path: root/ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c b/ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb990fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/* tap-diameter-avp.c
+ * Copyright 2010 Andrej Kuehnal <>
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+ * This TAP enables extraction of most important diameter fields in text format.
+ * - much more performance than -T text and -T pdml
+ * - more powerful than -T field and -z proto,colinfo
+ * - exacltly one text line per diameter message
+ * - multiple diameter messages in one frame supported
+ * E.g. one device watchdog answer and two credit control answers
+ * in one TCP packet produces 3 text lines.
+ * - several fields with same name within one diameter message supported
+ * E.g. Multiple AVP(444) Subscription-Id-Data once with IMSI once with MSISDN
+ * - several grouped AVPs supported
+ * E.g. Zero or more Multiple-Services-Credit-Control AVPs(456)
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <wsutil/strtoi.h>
+#include <wsutil/cmdarg_err.h>
+#include <epan/packet_info.h>
+#include <epan/tap.h>
+#include <epan/epan_dissect.h>
+#include <epan/stat_tap_ui.h>
+#include <epan/value_string.h>
+#include <epan/to_str.h>
+#include <epan/dissectors/packet-diameter.h>
+void register_tap_listener_diameteravp(void);
+/* used to keep track of the statistics for an entire program interface */
+typedef struct _diameteravp_t {
+ guint32 frame;
+ guint32 diammsg_toprocess;
+ guint32 cmd_code;
+ guint32 req_count;
+ guint32 ans_count;
+ guint32 paired_ans_count;
+ gchar *filter;
+} diameteravp_t;
+/* Copied from proto.c */
+static gboolean
+tree_traverse_pre_order(proto_tree *tree, proto_tree_traverse_func func, gpointer data)
+ proto_node *pnode = tree;
+ proto_node *child;
+ proto_node *current;
+ if (func(pnode, data))
+ return TRUE;
+ child = pnode->first_child;
+ while (child != NULL) {
+ current = child;
+ child = current->next;
+ if (tree_traverse_pre_order((proto_tree *)current, func, data))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+diam_tree_to_csv(proto_node *node, gpointer data)
+ char *val_str = NULL;
+ char *val_tmp = NULL;
+ ftenum_t ftype;
+ field_info *fi;
+ header_field_info *hfi;
+ if (!node) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "traverse end: empty node. node='%p' data='%p'\n", (void *)node, (void *)data);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ fi = node->finfo;
+ hfi = fi ? fi->hfinfo : NULL;
+ if (!hfi) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "traverse end: hfi not found. node='%p'\n", (void *)node);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ftype = fvalue_type_ftenum(fi->value);
+ if (ftype != FT_NONE && ftype != FT_PROTOCOL) {
+ /* convert value to string */
+ val_tmp = fvalue_to_string_repr(NULL, fi->value, FTREPR_DISPLAY, hfi->display);
+ if (val_tmp)
+ {
+ val_str = g_strdup(val_tmp);
+ wmem_free(NULL, val_tmp);
+ } else
+ val_str = ws_strdup_printf("unsupported type: %s", ftype_name(ftype));
+ /*printf("traverse: name='%s', abbrev='%s',desc='%s', val='%s'\n", hfi->name, hfi->abbrev, ftype_name(hfi->type), val_str);*/
+ printf("%s='%s' ", hfi->name, val_str);
+ g_free(val_str);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static tap_packet_status
+diameteravp_packet(void *pds, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *pdi, tap_flags_t flags _U_)
+ tap_packet_status ret = TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW;
+ double resp_time = 0.;
+ gboolean is_request = TRUE;
+ guint32 cmd_code = 0;
+ guint32 req_frame = 0;
+ guint32 ans_frame = 0;
+ guint32 diam_child_node = 0;
+ proto_node *current = NULL;
+ proto_node *node = NULL;
+ header_field_info *hfi = NULL;
+ field_info *finfo = NULL;
+ const diameter_req_ans_pair_t *dp = (const diameter_req_ans_pair_t *)pdi;
+ diameteravp_t *ds = NULL;
+ /* Validate paramerers. */
+ if (!dp || !edt || !edt->tree)
+ return ret;
+ /* Several diameter messages within one frame are possible. *
+ * Check if we processing the message in same frame like befor or in new frame.*/
+ ds = (diameteravp_t *)pds;
+ if (pinfo->num > ds->frame) {
+ ds->frame = pinfo->num;
+ ds->diammsg_toprocess = 0;
+ } else {
+ ds->diammsg_toprocess += 1;
+ }
+ /* Extract data from request/answer pair provided by diameter dissector.*/
+ is_request = dp->processing_request;
+ cmd_code = dp->cmd_code;
+ req_frame = dp->req_frame;
+ ans_frame = dp->ans_frame;
