path: root/third_party/rust/midir/src/backend/alsa
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000
commit36d22d82aa202bb199967e9512281e9a53db42c9 (patch)
tree105e8c98ddea1c1e4784a60a5a6410fa416be2de /third_party/rust/midir/src/backend/alsa
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 115.7.0esr.upstream/115.7.0esr
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/midir/src/backend/alsa')
1 files changed, 733 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/midir/src/backend/alsa/ b/third_party/rust/midir/src/backend/alsa/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f57ffb798e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/midir/src/backend/alsa/
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+extern crate libc;
+extern crate alsa;
+use std::mem;
+use std::thread::{Builder, JoinHandle};
+use std::io::{stderr, Write};
+use std::ffi::{CString, CStr};
+use self::alsa::{Seq, Direction};
+use self::alsa::seq::{PortInfo, PortSubscribe, Addr, QueueTempo, EventType, PortCap, PortType};
+use ::{MidiMessage, Ignore};
+use ::errors::*;
+mod helpers {
+ use super::alsa::seq::{Seq, Addr, ClientIter, PortIter, PortInfo, PortCap, MidiEvent, PortType};
+ use ::errors::PortInfoError;
+ pub fn poll(fds: &mut [super::libc::pollfd], timeout: i32) -> i32 {
+ unsafe { super::libc::poll(fds.as_mut_ptr(), fds.len() as super::libc::nfds_t, timeout) }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_ports<F, T>(s: &Seq, capability: PortCap, f: F) -> Vec<T> where F: Fn(PortInfo) -> T {
+ ClientIter::new(s).flat_map(|c| PortIter::new(s, c.get_client()))
+ .filter(|p| p.get_type().intersects(PortType::MIDI_GENERIC | PortType::SYNTH | PortType::APPLICATION))
+ .filter(|p| p.get_capability().intersects(capability))
+ .map(f)
+ .collect()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_port_count(s: &Seq, capability: PortCap) -> usize {
+ ClientIter::new(s).flat_map(|c| PortIter::new(s, c.get_client()))
+ .filter(|p| p.get_type().intersects(PortType::MIDI_GENERIC | PortType::SYNTH | PortType::APPLICATION))
+ .filter(|p| p.get_capability().intersects(capability))
+ .count()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_port_name(s: &Seq, addr: Addr) -> Result<String, PortInfoError> {
+ use std::fmt::Write;
+ let pinfo = match s.get_any_port_info(addr) {
+ Ok(p) => p,
+ Err(_) => return Err(PortInfoError::InvalidPort)
+ };
+ let cinfo = s.get_any_client_info(pinfo.get_client()).map_err(|_| PortInfoError::CannotRetrievePortName)?;
+ let mut output = String::new();
+ write!(&mut output, "{}:{} {}:{}",
+ cinfo.get_name().map_err(|_| PortInfoError::CannotRetrievePortName)?,
+ pinfo.get_name().map_err(|_| PortInfoError::CannotRetrievePortName)?,
+ pinfo.get_client(), // These lines added to make sure devices are listed
+ pinfo.get_port() // with full portnames added to ensure individual device names
+ ).unwrap();
+ Ok(output)
+ }
+ pub struct EventDecoder {
+ ev: MidiEvent
+ }
+ impl EventDecoder {
+ pub fn new(merge_commands: bool) -> EventDecoder {
+ let coder = MidiEvent::new(0).unwrap();
+ coder.enable_running_status(merge_commands);
+ EventDecoder { ev: coder }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_wrapped(&mut self) -> &mut MidiEvent {
+ &mut self.ev
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct EventEncoder {
+ ev: MidiEvent,
+ buffer_size: u32
+ }
+ unsafe impl Send for EventEncoder {}
+ impl EventEncoder {
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn new(buffer_size: u32) -> EventEncoder {
+ EventEncoder {
+ ev: MidiEvent::new(buffer_size).unwrap(),
+ buffer_size: buffer_size
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_buffer_size(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.buffer_size
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn resize_buffer(&mut self, bufsize: u32) -> Result<(), ()> {
+ match self.ev.resize_buffer(bufsize) {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ self.buffer_size = bufsize;
+ Ok(())
+ },
+ Err(_) => Err(())
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn get_wrapped(&mut self) -> &mut MidiEvent {
+ &mut self.ev
+ }
+ }
