path: root/doc/man_pages/sshdump.adoc
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-09-19 04:14:53 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-09-19 04:14:53 +0000
commita86c5f7cae7ec9a3398300555a0b644689d946a1 (patch)
tree39fe4b107c71174fd1e8a8ceb9a4d2aa14116248 /doc/man_pages/sshdump.adoc
parentReleasing progress-linux version 4.2.6-1~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 4.4.0.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/man_pages/sshdump.adoc')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/man_pages/sshdump.adoc b/doc/man_pages/sshdump.adoc
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index 00000000..562336c4
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+= sshdump(1)
+:doctype: manpage
+:stylesheet: ws.css
+:copycss: {css_dir}/{stylesheet}
+== NAME
+sshdump - Provide interfaces to capture from a remote host through SSH using a remote capture binary.
+[ *--help* ]
+[ *--version* ]
+[ *--extcap-interfaces* ]
+[ *--extcap-dlts* ]
+[ *--extcap-interface*=<interface> ]
+[ *--extcap-config* ]
+[ *--extcap-capture-filter*=<capture filter> ]
+[ *--capture* ]
+[ *--fifo*=<path to file or pipe> ]
+[ *--remote-host*=<IP address> ]
+[ *--remote-port*=<TCP port> ]
+[ *--remote-username*=<username> ]
+[ *--remote-password*=<password> ]
+[ *--sshkey*=<private key path> ]
+[ *--sshkey-passphrase*=<private key passphrase> ]
+[ *--proxycommand*=<SSH proxy command> ]
+[ *--remote-interface*=<interface> ]
+[ *--remote-capture-command-select*=<capture command selection> ]
+[ *--remote-capture-command*=<capture command> ]
+[ *--remote-priv*=<privilege elevation command selection> ]
+[ *--remote-priv-user*=<privileged user name> ]
+[ *--remote-noprom* ]
+[ *--remote-filter*=<remote capture filter> ]
+[ *--remote-count*=<number> ]
+*--fifo*=<path to file or pipe>
+*--remote-capture-command='tcpdump -U -i eth0 -w-'*
+*Sshdump* is an extcap tool that allows one to run a remote capture
+tool over a SSH connection. The requirement is that the capture
+executable must have the capabilities to capture from the wanted
+The feature is functionally equivalent to run commands like
+ $ ssh remoteuser@remotehost -p 22222 'tcpdump -U -i IFACE -w -' > FILE &
+ $ wireshark FILE
+ $ ssh remoteuser@remotehost '/sbin/dumpcap -i IFACE -P -w - -f "not port 22"' > FILE &
+ $ wireshark FILE
+ $ ssh somehost dumpcap -P -w - -f udp | tshark -i -
+Typically sshdump is not invoked directly. Instead it can be configured through
+the Wireshark graphical user interface or its command line. The following will
+start Wireshark and start capturing from host *remotehost*:
+ $ wireshark '-oextcap.sshdump.remotehost:"remotehost"' -i sshdump -k
+To explicitly control the remote capture command:
+ $ wireshark '-oextcap.sshdump.remotehost:"remotehost"' \
+ '-oextcap.sshdump.remotecapturecommand:"tcpdump -i eth0 -Uw- not port 22"' \
+ -i sshdump -k
+Supported interfaces:
+1. ssh
+Print program arguments.
+Print program version.
+List available interfaces.
+Use specified interfaces.
+List DLTs of specified interface.
+List configuration options of specified interface.
+--extcap-capture-filter=<capture filter>::
+The capture filter. It corresponds to the value provided via the *tshark -f*
+option, and the Capture Filter field next to the interfaces list in the
+Wireshark interface.
+Start capturing from specified interface and write raw packet data to the location specified by --fifo.
+--fifo=<path to file or pipe>::
+Save captured packet to file or send it through pipe.
+--remote-host=<remote host>::
+The address of the remote host for capture.
+--remote-port=<remote port>::
+The SSH port of the remote host.
+The username for SSH authentication.
+The password to use (if not ssh-agent and pubkey are used). WARNING: the
+passwords are stored in plaintext and visible to all users on this system. It is
+recommended to use keyfiles with a SSH agent.
+--sshkey=<SSH private key path>::
+The path to a private key for authentication. NOTE: Only OPENSSH key/value pair format is supported.
+--sshkey-passphrase=<SSH private key passphrase>::
+The passphrase for the private key for authentication.
+--proxycommand=<proxy command>::
+The command to use as proxy for the SSH connection.
+--remote-interface=<remote interface>::
+The remote network interface to capture from.
+--remote-capture-command-select=<capture command-selection>::
+The selection of the build-in support for remote capture commands. Either *dumpcap* for a remote
+capture command using dumpcap, *tcpdump* for a remote capture command using tcpdump, or *other*,
+where the remote capture command is to be given with the *--remote-capture-command* option.
+Note that selecting dumpcap allows for specifying multiple capture interfaces as a whitespace
+separated list, while tcpdump does not.
+--remote-capture-command=<capture command>::
+A custom remote capture command that produces the remote stream that is shown in Wireshark.
+The command must be able to produce a PCAP stream written to STDOUT. See below for more
+If using tcpdump, use the *-w-* option to ensure that packets are written to
+standard output (stdout). Include the *-U* option to write packets as soon as
+they are received.
+When specified, this command will be used as is, options such as the capture
+filter (*--extcap-capture-filter*) will not be appended.
+--remote-priv=<privilege elevation command selection>::
+The command to use to achieve privilege elevation to capture on the remote host. Either none, sudo or doas.
+--remote-priv-user=<privileged user name>::
+If a command is used to achieve privilege elevation to capture on the remote host this may require a user name.
+If needed use this option to give that user name.
