf'],
+ lifelines: ['file.ll'],
+ lilo: ['lilo.conf', 'lilo.conf-file'],
+ lilypond: ['', 'file.ily'],
+ limits: ['/etc/limits', '/etc/anylimits.conf', '/etc/anylimits.d/file.conf', '/etc/limits.conf', '/etc/limits.d/file.conf', '/etc/some-limits.conf', '/etc/some-limits.d/file.conf', 'any/etc/limits', 'any/etc/limits.conf', 'any/etc/limits.d/file.conf', 'any/etc/some-limits.conf', 'any/etc/some-limits.d/file.conf'],
+ liquidsoap: ['file.liq'],
+ liquid: ['file.liquid'],
+ lisp: ['file.lsp', 'file.lisp', 'file.asd', 'file.el', '', '.emacs', '.sawfishrc', 'sbclrc', '.sbclrc'],
+ lite: ['file.lite', ''],
+ litestep: ['/LiteStep/any/file.rc', 'any/LiteStep/any/file.rc'],
+ logcheck: ['/etc/logcheck/file.d-some/file', '/etc/logcheck/file.d/file', 'any/etc/logcheck/file.d-some/file', 'any/etc/logcheck/file.d/file'],
+ livebook: ['file.livemd'],
+ loginaccess: ['/etc/login.access', 'any/etc/login.access'],
+ logindefs: ['/etc/login.defs', 'any/etc/login.defs'],
+ logtalk: ['file.lgt'],
+ lotos: ['file.lot', 'file.lotos'],
+ lout: ['file.lou', 'file.lout'],
+ lpc: ['file.lpc', 'file.ulpc'],
+ lsl: ['file.lsl'],
+ lss: ['file.lss'],
+ lua: ['file.lua', 'file.rockspec', 'file.nse', '.luacheckrc', '.busted'],
+ luau: ['file.luau'],
+ lynx: ['lynx.cfg'],
+ lyrics: ['file.lrc'],
+ m3build: ['m3makefile', 'm3overrides'],
+ m3quake: ['file.quake', 'cm3.cfg'],
+ m4: [''],
+ mail: ['snd.123', '.letter', '.letter.123', '.followup', '.article', '.article.123', 'pico.123', 'mutt-xx-xxx', 'muttng-xx-xxx', 'ae123.txt', 'file.eml', 'reportbug-file'],
+ mailaliases: ['/etc/mail/aliases', '/etc/aliases', 'any/etc/aliases', 'any/etc/mail/aliases'],
+ mailcap: ['.mailcap', 'mailcap'],
+ make: ['', 'file.mak', 'file.dsp', 'makefile', 'Makefile', 'makefile-file', 'Makefile-file', 'some-makefile', 'some-Makefile'],
+ mallard: [''],
+ man: [''],
+ manconf: ['/etc/man.conf', 'man.config', 'any/etc/man.conf'],
+ map: [''],
+ maple: ['', 'file.mpl', 'file.mws'],
+ markdown: ['file.markdown', 'file.mdown', 'file.mkd', 'file.mkdn', 'file.mdwn', ''],
+ mason: ['file.mason', 'file.mhtml', 'file.comp'],
+ master: ['file.mas', 'file.master'],
+ matlab: ['file.m'],
+ maxima: ['file.demo', 'file.dmt', 'file.dm1', 'file.dm2', 'file.dm3',
+ 'file.wxm', 'maxima-init.mac'],
+ mel: ['file.mel'],
+ mermaid: ['file.mmd', 'file.mmdc', 'file.mermaid'],
+ meson: ['', 'meson.options', 'meson_options.txt'],
+ messages: ['/log/auth', '/log/cron', '/log/daemon', '/log/debug',
+ '/log/kern', '/log/lpr', '/log/mail', '/log/messages',
+ '/log/news/news', '/log/syslog', '/log/user', '/log/auth.log',
+ '/log/cron.log', '/log/daemon.log', '/log/debug.log',
+ '/log/kern.log', '/log/lpr.log', '/log/mail.log',
+ '/log/messages.log', '/log/news/news.log', '/log/syslog.log',
+ '/log/user.log', '/log/auth.err', '/log/cron.err',
+ '/log/daemon.err', '/log/debug.err', '/log/kern.err',
+ '/log/lpr.err', '/log/mail.err', '/log/messages.err',
+ '/log/news/news.err', '/log/syslog.err', '/log/user.err',
+ '/log/', '/log/', '/log/',
+ '/log/', '/log/', '/log/',
+ '/log/', '/log/', '/log/news/',
+ '/log/', '/log/', '/log/auth.warn',
+ '/log/cron.warn', '/log/daemon.warn', '/log/debug.warn',
+ '/log/kern.warn', '/log/lpr.warn', '/log/mail.warn',
+ '/log/messages.warn', '/log/news/news.warn',
+ '/log/syslog.warn', '/log/user.warn', '/log/auth.crit',
+ '/log/cron.crit', '/log/daemon.crit', '/log/debug.crit',
+ '/log/kern.crit', '/log/lpr.crit', '/log/mail.crit',
+ '/log/messages.crit', '/log/news/news.crit',
+ '/log/syslog.crit', '/log/user.crit', '/log/auth.notice',
+ '/log/cron.notice', '/log/daemon.notice', '/log/debug.notice',
+ '/log/kern.notice', '/log/lpr.notice', '/log/mail.notice',
+ '/log/messages.notice', '/log/news/news.notice',
+ '/log/syslog.notice', '/log/user.notice'],
+ mf: [''],
+ mgl: ['file.mgl'],
+ mgp: ['file.mgp'],
+ mib: ['file.mib', ''],
+ mix: ['file.mix', 'file.mixal'],
+ mma: ['file.nb'],
+ mmp: ['file.mmp'],
+ modconf: ['/etc/modules.conf', '/etc/modules', '/etc/conf.modules', '/etc/modprobe.file', 'any/etc/conf.modules', 'any/etc/modprobe.file', 'any/etc/modules', 'any/etc/modules.conf'],
+ modula3: ['file.m3', '', 'file.i3', 'file.ig', 'file.lm3'],
+ monk: ['file.isc', 'file.monk', 'file.ssc', 'file.tsc'],
+ moo: ['file.moo'],
+ moonscript: ['file.moon'],
+ move: ['file.move'],
+ mp: ['', 'file.mpxl', 'file.mpiv', 'file.mpvi'],
+ mplayerconf: ['mplayer.conf', '/.mplayer/config', 'any/.mplayer/config'],
+ mrxvtrc: ['mrxvtrc', '.mrxvtrc'],
+ msidl: ['file.odl', 'file.mof'],
+ msql: ['file.msql'],
+ mojo: ['file.mojo', 'file.🔥'],
+ mupad: [''],
+ mush: ['file.mush'],
+ mustache: ['file.mustache'],
+ muttrc: ['Muttngrc', 'Muttrc', '.muttngrc', '.muttngrc-file', '.muttrc',
+ '.muttrc-file', '/.mutt/muttngrc', '/.mutt/muttngrc-file',
+ '/.mutt/muttrc', '/.mutt/muttrc-file', '/.muttng/muttngrc',
+ '/.muttng/muttngrc-file', '/.muttng/muttrc',
+ '/.muttng/muttrc-file', '/etc/Muttrc.d/file',
+ '/etc/Muttrc.d/file.rc', 'Muttngrc-file', 'Muttrc-file',
+ 'any/.mutt/muttngrc', 'any/.mutt/muttngrc-file',
+ 'any/.mutt/muttrc', 'any/.mutt/muttrc-file',
+ 'any/.muttng/muttngrc', 'any/.muttng/muttngrc-file',
+ 'any/.muttng/muttrc', 'any/.muttng/muttrc-file',
+ 'any/etc/Muttrc.d/file', 'muttngrc', 'muttngrc-file', 'muttrc',
+ 'muttrc-file'],
+ mysql: ['file.mysql'],
+ n1ql: ['file.n1ql', 'file.nql'],
+ named: ['namedfile.conf', 'rndcfile.conf', 'named-file.conf', 'named.conf', 'rndc-file.conf', 'rndc-file.key', 'rndc.conf', 'rndc.key'],
+ nanorc: ['/etc/nanorc', 'file.nanorc', 'any/etc/nanorc'],
+ natural: ['file.NSA', 'file.NSC', 'file.NSG', 'file.NSL', 'file.NSM', 'file.NSN', 'file.NSP', 'file.NSS'],
+ ncf: ['file.ncf'],
+ neomuttrc: ['Neomuttrc', '.neomuttrc', '.neomuttrc-file', '/.neomutt/neomuttrc', '/.neomutt/neomuttrc-file', 'Neomuttrc', 'Neomuttrc-file', 'any/.neomutt/neomuttrc', 'any/.neomutt/neomuttrc-file', 'neomuttrc', 'neomuttrc-file'],