+const INITIAL_CODER_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 32;
+pub struct MidiInput {
+ ignore_flags: Ignore,
+ seq: Option<Seq>,
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct MidiInputPort {
+ addr: Addr
+pub struct MidiInputConnection<T: 'static> {
+ subscription: Option<PortSubscribe>,
+ thread: Option<JoinHandle<(HandlerData<T>, T)>>,
+ vport: i32, // TODO: probably port numbers are only u8, therefore could use Option<u8>
+ trigger_send_fd: i32,
+struct HandlerData<T: 'static> {
+ ignore_flags: Ignore,
+ seq: Seq,
+ trigger_rcv_fd: i32,
+ callback: Box<dyn FnMut(u64, &[u8], &mut T) + Send>,
+ queue_id: i32, // an input queue is needed to get timestamped events
+impl MidiInput {
+ pub fn new(client_name: &str) -> Result<Self, InitError> {
+ let seq = match Seq::open(None, None, true) {
+ Ok(s) => s,
+ Err(_) => { return Err(InitError); }
+ };
+ let c_client_name = CString::new(client_name).map_err(|_| InitError)?;
+ seq.set_client_name(&c_client_name).map_err(|_| InitError)?;
+ Ok(MidiInput {
+ ignore_flags: Ignore::None,
+ seq: Some(seq),
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn ignore(&mut self, flags: Ignore) {
+ self.ignore_flags = flags;
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn ports_internal(&self) -> Vec<::common::MidiInputPort> {
+ helpers::get_ports(self.seq.as_ref().unwrap(), PortCap::READ | PortCap::SUBS_READ, |p| ::common::MidiInputPort {
+ imp: MidiInputPort {
+ addr: p.addr()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn port_count(&self) -> usize {
+ helpers::get_port_count(self.seq.as_ref().unwrap(), PortCap::READ | PortCap::SUBS_READ)
+ }
+ pub fn port_name(&self, port: &MidiInputPort) -> Result<String, PortInfoError> {
+ helpers::get_port_name(self.seq.as_ref().unwrap(), port.addr)
+ }
+ fn init_queue(&mut self) -> i32 {
+ let seq = self.seq.as_mut().unwrap();
+ let mut queue_id = 0;
+ // Create the input queue
+ if !cfg!(feature = "avoid_timestamping") {
+ queue_id = seq.alloc_named_queue(unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"midir queue\0") }).unwrap();
+ // Set arbitrary tempo (mm=100) and resolution (240)
+ let qtempo = QueueTempo::empty().unwrap();
+ qtempo.set_tempo(600_000);
+ qtempo.set_ppq(240);
+ seq.set_queue_tempo(queue_id, &qtempo).unwrap();
+ let _ = seq.drain_output();
+ }
+ queue_id
+ }
+ fn init_trigger(&mut self) -> Result<[i32; 2], ()> {
+ let mut trigger_fds = [-1, -1];
+ if unsafe { self::libc::pipe(trigger_fds.as_mut_ptr()) } == -1 {
+ Err(())
+ } else {
+ Ok(trigger_fds)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_port(&mut self, port_name: &CStr, queue_id: i32) -> Result<i32, ()> {
+ let mut pinfo = PortInfo::empty().unwrap();
+ // these functions are private, and the values are zeroed already by `empty()`
+ //pinfo.set_client(0);
+ //pinfo.set_port(0);
+ pinfo.set_capability(PortCap::WRITE | PortCap::SUBS_WRITE);
+ pinfo.set_type(PortType::MIDI_GENERIC | PortType::APPLICATION);
+ pinfo.set_midi_channels(16);
+ if !cfg!(feature = "avoid_timestamping") {
+ pinfo.set_timestamping(true);
+ pinfo.set_timestamp_real(true);
+ pinfo.set_timestamp_queue(queue_id);
+ }
+ pinfo.set_name(port_name);
+ match self.seq.as_mut().unwrap().create_port(&mut pinfo) {
+ Ok(_) => Ok(pinfo.get_port()),
+ Err(_) => Err(())
+ }
+ }
+ fn start_input_queue(&mut self, queue_id: i32) {
+ if !cfg!(feature = "avoid_timestamping") {
+ let seq = self.seq.as_mut().unwrap();
+ let _ = seq.control_queue(queue_id, EventType::Start, 0, None);
+ let _ = seq.drain_output();
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn connect<F, T: Send>(
+ mut self, port: &MidiInputPort, port_name: &str, callback: F, data: T
+ ) -> Result<MidiInputConnection<T>, ConnectError<Self>>
+ where F: FnMut(u64, &[u8], &mut T) + Send + 'static {
+ let trigger_fds = match self.init_trigger() {
+ Ok(fds) => fds,
+ Err(()) => { return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create communication pipe for ALSA handler", self)); }
+ };
+ let queue_id = self.init_queue();
+ let src_pinfo = match self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().get_any_port_info(port.addr) {
