path: root/doc/dissection-options.adoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/dissection-options.adoc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/doc/dissection-options.adoc b/doc/dissection-options.adoc
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index 5c55a763..00000000
--- a/doc/dissection-options.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// tag::decode_as[]
--d <layer type>==<selector>,<decode-as protocol>::
-Like Wireshark's *Decode As...* feature, this lets you specify how a
-layer type should be dissected. If the layer type in question (for example,
-*tcp.port* or *udp.port* for a TCP or UDP port number) has the specified
-selector value, packets should be dissected as the specified protocol.
-.Decode As Port
-*-d tcp.port==8888,http* will decode any traffic running over
-TCP port 8888 as HTTP.
-// tag::tshark[]
-.Decode As Port Range
-*-d tcp.port==8888-8890,http* will decode any traffic running
-over TCP ports 8888, 8889 or 8890 as HTTP.
-.Decode As Port Range via Length
-*-d tcp.port==8888:3,http* will decode any traffic running over
-the three TCP ports 8888, 8889 or 8890 as HTTP.
-Using an invalid selector or protocol will print out a list of valid selectors
-and protocol names, respectively.
-.Decode As List of Selectors
-*-d .* is a quick way to get a list of valid selectors.
-.Decode As List of Values for a Selector
-*-d ethertype==0x0800,.* is a quick way to get a list of protocols
-that can be selected with an ethertype.
-// end::tshark[]
-// tag::not_tshark[]
-See the xref:tshark.html#decode_as[tshark](1) manual page for more examples.
-// end::not_tshark[]
-// end::decode_as[]
-Disable dissection of all protocols.
---disable-protocol <proto_name>[,<proto_name>,...]::
-Disable dissection of proto_name.
-Use a proto_name of *ALL* to override
-your chosen profile's default enabled protocol list and temporarily
-disable all protocols.
---disable-heuristic <short_name>::
-Disable dissection of heuristic protocol.
---enable-protocol <proto_name>[,<proto_name>,...]::
-Enable dissection of proto_name.
-Use a proto_name of *ALL* to override
-your chosen profile's default disabled protocol list and temporarily
-enable all protocols which are enabled by default.
-If a protocol is implicated in both *--disable-protocol*
-and *--enable-protocol*, the protocol is enabled. This allows you to
-temporarily disable all protocols but a list of exceptions.
-Example: *--disable-protocol ALL --enable-protocol eth,ip*
---enable-heuristic <short_name>::
-Enable dissection of heuristic protocol.
--K <keytab>::
-Load kerberos crypto keys from the specified keytab file.
-This option can be used multiple times to load keys from several files.
-Example: *-K krb5.keytab*
-Disable network object name resolution (such as hostname, TCP and UDP port
-names); the *-N* option might override this one.
--N <name resolving flags>::
-Turn on name resolving only for particular types of addresses and port
-numbers, with name resolving for other types of addresses and port
-numbers turned off. This option (along with *-n*) can be specified
-multiple times; the last value given overrides earlier ones. This option
-and *-n* override the options from the preferences, including preferences
-set via the *-o* option. If both *-N* and *-n* options are not present,
-the values from the preferences are used, which default to *-N dmN*.
-The argument is a string that may contain the letters:
-*d* to enable resolution from captured DNS packets
-*g* to enable IP address geolocation information lookup from configured
-MaxMind databases
-*m* to enable MAC address resolution
-*n* to enable network address resolution
-*N* to enable using external resolvers (e.g., DNS) for network address
-resolution; no effect without *n* also enabled.
-*t* to enable transport-layer port number resolution
-*v* to enable VLAN IDs to names resolution
-// tag::tshark[]
-In tshark single-pass mode, external resolution and geolocation lookup is
-performed synchronously. For live captures, which are always in single-pass
-mode, this makes it more difficult for dissection to keep up with a busy
-network, possibly leading to dropped packets.
-// end::tshark[]
---only-protocols <protocols>::
-Only enable dissection of these protocols, comma separated. Disable everything else.
--t (a|ad|adoy|d|dd|e|r|u|ud|udoy)[.[N]]|.[N]::
-Set the format of the packet timestamp displayed in the default time
-column. The format can be one of:
-*a* absolute: The absolute time, as local time in your time zone,
-is the actual time the packet was captured, with no date displayed
-*ad* absolute with date: The absolute date, displayed as YYYY-MM-DD,
-and time, as local time in your time zone, is the actual time and date
-the packet was captured
-*adoy* absolute with date using day of year: The absolute date,
-displayed as YYYY/DOY, and time, as local time in your time zone,
-is the actual time and date the packet was captured
-*d* delta: The delta time is the time since the previous packet was
-*dd* delta_displayed: The delta_displayed time is the time since the
-previous displayed packet was captured
-*e* epoch: The time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00)
-*r* relative: The relative time is the time elapsed between the first packet
-and the current packet
-*u* UTC: The absolute time, as UTC, is the actual time the packet was
-captured, with no date displayed
-*ud* UTC with date: The absolute date, displayed as YYYY-MM-DD,
-and time, as UTC, is the actual time and date the packet was captured
-*udoy* UTC with date using day of year: The absolute date, displayed
-as YYYY/DOY, and time, as UTC, is the actual time and date the packet
-was captured
-*.[N]* Set the precision: N is the number of decimals (0 through 9).
-If using "." without N, automatically determine precision from trace.
-The default format is relative with precision based on capture format.
--u <s|hms>::
-Specifies how packet timestamp formats in *-t* which are relative times
-(i.e. relative, delta, and delta_displayed) are displayed. Valid choices are:
-*s* for seconds
-*hms* for hours, minutes, and seconds
-The default format is seconds.