+ netrc: ['.netrc'],
+ nginx: ['file.nginx', 'nginxfile.conf', 'filenginx.conf', 'any/etc/nginx/file', 'any/usr/local/nginx/conf/file', 'any/nginx/file.conf'],
+ nim: ['file.nim', 'file.nims', 'file.nimble'],
+ ninja: [''],
+ nix: ['file.nix'],
+ norg: ['file.norg'],
+ nqc: ['file.nqc'],
+ nroff: ['', '', 'file.roff', 'file.tmac', '', 'tmac.file'],
+ nsis: ['file.nsi', 'file.nsh'],
+ nu: [''],
+ obj: ['file.obj'],
+ objdump: ['file.objdump', 'file.cppobjdump'],
+ obse: ['file.obl', 'file.obse', 'file.oblivion', 'file.obscript'],
+ ocaml: ['', 'file.mli', 'file.mll', 'file.mly', '.ocamlinit', 'file.mlt', 'file.mlp', 'file.mlip', 'file.mli.cppo', ''],
+ occam: ['file.occ'],
+ octave: ['octaverc', '.octaverc', 'octave.conf'],
+ odin: ['file.odin'],
+ omnimark: ['file.xom', ''],
+ opam: ['opam', 'file.opam', 'file.opam.template'],
+ openroad: ['file.or'],
+ openscad: ['file.scad'],
+ openvpn: ['file.ovpn', '/etc/openvpn/client/client.conf', '/usr/share/openvpn/examples/server.conf'],
+ opl: ['file.OPL', 'file.OPl', 'file.OpL', 'file.Opl', 'file.oPL', 'file.oPl', 'file.opL', 'file.opl'],
+ ora: ['file.ora'],
+ org: ['', 'file.org_archive'],
+ pacmanlog: ['pacman.log'],
+ pamconf: ['/etc/pam.conf', '/etc/pam.d/file', 'any/etc/pam.conf', 'any/etc/pam.d/file'],
+ pamenv: ['/etc/security/pam_env.conf', '/home/user/.pam_environment', '.pam_environment', 'pam_env.conf'],
+ papp: ['file.papp', 'file.pxml', 'file.pxsl'],
+ pascal: ['file.pas', 'file.dpr', 'file.lpr'],
+ passwd: ['any/etc/passwd', 'any/etc/passwd-', 'any/etc/passwd.edit', 'any/etc/shadow', 'any/etc/shadow-', 'any/etc/shadow.edit', 'any/var/backups/passwd.bak', 'any/var/backups/shadow.bak', '/etc/passwd', '/etc/passwd-', '/etc/passwd.edit', '/etc/shadow', '/etc/shadow-', '/etc/shadow.edit', '/var/backups/passwd.bak', '/var/backups/shadow.bak'],
+ pbtxt: ['file.pbtxt'],
+ pccts: ['file.g'],
+ pcmk: ['file.pcmk'],
+ pdf: ['file.pdf'],
+ pem: ['file.pem', 'file.cer', 'file.crt', 'file.csr'],
+ perl: ['file.plx', '', 'file.psgi', 'gitolite.rc', '.gitolite.rc', 'example.gitolite.rc', '.latexmkrc', 'latexmkrc'],
+ pf: ['pf.conf'],
+ pfmain: ['', ''],
+ php: ['file.php', 'file.php9', 'file.phtml', 'file.ctp', 'file.phpt', 'file.theme'],
+ pike: ['file.pike', 'file.pmod'],
+ pilrc: ['file.rcp'],
+ pine: ['.pinerc', 'pinerc', '.pinercex', 'pinercex'],
+ pinfo: ['/etc/pinforc', '/.pinforc', 'any/.pinforc', 'any/etc/pinforc'],
+ pli: ['file.pli', 'file.pl1'],
+ plm: ['file.plm', 'file.p36', 'file.pac'],
+ plp: ['file.plp'],
+ plsql: ['file.pls', 'file.plsql'],
+ po: ['file.po', 'file.pot'],
+ pod: ['file.pod'],
+ poefilter: ['file.filter'],
+ poke: [''],
+ pony: ['file.pony'],
+ postscr: ['', 'file.pfa', 'file.afm', 'file.eps', 'file.epsf', 'file.epsi', ''],
+ pov: ['file.pov'],
+ povini: ['.povrayrc'],
+ ppd: ['file.ppd'],
+ ppwiz: ['', 'file.ih'],
+ prisma: ['file.prisma'],
+ privoxy: ['file.action'],
+ proc: ['file.pc'],
+ procmail: ['.procmail', '.procmailrc'],
+ prolog: ['file.pdb'],
+ promela: ['file.pml'],
+ proto: ['file.proto'],
+ protocols: ['/etc/protocols', 'any/etc/protocols'],
+ ps1: ['file.ps1', 'file.psd1', 'file.psm1', 'file.pssc'],
+ ps1xml: ['file.ps1xml'],
+ psf: ['file.psf'],
+ psl: ['file.psl'],
+ pug: ['file.pug'],
+ puppet: ['file.pp'],
+ pymanifest: [''],
+ pyret: ['file.arr'],
+ pyrex: ['file.pyx', 'file.pxd'],
+ python: ['', 'file.pyw', '.pythonstartup', '.pythonrc', 'file.ptl', 'file.pyi', 'SConstruct'],
+ ql: ['file.ql', 'file.qll'],
+ qml: ['file.qml', 'file.qbs'],
+ qmldir: ['qmldir'],
+ quake: ['anybaseq2/file.cfg', 'anyid1/file.cfg', 'quake3/file.cfg', 'baseq2/file.cfg', 'id1/file.cfg', 'quake1/file.cfg', 'some-baseq2/file.cfg', 'some-id1/file.cfg', 'some-quake1/file.cfg'],
+ quarto: ['file.qmd'],
+ r: ['file.r', '.Rprofile', 'Rprofile', ''],
+ racket: ['file.rkt', 'file.rktd', 'file.rktl'],
+ radiance: ['file.rad', 'file.mat'],
+ raku: ['file.pm6', 'file.p6', 'file.t6', 'file.pod6', 'file.raku', 'file.rakumod', 'file.rakudoc', 'file.rakutest'],
+ raml: ['file.raml'],
+ ratpoison: ['.ratpoisonrc', 'ratpoisonrc'],
+ rbs: ['file.rbs'],
+ rc: ['file.rc', 'file.rch'],
+ rcs: ['file,v'],
+ readline: ['.inputrc', 'inputrc'],
+ rego: ['file.rego'],
+ remind: ['.reminders', 'file.remind', 'file.rem', '.reminders-file'],
+ requirements: ['file.pip', 'requirements.txt'],
+ rescript: ['file.res', 'file.resi'],
+ resolv: ['resolv.conf'],
+ reva: ['file.frt'],
+ rexx: ['file.rex', 'file.orx', 'file.rxo', 'file.rxj', 'file.jrexx', 'file.rexxj', 'file.rexx', 'file.testGroup', 'file.testUnit'],
+ rhelp: ['file.rd'],
+ rib: ['file.rib'],
+ rmd: ['file.rmd', 'file.smd'],
+ rnc: ['file.rnc'],
+ rng: ['file.rng'],
+ rnoweb: ['file.rnw', 'file.snw'],
+ rpgle: ['file.rpgle', 'file.rpgleinc'],
+ robot: ['file.robot', 'file.resource'],
+ robots: ['robots.txt'],
+ ron: ['file.ron'],
+ routeros: ['file.rsc'],
+ rpcgen: ['file.x'],
+ rpl: ['file.rpl'],
+ rrst: ['file.rrst', 'file.srst'],
+ rst: ['file.rst'],
+ rtf: ['file.rtf'],
+ ruby: ['.irbrc', 'irbrc', 'file.rb', 'file.rbw', 'file.gemspec', '', 'Gemfile', 'file.builder', 'file.rxml', 'file.rjs', 'file.rant', 'file.rake', 'rakefile', 'Rakefile', 'rantfile', 'Rantfile', 'rakefile-file', 'Rakefile-file', 'Puppetfile', 'Vagrantfile'],
+ rust: [''],
+ samba: ['smb.conf'],
+ sas: [''],
+ sass: ['file.sass'],
+ sather: [''],
+ sbt: ['file.sbt'],
+ scala: ['file.scala'],
+ scheme: ['file.scm', '', 'file.sld'],
+ scilab: ['file.sci', 'file.sce'],
+ screen: ['.screenrc', 'screenrc'],
+ scss: ['file.scss'],
+ sd: [''],
+ sdc: ['file.sdc'],
+ sdl: ['file.sdl', ''],
+ sed: ['file.sed'],
+ sensors: ['/etc/sensors.conf', '/etc/sensors3.conf', '/etc/sensors.d/file', 'any/etc/sensors.conf', 'any/etc/sensors3.conf', 'any/etc/sensors.d/file'],
+ services: ['/etc/services', 'any/etc/services'],
+ setserial: ['/etc/serial.conf', 'any/etc/serial.conf'],