+ Ok(p) => p,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::new(ConnectErrorKind::InvalidPort, self))
+ };
+ let c_port_name = match CString::new(port_name) {
+ Ok(c_port_name) => c_port_name,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::other("port_name must not contain null bytes", self))
+ };
+ let vport = match self.create_port(&c_port_name, queue_id) {
+ Ok(vp) => vp,
+ Err(_) => {
+ return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create ALSA input port", self));
+ }
+ };
+ // Make subscription
+ let sub = PortSubscribe::empty().unwrap();
+ sub.set_sender(src_pinfo.addr());
+ sub.set_dest(Addr { client: self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().client_id().unwrap(), port: vport});
+ if self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().subscribe_port(&sub).is_err() {
+ return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create ALSA input subscription", self));
+ }
+ let subscription = sub;
+ // Start the input queue
+ self.start_input_queue(queue_id);
+ // Start our MIDI input thread.
+ let handler_data = HandlerData {
+ ignore_flags: self.ignore_flags,
+ seq: self.seq.take().unwrap(),
+ trigger_rcv_fd: trigger_fds[0],
+ callback: Box::new(callback),
+ queue_id: queue_id
+ };
+ let threadbuilder = Builder::new();
+ let name = format!("midir ALSA input handler (port '{}')", port_name);
+ let threadbuilder =;
+ let thread = match threadbuilder.spawn(move || {
+ let mut d = data;
+ let h = handle_input(handler_data, &mut d);
+ (h, d) // return both the handler data and the user data
+ }) {
+ Ok(handle) => handle,
+ Err(_) => {
+ //unsafe { snd_seq_unsubscribe_port(self.seq.as_mut_ptr(), sub.as_ptr()) };
+ return Err(ConnectError::other("could not start ALSA input handler thread", self));
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(MidiInputConnection {
+ subscription: Some(subscription),
+ thread: Some(thread),
+ vport: vport,
+ trigger_send_fd: trigger_fds[1]
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn create_virtual<F, T: Send>(
+ mut self, port_name: &str, callback: F, data: T
+ ) -> Result<MidiInputConnection<T>, ConnectError<Self>>
+ where F: FnMut(u64, &[u8], &mut T) + Send + 'static {
+ let trigger_fds = match self.init_trigger() {
+ Ok(fds) => fds,
+ Err(()) => { return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create communication pipe for ALSA handler", self)); }
+ };
+ let queue_id = self.init_queue();
+ let c_port_name = match CString::new(port_name) {
+ Ok(c_port_name) => c_port_name,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::other("port_name must not contain null bytes", self))
+ };
+ let vport = match self.create_port(&c_port_name, queue_id) {
+ Ok(vp) => vp,
+ Err(_) => {
+ return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create ALSA input port", self));
+ }
+ };
+ // Start the input queue
+ self.start_input_queue(queue_id);
+ // Start our MIDI input thread.
+ let handler_data = HandlerData {
+ ignore_flags: self.ignore_flags,
+ seq: self.seq.take().unwrap(),
+ trigger_rcv_fd: trigger_fds[0],
+ callback: Box::new(callback),
+ queue_id: queue_id
+ };
+ let threadbuilder = Builder::new();
+ let thread = match threadbuilder.spawn(move || {
+ let mut d = data;
+ let h = handle_input(handler_data, &mut d);
+ (h, d) // return both the handler data and the user data
+ }) {
+ Ok(handle) => handle,
+ Err(_) => {
+ //unsafe { snd_seq_unsubscribe_port(self.seq.as_mut_ptr(), sub.as_ptr()) };
+ return Err(ConnectError::other("could not start ALSA input handler thread", self));
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(MidiInputConnection {
+ subscription: None,
+ thread: Some(thread),
+ vport: vport,
+ trigger_send_fd: trigger_fds[1]
+ })
+ }
+impl<T> MidiInputConnection<T> {
+ pub fn close(mut self) -> (MidiInput, T) {
+ let (handler_data, user_data) = self.close_internal();
+ (MidiInput {
+ ignore_flags: handler_data.ignore_flags,
+ seq: Some(handler_data.seq),
+ }, user_data)
+ }
+ /// This must only be called if the handler thread has not yet been shut down
+ fn close_internal(&mut self) -> (HandlerData<T>, T) {
+ // Request the thread to stop.
