path: root/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0f9e9ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+## @file
+# This file is used to provide method for process AsBuilt INF file. It will consumed by InfParser
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+## Import modules
+import os
+import re
+from Library import GlobalData
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Logger import ToolError
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.Misc import GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey
+from Library.Misc import ValidFile
+from Library.Misc import ProcessLineExtender
+from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath
+from Library.Parsing import MacroParser
+from Parser.InfParserMisc import InfExpandMacro
+from Library import DataType as DT
+## GetLibInstanceInfo
+# Get the information from Library Instance INF file.
+# @param string. A string start with # and followed by INF file path
+# @param WorkSpace. The WorkSpace directory used to combined with INF file path.
+# @return GUID, Version
+def GetLibInstanceInfo(String, WorkSpace, LineNo, CurrentInfFileName):
+ FileGuidString = ""
+ VerString = ""
+ OriginalString = String
+ String = String.strip()
+ if not String:
+ return None, None
+ #
+ # Remove "#" characters at the beginning
+ #
+ String = GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey(String)
+ String = String.strip()
+ #
+ # To deal with library instance specified by GUID and version
+ #
+ RegFormatGuidPattern = re.compile("\s*([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\s*")
+ VersionPattern = re.compile('[\t\s]*\d+(\.\d+)?[\t\s]*')
+ GuidMatchedObj =
+ if String.upper().startswith('GUID') and GuidMatchedObj and 'Version' in String:
+ VersionStr = String[String.upper().find('VERSION') + 8:]
+ VersionMatchedObj =
+ if VersionMatchedObj:
+ Guid =
+ Version =
+ return Guid, Version
+ #
+ # To deal with library instance specified by file name
+ #
+ FileLinesList = GetFileLineContent(String, WorkSpace, LineNo, OriginalString)
+ ReFindFileGuidPattern = re.compile("^\s*FILE_GUID\s*=.*$")
+ ReFindVerStringPattern = re.compile("^\s*VERSION_STRING\s*=.*$")
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ if ReFindFileGuidPattern.match(Line):
+ FileGuidString = Line
+ if ReFindVerStringPattern.match(Line):
+ VerString = Line
+ if FileGuidString:
+ FileGuidString = GetSplitValueList(FileGuidString, '=', 1)[1]
+ if VerString:
+ VerString = GetSplitValueList(VerString, '=', 1)[1]
+ return FileGuidString, VerString
+## GetPackageListInfo
+# Get the package information from INF file.
+# @param string. A string start with # and followed by INF file path
+# @param WorkSpace. The WorkSpace directory used to combined with INF file path.
+# @return GUID, Version
+def GetPackageListInfo(FileNameString, WorkSpace, LineNo):
+ PackageInfoList = []
+ DefineSectionMacros = {}
+ PackageSectionMacros = {}
+ FileLinesList = GetFileLineContent(FileNameString, WorkSpace, LineNo, '')
+ RePackageHeader = re.compile('^\s*\[Packages.*\].*$')
+ ReDefineHeader = re.compile('^\s*\[Defines].*$')
+ PackageHederFlag = False
+ DefineHeaderFlag = False
+ LineNo = -1
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ LineNo += 1
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ if Line.startswith('['):
+ PackageHederFlag = False
+ DefineHeaderFlag = False
+ if Line.startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ if not Line:
+ continue
+ #
+ # Found [Packages] section
+ #
+ if RePackageHeader.match(Line):
+ PackageHederFlag = True
+ continue
+ #
+ # Found [Define] section
+ #
+ if ReDefineHeader.match(Line):
+ DefineHeaderFlag = True
+ continue
+ if DefineHeaderFlag:
+ #
+ # Find Macro
+ #
+ Name, Value = MacroParser((Line, LineNo),
+ FileNameString,
+ DefineSectionMacros)
+ if Name is not None:
+ DefineSectionMacros[Name] = Value
+ continue
+ if PackageHederFlag:
+ #
+ # Find Macro
+ #
+ Name, Value = MacroParser((Line, LineNo),
+ FileNameString,
+ DefineSectionMacros)
+ if Name is not None:
+ PackageSectionMacros[Name] = Value
+ continue
+ #
+ # Replace with Local section Macro and [Defines] section Macro.
+ #
+ Line = InfExpandMacro(Line, (FileNameString, Line, LineNo), DefineSectionMacros, PackageSectionMacros, True)
+ Line = GetSplitValueList(Line, "#", 1)[0]
+ Line = GetSplitValueList(Line, "|", 1)[0]
+ PackageInfoList.append(Line)
+ return PackageInfoList
+def GetFileLineContent(FileName, WorkSpace, LineNo, OriginalString):
+ if not LineNo:
+ LineNo = -1
+ #
+ # Validate file name exist.
+ #
+ FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(WorkSpace, FileName)))
+ if not (ValidFile(FullFileName)):
+ return []
+ #
+ # Validate file exist/format.
+ #
+ if not IsValidPath(FileName, WorkSpace):
+ return []
+ FileLinesList = []
+ try:
+ FullFileName = FullFileName.replace('\\', '/')
+ Inputfile = open(FullFileName, "r")
+ try:
+ FileLinesList = Inputfile.readlines()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FILE_READ_FAILURE, ST.ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, File=FullFileName)
+ finally:
+ Inputfile.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=FullFileName)
+ FileLinesList = ProcessLineExtender(FileLinesList)
+ return FileLinesList
+# Get all INF files from current workspace
+def GetInfsFromWorkSpace(WorkSpace):
+ InfFiles = []
+ for top, dirs, files in os.walk(WorkSpace):
+ dirs = dirs # just for pylint
+ for File in files:
+ if File.upper().endswith(".INF"):
+ InfFiles.append(os.path.join(top, File))
+ return InfFiles
+# Get GUID and version from library instance file
+def GetGuidVerFormLibInstance(Guid, Version, WorkSpace, CurrentInfFileName):
+ for InfFile in GetInfsFromWorkSpace(WorkSpace):
+ try:
+ if InfFile.strip().upper() == CurrentInfFileName.strip().upper():
+ continue
+ InfFile = InfFile.replace('\\', '/')
+ if InfFile not in GlobalData.gLIBINSTANCEDICT:
+ InfFileObj = open(InfFile, "r")
+ GlobalData.gLIBINSTANCEDICT[InfFile] = InfFileObj
+ else:
+ InfFileObj = GlobalData.gLIBINSTANCEDICT[InfFile]
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=InfFile)
+ try:
+ FileLinesList = InfFileObj.readlines()
+ FileLinesList = ProcessLineExtender(FileLinesList)
+ ReFindFileGuidPattern = re.compile("^\s*FILE_GUID\s*=.*$")
+ ReFindVerStringPattern = re.compile("^\s*VERSION_STRING\s*=.*$")
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ if ReFindFileGuidPattern.match(Line):
+ FileGuidString = Line
+ if ReFindVerStringPattern.match(Line):
+ VerString = Line
+ if FileGuidString:
+ FileGuidString = GetSplitValueList(FileGuidString, '=', 1)[1]
+ if VerString:
+ VerString = GetSplitValueList(VerString, '=', 1)[1]
+ if FileGuidString.strip().upper() == Guid.upper() and \
+ VerString.strip().upper() == Version.upper():
+ return Guid, Version
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser", ToolError.FILE_READ_FAILURE, ST.ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, File=InfFile)
+ finally:
+ InfFileObj.close()
+ return '', ''