+ sexplib: ['file.sexp'],
+ sh: ['.bashrc', '.bash_profile', '.bash-profile', '.bash_logout', '.bash-logout', '.bash_aliases', '.bash-aliases', '/tmp/bash-fc-3Ozjlw', '/tmp/bash-fc.3Ozjlw', 'PKGBUILD', 'APKBUILD', 'file.bash', '/usr/share/doc/bash-completion/', '/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.conf', 'any/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.conf'],
+ sieve: ['file.siv', 'file.sieve'],
+ sil: ['file.sil'],
+ simula: ['file.sim'],
+ sinda: ['file.sin', 'file.s85'],
+ sisu: ['file.sst', 'file.ssm', 'file.ssi', 'file.-sst', 'file._sst', 'file.sst.meta', 'file.-sst.meta', 'file._sst.meta'],
+ skill: ['', 'file.ils', 'file.cdf'],
+ cdc: ['file.cdc'],
+ slang: [''],
+ sage: ['file.sage'],
+ slice: [''],
+ slpconf: ['/etc/slp.conf', 'any/etc/slp.conf'],
+ slpreg: ['/etc/slp.reg', 'any/etc/slp.reg'],
+ slpspi: ['/etc/slp.spi', 'any/etc/slp.spi'],
+ slrnrc: ['.slrnrc'],
+ slrnsc: ['file.score'],
+ sm: [''],
+ smali: ['file.smali'],
+ smarty: ['file.tpl'],
+ smcl: ['file.hlp', 'file.ihlp', 'file.smcl'],
+ smith: ['file.smt', 'file.smith'],
+ smithy: ['file.smithy'],
+ sml: ['file.sml'],
+ snobol4: ['file.sno', 'file.spt'],
+ solidity: ['file.sol'],
+ solution: ['file.sln'],
+ sparql: ['file.rq', 'file.sparql'],
+ spec: ['file.spec'],
+ spice: ['file.sp', 'file.spice'],
+ spup: ['file.speedup', 'file.spdata', 'file.spd'],
+ spyce: ['file.spy', 'file.spi'],
+ sql: ['file.tyb', 'file.tyc', 'file.pkb', 'file.pks'],
+ sqlj: ['file.sqlj'],
+ prql: ['file.prql'],
+ sqr: ['file.sqr', 'file.sqi'],
+ squid: ['squid.conf'],
+ squirrel: ['file.nut'],
+ srec: ['file.s19', 'file.s28', 'file.s37', 'file.mot', 'file.srec'],
+ srt: [''],
+ ssa: ['file.ass', 'file.ssa'],
+ sshconfig: ['ssh_config', '/.ssh/config', '/etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/file.conf', 'any/etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/file.conf', 'any/.ssh/config', 'any/.ssh/file.conf'],
+ sshdconfig: ['sshd_config', '/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/file.conf', 'any/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/file.conf'],
+ st: [''],
+ starlark: ['file.ipd', '', 'file.starlark'],
+ stata: ['file.ado', '', 'file.imata', 'file.mata'],
+ stp: ['file.stp'],
+ sudoers: ['any/etc/sudoers', 'sudoers.tmp', '/etc/sudoers', 'any/etc/sudoers.d/file'],
+ supercollider: ['file.quark'],
+ surface: ['file.sface'],
+ svelte: ['file.svelte'],
+ svg: ['file.svg'],
+ svn: ['svn-commitfile.tmp', 'svn-commit-file.tmp', 'svn-commit.tmp'],
+ swayconfig: ['/home/user/.sway/config', '/home/user/.config/sway/config', '/etc/sway/config', '/etc/xdg/sway/config'],
+ swift: ['file.swift'],
+ swiftgyb: ['file.swift.gyb'],
+ swig: ['file.swg', 'file.swig'],
+ sysctl: ['/etc/sysctl.conf', '/etc/sysctl.d/file.conf', 'any/etc/sysctl.conf', 'any/etc/sysctl.d/file.conf'],
+ systemd: ['any/systemd/file.automount', 'any/systemd/file.dnssd',
+ 'any/systemd/', 'any/systemd/file.mount',
+ 'any/systemd/file.netdev', 'any/systemd/',
+ 'any/systemd/file.nspawn', 'any/systemd/file.path',
+ 'any/systemd/file.service', 'any/systemd/file.slice',
+ 'any/systemd/file.socket', 'any/systemd/file.swap',
+ 'any/systemd/', 'any/systemd/file.timer',
+ '/etc/systemd/some.conf.d/file.conf',
+ '/etc/systemd/system/some.d/file.conf',
+ '/etc/systemd/system/some.d/.#file',
+ '/etc/systemd/system/.#otherfile',
+ '/home/user/.config/systemd/user/some.d/mine.conf',
+ '/home/user/.config/systemd/user/some.d/.#file',
+ '/home/user/.config/systemd/user/.#otherfile',
+ '/.config/systemd/user/.#', '/.config/systemd/user/.#-file',
+ '/.config/systemd/user/file.d/.#',
+ '/.config/systemd/user/file.d/.#-file',
+ '/.config/systemd/user/file.d/file.conf',
+ '/etc/systemd/file.conf.d/file.conf', '/etc/systemd/system/.#',
+ '/etc/systemd/system/.#-file', '/etc/systemd/system/file.d/.#',
+ '/etc/systemd/system/file.d/.#-file',
+ '/etc/systemd/system/file.d/file.conf',
+ '/systemd/file.automount', '/systemd/file.dnssd',
+ '/systemd/', '/systemd/file.mount',
+ '/systemd/file.netdev', '/systemd/',
+ '/systemd/file.nspawn', '/systemd/file.path',
+ '/systemd/file.service', '/systemd/file.slice',
+ '/systemd/file.socket', '/systemd/file.swap',
+ '/systemd/', '/systemd/file.timer',
+ 'any/.config/systemd/user/.#',
+ 'any/.config/systemd/user/.#-file',
+ 'any/.config/systemd/user/file.d/.#',
+ 'any/.config/systemd/user/file.d/.#-file',
+ 'any/.config/systemd/user/file.d/file.conf',
+ 'any/etc/systemd/file.conf.d/file.conf',
+ 'any/etc/systemd/system/.#', 'any/etc/systemd/system/.#-file',
+ 'any/etc/systemd/system/file.d/.#',
+ 'any/etc/systemd/system/file.d/.#-file',
+ 'any/etc/systemd/system/file.d/file.conf'],
+ systemverilog: ['', 'file.svh'],
+ trace32: ['file.cmm', 'file.t32'],
+ tags: ['tags'],
+ tak: ['file.tak'],
+ tal: ['file.tal'],
+ taskdata: ['', '', ''],
+ taskedit: ['file.task'],
+ tcl: ['file.tcl', '', '', 'file.itcl', 'file.itk', 'file.jacl', '.tclshrc', 'tclsh.rc', '.wishrc'],
+ tablegen: [''],
+ teal: [''],
+ template: ['file.tmpl'],
+ teraterm: ['file.ttl'],
+ terminfo: ['file.ti'],
+ 'terraform-vars': ['file.tfvars'],
+ tex: ['file.latex', 'file.sty', 'file.dtx', 'file.ltx', 'file.bbl'],
+ texinfo: ['file.texinfo', 'file.texi', 'file.txi'],
+ texmf: ['texmf.cnf'],
+ text: ['file.text', 'file.txt', 'README', 'LICENSE', 'COPYING', 'AUTHORS', '/usr/share/doc/bash-completion/AUTHORS', '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/README', '/etc/Muttrc.d/README'],
+ tf: ['', '.tfrc', 'tfrc'],
+ thrift: ['file.thrift'],
+ tidy: ['.tidyrc', 'tidyrc', 'tidy.conf'],
+ tilde: ['file.t.html'],
+ tla: ['file.tla'],
+ tli: ['file.tli'],
+ tmux: ['tmuxfile.conf', '.tmuxfile.conf', '.tmux-file.conf', '.tmux.conf', 'tmux-file.conf', 'tmux.conf', 'tmux.conf.local'],
+ toml: ['file.toml', 'Gopkg.lock', 'Pipfile', '/home/user/.cargo/config'],
+ tpp: ['file.tpp'],