+ let _res = unsafe { self::libc::write(self.trigger_send_fd, &false as *const bool as *const _, mem::size_of::<bool>() as self::libc::size_t) };
+ let thread = self.thread.take().unwrap();
+ // Join the thread to get the handler_data back
+ let (handler_data, user_data) = match thread.join() {
+ Ok(data) => data,
+ // TODO: handle this more gracefully?
+ Err(e) => {
+ if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
+ panic!("Error when joining ALSA thread: {}", e);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Unknown error when joining ALSA thread: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // TODO: find out why snd_seq_unsubscribe_port takes a long time if there was not yet any input message
+ if let Some(ref subscription) = self.subscription {
+ let _ = handler_data.seq.unsubscribe_port(subscription.get_sender(), subscription.get_dest());
+ }
+ // Close the trigger fds (TODO: make sure that these are closed even in the presence of panic in thread)
+ unsafe {
+ self::libc::close(handler_data.trigger_rcv_fd);
+ self::libc::close(self.trigger_send_fd);
+ }
+ // Stop and free the input queue
+ if !cfg!(feature = "avoid_timestamping") {
+ let _ = handler_data.seq.control_queue(handler_data.queue_id, EventType::Stop, 0, None);
+ let _ = handler_data.seq.drain_output();
+ let _ = handler_data.seq.free_queue(handler_data.queue_id);
+ }
+ // Delete the port
+ let _ = handler_data.seq.delete_port(self.vport);
+ (handler_data, user_data)
+ }
+impl<T> Drop for MidiInputConnection<T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // Use `self.thread` as a flag whether the connection has already been dropped
+ if self.thread.is_some() {
+ self.close_internal();
+ }
+ }
+pub struct MidiOutput {
+ seq: Option<Seq>, // TODO: if `Seq` is marked as non-zero, this should just be pointer-sized
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct MidiOutputPort {
+ addr: Addr
+pub struct MidiOutputConnection {
+ seq: Option<Seq>,
+ vport: i32,
+ coder: helpers::EventEncoder,
+ subscription: Option<PortSubscribe>
+impl MidiOutput {
+ pub fn new(client_name: &str) -> Result<Self, InitError> {
+ let seq = match Seq::open(None, Some(Direction::Playback), true) {
+ Ok(s) => s,
+ Err(_) => { return Err(InitError); }
+ };
+ let c_client_name = CString::new(client_name).map_err(|_| InitError)?;
+ seq.set_client_name(&c_client_name).map_err(|_| InitError)?;
+ Ok(MidiOutput {
+ seq: Some(seq),
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn ports_internal(&self) -> Vec<::common::MidiOutputPort> {
+ helpers::get_ports(self.seq.as_ref().unwrap(), PortCap::WRITE | PortCap::SUBS_WRITE, |p| ::common::MidiOutputPort {
+ imp: MidiOutputPort {
+ addr: p.addr()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn port_count(&self) -> usize {
+ helpers::get_port_count(self.seq.as_ref().unwrap(), PortCap::WRITE | PortCap::SUBS_WRITE)
+ }
+ pub fn port_name(&self, port: &MidiOutputPort) -> Result<String, PortInfoError> {
+ helpers::get_port_name(self.seq.as_ref().unwrap(), port.addr)
+ }
+ pub fn connect(mut self, port: &MidiOutputPort, port_name: &str) -> Result<MidiOutputConnection, ConnectError<Self>> {
+ let pinfo = match self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().get_any_port_info(port.addr) {
+ Ok(p) => p,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::new(ConnectErrorKind::InvalidPort, self))
+ };
+ let c_port_name = match CString::new(port_name) {
+ Ok(c_port_name) => c_port_name,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::other("port_name must not contain null bytes", self))
+ };
+ let vport = match self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().create_simple_port(&c_port_name, PortCap::READ | PortCap::SUBS_READ, PortType::MIDI_GENERIC | PortType::APPLICATION) {
+ Ok(vport) => vport,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create ALSA output port", self))
+ };
+ // Make subscription
+ let sub = PortSubscribe::empty().unwrap();
+ sub.set_sender(Addr { client: self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().client_id().unwrap(), port: vport });
+ sub.set_dest(pinfo.addr());
+ sub.set_time_update(true);
+ sub.set_time_real(true);