+--remote-filter=<capture filter>::
+The remote capture filter. It corresponds to the value provided via the *tshark -f*
+option, and the Capture Filter field next to the interfaces list in the
+Wireshark interface.
+The number of packets to capture.
+To see program arguments:
+ sshdump --help
+To see program version:
+ sshdump --version
+To see interfaces:
+ sshdump --extcap-interfaces
+Only one interface (sshdump) is supported.
+.Example output
+ interface {value=sshdump}{display=SSH remote capture}
+To see interface DLTs:
+ sshdump --extcap-interface=sshdump --extcap-dlts
+.Example output
+ dlt {number=147}{name=sshdump}{display=Remote capture dependent DLT}
+To see interface configuration options:
+ sshdump --extcap-interface=sshdump --extcap-config
+.Example output
+ arg {number=0}{call=--remote-host}{display=Remote SSH server address}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=The remote SSH host. It can be both an IP address or a hostname}{required=true}{group=Server}
+ arg {number=1}{call=--remote-port}{display=Remote SSH server port}{type=unsigned}{default=22}
+ {tooltip=The remote SSH host port (1-65535)}{range=1,65535}{group=Server}
+ arg {number=2}{call=--remote-username}{display=Remote SSH server username}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=The remote SSH username. If not provided, the current user will be used}{group=Authentication}
+ arg {number=3}{call=--remote-password}{display=Remote SSH server password}{type=password}
+ {tooltip=The SSH password, used when other methods (SSH agent or key files) are unavailable.}{group=Authentication}
+ arg {number=4}{call=--sshkey}{display=Path to SSH private key}{type=fileselect}
+ {tooltip=The path on the local filesystem of the private SSH key (OpenSSH format)}{mustexist=true}{group=Authentication}
+ arg {number=5}{call=--sshkey-passphrase}{display=SSH key passphrase}{type=password}
+ {tooltip=Passphrase to unlock the SSH private key}{group=Authentication}
+ arg {number=6}{call=--proxycommand}{display=ProxyCommand}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=The command to use as proxy for the SSH connection}{group=Authentication}
+ arg {number=7}{call=--remote-interface}{display=Remote interface}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=The remote network interface used for capture}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=8}{call=--remote-capture-command-select}{display=Remote capture command selection}{type=radio}
+ {tooltip=The remote capture command to build a command line for}{group=Capture}
+ value {arg=8}{value=dumpcap}{display=dumpcap}
+ value {arg=8}{value=tcpdump}{display=tcpdump}{default=true}
+ value {arg=8}{value=other}{display=Other:}
+ arg {number=9}{call=--remote-capture-command}{display=Remote capture command}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=The remote command used to capture}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=10}{call=--remote-priv}{display=Gain capture privilege on the remote machine}{type=radio}
+ {tooltip=Optionally prepend the capture command with sudo or doas on the remote machine}{group=Capture}
+ value {arg=10}{value=none}{display=none}{default=true}
+ value {arg=10}{value=sudo}{display=sudo}
+ value {arg=10}{value=doas -n}{display=doas}
+ arg {number=11}{call=--remote-priv-user}{display=Privileged user name for sudo or doas}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=User name of privileged user to execute the capture command on the remote machine}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=12}{call=--remote-noprom}{display=No promiscuous mode}{type=boolflag}
+ {tooltip=Don't use promiscuous mode on the remote machine}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=13}{call=--remote-filter}{display=Remote capture filter}{type=string}
+ {tooltip=The remote capture filter}{default=not ((host myhost) and port 22)}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=14}{call=--remote-count}{display=Packets to capture}{type=unsigned}{default=0}
+ {tooltip=The number of remote packets to capture. (Default: inf)}{group=Capture}
+ arg {number=15}{call=--log-level}{display=Set the log level}{type=selector}
+ {tooltip=Set the log level}{required=false}{group=Debug}
+ value {arg=14}{value=message}{display=Message}{default=true}
+ value {arg=14}{value=info}{display=Info}
+ value {arg=14}{value=debug}{display=Debug}
+ value {arg=14}{value=noisy}{display=Noisy}
+ arg {number=16}{call=--log-file}{display=Use a file for logging}{type=fileselect}
+ {tooltip=Set a file where log messages are written}{required=false}{group=Debug}
+To capture:
+ sshdump --extcap-interface=sshdump --fifo=/tmp/ssh.pcap --capture --remote-host
+ --remote-username user --remote-filter "not port 22"
+To use different capture binaries:
+ sshdump --extcap-interface=sshdump --fifo=/tmp/ssh.pcap --capture --remote-host
+ --remote-username user --remote-priv sudo --remote-capture-command-select tcpdump
+ --remote-interface eth0 --remote-noprom
+ sshdump --extcap-interface=sshdump --fifo=/tmp/ssh.pcap --capture --remote-host
+ --remote-capture-command='dumpcap -i eth0 -P -w -'
+ sshdump --extcap-interface=sshdump --fifo=/tmp/ssh.pcap --capture --remote-host
+ --remote-capture-command='sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -U -w -'
+NOTE: To stop capturing CTRL+C/kill/terminate the application.
+The sshdump binary can be renamed to support multiple instances. For instance if we want sshdump
+to show up twice in wireshark (for instance to handle multiple profiles), we can copy sshdump to
+sshdump-host1 and sshdump-host2. Each binary will show up an interface name same as the executable
+name. Those executables not being "sshdump" will show up as "custom version" in the interface description.
+xref:wireshark.html[wireshark](1), xref:tshark.html[tshark](1), xref:dumpcap.html[dumpcap](1), xref:extcap.html[extcap](4), xref:[tcpdump](1)
+*Sshdump* is part of the *Wireshark* distribution. The latest version
+of *Wireshark* can be found at
+HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at
+.Original Author
+Dario Lombardo <lomato[AT]>