+ treetop: ['file.treetop'],
+ trustees: ['trustees.conf'],
+ tsalt: ['file.slt'],
+ tsscl: ['file.tsscl'],
+ tssgm: ['file.tssgm'],
+ tssop: ['file.tssop'],
+ tsv: ['file.tsv'],
+ twig: ['file.twig'],
+ typescript: ['file.mts', 'file.cts'],
+ 'typescript.glimmer': ['file.gts'],
+ typescriptreact: ['file.tsx'],
+ ungrammar: ['file.ungram'],
+ uc: ['file.uc'],
+ udevconf: ['/etc/udev/udev.conf', 'any/etc/udev/udev.conf'],
+ udevperm: ['/etc/udev/permissions.d/file.permissions', 'any/etc/udev/permissions.d/file.permissions'],
+ udevrules: ['/etc/udev/rules.d/file.rules', '/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/file.rules', '/lib/udev/rules.d/file.rules'],
+ uil: ['file.uit', 'file.uil'],
+ unison: ['file.u', 'file.uu'],
+ updatedb: ['/etc/updatedb.conf', 'any/etc/updatedb.conf'],
+ upstart: ['/usr/share/upstart/file.conf', '/usr/share/upstart/file.override', '/etc/init/file.conf', '/etc/init/file.override', '/.init/file.conf', '/.init/file.override', '/.config/upstart/file.conf', '/.config/upstart/file.override', 'any/.config/upstart/file.conf', 'any/.config/upstart/file.override', 'any/.init/file.conf', 'any/.init/file.override', 'any/etc/init/file.conf', 'any/etc/init/file.override', 'any/usr/share/upstart/file.conf', 'any/usr/share/upstart/file.override'],
+ upstreamdat: ['upstream.dat', 'UPSTREAM.DAT', 'upstream.file.dat', 'UPSTREAM.FILE.DAT', 'file.upstream.dat', 'FILE.UPSTREAM.DAT'],
+ upstreaminstalllog: ['upstreaminstall.log', 'UPSTREAMINSTALL.LOG', 'upstreaminstall.file.log', 'UPSTREAMINSTALL.FILE.LOG', 'file.upstreaminstall.log', 'FILE.UPSTREAMINSTALL.LOG'],
+ upstreamlog: ['fdrupstream.log', 'upstream.log', 'UPSTREAM.LOG', 'upstream.file.log', 'UPSTREAM.FILE.LOG', 'file.upstream.log', 'FILE.UPSTREAM.LOG', 'UPSTREAM-file.log', 'UPSTREAM-FILE.LOG'],
+ urlshortcut: ['file.url'],
+ usd: ['file.usda', 'file.usd'],
+ usserverlog: ['usserver.log', 'USSERVER.LOG', 'usserver.file.log', 'USSERVER.FILE.LOG', 'file.usserver.log', 'FILE.USSERVER.LOG'],
+ usw2kagtlog: ['usw2kagt.log', 'USW2KAGT.LOG', 'usw2kagt.file.log', 'USW2KAGT.FILE.LOG', 'file.usw2kagt.log', 'FILE.USW2KAGT.LOG'],
+ v: ['file.vsh', 'file.vv'],
+ vala: ['file.vala'],
+ vb: ['file.sba', 'file.vb', 'file.vbs', 'file.dsm', 'file.ctl', 'file.dob', 'file.dsr'],
+ vdf: ['file.vdf'],
+ vdmpp: ['file.vpp', 'file.vdmpp'],
+ vdmrt: ['file.vdmrt'],
+ vdmsl: ['file.vdm', 'file.vdmsl'],
+ vera: ['file.vr', 'file.vri', 'file.vrh'],
+ verilogams: ['', 'file.vams'],
+ vgrindefs: ['vgrindefs'],
+ vhdl: ['file.hdl', 'file.vhd', 'file.vhdl', 'file.vbe', 'file.vst', 'file.vhdl_123', 'file.vho', 'some.vhdl_1', 'some.vhdl_1-file'],
+ vhs: ['file.tape'],
+ vim: ['file.vim', '.exrc', '_exrc', 'some-vimrc', 'some-vimrc-file', 'vimrc', 'vimrc-file'],
+ viminfo: ['.viminfo', '_viminfo'],
+ vmasm: ['file.mar'],
+ voscm: [''],
+ vrml: ['file.wrl'],
+ vroom: ['file.vroom'],
+ vue: ['file.vue'],
+ wat: ['file.wat', 'file.wast'],
+ wdl: ['file.wdl'],
+ webmacro: ['file.wm'],
+ wget: ['.wgetrc', 'wgetrc'],
+ wget2: ['.wget2rc', 'wget2rc'],
+ wgsl: ['file.wgsl'],
+ winbatch: ['file.wbt'],
+ wit: ['file.wit'],
+ wml: ['file.wml'],
+ wsh: ['file.wsf', 'file.wsc'],
+ wsml: ['file.wsml'],
+ wvdial: ['wvdial.conf', '.wvdialrc'],
+ xcompose: ['.XCompose', 'Compose'],
+ xdefaults: ['.Xdefaults', '.Xpdefaults', '.Xresources', 'xdm-config', '', '/Xresources/file', '/app-defaults/file', 'Xresources', 'Xresources-file', 'any/Xresources/file', 'any/app-defaults/file'],
+ xf86conf: ['xorg.conf', 'xorg.conf-4'],
+ xhtml: ['file.xhtml', 'file.xht'],
+ xinetd: ['/etc/xinetd.conf', '/etc/xinetd.d/file', 'any/etc/xinetd.conf', 'any/etc/xinetd.d/file'],
+ xkb: ['/usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/pc', '/usr/share/X11/xkb/geometry/pc', '/usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev', '/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc', '/usr/share/X11/xkb/types/pc'],
+ xmath: ['file.msc', 'file.msf'],
+ xml: ['/etc/', '/etc/', 'file.xmi', 'file.csproj', 'file.csproj.user', 'file.fsproj', 'file.fsproj.user', 'file.vbproj', 'file.vbproj.user', 'file.ui', 'file.tpm', '/etc/xdg/menus/', 'fglrxrc', 'file.xlf', 'file.xliff', 'file.xul', 'file.wsdl', 'file.wpl', 'any/etc/', 'any/etc/', 'any/etc/xdg/menus/', 'file.atom', 'file.rss', 'file.cdxml', 'file.psc1', 'file.mpd'],
+ xmodmap: ['anyXmodmap', 'Xmodmap', 'some-Xmodmap', 'some-xmodmap', 'some-xmodmap-file', 'xmodmap', 'xmodmap-file'],
+ xpm: ['file.xpm'],
+ xpm2: ['file.xpm2'],
+ xquery: ['file.xq', 'file.xql', 'file.xqm', 'file.xquery', 'file.xqy'],
+ xs: ['file.xs'],
+ xsd: ['file.xsd'],
+ xslt: ['file.xsl', 'file.xslt'],
+ yacc: ['file.yy', 'file.yxx', 'file.y++'],
+ yaml: ['file.yaml', 'file.yml', 'file.eyaml', '.clangd', '.clang-format', '.clang-tidy'],
+ yang: ['file.yang'],
+ yuck: ['file.yuck'],
+ z8a: ['file.z8a'],
+ zig: ['file.zig', 'build.zig.zon'],
+ zimbu: ['file.zu'],
+ zimbutempl: ['file.zut'],
+ zserio: ['file.zs'],
+ zsh: ['.zprofile', '/etc/zprofile', '.zfbfmarks', 'file.zsh',
+ '.zcompdump', '.zlogin', '.zlogout', '.zshenv', '.zshrc',
+ '.zcompdump-file', '.zlog', '.zlog-file', '.zsh', '.zsh-file',
+ 'any/etc/zprofile', 'zlog', 'zlog-file', 'zsh', 'zsh-file'],
+ help: [$VIMRUNTIME .. '/doc/help.txt'],
+ }
+def s:GetFilenameCaseChecks(): dict<list<string>>
+ return {
+ modula2: ['file.DEF'],
+ bzl: ['file.BUILD', 'BUILD', 'BUCK'],
+ }
+def s:CheckItems(checks: dict<list<string>>)
+ set noswapfile
+ for [ft, names] in items(checks)
+ for i in range(0, len(names) - 1)
+ new
+ try
+ exe 'edit ' .. fnameescape(names[i])
+ catch
+ assert_report('cannot edit "' .. names[i] .. '": ' .. v:exception)
+ endtry
+ if &filetype == '' && &readonly
+ # File exists but not able to edit it (permission denied)
+ else
+ var expected = ft == 'none' ? '' : ft
+ assert_equal(expected, &filetype, 'with file name: ' .. names[i])
+ endif
+ bwipe!