+ if self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().subscribe_port(&sub).is_err() {
+ return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create ALSA output subscription", self));
+ }
+ Ok(MidiOutputConnection {
+ seq: self.seq.take(),
+ vport: vport,
+ coder: helpers::EventEncoder::new(INITIAL_CODER_BUFFER_SIZE as u32),
+ subscription: Some(sub)
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn create_virtual(
+ mut self, port_name: &str
+ ) -> Result<MidiOutputConnection, ConnectError<Self>> {
+ let c_port_name = match CString::new(port_name) {
+ Ok(c_port_name) => c_port_name,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::other("port_name must not contain null bytes", self))
+ };
+ let vport = match self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().create_simple_port(&c_port_name, PortCap::READ | PortCap::SUBS_READ, PortType::MIDI_GENERIC | PortType::APPLICATION) {
+ Ok(vport) => vport,
+ Err(_) => return Err(ConnectError::other("could not create ALSA output port", self))
+ };
+ Ok(MidiOutputConnection {
+ seq: self.seq.take(),
+ vport: vport,
+ coder: helpers::EventEncoder::new(INITIAL_CODER_BUFFER_SIZE as u32),
+ subscription: None
+ })
+ }
+impl MidiOutputConnection {
+ pub fn close(mut self) -> MidiOutput {
+ self.close_internal();
+ MidiOutput {
+ seq: self.seq.take(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn send(&mut self, message: &[u8]) -> Result<(), SendError> {
+ let nbytes = message.len();
+ assert!(nbytes <= u32::max_value() as usize);
+ if nbytes > self.coder.get_buffer_size() as usize {
+ if self.coder.resize_buffer(nbytes as u32).is_err() {
+ return Err(SendError::Other("could not resize ALSA encoding buffer"));
+ }
+ }
+ let mut ev = match self.coder.get_wrapped().encode(message) {
+ Ok((_, Some(ev))) => ev,
+ _ => return Err(SendError::InvalidData("ALSA encoder reported invalid data"))
+ };
+ ev.set_source(self.vport);
+ ev.set_subs();
+ ev.set_direct();
+ // Send the event.
+ if self.seq.as_ref().unwrap().event_output(&mut ev).is_err() {
+ return Err(SendError::Other("could not send encoded ALSA message"));
+ }
+ let _ = self.seq.as_mut().unwrap().drain_output();
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn close_internal(&mut self) {
+ let seq = self.seq.as_mut().unwrap();
+ if let Some(ref subscription) = self.subscription {
+ let _ = seq.unsubscribe_port(subscription.get_sender(), subscription.get_dest());
+ }
+ let _ = seq.delete_port(self.vport);
+ }
+impl Drop for MidiOutputConnection {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if self.seq.is_some() {
+ self.close_internal();
+ }
+ }
+fn handle_input<T>(mut data: HandlerData<T>, user_data: &mut T) -> HandlerData<T> {
+ use self::alsa::PollDescriptors;
+ use self::alsa::seq::Connect;
+ let mut continue_sysex: bool = false;
+ // ALSA documentation says:
+ // The required buffer size for a sequencer event it as most 12 bytes, except for System Exclusive events (which we handle separately)
+ let mut buffer = [0; 12];
+ let mut coder = helpers::EventDecoder::new(false);
+ let mut poll_fds: Box<[self::libc::pollfd]>;
+ {
+ let poll_desc_info = (&data.seq, Some(Direction::Capture));
+ let poll_fd_count = poll_desc_info.count() + 1;
+ let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(poll_fd_count);
+ unsafe {
+ vec.set_len(poll_fd_count);
+ poll_fds = vec.into_boxed_slice();
+ }
+ poll_desc_info.fill(&mut poll_fds[1..]).unwrap();
+ }
+ poll_fds[0].fd = data.trigger_rcv_fd;
+ poll_fds[0].events = self::libc::POLLIN;
+ let mut message = MidiMessage::new();
+ { // open scope where we can borrow data.seq
+ let mut seq_input = data.seq.input();
+ let mut do_input = true;
+ while do_input {
+ if let Ok(0) = seq_input.event_input_pending(true) {
+ // No data pending
+ if helpers::poll(&mut poll_fds, -1) >= 0 {
+ // Read from our "channel" whether we should stop the thread
+ if poll_fds[0].revents & self::libc::POLLIN != 0 {
+ let _res = unsafe { self::libc::read(poll_fds[0].fd, mem::transmute(&mut do_input), mem::size_of::<bool>() as self::libc::size_t) };
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // This is a bit weird, but we now have to decode an ALSA MIDI
+ // event (back) into MIDI bytes. We'll ignore non-MIDI types.
