path: root/epan/dissectors/packet-ftp.c
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1 files changed, 1892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/packet-ftp.c b/epan/dissectors/packet-ftp.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c53781a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/packet-ftp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1892 @@
+/* packet-ftp.c
+ * Routines for ftp packet dissection
+ * Copyright 1999, Richard Sharpe <>
+ * Copyright 2001, Juan Toledo <> (Passive FTP)
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * Copied from packet-pop.c
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h> /* for sscanf() */
+#include <wsutil/strtoi.h>
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/strutil.h>
+#include <epan/conversation.h>
+#include <epan/expert.h>
+#include <epan/addr_resolv.h>
+#include <epan/proto_data.h>
+#include "packet-acdr.h"
+#include <tap.h>
+#include <epan/export_object.h>
+#include <ui/tap-credentials.h>
+#include "packet-tls.h"
+#include "packet-tls-utils.h"
+void proto_register_ftp(void);
+void proto_reg_handoff_ftp(void);
+static int credentials_tap = -1;
+static int proto_ftp = -1;
+static int proto_ftp_data = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_current_working_directory = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_response = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_request = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_request_command = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_request_arg = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_response_code = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_response_arg = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_pasv_ip = -1 ;
+static int hf_ftp_pasv_port = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_pasv_nat = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_active_ip = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_active_port = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_active_nat = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_eprt_af = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_eprt_ip = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_eprt_ipv6 = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_eprt_port = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_epsv_ip = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_epsv_ipv6 = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_epsv_port = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_response_frames = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_response_bytes = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_response_first_frame_num = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_response_last_frame_num = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_response_duration = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_response_kbps = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_setup_frame = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_command_frame = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_command_command = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_data_setup_frame = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_data_setup_method = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_data_command = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_data_command_frame = -1;
+static int hf_ftp_data_current_working_directory = -1;
+static gint ett_ftp = -1;
+static gint ett_ftp_reqresp = -1;
+static expert_field ei_ftp_eprt_args_invalid = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_ftp_epsv_args_invalid = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_ftp_response_code_invalid = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_ftp_pwd_response_invalid = EI_INIT;
+static int ftp_eo_tap = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t ftpdata_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t ftp_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t data_text_lines_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t tls_handle;
+#define TCP_PORT_FTPDATA 20
+#define TCP_PORT_FTP 21
+static const value_string response_table[] = {
+ { 110, "Restart marker reply" },
+ { 120, "Service ready in nnn minutes" },
+ { 125, "Data connection already open; transfer starting" },
+ { 150, "File status okay; about to open data connection" },
+ { 200, "Command okay" },
+ { 202, "Command not implemented, superfluous at this site" },
+ { 211, "System status, or system help reply" },
+ { 212, "Directory status" },
+ { 213, "File status" },
+ { 214, "Help message" },
+ { 215, "NAME system type" },
+ { 220, "Service ready for new user" },
+ { 221, "Service closing control connection" },
+ { 225, "Data connection open; no transfer in progress" },
+ { 226, "Closing data connection" },
+ { 227, "Entering Passive Mode" },
+ { 229, "Entering Extended Passive Mode" },
+ { 230, "User logged in, proceed" },
+ { 232, "User logged in, authorized by security data exchange" },
+ { 234, "Security data exchange complete" },
+ { 235, "Security data exchange completed successfully" },
+ { 250, "Requested file action okay, completed" },
+ { 257, "PATHNAME created" },
+ { 331, "User name okay, need password" },
+ { 332, "Need account for login" },
+ { 334, "Requested security mechanism is ok" },
+ { 335, "Security data is acceptable, more is required" },
+ { 336, "Username okay, need password. Challenge is ..." },
+ { 350, "Requested file action pending further information" },
+ { 421, "Service not available, closing control connection" },
+ { 425, "Can't open data connection" },
+ { 426, "Connection closed; transfer aborted" },
+ { 431, "Need some unavailable resource to process security" },
+ { 450, "Requested file action not taken" },
+ { 451, "Requested action aborted: local error in processing" },
+ { 452, "Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system" },
+ { 500, "Syntax error, command unrecognized" },
+ { 501, "Syntax error in parameters or arguments" },
+ { 502, "Command not implemented" },
+ { 503, "Bad sequence of commands" },
+ { 504, "Command not implemented for that parameter" },
+ { 522, "Network protocol not supported" },
+ { 530, "Not logged in" },
+ { 532, "Need account for storing files" },
+ { 533, "Command protection level denied for policy reasons" },
+ { 534, "Request denied for policy reasons" },
+ { 535, "Failed security check (hash, sequence, etc)" },
+ { 536, "Requested PROT level not supported by mechanism" },
+ { 537, "Command protection level not supported by security mechanism" },
+ { 550, "Requested action not taken: File unavailable" },
+ { 551, "Requested action aborted: page type unknown" },
+ { 552, "Requested file action aborted: Exceeded storage allocation" },
+ { 553, "Requested action not taken: File name not allowed" },
+ { 631, "Integrity protected reply" },
+ { 632, "Confidentiality and integrity protected reply" },
+ { 633, "Confidentiality protected reply" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static value_string_ext response_table_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(response_table);
+#define EPRT_AF_IPv4 1
+#define EPRT_AF_IPv6 2
+static const value_string eprt_af_vals[] = {
+ { EPRT_AF_IPv4, "IPv4" },
+ { EPRT_AF_IPv6, "IPv6" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+/* Used for FTP-DATA's Export Object feature
+ This will be controlled by the preferences setting "export.maxsize".
+ It will be used to set the maximum file size for FTP's export
+ objects (in megabytes). Use 0 for no limit.
+ */
+static guint pref_export_maxsize = 0;
+typedef struct _ftp_eo_t {
+ gchar *command; /* Command this data stream answers (e.g., RETR foo.txt) */
+ guint32 command_frame; /* Where command for this data was seen */
+ guint32 payload_len; /* Length of packet's data */
+ gchar *payload_data; /* Packet's data */
+} ftp_eo_t;
+/* Stores mappings of the command packet number to the export object
+ table's row number, so we can append data from later FTP packets
+ to the entries.
+ */
+GHashTable *command_packet_to_eo_row = NULL;
+/* Track which row number in the export object table we're up to */
+guint32 eo_row_count = 0;
+ * This is the callback passed to register_export_object()
+ * as the tap processing function. It will be called each time
+ * tap_queue_packet() sends a packet to the export objects tap.
+ *
+ * The general approach is that when a file transfer begins,
+ * besides storing the standard export object data, like
+ * the source system, filename, data, and length,
+ * an entry is added to the command_packet_to_eo_row hashtable,
+ * mapping the FTP command packet's number to the
+ * export object list's row number.
+ *
+ * When a later packet has a command packet number
+ * that's already present in the command_packet_to_eo_row hashtable,
+ * we detect that's it's a continuation of a previous
+ * file transfer, so we look up the associated entry in the export
+ * object list and append the data to there.
+ *
+ * FTP is complex in that there's no guarantee that the file transmission
+ * was completely captured. It might be possible to infer a successful
+ * transfer with either the "SIZE" command or with a 226 response code
+ * (indicating that the STOR or RETR command was succesful), but there
+ * is no guarantee that either of these are present. As such, this
+ * implementation takes a best-effort approach of simply appending
+ * all associated ftp-data packets to the export objects entry.
+ */
+static tap_packet_status
+ftp_eo_packet(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *data, tap_flags_t flags _U_)
+ export_object_list_t *object_list = (export_object_list_t *)tapdata;
+ const ftp_eo_t *eo_info = (const ftp_eo_t *)data;
+ if(eo_info) { /* We have data waiting for us */
+ /* Only export files transferred with STOR or RETR*/
+ if (strncmp(eo_info->command, "STOR", 4) != 0 && strncmp(eo_info->command, "RETR", 4) != 0) {
+ return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW; /* State unchanged - no window updates needed */
+ }
+ /* Create the command_packet_to_eo_row hashtable for mapping the FTP
+ command packet's number to the export object list's row number */
+ if(command_packet_to_eo_row == NULL) {
+ command_packet_to_eo_row = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
+ }
+ if (!g_hash_table_contains(command_packet_to_eo_row, GUINT_TO_POINTER(eo_info->command_frame))) {
+ /* Command packet not previously seen. Create the new entry in the hashtable. */
+ export_object_entry_t *entry = g_new(export_object_entry_t, 1);
+ entry->pkt_num = pinfo->num;
+ /* If the command is STOR, the transfer is from the client to the server
+ If the command is RETR, the transfer is from the server to the client
+ However, ftp-data will always have the file's origin as pinfo->src */
+ entry->hostname = g_strdup(address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->src));
+ entry->content_type = g_strdup("FTP file");
+ /* Remove the "STOR " or "RETR " to extract the filename */
+ if (strlen(eo_info->command) > 5){
+ entry->filename = g_strdup(eo_info->command + 5);
+ } else {
+ entry->filename = g_strdup("(MISSING)");
+ }
+ gsize bytes_to_copy;
+ if (pref_export_maxsize != 0 && (eo_info->payload_len > pref_export_maxsize*1024*1024)) {
+ bytes_to_copy = pref_export_maxsize*1024*1024;
+ }
+ else {
+ bytes_to_copy = eo_info->payload_len;
+ }
+ entry->payload_len = bytes_to_copy;
+ entry->payload_data = (guint8 *)g_memdup2(eo_info->payload_data, bytes_to_copy);
+ /* Add the mapping of the command frame and the export object
+ list's row number to the hash table */
+ g_hash_table_insert(command_packet_to_eo_row, GUINT_TO_POINTER(eo_info->command_frame), GUINT_TO_POINTER(eo_row_count));
+ eo_row_count += 1;
+ object_list->add_entry(object_list->gui_data, entry);
+ } else {
+ /* This command packet number is already present in the
+ command_packet_to_eo_row hashtable, so it's a continuation of
+ a previous. Let's look up the entry in the export
+ object list and append the data to there */
+ guint32 row_num = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_hash_table_lookup(command_packet_to_eo_row, GUINT_TO_POINTER(eo_info->command_frame)));
+ export_object_entry_t *entry = object_list->get_entry(object_list->gui_data, row_num);
+ gsize bytes_to_copy;
+ if (pref_export_maxsize != 0 && (entry->payload_len + eo_info->payload_len) > pref_export_maxsize*1024*1024) {
+ bytes_to_copy = pref_export_maxsize*1024*1024 - entry->payload_len;
+ }
+ else {
+ bytes_to_copy = eo_info->payload_len;
+ }
+ entry->payload_data = (guint8 *) g_realloc(entry->payload_data, entry->payload_len + bytes_to_copy);
+ memcpy(entry->payload_data + entry->payload_len, eo_info->payload_data, bytes_to_copy);
+ entry->payload_len = entry->payload_len + bytes_to_copy;
+ }
+ /* payload_data will be freed when the Export Object window is closed. */
+ return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW; /* State changed - window should be redrawn */
+ } else {
+ return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW; /* State unchanged - no window updates needed */
+ }
+ * This is the callback passed to register_export_object()
+ * as the reset_cb. This will be used in the export_object module
+ * to cleanup any previous private data of the export object functionality
+ * before performing the eo_reset function or when the window closes */
+static void
+ if(command_packet_to_eo_row != NULL) {
+ g_hash_table_destroy(command_packet_to_eo_row);
+ command_packet_to_eo_row = NULL;
+ }
+ eo_row_count = 0;
+/* Storing session state and linking between control (ftp) and data */
+/* data (ftp-data) conversations */
+typedef struct ftp_data_conversation_t
+ const gchar *command; /* Command that this data answers */
+ guint32 command_frame; /* Frame command was seen */
+ const gchar *setup_method; /* Type of command used to set up data conversation */
+ guint32 setup_frame; /* Frame where this happened */
+ wmem_strbuf_t *current_working_directory;
+ /* Summary details of stream to show in command frame. */
+ guint first_frame_num;
+ nstime_t first_frame_time;
+ guint last_frame_num;
+ nstime_t last_frame_time;
+ guint frames_seen;
+ guint bytes_seen;
+} ftp_data_conversation_t;
+/* Data to associate with individual FTP frame */
+typedef struct ftp_packet_data_t
+ wmem_strbuf_t *current_working_directory;
+} ftp_packet_data_t;
+/* State of FTP conversation */
+typedef struct ftp_conversation_t
+ const gchar *last_command; /* Most recent request command seen (on first pass) */
+ guint32 last_command_frame; /* When request was seen */
+ wmem_strbuf_t *current_working_directory;
+ ftp_data_conversation_t *current_data_conv; /* Current data conversation (during first pass) */
+ guint32 current_data_setup_frame;
+ gchar *username;
+ guint username_pkt_num;
+ gboolean tls_requested;
+} ftp_conversation_t;
+/* For a given packet, retrieve or initialise a new conversation, and return it */
+static ftp_conversation_t *find_or_create_ftp_conversation(packet_info *pinfo)
+ /* Create control conversation if necessary */
+ conversation_t *conv = find_or_create_conversation(pinfo);
+ ftp_conversation_t *p_ftp_conv;
+ /* Control conversation data */
+ p_ftp_conv = (ftp_conversation_t *)conversation_get_proto_data(conv, proto_ftp);
+ if (!p_ftp_conv) {
+ p_ftp_conv = wmem_new0(wmem_file_scope(), ftp_conversation_t);
+ /* Start with an empty string - assume relative path unless/until find out differently. */
+ p_ftp_conv->current_working_directory = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_file_scope(), "");
+ conversation_add_proto_data(conv, proto_ftp, p_ftp_conv);
+ }
+ return p_ftp_conv;
+/* Keep track of ftp_data_conversation_t*, keyed by the ftp command frame */
+static GHashTable *ftp_command_to_data_hash = NULL;
+/* When new data conversation is being created, should:
+ * - create data conversation
+ * - create control conversation, and have it point at control conversation
+ */
+static void create_and_link_data_conversation(packet_info *pinfo,
+ address *addr_a,
+ guint16 port_a,
+ address *addr_b,
+ guint16 port_b,
+ const char *method)
+ /* Only to do on first pass */
+ if (pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ftp_conversation_t *p_ftp_conv = find_or_create_ftp_conversation(pinfo);
+ /* Create data conversation and set dissector */
+ ftp_data_conversation_t *p_ftp_data_conv;
+ conversation_t *data_conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num,
+ addr_a, addr_b,
+ port_a, port_b,
+ NO_PORT2);
+ conversation_set_dissector(data_conversation, ftpdata_handle);
+ /* Allocate data for data conversation. Note that control conversation will update it with commands. */
+ p_ftp_data_conv = wmem_new0(wmem_file_scope(), ftp_data_conversation_t);
+ /* Set method */
+ p_ftp_data_conv->setup_method = method;
+ /* Copy snapshot of what cwd is at this point */
+ p_ftp_data_conv->current_working_directory = p_ftp_conv->current_working_directory;
+ /* Point control conversation at current data conversation */
+ conversation_add_proto_data(data_conversation, proto_ftp_data,
+ p_ftp_data_conv);
+ p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv = p_ftp_data_conv;
+ p_ftp_conv->current_data_setup_frame = pinfo->num;
+ * Parse the address and port information in a PORT command or in the
+ * response to a PASV command. Return TRUE if we found an address and
+ * port, and supply the address and port; return FALSE if we didn't find
+ * them.
+ *
+ * We ignore the IP address in the reply, and use the address from which
+ * the request came.
+ *
+ * XXX - are there cases where they differ? What if the FTP server is
+ * behind a NAT box, so that the address it puts into the reply isn't
+ * the address at which you should contact it? Do all NAT boxes detect
+ * FTP PASV replies and rewrite the address? (I suspect not.)
+ *
+ * RFC 959 doesn't say much about the syntax of the 227 reply.
+ *
+ * A proposal from Dan Bernstein at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * "recommend[s] that clients use the following strategy to parse the
+ * response line: look for the first digit after the initial space; look
+ * for the fourth comma after that digit; read two (possibly negative)
+ * integers, separated by a comma; the TCP port number is p1*256+p2, where
+ * p1 is the first integer modulo 256 and p2 is the second integer modulo
+ * 256."
+ *
+ * wget 1.5.3 looks for a digit, although it doesn't handle negative
+ * integers.
+ *
+ * The FTP code in the source of the cURL library, at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * says that cURL "now scans for a sequence of six comma-separated numbers
+ * and will take them as IP+port indicators"; it loops, doing "sscanf"s
+ * looking for six numbers separated by commas, stepping the start pointer
+ * in the scanf one character at a time - i.e., it tries rather exhaustively.
+ *
+ * An optimization would be to scan for a digit, and start there, and if
+ * the scanf doesn't find six values, scan for the next digit and try
+ * again; this will probably succeed on the first try.
+ *
+ * The cURL code also says that "found reply-strings include":
+ *
+ * "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,4,51)"
+ * "227 Data transfer will passively listen to 127,0,0,1,4,51"
+ * "227 Entering passive mode. 127,0,0,1,4,51"
+ *
+ * so it appears that you can't assume there are parentheses around
+ * the address and port number.
+ */
+static gboolean
+parse_port_pasv(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, int linelen, guint32 *ftp_ip,
+ guint16 *ftp_port, guint32 *pasv_offset, guint *ftp_ip_len,
+ guint *ftp_port_len)
+ char *args;
+ char *p;
+ guchar c;
+ int i;
+ int ip_address[4], port[2];
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ /*
+ * Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer.
+ */
+ args = wmem_alloc(wmem_packet_scope(), linelen + 1);
+ tvb_get_raw_bytes_as_string(tvb, offset, args, linelen + 1);
+ p = args;
+ for (;;) {
+ /*
+ * Look for a digit.
+ */
+ while ((c = *p) != '\0' && !g_ascii_isdigit(c))
+ p++;
+ if (*p == '\0') {
+ /*
+ * We ran out of text without finding anything.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * See if we have six numbers.
+ */
+ i = sscanf(p, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
+ &ip_address[0], &ip_address[1], &ip_address[2], &ip_address[3],
+ &port[0], &port[1]);
+ if (i == 6) {
+ /*
+ * We have a winner!
+ */
+ *ftp_port = ((port[0] & 0xFF)<<8) | (port[1] & 0xFF);
+ *ftp_ip = g_htonl((ip_address[0] << 24) | (ip_address[1] <<16) | (ip_address[2] <<8) | ip_address[3]);
+ *pasv_offset = (guint32)(p - args);
+ *ftp_port_len = (port[0] < 10 ? 1 : (port[0] < 100 ? 2 : 3 )) + 1 +
+ (port[1] < 10 ? 1 : (port[1] < 100 ? 2 : 3 ));
+ *ftp_ip_len = (ip_address[0] < 10 ? 1 : (ip_address[0] < 100 ? 2 : 3)) + 1 +
+ (ip_address[1] < 10 ? 1 : (ip_address[1] < 100 ? 2 : 3)) + 1 +
+ (ip_address[2] < 10 ? 1 : (ip_address[2] < 100 ? 2 : 3)) + 1 +
+ (ip_address[3] < 10 ? 1 : (ip_address[3] < 100 ? 2 : 3));
+ ret = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Well, that didn't work. Skip the first number we found,
+ * and keep trying.
+ */
+ while ((c = *p) != '\0' && g_ascii_isdigit(c))
+ p++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(const guchar c)
+ /* RFC2428 sect. 2 states rules for a valid delimiter */
+ const gchar *forbidden = "0123456789abcdef.:";
+ if (!g_ascii_isgraph(c))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strchr(forbidden, g_ascii_tolower(c)))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ * RFC2428 states...
+ *
+ * AF Number Protocol
+ * --------- --------
+ * 1 Internet Protocol, Version 4
+ * 2 Internet Protocol, Version 6
+ *
+ * AF Number Address Format Example
+ * --------- -------------- -------
+ * 1 dotted decimal
+ * 2 IPv6 string 1080::8:800:200C:417A
+ * representations
+ * defined in
+ *
+ * The following are sample EPRT commands:
+ * EPRT |1||6275|
+ * EPRT |2|1080::8:800:200C:417A|5282|
+ *
+ * The first command specifies that the server should use IPv4 to open a
+ * data connection to the host "" on TCP port 6275. The
+ * second command specifies that the server should use the IPv6 network
+ * protocol and the network address "1080::8:800:200C:417A" to open a
+ * TCP data connection on port 5282.
+ *
+ * ... which means in fact that RFC2428 is capable to handle both,
+ * IPv4 and IPv6 so we have to care about the address family and properly
+ * act depending on it.
+ *
+ */
+static gboolean
+parse_eprt_request(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, gint linelen, guint32 *eprt_af,
+ guint32 *eprt_ip, guint16 *eprt_ipv6, guint16 *ftp_port,
+ guint32 *eprt_ip_len, guint32 *ftp_port_len)
+ gint delimiters_seen = 0;
+ gchar delimiter;
+ gint fieldlen;
+ gchar *field;
+ gint n;
+ gint lastn;
+ char *args, *p;
+ gboolean ret = TRUE;
+ /* line contains the EPRT parameters, we need at least the 4 delimiters */
+ if (linelen<4)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer. */
+ args = wmem_alloc(wmem_packet_scope(), linelen + 1);
+ tvb_get_raw_bytes_as_string(tvb, offset, args, linelen + 1);
+ p = args;
+ /*
+ * Handle a NUL being in the line; if there's a NUL in the line,
+ * strlen(args) will terminate at the NUL and will thus return
+ * a value less than linelen.
+ */
+ if ((gint)strlen(args) < linelen)
+ linelen = (gint)strlen(args);
+ /*
+ * RFC2428 sect. 2 states ...
+ *
+ * The EPRT command keyword MUST be followed by a single space (ASCII
+ * 32). Following the space, a delimiter character (<d>) MUST be
+ * specified.
+ *
+ * ... the preceding <space> is already stripped so we know that the first
+ * character must be the delimiter and has just to be checked to be valid.
+ */
+ if (!isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(*p))
+ return FALSE; /* EPRT command does not follow a vaild delimiter;
+ * malformed EPRT command - immediate escape */
+ delimiter = *p;
+ /* Validate that the delimiter occurs 4 times in the string */
+ for (n = 0; n < linelen; n++) {
+ if (*(p+n) == delimiter)
+ delimiters_seen++;
+ }
+ if (delimiters_seen != 4)
+ return FALSE; /* delimiter doesn't occur 4 times
+ * probably no EPRT request - immediate escape */
+ /* we know that the first character is a delimiter... */
+ delimiters_seen = 1;
+ lastn = 0;
+ /* ... so we can start searching from the 2nd onwards */
+ for (n=1; n < linelen; n++) {
+ if (*(p+n) != delimiter)
+ continue;
+ /* we found a delimiter */
+ delimiters_seen++;
+ fieldlen = n - lastn - 1;
+ if (fieldlen<=0)
+ return FALSE; /* all fields must have data in them */
+ field = p + lastn + 1;
+ if (delimiters_seen == 2) { /* end of address family field */
+ gchar *af_str;
+ af_str = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), field, fieldlen);
+ if (!ws_strtou32(af_str, NULL, eprt_af))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (delimiters_seen == 3) {/* end of IP address field */
+ gchar *ip_str;
+ ip_str = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), field, fieldlen);
+ if (*eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv4) {
+ if (str_to_ip(ip_str, eprt_ip))
+ ret = TRUE;
+ else
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (*eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv6) {
+ if (str_to_ip6(ip_str, eprt_ipv6))
+ ret = TRUE;
+ else
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE; /* invalid/unknown address family */
+ *eprt_ip_len = fieldlen;
+ }
+ else if (delimiters_seen == 4) {/* end of port field */
+ gchar *pt_str;
+ pt_str = wmem_strndup(wmem_packet_scope(), field, fieldlen);
+ if (!ws_strtou16(pt_str, NULL, ftp_port))
+ return FALSE;
+ *ftp_port_len = fieldlen;
+ }
+ lastn = n;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * RFC2428 states ....
+ *
+ * The first two fields contained in the parenthesis MUST be blank. The
+ * third field MUST be the string representation of the TCP port number
+ * on which the server is listening for a data connection.
+ *
+ * The network protocol used by the data connection will be the same network
+ * protocol used by the control connection. In addition, the network
+ * address used to establish the data connection will be the same
+ * network address used for the control connection.
+ *
+ * An example response string follows:
+ *
+ * Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||6446|)
+ *
+ * ... which in fact means that again both address families IPv4 and IPv6
+ * are supported. But gladly it's not necessary to parse because it doesn't
+ * occur in EPSV responses. We can leverage ftp_ip_address which is
+ * protocol independent and already set.
+ *
+ */
+static gboolean
+parse_extended_pasv_response(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, gint linelen,
+ guint16 *ftp_port, guint *pasv_offset, guint *ftp_port_len)
+ gint n;
+ gchar *args;
+ gchar *p;
+ gchar *e;
+ guchar c;
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ gboolean delimiters_seen = FALSE;
+ /*
+ * Copy the rest of the line into a null-terminated buffer.
+ */
+ args = wmem_alloc(wmem_packet_scope(), linelen + 1);
+ tvb_get_raw_bytes_as_string(tvb, offset, args, linelen + 1);
+ p = args;
+ /*
+ * Look for ( <d> <d> <d>
+ (Try to cope with '(' in description)
+ */
+ for (; !delimiters_seen;) {
+ guchar delimiter = '\0';
+ while ((c = *p) != '\0' && (c != '('))
+ p++;
+ if (*p == '\0') {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Skip '(' */
+ p++;
+ /* Make sure same delimiter is used 3 times */
+ for (n=0; n<3; n++) {
+ if ((c = *p) != '\0') {
+ if (delimiter == '\0' && isvalid_rfc2428_delimiter(c)) {
+ delimiter = c;
+ }
+ if (c != delimiter) {
+ break;
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ delimiters_seen = TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Should now be at digits.
+ */
+ if (*p != '\0') {
+ const gchar* endptr;
+ gboolean port_valid;
+ /*
+ * We didn't run out of text without finding anything.
+ */
+ port_valid = ws_strtou16(p, &endptr, ftp_port);
+ /* the conversion returned false, but the converted value could
+ be valid instead, check it out */
+ if (!port_valid && *endptr == '|')
+ port_valid = TRUE;
+ if (port_valid) {
+ *pasv_offset = (guint32)(p - args);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ /* get port string length */
+ if ((e=strchr(p,')')) == NULL) {
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ *ftp_port_len = (guint)(--e - p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* Get the last character out of a string */
+static gchar wmem_strbuf_get_last_char(wmem_strbuf_t *string)
+ gsize len = wmem_strbuf_get_len(string);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ const gchar *buf = wmem_strbuf_get_str(string);
+ return buf[len-1];
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Error */
+ return '\0';
+ }
+/* Get the nth character out of string */
+static gchar wmem_strbuf_get_char_n(wmem_strbuf_t *string, size_t n)
+ if (n > wmem_strbuf_get_len(string)-1) {
+ return '\0';
+ }
+ else {
+ return wmem_strbuf_get_str(string)[n];
+ }
+/* Does the path end with the separator character? */
+static gboolean ends_with_separator(wmem_strbuf_t *path)
+ if (wmem_strbuf_get_len(path) == 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ gchar last = wmem_strbuf_get_last_char(path);
+ return last == '/';
+/* Does the path begin with the separator character? */
+static gboolean begins_with_separator(wmem_strbuf_t *path)
+ if (wmem_strbuf_get_len(path) == 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ gchar first = wmem_strbuf_get_char_n(path, 0);
+ return first == '/';
+/* Add new_path to the current working directory of the conversation, then normalise. */
+/* N.B. could use e.g. g_build_path() here, but doesn't really buy us anything */
+static void add_directory_to_conv(ftp_conversation_t *conv, const char *new_path)
+ wmem_strbuf_t *appended_path = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_packet_scope(), NULL);
+ if (!wmem_strbuf_get_len(conv->current_working_directory)) {
+ /* Currently empty so just assign to new */
+ wmem_strbuf_append(conv->current_working_directory, new_path);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ends_with_separator(conv->current_working_directory)) {
+ /* Ends in separator, so don't need to write one */
+ wmem_strbuf_append_printf(appended_path, "%s%s", wmem_strbuf_get_str(conv->current_working_directory), new_path);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Separator needed */
+ wmem_strbuf_append_printf(appended_path, "%s/%s", wmem_strbuf_get_str(conv->current_working_directory), new_path);
+ }
+ /* Now normalise, by going through the string one directory at a time. If see "..",
+ remove it and the previous folder. If see ".", ignore it. */
+ guint offset;
+ /* Initialise with empty path */
+ wmem_strbuf_t *normalised_directory = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_file_scope(), NULL);
+ wmem_strbuf_t *this_folder = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_packet_scope(), NULL);
+ offset = 0;
+ /* If absolute, add root to this one too */
+ if (begins_with_separator(conv->current_working_directory)) {
+ wmem_strbuf_append_c(normalised_directory, '/');
+ offset++;
+ }
+ /* Now go through the appended path, one directory at a time, and
+ copy to normalised_directory */
+ for (; offset <= wmem_strbuf_get_len(appended_path); offset++) {
+ gchar ch = wmem_strbuf_get_char_n(appended_path, offset);
+ if ((offset == wmem_strbuf_get_len(appended_path)) || ch == '/' || ch == '\0') {
+ /* Folder name is complete */
+ if (offset>0 && wmem_strbuf_get_len(this_folder) > 0) {
+ /* Up a level. Rewind to before last directory - don't output this one */
+ if (strcmp(wmem_strbuf_get_str(this_folder), "..") == 0) {
+ while (wmem_strbuf_get_len(normalised_directory) && !ends_with_separator(normalised_directory)) {
+ wmem_strbuf_truncate(normalised_directory, wmem_strbuf_get_len(normalised_directory)-1);
+ }
+ /* Potentially skip left-over trailing '/' too */
+ if ((wmem_strbuf_get_len(normalised_directory) > 1) &&
+ (wmem_strbuf_get_last_char(normalised_directory) == '/')) {
+ wmem_strbuf_truncate(normalised_directory, wmem_strbuf_get_len(normalised_directory)-1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Current directory - ignore */
+ else if (strcmp(wmem_strbuf_get_str(this_folder), ".") == 0) {
+ /* Don't copy to normalised_directory */
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Regular directory name - copy this one out */
+ if (wmem_strbuf_get_len(normalised_directory) > 0 && !ends_with_separator(normalised_directory)) {
+ wmem_strbuf_append_c(normalised_directory, '/');
+ }
+ wmem_strbuf_append(normalised_directory, wmem_strbuf_get_str(this_folder));
+ }
+ /* Reset folder name for next time */
+ this_folder = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_packet_scope(), NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Keep copying this folder name */
+ wmem_strbuf_append_c(this_folder, ch);
+ }
+ if (ch == '\0') {
+ /* Reached end - get out of loop */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Copy normalised path into conversation */
+ conv->current_working_directory = normalised_directory;
+/* In response to the arg to a CWD command succeeding, update the conversation's current working directory */
+static void process_cwd_success(ftp_conversation_t *conv, const char *new_path)
+ if (g_path_is_absolute(new_path)) {
+ /* Just adopt new_path */
+ conv->current_working_directory = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_file_scope(), new_path);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Add new_path to what we already have */
+ add_directory_to_conv(conv, new_path);
+ }
+/* When get a PWD command response, extract directory and set it in conversation. */
+static void process_pwd_success(ftp_conversation_t *conv, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+ int offset, int linelen, packet_info *pinfo,
+ proto_item *pi)
+ wmem_strbuf_t *output;
+ const char *line = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, linelen);
+ gboolean outputStarted = FALSE;
+ /* Line must start with quotes */
+ if ((linelen < 2) || (line[0] != '"')) {
+ expert_add_info(pinfo, pi, &ei_ftp_pwd_response_invalid);
+ return;
+ }
+ output = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_file_scope(), NULL);
+ /* For each character */
+ for (offset=0;
+ (offset < linelen) && (line[offset] != '\r') && (line[offset] != '\n');
+ offset++) {
+ if (line[offset] == '"') {
+ if ((offset+1 < linelen) && (line[offset+1] == '"')) {
+ /* Double, so output one */
+ wmem_strbuf_append_c(output, '"');
+ offset++;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (outputStarted) {
+ /* End of path */
+ break;
+ }
+ outputStarted = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Part of path - append */
+ wmem_strbuf_append_c(output, line[offset]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make sure output ends in " */
+ if (offset >= linelen || line[offset] != '"') {
+ expert_add_info(pinfo, pi, &ei_ftp_pwd_response_invalid);
+ wmem_strbuf_destroy(output);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Save result - assume it's UTF-8 */
+ wmem_strbuf_utf8_make_valid(output);
+ conv->current_working_directory = output;
+/* Associate the conversation's current working directory with the given packet */
+static void store_directory_in_packet(packet_info *pinfo, ftp_conversation_t *p_ftp_conv)
+ ftp_packet_data_t *p_packet_data = wmem_new0(wmem_file_scope(), ftp_packet_data_t);
+ /* Take deep copy of current path, and associate with this packet */
+ p_packet_data->current_working_directory = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_file_scope(),
+ wmem_strbuf_get_str(p_ftp_conv->current_working_directory));
+ p_add_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_ftp, 0, p_packet_data);
+static int
+dissect_ftp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
+ gboolean is_request;
+ proto_tree *ftp_tree;
+ proto_tree *reqresp_tree;
+ proto_item *ti, *hidden_item;
+ gint offset = 0;
+ guint32 code;
+ gchar code_str[4];
+ gboolean is_port_request = FALSE;
+ gboolean is_eprt_request = FALSE;
+ gboolean is_pasv_response = FALSE;
+ gboolean is_epasv_response = FALSE;
+ gint next_offset;
+ gint next_token;
+ int linelen;
+ int tokenlen = 0;
+ guint32 pasv_ip;
+ guint32 pasv_offset;
+ guint32 ftp_ip;
+ guint32 ftp_ip_len;
+ guint32 eprt_offset;
+ guint32 eprt_af = 0;
+ guint32 eprt_ip;
+ guint16 eprt_ipv6[8];
+ guint32 eprt_ip_len = 0;
+ guint16 ftp_port;
+ guint32 ftp_port_len;
+ address ftp_ip_address;
+ gboolean ftp_nat;
+ copy_address_shallow(&ftp_ip_address, &pinfo->src);
+ if (pinfo->match_uint == pinfo->destport)
+ is_request = TRUE;
+ else
+ is_request = FALSE;
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "FTP");
+ /* Get the conversation */
+ ftp_conversation_t *p_ftp_conv = find_or_create_ftp_conversation(pinfo);
+ /* Store the current working directory */
+ if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ store_directory_in_packet(pinfo, p_ftp_conv);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Find the end of the first line.
+ *
+ * Note that "tvb_find_line_end()" will return a value that is
+ * not longer than what's in the buffer, so the "tvb_get_ptr()"
+ * call won't throw an exception.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Both request and reply arguments can be pathnames, which according
+ * to RFC 2640 MUST be assumed to be UTF-8 if they are valid UTF-8,
+ * unless explicitly configured to use another character set (and there
+ * is no official way to do so.) We don't have a preference for character
+ * set, so we'll display strings as UTF-8 (backwards compatible to ASCII).
+ *
+ * XXX: Non valid UTF-8 sequences SHOULD be treated as raw bytes,
+ * which means that the various extracted strings should be copied
+ * as raw bytes, and added as FT_BYTES with BASE_SHOW_UTF_8_PRINTABLE.
+ * That would work better for pathnames that are in a different character
+ * set, but worse for those intended to be in ASCII/UTF-8 but with errors.
+ * Pathnames would still need to be converted to a valid string for Export
+ * Objects, though.
+ *
+ * XXX: RFC 2640 allows embedded <CR> and <LF> in pathnames by enforcing
+ * that ftp commands end with \r\n and requiring that <CR> be padded
+ * with a <NUL> that is then stripped away upon receipt, similar to Telnet.
+ */
+ linelen = tvb_find_line_end(tvb, 0, -1, &next_offset, FALSE);
+ /*
+ * Put the first line from the buffer into the summary
+ * (but leave out the line terminator).
+ */
+ col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s: %s",
+ is_request ? "Request" : "Response",
+ tvb_format_text(pinfo->pool, tvb, 0, linelen));
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_ftp, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
+ ftp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_ftp);
+ hidden_item = proto_tree_add_boolean(ftp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_request, tvb, 0, 0, is_request);
+ proto_item_set_hidden(hidden_item);
+ hidden_item = proto_tree_add_boolean(ftp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_response, tvb, 0, 0, is_request == FALSE);
+ proto_item_set_hidden(hidden_item);
+ /* Put the line into the protocol tree. */
+ ti = proto_tree_add_format_text(ftp_tree, tvb, 0, next_offset);
+ reqresp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_ftp_reqresp);
+ if (is_request) {
+ /*
+ * Extract the first token, and, if there is a first
+ * token, add it as the request.
+ */
+ /* RFC 2640 s3.1: "There MUST be only one <SP> between a ftp command
+ * and the pathname. Implementations MUST assume <SP> characters
+ * following the initial <SP> as part of the pathname."
+ *
+ * tvb_get_token_len() does not skip trailing spaces, which is
+ * what we want. (get_token_len() _does_ skip extra spaces.)
+ */
+ tokenlen = tvb_get_token_len(tvb, 0, linelen, &next_token, FALSE);
+ if (tokenlen != 0) {
+ proto_tree_add_item(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_request_command,
+ tvb, 0, tokenlen, ENC_UTF_8);
+ if (tvb_strneql(tvb, 0, "PORT", tokenlen) == 0)
+ is_port_request = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * EPRT request command, as per RFC 2428
+ */
+ else if (tvb_strneql(tvb, 0, "EPRT", tokenlen) == 0)
+ is_eprt_request = TRUE;
+ else if (tvb_strneql(tvb, 0, "USER", tokenlen) == 0) {
+ if (p_ftp_conv && !p_ftp_conv->username && linelen - tokenlen > 1) {
+ p_ftp_conv->username = tvb_get_string_enc(wmem_file_scope(), tvb, tokenlen + 1, linelen - tokenlen - 1, ENC_UTF_8);
+ p_ftp_conv->username_pkt_num = pinfo->num;
+ }
+ } else if (tvb_strneql(tvb, 0, "PASS", tokenlen) == 0) {
+ if (p_ftp_conv && p_ftp_conv->username) {
+ tap_credential_t* auth = wmem_new0(wmem_packet_scope(), tap_credential_t);
+ auth->num = pinfo->num;
+ auth->proto = "FTP";
+ auth->password_hf_id = hf_ftp_request_arg;
+ auth->username = p_ftp_conv->username;
+ auth->username_num = p_ftp_conv->username_pkt_num;
+ auth->info = wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_packet_scope(), "Username in packet: %u", p_ftp_conv->username_pkt_num);
+ tap_queue_packet(credentials_tap, pinfo, auth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there is an ftp data conversation that doesn't have a
+ command yet, attempt to update here */
+ if (p_ftp_conv) {
+ p_ftp_conv->last_command = tvb_get_string_enc(wmem_file_scope(), tvb, 0, linelen, ENC_UTF_8);
+ p_ftp_conv->last_command_frame = pinfo->num;
+ if ( (linelen == 8) && ! tvb_strneql(tvb, 0, "AUTH TLS", 8) )
+ p_ftp_conv->tls_requested = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* And make sure set for FTP data conversation */
+ if (p_ftp_conv && p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv && !p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv->command) {
+ /* Store command and frame where it happened */
+ p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv->command = tvb_get_string_enc(wmem_file_scope(), tvb, 0, linelen, ENC_UTF_8);
+ p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv->command_frame = pinfo->num;
+ /* Add to table to ftp-data response can be shown with this frame on later passes */
+ g_hash_table_insert(ftp_command_to_data_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num),
+ p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv);
+ g_hash_table_insert(ftp_command_to_data_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER(p_ftp_conv->current_data_setup_frame),
+ p_ftp_conv->current_data_conv);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * This is a response; the response code is 3 digits,
+ * followed by a space or hyphen, possibly followed by
+ * text.
+ *
+ * If the line doesn't start with 3 digits, it's part of
+ * a continuation.
+ *
+ * XXX - keep track of state in the first pass, and
+ * treat non-continuation lines not beginning with digits
+ * as errors?
+ */
+ if (linelen >= 3 && tvb_ascii_isdigit(tvb, 0, 3)) {
+ gboolean code_valid;
+ proto_item* pi;
+ /*
+ * One-line reply, or first or last line
+ * of a multi-line reply.
+ */
+ tvb_get_raw_bytes_as_string(tvb, 0, code_str, sizeof code_str);
+ code_valid = ws_strtou32(code_str, NULL, &code);
+ pi = proto_tree_add_uint(reqresp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_response_code, tvb, 0, 3, code);
+ if (!code_valid)
+ expert_add_info(pinfo, pi, &ei_ftp_response_code_invalid);
+ /*
+ * See if it's a passive-mode response.
+ *
+ * XXX - does anybody do FOOBAR, as per RFC
+ * 1639, or has that been supplanted by RFC 2428?
+ */
+ if (code == 227)
+ is_pasv_response = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Responses to EPSV command, as per RFC 2428
+ */
+ if (code == 229)
+ is_epasv_response = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Response to AUTH TLS command as per RFC 4217
+ */
+ if (code == 234) {
+ if ( p_ftp_conv->tls_requested ) {
+ /* AUTH TLS accepted, next reply will be TLS */
+ ssl_starttls_ack( tls_handle, pinfo, ftp_handle);
+ p_ftp_conv->tls_requested = FALSE ;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Responses to CWD command.
+ */
+ if (code == 250) {
+ if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ if (p_ftp_conv && p_ftp_conv->last_command) {
+ /* Explicit Change Working Directory command */
+ if (strncmp(p_ftp_conv->last_command, "CWD ", 4) == 0) {
+ process_cwd_success(p_ftp_conv, p_ftp_conv->last_command+4);
+ /* Update path in packet */
+ store_directory_in_packet(pinfo, p_ftp_conv);
+ }
+ /* Change Directory Up command (i.e. "CWD ..") */
+ else if (strncmp(p_ftp_conv->last_command, "CDUP", 4) == 0) {
+ process_cwd_success(p_ftp_conv, "..");
+ /* Update path in packet */
+ store_directory_in_packet(pinfo, p_ftp_conv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Responses to PWD command. Overwrite whatever is stored - this is the truth!
+ */
+ if (code == 257) {
+ if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ if (p_ftp_conv && linelen >= 4) {
+ /* Want directory name, which will be between " " */
+ process_pwd_success(p_ftp_conv, tvb, 4, linelen-4, pinfo, pi);
+ /* Update path in packet */
+ if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ store_directory_in_packet(pinfo, p_ftp_conv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Skip the 3 digits and, if present, the
+ * space or hyphen.
+ */
+ if (linelen >= 4)
+ next_token = 4;
+ else
+ next_token = linelen;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Line doesn't start with 3 digits; assume it's
+ * a line in the middle of a multi-line reply.
+ */
+ next_token = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ offset = next_token;
+ linelen -= next_token;
+ /*
+ * Add the rest of the first line as request or
+ * reply data.
+ */
+ if (linelen != 0) {
+ if (is_request) {
+ proto_tree_add_item(reqresp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_request_arg, tvb, offset,
+ linelen, ENC_UTF_8);
+ } else {
+ proto_tree_add_item(reqresp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_response_arg, tvb, offset,
+ linelen, ENC_UTF_8);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If this is a PORT request or a PASV response, handle it.
+ */
+ if (is_port_request) {
+ if (parse_port_pasv(tvb, offset, linelen, &ftp_ip, &ftp_port, &pasv_offset, &ftp_ip_len, &ftp_port_len)) {
+ proto_tree_add_ipv4(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_active_ip,
+ tvb, pasv_offset + (tokenlen+1) , ftp_ip_len, ftp_ip);
+ proto_tree_add_uint(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_active_port,
+ tvb, pasv_offset + 1 + (tokenlen+1) + ftp_ip_len, ftp_port_len, ftp_port);
+ set_address(&ftp_ip_address, AT_IPv4, 4, (const guint8 *)&ftp_ip);
+ ftp_nat = !addresses_equal(&pinfo->src, &ftp_ip_address);
+ if (ftp_nat) {
+ proto_tree_add_boolean(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_active_nat,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_nat);
+ }
+ /* Set up data conversation */
+ create_and_link_data_conversation(pinfo,
+ &pinfo->dst, 20,
+ &ftp_ip_address, ftp_port,
+ "PORT");
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_pasv_response) {
+ if (linelen != 0) {
+ /*
+ * This frame contains a PASV response; set up a
+ * conversation for the data.
+ */
+ if (parse_port_pasv(tvb, offset, linelen, &pasv_ip, &ftp_port, &pasv_offset, &ftp_ip_len, &ftp_port_len)) {
+ proto_tree_add_ipv4(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_pasv_ip,
+ tvb, pasv_offset + 4, ftp_ip_len, pasv_ip);
+ proto_tree_add_uint(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_pasv_port,
+ tvb, pasv_offset + 4 + 1 + ftp_ip_len, ftp_port_len, ftp_port);
+ set_address(&ftp_ip_address, AT_IPv4, 4,
+ (const guint8 *)&pasv_ip);
+ ftp_nat = !addresses_equal(&pinfo->src, &ftp_ip_address);
+ if (ftp_nat) {
+ proto_tree_add_boolean(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_pasv_nat,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_nat);
+ }
+ create_and_link_data_conversation(pinfo, &ftp_ip_address, ftp_port, &pinfo->dst, pinfo->destport, "PASV");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_eprt_request) {
+ /*
+ * RFC2428 - sect. 2
+ * This frame contains a EPRT request; let's dissect it and set up a
+ * conversation for the data connection.
+ */
+ if (parse_eprt_request(tvb, offset, linelen,
+ &eprt_af, &eprt_ip, eprt_ipv6, &ftp_port,
+ &eprt_ip_len, &ftp_port_len)) {
+ /* since parse_eprt_request() returned TRUE,
+ we know that we have a valid address family */
+ eprt_offset = tokenlen + 1 + 1; /* token, space, 1st delimiter */
+ proto_tree_add_uint(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_eprt_af, tvb,
+ eprt_offset, 1, eprt_af);
+ eprt_offset += 1 + 1; /* addr family, 2nd delimiter */
+ if (eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv4) {
+ proto_tree_add_ipv4(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_eprt_ip,
+ tvb, eprt_offset, eprt_ip_len, eprt_ip);
+ set_address(&ftp_ip_address, AT_IPv4, 4,
+ (const guint8 *)&eprt_ip);
+ }
+ else if (eprt_af == EPRT_AF_IPv6) {
+ proto_tree_add_ipv6(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_eprt_ipv6,
+ tvb, eprt_offset, eprt_ip_len, (const ws_in6_addr *)eprt_ipv6);
+ set_address(&ftp_ip_address, AT_IPv6, 16, eprt_ipv6);
+ }
+ eprt_offset += eprt_ip_len + 1; /* addr, 3rd delimiter */
+ proto_tree_add_uint(reqresp_tree, hf_ftp_eprt_port,
+ tvb, eprt_offset, ftp_port_len, ftp_port);
+ /* Set up data conversation */
+ create_and_link_data_conversation(pinfo,
+ &pinfo->src, ftp_port,
+ &ftp_ip_address, 0,
+ "EPRT");
+ }
+ else {
+ proto_tree_add_expert(reqresp_tree, pinfo, &ei_ftp_eprt_args_invalid,
+ tvb, offset - linelen - 1, linelen);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_epasv_response) {
+ if (linelen != 0) {
+ proto_item *addr_it;
+ /*
+ * RFC2428 - sect. 3
+ * This frame contains an EPSV response; set up a
+ * conversation for the data.
+ */
+ if (parse_extended_pasv_response(tvb, offset, linelen,
+ &ftp_port, &pasv_offset, &ftp_port_len)) {
+ /* Add IP address and port number to tree */
+ if (ftp_ip_address.type == AT_IPv4) {
+ guint32 addr;
+ memcpy(&addr,, 4);
+ addr_it = proto_tree_add_ipv4(reqresp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_epsv_ip, tvb, 0, 0, addr);
+ proto_item_set_generated(addr_it);
+ }
+ else if (ftp_ip_address.type == AT_IPv6) {
+ addr_it = proto_tree_add_ipv6(reqresp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_epsv_ipv6, tvb, 0, 0,
+ (const ws_in6_addr *);
+ proto_item_set_generated(addr_it);
+ }
+ proto_tree_add_uint(reqresp_tree,
+ hf_ftp_epsv_port, tvb, pasv_offset + 4,
+ ftp_port_len, ftp_port);
+ /* Set up data conversation */
+ create_and_link_data_conversation(pinfo,
+ &ftp_ip_address, ftp_port,
+ &pinfo->dst, 0, "EPASV"); }
+ else {
+ proto_tree_add_expert(reqresp_tree, pinfo, &ei_ftp_epsv_args_invalid,
+ tvb, offset - linelen - 1, linelen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset = next_offset;
+ /*
+ * Show the rest of the request or response as text,
+ * a line at a time.
+ * XXX - only if there's a continuation indicator?
+ */
+ while (tvb_offset_exists(tvb, offset)) {
+ /*
+ * Find the end of the line.
+ */
+ tvb_find_line_end(tvb, offset, -1, &next_offset, FALSE);
+ /*
+ * Put this line.
+ */
+ proto_tree_add_format_text(ftp_tree, tvb, offset,
+ next_offset - offset);
+ offset = next_offset;
+ }
+ /* Show current working directory */
+ ftp_packet_data_t *ftp_packet_data = (ftp_packet_data_t *)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_ftp, 0);
+ if (ftp_packet_data != NULL) {
+ /* Should always be set.. */
+ if (ftp_packet_data->current_working_directory) {
+ proto_item *cwd_ti = proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_ftp_current_working_directory,
+ tvb, 0, 0, wmem_strbuf_get_str(ftp_packet_data->current_working_directory));
+ proto_item_set_generated(cwd_ti);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this is a command resulting in an ftp-data stream, show details */
+ if (pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ /* Look up what has been stored for this frame */
+ ftp_data_conversation_t *ftp_data =
+ (ftp_data_conversation_t *)g_hash_table_lookup(ftp_command_to_data_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num));
+ if (ftp_data) {
+ /* Show these for the command frame only */
+ if (pinfo->num == ftp_data->command_frame) {
+ /* Number of frames */
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_response_frames,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->frames_seen);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ /* Number of bytes */
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_response_bytes,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->bytes_seen);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ /* First frame */
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_response_first_frame_num,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->first_frame_num);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ /* Last frame */
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_response_last_frame_num,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->last_frame_num);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ /* Length of stream */
+ if (ftp_data->frames_seen > 1) {
+ /* Work out gap between frames */
+ gint seconds = (gint)
+ (ftp_data->last_frame_time.secs - ftp_data->first_frame_time.secs);
+ gint nseconds =
+ ftp_data->last_frame_time.nsecs - ftp_data->first_frame_time.nsecs;
+ /* Round gap to nearest ms. */
+ gint gap_ms = (seconds*1000) + ((nseconds+500000) / 1000000);
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_response_duration,
+ tvb, 0, 0, gap_ms);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ /* Bitrate (kbps)*/
+ guint bitrate = (guint)(((ftp_data->bytes_seen*8.0)/(gap_ms/1000.0))/1000);
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_response_kbps,
+ tvb, offset, 0, bitrate);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ }
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_setup_frame,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->setup_frame);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ }
+ /* Show this only under the setup frame */
+ if (pinfo->num == ftp_data->setup_frame) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_ftp_command_command,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->command);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_command_command_frame,
+ tvb, 0, 0, ftp_data->command_frame);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+static int
+dissect_ftpdata(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
+ proto_item *data_ti, *ti;
+ int data_length = tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ gboolean is_text = TRUE;
+ gint check_chars, i;
+ conversation_t *p_conv;
+ ftp_data_conversation_t *p_ftp_data_conv;
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "FTP-DATA");
+ col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "FTP Data: %u bytes",
+ tvb_reported_length(tvb));
+ data_ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_ftp_data, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
+ /* Link back to setup of this stream */
+ p_conv = find_conversation_pinfo(pinfo, 0);
+ if (p_conv) {
+ /* Link back to FTP frame where this conversation was created */
+ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_data_setup_frame,
+ tvb, 0, 0, p_conv->setup_frame);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ p_ftp_data_conv = (ftp_data_conversation_t*)conversation_get_proto_data(p_conv, proto_ftp_data);
+ if (p_ftp_data_conv) {
+ /* First time around, update info. */
+ if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ if (!p_ftp_data_conv->first_frame_num) {
+ p_ftp_data_conv->first_frame_num = pinfo->num;
+ p_ftp_data_conv->first_frame_time = pinfo->abs_ts;
+ }
+ if (pinfo->num > p_ftp_data_conv->last_frame_num) {
+ p_ftp_data_conv->last_frame_num = pinfo->num;
+ p_ftp_data_conv->last_frame_time = pinfo->abs_ts;
+ }
+ p_ftp_data_conv->frames_seen++;
+ p_ftp_data_conv->bytes_seen += tvb_reported_length(tvb);
+ /* Also store setup_frame here for benefit of ftp (control) */
+ p_ftp_data_conv->setup_frame = p_conv->setup_frame;
+ }
+ /* Show setup method as field and in info column */
+ if (p_ftp_data_conv->setup_method) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_ftp_data_setup_method,
+ tvb, 0, 0, p_ftp_data_conv->setup_method);
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)", p_ftp_data_conv->setup_method);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ }
+ /* Show command in info column */
+ if (p_ftp_data_conv->command) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_ftp_data_command,
+ tvb, 0, 0, p_ftp_data_conv->command);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)", p_ftp_data_conv->command);
+ proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_ftp_data_command_frame,
+ tvb, 0, 0, p_ftp_data_conv->command_frame);
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ }
+ /* Show current working directory */
+ if (p_ftp_data_conv->current_working_directory) {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_ftp_data_current_working_directory,
+ tvb, 0, 0, wmem_strbuf_get_str(p_ftp_data_conv->current_working_directory));
+ proto_item_set_generated(ti);
+ }
+ if (have_tap_listener(ftp_eo_tap)) {
+ if (p_ftp_data_conv->command_frame) {
+ ftp_eo_t *eo_info = wmem_new0(wmem_packet_scope(), ftp_eo_t);
+ eo_info->command = wmem_strdup(wmem_packet_scope(), p_ftp_data_conv->command);
+ eo_info->command_frame = p_ftp_data_conv->command_frame;
+ eo_info->payload_len = tvb_reported_length(tvb);
+ eo_info->payload_data = (gchar *) tvb_memdup(wmem_packet_scope(), tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length(tvb));
+ tap_queue_packet(ftp_eo_tap, pinfo, eo_info);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check the first few chars to see whether it looks like a text file or output */
+ check_chars = MIN(20, data_length);
+ for (i=0; i < check_chars; i++) {
+ guint8 c = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, i);
+ if (c!='\r' && c!='\n' && !g_ascii_isprint(c)) {
+ is_text = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Show the number of bytes */
+ proto_item_append_text(data_ti, " (%u bytes data)", data_length);
+ /* Show line-by-line if text */
+ if (is_text) {
+ call_dissector(data_text_lines_handle, tvb, pinfo, tree);
+ }
+ return data_length;
+static void ftp_init_protocol(void)
+ ftp_command_to_data_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
+static void ftp_cleanup_protocol(void)
+ g_hash_table_destroy(ftp_command_to_data_hash);
+ static hf_register_info hf[] = {
+ { &hf_ftp_current_working_directory,
+ { "Current working directory", "ftp.current-working-directory",
+ { &hf_ftp_response,
+ { "Response", "ftp.response",
+ "TRUE if FTP response", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_request,
+ { "Request", "ftp.request",
+ "TRUE if FTP request", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_request_command,
+ { "Request command", "ftp.request.command",
+ { &hf_ftp_request_arg,
+ { "Request arg", "ftp.request.arg",
+ { &hf_ftp_response_code,
+ { "Response code", "ftp.response.code",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC|BASE_EXT_STRING, &response_table_ext, 0x0,
+ { &hf_ftp_response_arg,
+ { "Response arg", "ftp.response.arg",
+ { &hf_ftp_pasv_ip,
+ { "Passive IP address", "ftp.passive.ip",
+ "Passive IP address (check NAT)", HFILL}},
+ { &hf_ftp_pasv_port,
+ { "Passive port", "ftp.passive.port",
+ "Passive FTP server port", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_pasv_nat,
+ {"Passive IP NAT", "ftp.passive.nat",
+ "NAT is active SIP and passive IP different", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_active_ip,
+ { "Active IP address", "",
+ FT_IPv4, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
+ "Active FTP client IP address", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_active_port,
+ {"Active port", "",
+ "Active FTP client port", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_active_nat,
+ { "Active IP NAT", "",
+ "NAT is active", HFILL}},
+ { &hf_ftp_eprt_af,
+ { "Extended active address family", "",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(eprt_af_vals), 0,
+ { &hf_ftp_eprt_ip,
+ { "Extended active IP address", "ftp.eprt.ip",
+ "Extended active FTP client IPv4 address", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_eprt_ipv6,
+ { "Extended active IPv6 address", "ftp.eprt.ipv6",
+ "Extended active FTP client IPv6 address", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_eprt_port,
+ { "Extended active port", "ftp.eprt.port",
+ "Extended active FTP client listener port", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_epsv_ip,
+ { "Extended passive IPv4 address", "ftp.epsv.ip",
+ "Extended passive FTP server IPv4 address", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_epsv_ipv6,
+ { "Extended passive IPv6 address", "ftp.epsv.ipv6",
+ "Extended passive FTP server IPv6 address", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_epsv_port,
+ { "Extended passive port", "ftp.epsv.port",
+ "Extended passive FTP server port", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_response_first_frame_num,
+ { "Command response first frame", "ftp.command-response.first-frame-num",
+ "First frame seen in resulting ftp-data stream", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_response_last_frame_num,
+ { "Command response last frame", "ftp.command-response.last-frame-num",
+ "Last frame seen in resulting ftp-data stream", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_response_duration,
+ { "Response duration", "ftp.command-response.duration",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC|BASE_UNIT_STRING, &units_milliseconds, 0,
+ "Duration of command response in ms", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_response_kbps,
+ { "Response bitrate", "ftp.command-response.bitrate",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC|BASE_UNIT_STRING, &units_kbps, 0,
+ "Bitrate of command response", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_response_frames,
+ { "Command response frames", "ftp.command-response.frames",
+ "Number of frames seen in resulting ftp-data stream", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_response_bytes,
+ { "Command response bytes", "ftp.command-response.bytes",
+ "Number of bytes seen in resulting ftp-data stream", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_setup_frame,
+ { "Setup frame", "ftp.setup-frame",
+ "Where ftp-data conversation for this command was signalled", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_command_frame,
+ { "Command frame", "ftp.command-frame",
+ "Where command for setup was seen", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_command_command,
+ { "Command", "ftp.command",
+ "Command corresponding to this setup frame", HFILL }},
+ };
+ static gint *ett[] = {
+ &ett_ftp,
+ &ett_ftp_reqresp
+ };
+ static hf_register_info data_hf[] = {
+ { &hf_ftp_data_setup_frame,
+ { "Setup frame", "ftp-data.setup-frame",
+ "Where ftp-data conversation was signalled", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_data_setup_method,
+ { "Setup method", "ftp-data.setup-method",
+ "Method used to set up data conversation", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_data_command,
+ { "Command", "ftp-data.command",
+ "Command that this data stream answers", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_data_command_frame,
+ { "Command frame", "ftp-data.command-frame",
+ "Where command for this data was seen", HFILL }},
+ { &hf_ftp_data_current_working_directory,
+ { "Current working directory", "ftp-data.current-working-directory",
+ "Current working directory at time of command", HFILL }}
+ };
+ static ei_register_info ei[] = {
+ { &ei_ftp_eprt_args_invalid, { "ftp.eprt.args_invalid", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "EPRT arguments must have the form: |<family>|<addr>|<port>|", EXPFILL }},
+ { &ei_ftp_epsv_args_invalid, { "ftp.epsv.args_invalid", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "EPSV arguments must have the form (|||<port>|)", EXPFILL }},
+ { &ei_ftp_response_code_invalid, { "ftp.response.code.invalid", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Invalid response code", EXPFILL }},
+ { &ei_ftp_pwd_response_invalid, { "ftp.response.pwd.invalid", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Invalid PWD response", EXPFILL }}
+ };
+ expert_module_t* expert_ftp;
+ proto_ftp = proto_register_protocol("File Transfer Protocol (FTP)", "FTP", "ftp");
+ ftp_handle = register_dissector("ftp", dissect_ftp, proto_ftp);
+ proto_ftp_data = proto_register_protocol("FTP Data", "FTP-DATA", "ftp-data");
+ ftpdata_handle = register_dissector("ftp-data", dissect_ftpdata, proto_ftp_data);
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_ftp, hf, array_length(hf));
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_ftp, data_hf, array_length(data_hf));
+ proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ expert_ftp = expert_register_protocol(proto_ftp);
+ expert_register_field_array(expert_ftp, ei, array_length(ei));
+ register_init_routine(&ftp_init_protocol);
+ register_cleanup_routine(&ftp_cleanup_protocol);
+ credentials_tap = register_tap("credentials");
+ module_t *ftp_prefs_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_ftp_data, NULL);
+ prefs_register_uint_preference(ftp_prefs_module, "export.maxsize",
+ "Max file size (in MB) for export objects (use 0 for unlimited)", /* Title */
+ "Maximum file size (in megabytes) for export objects (use 0 for unlimited).", /* Description */
+ 10,
+ &pref_export_maxsize);
+ ftp_eo_tap = register_export_object(proto_ftp_data, ftp_eo_packet, ftp_eo_cleanup);
+ dissector_add_uint_with_preference("tcp.port", TCP_PORT_FTPDATA, ftpdata_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint_with_preference("tcp.port", TCP_PORT_FTP, ftp_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("acdr.tls_application", TLS_APP_FTP, ftp_handle);
+ data_text_lines_handle = find_dissector_add_dependency("data-text-lines", proto_ftp_data);
+ tls_handle = find_dissector( "tls" );
+ * Editor modelines -
+ *
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 8
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab:
+ * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true:
+ */