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ set swapfile&
+def Test_filetype_detection()
+ SetupConfigHome()
+ if !empty(s:saveConfigHome)
+ defer setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", s:saveConfigHome)
+ endif
+ mkdir(GetConfigHome(), 'R')
+ filetype on
+ CheckItems(s:GetFilenameChecks())
+ if has('fname_case')
+ CheckItems(s:GetFilenameCaseChecks())
+ endif
+ filetype off
+" Content lines that should not result in filetype detection
+def s:GetFalsePositiveChecks(): dict<list<list<string>>>
+ return {
+ '': [['test execve("/usr/bin/pstree", ["pstree"], 0x7ff0 /* 63 vars */) = 0']],
+ }
+" Filetypes detected from the file contents by scripts.vim
+def s:GetScriptChecks(): dict<list<list<string>>>
+ return {
+ virata: [['% Virata'],
+ ['', '% Virata'],
+ ['', '', '% Virata'],
+ ['', '', '', '% Virata'],
+ ['', '', '', '', '% Virata']],
+ strace: [['execve("/usr/bin/pstree", ["pstree"], 0x7ff0 /* 63 vars */) = 0'],
+ ['15:17:47 execve("/usr/bin/pstree", ["pstree"], ... "_=/usr/bin/strace"]) = 0'],
+ ['__libc_start_main and something']],
+ clojure: [['#!/path/clojure']],
+ scala: [['#!/path/scala']],
+ sh: [['#!/path/sh'],
+ ['#!/path/bash'],
+ ['#!/path/bash2'],
+ ['#!/path/dash'],
+ ['#!/path/ksh'],
+ ['#!/path/ksh93']],
+ csh: [['#!/path/csh']],
+ tcsh: [['#!/path/tcsh']],
+ zsh: [['#!/path/zsh']],
+ tcl: [['#!/path/tclsh'],
+ ['#!/path/wish'],
+ ['#!/path/expectk'],
+ ['#!/path/itclsh'],
+ ['#!/path/itkwish']],
+ expect: [['#!/path/expect']],
+ execline: [['#!/sbin/execlineb -S0'], ['#!/usr/bin/execlineb']],
+ gnuplot: [['#!/path/gnuplot']],
+ make: [['#!/path/make']],
+ nix: [['#!/path/nix-shell']],
+ pike: [['#!/path/pike'],
+ ['#!/path/pike0'],
+ ['#!/path/pike9']],
+ lua: [['#!/path/lua']],
+ raku: [['#!/path/raku']],
+ perl: [['#!/path/perl']],
+ php: [['#!/path/php']],
+ python: [['#!/path/python'],
+ ['#!/path/python2'],
+ ['#!/path/python3']],
+ groovy: [['#!/path/groovy']],
+ ruby: [['#!/path/ruby']],
+ javascript: [['#!/path/node'],
+ ['#!/path/js'],
+ ['#!/path/nodejs'],
+ ['#!/path/rhino']],
+ bc: [['#!/path/bc']],
+ sed: [['#!/path/sed'],
+ ['#n'],
+ ['#n comment']],
+ ocaml: [['#!/path/ocaml']],
+ awk: [['#!/path/awk'],
+ ['#!/path/gawk']],
+ wml: [['#!/path/wml']],
+ scheme: [['#!/path/scheme'],
+ ['#!/path/guile']],
+ cfengine: [['#!/path/cfengine']],
+ erlang: [['#!/path/escript']],
+ haskell: [['#!/path/haskell']],
+ cpp: [['// Standard iostream objects -*- C++ -*-'],
+ ['// -*- C++ -*-']],
+ yaml: [['%YAML 1.2']],
+ pascal: [['#!/path/instantfpc']],
+ fennel: [['#!/path/fennel']],
+ routeros: [['#!/path/rsc']],
+ fish: [['#!/path/fish']],
+ forth: [['#!/path/gforth']],
+ icon: [['#!/path/icon']],
+ crystal: [['#!/path/crystal']],
+ rexx: [['#!/path/rexx'],
+ ['#!/path/regina']],
+ janet: [['#!/path/janet']],
+ dart: [['#!/path/dart']],
+ }
+" Various forms of "env" optional arguments.
+def s:GetScriptEnvChecks(): dict<list<list<string>>>
+ return {
+ perl: [['#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val perl']],
+ scala: [['#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val VVAR=vval scala']],
+ awk: [['#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val -i awk']],
+ execline: [['#!/usr/bin/env execlineb']],
+ scheme: [['#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val --ignore-environment scheme']],
+ python: [['#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val -S python -w -T']],
+ wml: [['#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val --split-string wml']],
+ nix: [['#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell']],
+ }
+def s:Run_script_detection(test_dict: dict<list<list<string>>>)
+ filetype on
+ for [ft, files] in items(test_dict)
+ for file in files
+ writefile(file, 'Xtest', 'D')
+ split Xtest
+ assert_equal(ft, &filetype, 'for text: ' .. string(file))
+ bwipe!
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ filetype off
+def Test_script_detection()
+ Run_script_detection(GetFalsePositiveChecks())
+ Run_script_detection(GetScriptChecks())
+ Run_script_detection(GetScriptEnvChecks())
+func Test_setfiletype_completion()
+ call feedkeys(":setfiletype java\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
+ call assert_equal('"setfiletype java javacc javascript javascriptreact', @:)
+" Test for ':filetype detect' command for a buffer without a file
+func Test_emptybuf_ftdetect()
+ new
+ call setline(1, '#!/bin/sh')
+ call assert_equal('', &filetype)
+ filetype detect
+ call assert_equal('sh', &filetype)
+ close!
+" Test for ':filetype indent on' and ':filetype indent off' commands
+func Test_filetype_indent_off()
+ new Xtest.vim
+ filetype indent on
+ call assert_equal(1, g:did_indent_on)
+ call assert_equal(['filetype detection:ON plugin:OFF indent:ON'],
+ \ execute('filetype')->split("\n"))
+ filetype indent off
+ call assert_equal(0, exists('g:did_indent_on'))
+ call assert_equal(['filetype detection:ON plugin:OFF indent:OFF'],
+ \ execute('filetype')->split("\n"))
+ close
+" Tests for specific extensions and filetypes.
+" Keep sorted.