+ // The ALSA sequencer has a maximum buffer size for MIDI sysex
+ // events of 256 bytes. If a device sends sysex messages larger
+ // than this, they are segmented into 256 byte chunks. So,
+ // we'll watch for this and concatenate sysex chunks into a
+ // single sysex message if necessary.
+ //
+ // TODO: Figure out if this is still true (seems to not be the case)
+ // If not (i.e., each event represents a complete message), we can
+ // call the user callback with the byte buffer directly, without the
+ // copying to `message.bytes` first.
+ if !continue_sysex { message.bytes.clear() }
+ let ignore_flags = data.ignore_flags;
+ // If here, there should be data.
+ let mut ev = match seq_input.event_input() {
+ Ok(ev) => ev,
+ Err(ref e) if e.errno() == alsa::nix::errno::Errno::ENOSPC => {
+ let _ = writeln!(stderr(), "\nError in handle_input: ALSA MIDI input buffer overrun!\n");
+ continue;
+ },
+ Err(ref e) if e.errno() == alsa::nix::errno::Errno::EAGAIN => {
+ let _ = writeln!(stderr(), "\nError in handle_input: no input event from ALSA MIDI input buffer!\n");
+ continue;
+ },
+ Err(ref e) => {
+ let _ = writeln!(stderr(), "\nError in handle_input: unknown ALSA MIDI input error ({})!\n", e);
+ //perror("System reports");
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ let do_decode = match ev.get_type() {
+ EventType::PortSubscribed => {
+ if cfg!(debug) { println!("Notice from handle_input: ALSA port connection made!") };
+ false
+ },
+ EventType::PortUnsubscribed => {
+ if cfg!(debug) {
+ let _ = writeln!(stderr(), "Notice from handle_input: ALSA port connection has closed!");
+ let connect = ev.get_data::<Connect>().unwrap();
+ let _ = writeln!(stderr(), "sender = {}:{}, dest = {}:{}",
+ connect.sender.client,
+ connect.sender.port,
+ connect.dest.client,
+ connect.dest.port
+ );
+ }
+ false
+ },
+ EventType::Qframe => { // MIDI time code
+ !ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Time)
+ },
+ EventType::Tick => { // 0xF9 ... MIDI timing tick
+ !ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Time)
+ },
+ EventType::Clock => { // 0xF8 ... MIDI timing (clock) tick
+ !ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Time)
+ },
+ EventType::Sensing => { // Active sensing
+ !ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::ActiveSense)
+ },
+ EventType::Sysex => {
+ if !ignore_flags.contains(Ignore::Sysex) {
+ // Directly copy the data from the external buffer to our message
+ message.bytes.extend_from_slice(ev.get_ext().unwrap());
+ continue_sysex = *message.bytes.last().unwrap() != 0xF7;
+ }
+ false // don't ever decode sysex messages (it would unnecessarily copy the message content to another buffer)
+ },
+ _ => true
+ };
+ // NOTE: SysEx messages have already been "decoded" at this point!
+ if do_decode {
+ if let Ok(nbytes) = coder.get_wrapped().decode(&mut buffer, &mut ev) {
+ if nbytes > 0 {
+ message.bytes.extend_from_slice(&buffer[0..nbytes]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if message.bytes.len() == 0 || continue_sysex { continue; }
+ // Calculate the time stamp:
+ // Use the ALSA sequencer event time data.
+ // (thanks to Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas!).
+ let alsa_time = ev.get_time().unwrap();
+ let secs = alsa_time.as_secs();
+ let nsecs = alsa_time.subsec_nanos();
+ message.timestamp = ( secs as u64 * 1_000_000 ) + ( nsecs as u64 / 1_000 );
+ (data.callback)(message.timestamp, &message.bytes, user_data);
+ }
+ } // close scope where data.seq is borrowed
+ data // return data back to thread owner