+ if (!is_request) {
+ nstime_t ns;
+ nstime_delta(&ns, &pinfo->abs_ts, &dp->req_time);
+ resp_time = nstime_to_sec(&ns);
+ resp_time = resp_time < 0. ? 0. : resp_time;
+ }
+ /* Check command code provided by command line option.*/
+ if (ds->cmd_code && ds->cmd_code != cmd_code)
+ return ret;
+ /* Loop over top level nodes */
+ node = edt->tree->first_child;
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ current = node;
+ node = current->next;
+ finfo = current->finfo;
+ hfi = finfo ? finfo->hfinfo : NULL;
+ /*fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: diameteravp_packet %d %p %p node=%p abbrev=%s\n", cmd_code, edt, edt->tree, current, hfi->abbrev);*/
+ /* process current diameter subtree in the current frame. */
+ if (hfi && hfi->abbrev && strcmp(hfi->abbrev, "diameter") == 0) {
+ /* Process current diameter message in the frame */
+ if (ds->diammsg_toprocess == diam_child_node) {
+ if (is_request) {
+ ds->req_count++;
+ } else {
+ ds->ans_count++;
+ if (req_frame > 0)
+ ds->paired_ans_count++;
+ }
+ /* Output frame data.*/
+ printf("frame='%u' time='%f' src='%s' srcport='%u' dst='%s' dstport='%u' proto='diameter' msgnr='%u' is_request='%d' cmd='%u' req_frame='%u' ans_frame='%u' resp_time='%f' ",
+ pinfo->num, nstime_to_sec(&pinfo->abs_ts), address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->src), pinfo->srcport, address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->dst), pinfo->destport, ds->diammsg_toprocess, is_request, cmd_code, req_frame, ans_frame, resp_time);
+ /* Visit selected nodes of one diameter message.*/
+ tree_traverse_pre_order(current, diam_tree_to_csv, &ds);
+ /* End of message.*/
+ printf("\n");
+ /*printf("hfi: name='%s', msg_curr='%d' abbrev='%s',type='%s'\n", hfi->name, diam_child_node, hfi->abbrev, ftype_name(hfi->type));*/
+ }
+ diam_child_node++;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void
+diameteravp_draw(void *pds)
+ diameteravp_t *ds = (diameteravp_t *)pds;
+ /* printing results */
+ printf("=== Diameter Summary ===\nrequest count:\t%u\nanswer count:\t%u\nreq/ans pairs:\t%u\n", ds->req_count, ds->ans_count, ds->paired_ans_count);
+static void
+diameteravp_init(const char *opt_arg, void *userdata _U_)
+ diameteravp_t *ds;
+ gchar *field = NULL;
+ gchar **tokens;
+ guint opt_count = 0;
+ guint opt_idx = 0;
+ GString *filter = NULL;
+ GString *error_string = NULL;
+ ds = g_new(diameteravp_t, 1);
+ ds->frame = 0;
+ ds->diammsg_toprocess = 0;
+ ds->cmd_code = 0;
+ ds->req_count = 0;
+ ds->ans_count = 0;
+ ds->paired_ans_count = 0;
+ ds->filter = NULL;
+ filter = g_string_new("diameter");
+ /* Split command line options. */
+ tokens = g_strsplit(opt_arg, ",", 1024);
+ opt_count = 0;
+ while (tokens[opt_count])
+ opt_count++;
+ if (opt_count > 2) {
+ /* if the token is a not-null string and it's not *, the conversion must succeeed */
+ if (strlen(tokens[2]) > 0 && tokens[2][0] != '*') {
+ if (!ws_strtou32(tokens[2], NULL, &ds->cmd_code)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid integer token: %s\n", tokens[2]);
+ g_strfreev(tokens);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Loop over diameter field names. */
+ for (opt_idx=3; opt_idx<opt_count; opt_idx++)
+ {
+ /* Current field from command line arguments. */
+ field = tokens[opt_idx];
+ /* Connect all requested fields with logical OR. */
+ g_string_append(filter, "||");
+ /* Prefix field name with "diameter." by default. */
+ if (!strchr(field, '.'))
+ g_string_append(filter, "diameter.");
+ /* Append field name to the filter. */
+ g_string_append(filter, field);
+ }
+ g_strfreev(tokens);
+ ds->filter = g_string_free(filter, FALSE);
+ error_string = register_tap_listener("diameter", ds, ds->filter, 0, NULL, diameteravp_packet, diameteravp_draw, NULL);
+ if (error_string) {
+ /* error, we failed to attach to the tap. clean up */
+ g_free(ds);
+ cmdarg_err("Couldn't register diam,csv tap: %s",
+ error_string->str);
+ g_string_free(error_string, TRUE);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+static stat_tap_ui diameteravp_ui = {
+ "diameter,avp",
+ diameteravp_init,
+ 0,
+ register_stat_tap_ui(&diameteravp_ui, NULL);
+ * Editor modelines -
+ *
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-basic-offset: 8
+ * tab-width: 8
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+ * End:
+ *
+ * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab:
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+ */