+func Test_bas_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like BASIC'], 'Xfile.bas', 'D')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('basic', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Test dist#ft#FTbas()
+ let g:filetype_bas = 'freebasic'
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('freebasic', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_bas
+ " FreeBASIC
+ call writefile(["/' FreeBASIC multiline comment '/"], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('freebasic', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#define TESTING'], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('freebasic', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['option byval'], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('freebasic', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['extern "C"'], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('freebasic', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " QB64
+ call writefile(['$LET TESTING = 1'], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('qb64', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['OPTION _EXPLICIT'], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('qb64', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Visual Basic
+ call writefile(['Attribute VB_NAME = "Testing"', 'Enum Foo', 'End Enum'], 'Xfile.bas')
+ split Xfile.bas
+ call assert_equal('vb', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+" Test dist#ft#FTcfg()
+func Test_cfg_file()
+ filetype on
+ " *.cfg defaults to cfg
+ call writefile(['looks like cfg'], 'cfgfile.cfg', 'D')
+ split cfgfile.cfg
+ call assert_equal('cfg', &filetype)
+ let g:filetype_cfg = 'other'
+ edit
+ call assert_equal('other', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_cfg
+ " RAPID cfg
+ let ext = 'cfg'
+ for i in ['EIO', 'MMC', 'MOC', 'PROC', 'SIO', 'SYS']
+ call writefile([i .. ':CFG'], 'cfgfile.' .. ext)
+ execute "split cfgfile." .. ext
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('cfgfile.' .. ext)
+ " check different case of file extension
+ let ext = substitute(ext, '\(\l\)', '\u\1', '')
+ endfor
+ " clean up
+ filetype off
+func Test_d_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like D'], 'Xfile.d', 'D')
+ split Xfile.d
+ call assert_equal('d', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#!/some/bin/dtrace'], 'Xfile.d')
+ split Xfile.d
+ call assert_equal('dtrace', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#pragma D option'], 'Xfile.d')
+ split Xfile.d
+ call assert_equal('dtrace', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile([':some:thing:'], 'Xfile.d')
+ split Xfile.d
+ call assert_equal('dtrace', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['module this', '#pragma D option'], 'Xfile.d')
+ split Xfile.d
+ call assert_equal('d', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['import that', '#pragma D option'], 'Xfile.d')
+ split Xfile.d
+ call assert_equal('d', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " clean up
+ filetype off
+func Test_dat_file()
+ filetype on
+ " KRL header start with "&WORD", but is not always present.
+ call writefile(['&ACCESS'], 'datfile.dat')
+ split datfile.dat
+ call assert_equal('krl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('datfile.dat')
+ " KRL defdat with leading spaces, for KRL file extension is not case
+ " sensitive.
+ call writefile([' DEFDAT datfile'], 'datfile.Dat')
+ split datfile.Dat
+ call assert_equal('krl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('datfile.Dat')
+ " KRL defdat with embedded spaces, file starts with empty line(s).
+ call writefile(['', 'defdat datfile public'], 'datfile.DAT')
+ split datfile.DAT
+ call assert_equal('krl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " User may overrule file inspection
+ let g:filetype_dat = 'dat'
+ split datfile.DAT
+ call assert_equal('dat', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('datfile.DAT')
+ unlet g:filetype_dat
+ filetype off
+func Test_dep3patch_file()
+ filetype on
+ call assert_true(mkdir('debian/patches', 'pR'))
+ " series files are not patches
+ call writefile(['Description: some awesome patch'], 'debian/patches/series')
+ split debian/patches/series
+ call assert_notequal('dep3patch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " diff/patch files without the right headers should still show up as ft=diff
+ call writefile([], 'debian/patches/foo.diff')
+ split debian/patches/foo.diff
+ call assert_equal('diff', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Files with the right headers are detected as dep3patch, even if they don't
+ " have a diff/patch extension
+ call writefile(['Subject: dep3patches'], 'debian/patches/bar')
+ split debian/patches/bar
+ call assert_equal('dep3patch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Files in sub-directories are detected
+ call assert_true(mkdir('debian/patches/s390x', 'p'))
+ call writefile(['Subject: dep3patches'], 'debian/patches/s390x/bar')
+ split debian/patches/s390x/bar
+ call assert_equal('dep3patch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " The detection stops when seeing the "header end" marker
+ call writefile(['---', 'Origin: the cloud'], 'debian/patches/baz')
+ split debian/patches/baz
+ call assert_notequal('dep3patch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+func Test_dsl_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile([' <!doctype dsssl-spec ['], 'dslfile.dsl', 'D')
+ split dslfile.dsl
+ call assert_equal('dsl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['workspace {'], 'dslfile.dsl')
+ split dslfile.dsl
+ call assert_equal('structurizr', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_ex_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['arbitrary content'], 'Xfile.ex', 'D')
+ split Xfile.ex
+ call assert_equal('elixir', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_euphoria = 'euphoria4'
+ split Xfile.ex
+ call assert_equal('euphoria4', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_euphoria
+ call writefile(['-- filetype euphoria comment'], 'Xfile.ex')
+ split Xfile.ex
+ call assert_equal('euphoria3', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['--filetype euphoria comment'], 'Xfile.ex')
+ split Xfile.ex
+ call assert_equal('euphoria3', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['ifdef '], 'Xfile.ex')
+ split Xfile.ex
+ call assert_equal('euphoria3', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['include '], 'Xfile.ex')
+ split Xfile.ex
+ call assert_equal('euphoria3', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_f_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like Fortran'], 'Xfile.f', 'D')
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('fortran', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_f = 'forth'
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_f
+ " Test dist#ft#FTf()
+ " Forth
+ call writefile(['( Forth inline comment )'], 'Xfile.f')
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['\ Forth line comment'], 'Xfile.f')
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile([': squared ( n -- n^2 )', 'dup * ;'], 'Xfile.f')
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " SwiftForth
+ call writefile(['{ ================', 'Header comment', '================ }'], 'Xfile.f')
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['OPTIONAL Maybe Descriptive text'], 'Xfile.f')
+ split Xfile.f
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_foam_file()
+ filetype on
+ call assert_true(mkdir('0', 'pR'))
+ call assert_true(mkdir('0.orig', 'pR'))
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], 'Xfile1Dict', 'D')
+ split Xfile1Dict
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], 'Xfile1Dict.something', 'D')
+ split Xfile1Dict.something
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], 'XfileProperties', 'D')
+ split XfileProperties
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], 'XfileProperties.something', 'D')
+ split XfileProperties.something
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], 'XfileProperties')
+ split XfileProperties
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], 'XfileProperties.something')
+ split XfileProperties.something
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], '0/Xfile')
+ split 0/Xfile
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['FoamFile {', ' object something;'], '0.orig/Xfile')
+ split 0.orig/Xfile
+ call assert_equal('foam', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_frm_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like FORM'], 'Xfile.frm', 'D')
+ split Xfile.frm
+ call assert_equal('form', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Test dist#ft#FTfrm()
+ let g:filetype_frm = 'form'
+ split Xfile.frm
+ call assert_equal('form', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_frm
+ " Visual Basic
+ call writefile(['VERSION 5.00', 'Begin VB.Form Form1'], 'Xfile.frm')
+ split Xfile.frm
+ call assert_equal('vb', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_fs_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like F#'], 'Xfile.fs', 'D')
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('fsharp', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_fs = 'forth'
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_fs
+ " Test dist#ft#FTfs()
+ " Forth
+ call writefile(['( Forth inline comment )'], 'Xfile.fs')
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['\ Forth line comment'], 'Xfile.fs')
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile([': squared ( n -- n^2 )', 'dup * ;'], 'Xfile.fs')
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " SwiftForth
+ call writefile(['{ ================', 'Header comment', '================ }'], 'Xfile.fs')
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['OPTIONAL Maybe Descriptive text'], 'Xfile.fs')
+ split Xfile.fs
+ call assert_equal('forth', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_git_file()
+ filetype on
+ call assert_true(mkdir('Xrepo.git', 'pR'))
+ call writefile([], 'Xrepo.git/HEAD')
+ split Xrepo.git/HEAD
+ call assert_equal('', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], 'Xrepo.git/HEAD')
+ split Xrepo.git/HEAD
+ call assert_equal('git', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], 'Xrepo.git/HEAD')
+ split Xrepo.git/HEAD
+ call assert_equal('git', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['ref: refs/heads/master'], 'Xrepo.git/HEAD')
+ split Xrepo.git/HEAD
+ call assert_equal('git', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_hook_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['[Trigger]', 'this is pacman config'], 'Xfile.hook', 'D')
+ split Xfile.hook
+ call assert_equal('confini', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['not pacman'], 'Xfile.hook')
+ split Xfile.hook
+ call assert_notequal('confini', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_m_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like Matlab'], 'Xfile.m', 'D')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('matlab', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_m = 'octave'
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('octave', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_m
+ " Test dist#ft#FTm()
+ " Objective-C
+ call writefile(['// Objective-C line comment'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('objc', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['/* Objective-C block comment */'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('objc', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#import "test.m"'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('objc', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#include <header.h>'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('objc', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#define FORTY_TWO'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('objc', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Octave
+ call writefile(['# Octave line comment'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('octave', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['%!test "Octave test"'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('octave', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['unwind_protect'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('octave', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['try; 42; end_try_catch'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('octave', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Mathematica
+ call writefile(['(* Mathematica comment'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('mma', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['% MATLAB line comment'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('matlab', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Murphi
+ call writefile(['-- Murphi comment'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('murphi', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['/* Murphi block comment */', 'Type'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('murphi', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['Type'], 'Xfile.m')
+ split Xfile.m
+ call assert_equal('murphi', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_mod_file()
+ filetype on
+ " *.mod defaults to Modsim III
+ call writefile(['locks like Modsim III'], 'modfile.mod')
+ split modfile.mod
+ call assert_equal('modsim3', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Users preference set by g:filetype_mod
+ let g:filetype_mod = 'lprolog'
+ split modfile.mod
+ call assert_equal('lprolog', &filetype)
+ unlet g:filetype_mod
+ bwipe!
+ " RAPID header start with a line containing only "%%%",
+ " but is not always present.
+ call writefile(['%%%'], 'modfile.mod')
+ split modfile.mod
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('modfile.mod')
+ " RAPID supports umlauts in module names, leading spaces,
+ " the .mod extension is not case sensitive.
+ call writefile([' module ÜmlautModule'], 'modfile.Mod')
+ split modfile.Mod
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('modfile.Mod')
+ " RAPID is not case sensitive, embedded spaces, sysmodule,
+ " file starts with empty line(s).
+ call writefile(['', 'MODULE rapidmödüle (SYSMODULE,NOSTEPIN)'], 'modfile.MOD')
+ split modfile.MOD
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Modula-2 MODULE not start of line
+ call writefile(['IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Module2Mod;'], 'modfile.MOD')
+ split modfile.MOD
+ call assert_equal('modula2', &filetype)
+ call assert_equal('pim', b:modula2.dialect)
+ bwipe!
+ " Modula-2 with comment and empty lines prior MODULE
+ call writefile(['', '(* with', ' comment *)', '', 'MODULE Module2Mod;'], 'modfile.MOD')
+ split modfile.MOD
+ call assert_equal('modula2', &filetype)
+ call assert_equal('pim', b:modula2.dialect)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('modfile.MOD')
+ " LambdaProlog module
+ call writefile(['module lpromod.'], 'modfile.mod')
+ split modfile.mod
+ call assert_equal('lprolog', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " LambdaProlog with comment and empty lines prior module
+ call writefile(['', '% with', '% comment', '', 'module lpromod.'], 'modfile.mod')
+ split modfile.mod
+ call assert_equal('lprolog', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('modfile.mod')
+ " go.mod
+ call writefile(['module'], 'go.mod')
+ split go.mod
+ call assert_equal('gomod', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('go.mod')
+ call writefile(['module M'], 'go.mod')
+ split go.mod
+ call assert_equal('gomod', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('go.mod')
+ filetype off
+func Test_patch_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile([], 'Xfile.patch', 'D')
+ split Xfile.patch
+ call assert_equal('diff', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001'], 'Xfile.patch')
+ split Xfile.patch
+ call assert_equal('gitsendemail', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001'], 'Xfile.patch')
+ split Xfile.patch
+ call assert_equal('gitsendemail', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_perl_file()
+ filetype on
+ " only tests one case, should do more
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ use a
+ call writefile(lines, "Xfile.t", 'D')
+ split Xfile.t
+ call assert_equal('perl', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ filetype off
+func Test_pp_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like puppet'], 'Xfile.pp', 'D')
+ split Xfile.pp
+ call assert_equal('puppet', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_pp = 'pascal'
+ split Xfile.pp
+ call assert_equal('pascal', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_pp
+ " Test dist#ft#FTpp()
+ call writefile(['{ pascal comment'], 'Xfile.pp')
+ split Xfile.pp
+ call assert_equal('pascal', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['procedure pascal'], 'Xfile.pp')
+ split Xfile.pp
+ call assert_equal('pascal', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+" Test dist#ft#FTprg()
+func Test_prg_file()
+ filetype on
+ " *.prg defaults to clipper
+ call writefile(['looks like clipper'], 'prgfile.prg')
+ split prgfile.prg
+ call assert_equal('clipper', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Users preference set by g:filetype_prg
+ let g:filetype_prg = 'eviews'
+ split prgfile.prg
+ call assert_equal('eviews', &filetype)
+ unlet g:filetype_prg
+ bwipe!
+ " RAPID header start with a line containing only "%%%",
+ " but is not always present.
+ call writefile(['%%%'], 'prgfile.prg')
+ split prgfile.prg
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('prgfile.prg')
+ " RAPID supports umlauts in module names, leading spaces,
+ " the .prg extension is not case sensitive.
+ call writefile([' module ÜmlautModule'], 'prgfile.Prg')
+ split prgfile.Prg
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('prgfile.Prg')
+ " RAPID is not case sensitive, embedded spaces, sysmodule,
+ " file starts with empty line(s).
+ call writefile(['', 'MODULE rapidmödüle (SYSMODULE,NOSTEPIN)'], 'prgfile.PRG')
+ split prgfile.PRG
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('prgfile.PRG')
+ filetype off
+" Test dist#ft#FTsc()
+func Test_sc_file()
+ filetype on
+ " SC classes are defined with '+ Class {}'
+ call writefile(['+ SCNvim {', '*methodArgs {|method|'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('supercollider', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('')
+ " Some SC class files start with comment and define methods many lines later
+ call writefile(['// Query', '//Method','^this {'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('supercollider', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('')
+ " Some SC class files put comments between method declaration after class
+ call writefile(['PingPong {', '//comment','*ar { arg'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('supercollider', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('')
+ filetype off
+" Test dist#ft#FTscd()
+func Test_scd_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['ijq(1)'], 'srcfile.scd', 'D')
+ split srcfile.scd
+ call assert_equal('scdoc', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_src_file()
+ filetype on
+ " KRL header start with "&WORD", but is not always present.
+ call writefile(['&ACCESS'], 'srcfile.src')
+ split srcfile.src
+ call assert_equal('krl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('srcfile.src')
+ " KRL def with leading spaces, for KRL file extension is not case sensitive.
+ call writefile([' DEF srcfile()'], 'srcfile.Src')
+ split srcfile.Src
+ call assert_equal('krl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('srcfile.Src')
+ " KRL global deffct with embedded spaces, file starts with empty line(s).
+ for text in ['global def srcfile()', 'global deffct srcfile()']
+ call writefile(['', text], 'srcfile.SRC')
+ split srcfile.SRC
+ call assert_equal('krl', &filetype, text)
+ bwipe!
+ endfor
+ " User may overrule file inspection
+ let g:filetype_src = 'src'
+ split srcfile.SRC
+ call assert_equal('src', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('srcfile.SRC')
+ unlet g:filetype_src
+ filetype off
+func Test_sys_file()
+ filetype on
+ " *.sys defaults to Batch file for MSDOS
+ call writefile(['looks like dos batch'], 'sysfile.sys')
+ split sysfile.sys
+ call assert_equal('bat', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Users preference set by g:filetype_sys
+ let g:filetype_sys = 'sys'
+ split sysfile.sys
+ call assert_equal('sys', &filetype)
+ unlet g:filetype_sys
+ bwipe!
+ " RAPID header start with a line containing only "%%%",
+ " but is not always present.
+ call writefile(['%%%'], 'sysfile.sys')
+ split sysfile.sys
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('sysfile.sys')
+ " RAPID supports umlauts in module names, leading spaces,
+ " the .sys extension is not case sensitive.
+ call writefile([' module ÜmlautModule'], 'sysfile.Sys')
+ split sysfile.Sys
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('sysfile.Sys')
+ " RAPID is not case sensitive, embedded spaces, sysmodule,
+ " file starts with empty line(s).
+ call writefile(['', 'MODULE rapidmödüle (SYSMODULE,NOSTEPIN)'], 'sysfile.SYS')
+ split sysfile.SYS
+ call assert_equal('rapid', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('sysfile.SYS')
+ filetype off
+func Test_tex_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['%& pdflatex'], 'Xfile.tex')
+ split Xfile.tex
+ call assert_equal('tex', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ call writefile(['\newcommand{\test}{some text}'], 'Xfile.tex')
+ split Xfile.tex
+ call assert_equal('tex', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ " tex_flavor is unset
+ call writefile(['%& plain'], 'Xfile.tex')
+ split Xfile.tex
+ call assert_equal('plaintex', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ let g:tex_flavor = 'plain'
+ call writefile(['just some text'], 'Xfile.tex')
+ split Xfile.tex
+ call assert_equal('plaintex', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ % This is a comment.
+ \usemodule[translate]
+ call writefile(lines, 'Xfile.tex')
+ split Xfile.tex
+ call assert_equal('context', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ let g:tex_flavor = 'context'
+ call writefile(['just some text'], 'Xfile.tex')
+ split Xfile.tex
+ call assert_equal('context', &filetype)
+ bwipe
+ unlet g:tex_flavor
+ call delete('Xfile.tex')
+ filetype off
+func Test_tf_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile([';;; TF MUD client is super duper cool'], '', 'D')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('tf', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['provider "azurerm" {'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('terraform', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_ts_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'], 'Xfile.ts', 'D')
+ split Xfile.ts
+ call assert_equal('xml', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['// looks like Typescript'], 'Xfile.ts')
+ split Xfile.ts
+ call assert_equal('typescript', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_ttl_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['@base <> .'], 'Xfile.ttl', 'D')
+ split Xfile.ttl
+ call assert_equal('turtle', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['looks like Tera Term Language'], 'Xfile.ttl')
+ split Xfile.ttl
+ call assert_equal('teraterm', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_v_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['module tb; // Looks like a Verilog'], 'Xfile.v', 'D')
+ split Xfile.v
+ call assert_equal('verilog', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['module main'], 'Xfile.v')
+ split Xfile.v
+ call assert_equal('v', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['Definition x := 10. (*'], 'Xfile.v')
+ split Xfile.v
+ call assert_equal('coq', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_xpm_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['this is XPM2'], 'file.xpm', 'D')
+ split file.xpm
+ call assert_equal('xpm2', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_cls_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like Smalltalk'], 'Xfile.cls', 'D')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('st', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Test dist#ft#FTcls()
+ let g:filetype_cls = 'vb'
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('vb', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_cls
+ " TeX
+ call writefile(['%'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('tex', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('tex', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Rexx
+ call writefile(['#!/usr/bin/rexx'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('rexx', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['#!/usr/bin/regina'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('rexx', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['/* Comment */'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('rexx', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['::class Foo subclass Bar public'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('rexx', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Visual Basic
+ call writefile(['VERSION 1.0 CLASS'], 'Xfile.cls')
+ split Xfile.cls
+ call assert_equal('vb', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_sig_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['this is neither Lambda Prolog nor SML'], 'Xfile.sig', 'D')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Test dist#ft#FTsig()
+ let g:filetype_sig = 'sml'
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('sml', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_sig
+ " Lambda Prolog
+ call writefile(['sig foo.'], 'Xfile.sig')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('lprolog', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['/* ... */'], 'Xfile.sig')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('lprolog', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['% ...'], 'Xfile.sig')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('lprolog', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " SML signature file
+ call writefile(['signature FOO ='], 'Xfile.sig')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('sml', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['structure FOO ='], 'Xfile.sig')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('sml', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['(* ... *)'], 'Xfile.sig')
+ split Xfile.sig
+ call assert_equal('sml', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+" Test dist#ft#FTsil()
+func Test_sil_file()
+ filetype on
+ split Xfile.sil
+ call assert_equal('sil', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ // valid
+ let protoErasedPathA = \ABCProtocol.a
+ // also valid
+ let protoErasedPathA =
+ \ABCProtocol.a
+ call writefile(lines, 'Xfile.sil', 'D')
+ split Xfile.sil
+ call assert_equal('sil', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " SILE
+ call writefile(['% some comment'], 'Xfile.sil')
+ split Xfile.sil
+ call assert_equal('sile', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['\begin[papersize=a6]{document}foo\end{document}'], 'Xfile.sil')
+ split Xfile.sil
+ call assert_equal('sile', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_inc_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['this is the fallback'], '', 'D')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('pov', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_inc = 'foo'
+ split
+ call assert_equal('foo', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_inc
+ " aspperl
+ call writefile(['perlscript'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('aspperl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " aspvbs
+ call writefile(['<% something'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('aspvbs', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " php
+ call writefile(['<?php'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('php', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " pascal
+ call writefile(['program'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('pascal', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " bitbake
+ call writefile(['require foo'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('bitbake', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['S = "${WORKDIR}"'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('bitbake', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['DEPENDS:append = " somedep"'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('bitbake', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['MACHINE ??= "qemu"'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('bitbake', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['PROVIDES := "test"'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('bitbake', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bar"'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('bitbake', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " asm
+ call writefile(['asmsyntax=foo'], '')
+ split
+ call assert_equal('foo', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_lsl_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['looks like Linden Scripting Language'], 'Xfile.lsl', 'D')
+ split Xfile.lsl
+ call assert_equal('lsl', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Test dist#ft#FTlsl()
+ let g:filetype_lsl = 'larch'
+ split Xfile.lsl
+ call assert_equal('larch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_lsl
+ " Larch Shared Language
+ call writefile(['% larch comment'], 'Xfile.lsl')
+ split Xfile.lsl
+ call assert_equal('larch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['foo: trait'], 'Xfile.lsl')
+ split Xfile.lsl
+ call assert_equal('larch', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_typ_file()
+ filetype on
+ " SQL type file
+ call writefile(['CASE = LOWER'], 'Xfile.typ', 'D')
+ split Xfile.typ
+ call assert_equal('sql', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['TYPE foo'], 'Xfile.typ')
+ split Xfile.typ
+ call assert_equal('sql', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " typst document
+ call writefile(['this is a fallback'], 'Xfile.typ')
+ split Xfile.typ
+ call assert_equal('typst', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ let g:filetype_typ = 'typst'
+ split test.typ
+ call assert_equal('typst', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_typ
+ filetype off
+func Test_vba_file()
+ filetype on
+ " Test dist#ft#FTvba()
+ " Visual Basic
+ call writefile(['looks like Visual Basic'], 'Xfile.vba', 'D')
+ split Xfile.vba
+ call assert_equal('vb', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Vimball Archiver (ft=vim)
+ call writefile(['" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Ph.D.', 'UseVimball', 'finish'], 'Xfile.vba', 'D')
+ split Xfile.vba
+ call assert_equal('vim', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_i_file()
+ filetype on
+ " Swig: keyword
+ call writefile(['%module mymodule', '/* a comment */'], 'Xfile.i', 'D')
+ split Xfile.i
+ call assert_equal('swig', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Swig: verbatim block
+ call writefile(['%{', '#include <header.hpp>', '%}'], 'Xfile.i', 'D')
+ split Xfile.i
+ call assert_equal('swig', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " ASM
+ call writefile(['; comment', ';'], 'Xfile.i', 'D')
+ split Xfile.i
+ call assert_equal('asm', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " *.i defaults to progress
+ call writefile(['looks like progress'], 'Xfile.i', 'D')
+ split Xfile.i
+ call assert_equal('progress', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+func Test_def_file()
+ filetype on
+ call writefile(['this is the fallback'], 'Xfile.def', 'D')
+ split Xfile.def
+ call assert_equal('def', &filetype)
+ bwipe!
+ " Test dist#ft#FTdef()
+ let g:filetype_def = 'modula2'
+ split Xfile.def
+ call assert_equal('modula2', &filetype)
+ call assert_equal('pim', b:modula2.dialect)
+ bwipe!
+ unlet g:filetype_def
+ " Modula-2
+ call writefile(['(* a Modula-2 comment *)'], 'Xfile.def')
+ split Xfile.def
+ call assert_equal('modula2', &filetype)
+ call assert_equal('pim', b:modula2.dialect)
+ bwipe!
+ call writefile(['IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Module2Mod;'], 'Xfile.def')
+ split Xfile.def
+ call assert_equal('modula2', &filetype)
+ call assert_equal('pim', b:modula2.dialect)
+ bwipe!
+ filetype off
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab